xt7fqz22cf08 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fqz22cf08/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-06-27  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June 27, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 27, 1930 1930 1930-06-27 2012 true xt7fqz22cf08 section xt7fqz22cf08 Best Copy Available





"XX- -



font Park Cars





In Accordance



With Rules
Summer School Students Are
Requested to Comply With
University Car Rules

Athletic Association Plans to
Add Four Sections to Accommodate 6,000








Program, Higher Scholarship Is
Js Presented.,
Note(j ,n
lU. K. Students

Dr. Knapp Lectures As The
Eve of the Revolution"
Is Shown






Standing of 1.00




Due to Ignorance of the Univer"The Eve of the Revolution," an
sity parking rules, students have not
educational motion picture study i
been obeying these laws, according
was presented in Memorial hall last
Women Make Hettor Standing
deto the buildings and grounds
night, with Dr. Charles M. Knapp,,
Than Men, According to
partment, and they are hereby pubof the history department, as lcc- -i
Series of Ticket Offices and lished, so that all students may be
Dean Melcher's Chart
turer. This was a picture that took j
following the regulations.
sure of
Entrances Will Help Conup events of the most vital Import-- 1
Continued infraction of the rules
gestion Near Grounds
The Kappa Delta sorority won all
ance in the "making of America" by i
calls for severe discipline on the
depicting significant incidents in the
scholarship honors between social
In order to seat the crowd ex- part of University authorities.
decade of
sororities for the first semester of
There is no double-deckin- g
pected to attend the Alabama-Kentuck- y
This is the second of a series of
with the excellent standfootball game which will be allowed.
motion picture educational pro
The White hall drive Is reing of 1.86
Beta Sigma Omicron
grams to be presented during the
held in Lexington for the first
served for faculty and staff mem- This new unit of the Agriculture College houses tho offices of the ani
time in years, November 1, on Stoll
first summer term of the Univerranks second with 1.72, and Alpha
mal husbandry department. Professors are now established in the buildfield, the University Athletic Coun- bers.
sity, under the auspices of the ColDelta Theta third by merit of a
The Neville hall area Is also
cil is taking bids on the construcing, located on Rose street, Just north of the experiment station farm lege of Education and the de
score of 1.69. The highest standing
partment of University Extension.
tion of an additional 6,000 seats for reserved for faculty andonly on the
4 Parking is allowed
made by any campus group was that
the stadium
Others in this series which are
It is proposed to build
side of McVcy hall drive.
attained by PI Mu Epsllon, honorary
yet to be given, are: Wednesday,
four wooden sections, one at each south Parking is allowed only on the
mathematics fraternity, members of
July 2, Niagara the Glorious, lecend of both
cast side back of the C. and P.
which averaged 2.625.
turer, Mrs. Mary K. Duncan; Wed
It is contemplated to build them building.
women made better grades than
nesday, July 9, The Wizardry of
sufficiently permanent to meet the
pres6. The drive in front of the
men in practically all cases, It was
Wireless, lecturer, Dr. M. N. States;
increasing demand for scats, to last ident's home, entered from Rose
One-Tent- h
Penalty Will Be
found In Dean C. R. Melcher's
Wednesday, July 16, The Life of Ju- from five to seven years, at which street, is absolutely closed to traffic.
Exacted Before and
scholastic report. Fraternity men
time it is hoped that concrete sec Also the old continuation of this
After Holiday
men, the fortions may be added to complete the drive, running between the library
mer having a standing of 1.330 and
This afternoon at 4 o'clock and
horseshoe at the eastern end of the and the ScienCe building, is closed.
Athletic tournaments for the 1930
the latter 1.225. However, indeRadio
present stadium.
This now seats
According to the Registrar's
No cars are allowed in Che
summer school session have been again at 7 o'clock tonight, the give
pendent women scored the highest
Corporation of America will
office, the usual
ll,5f0 people, and with the "knock area back of Mechanical hall.
Dr. Frank L McVey, president of marks over fraternity women,
arranged by Sid Robinson, director demonstration
in the Memorial
be deducted from the standing
down" wooden sections now owned
way driving on the main
8. One
of intramural sports at the Univer- building of the new R. C. A photo- - the University, returned Monday a 1.631 as compared to 1.472 of the
by the University, it is hoped to road in front of the Administration
of any student who cuts his last
gave a seirom cnicago,
latter group. The general student's
holsity, and all students are urged to phone, a recent invention for talk ries of lectureswhere he
seat 20,000 football fans. The Ath- building. The north gate is for enclass before the July Fourth
last week on the average was 1.343; all women 1.570;
ing movies In the schools. The proiday, or his first class after the compete in some favorite sport.
letic Association expects increased trance, and the south gate for exit.
gram Is sponsored by the University administrative problems of higher all men 1.248
holiday. On account of the holiattendance at all six home games.
Parking is allowed only on the right
education. Eminent speakers from
sports that the partic department of extension.
Almost all
No single group failed to make a
day on the usual date of publiAnother addition to the athletic side of this drive.
ular student might be interested In
During the afternoon program a an over the United States were pres- standing, the lowest being Alpha XI
cation of The Kernel, Friday,
field equipment, a section of the
are on the schedule that has been series of interesting
talking pic- ent to attend and give talks at this Delta sorority, with 1.05. Among the
the paper will be issued Thursten-fofence along Winslow street
course at the University of Chicago.
Mr. Robinson. Tennis,
day by noon, ana may be gotten golf and by horseshoe tournaments tures will be shown. At the even- Doctor McVey will remain
fraternities Sigma Nu stood at the
immediately behind the north side
here foot of
ing performance the picture will be
at the postofflce.
the list with 1.124.
of the stadium, will be removed and
have been prepared by Mr. Robin'Around the World With Glfford throughout the first term of the
Organizations with a standing of
substituted by a metal fence runson. Tennis sports and horseshoe Pinchot." Pinchot Is former gov- Summer Session, teaching and serv15 feet inside the presning about
ing in his regular capacity as Presi- over 2.0 were Pi Mu Epsilon, honor-ar- y
have been started. The entries are ernor of Pennsylvania.
ent one. This will throw part of the
numerous in the latter. Anyone
principals and dent of the University of Kentucky. Board, honorary senior girls,Mortar
grounds on the street side to take
who is interested should sign up at
as they gather. 1930 Chautauqua Programs Kentucky Research Bateriolo-gis- the mens gymnasium and suitable others Interested In visual instrucPI, honorary engineers,
care of the crowds
Tau Beta
tion should take advantage of this
2.251; Kappa Delta
PI, honorary
The south side will be similarly
Large Crowds Durgymnasium
to Do Work at Har- - grounds just east of the to Mr. Rob- opportunity to see this equipment.
educational, 2.148; Theta Sigma Phi
fenced In, and in the rear of both
are accessible, according
ing Six- - Days, Featuring
There is no admission fee, and the
vard University
women's Journalistic,
north and south sections a series of
inson. Shoes can be gotten in the public is invited.
Variety of Entertainment
Phi Upsilon Omicron, home econosmall ticket offices will be placed on
gymnasium and students may play
mics honorary, 2.002.
the fence line opposite each
as long as they care.
Over $800 was realized from the
The standing by colleges follow:
Necessity for this latter step was
hythe department of animal
There are but few entries In golf.
University students who are in- - College of Education, 1.632; College
made apparent at the 1929 ThanksAll those who are interested in golf
Hoiogy the unlvers,ty
giving game between Tennessee and
are requested to see Mr. Robinson
eluded in the personally conducted of Law, 1.621; College of Arts and
and College of
Kentucky, when 17,000 fans found Fund. In spite of hot weather,
European tour of Mr. James Molloy Sciences, 1.427; College of Agriculin the basement of the men's gymat all of the two daily culture, has been granted a
it difficult to enter and leave the
nasium, and he will arrange the
left Tuesday for New York and will ture, 1.390; College of Commerce,
were large, enabling , months' leave of absence in order greens for golfers.
sail tonleht on the S. S. Bremen. 1.117; College of Engineernig, lTl54.
Student' averages improve as they
The Athletic Council has been in- the sum raised for tne Loan runa to that he may accept an invitation to
The re
Diamond ball is the popular ur. ueorge wraay lo uroaa-- 1 landing at Southampton
from class
spired to take these steps on account reach the same amount as that of do special investigating work at sport, chiefly because it is an outcast First of Series of Talks turn voyage will be made on the s. progress indications to class, accordyear.
on the grade
of the increasing popularity of Ken- last
the lper part of Aug ing to
door sport. The S. A. E s, the Phi
on "Adventures in Modern!
Most popular were the three Harvard University.
chart, the theory being that poor
actucky's football teams, and on
Kappas, and all dormitories
students are forced to dron out of
Doctor Healy will be associated Sigma
count of reports that interest in plays, "The Big Pond," "The Per
Miss Frances Ballard. MissJEthel school, atfd'also
The "with Dr.Ttoy'HoskJns In w6T"?bae-velo- p re represented! J Other., fratenitles,
so extensive
nonman, goes to school the "the longer one
plan to put teams Inthe tournaThe .first of a series of talks on aucuner, miss iaura uniamong
technic for studying mineral ment if a sufficient number of
that it is virtually impossible, even i Russian Cossack chorus, which was
and Mr. Jack Todd, are
the to study. The average he learns
.oU metabolism
"Adventures in Modern Drama" will
,i, i
and the function of players are available.
at this time, to get reservations In"
be radiocast bv Dr. Georcp K. members of the party. They will grades totaled 1.172; the sophomore,
""cu-- ,
ductless glands. Doctor Hoskins did
Knoxvllle hotels for the 1930 Ten-- 1
very stuaeni in me university j Brady of the University of Ken spend the first ten days after land 1.318; juniors, 1.562, and the senior
outstanding work at the Western
should know that eJuiPment wlu be tucky English department, from the ing in and around London, then grades, 1.680.
Smith Brookhart, Judge F. T.
Keserye Unlversitv of Cleveland in
t Travers,
t,qic will go to Holland, Belgium, Ger- It has also been announced that
and Judge George Alden studying the effect or iodine on i avni,Ilbip on stoll fleld at all times.' TTntvArtv vorw
and especlaiiy between the hours of Thursday, July 3, from 12:45 to 1:00 many, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, of fifty available football men, only
were features of the lecturing
school children.
4 and sundown. Which are the iaVO- - n'olrwlr thrniitrh QtaMnn WWAQ nf ' and France.
two failed to make their standings
A special detail of the trip will
Mrs. Healey will accompany Doc-ir- tt
frpe hours that most students tho rnnripr-.Tnnrn.nH Timoc of'
for the six
The entertainment
last semester, and they are taking
De a vlsIt- 10 lne Bavarian viiiuge 01
lur xiuiuy una tney pian 10 reman hnvp
days was greatly varied, closing
courses in the summer session in orwith Vierra and His Hawaiians In In the East through September.
der to be eligible next fall. This is
voneff thVehTeShbeVSd The ffeatv;es ,for, thehotlr
"A NiGht in Hawaii." Tuesday at
the first time that so nearly 100
nlav lven oniv once everv ten percent
P m- - The afternoon program RADIO DIRECTOR AT U. K. keep the number or entries down from the University studios during vear' e
of the athletes have made
L LJ lI 1jL-jK- W was the annual Junior Chautauqua
is an indoor game. Any-- 1 the week of June 30, are as fol- -'
the University required standing
because it
IX.L-i- li
pageant, "A Night in Radioland."
of 1.00.
one who is not on a team, and wno lows:
tent was
The big Chautauqua
; cares
to play, should go to Stoll
Monday, June 30, 12:45 to 1:00 p.
I pitched
on the University athletic
(a) "Vegetables for Winter,"
field for diamondball and for other m
m 'held.
New Music
registered i n
sports and see Mr. Robinson.
by Prof. J. S. Gardner, (b) "Devel-- l
the University Summer Sesion
Schedules are being made and are oping the Pullet Crop," by Prof. J.
that our old friend Peppie ceived a ticket entitling them to all
posted in the basement of the gym- - E. Humphrey, College of Agriculture.
gradually wilted away irom tne performances of the Chautauqua.
, nasium.
Those who wish to know ' Tuesday, July - . 12:45 to 1:00 p.
burden of hard work and the un
Many of the men working with
Miss Katherine Davis, who was
what teams they are assigned to m. Book Review, by Prof. L. L.
usual heat of summer weather, there the Chautauqua were entertained at
i can find out on these cards prepar- Dantzler. head of the English de- - graduated from the University in
remans no sicaldalmonger to take the Phi Kappa Tau house, some of
June, has written a new song for Theodore Chang of Shanghai,
ed by Mr. Robinson. Although the j partment.
his place. His was a graceless exist- them staying there while in
"In the Garden of Ole
and James Grider of Canal
entries in tennis hava not been
Wednesday, July 2, 12:45 to 1:00 her sorority, composing
will ever
ence while it lasted. Few
both words
seeded, there are many students in p. m. (a) "Late Potatoes," by Prof Alpha XI,"
Zone. Represent Foreign
know the extent of the scandal that ;
and music. It will be presented at
this tournament. The list Includes J. S. Gardner, (b) "Summer SeedLands in Registration
was his. And through it all he
the names of five well known fac- ing of Grass and Clover," by Prof. the national convention of the sorolooked at the student body with his
at White Sulphur
ulty members and the 1931 captain-elec- t, E. J. Kinney, College of Agriculture. rity July
Traveling many thousands of
super-satiricsmile and divulged
Earl Senff.
Thursday, July 3, 12:45 to 1:00 p. Springs, Va., for approval.
little or nothing of the illegitimate
Copies of the song have been pre- miles to attend the University of
m. "Adventures In Modern Dramc"
news that was ripe for disseminaOFFICES CLOSE EARLY
(first of a series) by Dr. George K. pared and printed in The Kentucky Kentucky, has come
tion. But perhaps after all it is Will Replace Prof. W. L. Rob-ert- s
Kernel press room. Miss Davis Chang, of Shanghai, China, who Is
Brady, English department.
best that he has passed thus. Few
in College of Law
According to a notice by Dr.
Friday, July 4, 12:45 to 1:00 p. VV praise and publicity all over the registered in the College of Corn-sta- te
of us appreciate the distribution of
last winter when she collabo-- ,
Frank L. McVey, president of the m. "What Farm Folks Are AskYT
for Coming Year
scandal about ourselves, although
University, University offices will ing." by Prof. N R. Elliott, College rated with Earl Senff In writing merce for the first semester of the
matters rethe recording of such
Another student
the words and music for the com Summer Session.
close during the summer each after- - of Agriculture.
Prof. Frank Murray has accepted
lating to the conduct of others Is al- an offer for
edy success produced by Strollers, who has crossed the southern part
noon at 4 o clock, excepting Satur
the coming year to
ways a choice morsel.
dramatic club, "Local Color
days, when they will close at 12:30.
teach the property courses In the
of the continent to enroll here, is
Miss Elizabeth Poole will be the James A. Grider, Jr.,
This arrangement will begin July 1,
College of Law, in the absence of
Anyone who wishes to get a
campus during the summer Prof. W. L. Roberts. Professor!
delegate to the convention from the is in the Canal Zone. whose home
and continue until September 10.
on the stall of the new
session represents a strange con' Murray graduated at South West-- ;
The post office has notified the
maeazine to bo nublished In active chapter, and Miss Louise
Of the final total of 1,472 stutrast with that of the regular ses em Missouri State Teachers College
University that there will be no de- the fall, will see Dick Brewer, at; Broaddus from tne alumnae chap- dents
.l.r-t-f- Z
Nowhere is there to be seen and at the University of Montana.
livery Saturday afternoons during the Tavern. Jokes, humorous skits, ter. Other members of the sorority sity who registered at the Univerfor the first semester, 53 are
from the Kentucky chapter who will
the animated groups of chattering He subsequently entered the public
June, July, and August.
and cartoons are needed.
20 other states In the
students who discuss at length and school system and was superintend-- ,
attend are Mary L. Hudson, Louise fromcounties beside Fayette country,
with absolute abandon appropriated ent of schools for several years In
Wendt and Eva Jenkins
being represented.
by a more serious aggregation Montana.
The greatest number of students
whose chief diversion is the discus
After graduating from the Law
from any state other than Kension of the more material parts of college of
Each Saturday night during the tucky, ten, como from Tennessee,
their summer courses. Certain it Is tana with the University of Monthe highest record" ever
semester of the Summer Ses- with six from West Virginia. Even
that our summer school students given any graduate, he practiced
their duties satisfactorily.
By 9 o'clock law
do not like to play
The great majority of students do but a sion the recreation room in Patter- California, Florida, Texas, and New
and during the
situation scant amount of actual work. The son hall will be open for dancing Mexico have sent representatives
most of the lights are out. Per- one for some time, of Dean Leap-ha- rt
Just about this time every year present
year absence
haps there are many reasons for
there comes the annual problem of does not make the situation any classic distinction between the in- to residents of the hall and their from afar to the summer school at
Univerhe taught
stitution of bygone years and that dates, it has been announced by the University.
that. Bill Hodgen has one. "Why sity of Montana. law at the
a considerable portion of the youth easier.
A great
I have to go to bed right after During the past year Professor of America that has so recently plaining many students are com of today will suffice. Many years Mrs. Sara Holmes, dean of women. Approximately 60 are taking the
that their collegiate train- ago the students attended class to Mrs. Holmes has generously contrib- Parent -- Teacher course, which meets
dinner to get up in the middle of
been graduated from college and
the night to go to class." And per- Murray has been taking graduate university, as to what to do. Back ing has not prepared them for any recite ;helr lessons, todny they at- uted her own radio for music on in room 105 of the Education College building. The lecturer In this
haps there are many more who feel and has Just been awarded his doc- in the old days when college grad definite position In life. Many tend class to hear the professor re- these special nights.
tor's degree In law (S. J. D., Doctor uates were
class is Prof. H. S. McCoy of Springso inclined.
a novelty, the times that is unfortunately the cite his lesson.
of Juridical Science). The acting problem was rather difficult,
quite naturally
field, Ohio.
It is apparent that something ROANOKE GRIDIRON
not so
in case. The students
dean of the Harvard Law School more recent years when even but or blame the Institution from which must be done about the situation.
Only two students are receiving
As the hot weather continues we says
of him,
the three credits offered by the
prompted to comment that the papers at the"He has presented two dinary Individual can tack two or they were graduated because prac If it is not, then the colleges and
seminar in Jurispru
tically all courses have a required universities will have outlived their
The Roanoke College gridiron at Home Economic department in the
three degrees after his name, the
beer season appears well under way.
to be reason problem
which show
Consciousness of such a usefulness except as a meeting Salem, Va., is being equipped with Child Development-ParentEducais one of no little diffi curricula.
While such a matter is not general- dence conservative him
minded, active culty.
situation has recently led Dr. Glenn place for those with social inclina- lights so that night football can be tion course, but the child psvcholocv
ly discussed, there are many eviminded, able and in many ways a
Frank, of the University of Wlscon tions. A friend of mine with two Dlaved in the fall. The Brideewater classes and some of the education
dences that the season is being au- brilliant man."
College stu dents have finally come sin, to appoint a
committee to make law degrees Is running an elevator Collece name. October 11. will bo classes go each day to observe the
spiciously begun. Tho demand for
Professor McNeil, who had chargo to a position wherein they appremalt syrup and bottle caps is in- of his thesis dealing with Railroad ciate that the mere graduation a thorough study of the modern eight hours a day. Another, a grad- - the first home contest at nlcht. Tho children at the homo in Bonnie
college curricula with a view of uate of a school of agriculture, is Maroons also will encounter Hamp- - Brae Court, which has been es- creasing daily according to an opin- Land Grants, says
has done i from . college Is not a sure guide to making it more aptly fit the exist- me manager oi a grocery store. '
Lynchburg and Ran- - peciany equipped,
ion expressed by a downtown gro- a surprisingly goodthat he
Ducct-bsuuuege aiuueius ao not ing situation
At the head of that Stlll
with a degree in ac- Examination for the first semes
the artificially
cer. Well, we can't say that wo
worm win ie- - committee was apiwlnted Dr. Carl count another music director for
froressor Roberts, whoso place' tVL" lJi,ai l,uu
ter will be given Saturday, July 19,
ing is
the lighted fleld this fall
blame the more fortunate ones who Professor Murray takes for the celve ,cm wlt
Pen nrmfi- - How- Altogether tho difficulty
and the second term will open the
indulge in such practices about this coming year, has been given a fur- - ever tliere ls a General, even if an Russell Fish, head of the American city.
history department, a writer
note OLX'IIIS 11UI u mum 111 II1U LIIUIUUICI
following Monday morning.
time of the year.
impression that and a student of students. of
ther extension of his leave of ab-- 1 unacknowledged
ox tne training mat is oemg ojitreci
The total enrollment taken at the
sence in order that ho might take tey should be given some consid- Out of the investigations of this but in the inability of the lnstltu- Miss Elizabeth Bird Stewart, a end of registration Monday afterRichards-Armstron- g
' crauon
seems to a visiting professorship for one
in wieir seurcn lor posi-ye- committee, working in conjunction tlon tJ place the graduate in a! student at the University,
and a noon, showed that there are 172
hold the usual attraction for the
at the University of Pittsburg "'1S- with two student committees, cer place where he can do the most member of Zeta Tau Alpha soro-goo- d. more students in the University for
Every morning a Law School.
Most of the recent graduates find tain facts have been established.
The only manner In which rity. accompanied by Miss Laura tho first term of the Summer Ses.
respectable gathering of students
themselves in a seemingly lmpos- - First of all, the University training this can be done ls for the lnstltu-- ! Katherine Johnstone, a former stu- - sion than at the same time last year.
may be seen lounging about on the
Prof. Elmer G. Sulzer, head ofjsible qir.ndrv. One cannot set n of today is substantl illy
same as tion to establish a contact with the dent at the University, are attend- - Tho present session promises to be
gross in front of tho Administra- the University radio studio, and position without experience, and one It was twenty yiars ago,the
while It is bUbintss wona so that It win be ing Camp
Ha- tion building killing time between I'rot. N. R. biltott are attending tho cannot get experience without haV' clear that the world has made rapid ablo to airord graduates that are ven. Mich., Nanawka. at Southcoun-ne?d- tho most successful in the history of
in the capacity of
tho University, under tho directorclasses. It's far too warm, and first annual convention of College ing a position. Business men arc progress In economics and Industry.
by the busine&i men ami selors for the season. This ls Miss ship of Dr. William S. Taylor, dean
takes entirely too much energy to Radio Executives, held this week at loath to experiment with nw help- Secondly, the co ltgo has become a piepared to take an active part in Stewart's second year
there and is of the College of Education and
to the usual loafing places.
Ohio State Unlversoity, Columbus. ers when their old can perform
institution wherein the the modern industrial world.
Miss Johnstone's third.
head of the summer school.




Healy Is

Robinson Plans
Tournaments of
Summer Sports


University Students
For European Tour

Ttir&sss? 5Kj?o




tt"T rs





For Alpha

Prof. Frank Murray
Teach Property


"Does Our College Schedule Equip Ua?" Asks
Recent Graduates Looking for Life Positions








� Best


position Immediately upon graduation, but
whether he will hold that advantage depends,
not so much upon his education, ns upon himself. I) is the opinion of many business men
Official Newspaper of the students of the
that education really begins upon graduation
University of Kentucky
from college. What a man learns In college, be
It liberal arts or technical work, may or may
not be of use to him In the business world. If
Subscription $1.50 a year. Entered at Lcxlnffton
he has received nothing from college except n
Postofflcc as second class mall matter
knowledge of Latin and Greek, formulas and
integrals, he has done himself an injustice.
The most Important part of a college educaEDITOR-IN-CHIE- F
Margaret CundlfT
Hazel Baucom tion Is social development. A knowledge of
Roy H. Owsley textbooks Is necessary, but the study of human
nature Is quite essential. Meeting people, mak(Phones Ashland 6802, University 74)
ASSISTANT MANAGER . . . Coleman Smith ing contacts with nil types of Individuals, being
able to humor some and tolerate others that is
Carnegie Tartan.
Associate Editor an education.
Thomas Riley
Clarence Barnes

The Kentucky Kernel



What percentage of students come to college
Although such statistics would be
to learn?
difficult to compile, nevertheless, the average
student body of any college contains a large
number of those who are Just "getting by."
There seems to be a great tendency on the
part of most undergraduates to ridicule the student who Is In college for the purpose of receiving a thorough education. That such a tendency is prevalent can easily be seen In the
classroom, fraternity, sorority, dormitory, or
other student group.
The student who really studies Is often the
object of scorn and disdain. He Is pointed out
as a goody-good- y
student. In the classroom the
best example of student laziness Is found. If
the professor does not arrive on time there is
much uneasiness on the part of many of the
students. They can hardly wait until the required time Is up so they will not have to attend that particular class.
The student who comes to the university with
limited means and a desire to learn often finds
he Is a "back number." If he does not accept
the principle of the student who Is Just "getting by" he will soon find he is unpopular.
Students who are laughed at now may get
the laugh on their classmates later In life. The
learning one gets at college is not all taken
from textbooks but the habits of application
and diligence which he builds up through their
use will no doubt be useful to him in his life

The student who Is "getting by" will find that
his bluff will be harder to make in the years
following his graduation. Ohio State Lantern.

In the June issue of the American magazine
Is an article written by a graduating senior
from Bowdoin College. It is entitled "Where
do I go from here" and in it the author laments the fact that a liberal arts education
does not develop a man for any particular type
of work. "What have I to offer my employer,"
he says. "The answer Is easy. Nothing. On
the other hand a graduate of a technical school
can go to a prospective employer and say he is
trained in a particular type of work. If the employer needs such a man he receives the job."
The author of the above mentioned article is
right in some respects and wrong in others. A
technical man has the advantage in securing a


Since the last Summer Session the new library has made a seemingly slow but firm beginning, and now that the foundations have
been completed, work Is progressing rapidly.
Perhaps there is a lesson o be found by watching the careful, exacting work as it has been
going on all during the last year.
Impatience is a well known fault of the modern generation. There Is a tendency to rush
things, to leave Incomplete the basic work, that
the ornamentation may be reached more quickly. Painstaking work may not have any glamour, but it is an accomplishment upon which a
building, a task or a life may rest secure.
So perfect, so strong, make your foundations
that there will be no fear of crumbling when
age comes and the test is applied. Notice the
worker whose Job Is faultless, not only to outward appearances, but within.
Learn your lesson from the library which
will soon house thousands of books, reams of
work and knowledge firm foundations!

One of the crying needs of the Summer Session at the University has been interests outThere has been, heretoside the classrooms.
fore, a feeling prevalent that summer school
was a grind, and one sneaked off to go swimming with a guilty conscience arising from the
Idea that one should spend all his time studying while taking classes in the usual vacation
Therefore, the new series of summer sports
with an exciting tournament to cap the climax,
comes as pleasant news to many of the students
attending the Summer Session. Open to men
and women, students and faculty, the variety
of games offers no restrictions to anyone connected with the University.
The Kernel believes that this addition to the
features of the 1930 Summer Session will prove
of benefit to all, and wishes to congratulate the
responsible persons for their happy solution of