xt7fn29p5t87 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fn29p5t87/data/mets.xml United States Bever, Joseph 1858 scores (documents for music) BV350 .C5 1858 English Printed at the Printing Establishment of the United Brethren in Christ Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection John Lair Music Collection Revival hymns Camp meetings -- Hymns United Brethren in Christ -- Hymns Hymns, English -- United States The Christian Songster: a Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Usually Sung at Camp, Prayer, and Social Meetings, and Revivals of Religion; Designed for All Denominations, 1858 text 283 pages, 12 cm. Call Number: BV350 .C5 1858 Donor: John Lair Music Collection The Christian Songster: a Collection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Usually Sung at Camp, Prayer, and Social Meetings, and Revivals of Religion; Designed for All Denominations, 1858 1858 1858 2022 true xt7fn29p5t87 section xt7fn29p5t87  


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“And they sung as it were a new song before the

“Let the inhabitants of the Rock sing.”—ISA.












THE compiler of the CHRISTIAN SONGSTEB. has
but few apologies to offer in presenting it
to a. generous public.

Many of the pieces found in former collec-
tions of this kind, are known to have fallen
into general disuse, and something new is
looked and sought for. Hence, it appears nec-
essary, in order to meet the expectation and
demand of this progressive age, to furnish
from time to time something new, in this
department, and yet pure and elevated in
spirituality and devotional aspirations.

This volume claims to contain many pieces
that have never before been published in book-
form; While, at the same time, it contains
many old ones, selected from various authors;







thus bringing these valuable hymns and spirit-
ual songs together, and forming them into a

book for convenience.

It is not pretended that all the pieces found
in this work, are writ-ten in the best poetical
style. But it is, however, confidently believed,
that none are contained in it, that have not
real merit, and their admirers.

The compiler would, therefore, submit this
new collection of Hymns and spiritual Songs
to the public, believing that it will meet With
favorable reception by all those Who have the
cause of God at heart. J. BEVER.
Melmore, March, 1858.







P. M. 12, 8,12, 8,11, 11, 11.
The Pure Testimony.

THE pure testimony put forth in the


Cuts like a sharp two-edged sword;

And hypocrites now are most sorely tor»

Because they’re condemn’d by the word.

The pure testimony discovers the dross,

While Wicked professors make light of the

And Babylon trembles for fear of her loss.

2 Is not the time come for the church to be

Into the one Spirit of God ;

Baptiz’d by one Spirit, into the one body,

Partaking Christ’s flesh and his blood;





They drink in one Spirit, which makes
them all see,

They’re one in Christ Jesus, Wherever they

The fJew and the Gentile, the bond and the

Then blow ye the trumpet in pure testi-

And let the world hear it again;

0, come ye from Babylon, Egypt, and So-

And make your way over the plain ;

Come wash all your robes in the blood of the

And walk in the Spirit as Jesus has done,

In the pure testimony you will overcome.

The world will not persecute those Who are
like them,

But hold them the same as their own ;

The ure testimony cries out separation,

Whicli calls you your lives to lay down.

Come out from their spirit and practices

The track of your Savior keep full in your

The pure testimony will cut its way through.

A battle is coming between the two king-

The armies are gathering around ;






The pure testimony and vile persecution,

Will come to close battle e’re long.

Then gird on your armor, ye saints of the

And he Will direct you by his living Word—-

The pure testimony will cut like a sword.

The great prince of darkness is mustering
his forces,

To make you his pris’ners again—

By slander, reproaches, and vile persecu-

That you in his cause may remain ;

But shun his temptations Wherever they


And fear not his servants Whatever they

The pure testimony will give you the day.

P. M. 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7.
Desire to Imitate the Pious.

ANIEL’S Wisdom may I know,
Stephen’s faith and spirit ShOW ;
John’s divine communion feel,
Moses’ meekness, Joshua’s zeal;
Run like the unwearied Paul,
Win the day and conquer all.

2 Mary’s love may I possess,
Lydia’s tender heartedness;


Peter’s ardent spirit feel,
James’ faith by works reveal ;
Like young Timothy, may I
Every sinful passion fly.

3 Job’s submission may I Show,
David’s true devotion know ;
Samuel’s call, 0, may I hear!
Lazarus’ happy portion share ;
Let Isaiah’s hallowed fire
All my new born soul inspire.



4 Mine be J aeob’s wrestling prayer,
Gideon’s valiant steadfast care ;
Joseph’s purity impart,

Isaac’s meditating heart;
Abra’m’s friendship may I prove,
Faithful to the God I love.

5 Most of all, may I pursue
That example Jesus drew;

By my life and conduct show,
HOW he liv’d and walk’d below——
Day by day, through grace restor’d,
Imitate my blessed Lord.

3 P. M. 9, 6, 9, 6, 8, 8, 8, 6.

Mercy’s Free.

Y faith I View my Savior dying,
On the tree, on the tree.






T0 every nation he is crying,
Look to me, look to me.
He bids the guilty now draw near,
Repent, believe, dismiss your fears
Hark 1 hark! what precious words I hear,
Marcy’s free, mercy’s free.

2 Did Christ when I was sin pursuing,

Pity me, pity me ‘2

And did he snatch my soul from ruin,
Can it be, can it be ‘I

0, yes, he did salvation bring,

He is my Prophet, Priest and King,

And now my happy soul can sing,
Mercy’s free, mercy’s free.

3 Jesus, the mighty God hath spoken,

Peace to me, peace to me.

Now all my chains of sin are broken,
I am free, I am free.

Soon as I on his name believ’d,

The Holy Spirit I received ;

And Christ from death my soul retriev’d,
Mercy’s free, mercy’s free.

4 Jesus my weary soul refreshes,
Mercy’s free, mercy’s free.
And every moment Christ is precious,
Unto me, unto me.
None can describe the bliss I prove,
While through this wilderness I rove,







All may enjoy the Savior’s love, i
Mercy’s free, mercy’s free.

5 This precious truth ye sinners hear it,
Mercy’s free, mercy’s free.
Ye ministers of God declare it,
Mercy’s free, Inercy's free.
Visit the heathen’s dark abode,
Proclaim to all the love of God,
And spread the glorious news abroad,
Merey’s free, mercy’s free.
6 Long as I live, I’ll still be crying,
Mercy’s free, inercy’s free,
And this shall be my theme when dying,
Mercy’s free, mercy’s free.
And when the vale of death l’ve past,
When lodged above the stormy blast,
I’ll sing While endless ages last,
Mercy’s free, nierey’s free.

4 P. M. 12, 12, 12, 12..
The .Millcnium.

HE time is soon coming by the Prophets
When Zion in purity the world shall be
bold ;
When Jesus’ pure testimony Will gain the
da ,
Denominations’ selfishness Will vanish away,



CHRISTIAN sonos'rrm. 11

2 It will then be discovered who for Jesus

will be,
And who are in Babylon the saints then Will


The time of division then will .fully be

Between the pure kingdom, and defil’d Bab-

3 Led on by the Comforter, what sweets will

be found,

What peace and what harmony in love will

Losing time, things for Jesus, will be count~
ed all joy,

and helping each other, a delightful em-

4 What beauty will the churches then put on
in his sight,
Being govern’d by Jesus Christ, who always
does right,
No spots on her countenance, in that glori-
ous day,
Unnecessary ceremonies vanish away.

5 The watchmen will then lift up their voices
as one,

East, west, north and south, to and fro, they

will run







In the Spirit’s pure testimony preach up the

The mysteries of Babylon will suffer the

6 But, 0! what a. storm of persecution will
For the cause of old Babylon too many on-

For gbaeglfolding theii losses, and beginning
to sink

They hope to obst1uct the light fiom shin-
ing I think.

7 But truth cuts its way, and love Will melt
dOWn all fees,
The pure word of God will conquer all who
0 pose;
The 0 much stands in pu1ity, in peace, and
in love
In sight 3% her enemies she 1ises above.

8 Let all who would Wish to see millennium
Come out and be sepmate f1 0111 sinners anu
As soon as the churches me redeemed from
all sin,
The day of millenium will surely begin.


CHRISTIAN soxasrnn. 13

5 L. M.

HEN Christ the Lord was here below,
About the work he came to do ;
Before he left his little band,
He gave to them his great command.

2 Though fishing Peter leads the way,
And nothing caught till break of day;
To give them food thus Jesus stands,
And says to Peter feed my lambs.

3 Thomas was of a doubtful mind,
Yet Jesus leaves him not behind ;
Thomas, he says, “behold my hands!”
And Simon Peter “feed my lambs.”

4 Peter once did deny his Lord,
By not attending to his word ;
Yet Jesus knew how frail was man,
And says to Peter “ feed my lambs.”

5 Oh, little children do not fear,
While Christ your Savior is so near ;
Poor doubting souls are in his hands,
And precious food for all the lambs.

6 The richest feast is yet above,
In the enjoyment of his love ;
Then run to Christ with all your might,
And I will try to keep in sight.






14 CHRISTIAN soxesmn.

7 Now here’s my heart and here’ 8 my hand,
To meet you in that heavenly land;
My hand again I give to thee,
Hoping thy face 111 heaven to see.


And oh, how good it is for 11s to be blest,
And dwell where lovely Jesus is.

G C. M.

The Pilgrim Band.

E’RE marching to the promis’d land,
A land all faii and b11ght;
Come join 0111 ha py pilg1i1n band,
And1seek the p ains of light.


Oh, Who will go alongywith me,
To the new Jerusalem ‘2

There congregations ne’er break up,
And Sahbath’s never end.

2 The deep Red Sea already cross’d,
Safe on its banks we stood,
And saw our foos, old Pharaoh’s host,
Plung’d in the angry flood.

3 The Savior feeds his little flock,
His grace is richly given—
The living water from the rock,
And daily bread from heaven.



' hand,





4 To Canaan’s land he points the way
And uides our feet aright ;
A clou y pillar leads by day,
A fiery one by night.
5 “Come with us we Will do thee good,”
Here is our heart and hand,
To meet you over Jordan’s flood,
And share the promis’d land.

6 There in that land no tears are shed,
Nor sighs escape the heart ;
To joy’s full fountain all are led,
And there they never part.

'7 o. M.

The Prodigal.

YE erring souls that Wildly roam,
From heaven and bliss estray,
Your Father’s voice invites you home,
He makes a feast to—day.
Oh I I’ll not die here with want severe,
And starve in foreign lands;
In my Father’s house are rich supplies,
And bounteous are his hands.

2 And thou art bidden, weary one,
With wants and woes oppressed;
And every far-ofi‘ wand’ring son;
May be a welcome guest.








3 Return thou prodigal, return,
Thy Father bids thee come,
He doth thy needless absence mourn,
Thou erring child, come home.

4 Come, for the feast already waits,
The fatlings all are slain ;
Go seek With haste his palace-gates,
Nor shalt thou seek in vain

8 P. M. 4,115.
The Rock that is Higher than I.


N seasons of grief to my God I’ll repair,

When my heart is overwhelmed With
sorrow and care, i

From the ends of the earth unto thee Will

I cry,
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Higher than I, higher than I.
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

2 When Satan, my foe, comes in like a flood,
To drive1 my poor soul from the fountain of
00 ,

I’ll gray to the Savior who kindly did die,
Lea me to the rock that is higher than I.
Higher than I, higher than I.

Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

‘- ‘13... ' .



 CHRISTIAN soxesrm. 17
3 And when I have ended my pilgrimage

In Jesus’ ure righteousness let me appear,
In the swe lings of Jordan on thee I’l rely,
And look to the rock that is higher than I,
Higher than 1, higher than I.
And look to the rock that is higher than I.

4 And when the last trumpet sounds through
the skies,
When the dead from the dust of the earth
shall arise,
With millions I’ll join, far above yonder

To praise the dear rock that is higher than I.

9 P. M. 4,11s.
“ The Rock that is Higher than I.”


HEN my soul is distress’d and my
comforts are flown,

To my Savior I’ll go and my sorrows make
known ;

In secret devotion to him will I cry,

Lead me to “the rock that is higher than I.”

2 Though my friends may forsake me, and
foes all unite,
To hedge up my pathway and fears to ex-
(éite ,-



On the strencvth of J ehovah I’ll firmly rely,
Still screen’d by “the rock that is higher
than I.”

3 Should sickness o'ertake me and pain be
And none be about me my spirit to cheer,
I’ll hang on my Savior until I shall (lie,
Sustained by “the rock that is higher
than I.”

4 And when I have finished my labor and

Bright angels my soul on their pinions shall

To my home in the kingdom of glory on

T0 dwell by “the rock that is higher than I.”
10 C. M.
The Peniient’s Prayer.
0 JESUS, now I come to thee,
M wanderings LO deplore ;
'Wilt on not set my spirit free ?
My fallen soul renew ‘3
I weep, I mourn, I pray,
0, Jesus, now forgive.








y on



2 My sins are more than I can bear,
0 speak them all forgiven;
My soul away from earth I tear,
To seek a. place in heaven.

3 Pity, O Lord, my helpless grief,
My soul’s deep anguish see,
And grant me now that sweet relief,
Which none can give but thee.

4 Did ’st thou not die that I might live—
Might live thy love to know ‘2
Oh, let me now thy love receive,
And in thy favor grow.


I weep, I mourn, I pray,
, Jesus, now forgive.

11 L. M. 't

I LOVE my Lord, I love his laws,
I love religion’s blessed cause ;
I love his faithful children too,

I love his gracious will to do.

2 I love this narrow happy way,
I love to watch, I love to pray,
I love the crown I love the cross,
I love the gold without the dross.




3 I love to shout, I love to sing,
I love to praise my heavenly King
I love my Lord, I know I do,
I love the souls that he loves too.

4 I love his saints that are below,
I lovethe precious sinner too ;
I love those Who have gone before,
I love my Jesus, more and more.

5 Then, 0 my soul, arise and sing,
Behold thy Savior, Friend and King!
With pleasing)“ smiles he now looks down,
And cries, “ I’ress on, and take the crown.”

12 P. M.

The best Friend.

HERE is a Friend above all others,

Oh, how he loves !

His is Love beyond a brother’s,
Oh, how he loves I

Earthly friends may fail and leave us,

This day kind, the next deceive us,

But this friend will never leave us,
Oh, how he loves I

2 Blessed Jesus ! would ’st thou know him?
Oh, how he loves!
Give thyself e’en this day to him,
Oh, how he loves !

' .‘4u... , ....v ‘ix.-.,, U...“ , .



 ' CHRISTIAN soxasmn. 21

Is it sin that pains and grieves thee,
Unbelief and trials seize thee?
Jesus can from all release thee,

Oh, how he loves!

3 All thy sins shall be forgiven,
Oh, how he loves !
Backward all th foes be driven,
Oh, how e loves !
Best of blessings he ’11 provide thee,
Nought but good shall e’er betide thee,
Safe to glory he Will guide thee.
Oh, OW he loves!

’-’ 4 Pause, my soul, adore and wonder,

Oh, how he loves I

N ought can cleave this love asunder,
Oh, how he loves!

Neither trials nor temptation,

Doubt, nor fear, nor tribulation,

Can bereave us of salvation.
Oh, how he loves I

13 L. M.

Inviting Sinners.


O TURN, sinners, turn,
May the Lord help you turn ;
0 turn, sinners, turn,

Why will you die 7





Why wanderest thou so far from home ‘2
The vilest of the vile may come ;

The tempter whispers, “Yet delay,”
Resist hlS wiles and come to-day.

2 To-da thy homeward pathway trace ;
Long ast thou liv’d in folly’s ways ;
Thy toils have only brought thee woes,
O, tarry not—the door may close.

3 Come Ieast on jo s divinely pure
Come and eternal)7 life secure ; ’
Submit to Christ, and you shall know
What a dear Savior can bestow.

4 Lord, at thy feet I prostrate fall,
I fain would find in thee my all ;
To thee I look and humbly cry,
“ O save a wretch condemn’d to die.”

14 P. M. 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7.
Parting Friends.

WHEN shall we all meet again ‘2
When shall we all meet again ‘2
0ft shall glowing hope expire ;
0ft shall wearied love retire ;
0ft shall death and sorrow reign,
Ere we shall meet again.

kwmxfiflv t. _.:



 CHRISTIAN soxesrm. 23
2 Though in distant lands we sigh,
Parch’d beneath the burning sky ;
Though the deep between us rolls,
Friendship shall unite our souls,
And 1n heaven’s wide domain,
There shall we all meet again:

3 When our burnish’d locks are gray,
Thin’d by man a toil~spent day ;
When around t is youthful pine,

Moss shall creep and ivy twine ;
Long may this lov’d bower remain,
Here may we all meet again.

4 When the dreams of life are fled,
When its wasted lamps are dead ;
When in cold oblivion’s shade,

Beauty, Wealth, and fame are laid ;

Where immortal spirits reign,
There may we all meet again.

15 P. M. 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7.

Mourning Souls.

00R mourning souls in deep distress,
Making sad lamentation,

Find themselves lost in wickedness,
And under condemnation ;

While thunderbolts from Sinai’s mount,
Do sound with loudest terror,

And they as naught in God’s account.
Are drown’d in grief and sorrow.





2 But who is he that looketh forth,

Sweet as the blooming morning ;

Fair as the moon, clear as the sun,
’Tis Jesus Christ adorning ;

Jesus can clothe my naked soul,
Jesus for me hath died ;

And now I can with pleasure sing,
My wants are all supplied.

16 Jacob’s Ladder.
ASdJacob once travel’d, was wearied by

And at night on a stone for a pillow he lay,
He saw in a vision a ladder so high,
Its foot was on earth and its top in the sky.

Hallelujah to Jesus, who died on the tree,
To raise up this ladder of mercy for me!
Press upward, press upward, the prize is in
A crown of bright glory is waiting for you.

2 This heavenly ladder is strong and well
It has lasted for ages, and is not decayed ;
The feeblest may venture, by faith to go up,
And the angels will guard them from bottom
to top.







crmrsrmN SONGSTER. 25

Lo ! upward and downward they constant-
ly g0,

Extending a hand to the toilers below ;

And When a neW convert sets out for the

Their shouts to the top of the ladder arise.

“ Another, another,” they sing in their love,

“ Is seeking his home and his treasure
above ;”

And angels in glory, responding, cry—
“ come,”

And welcome each penitent sinner up home.

This ladder is Jesus the glorious God—man,

Whose blood freely streaming from Calvary
ran ;

By his great atonement to heaven We rise,

And sing in the mansions prepar’d in the

Upon it our father’s have gone home to

10 ,

Have finish’d their journey, and gain’d their
abode ;

And we are ascending and soon will be

To join in their songs, and their heaven to





T !





17 P. M. 4lls,&1 6s.
Bower of Prayer.

TO leave my dear friends, and with neigh-
bors to part,
And go from my home, it affects not my
Like dthe thoughts of absenting myself for a
From that blest retreat where I "ve chosen to

Where I ’ve chosen to pray.

2 Sweet bow’r where the vine and the poplar

were spread,

And wove with their branches, a roof o’er
my head ;

How oft have I knelt on the evergreen there,

And pour’d out my soul to my Savior in

To my Savior in prayer.

3 How sweet were the zephyrs perfum’d with
the pine,
The ivy, the olive, the Wild eglantine!
Yet sweeter, oh sweeter, superlative were
The joys that I tasted in answer to prayer,
In anSWer to prayer.







4 ’Txvae under the covert of that blessed grove,
That Jesus was 1}l(‘iLFCd my guilt to remove;
Pr‘ef~‘(‘nting himself as? the only true way
01' life and salvation, and taught me to pray,

And taught me to pray.

5 The early shrill notes of the lov’d nightin-
That (lxvt-lt, in my bower, I observed as my
To call me to duty ; and birds of the air
Sang anthems of praiws, as I went to prayer,
As I went to pray.

G And Jesus my Savior oft deign’d there to
And bless With his presence my lonely re-
treat ;
0ft fill’d me with rapture and peacefulness
lnditing in heaven’s own language my
0WD language my prayer.

7 Dear bower, I must leave thee and bid thee


And pay my devotions in parts which are
new ;

Well knowing my Savior is found every

And can in all places give answer to prayer,
Give answer to prayer.





8 Although I may never revisit thy shade,
Yet oft shall I think on the vows I there

made ;
And when at a distance my thoughts shall
To the place Where my Savior first answer’d
my prayer.
First answered my prayer.

9 My blessed Redeemer, my hope and my all,
Will guide and direct me When on him I

all ;
And when I am dying he’ll be With me
And take me to heaven in ansWer to prayer,
In answer to prayer.

18 P. M. 4 63, a: 2 8s.
Unity of Brethren.
HOW pleasant ’tis to see
Kindred and friende agree ?
Each in his ,roper station move,
And each fnlfi l lllS art,
With sympathizing eart,
In all the cares of life and love.

2 ’Tis like the ointment shed
On Aaron’s sacred head,


 cnmsrux soxusrnn. 29

Divinely rich, divinely sweet ;
The oil, through all the, room
Diffused a choice perfume,
Ran through his robes and blest his feet.

3 Like fruitful showers of rain,
That water all the plain,
Descending from the neighboring hills ;
Such streams of Pleasure roll
Through every friendly soul,
Where love, like heavenly dew, distills.

19 P. M. 3 7s, & 2 (is.
Social liIceting.

RAW nigh to us, Jehovah,
In our social meeting ;
In this propitious hour,
Oh, may we feel thy power
In our social meeting.

2 Draw nigh to us, blessed. Jesus,
In our social meeting;
Oh, may we find thy favor,
Thou ever blessed Savior,
In this social meeting.

3 Draw nigh to us, blessed Spirit,
In our social meeting ;

Convince and renovate us—

Anew in Christ create us,

In this social meeting.






20 P. M.
The God of Glory.

HU S saith the God of glory,
I’d have the world to know me ;

As they must stand before me

To account for all they’ve done
I am the God of heaven,
Eternally I’ m living ;
All things are my creation,
' For I am God alone.

2 O sinners will you hear me ‘2
Then come and do believe me,
As you cannot deceive me—

All things to me are known.
Yourselves you are deceiving
My words by disbelieving ;
Destruction you’re receiving

From me, that’s God alone.

3 0 Will you be reformed,
And to my words conformed ‘B
My ransom is provided,
If you Will only come
But if you do refuse it,
I never will excuse you,
Because you do abuse it ;
For I am God alone.


 cnmsrmx SONGSTER. 31

4 HOW can you stand my judgments ‘2

YVhen you shall in 21 moment

Hear the sounding of the trumpet,
A bidding you to Come.-

I then will fix your station

In hopeless desperation,

For slighting my salvation,
For I am God alone.


5 Draw near to me my Zion,

For I {1111 J udas’ lion ;

I oft times hear you crying,
I listen to your moan ;

I never will forsake you,

I ever Will protect you,

N o evil shall overtake you,
For I am God alone.

6 And if you lack for treasure,
And if you lack for pleasure,
Love me, and love no other,

All things to me belong:
I am the God of treasure,
I am the God of pleasure ;
And there is none that’s higher
Than me, that’s God alone.




21 RM. 75 & Gs. Arm—The Watcher.
We ’11 Pray for the Downtrodden.
OUR lowly brothers lying

’Neath slavery’s gelling chain ;
Shall we not heed his crying,
His sorrow and his pain ?
Our sister’s woes are calling
For swift, for prompt relief ;
And when her tears are falling,
We may not mock her grief.

2 When on the blessed Jesus
We cast our woe and care ;
For our dowutrodden brother,
We’ll breathe an earnest prayer.
For if we pass nnheeded
Their grief and sorrow by,
They shall not go unpleaded,
Before the throne on high.

3 We will pray that our kind Father

Would haste the blessed hour-—

The time of their deliverance
From the oppressor’s power.

We ’11 plead with their erring masters,
To let the captive go;

That as they hope for mercy,
They must that mercy show.



22 L. M.





At any station on the line,
If you repent and turn from sin,
The grain will stop and take you in.

Spiritual Railroad.

THE line to heaven by Christ was madef
With heavenly truths the rails are laid;
From earth to heaven the line extends,

To life eternal Where it ends.

Repentance is the station house,
Where passengers are taken in ;
No fee for them is there to pay,
For Jesus is himself the way.

The Bible is the engineer,

It points the way to heaven so clear;
Through tunnels dark and dreary here,
It does the way to glory steer.

God’s love the fire, his truth the steam,
\Vhieh drives the engine and the trim"; '
All you who would to glory ride,

Must come to Christ, in him abide.

The first, the second, and the third class,
Repentance, faith, and holiness ;

You must the way to to glory gain,

Or you With Christ can never reign.

Come then, poor sinner, now’s the time,








23 I’. M. 88, & 95.
Going over Jordan.

AM a. pilgrim and a stranger,
While wandering through this world of
woe ;
But there’s no sickness, death, nor sorrow,
In that bright world to which I go.

I ’m going there to see my father,
I ’m oinO‘ there to see in ' Lord '
’ . o , 3 i
I In Just: a gorng over Jordan,
I ’m just a going over home.

2 I feel my sins are all forgiven,
I feel I ’m on my journey home ;
I ’m going away to that sweet heaven,
Where Jesus smiles and bids me come.
I’m going there to see my mother, (he.
3 I ’m going away to life’s bright river,
I ’m going there to see my Lord ;
I ’m going there to live forever,
According to his precious word.
I’m going there to see my brethren, due.


4 I ’m going to a world of pleasure,
That’s far beyond this world of strife ;
For there’s my heart and there’s my treasure,
And there’s the blooming tree of life.
I ’m oinrr there to see m sisters, (ho.
g o y
5 I ’m going there to rest fm'ever,
From all my labors and my toils ;
Where kindred s )il‘l'is ne ’er shall sever,
I .
In that eternal world of Joy.
I ’m going there to see my children, &c
24 C. M.
There are no Tears in Heaven.
HAT though our bark o’er life’s rough
B adverse winds be driven,
An’ howling tempests round us rave—
There are no tears in heaven.
2 What though afiliction be our lot;
Our hearts with sorrow riven ;
Still let it never be forgot,
There are no tears in heaven.

3 Our sweetest joys here vanish all,
And fade like hues of even ,'
Our brightest hope as meteors fall«-
There are no tears in heaven.









4 The moumer sad, WhO drown’d in grief, 2‘
And long in sorrow striven,
Shall find at last a sweet relief ——
Tears wiped away in heaven.

5 In God our joy and rest Shall be,
And sorrow far be driven,
And Sin and death forever flee—
There are no tears in heaven.

6 There from the blooming tree of life,
The healing fruit be given,
There, there shall cease the painful strife— 2
There are no tears in heaven.

25 P. M. 10s,&11s.

JESUS divine, my Lord and my God,
My soul I resign, the purchase of blood;
Thy law sin reproving, brings death to the
soul ;
But mercy, self-moving, can bid me be 3

2 To thee will I look, to thee will I cry,
“ 0 lead to the rock that’s higher than I ;”
Thy love intereeding shall pardon secure,
For while thou art pleading, salvation is


 CHRISTIAN soxaern. 37
26 8s, & 7s.

The Rich EIan and Lazarus.

HERE was a man in ancient times,
Our Savior doth inform us ; ‘
“rhose pomp and grandeur, and Whose crimes
“Vere great and very numerous.
This man fared :Ilillipiumbly every day,
In purple and fine linen ;
He ate and drank, but scarn’d to pray,
He spent his time in sinning.


2 Poor praying Lazarus at his gate,

To help himself unable ;

Did for the fragmenls humbly wait,
That fell from his rich table.

But not one crumb from his rich store,
The epicure would send him ;

The dogs took piiy, lick’d his sores,
More ready to befriend him.

3 At length deaih came, the poor man died,

By angel bands attended ;
trait way to Abra’ni’s bosom flight,
VVlrera all his :‘401‘1‘0'3'8 ended.

The rich man died, was buried too,
But oh i hi5 dreadful station ;

With heaven and Lazarus both in View,
He landed in damnation.





4 He cries, oh, father Abraham,

Send Lazarus with cool water ;

For I’m tormented in these flames,
With a most dreadful torture.

Says Abra’m, “ Son, remember well,
You once did good inherit,

But now, alas, you ’re doom’d to hell,
Because you would not share it.”

5 This Lazarus whom you now behold,

All Clad in dazzling glory ;

Did once by hunger wait, and cold,
Naked, and sick, before you.

But not one crumb would you bestow,
Or pity his condition ;

Therefore to glory he shall go,
And you sink to perdition.

6 Beside, there is a gulf between,

Preventing communication ;

G133, you cannot now enjoy,

ich augments your damnation.

He cries, oh, “ father Abraham,”
Hear this my last desire ;

And then I yield to black despair,
And everlasting fire.

7 “I ’ve brethren in my father’s house,
Posting their way to ruin ;
Send Lazarus them to arouse,
And hinder their undoing.”


 CHRISTIAN soxasrm. 39

Your brethren have the means of grace,
The prophets too, and Moses ;

Sufficient if they choose good ways,
To come, Whate’re opposes.

27 4 Gs, & 2 8s. Arm—Sanford.

HE house of God I love,
I love the sacred day,
Its moments l’ll improve,
To learn the heavenly way ;
The way, the truth, the life I see,
Are all in Christ who died for me.

2 The way is plain to those
Who will repent of sin ;
The blood that freely flows,
Can cleanse each guilty stain ;
No merit of my oWn I claim,
My trust is in the Savior’s name.

3 The truth I would believe,
As coming from the Lord ;
0 help me to receive,
And treasure up his word.
The word can save the ruin’d soul,
And make the broken spirit Whole.


4 The life of grace below,
The life of’ joy above,
0 Lord, on me bestow,
UnWorthy of thy love;





0 bid me live this precious hour, 2
And ever know thy saving power.

28 L. M.

I’M glad I ever saw the day,
,. We met, to sing, and preach and pray,
,i j Here’s glory, glory in my soul,
Which makes me praise my Lord so bold.
‘ W:e ’i'e going home, we ire going home,
ll 6 ’re gonig home to die no more.

2 Lord keep us safe While pausing through,
And fill our souls with Ulct‘kncrfis too ; 3
Redeeming grace, that pleasing song,
\V0 ’11 Sing as we do pass along.

3 I hope to praise him when 1 rise,
And Shout salvation through the skies ;
Sing glory, glory, in the nii‘, 4
Meet all my father’s children there.
5' \ We ’10 safe at home, we ’i'e safe at home,
We be safe at home in hezwei at last,


29 6,4, 6, 6, 4.
1V0 Meet no More.
l AREWELL I we meet no more ‘
On this side heav’n ; 1
The parting scene is 0 ‘er,
The last end look is given.
Farewell I farewell l


2 Farewell! my soul will weep,
While Inem’ry livm ;
From woun