xt7fn29p5s98 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fn29p5s98/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1974-11-11  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 11, 1974 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 11, 1974 1974 1974-11-11 2020 true xt7fn29p5s98 section xt7fn29p5s98   





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The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 p.m., Monday,
November 11, 1974, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Smith

presided. Q

Since the Senate members did not receive a notice of the meeting, the
absent members are not being included as a part of these minutes and all Senators
who were not at the meeting will be given an explained absence.

Chairman Smith made the following remarks to the Senate.

You have not received an agenda for today but, hopefully, you received
the items to be considered on today's agenda in the mail. If not, we have
spare copies. About all I can say is we had some "snafus" in the Senate
Council office for which I am untimately responsible, and you have my
apology for not having received these documents in the appropriate amount
of time. As a result when we get into the business of the Senate there
will be a motion by the Secretary, Senate Council, that we waive the
Rules 9f_the University Senate requiring a 10—day circulation for the
purpose of addressing two agenda items. Other than that the normal 5.
agenda will hold, namely, approval of the minutes, report from the Council
by the Chairman, and the two agenda action items I have just mentioned.


I should also report to you that the Kernel reported the agenda for
this meeting on its front page today. They state 'With the reorganization
of the College of Arts and Sciences out of the way, [I would inform you,
for the record, that it is not] the University Senate turns to two major
student issues at 3:00 p.m. today in the Law School Court Room. [We are
meeting in that room.] Confidentiality of student records and special
examinations for students are the main topics for debate. The student
body is invited to the session." We are subject to the "Sunshine Law"
and clearly any and all students are welcome to come as is any citizen of
the Commonwealth, or without. I would inform you that so far as I know,
there is no agenda item for this meeting or in the immediate future con—
cerning the confidentiality of student records. We do have committees
working in that area. There was, at one time, a plan, on the part of the
Council, to place before you some changes in the Rules dealing with ”5
special examinations but upon further study the Council decided that this "
activity needed to be examined and perhaps rewritten in an even better
form and it has been returned to the Admissions and Academic Standards
Committee. So if there is anyone who came intending to hear a discussion
of special exams or the confidentiality of student records, please don't
feel that you have to wait for it as it will be at least another month
and perhaps several more.

The minutes of the meeting of October 14, 1974 were approved as circulated.
Chairman Smith made the following report to the Senate.

We have been informed by standing committees or have received reports
from various standing and §§_hgg committees that we will have various
items of business for December. Notably, we have received a report
from the High Committee (this was a report that was requested from that as
ad_hgg body late last spring). They have completed their work. This
was the Committee appointed to examine the question of the separation
of promotion and tenure, an issue which arose during our discussion of



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Minutes of the University Senate, November 11, 1974 — cont 3921

the Krislov Report last spring. We have that report, the Council will

be discussing it, and attempting to determine the precise actions to be
brought to this body. We have received a number of recommendations from
the Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards and I have been informed
by Professor Criswell, Chairman of the Academic Organization and Structure
Committee, that they are making substantial progress in the consideration
of the proposed A & S reorganizations and we hope that they will be able

to complete much of their work and we will have some of it before you in

Many of our other committees are active. We are discovering something
that perhaps we ought to have anticiapted and that is that with the reorganiza—
tion mandated by the Jewell Committee actions of a year or so ago, much
more business is going out to the committees than did in the past. The
simple process of getting the committees appointed, getting them together,
and getting them operating means that for the first few months in the fall
we have relatively little business to bring before the main body of the
Senate and then find ourselves in the spring with the need for extra meetings.
There is a provision in the Rules of the University Senate and the Governing ,
Regulations for calling extra meetings of the Senate. There is also a I?
provision which says "The Senate shall hold regular meetings on the second 71;
Monday of each month during the academic year . . .” but there is no way ;11
to call off a regular Senate meeting. The Rules Committee has noted this :‘ ‘
and is giving some thought to providing an appropriate mechanism and
appropriate safeguards which might in the future let us avoid having some
of these meetings if we have relatively little business to bring to it.


We have the results of two elections: one completed and one in progress,
to report to you. The election of the new members of the Senate Council
to take office January 1, 1975 has been completed. I am pleased to
report that Professors Tom Ford, Sidney Ulmer, and Judith Worell have been
elected to three year terms on the Senate Council and will assume office
January 1, 1975. We have received and had certified by the Rules Committee
the results of the nominating ballot to fill the faculty position on the
Board of Trustees, presently occupied by Dr. Paul Sears. Six individuals
have been nominated for that position. They are Professors Tom Brower,
George Schwert, Paul Sears, Robert Sedler, Stanford Smith, and James Wells.
The first election ballot is being prepared and should be mailed to you
late this week. From here on out you will be voting for one candidate at
a time and on any election in which one of the candidates receives a
majority of the votes cast, that person will be declared elected.

There is at least one item which is a pleasure to report to you and
something which I guess a number of us have looked forward to. Once
again this year the Senate will be hosting a cocktail party and reception
for the Board of Trustees. This will be held on Tuesday, December 10,
from 4:00 to 7:00 o'clock in the King Alumni House. We have had considerable :
success with this in past years by holding it on the same day as the 2
Board of Trustees meets and starting it early enough in the afternoon that
there is not a long hiatus between their meeting and the time this event
starts. All members of the Senate and their spouses are invited. In the
past it has generally been a unique opportunity for the leadership of the
University faculty and student body to meet the members of the Board of
Trustees and I think there has been a lot of useful exchanges.





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Minutes of the University Senate, November 11, 1974 — cont

We have two items of business to bring before you. One of them
is a recommendation to abolish an Institute. The Governing Regulations
charge the Senate with advising the President on the establishment,
alteration, or abolition of educational units and further defines I.
; Institutes as educational units.

The second item is a somewhat more complex one and deals with a
change in a number of Rules gf_the University Senate which are related
to changes in the Southern Association's Standard Nine. You should have
received circulations on both of these.


Chairman Smith recognized the Secretary of the Senate Council, Professor
Roger Eichhorn, who presented a motion to waive the 10-day stipulation in
the Rules in order to consider the two action items on the agenda.


The Senate approved the motion.

On behalf of the Senate Council Professor Eichhorn presented a motion
that the Senate recommend to the President the abolition of the Social Welfare 5%
Research Institute. This proposal had been circulated to the faculty under
date of November 7, 1974. Upon question, Chairman Smith explained the
reasoning which prompted this recommendation (contained in the above—mentioned
circulation dated November 7, 1974) following which the Senate approved the
motion to recommend to the President the abolition of the Social Welfare Research


Chairman Smith again called on Professor Eichhorn to present a motion
concerning proposed changes in the Rules to conform with the new "Standard
Nine" regulations. Professor Eichhorn called attention to some corrections
which needed to be made in the proposal that had been circulated to the faculty
under date of November 6, 1974, namely,


that the second paragraph under Section V-S, 2.12 should be corrected (at
the request of Dean Royster of the Graduate School) to read:

‘Wyji No credit will be given in the Graduate School or in the *5
professional colleges for courses done by correspondence. 2

“Q that Section V-6, 2.15 should list the maximum number of hours to be
earned by correspondence to be 30 rather than the incorrect 24.

Professor Eichhorn then presented a recommendation that the University Senate
approve the Rules changes, in the circulation dated November 6, 1974, and
corrected, namely, Section V, 2.12, 2.15, 2.2, and 4.1, for transmittal to
the Rules Committee for codification and editorial correction, the changes

to be effective immediately.


1 . With reference to the proposed change in Section V—12, 4.1, Professor Weil
.; H pointed out that under the proposed change it would be possible for a student
“ ‘ to take 30 of the last 36 hours of work for the degree at the University of
Kentucky by correspondence without having done any of his work at this Univer—
sity. He then offered an amendment that an additional statement he added to MD
that paragraph to the effect that none of these thirty (30) credits can be
taken by correspondence.


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Minutes of the University Senate, November 11, 1974 — cont 3923

A Senator stated that if there was something wrong with the correspondence
courses at the University, the Senate should do something about that rather

than discriminating against correspondence courses, per se; therefore, he was
against the proposed amendment.

Following extensive debate which centered around interpretation of Standard Nine,
interpretation of correspondence and extension courses, the quality of corresponn
dence courses, and the manner of determining that quality, the Senate defeated
the Neil amendment by a hand count of 72 to 42.

Dr. Sears presented an amendment to the main motion that the second paragraph
under 4.1, be amended to read:

For these reasons, for an undergraduate degree, a minimum of thirty
(30) non—correspondence credits for the degree must be taken from
the University, but not necessarily on the main campus.

Following further debate, Professor Gesund presented a motion to recommit the

entire package of proposed Rules changes to the appropriate Committee with the
request that it rewrite the proposed change in 4.1 Residence Reguirements, to

reflect the concerns expressed in discussions from the floor.


The Senate approved this motion.

The Senate adjourned at 4:05 p.m.

Kathryne W. Shelburne
Recording Secretary



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November 6, 1974

Members, University Senate
Senate Council

AGENDA ITEM: University Senate Meeting, Monday,
November 11, 1974. Changes in the Rules of the Uni-
versity Senate, Section V, 2.12, 2.15, 2. 2 and 4.1.


On December 13, 1972, the College Delegate Authority of the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools approved a newII'Standard Nine‘,l I

a series of regulations that require new policies and procedures at
each member institution engaged in "special activities "-— essentially
those involved in continuing education, extension, and correspondence
work. In June, 1973, Vice President Lewis W. Cochran appointed a
special 395.32 Committee chaired by Professor David K. Blythe, Col-
lege of Engineering, to address this University's particular actions

and responses as required under the new ”Standard Nine“ of the
Southern Association. That Committee filed its final report in Decem-
ber of 1973. Part A of the Blythe Committee Report recommended a
number of actions of an essentiallytmanagerialfinature such as use of
the continuing education unit to accountifor continuing education activi-
ties, the assignment of specific responsibilities to particular adminis—
trators in the course of continuing education work, and the like.

Part B of the Blythe Committee Report dealt with particular activities
associated with what has heretofore been known as extension course
work or extension credit. Since this area of the University's activities
is in large measure governed by the Rules of the University Senate,

the President transmitted the Blythe Report to the Senate Council with
a request that the Senate take appropriate action and make appropriate
recommendations in light of the actions of the Southern Association and
the analysis provided by the Blythe Committee. In March of 1974, the
Senate Council established a Joint Task Force with the Undergraduate
Council and the Graduate Council to review all necessary changes that
might be required in the Rules of the University Senate or of the various
colleges and the Graduate School. The Undergraduate Council and the
Graduate Council acted early this fall to recommend specific changes in
the Rules of the University Senate, which are attached to this document.




 Page 2
Senate Agenda Item: Standard Nine
November 6, 1974


The total effect of the various rules changes attached is to eliminate
any and all distinctions in the Rules of the University Senate and by
presumption in other operations of the University, between on-campus
or residence course work and off—campus or extension course work.
These actions will [£312 eliminate the distinction between either of the
foregoing kinds of instruction or educational activity and correspon-
dence course work \ Thus, if these rules changes are passed, there
will be only three official kinds of course work offered at the Univer-
sity (1) course work taken from the University, (2) corresponds
course work taken from the University, (3) continuing education work
taken from the University.

In considering these rules changes proposed to eliminate distinction
between extension work and residence work, it should be recalled

that at the present time, under our existing Administrative Regulations,
Governing Regulations, Rules of the University Senate and various col—
lege and department rules and regulations, all college credit courses
offered by the University via extension must be taught by faculty approved
in advance by the academic departments offering that course or subject
matter on the Lexington campus, and the students admitted to the courses
must meet the same standards for admission and retention as those who
are physically present on the campus. Further, the existing rules and
regulations require that courses taught offlcampus shall be of the same
academic quality as courses taught on campus, and that courses which
require unique resources such as library and laboratory facilities should
not be taught off the campus unless these resources can be provided on


The Senate Council, the Graduate Council, and the Undergraduate Council
recommend approval of the attached Rules changes subject to editorial
correction by the Rules Committee, effective immediately.


 Page 3
Attachment: Senate Agenda Item: Standard Nine
November 6, 1974

Section V, 2.12 (page V—5)


Change from:

2.12 Credit for Work Done by Extension and Correspondence:
Not more than thirty—two(32) credit hours required for an
undergraduate degree and not more than one—half of the re-
quirements for a major may be gained by extension or

: Change to:
2.12 Credit for Work Done by Correspondence:
Not more than thirty (30) credit hours of the total required
for an undergraduate degree may be gained by correspondence.
No more than one—third of the requirements for a major may
be gained by correspondence.

1 ‘/
of.“ ,‘):4 1‘.

(Next paragraph remains the same)

Section V, 2. 2 (page V—6)


2. 2 Student Load
((Delete references to extension courses in lines 3 and 8))

Section V, 2.15 (page V-é)


Change from:

2. 15 Other
No more than half of the credit towards an undergraduate degree
may be earned by any combination of special examinations,
College Board, Advanced Placement Examinations, the College
Level Examination Program, extension classes, or correspondence.
(The maximum that may be earned by extension and/or correspon—
dence is 32 hours.) (See 2.12, this Section.)

Change to: J

2. 15 Other
No more than half of the credit toward an undergraduate degree
may be earned by any combination of special examinations, College
Board Advanced Placement Examinations, The College Level
Examination Program, and correspondence courses. (The maximum
that may be earned by correspondence is 2’4 hours). (See 2.12, this
Section. ) ' :35»!

- 4


 Page 4

Attachment Senate Agenda Item: Standard Nine
November 6, 1974

Section V, 4.1 (page V—lZ)


Change from:


Residence Requirements:

For an undergraduate degree, regardless of the length of time

the student has attended the University, a minimum of thirty (30)

of the last thirty-six (36) credits presented for the degree must be
completed on the main campus of the University. This rule may be
waived for veterans provided they present at least thirty (30) credits
earned on the main campus.


Change to: i


Residence Requirements:

Having a University of Kentucky baccalaureate degree means,

among other things, that a certain amount of academic work has

actually been completed under the auspices of the University and

not some other institution. It is especially important that a sub—

stantial portion of work in the field of concentration be taken from
the University if a UK degree is to be claimed. Moreover, a

student should not be allowed to take the bulk of his academic work

from another institution, transfer to UK for the last few credit hours


lc‘mly, and’vclaim a UK degree.

For these reasons, for an undergraduate degree, a minimum of
thirty (30) of the last thirty- six (36) credits, presented for the
degree must be taken from the University, but no‘l’necessarily on
the main campus.

Any request for waiver by veterans or other students must be
presented for approval to the dean of the student's college.





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that time and s "LDjQCt to various changes in 1id111i11
thoi1ty and procedure ', the Director oi the Institute,
Wilbur, ' '" ' orts ard the Institute is under t.

ction of ‘ , — “ , ' ate School.

The Social Vv’eli’are Resear

certain interdisciplinary rc

optimize utilization of large anion;

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which initially supported the Insti'u‘

Dean 01 the Graduate School, after "m , 1 ‘ ' ate consuita
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can and will be c1iect1veiy addressee 111101191 other Inechanisnas an: that
‘th-‘re is no particular reason 10: the continued existence of the Institute.
A reconq'mendation has, therefore, heeei forwarded to President S1111ie—
tary that the Institute be discontinued.

The University Senate Standing Committee on Academic 0'10

and Stiuctuie has condu ctcd hearings and has ‘ 'stigatcd all iv>1i:rt:'1;‘11:1i11.
aspects of the Social W‘elfare Research I "‘1 They 911:1.ic’11111'1‘}; 111,111
that some outstanding research has been done and will continue '
nneer t1e direction 01 Professor Wilbur, and note that Pro1‘esso: \‘1'"1i.111_"



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