xt7fn29p5s73 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fn29p5s73/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1940-04-15  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 15, 1940 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 15, 1940 1940 1940-04-15 2020 true xt7fn29p5s73 section xt7fn29p5s73  


















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[he Univerflity Senate me










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the Curriculum Committee

March 1941 i as follows:

Eiucatlon ~ C. C. ;oss
Comme:ce - C. C. Carpenter 3
Law _ Amos H. Eble“
En~ineer1ng w BrinLlej Barnett
Agriculture ~ Statie Erikcon M
A3tt and Sciences: Wyn
Foreidn Languaves _ Hobart Ryland
Literat re, Philos-Dhy and the Arts — W. F. Jallawaf

r‘ "V
{in ‘u a

M 0 Fa. r1 an

». H; Weaver, Chairman

. Huntley Dunre ‘

The College of Arts

following changes in cour



Sciences recommends the aphroval of he







1n1 renorts.
r .# ~. .-. ‘ / 1 ‘ -. "
Zn Arv lléaWo. Encnlng (4 cr. eacn) to Art 110 8‘0, PrintHquan



cr. each)











University Senate — Anril 15, 1940

Art 1193, Print 1am ng (4 or.) Study of nri_nt proces se:3. Choice







of media: etching,11th31ronn/, etc. iight stuiio hours nnd weeklv
problems. Open only to advanced students noon noorovsl of instrun-

/ . . . . r m. 1
Art lloh. Pr1nt~ Making (4 cr ) Cont1nuat1on of llba. Light

studio hours and weekly nroolems. Open only to advanced students


upon apnroval of ins struct or

The Curriculum Committe ee recommends the approvnl of these changes
in Art courses.



The College of Arts and Sciences also recommends the apnrovsl of:
1. Social Work 21~, Treatment of the Individua l Offender (3 or) Sum-
mer S: on only The npnlication of case work principles in the

ss si
treatment of the offender under the varivu s settings of the correc~

The Committee finds no significant dunlicatijn end re commends
the epprOVal of Social Work 218 for as long as Outside funds are
aW ilaole to pa y the cost of teaching the course. I

2. Social Work 240, Principles of Social Group Work (3 or.) Summer
Session only. A critical study of the theories and practices of



social group work. Program building applications will be taken
from the field of Kentucky folk music, go 5 and dances.

The Committee finds no significant duplication and recommends
the apprOVal of the course with the following changes from the Arts
and Sciences recommendation: (1) The number shall be 140 instead
of 240. (2) The statement "open to graduate students or to persons
with experience in that field, with consent of the instructor shall
be added to the description." These changes are mede with the con—
sent of Dr. Palmer.

The College of Arts and Sciences recommends the HDDIOVQl of
Social WOrk _39 An Introduction to the Princinles of Social Case
Wor: Bfl or , An elementary course ~designed for persons in prof'e5*
sions other than social work. Admission restricted to graduate stu—



dents or experienxd persons from allied professions.

The Committee finds no adequate demand for this course and there~
fore recommends that it be disapproved.

The Colleg 3e of Arts and Scien nces recommends the anorovnl of
Music 51, Music in Community Livir mg (2 cr. ) This course is to deal
nrimarily with an "interoretetion of the nursuit of music and of mu-
siCal techniques and materials in the light of rural cultural and


community organization and as a part of the characteristic attitude
of rural people toward life in general and the arts in particular.
The practical goal, as far as musiCHl subject matter is concerned,
inclides the dc velopment of concentions which will enable the stu—
dent to ha.ve a better understanding of how to foster enjoyment of the
musical arts in a rure 1 community, and a study of the techninues of
the setting no and teaching of' musical activities which peoole will




Xinutes of



in eo€wr ~s the Committ s has been able to determine from the 0:1

V '1'., ems I.“ :“
ne‘e demnun or Lflls course ior ool—

The Co11eg: of Acriculture recommends the soorovnl of “wronomv 1
_) c) ' .






‘ / \ . ._ ‘ ‘ L : ~,H L. >. 0,.
191, Needs \3 er.) The lower: nee, Characteristh., chflulflC¢ElOu2



, end control of weeis, with emnhesis on identification and control
1 of Kentuegv wee s. Lee:ures and discussions, 3 hours. PrereouiCLtes:
g ‘ Lot *nr lb, or eouiveuent end oermiesion cf inst W1C r.

he Committee recommends the ntorov l or this ccuzse.

v ,




cammend t on of the Committee was sooroved as it none are in the

above r











The fo llowing recommendatizn from a "neciwl cammitt ee of the Student Legis~
lature was read to the Senwte:
“The following resolution was DEE nimiusly adopted by the Stu— '
1eflt Legislature on Februrrw C, 19402 1
“ .herews the ”Luden: legislature is the duly~eleeted reoresente~ 1
'NLiW‘; tive organization of the entire student body, therefore: I
WW? 1
”lielwii‘ ‘Te it resolved that, any junior, senior, or graduate student
1:11 3‘ who has made e standing of 2.2 or higher for e semes er may be
‘11 given the orivilege of ootional class attendanCe without pen~
ifijfl elty of any kind for the succ eedin;a semester. A student de~
fit; ‘ si2ing such nrivilege shall eooly to the Registrar‘s Office Wni '
t Eht ob+ein from that office a ceruificate of eligibility for this 1
1T1 Drivilegen'



”W11 In the light of overwhelming stuien t sentiment in lavor of thi


DrOUOSfil, the Studeit Legislature humbly reamies s that the Univcrsity
Senate render this matter just consideration.




1 V .

”Yul Mark Earris, Chairman of Com'

The Senate vote ed torefer this netition to the Rules Committee for a fu~
ture re commenda ion to the Senate.



On motion by Professor Morris Scherago, duly seconded, the Senate voted
1 that its Chairman anooint a committee to study the schedule of classes,
3 with a View to Droviding the fewest conflicts and the greatest amount of

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