xt7fn29p5n92 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fn29p5n92/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-12-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 1987 1987 1987-12-02 2020 true xt7fn29p5n92 section xt7fn29p5n92 EC

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v :3.






‘ Kentucky wins second straight, beats
‘gl Cincinnati 101477. SEE PAGE 8.





Society becoming insensitive
to horrors of life. SEE PAGE 6.



Today: Cloudy
Tomorrow: Cloudy, 40$





Speeches begin

lobbying push

Editorial Editor

Durirg the early '705, State Rep.
Ernesto Scorsone remembers when
students were fighting for the right
to have a voting student member on
each of the state's universities’
board of trustees.

Because the students effectively
lobbied state officials, a voting stu-
dent member was placed on each

Scorsone told a group of about 30
students from four state universities
yesterday at the UK Faculty Club
that he hopes they are just as en-
ergetic as the students of the ‘705

Yesterday‘s event marked the
kickoff of the UK Student Govern-
ment Association ‘5 lobbying effort.

David Botkins, co-chairman of
SGA's lobbying effort, said he was
satisfied with the event, though he
would have liked to have seen a
larger turnout among UK students.
“It’s really refreshing to see stu-
dents who are concerned with edu-
cation in our state,“ he said.

With higher education facing a
budget shortfall of about 89.4 mil-
lion, Scorsone said it is imperative
that students across the state join
together to lobby the General As»
sembly for higher education.

When the Kentucky Council on
Higher Education was considering a
midyear tuition increase earlier this
fall, Scorsone said the opposition

the first

for program

Staff Writer

The College for Living Program
awarded certificates to 19 retarded
people last night upon completion d
a semester of classes at UK.

The program, which is run
through the Bluegrass Association
For Retarded Citizers, enables peo-
ple with mild to moderate retarda-
tion to attend classes in a college
setting, said Coordinator Laurie

Although the College for Living
Program is already established in
Paducah, Louisville and Frankfort.
this is the first year it has operated
on the UK campus, Kanfonen said.
Participants range in age from i8 to

“We were real pleased when we
got 19 (students)," she said. “We

Agencies in the Lexington area
saw the need for recreational activ-
ities and the teaching of functional
skills to retarded persons, Kanfonen
said. The University provided rooms
for the students to meet once a week
for classes.

This semester the program of-
fered a cooking class, which taught
safety skills and the preparation of
meals, and a course titled “What to
Do, Where to Turn," which em-
phasized proper action in emergen-

voiced by the state's college stu-

dents was an encouraging sign.
“That‘s a lesson for us advocates

of higher education,” he said. “That

activism has worked in the past and

it can work in the future.”

Before Scorsone spoke to the

crowd, State Sen. Mike Moloney,
chairman of the appropriations and
revenue committe, told the students
that the prospects for higher educa-
tion funding are not bright, but if
students join together, the problem

Scorsone, a member of the house
education committee, said one way
to raise revenue for higher educa-
tion is by conforming to the federal
tax code. Gov.-elect Wallace Wilkin-
son said during his gubernatorial
campaign that he was against hav-
ing the state conform to federal

Scorsone said one issue relating to
higher education is already being
discussed by lawmakers in the se-
lection process for the appointment
of members of board of trustees.

“Probably this biennium has illus-
trated the need for a strong board of
trustee members," he said.

For too long, Scorsone said, ap-
pointments to boartk have been po-
litical. What needs to be established
is a citizen community committee
that would review and screen pro-
spective BOT members and then
make recommendations to the gov-

See UK. Page 5


MARK mos Kernel Staff

Kentucky Governor Martha Layne Collins was honored yesterday
— one week before her term ends — at a Lexington reception

CLAY OWEN/Kernel Sta”

Louise Roselle presents a certificate of accomplishment last night
to a graduate of UK's College for Living Program.

cy situations. After these classes,
participants took part in arts activ-
ities such as music, drama and

“They‘ve loved coming to UK and
being in college," Kanfonen said. “A
lot of them have seen brothers and
sisters go to college, and they con-
sider this their turn."

The program will continue next
semester with courses in money
management and communications
skills, Kanfonen said. “We try to
teach skills they can use," she said.
Students who participated this fall
may continue with the program for
as long as they want.

“I loved it," said Billy Martin. “I
liked the cooking class best. I‘ll be
back next year.”

“It‘s been pretty good, a lot of
fun,“ said Bruce Anderson, another
student in the program.

The five teachers in the program,
four of whom are UK students, vol-
unteered for their positions. Robin
Spiller, a social work major who will
graduate in December, taught the
cooking and dance class. “It’s been
fun," she said. “I‘ve really enjoyed
it. It’s been rewarding."

“They’re geat classes," said stu-
dent Allen Bryant. “I’ve met nice

people. "

Louise Roselle, wife of UK presi-
dent David Roselle, attended the re-
ception in the Student Center to
hand out the certificates to the par-
ticipants. “I think this is a wonder-
ful program," she said. “l'm so glad
UK is able to participate in it. I’m
happy for (the students). The
Bluegrass Association deserves
credit for starting the program

Soap star can’t patch up agreement;
SAB says speaker too expensive

Staff Writer

Steve Nichols, who stars as Steve
“Patch" Johnson on ”Days of Our
Lives," will not be coming to UK
after all.

The Student Activities Board last
night wted not to bring Nichols here
after his undisclosed appearance
price almost doubled to nearly


lacy 0gbum, SAB performing
arts committee chairwoman, said a
spokupersm for Nichols alluded in
a phone conversation yesterchy to
the requirements of firstclass air-
fare, an attended stay and other
"extr'as" wileh would have in-
creased the cost of brimim Nichols


week‘s meeting whether or not to
brim the actor as a speaker spon-
sored by Ogbum’s committee.
Ogbum said Nichols‘ price was too
high and postponed the board's vote
on bringing him or any other actors
pending more study on the project.

She said she will now investigate
bringing other actors, possibly from
New York instead of [as Angeles,
where “Days" is filmed. Ogburn
less expensive and easier to work

"I'm trying to do mil-e research
into getting a soap opera star with-
out all these little hidden diarges,"
she said.

Nichols is part of a travelim
group of soap actors that speak on

college campuses. The actors dis-
cuss the choosing of their profession
as well as its benefits and disadvan-

Ogburn said she would discuss
other possibilities in her (pen com-
mittee meeting 5 pm. Thursday in
204 Student Center.

“It’s an idea i know they (the
committee) want, but we're just
going to lave to reorganize it," she

Elizabeth Bushong, SAB secre-
tary/treasurer, agreed that Nicholii‘
price was too high.

“It needs to be lower, because
people aren’t gong to pay ma'e
than $7 to see lam," she said. “Even
though he is popular. there ins to be
a stqipirg point.“


Wednesday. December 2, 1987

Event marks start

of Collins’

News Editor

As UK Donovan Scholar Othello
Punphrey sang the words “Weep no
more my lady, weep no more
today," from “My Old Kentucky
Home," Gov. Martha Layne Collins
wept anyway. This was one of the
last times she‘d hear that song as
governor of Kentucky.

it was 2 pm, the end of Lexmgton
Mayor Scotty Baesler‘s appreciation
luncheon for Collins. One week from
that moment, give or take 10 min-
utes, Collins will step down as gov-
ernor of Kentucky and Wallace Wil~
kinson will be sworn in.

The inauguration will take place

The luncheon, which took place
yesterday in the Fayette County
Government Center. honored ('ollins
for her contributions to both the
state and Fayette County.

Present were about 150 people. iii-
cluding members of her cabinet. the
legislature and members of State
boards and commissions.

“I'm thankful we had the kind oi
support we had in Frankfort,"
Baesler said of Collins‘ administrue
tion. "1 think all politicians in public
life, like you tCollinsv, like to think
that they have made a difference

. I think that Gov. Collins has
made a difference."

Baesler complimented the govcr
nor, pointing out a statewide "atti

last week

tude change" as one of the most pus
itive aspects of her administration

“There‘s an attitude that we're on
the move . . . and there's an attitude
that this state is better than it was
in 1983,” he said.

(‘ollins herself attributed a lot of
importance to that change."ln the
end. «the attitude changeSl might he
more important than any other ac-
complishment we've made.” she

To commemorate that optimism.
Baesler presented Collins with a col-
lage comprised of headlines and
photos of activities that took place
while (‘ollins was in office

“it does bring back some great
memories.” Collins said. “We didn‘t
just sit in Frankfort. we went out
and worked with the people."

And as a result of that work. (‘ol-
lins said that people in the state now
understand the link between educa~
tion and economic development.

“Kentuckians know now that we
can compete anyplace over anything
with anyone." she said. “i want us
to continue looking to the future ”

As for the future of Fayette (‘ounv
ty. Baesler said his attitude is post
tivc. “i think we‘ll continue to have
a good relationship in Frankfort and
i'm looking forward to working with
Gov. Wilkinson.” he said.

And once Wilkinson takes office.
Collins said she will make her home
in lpxington for a while "A week
from now I'm going to be gone. lot
going to be coming to Lettington ‘

Ground behind McVey broken
for new UK robotics facility

Staff reports

UK formally broke ground yester»
day morning for its Center for R0-
botics and Manufacturing Systems.

The center, scheduled to open in
June 1989, will be located on campus
behind McVey Hall.

Gov. Martha Layne Collins was on
hand to take part in the ground-

“This center brings together the
goals of over five administrations,"

Collins said. “It means a better edu
cation system, period."

Collins said the center will bring a
“very. very bright future for the
state of Kentucky.”

Later in the day. Collins told a
group of about 150 people at a recep-
tion held in her honor by Mayor
Scotty Baesler that the center will
“act as a magnet to tbringi morc

Last year the state General A.»
sembly approved more than (Slit mil
lion to be allocated toward the con
struction of the center. Ten million
dollars of that was t-ariiiarkcd for
construction costs with the remain
der intended for operating costs

The center currently has a staff of
‘35 professors from various depart-
ments ill [K [t is directed by Wil
ham (iruvcr.

Reagan says more arms agreements
necessary, criticizes detente period

Associated Press

dent Reagan pledged yesterday to
“keep right on marching" toward
further arms agreements after next
week‘s expected treaty signing, but
he said the United States must not
be lulled into a new period of de-
tente allowing a secret \Soviet mili-
tary buildup.

Less than a week before his sum-
mit meeting with Soviet leader Mik-
hail Gorbachev, Reagan had harsh
words for that period of broadly im-
proved relations with the Soviet

“More than a decade ago. there
was a warming in U.S.—Soviet affairs
that we called ‘detente.’ But while
talking friendship, the Soviets
worked even faster at the largest
military buildup in world history.
They stepped up their aggression
around the world. They became
more repressive at home. We do not
want mere words. This time we‘re
after true peace," Reagan said.

“in the excitement of the summit,
the treaty signing and all the rest,
we must not forget that peace

means more than arms reduction."
he said.

in a speech to high school seniors
and their parents in JileSOllVlllf‘
Veterans' Memorial Coliseum. Rea—
gan said he and Gorbachev will
“have words about Soviet expansio-
nism" during their three days of
meetings in Washington.

And he told one of the students
during a question-and-answer ses-
sion later that in his talks with Gor-
bachev he might find himself “bend—
ing his ear" on what Reagan said
was a need for religious freedom
and other reforms in the Soviet

One student also asked Reagan to
defend his “Star Wars" space-based
missile defense plan. prompting the
president to compare it to ”a gigan-
tic gas mask.“

Reagan recalled that gas masks
were retained after poison gas was
outlawed. The Strategic Defense ini-
tiative, he said. was "a gigantic gas
mask and maybe . . the thing that
could bring about the end of nuclear

The president made no reference
in his speech to Gorbachev's hour,
long NBC television interview on

Food stand opened near

Staff Writer

Hungry students waiting for the
bus in cold weather may have some
relief in sight.

UK Food Services recently set up
a temporary food stand at the bus
stop on the mthwest side of Com-
monwsalth Stadium, said UK Food
Directa' Robert Braun.

The food stand, donated by (‘oca-
Coia, sells doughnuts and coffee to
campus commuters who would bene-
fit well from this service during
their wait, Braun said. Set up Mon-
day, the stand will be observed as
“kind of a test" to see if students
are receptive to this type of service.

it will serve students up through
the middle of fimls week. Business

Monday night Asked what he
thought of the Smici leader's prc
scntation. Reagan said. “i have had
a respect for him ever since i met

When one student asked if ltcagan
was worried that Gorbachev's ap
parent popularity in the West would
make the American people more re
ceptive to communism. the presi-
dent replied, “l have more faith in
the American people than that "

As for his own feelings. Reagan
said. “i don‘t resent his popularity
or anything else." The president.
referring to his days as an actor.
joked. “Good Lord, 1 costarred with
Errol Flynn once.‘

When another student asked the
president what advice he would like
to give to Gorbachev. Reagan re-
plied. “To really stick to his pro-
gram of glasnost." or more open»
ness in society. and "to make their
country like ours — a place that p90~
ple don‘t want to leave."

Of particular importance. he said.
would be “when the day comes that
the people of the Soviet Union can
worship God in the way they want


has been kind of slow. but Braun ex-
pects it to pick up after the service
gets some exposure Although the
stand‘s fate is debatable, it could be-
come a permanent building depend-
ing on how well it goes over, Braun

He said a survey taken of students
going through this stop gave favor-
able resporne to the idea. He felt the
stand‘s [sentence was justified «hie to
the amomt of bus traffic there.


 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Wedneedev. December 2. in?


INXS new LP kicks, screams
with sound of concert fervor

Staff Critic


Beginning with the surprise suc-
cess of the '86 album Listen Like
Thieves, and continuing with the re-
lease of the best party song of sum-
mer '87, “Good Times" from The
Lost Boys soundtrack, INXS has
been on an incredible roll. They
seemed primed and ready for a fall.
Surely the money, drugs, booze and
wild women would take away any
bite this band had.

Well, it didn‘t happen. With KICK,
the seventh album from this Stonesy
Australian group, they have created
a rarity. a genuinely good follow-up
to a breakthrough album. From the
James Brown grunts on “Guns in
the Sky" to the Jaggeresque hiccup
py vocals on KICK. this album
speeds along with nary a bad tune.

Side 1‘s jagged razoredge guitars.
compliments of Andrew and Tim
Farriss, never let lead singer Mi-
chael Hutchence relax. He‘s forced
to strain and slide with a fervor that
makes these sound like concert re-
cordings. INXS has always been one

Erlli Reece
Arts Editor



The gristle~tough riffs on KICK and the first
single "Need You Tonight” sound like nothing
else but classic Keith Richards, and in all
honesty, KICK sounds like the album the
Stones have been trying but failing to make

between arguments for the last 1 0 years.

great performance band with even
their weaker material taking on new
power onstage.

Hutchence is the kind of singer
that strikes fear into the hearts of
parents of American teen- -age girls.
Brash and foulmouthed on stage, he
whips females into the kind of or-
giastic frenzy that hasn‘t been seen
since Jim Morrison died in a
drugged orgy in '71. With this album
they have transferred that energy to
vinyl, even more so than with Listen
Like Thieves and its t0p-10 entry
"What You Need,"

“Mediate" proves Hutchence owns
a pretty good thesaurus with its
rhyme-hugging lyrics and chanting
cadence. The gristle-tough riffs on
KICK and the first single “Need You

University of Kentucky


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Wednesday, December 9, (Brass)

Come to Room 33
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Encapsulated revlews for

easy dlgestlon.
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- A merry Christmas

E to you and those you hold
‘ most dear! Thanks for
your continued support.

From the

Kernel Staff


Tonight’ sound like nothing else but
classic Keith Richards, and in all
honesty, KICK sounds like the
album the Stones have been trying
but failing to make between argu-
ments for the last 10 years.

“New Sensation‘ is the best song
among a lot of good ones. Its non
semical lyrics hypercool backup
singers (who must be black or they
wouldn’t sound this good), and Hut-
chence's dead-on bad-ass reading
make this song a standard waiting

What it comes down to is that
KICK is the ass-kicking release of
the year. If you need a good wa-
keup, a.k.a. a good butt-kicking, and

Staff reports

The Little Saints have done
their damdest to break out of the
frat rock stigma.

With their debut LP, Slapping
Houses, they have reached out of
the “southern rock“ mold to de—
liver a rock style that veers into


Music About Life

Little Saints is touring to support their debut LP, “Slapping Houses."

Little Saints at Breeding’s tonight


The Columbia Record of South
Carolina says the
have more in common with the
Deep South of Flannery O’Connor
and William Faulkner than Don-
nie Van Zant and Greg A]-

Slapping Houses bears this out
with “A Rose for Emily," 3 song
named after a Faulkner short

The Little Saints will be at
Breedings tonight as part of the
series of touring bands sponsored
by Miller Genuine Draft. Cover is

British ballads, folk and

“Little Saints



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won’t be disappointed.



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Join the UKSGA in Celebrating
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Roselle (UK President’s Wife)
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gram, and Reception



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Associated Press

BOSTON — A reprsentative of a
major tobacco company has ac-
knowledged that smoking is related
to cancer, heart and lung disease,
an admission that could substantial-
ly improve the chances of suits
against tobacco manufacturers, an
anti-smoking group said yesterday.

Members of the Tobacco Products
Liability Project at Northeastern
University Law School said the ad-
mission was disclosed in a govern-
ment memo which the group ob-
tained under the Freedom of
Information Act.

A spokesman for R.J. Reynoltk
Tobacco Co. disputed the memo’s

According to the two-page memo,
Peter Hutt, firmer Food and Drug
Administration general counsel and
now a Reynolds attorney, said dur-
ing a meeting with Surgeon General

Black auth

Associated Press

Black author James Baldwin, who
became an articulate and some-
times angry voice decrying racism
in the United States through his nov-
els, plays and poetry, died in the
hilltop town on the Mediterranean
where he took refuge “from the

Baldwin, 63, died of stomach can-
cer on Monday night, his publisher

His best known works included
“Go Tell It on the Mountain,“ his
first novel, published in 1953; “Notes
of a Native Son," “Evidence of
Things Not Seen,“ and most recent-
ly, “Harlem Quartet.”

France was Baldwin‘s adopted
country and he lived here for 40
years, the last 16 in St. Paul de
Vence. For the man who once urged

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C. Everett Koop and Dwartment of
Health and Human Services officials
that the “three major health prob
lems related to smoking were can-
cer, chronic lung disease and heart

The private meeting was held
Sept. 14 in connection with Rey-
nolds’ announcement of a new, low-
tar cigarette, said the memo written
by Dr. Ronald M. Davis, director of
the Office of Smoking and Health of
the national Centers for Disease


Davis wrote that he was “sur—
prised" when Hutt said smoking was
related to heart and lung disease
and cancer.

“I asked if his explanation of the
health benefits that he attributed to
the new cigarette was part of the
press conference briefing earlier
that day. He said that it was not,
and in effect asked not to be quoted
as saying that smoking was hazard-

blacks to go out and kill whites,
Frame was “a refuge away from
the madness of America.“

His life here, he once said, “was
an ongoing love affair."

In Chicago, the Rev. Jesse Jack-
son called Baldwin “a great source
of inspiration for that generation . . .
a prolific and sensitive writer . . . a
great advocate of personal and ra-
cial freedom."

Maya Angelou, author of "1 Know
Why The Caged Bird Sings," said in
a telephone interview, “I spoke to
him the day after Thanksgiving . . .
We laughed together, reminded each
other how much we loved each

“I think he will be remembered as
one of the great writers of the 20th
century . . . I think that he will be
remembered for his courage, an in-
credible oourage, at once to see and


Kentucky Kernel, Wedneedey,0ecember 2.1987 — 3

Tobacco spokesman admits smoking hazard


ous. I told him I wouldn‘t quote him
in public," Davis wrote.

In a letter delivered Monday to
Davis and Richard Daynard, a pro-
fessor at Northeastern Law School
and founder of Tobacco Products
Liability Project, Hutt called the
memo “inaccurate“ and said it did
not correctly report what he said at
the meeting.

Hutt said in his letter that when he
mentioned the link between smoking
and disease, he prefaced his re-
marks by stating that “critics of cig-
arettes" associated smoking with
health problems, but that he was not
expressing the opinion of the tobac-
co company. He also denied asking
Davis not to quote his remarks.

A secretary at Hutt‘s Washington
law office said he would be unavail-
able for comment until Dec. 7.

Reynolds said the memo‘s release
“represents another attempt by Pro-
fessor Daynard to divert attention
from the fact that tobacco products

then the courage to say what he

The newspaper Le Monde de-
scribed him as “a conscience in re-

Baldwin decided early on that his
pen would be his most effective
weapon against racism and into]-

In the early 19605, he argued that
blacks must save whites from their
own, selfdestructive insensitivity.
In the 19705, he urged that blacks
seize power from whites.

“Black people don't believe any-
thing white people say anymore."
Baldwin said in an interview with
The Associated Press in 1983.

Baldwin‘s only French literary
prize came posthumously. The Asso-
ciation for the Renewal of Franco—
American Friendship yesterday
awarded its first prize to Baldwin

The memo's release “represents another
attempt by Professor Daynard to divert attention
from the fact that tobacco products liability
cases have been soundly rejected by juries and

courts nationwide.”

spokesman for R.J. Reynolds tobacco company


liability cases have been soundly re-
jected by juries and courts nation-

Davis said yesterday
stands by his memo.

“I am absolutely sure that what i
said was correct and what Mr. Hutt
says now is incorrect," said Davis.
“I remember very clearly how he
approached this part of the dis-
cussion. He said something about
‘Let‘s not play games with words.“'

that he

for his contribution to arts and let-
ters, business and politics.

In 1986, President Francois Mitter-
rand named him to the Legion of
Honor. France's highest honor.
"Getting this award from the coun-
try that l adopted means France has
adopted me,“ Baldwin later said.

Sol Stein. president of Stein & Day
publishers. said his friendship with
Baldwin dated to high school days in
New York City. He said he was
there when Baldwin received an au-
thor‘s biographical questionnaire
from Alfred Knopf. publisher of “Go
Tell It on the Mountain."

“He couldn't stand the idea of
filling in the blanks." Stein said, so
he turned the questionnaire over and
wrote an impromptu essay about his
life. Stein said that essay became

Another government official at the
meeting, J. Michael McGinniss of
the Office of Disease Prevention and
Control, confirmed Davis‘ account.
saying Hutt “expressed his opinion
that there was a link between smok-
ing and disease."

Daynard‘s group accused Rey-
nolds officials of telling reporters at
a news conference the day of the
meeting that “We don‘t think
current products are unsafe" while

the first chapter of "Notes of a Na.

Small, wiry. witty and With a Gal-
lic zest for life. Baldwin was born on
Aug. 2. 1924 in Harlem. the son of a
preacher. The eldest of nine chil-
dren. he grew up amid growing ra»
cial tensions. fear and hatred. His
father ordained him as a minister
when he was 12. but he later lost his

His concern for blacks in the Unit-
ed States never wavered. although
his advocacy of violence waned.

Baldwin said in 1983 that integra-
tion was a failure: that Rev. Martin
Luther King Jr. probably died in
vain: equal opportunity meant a
"handful of niggers in the window'."
black-run cities were political ghet-
tos dependent on state and federal
power. and black people had better

at the same time acknowledgirg
(larger to federal officials in an at-
tempt to gain credibility and avoid
negative comments from the gov-

The youp said manufacturers are
forbidden under common law to tell
the public that their products are
safe when they know that they may

Hutt‘s remarks undermine the in-
dustry‘s traditional defense in prod-
uct liability cases that “science has
not yet established that cigarette
smoking is a cause of cancer," the
group said. That may assist people
suing the industry over various ail-
ments linked to smoking.

The tobacco industry has long
taken the position that there is no
scientific proof linking smoking to
heart disease, lung disease or can-
cer. according to Brennan Moran, a
spokeswoman for the Tobacco lnsti-

or James Baldwin dies at 63 from stomach cancer

take care of themselves because “no
one else is going to do it "

His last novel. "Harlem Quartet."
published this year. was about life in
the 1950s llarlem jazz clubs

in 1986, he published “Ewdence of
Things Not Seen." a book based on
the slayings of 29 black children and
young adults from 1979 to 1981 in At-

Baldwin called the book “the
hardest thing 1 ever tried to write “
in it he painfully came to terms with
the kind of racial selllhatred that
was believed to have motivated
Wayne Williams. convicted of two of
the killings.

Funeral services will be held in
New York on Friday. said Bernard
Hassalle, Baldwin‘s longtime com~













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