xt7fn29p5n7w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fn29p5n7w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-11-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1985 1985 1985-11-11 2020 true xt7fn29p5n7w section xt7fn29p5n7w I I
\‘r , ~ 4 4- .n.‘ , .~ HM W, . ‘ 4 .4 - ' . 4 , . ,. .42 4- 4., 4 4 .4. ..4 .. 4 .. . ~ 4- . ‘ ‘
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CHE preposes hikes '
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F‘ in UK tuition rates ~-
‘5 ‘L ’ 4 '. 4- ,~ ' A
““1 s, 'r. g "4‘;‘.
g,- r415 passes strategic plan :--
-. . ‘54:..- 4 .4 4‘4 xiii.»
. \ :4 .' , “. 3,. -_
. I ‘_ , ‘ ' I.’ 3) MARK R. (‘HELLGREN mitted to Gm \lartha lawn-It Mlliiis ‘ I‘l 1‘14“"; {:5
X ‘ 4, AssociatedPress and NJ be si-ruivrizeo n4 ‘m- with ., ,I --.'4-‘
4 . 4. ' . General Assembly .5 1e.» gin-«1 to ‘4 .-,;I
‘ I I . .‘ . . FRANKFURT _, Students at UK get funding for higher Mutation :n : li-s' " I'I
' .4'4 ' .. and the University of Louisvtlle may Kentucky up ‘0 the “m“ "W m" ‘. _=.' - 4‘3-
; ‘ 4. .. I .4 3* . . ."/ ‘0 face substantial increases m the cost legislature approyeti i. gummpli - f ‘ 54 j.-I,
’ ~— g ‘ Y ‘ “ >1. of their education over the next two several years ago 'tI- 4 ;‘ “-.‘..4‘
. - vears, ' '~ . .
o v JQIY' _ . . The t‘ounCil on Higher Education The budget. mini is 444.4 4 ll $41.4 'c‘r ‘3 ‘ i'l" “4
. .. , . ' .~' ‘ Friday approved a new tuition million in two-8T and W4 rr“‘i=or4 4;' ' i a
. ,5"-“~:“"’"?’-,=." \ a schedule. passed a budget request of the tOHOWmE flst‘ul )an :4444 r '4 '. ‘ -", ‘ 4'
~ 4 . I Q. . some $1.063 billion and adopted a higher education at 4... ;»~4 4 .44 4‘ "‘ _ .‘
. ( 4.4.;4.".j.,4./.a ‘ . 9 'I ' .‘ five-year strategic plan that has the formula. a compim 44 44 4f ,4“ l a
w x / "SI-"I . - ~ / been hotly' debated for several computations based til .44 ..' ff . 4;' - . 4‘
"’1‘ ' ‘V ‘ ‘ 4 4' ‘ ' - months funding in surroundmt: '4 .i ' ‘ ' ‘- 7.
.4 ,. _- , ' ,. ‘ l J ' The tuitions differ for Kentucky VarlCIyOfOlhef‘l'l‘llt‘rln ‘2"
o ‘. r I ' "" ‘ ‘ reSidents and outofstate students . . 4I ‘4;-l ‘
.. ~ ‘ _ . . ’ , _ ‘ depending on what school they at- Lniversnies m K'V‘l’” '\ "= ' l. .. 4,
Q \ g . ‘ ‘I . If . ‘ tend and whether they are under budgets m” “1”" “5'- 5“" - V 4‘ .' " ' 5.
\4‘ t - 4 fi‘i- 4‘: .?~';I‘.I- graduates. graduate students or in a 5439 “who” are "um“: 4 -“ "' ‘ " f ‘. . ~.
a? . V 4 5‘4 ' professional program such as medi- abouth) percenmfm‘4'” ' - -‘ ‘ . 4 ‘ " 4
1- , 4 v.43“; cineorlaw. 5 3 -‘ -. ~.
. ,4- , 7. ‘1? , ' The largest tuuion increases will A major plank ”l" ‘7‘“ ‘ ' ‘ ' 4‘ ‘ . -‘
. . - p- .4 if“; / be at the state‘s [“40 largest schools. plan involves full funanig .; :44 4 on . ‘ ' '
_..‘ 4 ; 1,; ~ $343.34? L'K and L' Of L. thth 5ma|]er m. umverSlt)‘ preSldelltS mat: 4m.” j .‘\. , 4 4:
‘4’ _. . ‘41:; -_’ ‘2, creases at the regional schools and members “3"“ agreeri 4‘ l-N- ‘ . “ -' ;.
\ . If . to." . @I \ community colleges tal to improving higher t‘t".l4’ :' 4 - _ 4. , ' .
f 1; ‘ X w. i U Tuition for Kentucky undergrad- hemmk‘ ,4','. x '
~ .4 4.44. 2; _ . ‘ , uate students at L‘K and t‘ of L will . i ' ' 4 -.
‘ 4 K "i . ,..4 ‘ ' ‘ . go from the current 5572 per semes- The plan has unlit-mun 4. . «.1: - ‘ “ '. ‘l
4.. ‘ . “I V . 4: . “I. ‘ ter to $620 next year and $660 the changes and was appioim: : 44: u - ‘4 V, -"‘
4 -‘-j 4 . ‘ 5‘“ _ . next Tiiition for instate graduate Clplelast month ‘ .7 ‘ . ’.
. x 2‘. ‘ - “ . ‘ '3 2‘5 fl ,4 A students. which is currently $630 per .4‘ ‘ ‘ '. , . ’ 4 ,
e ‘4 4‘ . 4 . " “f” ' ' L . ’ ,4; semester. will increase by $50 each (50unc11 member At smut, M4, . 4 4
. . .44» , .t . 4%,» 4 . 4 4a, 4 1n wfi year for the next two years; COS! for chaired a committee ”ml phi ‘h- . . ‘ ' ‘
. “""°” """'"’°” professional students will go up ““3! ”WW-’5 "n ”‘9 lulltllmw ' '4' l‘ ‘ ‘ ‘4 ‘
Vandy-Ilzed | about $200 each fall during the two- plan. admitted that it do” or: 4- =_ . 4. 4: ‘
yegrtpeglod. f d farassomewouldlikc ‘ 4- ' 4'
. . . u 0 state tuition or on er rad» 4 4 ‘ ‘
:Znugh;IIjng2?A:;:teer/CZ?SI:TI: drags VondErbilt linebacker AIr- over the Wildcats 3l-24 Saturday. dimming UK s hopes of o uates and graduates at UK andgl' of The plan "disappimb this. 4 - ‘. , .‘
g a pass in t e Commodores wtn bowl bid. For the game story, see poge3. l. ultimately will increase from the “Sh W a FWWplhfi 4".“‘l‘é442 4'4I>I4 '4 ‘ .‘ ,
- current $1.71? and 31.889 to $1.980and 0‘ higher education \m-‘h ' , . 4 .~ ‘,.
$2.190.respectively . 4,, , . ,, ,. 4 , _ ~‘ ‘ .. 5'
O 0 g 0 Tuition at community colleges for 0 fiut 5‘34“: 7‘1? WI 74“.” ‘, f ”I ' . - 4. " ’ 3
10121 5 move to reserve Clifton (Zircle 44
current $260 per semester to $270 a an ‘ mu. ‘K n““"““ ‘ ‘4 “.' 4.
next fallandWthefollowingyear. Couiicn member bare llist .44tt4ti “ “ ’ 4
By TIM JOHNSON next spring, said Jack Blanton. vice over the possibility of paying Clifton around. ' said Bill Pieratt llirector ”mo.“ at the 9x other four-year for the plan. but said ‘ht‘ "6‘34"- ‘ '4‘“ I . T ‘ '
Senior Staff Writer chancellor for administration (‘ll’clc a proposal mentioned in a ()ft‘ampus recreation. universities w‘“ rise from the cur- 9553“} “k“ ‘t ‘1 “a" “’4" "1"“14‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
“It's all ifly right not.” islanton catnpwwnh public. iIUlr'Ht‘H’lL’N One idea. which 4M.» \l.:4tiissed rent $442 per semester to $470 and disagreement With parts it 4' 4m- : “, " .' 4
Because of increased student op< said. “If we got the money and au- plan about five vears ago. included tlood- then M . . . 5310 4 ~ ‘ 4 ,
posnion, the pavmg of Clifton (‘ircle thorlzatlon. campus recreation and Administrators hate maintained ing the big oval during the winter {Th9 higher tUltionstdl partially . 4 ‘ " ‘4 ’4 ‘
park for additional campus parking certain administrators would domde the position that paving the park months and turning it into a ice 3‘58; the need ‘0‘} sonIiIe IGeneral h Sage 3‘11“ (“Eh“r“ ”f: ‘.‘.“ .“““‘.‘ “ ._ .4 .' ’
is "extremely slim now." said Gene some things. but now we have to would only be implemented iii an skating pond But because oi student cru‘na‘emig‘et‘h Olgadg or ‘ e arée {‘n' gaspres: “(1‘ .“, ‘.‘“1‘,‘f“.‘t:,‘,.‘ L,“ - ' ‘ 4 4
Williams, assistant Vice chancellor wait emergency slluatlon They currently apathy and other complications. the high; educationililiKZnti‘i‘Zggefi or filth Te: aae‘xfiid‘i: I ,9.“ .5“: ‘ 4- -4
for busmess “As I've said before. the last thing are trying to obtain two pieces of idea was shelvedPierattsaid The budget which Wlll' be sub— and rofessi‘on'i‘l INE‘HII“ A“ ““‘ ‘ ' .‘ .' ‘; '
And to preserve Clifton Circle as a l want to do is to pave ‘(‘llf10n (‘ir4 pr0perty next to t‘litton (‘ircle for A possible baseball diamond and ‘ p “ ‘ ‘ ‘ "“ “ . " ‘-
recreational area l'K has applied clel. Our plan was and is to pre- additionalparkinu lights also have been mentioned. . “ ‘ I. , "
for $200.th to further develop the serve thatpark asaplay area " Plans for the park are "very while volleyball and basketball SGA t d b t l t ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ V, .
park Williams echoed Blanton‘s com4 rough." Blanton said. but an intra~ courts have been suggested for the 0 e a e reSO u Ion ‘ ‘ -‘ 4 1' ‘
(Tents. saying. “Because of the stu» mural football field. basketball smallovalnear Cooperstown . . ‘ 4. ‘ ‘ V .4 _ ‘ .
The money. which was included in ent talk and the oppOSition, the courts. volleyball courts and lights' 4 ‘ 4 '-
()ctober's five-year proposed budget chances for usmg it for parking are have been discussed 4-1 was an undergraduate at t‘K. IncreaSlng Student fees 4‘ 4 f 4: 45 'I; ‘_;
plan for the 19864i8 biennium, will go extremely slim now, and id like to see green areas pro 4 " ' .
before the finance committee 0f the In an article that appeared in the "We haven't had any architects wn'ed‘" Pieratt said "But I also ‘ - ‘ ,7 ‘ .
Council on ngher Education and the Kenturkt Kernel last month. several come in or any official plans made. see the need for parking It‘s a (hm. 5‘3”"9P0r‘5 the SGA and Student ;\t"i\ l'lt"- ‘. 5' .“ ; ' 4. '- “
General Assembly for conSideration students voiced their disapproval but we‘ve thrown some ideas cults‘ituation.“ _ Board budgets and Int‘l‘f‘u\l' 2hr ' " ‘ .
{13‘1“ 3'39”: (relations CIGTS’Eluee amount of money allocated m \‘t.4\ ' 4' “ . 3 ' 4
L'.‘ 444- , 1 - . 44 . . .Jw- 4. 4 o e_ u en rovernmen . OCia< 4. 5 4 , ‘.’ f 4 ,
R E M makes second 1-“ :3 i:‘~ "fish-4.4.,“ m l: 4" ‘ V tlon tonight will debate a resolution ‘°S‘”d°"‘°‘ga”“" ’” 4' .‘ '3 44
O O O . ‘ ' ‘. f" 4.“ .4”; #‘V . . calling for a $10 per-semester in- ”f each 510 per lull tzm- ~'1itlt‘.’l! . ' .4 f' 4. '.
‘39" z "'9 4.4. 2“. a " ‘~ "‘ creaseinstudentfees. Increase- about $lwlli' lt‘fu- 4‘5 -' 4 ‘4 ‘: l
K . “I “a ’I . V I l " a“ y w I V1 If the resolution ls passed out of would go to Student (.‘t'nli‘r ‘lchlJ 4' 4‘ I". . .
appearance tonlg t *_ a 1‘} 1 ~ ' I ‘ w I4—>f‘.4- ‘ . committee and through the senate. tion. $1430 vWuld gt‘ ‘4‘ “it St 34‘ 4 ’ " '1 t
‘4 r :- ‘ I.‘ T, . 4, 4 ' f a“ - ‘ I SGA Presldent John Cain will take it would go to SGA and 3": mind an :o ‘ ,‘ . “ -
em "‘ 9 . ' ' V ‘ ' w to the Board of Trustees for consid- studentorganizattons ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘. f ‘
By (;.4\R\'I’IER(‘E What do those terms mean. and Q 4 e, ' ‘ .. - ' eration. (‘urrently the switch! nc'.44t:t~ 9w 4' 4 4 ' 44].:
ANS Edlmr what‘s this latest renaissance all *f ‘ ‘ . - . ‘ ‘ I" ‘. ‘ The resolution cites increased cost Is $36 a semester for full titllt \ili 4‘ ‘ ~ ‘ . 4 ‘
_ . . _ about? It has a lot to do with hard- ' . \, . «0‘ 4 “\‘4 t“ of Student Center operations and d9ht54 0f WhK‘h $1 ROW 1“ Std and f 4‘ ' ‘ ' -
Renaissances In rock "“1le dont working bands. often from outside 3" 'c/ 5 9 p - subsequent decreases in operations $1450 goes to SAB sot ~ dvirtual , . .l ‘2
happen every day. and even when major metropolitan markets 4— 4., ‘ ‘ 4 , - and service. declining enrollment budget is about $50,000 and shit 4 is ‘ ‘ _ ‘ '_.4
me) dokt?a rags: make I‘ out to R-EM- hails from Athens. Ga. “ ' ‘ ' and student support as reasons for “9.000. ~ ' 4' .
isnec o ew . who don‘t seem to care much about 4 .. -_ 1a .. _ ‘ S . ~ , ;, 4~ li‘ . :1» 1' 4 ' ..
Tonight‘will be a rare exception. making music strictly for money. V f ‘~ ‘ h m‘éé‘l‘fims‘fi; the monev would be tonitghdte‘gtbopthwn‘i‘cgifig‘ tail iiijtiéorzi‘t 4 .t ‘ ‘
When RLM. ‘makes "5.5ecofnd lthK Themustmsenoughinitself. . : '4 ’1 used to extend the hours of opera- the time and location ttxlay m the . . ’ 4. -
fmrlfg‘lf5h gelaieino‘l’estlluitf‘gRthh ha: “There‘s nothing wrong with we 4i :. ‘ ‘t ". tion 0f the Student Center. increase SGAOff‘ce~1208md9m‘f‘m‘r . ‘ . .
earned top billings and is the latest geese: just the things you sometimes 14' 4. 9": t. t . l t . 4 . I
in a series of impressive attractions to do to ac ieve it." said Mike {4' , . ' " ..'-J‘ G k l b d ' .‘ ~ ' j . , t‘
sponsored by the Concert Committee Mills. R.E.M.‘s bassist. in a recent ‘ ' , a 4‘ ‘1‘ . ..‘ ame 1c e S aval a e 0 a) . .
of the Student Activities Board this telephone interview. ‘ . ~ ' . '
semester. mmvausm Staffreports Students can pick up one ticket ‘ j
After the eloquence of Squeeze. Like polishing a record's sound R.E.M. per validated ID and can get a max . ‘ - . .‘ ‘.
the roots-rock of Lone Justice and until It isn‘t interesting anymore. for _ Student ticket distribution for the mum of two tickets it two Ills are 4 '~ .
the dazzle of Sting, tonight SAB tops example. ”The sound can be too According to Mills. too much at- havent had ‘0 worry much about first two basketball games begins 9 presented.
off the semester with a band that in clean." Mills said, as when P0P tention ‘0 commercial detail. ““55”" success. 0'11." guitarist am today in the west concourse of Guest tickets will go on Nilt' at 9 ‘ "
manv ways combines the best of the bands meticulously layer synthe- "‘3“th “"th that Old demon SUC‘ Peter Buck 0m “'5 0“.“ home, Memorial Coliseum. a.m.tomorrovt for $5 -
rest. and ranks as one of the finest Sized bells and whistles onto a song cess. can lead to an unWillingnass to while Mills. lyrlCist/lead Singer Mi- The tickets are for the Czechoslo There will be no group seating for 4 . '
examples of what has variomly until it sounds more machine than try anything new or risky. . chael Stipe and drummer Bill Berry vakia and Northwfitem State thefirst two games . ‘.
men termed “maVerick‘” “indewn. human. “A “Rue dlIStortlon makes Msrlblng RP4.M as a "“‘Orklng Stln rent. games that Win I» played NOV 14 “Cket “'lndOW'S “‘I“ be open from ' . - .
dent“or“cult"rock. thebestsound. hesaid. band. Mills *‘a'd that so far thev SeeR.l-:.M.,pagch and22respectively. 9a.m.to4p.m through Wednesday ‘
C ’ (1 (11 k f‘ t U S d f
ongress ea 0c may cause us . . e ault
AssociatedPress ' - - v ent t l l w 0 er n r , “‘4 i ‘ ' ~' '
The country is being brought to the brink of Eggmfim 2:“ figamgs“ S; J,“ ‘ :1 beg: ° ed I . 600 g “313* 34' ,4 mee in
WASHINGTON a Unless Con- this double doomsday because of continued ".9359 "‘ the ”WWW “tn" ‘9 1‘1““ ngovemmmmtfiua Keven" a... 11°“
gross ends its impasse over the fed— . . raise the money to spend Since it n“ ‘0" c S a year. eaves a ’th“ 4:05. . . . “ ' ’“
era. spending this week, me vs. wrangling over federal finances; Congress has will have exhausted its financial re- '°‘°‘mbb°”°b°‘“‘ce- be}; 4 "x .
government faces a Super Bowl of ' ' ' - serves by Friday. , “ 443?: 474*” 3‘ ' ‘
Mmmc mm m “MI the until midnight Thursday to reach a resolution A government “WM would be The first to feel the pinch would be :43 “3...”. WW
likesofwhichthecountryhesnever of the impasse. nothirg new. It happened in Novem- the 241 mllhm membefi, of the W23.” ._ 4 . “NI!
seen. her int and just over a year ago on armed forces, who, 81°08 W‘th some r 4 .. .24 .. "‘ .“sh m “'
For the first time in its history. # Oct.4, 1%. smaller government agenCIes, are to .‘. WI , MN Hi
the government my default on its . . Both shutdowns had little impact 8“de pm“!- They WW“ 3““ 89‘ ' 4. . 4%“ “ ‘4
financial obligations _ bouncing because of continued wrangling over Congress passes a stopgap appro- onthepublic. their checks but would be unable to 44 .. M . 4 I. ,
millionsoffederalchecks. ‘melfimm . . . priatlms bill to fund government However. a default, which has cash them-
In addition, much of the federal “W19 Cogtgress :35 untildm:dnigh: 889mies 985' ‘he expiration 0‘ the never occurred before. could have
govemment could be shut down, “1.5“3' 0 ref“? a '5 “‘°" 0 CW9” temporary spend"! bill - far-ra i im ications, . .
sending a half-million or more ”non- the _'mP‘33¢4 ““0315 "9 reluctantly midnight Thursday. mm'l‘rngasufly Department says an?!“ ping? {mm :Izurgfiétze :18 . . - . , .
essential" workers home on an un- “EMF"? to (“3'39 conttmency That is also on deadline for the that 83 “I ”idly the government's merous small investors. would also - ‘ 4 so: 4. .274; 4"?
scheduled holiday and closing gov- plans if this deadline is not met. government to run out of m be- coffers Wm be completely empty, feel the effects right away. m ‘0‘“ , e. i." g“ _
ernment offices from Wuhimton to 11* two problem -- 8 8MP."- cme (mm m be, m to Unless Caters: grants the authorl- ernment is scheduled to pay us bil- 4 it " “ h - 4 4
Anchorage. "‘9'“ “mm “d " “em" *' w'" a 4.; a m to ' me e ty to W m money. Treasury lion in intent on mum-y eectn‘l- . ”3445i." ‘ ‘ * ‘x‘
. . _ . I ‘Y 4,40,. _ 4, .
The howl" separate congressional solu gems m'é‘meaufly Secretary James A Better In and t... may _ paymnts that “ ,4" 45'4- ..r . 3,471
‘ a. stiff": mammmmm‘ ‘° °'" . above its current limit or am tril- he Wl" be fused t° my the Me- couldn't be made it the entry i. in .4 4- 4 '
Y The shutdown can be averted if lion. el Reserve Board and the nation‘s default. . F... as:

 | l
2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL Monty, New 11, 1“
Information on this calendar of events is collected and
coordinated through the Student Center Activities Office.

' 203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The infor-
mation is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor,
with editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of
expression. For student organizations or University depart-
ments to make entries on the calendar, 0 Campus Calendar
form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activ-

- ities Office.
. a m u s a e n r Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Man.
' day preceeding the publications date.
.' - e cmuens R L M m goncert $10 a 53 Memorial Col- . Meetings American Marketing Association meeting; ' Academics: Advance registration for the 1986 Spring 0 Other: Training on the New FRS Monthly Account
>. . .. \ n t; .r. n C0117 8867 SC, 7 30pm. Call7-3388 semester Statement-select one date; 9 a.m.-11 a.m., enrollment is
- . ,' , - '.‘. .ies Pennies From Heaven 51 75 w UKiD: ' Meetings SAB Public Relations Committee meeting: ' lGC’UWSI SYmPOSiU'“ 0" E0""9 Disorders by 5A3 3 limited;CaII7-1851
‘ ' ' y ”a," ”mung 7 30p m 115 5c .3 p.m., Call 7-8867 Kappa Kappa Gamma. SC 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-8867 0 Academics: Advance registration for the 1986 Spring
.‘ .. - . ‘ . out... 49in to, Dec 9 Dec 13 onwmpus .merwews 0 Meetings- UK wage.- Ski Club meeting- everyone wei- 0 Meetings: Emergence- A Feminist Women‘s Press stu- semester
‘ “ ‘ '. ‘ .3 . \‘o?"ews Bldg come- please stop by! 228 SC: 7 p.m.; Cali277-0618 dents interested NOW call 231-7985, 109 SC: 6 p.m.; Call 0 Meetings: Baptist Student Union student luncheon; $1,
- . ‘ 0 cm»: English Careers Conference for English Majors 0 Movies Pennies From Heaven; $1.75 w UKID; 23“7985 3015"” S'UdOMCen'OfI7I30p.m.;Call7-3489
4 / . ‘. - _ s if”... ,. 7'19 $( 3.5 30 p in Call 7 3763 Worsham Theatre. 7:30p.m. 0 Meetings: SAB Concert Committee meeting; 228 SC: 5 ' Meetings: UK Fencing Club meeting: free instructions;
. ;. - '. ~, ' ‘ Other' TNT- Tuesday Nite Together- Baptist Student p.m.:Call7-8867 Alumni Gym:7:Mp.m.:Call 233-5201
. i - .' Union Baptist Student Center; 12 noon7CaII7-3489 0 Meetings: Marantha Christian Fellowship- students 0 Movies: Ghostbusters; $1.75 w UKiD; Worsham
- ’ ' . _. 'i . 0 Recitals Faculty Recital: Margaret Kennedy, soprano: Will" 0 purpose "99- M°'°"°'h° Center; 7 P-m-- Call 23" 11‘90"“?713019-"1-
‘ . ._ » . Center for the Arts, 8p.m.. Caii7-3145 7001 ' Other: UK Theatre Dept. production: 55-pubu sum..-
. _' i. ' ' _ _ I Lectures; Seminar; 'Shopo 3 sin Determination of 35. 0 Movies: Ghostbusters. $1.75 erKiD; Worsham Guignol Theatre: 8p.m.: Cain-1385
-i _. ' 9 ological Structures:... by Dr. Frederick Eiserling; Rm. MN Theatre: 7:30 p.m. 'Other: Greek Nite at the Oscars; 52
.‘x ‘ . '. ~ 463 4p m. 0 Other: Nov. 18-Nov. 22 on-compus interviews priority I Sports: UK Basketball vs. Czechoslovakian National at
> . ' . . I , ~ - ' Meetings Monthly meeting of KHEA— everyone is wel- sign-ups: 201 Matthews Bldg. home: RUii’ii’ Arena
' '., . , ' , (omel 128 Erickson Ha||.5p.m.:Cal18-4080 ' Other: Social 8 Behavioral Sciences Brown Bag Lunch
. . , J , '. 0 Other. Apply for Dec. 9-Dec. 13 on-campus interviews, Series by Thomas A. Arcury. 128 Home Economics: 12:30
. ‘ " . ‘. 201 Matthews Bldg. p.m.
‘_ . . . _ . Other' Nov tawoy. 22 on-campus interviews priority ‘ Workshops; Job Search Techniques. 103A Matthews
' - - ‘ . lists published. 201 Matthews Bldg. Bldg-I 9:30-10:300-m-
. . ~ ' Lectures Dr. Louis Hicks will speak on Adv. in Fetal ' 01h": N°V- 18-Nov. 22 art-campus W'e'VieWS 099"
. _ Operations Film A Matter of Choice: 213 SC: 7:30 p.m.: sign-up;201MatthewsBldg.
' ‘ Coll272-6723 ' Other: TOP's: 'New Directions In Medical Ethics by
' " ‘ y . " ’ 0 Meetings Economics Association meeting; 2055C D("WY CVOWIOY. UK Med- Stu.. supper following: K-
- . ,y , . . ° Seminars 'Oligosaccharides: regulatory messages H°U5°'412R°5°5’~5 513° p.m.:Cali254-1881
, , ‘ _ from plant cell walls by Mr. Gary Helimann; Rm. MN 463:
' ‘ . ,. . 4pm
' ' e A(uoery‘-CS Advance registration for the 1986 Spring 'Sports UK Footballvs. Florida: Florida ' Exhibitions. American Works on paper: CFA Art Mu- ' Academics: Advance registration for the 1986 Spring
. . . J‘mPs'e' ° Lectures Newman Center Distinguished Speakers Pro- seum; 12-51-Sun, Call 75716 semester
- . 0 Academics Deadline tor applications College of Medi- gram with Rev. Staudenmaier S.J.; free; Newman Center, 0 Concerts Central Ky. Youth Symphony Orchestra; Cen- ° Exhibitions: University Artist Series 'Russeli Sherman,
. _. "E, .3, Fail 1986 7 30pm. Cail255-8566 ter for the Arts 3p.m., Coil254-0796 piano'; $7-stu., S11-pub. Center for the Arts, 8 p.m. Call
_ . ' . . come,“ Lexington Philharmonics Concert- 20th (mm. 0 Movies. Ghostbusters $1.75 w UKiD; Worsham ' Lectures History of political cartoon 18th century to 7-3l45
_ , > ' ,eicgry series 512 50 $15 $17 50 g 520 Center for the Theatre, 7.30 p.m. present by Draper Hill-Detroit News cartoonist: CFA Art ' Films: ASthNd Kiwanis Club Film Series $3.50 at Ash-
_' ’ Am. A p m (0112334226 0 Other UK Theatre Dept. production: SS-pub.. S4-stu.; Museum. Caii7-5716 “Md Community College; ACC AUdl'O'lUW‘I 7'37 P-m-- C0"
. . . 0 Meetings UK Badminton Club Seaton Gym 530.530 Guignol Theatre, 8pm; Caii7-1385 ° Lectures: Distinguished Speaker Program: Rev. Stau- 3293999
' ' : Ca‘iT‘S 7‘38 ' Retitals: Recital Aron Friedman, horn; Robert Mos- denmaier,S.J.,C.C.D.program ° Movies: 2001, $1.75 w UKID, Worsham Theatre. 730
. . e Moi-es Ghostbusters $1 75 w UKiD Worsham grave trumpet Center for the Arts:8p,m., CalI7-49m 0 Meetings. UK Badminton Club: Seaton Gym: 2:30-3:30 p.m.
‘ Hugs-e .— 30; .i» 0 Sports UK Mens 8. Women’s Swim Team vs. Ohio Uni- p.m.: Call 278-7138 ' 5130'“: UK Football ticket distribution for game against
‘ I ' Other UK Theatre Dept production SS-pub, 54,5,“ versity at home: Memorial Coliseum pool; 1 p.m.: Call 7- ° Other: UK Theatre Dept. production, SS-pub., $4-stu,; Tennessee: Memorial Coliseum; Ba.m.-8 p.m.
-,.,.g:~o Use-yr.» 5 p m Coil 7 1385 5626 Guignol Theatre, 3pm., Call 7-1385 ' Other. 300‘ '0 COHOQO Workshop for Adult Students-
. - 0 Pec“a.’s Senior Recital Jennifer Brown contraito 0 Sports. UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey vs. University of Cin- ”915“?" bit NOV- 15:23OSC.7-9p.m..Ca|l7-3383
(81“‘ji'tortheA’?S 5p m Caii 74900 cinnoti: S2-stu., S3-pub.. Lexington ice Center; 3:30 p.m..
7 . ‘ Spoils UK Mens Womens Swim learn vs. Eastern Ky C0ll266‘8666
. W“- a' home Memorial Coliseum pool 6 p.m Call 7 ' Other: Sunday Evening Fellowship: Worship, dinner 8
5626 fellowship K-House 412 Rose Street. 5 p.m.. Call 254-1881
. ' . g 3‘ '7 l 73 99""‘9S “0'“ Heaven 5‘ 75 W UK'D- WOTSHO'“ "190'“? 7 30 11 ll: REM. in concert; $10.00 8 58.“): Memorial Coliseum: 8:00 p.m.. C0“ 7- 11 14: UK Basketball vs. Czechoslovakian National at home: Rupp Arena; Call
« - ' P V 8867 7-3838
,'- ' . . l' ‘7‘ H‘ ‘5 Gh03'bU5'9’5 5‘ 75 W UK'D Worsham Theatre 7 300'"- 11/15: Lex. Philharmonics Concert-20th Anniversary Series-$12.50, $15, $17.50 ”'15: UK Men 8 Women's Swim Team vs. Eastern Ky. Univ. at home: Memori-
‘ . 1" i: . i: 18 201.11 51 75 w UKID Worsham Theatre 7 30p m. 8 $20. Ctr. to, the Arts: 8:00p.m.; Call 233-4226 ai Coliseum p001; 6:00 p.m.; Call 75626
_'i ' .» . . . - - i_’ g 11 17: Central Ky. Youth Symphony Orchestra: Center for the Arts: 3:00 p.m.: ”/16: UK Football vs. Florida; Florida
- . .‘ , U ‘ , ' Call 254-0796 11116: UK Men 8 Women's Swim Team vs. Ohio University at home. Memorial
' g . '- -. V . 11 . 17-12/29: American Works on Paper: CFA Art Museum; 12-5 T-Sun;7-5716 Coliseum Pool: 12w p.m.; Call 7-5626
. ; . _‘ w . ii 18‘ University Artist Series: ’Russell Sherman. piano'r'S7-Stu 8 Sii-Pub: ””73 UK COO' C0” k0 Hockey ‘15- l‘lT‘iVNSi'Y 0' Cincinnati; 52'5") 8 53'PUb5
_' f 1' . - . ‘- Center to, the Arts: 3-00 p.m.; Coil 7.3145 Lexington IceCenter: 3:30pm.; Ca|i2668666
i V - . ‘ ‘. 11 12; Faculty Recital: Margot-gt Kennedy, soprano; Center for the Arts; 800 ”/18: UK Football Ticket Distribution for game against Tennessee: Memorial
'1 y. . i V. p.m.; Cali 7-3145 Coliseum; 8a.m.-8p.m.
'. :g- - d 11 '15: Senior Recital: Jennifer Brown. Contralto: Center for the Arts; 5:00
‘_ -‘l ' ~ . p.m.; Call7-49w
1» . . . _ 11'16: Recital: Aron Friedman, horn: Robert Mosgrave. trumpet; Center for
,‘n‘ ‘ i ' " . ‘ .. the Arts: 8:00 p.m.: Cali7-49w
1‘ . ' i . l
- '_- -. . - . i i" 1' '2 Seminar Shape 8 Size Determination of Biological Structures... by Dr. ”-1311 15: Advance registration for the 1986 Spring Semester
' _; " v‘ « . ““0”“ F"a“"mg ""1 MN463 4 001).!“ 11-15: Deadline for applications, College of Medicine for Fall 1986
f , 'v ~'. , i ‘1 ‘2 Dr iouis Hicks will speak on Adv. in Fetal Operations. Film A matter i1 18' Ashland Kiwanis Club Film Series/$3.50 at Ashland Community College:
, .. . .i‘ _ g ,. '_ of Chance 213 Stu Ctr 7 309 in Call 272-6723 ACC Auditorium; 7:37 p.m.: Call 329-2999
1..“ ' ', ‘ : " 13 Symposium on Eating Disorders by 5A8 8 Kappa Kappa Gamma Stu- 11 11 8 11 12: Apply for Dec. 9 - Dec. 13 on Campus interviews. 201 Mathews
-_ -. _ _ ', . . de"t Center " 30p m Coll 7-8867 Bldg.
~ ' 1; i: ‘5 Newman Ctr Distinguished Speakers Program with Rev. Staudenmoier 11 11: English Careers Conference for English Motors 8. Minors 228 Student
' - ' . .. Z . 3 J ‘ree Newman Center 7 30p m Call255-8566 Center: 35:30pm; Call7-3763
1'. v ' '4 "' Hislorv of political cartoon 18th Century to present by Draper Hill-De 11 12: TNT-Baptist Student Union Tuesday Nite Together: Baptist Student
'. .‘s ,' - iw' Newsulrtoomst CFA Art Museum, Call7-5716 Union. 12Noon; Caii7-3489
‘. , '1 ,. :i i7 Dictinguished Speaker Program Rev. Staudenmaier 5.1 C CD. pro- 11 12' Nov. 18 - Nov, 22 On Campus interviews Priority Lists Published: 201
‘x’ . . .1 : _ 11mm Mathews Bldg.
‘ I i (:1 1': ”Aeger'm" Marketing A55°