xt7fn29p5m6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fn29p5m6r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-02-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1975 1975 1975-02-14 2020 true xt7fn29p5m6r section xt7fn29p5m6r Cochran, administration's 'senior citizen',
says he never dreaded a day coming to work

(Editor's note: This article is the fourth in
a series of six concerning l'niversity vice
By RUN Ml'l‘t‘lll'IlJ.
Managing Editor

Dr. Lewis Wellington Cochran, vice
president for academic affairs, has been
associated with the University in some
officialcapacity since 1946. And he says he
has “never dreaded a day coming to
work "

“I‘m really one of the senior citizens
now. as there are not a large number of
people who have been here longer than l
have." Cochran, 59.said. “And that‘s very
helpful because I know from having been
here many thingsthat have happened. My
memory is still pretty good and I don't
have to look up a lot of stuff."

(‘U(‘llR:\.\'. .-\ Nl'('l.EAR phySiClst.
became a permanent fixture on the UK
faculty in 1946 when he became an
assistant professor. He had earned a
MS 1939 and a l’h. l) in I952. both in
physic. from [K (‘ochran did his un-

l'niversity where he received a 8.8. in
mathmatics in 1936.

His job has become somewhat annoying
lately, (‘ochran said, because ad—
ministrators must be more aware of due
process providing fair and equitable
treatment for everyone—which requires
more paperwork and reports.

“I don't think I can have a very good
view of the University if I just sit in here
and fill out papers. And paper doesn't
mean people, programs or students,“ he
said. “One overriding thing you must
never let get out of your thinking——-that is
that we're here to educate students."

(‘1)(‘IIRAN SAID although the past five
years since he was named vice president
have not experienced substantial in-
creases in funding and enrollments, ad-
vances have been made in other areas of
his office.

“It has been a time of improved
management of the resources that we
have." he explained. “And I think we have
increased the productivity. efficiency and

as good of management as we could bring
to the use of our resources."

Cochran also said he takes pride in the
improvement and development of
faculty. “There has been a growth in
quality and sophistication (of faculty) and
some of the best evidence of that can be
found in the growth of extramural sup

OUTSIDE FUNDING, primarily for

research. has increased because of the
improvement and better quality of the
University’s faculty. he noted.

University systems and procedures that
were established about 10 years ago—
particularly periodic program
evaluation~have been the major dif-
ference in improving faculty development.

Another significant improvement in
recent years has been public service to the
state, he said.

“YOl' KNOW WE'VE been in that
business one way or the other for a long
time," he said. “I think this is the proper
role for what I consider the principal state

university. I think we ought to do the best
(‘ontinued on page 6

dergraduate work at

Kernel no" photo by John Crantatt

ltela\ing in his
office, Vice
\ffairs l)r.

lluildm g
\cadem ic


Lewis (‘oi hraii

\ol [\ll

fur Nu hf} ‘y
W y'lebritan

his role \\ itliiii the l Iiiu-rsit).

Morehead Sta te

quality tof academic programs) through



Watergate aftermath

view Nixon less favorably than little Democrats

Study shows little Republicans

B} (ilNNY l-Il)\\3\l{l)S
Assistant Managing Editor

“It is overpoweringly the case
that those children who believed
that their parents were upset by
Watergate have a far more
negative view of former
President Richard Nixon than
those children whose parents
were not." said Dean Jaros,
political science professor.

Children's views about Nixon
stem from their parent's reac-
tions about the whole Watergate
scandal. Jaros said, He obtained
this information through a recent
study of 918 children from two
Eastern Kentucky counties.

lit-fore Jaros began research
he hypothesized that
learned about the Watergate
scandal from the mass media
But he said there is no relation
ship between mass media usage
and children‘s knowledge about


“YUl' .\ll(ill'l‘ HAVE thought
this would have gone beyond
party affiliation this is not
true," Jaros said. A parent's
party identification helped
determine the way a child viewed
Nixon. he said.

“Little Republicans (children
of registered Republican
parents) tended to view Nixon

less favorably than little
Democrats." Jaros said

The study. conducted in
December 1974. also examined
whether a child's view of Nixon
influenced views of the office of
the president and other federal
govemmental agOIICIt’S. Jaros
and assisting graduate students
found children‘s feelings about
Watergate had not "spilled over
to other aspects of the political


.IARUS SAID IIIC conducted the.
study to determine whether
Watergate had any impact on
undermining children's faith in
the oflice of the presidency and

an independent student neus

er________i7_____ e]

the other federal agencies. “That
notion is, of course, a pretty
common one. People are sup—
posedly losing faith in public
authority," he said. “Many
people believe that Watergate
drove people to take a more

cynical outlook."

“That is to say that kids who
watched the tube did not know
any more about Watergate than
the kids who did not. Moreover,
kids that watched the tube did not
express concern about Watergate
to a greater extent than those
who did not,“ Jaros said.
those who watch the tube are no
more negative toward Nixon than
those who did not." he concluded


University 0]
Iexingtory Ky. 405M

JARUS SAID he concluded that
television had very little impact
in terms of contributing to a
child's knowledge or modifying
his attitudes.

In a 1966 study conducted in
Knox County. Ky, Jaros also
concluded that children learn
basic political notions from their

“My argument in particular
was that children have a
relatively negative view of
political authority learned from
their parents and other adul
figures in the area," Jaros said.

Continued on page 6

Connect the dots...

..and you might
discover the

lucite ceiling

of the Thomas
Hunt Morgan
Biological Sciences

Kernel statt photo
by Brian Harngan



«hummer, Linda Comes
Manning editor, Ron Mitchell
Associate gator. Nancy 0on
Editorial page editor,

Dan Crutchor


Features eater, Larry Mead
N's edlor, Greg Hotelich
Sports editor, Jim Mauoni
Phdography editor, Ed Gerald



Editorials represent the opinions of the editors


Fighting the elements (criminal, that is)

“The average person is not going to
be exposed to this, just the criminal
element. The law abiding citizen will
have nothing to worry about because
we are not going to bother him.”

Sound like J. Edgar Hoover
discussing the virtues of the federal
no—knock law? Or maybe Richard
Nixon defending wiretapping? It
could have been either, but it‘s not.

Actually, the quote is by Joe Catt,
media liaison officer for the Metro
Police. He was defending efforts by
the local police department to obtain
electronic surveillance equipment,
specifically a microphone, receiver
and tape recorder. The equipment,
which would cost the city over $4,000
is supposed to help the police in
narcotics cases.

Letters to the editor

Last night the Urban County
Council discussed allocating money
for the equipmenta nd decided to have
Chief Administrative Officer Dean
Hunter draft some regulations on how
the devices could be used before
voting on the proposal.

It is encouraging that the Council is
being cautious about buying the
equipment, because the potential for
abuse of such equipment is great.
despite what Catt says.

The argument that only the
“criminal element” need be fearful
was advanced by proponents of the
“no-knock" provision, which gave
federal investigators the right to
enter a residence unannounced if they
felt that contraband would be
otherwise lost. Several widely
publicized cases of federal agents

terrorizing innocent people showed
that other than the “criminal
element“ did indeed have grounds for
fearing the provision.

Surveillance equipment can also be
used against non-criminals, even
unintentionally. Information of a non—
criminal nature can be used for
political blackmail, for instance. But
beyond that, the issue is one of a right
to privacy. Simply put, whenever the
government starts secretly recording
conversations it is an invasion of
privacy. The question becomes one of

Is there sufficient justification in
this case? Catt said that “our people
will be better protected if they are
using this equipment."

Catt said the police have had
contact with gun-toting drug dealers

from Cincinnati and “sometime they
may decide to come down on one of
our officers. Our people will be better
protected if they are using this
equipment. ' '

The surveillance equipment may
help catch the offender if someone
attacks an officer, but it is hard to see
how it will offer any protection unless
the potential attacker knows he is
being taped.

In our view, purchase of this
equipment is not justified. It not only
offers little real protection to police
officers, but it takes the wrong ap—
proach to the problem of drug abuse.
if dmg abuse is ever effectively
countered. it will not be because of
law enforcement. no matter how





Capitalism wrongly accused of propagating racism

I read with delight Russell
Pelle’s “A Socialist Analysis of
Racism in Boston" (Comment.
Friday, Feb. 7).

While some of the conditions
concerning the Boston situation
that Pelle cited may be true. I
find his last sentence to be very
amusing: “It’s easier for them
(politicians) to claim that the
demands of black people are

unreasonable than to admit that

capitalism is incapable of ending
black oppression." It seems that
Pelle has forgotten that capital
ism is an economic system for
free production, buying. and
using of economic goods and
services — not a political system.
Our political system is in charge
of the schools. To expect an
to do this

economic system









On the spot

Ignoring subtleties in


The National Conference on
Racism convenes in Boston
today. Proponents of the con-
ference have characterized the
meeting as preparatory to "a
massive response" to a
phenomenon which conference
supporters perceive and portray
as “the racist offensive in
Boston.” The group at the
University of Kentucky has
sought help in mobilizing “an
overwhelming defense of human
rights and freedom " Mark
Manning. chairman of the
campus group, exhorted students
to “help us send a UK
delegation." Leaflets

proclaimed: “This conference
will beopen to all who agree that
the racists must be defeated."

“The racists must be
defeated." Now, ain’t it the truth
Any redneck worth the salt in his
sweat socks knows that much
about human relations. After all,
overt racism has been something
less than boss-swell and spiffy-
keen since Robert Culp roomed
with Bill Cosby in “I Spy."
Libtl‘al race relations are in

crusaders call to mind images of
tabled heraldic knights of legend
w no emblazoned their shields and

1975 or“ Mm)!


. ' ‘«Ii
’9. this .
4:0" lt‘f7l
.. _/

«control schoolsi is a bit too
much. Public education is not an
economic good or service
Perhaps it would be a better
idea to use busing money iwith
high fuel costsi to upgrade the
poorer quality ‘usually associat~
ed with black schools) by refur»
bishing school buildings. obtain-
ing better instructional supplies.
and providing higher pay to




armor with justice, right,

.ionor; who championed the
cause of the common people and
rode into battle against the
hideous and oppressive beast, all
on their quest for the Holy Grail.
The myth oft looms larger than
the deed. But condensing their
rhetoric for clarity, the crisis that
has the confereos in such a tizzy
reduces to the mistaking of anti-
busing sentiments for racial
hatred, tit for tat. Surely it takes
a simple outlook to perceive such
a complex human problem in
such a simple way. Consider the
subtleties of busing and school
’iesegregation which the naive
chose to neglect or ignore.
(ontiniied on Page It

entice teachers of higher quality
to come to thcsc schools, alter all
money talks loud t‘\t'tt in \«K'lttl
ist countries. which explaim the
black markets that abound xi itliii:
their borders-

When it CIlIllt‘.\ down to lll\ last
sentence, that
I’clle‘s main reason for writing

it St‘t‘lll.\ to me

hl> comment is not so much to .iid
the National Student t‘ontcrcncc
Against Racism, as it is to use the

to feed us progaganda to

situation to

ild\1lllt‘t‘Stit'lélllxlll instead

racism on

l’hil Slit-w iiialicr
Business .‘dlllllll\ll‘£llliill

Double trouble

The (lay Rights Dancc was
held Sunday The ballroom floors
and walls are still intact There
were no injuries or fatalities The
sponsoring group has suffered no
public or administrative reper
cussions. What did happen was
that approximately 200 people
were able to have a dance that
they would not have had other-
wise. The Student Government
Senate refused to sponsor the
event because they were afraid it
would cause problems.

The next time students come to
Student Government with their
problems let‘s hope the Senate
helps. Let‘s hope it doesn't go to
so much trouble to avoid trouble
that never existed.

David Mucci
80 President

No sympathy

I recently read in the Kernel
about the janitors' concerns
about tbcir job.s and a raisc for
next year. I'm afraid I don‘t
sympathuc with their problems
\i‘:‘)‘ much. In the last year I have

become accustomed to cleaning
up after lllt' janitors in my office
each mornini: This includes get
ting rid of empty beer bottles and
an occasional pint, cleaning food
and off my desk, and
m-ctisionally mud off the sofa tin
scicral occasions when l have
had to come to work particularly
ll.’l\(' had to wakc ti
janitor from tl sound sleep and
ask him to leave There are other
{littlti}tili('o‘.\ such as finding my


early, I

door lctl widt- open or unlocked
when l arriic at work in lllt'
morning as \\ cl] as a ttiirly steady
frequency of minor thefts

[hope they don't hire any more
janitors, its tough enough clean
ing up alto-r the blur

””05 “'I'

Richard l.. Itednar
Director. ('liiiical Psychology
Training Program

People problem

Your headline "Technological
developments in agriculture may
solve problems causing food cri-
sis" in the Jan. 22 Kernel is just
the opposite of what the speaker
said. Dr. Brannon stressed that
population control must be achie
ved before the food crisis can be

The problem causing the food
crisis is the growth of the human
population, now mounting at a
rate of 2.2 per cent per year. a
rate which would double our
numbers in 32 years. World food
production has climbed steadiliy.
rising 69 per cent between 1954
and 1973.

Bad weather and fertilizer
shortages make insignificant de-
viations on the rising food pro
duction curve These are not thc
cause of the food crisis 'l‘hc
causc is too many people and llll\
problem cannot be solved hi
agricultural technology

Wayne “2“ is
Professor of Zoology



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Opinions tram inns: and outside the university community


comment '

Blacks in history shrouded in mystery


The second week of February com—
memorates a portion of our society that
has long been overlooked in American
history - the black population.

No one can measure the influence or the
impact ofhistory on the minds of people. It
is a safe assumption that the kind of
historical treatment w or the lack of it —
which the American black has received
has aided in establishing and perpetuating
racial discrimination. The omission of the
deeds and accomplishments of blacks
from American history books has served
to reinforce notions among whites of their
superiority and among blacks of their

'l‘tl (‘OMHAT THE LACK of inclusion in
American history. blacks set aside their
own week for observance of black history.

l'nlike what history books state. black
history in America does not begin with the
arrival of slaves in Jamestown in 1619,
Blacks came with the first European
explorers Many scholars believe
(‘olunibus' pilot was black. Little Stephen.
a black explorer. led an expedition from
Mexrco and discovered Arizona and New
Mexico l'pon finding wheat grains in his
rice. a black who came to America with
(‘ortez planted the grains and introduced
wheat to the western world. A black. Jean
Baptiste Ilu Sable. founded the city of

Blacks have also been inventers. James
Forten perfected a machine for handling
sails; Lewis Temple, a blacksmith, in—
venteda toggle harpoon which became the
standard harpoon of the American in-
dustry; Henry Blair, the first black to
receive a patent, invented, two corn har-
vesters. Granville T. Woods aided the
development of industry with his electrical
appliances; Elijah McCoy brought
machinery nearer to perfection with his
lubricating devices; Norbert Rillieux
revolutionized the manufacture of sugar
with his vacuum pan; and Jan E. Mat-
zelizer changed the shoe industry with his
shoe lasting machine.

Benjamin Banneker, an astronomer and
mathematician. served as a member of
the commission which laid out plans for
the city of Washington I). (‘.

them in their country, blacks readily
defended the United States. Crispus At-
tucks, the first man to die in the American
Revolution, was black. In fact about 5,000
blacks fought in the American Revolution,
and received the praise of General George
Washington. Over 200,000 blacks fought
with the Union Army during the Civil War.
The first two soldiers in the American
Army during World War I to be decorated
for bravery in France were black. Dorie
Miller of Waco. Texas manned a machine

Busing: Racial mixing
is not racial equality

('ontinued from Page 2

Desegregation in the classroom insures
neither racial equality nor quality
education. The Supreme Court decision of
1954 censures the practice of assigning
schools to children on the basis of skin
color to promote segregation. However. it
cannot be assumed that it is morally
proper to assign children to schools on the
basis of skin color to promote
desegregation. Many blacks perceive
busing as inherently demeaning in that it
suggests they cannot be equal outside the
presence of whites in the classroom or

Integration must mean more than the
quantity of bodies, it must also include the
quality of experience. The Supreme Court
subscribed to this concept in its opposition
to busing to achieve an arbitrary racial
balance as stated in the “Swann vs. the
(Tharlotte—Mecklenberg. NC. Board of
Education“ decision.

The notion that racial mixing and racial
equality are the same dies hard. A
minority in an alien and hostile cultural
and educational environment enjoys
something other than equality.

The assumption that injecting white
influence will salvage what has been
typified as an inferior system of black
schools has not been borne out by ex-

In the seminal Brown case. NAACP
attorneys argued that de jure segregation
resulted unavoidably in handicapping
achievement potential in blacks. Black
schools damaged black kids. The resulting
conclusion was that equal schools and
equal students are the same thing. In the

November, 1974issue of Society magazine,
David K. Cohen deduces from the Coleman
report. “Equality of Education Op-
portunity.“ that “the educational impact
of desegregation...never came close to
eliminating achievement differences
between blacks and whites.” People from
black cultures competing in institutions
using white criteria and perspectives
against people from white cultures
guarantees anything but equal op-

According to a 1972 Newsweek poll,
conducted by the Gallup organization, 66
per cent of the American public favored
desegregation of public schools, yet 69 per
cent were fully opposed to compulsory
busing to achieve desegregation at that
time. Conceivably, those people shared
some of the motives felt by 13 of 14
Bostonians who opposed busing in a recent
referendum on the issue.

Many families have worked hard in
order to afford a home near a quality
school, within the district. Seeing their
achievements negated by court-ordered
busing, they are naturally resentful.
Parents feel concern about getting to a
crosstown school quickly, easily and safely
should they need to go there.

People resent being treated as ex-
pendables in social experiments and feel
that children should not bear the brunt of
integregation; those were children in the
buses which were stoned. No one condones
violence agsint children.

Anxiety about the control and access of
the ‘ncighborhood school' remains a stark
reality.not a mere mask for racism. If one
accepts the premise that black schools are
inherently inferior and that busing will

gun during the Pearl Harbor attack and
downed four enemy planes.

In the field ofmedicine, Dr. Daniel Hale
Williams performed the world’s first
successful open heart surgery, while Dr.
Charles Drew’s discovery of blood plasma
led to the establishment of blood banks.
Unfortunately, Dr. Drew’s research did
not help him. He bled to death from injuri-
es received in an automobile accident
because the nearest hospital was for
whites only and would not admit him.

In history books, the black woman is
usually portrayed as a nurse to white
children. She too has done her share in
creating American history. Five black
women helped Clara Barton nurse
wounded Civil War soldiers. The first
woman bank president was black. In 1872,
Charlotte Ray became the first woman to
graduate from a university law school.

THE ADVANCES of blacks in theater.
literature and music are well known.


equalize opportunity for blacks, it is un-
derstandable that whites feel threatened.
Color has become the equalizer.

The people of South Boston cite yet
another reason for refusing busing: the
danger of crime in the black community of
Roxbury, the area from which school
children are being exchanged. The Oc-
tober, 1974, National Review reports the
murder rate in Roxbury is twice that of
Southie. Rape is five times as frequent.
There were 921 instances of armed rob-
bery in Roxbury compared to 50in Southie
during the same time, 1,196 compared to
246 incidents of breaking and entering, and
457 to 12 reports of purse snatching in the
two areas respectively. Although Roxbury
is more populous by far than Southie (not
less populous as one UK leaflet wrongly
asserted) it is also more dangerous. It
little comforts the parents of South Boston
that most of the crimes in Roxbury were
committed by blacks against blacks.

The supporters of the racism conference
have conjured up a “racist offensive“ in
the anti~busing movement. The “of—
fensive“ is actually a frustrated response
to a social tactic imposed despite over-
whelming sentiment against it, by the will
and at the discretion of a single appointed
judge against whom the citizens have no
ready respite.


Hovever, few people know that Virginia’s
state song, “Carry Me Back to Ole
Virginia,” was written by black composer
James A. Bland. Alexander Pushkin, the
Russian poet, and French novelist
Alexander Dumas, author of “The Three
Musketeers” and “The Count of Monte
Criste”, both were black.

Originally, Black History Week was
primarily observed in black schools. Since
schools are now desegregated, many
young black children will never know the
contributions of their race to American
history. This fact makes it even more
urgent for blacks to be included in
American history books. Knowledge 0‘ the
role of the black in United States history
will help all Americans understand just
how great the accomplishment from
slavery to freedom and from freedom to
equality has been.


Millie Dunn is a graduate student in
Communications and a Kernel staff

H tmttittlllllifilllfillll l \,


m '1’

Carlos Antonin tau;

District Judge McGarrity, author of the
Boston desegregation plan, is considering
a more moderate version of his wide-
reaching Phase II which will effect a
projected 93,000 students to take afiect in
September this year. The judge is con-
sidering exempting some of the more
isolated white suburbs from the busing —
suburbs like Wellesley where he and his
family reside.

Whether the prospective conferees are
unaware of these aspects of the situation
or unable and unwilling to cope with
anything more than the good-bad, right-
wrong version which they have concocted
independently of the facts, it would not be
surprising if their reception in Boston is
less than enthusiastic. U.S. News & World
Report concludes, “...the view being ac-
cepted by most Bostonians is that the
problem is one for the city itself to solve. '

“Yes. ma‘am, we‘re from the University
of Kentucky. and we‘re here in Boston to
mobilize an overwhelming defense of
human rights and freedom, to say no to
mob violence. to defend black students,
and end black oppression this weekend.
Happy Valentine‘s Day.“


Luther Langsdon is a junior majoring in
Psychology and History. His column ‘on
the spot" (usually) appears Thursdays in
the Kernel.









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news briefs t


Ford says he won't stop
food stamp price freeze

WASHINGTON (AP) » President Ford announced Thursday he
will allow to become law without his signature a bill which freezes
the price of food stamps through 1975 at the ‘ievel of last Jan. 1.

About 17 million food stamp recipients would be affected.

At the same time, Ford chided (‘ongress for rejecting his
economy moves without coming up with acceptable alternatives. If
this continues, the President said, “an unthinkable deficit will
result and there will be no mistaking where the responsibility lies. "

The Senate completed congressional action on the food stamp
freeze legislation a week ago. In both branches of Congress, the
margin on passage was far over the two-thirds majority required to
override the veto. The House vote was 174-38 and the Senate vote
was 76-8.

Ford issued a statement in which he said the stamp program
originally cost $14 million a year but that in the 13 years since it has
grown to $3.7 billion He said that without the reforms he
recommended spending could reach $8 billion by “380

He estimated that his proposal would have saved the taxpayers
$650 million each year

Kissinger finishes talks
with Egyptian leader

Jl-ZRl‘SAllINI 'Al’! Secretary of State Henry A Kissinger
wound up tals with Egyptian President .\n\\ar Sadat on 'l‘hursday.
had a "friendly and constructiye” lIH' hour session with Syrian
President Hotel Assad. and then went back to lsrael on his Middle
East mission

Before leat ing Itaiiiascus Kissinger said he and Assad discussed
details of a just and lasting peace iii the Middle l‘Iast and Syria‘s
"iiidispensahle' role in a liiial solution of the problem .\ Syrian
spokesman said bilateral relations between Syria and the l'iuted
States also figured high on the agenda. but L1.l‘.t' no details

Kissinger .s current mission is e\ploi'atory and he plans to ietui‘ii
to the \liddle liast around \lai'ch to \ seiiioi‘l .\ oltieial said that
at that time Kissinger plans to go first to t ’ait‘n to \Uit‘k out details til
a si/alile Israeli pullback llt e\ehange toi'iuoyes by l‘jgypt toward
acceptance of the .lt‘\H.sll state

Gradison plans to lobby
against Red River Dam

('l\('l\\ \'l'l. Hhio v.\l’i ltep Willis 1) (iradison ll Hhio
says he‘s ready to assume leadership in the tight to sine
Kentucky‘s lied River Gorge

He plans Saturday to roam lilo miles to the \(llllll of his
constituency as the leader of a tour of the proposed dam site

Nearly Soo people haye rallied behind him. according to the
freshman congressman. who first proposed a yialk around the site
during a meeting with Secretary of the \riiiy Howard ('allaviay
Feb ii.

“At the time there seemed to he a \aeuuni in leadership,"
(iradison said “I would have preferred it to pass to someone from
Kentucky. Ilut the timing was such that there wasn‘t tune to look
around for someone "

(Eradison has already secured a 43rday delay in dam construction
until the General Accounting (lfhce completes a cost benefit study
and although (‘allaway will not he on the walk he has promised
there will be no action until the study is evaluated

“I believe the report is going to raise serious questions about the
building of the darn.” (iradison said

Initial funding for the project by the Army ('orps of Engineers
has already been allocated. and corpsmen are even making
estimates on buying land.

Gradison hopes the delays Wlll give more people a chance to
change their minds and demonstrate strong interest in the cause.

He has asked Gov. Julian (‘arroll to join him on the day long
walk. The governor had not replied by early in the week.

Gradison hopes that by assuming the role of leader, he can
demonstrate that the issue is a national one.


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