xt7fn29p5h5h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fn29p5h5h/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2001-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 2001 text GLSO News, March 2001 2001 2001-03 2019 true xt7fn29p5h5h section xt7fn29p5h5h We 7% Mswg
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A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Vol. 16 N0. 5
GLSO Receives Gill Grant Cincinnati Men's Chorus New pride Center
Live and Singing in Lexington.
Lexington's Gay and Lesbian Activity at the new Pride Center
Service Organization is proud to The choral audience 0t of the Bluegrass has been fast and
announce that they have received a, Lexington is in W a treat as the furious. In less then three weeks vol-
$10,000 grant from the Gill Cincinnati Men's Chorus takes to unteers have moved the Center and
Foundation of Colorado. Gill is the the road to give a preview 0t the put up walls. Many thanks to Jerry,
largest private funder of LGBT upcoming spring concert Standard Jerry, Scott, Cary, Tom, Deb, E.T.,
issues. The Foundation "invests in Time. Ginger, Russell, Terry, Bill, John,
organizations serving the needs of On March 31 at 7pm for one Shelby, John, Michael, Jordan, Rose
gay, lesbian and bisexual people, ShOW only at the St- Michaels and all the others who moved us,
and in community programs Episcopal Church, 2025 Bellefonte scraped windows, cut and pieced
designed to improve the quality of Drive, the Cincinnati Men's Chorus drywall, taped and mudded, sanded
life for everyone." GLSO is proud to Will present songs from the (Oh the dust) and mudded again.
be partnered with this outstanding American $0h9b00k- The music 0t Hours of hard work and many
organization. George Gershwin, Duke Ellington aching muscles later we can really
The tunds from Gill come in the and Cole Porter will be highlighted in see what the new Pride Center will
form of aChallenge Grant for $7,500 the met half thtUdth " OUt Love is be. When completed there will be a
to be used for general operating Here to Stay," "Don‘t Get Around large multi-purpose meeting area
needs, and $2,500 for technical MUCh Anymore," and "tt Don‘t Mean able to accommodate groups up to
assistance consuiting to provide a Thing." MlX lit a little Harold Arlen 50, a smaiier conference room/library
training in organization building. With "Somewhere Over the for up to 15 people, a relaxing foyer,
The $7,500 Challenge Grant Rainbow" and we are just talking andasmallortice.
requires that we as members of the first half. in the midst of the renovationthe
Kentucky's LGBT community raise The second set 0t SOhQS has use of the Pride Center continues.
funds that will be matched by Gill been arranged especially for CMC pfidé Cede, ”marinated 0,, meg
thereby doubling our investment to by Steve Miloy and includes the hits . . .‘ . . . - at...
$15,000. Throughout the coming of Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald _"- '5 'g-f ;1 _ : gs: . -. '. .. - - .
year there will be many opportuni- and Sarah Vaughn. The show is ' Sponsor-hf the Month
ties to provide financial support for MC'd by popular Cincinnati '8le ' . - »
the programs and activities otGLSO personality, Mark TtDtOh- CMC, , '
which include the Pride Center, the under the direction of Patrick Coyle ' .
GLSO News, coordination of Pride is celebrating it's 10th Concert Dr' 1“ R'Chardson O'D'
‘ Month activities, the Pink Pages, Season and Lexington Men's; ,
and community outreach. Chorus is proud to host their perfor-l Vision Specialist
See GLSO confinuedmpagez, mance in Lexington.
Cin. Concert......continued on page 3 '

 GLSO: continued from page 1 necessary to furnish and equip the
. _ , GLSO would like to thank all Pride Center. All donations to the
.r-‘f: GAY“ those individuals and organizations Pride Center and GLSO are tax «.
139:. L,- LEbblAN who provided guidance and support deductible and donations of cash will -”
.‘_..-"‘."..; bElZVICE in the process'that has resulted in be matched by Gill Foundation grant ‘
92 :ANIZA ION the grants received from the Gill and funds. (Your cash donation wrll go
| . l nli TI l Colin Higgins Foundations. There twice as far.)
" were many who contributed in so Help us to make the new Pride I
many ways, and our community can Center a place we can all be proud of l
flGLso NEWS only benefit from their hard work, and will enjoy for years to come. '
faith, and encouragement. We look Make checks payable to GLSO and ‘
Vol. '6 N°° 3 . forward to a year full of challenges be sure to note which item you would 1
' Published Monthly by: and chances to better serve the like the money to go towards. Send l
needs of LGBT people throughout donations to GLSO, PO. Box 11471, 1
The l i1 glzan Cay central and eastern Kentucky. Lex,, KY, 40575. i
Lesbian ban/ice pflde Center..CO.ntInU9d from page 1 pride Center Wish List
. . Groups, including Fairness, the
Organization Court, FaYEN, and GLSO have met 6 fi- Cogference Tibles (2) l
amid the clutter and dust signaling that 40-00 eac '
52' second 31: the work of the community goes on. 5 ft- Conference Tables (2) |
Editors We are looking forward to estab- . $30-00 330“ i
——————-= lishing regular daytime business Chairs (20) $25-00 each 1
May Crone Peter Taylor hours when the Center will be staffed Cffrce 999k Cha” 3100-00 l
and open to the public. In the com- F'le Cabinet (2) $10000 each
Board Members ing weeks the painting will be done, W ll Cfoi'elsfliglgogo h <
. . the restroom will be made accessi- a 0‘7 3 - eac t
runs, esrdenl:
Pig-an” VicirPresiden‘c ble, and furnishing will begin. This Cordless Telephone $30-00 t
I May Cr'm E ii month we will begin publishing a Fire EXt'“9U'She’ $30-00
a .I \/ I mtg” “as“ monthly "Wish List" in the GLSO 3W0“? Nari" $15-00
l Cnger Mom: 58am News in an effort to raise the funds F'VStA'd K" $2000
KeUy UFen'ell l
Jordméumners UK Family Center I
Licks _ 5
jgfi'l r A place where Jndivicluals, Couples and Famrlies 5
I LaTorI'a Jones find the support they neecl. v
GLSO Annual dues _ Individual Couple and Family Therapy t
"3' new???" 3:?” at an affordable sliding scale fee f
lies an 2“
for couples: $20.00 .
; MK Famrly Center
Opinions expmsed In the GLSO News
are those of the authors and don’t 257‘7755
necessarily reprment those of the GLSO , r
Board. Sulamlsstonsarewekzomeand 316 Funkhouser Building E
heme the propatyof the GLSO. The ,
l “mes me right to edit summons Appointments Monday through, Friday “
ad advatlsements as well as the mm to c
‘ repel anywbmbsionsoradvemsements. 9 am to 8 pm ‘
GLSO Page 2

 : ., r 4‘
Cln Men's Chorus from page 1 exciting semester as LMC is joining 5 this Satefconven'ientahdaccessible
The concert is a benefit for voices with Voices of Kentuckiana location at which to come together
Moveable Feast, as well as a fund and SisterSound for concerts in every Wed. night. Thank you, Beverly.
raiser for LMC and CMC. Lexington and Louisville entitled The GLSO Discussion/Support
Moveable Feast provides freshly "NO Turning Back" Group meets every Wednesday
cooked meals to people in need As always, LMC is looking for night from 7-8:30. The Group pro-
with AIDS/HIV. The concert is not new singers. LMC remains an audi- vides a friendly and safe place
ticketed with a suggested donation tion free environment; so if you to where you can meet other GLBT
of $5_$10_ Mark your calendars love singing join us. Rehearsals are persons who are willing to share
today for this special event-—March held each Sun from 5:30 to 7:45 at their experiences. For info call Jane
Sist 7pm St. Michael's Church. St. Michael's Episcopal Church at at 389-7698. Come join us.
2025 Bellefonte Drive. Questions?
Pride Month call Joey at 254-6850--ioin us! GLSO YOUTH ADVOCACY
We have started organizing for Oh WedneSdayi March14 at 7
Pride Month. The next meeting is fish‘s in “c “(c pm we W5“ be meeting at the Pride
Tuesday, March 6 at 7 pm at the Join Sistahs in the Life for a Center to discuss starting a Gay
Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave. This provocative discussion about expe- Straight Alliance for YOUth in
is a fun way to become involved in riences related to the lives of Lexington. We have in mind fOCUS'
the community. Anyone who would Lesbians and Bi-sexual women of ing 0" high SChOO' age teens. We
like to help is encouraged to attend. African Descent. We chat at 7pm WOU'd particularly like to encourage
A number of events are already every 4th Wednesday at the Pride young people to attend. (There are
on the calendar. If your organiza- Center. See you on the 28th! 5 0' 30 that are planning to come)
tion is planning an event, you need (February if you get this in time or We Will clarify our goals, talk
to contact Terry Mullins (255-5469). March it not) about when and where to meet, and
discuss policies and procedures.
GLSOBoard Elections Discussion Group We are looking for support from a
The Glso Board Elections will Returns to Pride Center variety of organizations and we are
be held at the Pride Picnic this year. The GLSO Discussion/Support interested in forming an Advisory
Anyone interested in running Group will begin meeting again at Board; if you are interested or want
should contact Terry Mullins at 255- the new Pride Center Of the info, give Mary a call (256'5904)
5469. The terms are for two years Bluegrass at 389 Waller Avenue.
with half the board up for election Suite 100 beginning Wednesday IVITQTWQGVQ
each year. We have a good time March 7th. This is a homecoming lnterweave, the lesbigaytrans
together and are looking for new for the Group, which met at the and friends social action group at
people to help us envision a gay Pride Center until last Spring. the Unitarian Church, will be having
future. Group participants would like to a potluck after church on Sunday,
acknowledge their deep apprecia- March 11. Everyone is invited. We
LMC Rehearsals Begin tion to Beverly Turner of Turner are planningaoncea month movie
The Lexington Men's Chorus is Associates. When the Group found night, call Davina for information
returning to the rehearsal hall on itself WithOUt a home, Beverly gra- 2716174 Also, check OUt the
Sunday March 11th to begin prepar- ciously responded to our need for Buddhist Meditation Weekend com-
ing for their upcoming Pride con- meeting space. Many in our com- ing up at the end of the month. See
certs in June_ This should be an munity have benefited from having page 13for details.
...Community News continued page 4

 ’“sr‘so‘l light in the year as FMCC cele-
Mumfy/QWSCWM SiatetSaund brates the “Irish” In all of us with
SisterSound is rehearsing on a "iSh blessings, liturgy, prayers, and
GLSEN regular basis in preparation for a songs. Did You know “Danny BOY"
The Kentucky Chapter of the Gay concert In May. We welcome new began as a Christian church hymn?
Lesbian Straight Educators members, no audition required. And March roars In with the
Network (GLSEN) is meeting In Rehearsals are on Sunday evenings Lenten season. For many
Lexington periodically. Contact from 6 pm to 8 pm at Landsdowne Christians, the idea of Lent Is
Gina Cooper at glsen_ky@hot- Cumberland Presbyterian Church at strange and foreign. For others, it
mail.com. GLSEN is a national 333 Reading Rd (off Tates Creek). Is a serious time of sacrifice and
organization that focuses on reduc- spiritual growth. For all Christians,
ing homophobia and creating asafe 2001; A Faith Odyssey It is the beginning of the road to
and welcoming atmosphere for both Rev Mel Bailey commemoration of the crucifixion of
educators and students in public March 11 marks Faith Jesus Christ, and the culmination of
schools. Membership open to all. Metropolitan Community Church’s a tremendous resurrection celebra—
8th Anniversary as a church family tion. Without Easter, Christmas
""08”“ FOISI, in Lexington. March 11 will be a would be jUSt another day. What a
Movable Feast needs help for celebration of ministry which contin- great time of the year to consider
delivering meals. It is easy; you ues to teach and celebrate God’s joining “2001:A Faith Odyssey.”
come in at5 pm and are through by unconditional love for all people. Worship service continues at
7pm (often earlier). YOU can get a With a new home, new phone ser— 14.5 Burt Road, SUIte 7' Butt Road
specific route "YOU commit toa reg- vice, new look, and new mission, IS In Zandale,'oft Nicholaswlle Rd’
ular schedule. If you can drive a car FM C C continues 2001 with a "Faith across from OCharIeys Restaurant.
. _ Turn at the Taco Bell. See you at
you can change a life. 252-2867. Odyssey.” plan to Join us on March 10:30 am. NEW PHONE: (859)
_ _ . 11 and stay for fun and fellowship LEX-FMCC or 539-3622. E-mail-
National Woman’s MUSIC Festival afterwards! LMCCREVMCC@AOL.com.
The schedule is now available The month of March will Offer a
for the 2001 US. National Women's Bible study that Is always popular- BINGO VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
Music Festival, Ball State “Homosexuality & the Bible 1013' GLSO can earn $200 by pro-
University, Muncie, Indiana, June Come and hear how scriptures viding volunteers to work at Bingo
21-24, 2001. Information Is on our have been used and abused to games on the fourth Friday of each
webpage:http://wIaonline.org/nwmf/ oppress minority groups throughout month. Tom Collins is organizing
index.html time. Come and findanew truth for volunteers. We need you even if
your spiritual journey. Fellowship YOU only can do it one time. The
1.0be for Fairness begins at 5 pm. and the Bible study money will help pay the rent for the
Please consider going to is held from 6:30-7:30 pm. There is Pride Center. Call Tom’s work num—
Frankfort to put a face on Fairness no charge and everyone is invited. ber at 1-800-420—7431 and ask for
for Ky. legislators. They have to Faith MCC holds Its spring con- Tom Collins. Thanks
see that we're not going away, and gregational meeting and Dialogue
we'll keep pushing 'til they get wise with the Pastor on Sunday, March Social Concepts
to the fact that we're their con- 4- This Wi“ be a time for CthCh Social concepts, a social _
stituents also and we need to be newcomers, friends, and members group for women, has successfuly,
protected as citizens of Kentucky. to give. Input into church renovation reached out to women within and
Consider lobbying on Thursday that w'" begin soon after. FMCC outside of Lexington. Social
March 1. Call the Fairness line at WI" offer a boat for sale In March- Concepts is in need of a new orga-
. . stay tuned! . .
296-7812 for information. St. Patrick’s Day worship will nlzer. If you are lnterested, Contact
Someone will meet you in Frankfort be celebrated on Sunday, March 18 Ginger Moore at 389-7698 or
and brief you on what to do. at 10:30 am. This is always a high- gg40504@hotmail.com -_
GLSO Page 4

d .
? Ci C'
e COURT of KENTUCky [ij
, ( 1/ /'/'I’
: WISHES TO THANk i 15;.
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;, fOR THEIR supp0RT of
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”I? L in”: 5: M ‘i i,
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'1 :- ":32
3 lI’s RENEWAl TiME.
a g” * MEMbERsHip RENEWAl fORMs
- ~. \ _ AVAilAblE AT HAiR by HAyRE
r [93% DOW’ 859-255-6470 ‘

r. _ / a; a} \‘\ \i : O 7 '2

l‘ [7' 0' QINTK .
j {\ . Imperial Court of KY, Inc.
I // is a 501 (c) 3 Charitable Organization
- QXQ‘ _ PO Box 265
t Murat/timfifl WW Lexington, KY . 4,0588

 One World Fi|m5 attitudes among Cuban working a single women trying to cope in the

The One World Film Festival class men. Oscar falls under the quickly changing modern world. The
has begun and there are six films spell of Lina, an independence story centers on a household of four
scheduled for March. Many of the female dock worker. Their ensuing women, a demanding grandmother
films center on the lives of women in romance reveals Oscar to be just as a harried working mother and her
a variety of cultures and circum- uncomfortable with unconventional two sexually active daughters.
stances. Admission is free. Contact women as his working class counter- On Thursday, March 22 at 7 pm.
Mary Crone 266-5904 for more into. parts. This film uses a light touch to Hatred will be shown at the Central

On Sunday, March 4 we will be explore gender relationships Library Theater, Co-sponsored by
showing Voyages, 2pm at the On Saturday, March 10, 2 pm Humanitarium. The director of this
Central Library Theater. Voyages Sankofa will be shown at the Central documentary, Goldman investigates
has just recently opened in New York' Library Theater. This is an outstand- the role hatred plays in our lives.
City to rave reviews and it was voted ing and unusual film that can not be She examines the connections
best Feature Film at the Jerusalem found in video stores. A Shaman between individually felt hatred and
Film Festival. This film tells three transports Mona, an African hatreds that lead to mass violence,
linked stories focusing on the lives of American model, back in time to genocide and war. She interviews
three elderly Jewish women. become Shola, a woman sold into peOple from many different cultures,

On Wednesday, March 7 slavery in the Caribbean. Shola as well as individuals who have stud-
Mississippi Masala will be shown at struggles to survive in a slave com- ied the issue of hatred including jour-
Lexington Community College at 7 munity where brutality is common nalist Mike Wallace, author Akbar
pm in the Oswald Building, room and where she must come to terms Ahmed, musician Mitt Hinton, psychi-
230_ This is a love story that also with her place in the division atrist Robert Litton, and Prof. Yehda
gives the viewer a glimpse into the between house and field slaves. Bauer. This documentary won the
lives of lndian immigrants to this Director Halle Gerima explores 1997 Atom Award for “Best Social
county. Mina(Sarita Choudhury) and issues not usually highlighted in films Issues" in Australia. .
Demetrius (Denzel Washington) about this era such as the tension This year, One World Films has
become rOmantically involved and between followers of Christianity and received a grant from The Kentucky
both famines react to their cross cul— adherents to traditional African Humanities Council. We are also
tural relationship. Spiritual beliefs. sponsored by The Humanitarium,

Thursday, March 8, 7 pm Up To On Monday, March 19 at 7 pm, Central Ky Jewish Federation, The
A Certain point will be shown at Adam’s Rib will be shown at UK James Gray Foundation, U.K.
Transylvania University, Cowgill Worsham Theater, new Student Appalachian Studies Program, UK.
Building. This social comedy centers Center. Adam's Rib is a perceptive Women's Studies Program,
on Oscar, who is developing a script look at a deteriorating Soviet society Transylvania University, , Bank One,
about the persistence of machismo as well as a poignant comedy about and First Federal Bank.

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GLSO Page‘6

 Research Studies “a“ You from the Diagnostic and Statistical member is paid $40.00. Interested
t Manual. Since Hooker’s death in couples may call 257-7880 or e-mail
! Gay/Lesbian Couples Sought 1996, the American Psychological rostosk@pop.uky.edu to receive
' A research project focusing on Foundation has been responsible for more information and to volunteer.
, lesbian and gay male couples has dispersing the money to researchers
' been undertaken at the University of working to increase the general pub- GLBT Historq in Lex
Kentucky. Dr. Sherry Rostosky, a "0'5 awareness of homosexuality Jeff Jones, a doctoral candi-
. professor in the Department of and to alleviate the stress experi- date in the UK Department of
| Educational & Counseling Psychology, enced by lesbian and gay male indi- Geography, is seeking individuals
' is the principal investigator. The viduals due to homophobia. and couples to tell about their lives
i research team is comprised of six The research team at UK. is and memories involving
F people, several of whom identify as looking for a total of 40 couples to Lexington's GLBT communities.
. lesbian or gay. The long-term goal of participate by the end of May. So far, Jeff is working on a history of the
i this work is to positively affect public sixteen have participated. They are experiences of GLBT in Lexington
I policy in relation to lesbian and gay in need of both female and male for his dissertation work. He is
. male couples. couples, particularly male couples. openly gay himself and has worked
F The project is funded by the Participants are asked to give about with UK Lambda, GLSO, the
1 American Psychological Foundation 3 1/2 hours of their time, during Imperial Court, and Bluegrass
' through the Wayne F. Placek Award. which they will engage in a video- Fairness among other groups.
' Mr. Placek bequested money to Dr. taped conversation, participate in If you are interested in answer-
' Evelyn Hooker, the visionary psy- interviews, and complete several ing some questions about your
' chologist who, in the 19503, sought questionnaires. Participation is vol- experiences and local history,
l to have homosexuality de-patholo- untary and confidential. Upon com- please contact Jeff Jones at 859-
’ gized and removed as a diagnosis pletion of the study, each couple 268—2111 or jeff@QX.net.
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- ‘ GLSO page 7

 y . ”mm“ 2 mm 3 SATURDAY G150 News 2001 Sponsors
MARCH 2001 A:
USE ‘rHE DIRECTORY ON THE LAST PAGE To CONFDRM EVENTS. J. Mark Chambers, CPA................266-8877
4 sol—WAY 5 MONDAY ti TUESDAY _—_ 7 WEDNESDAY 8 9 10 For all your Financial Needs
10:30 am MCC Worship 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:00 pm Pride Month 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Fairness 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
Seance (Faith MCC) Planning (Pride Center) Group ( [Pride Center) (Pride Center) Bluegrass Fairness..........................296-7812
10:45 am UU Church 9:00 pm Rainbow 7:30 pm FaYEN (Pride
6:03 pm Sistersourid Reh ' Bowling (Southland Center) Kee in our 6 es on the K L - l r
Lanes) 8:00 pm GaytLesbian AA P g y y. eng an] e
11 112 13 14 15 16 17 Richardson Vision Center ..............278-4201
10:30 am MCC Worship 8:00 pm AA Step Study 9:00 pm Rainbow 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion 7:30 pm Youth Support 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
Sencce (Faith MC C) Bowling (Southland Group (‘lPridae Center) (Pride Center) 1757 Al n ti 1, -
10:45 am MU Church Lanes) 72-00 pm You‘Ji Support exa d a D " Gardensrde '
12: 15 pm Interweave Potluck Meeting . .
am‘Zhu‘Ch) 8'00 pm Ciayt'LeSbian AA scott ACkerman.......un(V01ce mall) 294-2055
5:30 pm Men’s Chorus Reh . .
6:00 pm DIGNITY (mobile phone)....338-8483 Paul Semonm Realtors
62021111 Sistersoun-zl Re_h_ __ ______ __ __ __ __ __________
18 119 2:0 21 2'2 23 24 Slstersound .IICOIIOIIIOOOII..00....-.OIIOICOI000243-0243
10:30 am MCC Worship 7:30pm GLSO Board 9' :00 pm Rainbow 7130 pm GLSO Discussron 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
Service (Faith MCC) Meeting (Pride Center) Bowling (Southland Group (Pride Center) Diverse music for all women
1&45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Lanes) 8:00 pm Gayi‘Lesbian AA GLSO NEWS DEADLINE.
5:30 pm Men’s Chorus Reh Study ‘ SUBMIT ADDITlONS -
6:00 pm Simmomd Rah - AND’OR-COFRECTIONS FOR Im penal Court of Kentucky...........252-3014
__._._____________ __________.__ _____________ 273969 _______.__.____ _.__.__ A charity organization
25 26 117 23 29 30 31
10: 30 am MCC Worship 8:00 pm AA Step 7:00 pm Sisrlahs in the Life 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion 6:00 pm Buddhist 7:00 am Buddhist The Bar Complex.............................255-1551
Service (Faith MC C) Study (Pride Center) Group (Prick: Center) Meditation Retreat (U U Retreat (UU Church)
10:45 am UU Church 9:00 pm Rainbow 8:00 pm GayiLesbian AA Church) 7:00 pm Cincicmati 224 E Main
5:30 pm Men’s Chorus Reh Bowling (Southland {Men’s Chorus ( St. '
6:00 pm Sirltersoun-zl Reh Lanes) Michael’s Episcopal ,
610:) m [’1GNIT‘! 'ChUrCh) Turner counsellng OI...OOIOIIOIIIIOIOIOIIIIu269-6497
. K 2216 Young Drive, Lexington
Windy Knoll FarmIOIIOOCOCOCIIUCCI.........299-7410
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
Lexington Men’s ChoruSOIIODOOOIOOIIOOI231-0090
Rehearsals start again in March
P%asus Travel CCIIOOOUIOCOIOOIOIOIOO.000000000253- 1644
Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO

 WOMEN [N HISTORY times required it. Many decades African American, had attended the
so Reinette F, Jones later, the state court in Kentucky Tuskegee Institute School of
sided with the automobile licensing Nursing. She graduated in 1904.

1775 Mrs. William Coomes bureau that demanded a married No Year Mildred Jane Hill
was the first Kentucky school- woman use her husband's name. (1859-1916) co-wrote the Happy
teacher (at Harrodstown a.k.a. 1867 Henderson school Birthday song. She is buried in
Harrodsburg, Ky)_ teacher, Mary T. Saseen, created Louisville, Ky.

1820 Known today as Mother's Day. It became a national 1916 The Ky Legislature
Spaulding University and located in day in 1916. raised the legal age of marriage for
Louisville, Ky, the school originally 1880 Women were admitted to girls from 12 to 16.
opened in 1820 as a college for the University of Kentucky. No Year- Kentucky native,
women. 1890 Kentucky was the last Margaret lngels (1892-1971), was

1831 From the book Kentucky state to prohibit a married woman the first woman in the United States
Marriages, 1797-1865, Mrs. from making a will, being the to earn a mechanical engineering
Frances Tompkins, 105 years old, guardian of her children, owning or degree.
married a younger man, Moses inheriting property. Josephine Henry 1921- Mary Elliott Flanery
Alexander, who was 93 years old. (1843-1928), from Versailles, Ky, (1867-1933) was the first woman to
They spent one night together as was one of the leading women to be elected to the Kentucky
husband and wife, and both died fight against such inequalities. She Legislature. She wasa Democrat in
sometime before the next morning. was the first woman to run for state the Republican district of Boyd

1847 Midway College, a pri- office in Kentucky and the South. in County. The 19th Amendment had
vate liberal arts college for women 1894 the Married Woman‘s been ratified in 1920, giving women
opened in Midway, Ky. Property Act was passed. the right to vote.

No Year Katchkona Winema, 1893 Nancy Green was born a 1922 Mary Lois Roach (1896-
was a Native American interpreter slave in 1834 in Montgomery 1979) was the first female sheriff in
and peacemaker between her peo- County, Ky. Thanks to the World's the state of Kentucky. She served
pie and White Americans during the Columbian Exposition in Chicago in in Graves County from 1922-1927.
gold rush era. She married 1893, Green became known as 1943 Anna Mac Clarke (1919-
Kentuckian, Frank Riddle, after Aunt Jemima, the world's first living 1944), from Lawrenceburg, Ky, was
which time she was called Toby trademark. Her picture was fea- one of three African American
Riddle, Kaitchkona was from the tured on a pancake box. women to graduate from WAAC
Modoc territory in California and 1895 National Council of DOS program at Ft. Des Moines,
Oregon. As more gold miners Jewish Women was founded in she was the only African American
moved into the area, the Modoc Louisville, Ky; it is the oldest and officer in her class. Clarke died
people were corralled onto reserva- largest women's organization in the April 1944 after complications from
tions, which lead to the Modoc War city. The organization started the a ruptured appendix; she is buried
(1872-1873). The Army defeated first summer kindergarten in 1897 in Stringtown, Ky.
the Modoc and their leaders were and the first free lunch program in 19503 Dian Fossey (1932-
executed, Katchkona later returned public schools in 1914. 1985) dedicated the latter part of
to the Modoc reservation in 1898 Miss Marie Spratt Brown, her life to the study of mountain
Oregon, she was 84 years old from Louisville, was elected presi- gorillas. But prior to that, around
when she died. dent of the Ky Negro Education 1954, she was employed as an

1855 Lucy Stone(1818-1893) Association. She would be the only occupational therapist at a chil-
kept her maiden name after marry- female president for the first 68 dren‘s hospital in Kentucky. in 1963
ing Henry Blackwell. Taking the years of the organization's existence. Fossey traveled to Africa to
husband's name was a custom, not 1904 Ora Porter (1880-1970), observe the gorillas, and in 1985
a law, though local officials some- was the first registered nurse in she was murdered at her campsite.

Bowling Green, Ky. Porter, an No Year- Ruth Mae Geiger
GLSO Page 10

 (1909-1996) was the first lllcensed dogdesign.com/tamouthtml “tell for the new GLSO Banner
female commercral fishing and 3 Find a Grave created by

hunting guide in Kentucky. She www.1lndagrave.com/state/19.html -

began hunting with a rifle when she 4 Louis, D. (1983). 2201 Fascinating \ /

was eight years old. Facts. New York: Greenwich House.

1982 Beth Bates attended 5 Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 99
Williamsburg High School; she was [CD-ROM] .
the first young woman to play high 6 National Council of Jewish Women
school football and score. http://www.ncjwlou.org/

1987 Helen Lew Lang (1926-), 7 Potter, E. K. (1997)_ Kentucky women: THE ORIGINAL ONE DAY HI—TECH SIGN co.
was a leader in the opening of the wo centuries of Indomitable spirit and Howard S‘IOVOII
Crane House In Loursvrlle, Ky. The Viston. [1 Big Tree Press Owner/General Manager
Crane House is a Chinese culture 8 Russell, H. C. (1946). The Kentucky 332 Southlond Drive
learning center. Negro Education Association, 1877 - Lexggdogégi 0128503

1990 According to the 1990 1946. Norfolk, VA: Guide Quality Press. (8%?) 360-2071 Fax
census, of the 5,769 Native 9 Weatherford, D. (1997). Milestones: a ,

A . E k‘ Al . h l 1 A . , . 1066 New Circle Rood
merlcans, 5 mos, or euts in c rono ogy o mencan womens histo- Lexington,KY40505
Kentucky, 361 are women over 60 ry. New York: Facts on File, lnc. (859)252-l200
years Old. 10 Williamson, J. et al. (1979). Women's (859) 252-13(DFox
SOURCES: action almanac. New York: William C9"1(859)321'89A\
1 Back Home in Kentucky Morrow & CO. . , \

. 1 W . . E-moll: sngnsnow366
www.edge.net/magazme/ghome4.htm 1 omen In Kentucky http.//www.wom- @signsnow.com \
2 Famous Kentuckians http://www.big- eninkentucky.com/ x

12 Women Spirit meyna.corn/vvinema.html
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more information on page 7
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 The Vagina Monologues I had asked people what the ings of avoidance and silence about
review bu Jeff Jones Vagina Monologues was actually being gay/lesbian. The empower-
about before I went and had difficul- ment and self-este