xt7fn29p434s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fn29p434s/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1951 journals 087 English Lexington. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Regulatory series, bulletin. n.87 text Regulatory series, bulletin. n.87 1951 1951 2014 true xt7fn29p434s section xt7fn29p434s Regulatory Bulletin 87 F€bi‘¤¤¤`Y, 1951
Commercial Fertilizers
i in Kentucky, I95O
Including a Report on Official Fertilizer Samples
July — December, 1950
`$6Y Wk; ‘
Q _nll1l» 5 ‘
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
University of Kentucky

Bruce Poundstone, Head of Department ‘
Robert Mathews N. J. Howard
Neville Hulette Josiah E. Anderson
Harry R. Allen J. A. Shrader Lelab Gault
Valva Midkiff Elizabeth Swift Rose Blanchet
Rodney M. Hays Robert N. Price
Page Page
Sales by grade, 1950 Penalties for violating the
Table l ———--—---------— 3 fertilizer law ------------ 6
Plant foods or nutrients —--- 3 Explanation of Tables Z, 3,
and 4 ------.------...... 6
Fertilizer grade ----———---— 4
Standing of manufacturers,
Number of grades needed Table Z ----------------- 7
in Kentucky -----——-—--— 4
Analyses of inspection samples
Refunds -—--—---—------—-—- 5 of mixed fertilizers, super- '
phosphates and fertilizer
Farmers' samples --—----—- 5 salts, Table 3 -—-----—-—- 8
lnforrnation on guaranty tag - 6 Analyses of inspection samples
of rock phosphate, bones,
basic slag, etc. Tables
4 and 5 --------..... ---.. 42 & 43

This bulletin contains analyses of official samples of commercial fertilizers made be-
tween July 1 and December 31, 1950. Analyses of samples made between January 1, 1950
and June 30, 1950 were published in Regulatory Bulletin 84.
Manufacturers reported that 554, 351 tons of commercial fertilizer were sold in Ken-
tucky in 1950. This was an increase of about 15 percent over the tonnage reported for 1949. .
In addition, 11, 872 tons of 20-percent superphosphate, or equivalent, were distributed in
Kentucky under the "Contractual Plan" by the Production and Marketing Administration,
- Field Segjvice Branch.
A summary of fertilizer sales by grade, as reported by manufacturers, is given in
Table 1, - Fertilizer Sold in Kentucky, by grade, Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1950
(As reported by the manufacturers)
Grade Tons Grade Tons
6-8-6 102, 249 20 % Superphosphate 117, 465
2-12-6 82, 508 l
` 3-9-6 51, 374 Ammonium Nitrate 22, 937
* 4-12-8 47, 342
Rock Phosphate 21, 688
i 4- 12-4 14, 385
3-12-12 13, 916 Triple Superphosphate 14, 385
0-12- 12 8, 078
O-14-7 7,186 18 % Superphosphate 6, 290
3-12-6 _ 3, 592 19 % Superphosphate Z, 917 `
5-10-5 2, 700
4-16 —8 2,528 Calcium Cyanamid 2,511
6-12- 12 2, 173
0-20-20 2,171 Muriate of Potash 2, 235
` 4-8-12 2, 167 `
·’ Sulfate of Potash 2, 169
0-14-14 1, 601
6-8- 12 1, 360 Florida Waste Pond Phosphate 2, 096
5—10~10 1,198
6-10-4 929 Nitrate of Soda 2, 007
8-8-8 851
5-10-16 850 Sulfate of Potash Magnesia 1, 533
4-12-12 747
Basic Slag 780 .
3-18-9 464
4-16-0 388 Calcium Metaphosphate 680
` 2-12-12 329
, 4-6-15 323 Dried Manures 389
4-10-6 207 Sulfate of Ammonia 383
3-9-18 205
5-20-20 203 Anhydrous Ammonia 113
10-10-10 142 Miscel. 131
4-24--12 137 2%%
0-19-19 121
4-8-8 120
l0·»6-4 109
6-20- 10 109
0-20-10 102
Miscel. 778
353, 642
The minimum percentages of guaranteed plant foods, or nutrients, present in a commer-
cial fertilizer are printed on the state tag as nitrogen, available phosphoric acid, and potash.
These are the nutrients needed by plants in largest amounts and also those in which the soil
is most likely to be deficient. The element corresponding to phosphoric acid is phosphorus
and the element corresponding to potash is potassium. Boron may also be guaranteed.

Grade designates the minimuno percentage of nitrogen, available phosphoric acid, and
potash in the fertilizer. A 6-8-6 grade means that the fertilizer contains 6 percent nitrogen,
8 percent available phosphoric acid, and 6 percent potash. The nutrients are always listed
in this order. A O-20-O grade refers to a superphosphate fertilizer containing 20 percent
available phosphoric acid. A 0-0-60 grade refers to a potash fertilizer Containing 60 per-
cent potash. ,
The Departments of Agronomy and Horticulture of the Kentucky Agricultural Experi-
ment Station consider that eleven ratios and minimum grades of mixed fertilizer, to- ,
gether with superphosphate, nitrogen, and potash salts will answer the present needs of
Kentucky agriculture.
A list of the nine ratios and minimum grades recommended by the Agronomy Depart-
ment for field crops is shown below:
Ratio Minimum grade Ratio Minimum grade
0-1-2 0-10-20 1-3-2 4-12-8  
0-1-1 0-12-12 1-2-2 5-10-10
0-2-1 0-14-7 3-4-4 _ 6-8-8 I
1-4-4 3-12-12 -i·2·-3 4-8-12
1-4-2 4-16-8
Two additional ratios and minimum grades, recommended by the Horticultural
Department for truck crops and ornamental plants, are; 1-2-1 ratio and 5-10-5
grade, and 6-3-3 ratio and 12-6-6 grade. `
The 6-3-3 ratio, 12-6-6 minimum grade was recommended by the agronomists of $
the Middle Western States February`l5 and 16, 1951, at the Chicago meeting, to take the
place of the 10-6-4 minimum grade heretofore recommended for ornamental plants.
The 3-4 -4 ratio, 6-8-8 minimum grade was recommended to take the place of the
1-1 -1 ratio, 8-8-8 minimum grade at the fertilizer meeting November 8 at Lexington
and again at the February, 1951, Chicago meeting.
Higher grades of any ratio also are both recommended and encouraged. None of
the recommended minimum grades of mixed fertilizer (except 5-10-5 for truck crops) '
contain less than 21 units of plant food. Low grade fertilizers are less economical be-
cause costs of mixing, bags, freight and other incidental costs are the same per bag re- ‘
gardless of analysis. `
There also is a distinct advantage to the manufacturer to hold the number of grades
to a minimum, since a smaller number of grades can be mixed and distributed more
The Agronomy Department suggests the following cropping uses of the recommended
minimum grades: ·
For general field crops, meadows and pastures, 4-12-8, 4-16-8, 6-8-8, 3-12-12,
0-14-7, O-12-12 and O-10-20.
For tobacco, 6-8-8, 5-10-10, 4-8-12.
lt is further recommended that in fertilizers for tobacco three-fourths of the potash
be from sulfate and not over one-fourth from muriate.
Farmers interested in determining the appropriate fertilizer for a specific crop on
a given soil type and also the amount recommended should consult his County Agricultural
Agent or write the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.

’ When a sample of fertilizer is below the guaranteed analysis to such an extent that
the relative value index is deficient by more than $1. 00 per ton, the manufacturer of
the fertilizer and the dealer from whom the sample was obtained are given a special
When such a deficiency occurs it is suggested to the manufacturer that a propor-
tionate refund be made to all purchasers of the stock of fertilizer whose names can be
obtained from the dealer. If names of purchasers can not be obtained the refund may
be made to a charity in the county where the fertilizer was sold.
Refunds are also suggested on potash results when the guarantee is from sulfate
and there is an excess of muriate present of more than $1. 00 a ton in relative value.
Anyone in Kentucky who buys commercial fertilizer for his own use may submit
samples for free analysis to the Departxnent of Feed and Fertilizer, Agricultural
Experiment Station, Lexington Z9, Kentucky.
l. Samples taken according to provisions of K. R. S. No. 250. 360 through N0.
250.480 lKentucky Fertilizer Lawl. — To make the sample official it should be taken
according to Section No. 250. 440 of the statute referred to above. This section of the
statute requires that witnesses be present when the sample is taken. Copies of the
statute may be obtained from the Department of Feed and Fertilizer.
2. Unofficial samples. — If an analysis is wanted for the purchaser's informa-
tion only, samples of fertilizer may be taken in the following manner:
Take portions (each about a handful) from 10 percent of the bags, unless this re-
quires portions from more than 20 bags. If there are less than l0 bags, sample all.
Take samples from as far down in the bags as possible. Place all portions on a clean
lj paper and mix well. Place about one quart in a tight container, include a tag from
one of the bags, mark the container with name and address of the sender and send to
` the Department of Feed and Fertilizer, Agricultural Experiment Station, University
of Kentucky, Lexington 29, Kentucky.
State in a letter the amount of fertilizer on hand, the number of bags sampled, ,
and the reason for wanting analysis. If analysis is materially below guaranty, a
representative of the Feed and Fertilizer Department may be sent to take an inspec-
tor's sample.

A state guaranty tag issued by the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, showing
the manufacturer‘s guaranty, must be attached to each bag of fertilizer before it can be
lawfully offered for sale in Kentucky. It is a violation of the law to change the tag in any
manner, either by addition or erasure. Purchasers of fertilizer should be guided by the in-
formation printed on the guaranty tag in selecting a fertilizer. lf the fertilizer is not tagged
with a state guaranty tag, or if the tag has been changed in any manner, it should be re-
ported to the Agricultural Experiment Station irnmediately. The following information is
printed on the guaranty tag:
Brand name of fertilizer V
Name and address of manufacturer '
Guaranteed analysis showing:
Minimum nitrogen percent
Minimum available phosphoric acid, percent
` Minimum potash, from muriate or sulfate, percent
Estimated value per 100 pounds
Total phosphoric acid, in place of available phosphoric acid, is guaranteed in bone,
dried manures, basic slag, and rock phosphate. Official fertilizer labels are required by
law to carry the estimated value index per 100 pounds. The estimated value index is used
for comparing values of fertilizers of different grades. An additional use of this value is
in determining the relationship of the guaranteed analysis and the actual analysis. This
relationship is shown in the last two columns of Tables 3, 4 and 5.
The estimated value index should not be confused with the selling price. Selling price
is determined by those offering the fertilizer for sale.
Any manufacturer, firm, dealer, or vendor who sells or exposes for sale in Kentucky
commercial fertilizer without complying with the provisions of the fertilizer law is subject
to a fine of from $ 100. O0 to $500. 00 for each offense. Furthermore, if a fertilizer is
short in net weight or short in the essential plant-food nutrients, a manufacturer, firm or
dealer may not only be fined $100. 00 to $500. 00 for violating the fertilizer law, but
"shall be liable for reasonable darnages sustained by the purchaser of such fertilizer. "
lt is important therefore that the dealer should protect himself by purchasing from
reliable firms who comply with the law. Otherwise, he will lay himself liable for selling ‘
fertilizers in violation of the law. g
The standings of manufacturers as determined by the results of analysis of official
V samples are given in Table Z. Purchasers of fertilizer can learn, through a study of this
table, how well any manufacturer met his guarantees on the samples analyzed.
lt should be noted that the first 3 columns of figures in Table 2 refer to number of
samples and that the last 3 columns refer to number of analyses of nitrogen, available
phosphoric acid and potash. Attention is directed to the third column of figures which
gives for each manufacturer the percentage of samples which are equal to guaranty in
all respects, and to column 6, which gives the percentage of analyses which were equal `
to guarantee or within the tolerance of 1/4 of 1 percent (the tolerance of the Kentucky
Fertilizer Law).
In some samples a deficiency in one nutrient is accompanied by an over··run in
another nutrient. This is evidence of irnproper mixing or weighing by the manufacturer.
Extreme variations of this kind cannot be attributed to separation of materials (segrega·
tion). though this may be a minor factor. Excess of one nutrient cannot compensate for
deficiency of another nutrient. The purchaser is entitled to receive the full guaranty in
all nutrients as expressed by the manufacturer on the tag.
The results of analyses of all inspection samples are given in Tables 3, 4 and 5.
If an analysis shows a deficiency of more than one -fourth of 1 percent below the amount
claimed for nitrogen, phosphoric acid, or potash, or if the relative value is 4 percent
or more below the guaranty, the result is indicated in the tables by underlining the figures.

V Table 2 - Samples Equal To Guaranty ln A11 Respects, And
Analyses Within Tolerance, By Manufacturers, 1950
Number Equal to guaranty Nitro en,  hos horic acid and  otash
of in all respects Number 0f Eqlml to guarantnir
inspection analyses within tolerance
sam les Number Percent* made Nu.mber Percent* —
 merican Agri. Chem. Co. 73 35 48 199 174 88
`merican Cyanamid Co. 15 14 93 IB 17 94
xpco Fertilizer Co. 1 1 - 3 3 -
rmour Fertilizer Works Z97 186 63 749 699 93
Louisville Fertilizer Co. 2 Z — 5 5 -
 ssociated Cooperatives 27 19 70 27 Z2 82
 arrett Div. , Allied Dye
& Chem. Corp. 4 4 - 4 4 -
lue Grass Plant Food Co. 37 24 65 95 88 93
 uhner Fertilizer Co. 42 6 14 11.6 80 69
hemical Formulators l 0 - 3 1 —
hilean Nitrate Sales Corp. 3 3 - 3 3 -
ommonwealth Fertilizer Co. 21 15 71 50 47 94 ‘
onsolidated Chemical Co. 14 10 71 42 40 95
ooperative Fertilizer Serv. 130 94 72 319 297 93
mberland Chemical Co. 44 38 B6 105 102 97
 vison Chemical Corp.
Hopkins Fert. Div. 51 31 61 141 134 95
Nashville Div. 108 65 60 264 230 87
lis Chemical Co. 91 41 45 201 153 76
pire State Chem. Co. l 1 - l 1 - `
deral Chemical Co. 139 88 63 357 328 92
tson Chemical Co. 8 4 50 24 21 88
ernational Min. & Chem.
Corporation 136 93 68 321 294 92
`erstate Fertilizer Co. 26 14 54 74 70 95 i
·ntucky Fertilizer Works 46 33 72 114 109 96
oxville Fertilizer Co. 152 77 51 363 290 80
 n Oil Co. 2 1 - 2 1 —
thieson Chem. Corp. 1 O — 3 2 -
dwestern Phosphate Corp. 2 2 - 2 2 -
xrth American Fert. Co. 93 45 48 242 211 87
io—Karr Chemical Corp. 4 3 — 4 3 -
`llips Chemical Co. 1 O - 1 0 —
`ce Chemical Co. 71 53 75 175 164 94 »
 in Jones Phosphate Co. 3 3 - 6 6 -
m Phosphate & Chem. Co. 8 7 88 8 7 88
rock Fertilizer Service 8 8 100 8 8 100
M. Scott & Sons 3 3 - 9 9 -
rs Roebuck & Co. 1 0 — 3 2 -
age Commission of
ity of Milwaukee 2 1 — 4 4 -
hern Agri. Chem. Co. 10 10 100 10 10 100
ncer Chemical Co. 6 6 100 6 6 100
ft & Co. , Plant Food Div. 63 34 54 178 161 91
nessee Coal, Iron & R. R. Co. 2 2 — 2 2 -
nessee Corporation 113 76 67 294 273 93
·npson Sales C0. 1 0 - 1 0 -
son Phosphate Co. 12 11 92 23 22 96
. Phosphate Prod. Co. 2 0 - 2 1 -
ey Counties of Ky. Co—op 18 8 44 28 19 68
Carolina Chem. Co. 133 87 65 329 299 91
Totals 2028 1258 62 4938 4424 89. 6
rcent is not indicated when number of samples is less than 5.
Tolerance" is 1/4 of 1 percent.

TABLE 3 - Analyses of Inspection Samples of Mixed Fertilizers, Superphosphate, and
Fertilizer Salts, _]uly -December, 1950
Analyses deficient by more than one -fourth of one percent and relative values deficient by 4
percent or more are underlined. Footnotes are given when the guarantee for sulfate was not met.
_·h"w —·-_ 7* —V-_ _ W __ '_'—-V IUC`-`VU "'_' `" " `""F'—' —" 5 
Manufacturer, Brand Name, Guaranty I phorxc Relative value
Station N0. and From whom obtained N*”°8°'· iigib pot";.
able Guar. Found
Cincinnati, Ohio.
6-8-6 (Muraaze)
5660 Farmers Gin Co. , Clinton 5. 72 8. 65 5. 93 35. 6 35. 8
6-8-6 (suuate)
5934 Sam Litton, Jr. , Morehead 5. 48 8. 90 6. 13 35. 6 35. 8
4-12-8 (Muriate)
6446 Morris Hdw. & Seed Co. , Henderson 3. 97 12. 23 7. 77 38. 4 38. 4
4-12-8 (sulfate)
5661 Ravenna Grocery, Ravenna 4.01 11.95 8.10 38,4 38.5
5662 Brad1ey's Grocery, Moorefield 3. 96 12. 05 8.10 38. 4 38. 5
4-12-8 (Muriate‘4, Sulfate 4)
5935 Melton Grocery Co. , Lynnville 4. 03 I2. 28 7. 42 38. 4 38. 2
3-12-12 (Muriate) *
6159 Baughman Milling C0., Stanford 2.93 11.95 11.91 40.4 40.1
6447 Henderson k Hardy Co. , Shepherdsville 2. 91 12.13 11. 93 40. 4 40. 3
3-9-6 (Muriate)
5936 Melton Grocery Co. , Lynnville 3.15 9. Z8 5. 67 30. 8 31.1
2-14-8 (Murine)
6448 Henderson & Hardy Co. , Shepherdsville 1. 96 14. 00 8. 02 36. 8 36. 7
2-12-6 (Muriate)
5663 Ravenna Grocery, Ravenna 1. 99 12. 23 5. 86 32. 4 32. 5
5664 Denton Hardware Co. , Madisonville 2. 03 12. 00 5. 92 32. 4 32. 4
5665 C.C. Hdw. & Feed Co., Hartford 2.05 12.25 5.98 32.4 32.8
5666 Bedford & Tuttle, Winchester 1. 82 12. 05 5. 94 32. 4 32. O
6160 Baughman Milling Co., Stanford 1.92 11.90 6.24 32.4 32.4
6311 A. 'I`. Hayes & Son, Glendale 1.96 12. 50 6.14 32.4 33.1
6347 Lebanon Carriage & Irnpl. Co. , Lebanon 1. 83 12. 20 6. 13 32. 4 32. 4
6449 Henderson & Hardy Co. , Shepherdsville 1. 87 ll. 78 6. 29 32. 4 32. Z
6450 Morris Hdw. & Seed Co. , Henderson 2. 40 11. 48 6. 23 32. 4 32. B
6451 Walters & Thompson, Shelbyville 1. 93 12. 00 6. 21 32. 4 32. 5
6452 E. J. Vanhook, Moreland 1. 94 13. 53 6.13 32.4 34. 3
0-14-14 (Muriate)
6514 .l'. W. Davison, Science Hill, Ky. * . . . 14. 23 12. 99 36. 8 36.1
* Boron not guaranteed but 0. 28 % found

Table 3 - Analyses of Inspection Samples of Mixed Fertilizers,
Superphosphate, and Fertilizer Salts-—-Continued
7 ` " "" `"`—`" T"  ¤ "`“"m~ ' i 
Manufacturer, Brand Name, Guaranty _ 2}*9;**: Relative value
Station No. and From Whom Obtained N‘tr°g°“ Aigib Pqtash
able Guar. Found
A 0-14-7 (Muriate)
6312 A. T. Hayes and Son, Glendale . . . 13.85 6.98 29.8 29.6
18% Superphosphate
6120 Lebanon Carriage & Impl. Co., Lebanon . . . 17.90 . . . 23.4 23.3
6348 " " " " " " . . . 18.28 . . . 23.4 23.8
New York 20, N. Y.
‘ 33. 50 % Ammonium Nitrate "Aeroprills"
6392 Camargo Farmers Supply, Camargo 33. 48 . . . . . . 67. 0 67. 0
6568 Elliott's Store, Middlesburg 33. 56 . . . . . . 67. 0 67. 1
20. 60 % "Aero" Cyanamid
6121 Farmers Exchange, Burkesville 20. 50 . . . . . . 49. 4 49. 2
6233 Jerome Glass, Grayson 20. 56 . . . . . . 49.4 49. 3
6263 Calloway County Soil Irnp. Asso. , Murray 20. 64 . . . . . . 49.4 49. 5
. 6264 Morgan Farmers Store, West Liberty 20.72 . . . . . . 49.4 49. 7
6265 Southern States Co—op., Glasgow 20.48 . . . . . . 49.4 49.2
6313 Southern States Co-op., Russellville 20.24 . . . . . . 49.4 49.6
Cincinnati, O. , Nashville, Tenn. , Jeffersonville, Ind.
6-8-6 (Muriate) "Big Crop Brand"
6235 Hinch & Co. , Marion 5.18 8.68 6. 29 35. 6 35.1
6350 Sewell & Co. , Waterview 5. 69 9.13 5. 98 35. 6 36. 3
6393 Harralson Seed Co. , Owensboro 5. 67 9.13 6. 05 35. 6 36. 4
6515 Cadiz Hardware Co, , Cadiz 5. 74 8. 88 6. 64 35. 6 36, 8
6-8-6 (Sulfate) Armour’s
5670 Parman Brothers, London 5. 95 8. 53 6. 37 35. 6 36. 5
5671 H. W. Duvall, Park City 6.14 8. 75 6. 66 35. 6 37. 4
5,37 Harralson Seed C0. , Owensboro 5, 76 8. 75 6. 29: 35. 6 36. 3
6453 W. C. Blair, Russell Springs 5. 25 8. 40 6. 54 35. 6 35.1
5-10-16 (suuate) Armouvs
6351 N. S. Dudley & Son, Flemingsburg 4. 75 11. 60 15. 84 46.0 47. 3
6394 Fayette Coal & Feed Co. , Lexington 4. 84 ll. 50 15. 82 46. 0 47. 3
5-10-10 (Muriate) "Vertagreen Brand"
6516 M. F. Bryant & Son, Sebree 5.28 10.08 10.92 40.0 41.6
6236 Louisa Supply Co. , Louisa 5. 06 10. 38 9. 99 40. O 40. 6
a. excess muriate equivalent to 0. 45 percent potash
bl n an n ' nv O_46 n vn

Table 3 - Analyses of Inspection Samples of Mixed Fertilizers, 9
Superphosphate, and Fertilizer Salts---Continued
T—‘"` ' '_'-`_— 93 ` `—""—`""——# ¤_-  or .
Manufacturer, Brand Name, Guaranty _ Ph9§*C Relative value
Station No. and From Whom omamoo ·. N**’°8°¤ ·2;;u_ Potash
able Guar. Found
5-10-5 (Muriate)_ "Vertagreen Brand"
5672 Harralson Seed Company, Owensboro 4. 99 11. 03 4. 95 35. 0 36. 2
5673 Home Fruit Company, Harlan 4. 94 10. 70 5. 38 35. 0 36.1
5938 Paul Gardner Gen. Mdse, . Cerulean » 5. 29 10. 35 5. 04 35. O 36. 0
5-10-5 (Sulfate) Armour‘s "Vertagreen Brand"
5674 O'Rear Hardware Co. , Mt. Sterling 4. 92 10. 73 5. 26C 35. 0 36. 0
4-16-16 (Muriate) "Big Crop Brand" i
6352 N. S. Dudley & Son, Flemingsburg 4. 03 16. 35 15. 88 51. 2 51. 6
4-12-8 (Muriate) "Big Crop Brand"
5939 Birmingham Milling Co. , Benton 3. 82 12. 55 8. 78 38. 4 39. 5
e 6161 1-Iarralson Seed Co. , Owensboro 3. 79 12. 15 8. 36 38. 4 38. 5
6583 Butterworth Seed Company, Mayfield 3. 97 12. 33 7. 90 38. 4 38. 6
4-12-8 (Sulfate) Armour's
5677 London Hardware C0. , London 4. 03 12. 78 8. Old 38. 4 39. 4 _
5942 The Peoples Store, Owingsville 4. 20 11. 90 8. 52 38. 4 39. 2
4-12-8 (Sulfate) Arm0ur's "Vertagreen Brand"
5675 Greenup Farmers Supply, Greenup 4.19 12. 70 8.12 38.4 39. 7
5676 S. E. Hale & Son, Greenville 4. 40 12. 38 8. 02e 38. 4 39. 7
5940 Jerome Glass, Grayson 1 4 31 12. 60 7. 29 38. 4 39. 0
5941 Hatter Hardware Co. . Franklin 4. 2.6 12. 78 8. 27{ 38. 4 40.1
4-12-4 (Muriate) Old Black Joe ·
6193 S. E. Hale L: Son, Greenville 3. 89 12.13 4. 00 34. 4 34. 3
6395 J. R. Williams Hdw. Co. , Beaver Dam 3. 98 12. 40 4. 25 34. 4 35.1
6396 W. H. Arnold & C0. , Madisonville 3. 97 12. 25 4. 24 34. 4 34. 9
4-12-4 (Sulfate) Armour's
5678 O'Rear Hdw. Co. , Mt. Sterling 3. 95 12. 35 4. 04 34. 4 34. 8
3-12-12 (Muriate) "Big Crop Brand"
5679 N. S. Dudley & Son, Flemingsburg 2. 96 12. 23 12. 21 40. 4 40. 8
r 5943 Caneyville Roller Mills, Caneyville 2. 89 12. 38 ll. 51 40. 4 40. 2
5944 H. B. McClary, Auburn 2. 70 10. 78 14. 30 40. 4 40. 6
6162 McWhorter Produce C0. , Albany Z. 84 12. 60 12. 09 40. 4 40. 9
6266 Birmingham Milling Co. , Benton 2. 94 12. 58 12. 56 40. 4 41. 5
6353 N. S. Dudley & Son, Flemingsburg 2. 99 12. 43 11. 97 40. 4 40. 9
c. Excess muriate equivalent to 1. 33 percent pptash
d_ H H u to 0. 41 " "
c' II II II to O,   H Il
{_ H u u to 0_ 58 H H
10 \

Table 3 · Analyses of inspection Samples of Mixed Fertilizers,
Superphosphate, and Fertilizer Salts-——Continued
. Ph¤9_· Index of
Manufacturer, Brand Name, Guaranty Y Ph9UC Relative Value
Station No. and From Whom Obtained N‘°'°g°“ gggb Potasb
able Guar. Found
3-12-12 (Sulfate) Armour's
5680 Harralson Seed Co. , Owensboro 3. 05 11. 98 12. 06g 40. 4 40. 5
3-12-6 (Muriate) Old Black Joe
5681 Anderson's Grocery, Pine Knot 3.13 12.18 5. 68 34. 4 34. 6
5682 Wrigley Mercantile C0. , Wrigley 2. 96 12. 48 5. 70 34. 4 34. 6
5683 Kentucky Training Home, Frankfort 5. 55 8.98 6. 55 34. 4 36. 4
5684 London Hardware Co. , London 3. 40 12. 50 5. 84 34. 4 35. 6 _
5945 Jack J. Jones Gen. Store, Burkesville 3. 00 12. 95 6. 81 34. 4 36.4
5946 J. A. Bennett Hdw. Store, Taylorsville 2. 77 12. 25 6. 08 34. 4 34. 3
6397 H. B. McClary, Auburn 3. 05 12. 53 7. 08 34. 4 36. 2
3-9-6 (muriate) ··Big ci-op B,a,,d··
5947 Farmers Supply Co. , 1-Iodgenville 3.15 9. 90 6. 23 30. 8 32. 4
` _ 5948 Jack J. Jones Gen. Store, Burkesville 2. 97 9. 70 6. 44 30. 8 32. 0
6267 Farmers Gin C0. , Clinton 2. 99 9.15 5. 90 30. 8 30. 9
6454 McWhorter Produce Co. , Albany 2. 99 9. 53 5. 98 30. 8 31. 4
6455 Anderson 8; Spilman, Danville 3.11 10.10 6. 39 30. 8 32. 7
6517 Kuttawa Milling C0. , Kuttawa. 3. 04 9. 08 6. 05 30. 8 31. O
6584 Lilly Brothers Seed Co. , Hopkinsville 2. 89 9. 35 6. 01 30. 8 31. 0
3-9-6 (Sulfate) Armour's
5685 London Hardware Co. , London 3. 07 9. 88 6. 23 30. 8 32. 2
5686 Irvington Truck Lines, Irvington 3.18 10. 48 6. 22 30. 8 33. 2
2-12-6 (Muriate) "Big Crop Brand"
5687 Henderson & Hardy, Shepherdsville 2. 22 12.18 7. 28 32. 4 34. 3
5688 Allegre Milling Co. , Allegre 2. 09 .12.15, 6. 38 32. 4 33.1
5689 G. M. Haycraft & Son, Leitchfield 1. 97 12. 65 6. 29 32. 4 33. 4
5690 Big Four Feed & Impl. C0. , Scottsville 1. 78 12. 35 6. 92 32. 4 33. 3
5691 London Hardware Co. , London l. 97 12.10 6. 34 32. 4 32. 8
5692 T. A. Day, Soldier 2.28 12.50 6.05 32.4 33.6
5693 J. R. Nelson, Eubank 2.12 12.38 6.39 32.4 33.5
5694 Slaughters Mercantile Co. , Slaughters 2.12 12. 33 6.11 32. 4 33. 2
5949 H. B. McC1ary, Auburn 2. 21 13. 30 5. 90 32. 4 34. 3 ·
6145 Salyersville Wholesale Grocery, Salyersville 2. 01 12.13 6. 57 32. 4 33. Z
6194 G. M. Haycraft & Son, Leitchfield 1.78 12.10 6.06 32. 4 32.1
6268 Netherton & Cherry, Smiths Grove 1. 98 13. 38 5. 90 32. 4 33. 9
6314 Bale Hdw. 8; Irnpl. C0, , Horse Cave 1. 83 12.18 6. 30 32. 4 32. 6
6315 Upton Hardware Co., Upton 1.98 12.03 6.17 32.4 32.6
6398 Irvington Truck Lines, Irvington 1. 86 11. 85 5. 99 32. 4 31. 9
6399 Caneyville Roller Mills, Caneyville 1. 84 12. 08 6. 52 32. 4 32. 7
6400 Harralson Seed Co. , Owensboro 2. 03 12. 53 6.11 32. 4 33. 2
6401 Kent Mi1ler's Store, Sacramento 2.05 12.25 6.29 32.4 33.1
6518 Slaughters Mercantile Co. , Slaughters 2. 00 12. 80 5. 94 32. 4 33. 3
g. Excess muriate equivalent to O. 84 percent potash

Table 3 - Analyses of Inspection Samples of Mixed Fertilizers,
Superphosphate, and Fertilizer Salts---Continued `
Pho!} Index of `
Manufacturer, Brand Name, Guaranty _ Phcfnc Relative value
Station No. and From Whom Obtained Nltrclgen *2;:gl- Potash
able Guar. Found
2-12-6 (Muriate)_ "Big Crop Brand" (Cont'd)
6569 Barren County Hdw. Co. , Glasgow 1. 87 12. 35 5. 98 32. 4 32. 5
6570 H. D. Jones, Glasgow 2.09 12.00 6.41 32.4 33.0
0-20-20 (Muriate) "Big Crop Brand"
6163 McWhorter Produce Co. , Albany . . . 21. 35 18. 46 50. O 50.1
6195 S. E. Hale & Son Hdw. Co. , Greenville I . . . 20._O0 20.20 50. 0 50.2
6354 Jewell & Hayden, Bardstown . . . 19*10 21.08 50.0 50.4
6571 Barren County Hdw. C0. , Glasgow . . . 19. 75 20. 44 50. 0 50.1
0-14-7 (Muriate) "Big Crop Brand"
5695 'l`. H. Coffey, Bond . . . 13.90 8.12 29.8 30. 8 ,
6196 S. E. Hale & Son, Greenville . . . 16. 35 10. 09 29. 8 35. 7 ,
6238 Kuttawa Milling Co. , Kuttawa . . . 14. 03 7.19 29. 8 30. 0
6239 Hinch and Co. , Marion . . . 13. 45 7. 03 29. 8 29. 2
6402 Harralson Feed Co. , Owensboro . . . 11. Es 11,. 30 29. 8 31. 3
6403 Caneyville Roller Mills, Caneyville . . . 14. 38 6. 99 29. 8 30. 3
0-12-12 (Muriate) "Big Crop Brand"
5696 Farmers Cooperative, Madisonville . . . 12.10 13. 03 32. 4 33. 6
5697 N. T. Nuckols, Elkton . . . 12. 03 11. 69 32. 4 32.1
5950 Monarch Supply Store, Morehead . . . 12. 80 12. 60 32. 4 34. 0
6146 H. B. McC1ary, Auburn . . . 12.58 12.04 32.4 33.1
6240 Kuttawa Milling Co. , Kuthawa . . . 11. 98 13. 02 32. 4 33. 4
6316 Keith lr Lykins, Springdale . . . 12. 25 12.19 32. 4 32. 9
6355 N. S. Dudley k Son, Flemingsburg . . . 12.23 12.48 32.4 33.2
6404 McGlasson Feed Store, Horse Cave . . . 12. 30 12. 09 32. 4 32. 9
6405 Farmers Supply Co. , I-Iodgenville . . . 11.63 12.03 32.4 32.0
6456 Stock Yards Feed & Supply C0. , Louisville . . . 11. 93 12. 22 32. 4 32. 5
6519 Quality Grocery & Hdw. Co. , Greenville . . . 12. 13 12. 26 32. 4 32. 8
6572 Nctherton Kr Cherry, Smiths Grove . . . 12.40 11.81 32.4 32.7
20 % Superphosphate "Big Crop Brand"
5698 McGlasson Feed Store, Horse Cave . . . 21.18 . . . 26.0 27. 5
5699 Laswell Milling Co. , Brodhead . . . 20. 65 . . . 26. 0 26. 9
5700 ll. D. Jones, Glasgow . . . 21.00 . . . 26.0 27.3
5701 Ravenna Grocery, Ravenna . . . 20. 05 . . . 26. O 26.1
5702 Monarch Supply Store, Morehead . . . 20. 48 . . . 26. 0 26. 6
l 5703 J. R. Nelson, Eubank . . . 20.63 . . . 26.0 26.8
5704 Amburgey's Farm Supply, Mt. Sterling . . . 20.28 . . . 26.0 26.4
5705 Upton Hardware Store, Upton . . . 21.25 . . . 26.0 27. 6
5706 Lilly Bros. Feed Co. , Hopkinsville . . . 20. 58 . . . 26. 0 26. 8
5707 G. 'I`. Casey, Irvington . . 21.05 . . . 26.0 27.4
5951 Joe McBrayer, Morehead . . . 20.00 . . . 26.0 26.0
5952 J'. A. Bennett Hdw. Store, Taylorsville . . . 19. 60 . . . 26.0 25. 5
5953 Sewell L: Co. , Waterview . . . 20. 45 . . . 26. 0 26. 6
5954 Central Grocery, Morehead . . . 19.95 . . . 26.0 25.9
5955 Sphar and Co., Winchester . . . 19.90 . . . 26.0 25.9
5956 Penn Mercantile Co. , Mannsville . . . 21.10 . . . 26. 0 27. 4
` 12 )

Table   — Analyses of Inspection Samples of Mixed Fertilizers,
1 Superphosphate, and Fertilizer Salts---Continued
P¤¤¤_- index ot
' Manufacturer, Brand Name, Guaranty _ Ph9¤C Relative value
Station N0. and From Whom Obtained N*u`°g°n   Potaqh
able Guar. Found
20 % Superphosphate "Big Crop Brand" (Cont'd)
6122 Jerome Glass, Grayson . . . 19. 75 . . . 26. O 25. 7
6147 H. B. McClary, Auburn . . . 20.53 . . . 26.0 26.7
6148 Salyersville Wholesa-le C0. , Salyersville . . . 19. 90 . . . 26. 0 25. 9
6164 Irvington Truck Lines, Irvington . . . 20. 40 . . . 26. 0 26. 5
6197 G. M. Haycraft and Son, Leitchfield . . . 22. 28 . . . 26. 0 29. 0
6237 Louisa Supply Co. , Louisa . . . 19; 65 . . . 26. 0 25. 6
6269 Butterworth Seed Co. , Mayfield . . . 21. 43 . . . 26. 0 27. 9
6270 H. D. Jones, Glasgow . . . 21. 88 . . . 26. 0 28.4
6271 Big Four Feed & Impl. Co. , Scottsville . . . 21.40 . . . 26.0 27. 8
6317 Willoughby Supply Co. , Richxnond . . . 20. 00 . . . 26. 0 26. 0
6318 McCord & Son, Hopkinsville . . . 20. 05 . . . 26. 0 26.1
6356 N. S. Dudley & Son, Flemingsburg . . . 19. 83 . . . 26.0 25.9
6406 Irvington Truck Lines, Irvington . . . 20. 28 . . . 26. 0 26. 4
6457 Farmers Service Store, Jamestown . . . 20.13 . . . 26. 0 26.2
. 6458 Farmers Supply, Eminence . . . 19. 90 . . . 26. 0 25. 9
' 6459 G. M. I-Iaycraft & Son, Leitchfield . . . 20. 53 . . . 26. 0 26. 7
6573 Coffey Store, Yosemite . . . 20. 05 . . . 26. 0 26.1
60 % Muriate of Potash
, 6407 Camargo Farmers Supply C0. , Camargo . . . . . . 61.20 54. 0 55.1
50 % Muriate of Potash A
5708 S. E. Hale & Son, Greenville . . . . . . 51.04 45.0 45.9
5957 M. G. Pruitt Impl. Co. , Bowling Green . . . . . . 55.24 45.0 49. 7
6165 Harralson Seed C0. , Owensboro . . . . . . 48.12 45. 0 43. 3
48 % Sulfate of Potash
5709 Stewart & Co. , Munfordville . . . . . . 43. 76 52. 8 48.1
6357 Jewell & Hayden, Bardstown . . . . . . 42. 84 52. 8 47.1
Sheffield, Ala.
50 % Superphosphate
5711 C. D. Williams, Frenchburg . . . 50. 83 . . . 65. 0 66. 2
5712 Southern States Co-op. , Hopkinsville . . . 50. 93 . . . 65. 0 66. 2 ‘
5958 Southern States Co-op. , Russellville . . . 49. 25 . . . 65. 0 64. 0
5959 Southern States Co-op. , Marion . . . 49.15 . . . 65. O 63. 9
6358 Southern States Co-op. , Lebanon . _ . 50.15 . . . 65. 0 65. 2
49 % Superphosphate
5713 Stewart Company, Munfordville . . . 49. 88 . . . 63. 7 64. 8
5714 Farmers Supply C0. , Paintsville . . . 50. 05 . . . 63. 7 65.1
5960 Simpson County Farmers Co-op. , Franklin . . . 50. 63 . . . 63. 7 65. 8
5961 Southern States C0-op. , Somerset . . . 48. 98 . . . 63. 7 63. 7
6272 Southern States Co—op. , Glasgow . . . 49. 20 . . . 63. 7 64. 0
6460 Farmers Supply Co. , Paintsville . . . 49. 95 . . . 63. 7 64. 9

Table 3 - Analyses of Inspection Samples of Mixed Fertilizers,
Superphosphate, and Fertilizer Salts---Continued `
A gum"- _”"”_ M ”“_"_i-`F ”F—"— ` ”7"_"—*  of
Manufacturer, Brand Name, Guaranty _ Ph9§*C Relative value I
Station No. and From whom obtained N¤”°8°¤ iflgib pots;}.
able Guar. Found
48 % Superphospliate
6149 Deaton Brothers, Jackson . . . 49. 40 . . . 62.4 64.2
33 % Ammonium Nitrate
5715 Farm & Home Supply, Irvine 33.12 . . . . . . 66.0 66.2
5962 Hughes M. Hamilton, Lexington 32.44 . . . . . . 66.0 64.9
6123 Southern States Co-op. , Flemingshurg `3g_ 76 . . . . . . 66.0 65. 5
New York 6, N. Y.
33. 50 Barrett Ammonium Nitrate
5716 Slone Brothers, Jackson 33. 64 . . . . . . 67. O 67. 3
16 % Arcadian the American Nitrate of Soda ·
5717 Jellico Grocery, Harlan 16.20 . . . . . . 48.0 48.6
Cynthiana, Ky.
6-8-6 (Sulfate) B