xt7fn29p355z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fn29p355z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1975-01-jan27-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1975-01-jan27-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1975-01-jan27-ec. 1975 1975-01-jan27-ec. 2011 true xt7fn29p355z section xt7fn29p355z 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Comrrittee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Monday, January 27, i975.

       The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky met at 2:00 p. m. (EST) on Monday, January 27, 1975 in the
Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the Univer-
sity campus with the following members answering the call of the roll.
Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, Mr. William R. Black, Mr. Albert
G. Clay, Mr. Richard E. Cooper and Mr. George W. Griffin. Mrs. Rexford
S. Blazer, Secretary of the Board, was present as an ex officio member
of the Committee. The University Adnministration was represented by
President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents Lewis W. Cochran, Robert
Zumwinkle, Peter P. Bosomworth, Lawrence E. Forgy, and Raymond R.
Hornback; Dr. Donald B. Clapp, Executive Assistant to the President, and
Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel. Representatives of the various news
media were also in attendance.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Sturgill called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Following
the invocation, pronounced by Mr. Black, the secretary called the roll.
Noting that a quorum was present, Mr. Sturgill declared the meeting
officially open for the conduct of business at 2:03 p.m.

       B. Approval of the Minutes

       Mr. Sturgill asked if there were any amendments or corrections
to the Minutes of the December 10, 1974 meeting of the Board of Trustees.
There being none, on motion duly made, seconded and carried the reading
of the Minutes was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as

       C. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

       President Singletary reviewed briefly the various items in his
monthly report to the Trustees and recommended its acceptance. Mr.
Sturgill received the report and it was ordered filed.

       D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       President Singletary explained that the personnel changes recommended
in PR 2 were routine in nature and recommended approval.



       Mr. Sturgill noting that the recommendations had been in the hands
of the Board Members prior to the meeting asked if there were any questions.
There being none, on motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Cooper and
passed, PR 2, Recommendations of the President, was approved as a whole
and ordered made an official part of the Minutes. (See PR 2 at the end of
the Minutes.)

       E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       President Singletary requested that the Executive Committee consider
the two parts of PR 3 separately and recommended that Part II be approved.
Mr. Sturgill called for a motion to this effect and Mr. Cooper so moved.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Clay and passed without dissent.

       President Singletary then requested consideration of Part I which
recommended the appointment of Dr. John T. Smith as Vice President for
Minority Affairs at the University effective July 1, 1975. He explained that
he had been discussing this position with Dr. Smith, who is presently serving
as Director of the Jefferson Community College, for approximately four
months and he was pleased to recommend approval of Dr. Smith for this new
Vice Presidency.

       Mr. Clay, noting that he was aware of Dr. Smith's ability and expertise,
moved approval of the appointment. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin
and passed with all present voting aye.

       Dr. Singletary then introduced Dr. Smith, noting that he was a superior
man who has already demonstrated skillful administrative abilities within
the University of Kentucky Community College System. Dr. Smith will be
responsible for the offices of Minority Student Affairs, Affirmative Action
and Employee Counselor. He will also serve as a staff advisor to the
President in matters relating to minority affairs and as the official repre-
sentative of the University in matters relating to minorities on ti P Lexington
campus, in the Community Colleges, in Lexington and in the state at large.
Dr. Singletary closed his remarks about Dr. Smith by saying that the only
drawback to bringing him to the Lexington campus was that his leaving the
Jefferson Community College Directorship would leave a vast vacuum there.

      Various members of the Executive Committee expressed their high
regard for Dr. Smith and extended to him a warm welcome to the adminis-
trative staff on the Lexington campus. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)



       F. Degree Candidates - Community College Sy'stem (PR 4)

       Mr. Sturgill commented that PR 4, Degree Candidates in the
Community College System, had been available to members of the Board
of Trustees prior to the meeting and asked if anyone had any question-.
There being none, on motion by Mr. Cooper. seconded by Mr. Black, and
passed without dissent, approval was given to awarding the appropriate
degrees and certificates as specified in PR 4 to the persons named upon
certification that the requirements for the degrees or certificates have
been satisfactorily completed. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       G. Budget Revisions for 1974-75 (PR 5)

       PR 5, Budget Revisions for 1974-75, having been mailed to the
members of the Executive Committee prior to the meeting, Mr. Sturgill
asked if the members wished to ask any questions about the proposed
revisions. There being none, on motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by
Mr. Clay and passed, the revisions recommended in PR 5 were authorized
and approved. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       H. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

       Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, said that the com-
mittee had not met prior to the Executive Comnittee meeting but that the
six matters to be acted upon were of a routine nature. He said that he would
take each one up separately.

       Mr. Clay moved that the Interim Financial Report for the five months
period ending November 30, 1974 be accepted. His motion was seconded
by Mr. Black and passed with the ayes carrying. (See FCR 1 at the end of
the Minutes.)

       I. External Auditor for Fiscal Year 1974-75 (FCR 2)

       Mr. Clay then called attention to FCR 2 and moved that the Board
of Trustees engage the firm of Coopers & Lybrand, Certified Public
Accountants, to perform an examination of the accounts of the University
of Kentucky, the University of Kentucky Research Foundation, The Fund
for the Advancement of Education and Research in the University of



Kentucky Medical Center, the University of Kentucky Athletics Association,
Health Care Collection Service, Inc., and the University of Kentucky Credit
Union, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, and render reports for a
fee, including expenses, of not more than $50, 000. His motion was seconded
by Mr. Griffin and passed without dissent. (See FCR 2 at the end of 'he
Minutes. )

       J. Deed of Conveyance (FCR 3)

       At Mr. Clay's request, Mr. Forgy explained that the Keitucky
Authority for Educational Television has requested title to a tract of land,
described in FCR 3, to enable the addition of a storage building to their
present facility on Cooper Drive. He recommended that the Executive
Committee authorize him to execute the necessary Deed of Conveyance
transferring title to the Commonwealth of Kentucky for the use and benefit
of the Kentucky Authority for Educational Television. Mr. Clay so moved
and his motion was seconded by Mr. Black and passed unanimously., (See
FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

       K. Employee Option for Hunter Foundation Health Care (FCR 4)

       Mr. Forgy explained that under federal law, the University of
Kentucky is required to include in any health benefits offered to employees
the option of member ship in a qualified health maintenance program for
employees residing in areas served by such organizations. The recoinmen-
dation in FCR 4 would authorize and allow employees to enroll in any of
the various full cost Hunter Foundation health plans and would permit the
payment of premiums through payroll deduction. Mr. Clay moved adoption
of FCR 4. His motion was seconded by Mr. Cooper and passed without
dissent. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       L. Survivorship Option under University Retirement Sy;stem (FCR 5)

       Mr. Forgy explained that termination by the University of the retire-
ment income paid to retirees when they die prior to their spouse constitutes
a basic and serious inadequacy in the retirement policies and provisions
which have been carried forward from the old "change of work" plan in the
University. The surviving spouse, at the time of advanced age and associated
factors, which typically preclude possibility of gainful employment, being



deprived of support upon which the retired couple had heretofore depended,
results in situations of hardship to an extent that the effectiveness, even
the purposes, of the University's retirement programs are substantially

       Under the funded portion of the University's retirement provisions,
such a settlement option is available to employees at the time of retirement
and Mr. Forgy recommended that the same option be established under the
non-funded portion.

       There being no discussion Mr. Clay moved that effective February 1,
1975, the University's Retirement Resolution be amended so as to permit
University employees including those already retired, who will or are to
receive retirement income from the University under its non-funded retire-
ment program, the option of electing a settlement to assure a survivor
benefit for the employee's spouse. The monthly amount of retirement
income payable by the University under this option is to be the actuarial
equivalent of a single life annunity for a two-thirds benefit payable to the
surviving husband or wife for life, without a guaranteed payment period.
The actuarial equivalent shall be determined by Teachers Insurance and
Annuity Association and shall include the interest rate applicable under
TIAA at the time the option is elected. His motion was seconded 1y Mr.
Griffin and the aye votes carried. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       M. Method for Calculating Benefits Under University's Unfunded
           Retirement Plan (FCR 6)

       Mr. Forgy explained that the recommendation in FCR 6 would require
the calculation of supplemental benefits for Civil Service employees to be
made in the same manner as that applied to all other employees except for
the several Paducah Community College employees who are covered under
separately drawn agreements. There being no discussion Mr. Clay moved
that the calculation of benefits for employees who are entitled to a combi-
nation of retirement benefits from United States Civil Service Retirement
Plan, the University non-funded plan, and the funded TIAA/CREF plan
shall, for purposes of determining any University supplemental benefits,
be subject to the assumption that all TIAA/CREF funded contributions had
been invested solely in TIAA. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin and
passed unanimously. (See FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)



       N. Meeting Adjourned

       Having first determined that there was no further business to come
before the meeting, without objection Mr. Sturgill adjourned the meeting
at 2:25 p.m.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       Lucile P. Blazer, Secretary
                                       Board of Trustees

(PRs 2,3, 4,5, FCRs 1, 2, 3,4,5,6, which follow are official parts of the
Minutes of the meeting. )


                                                       Office of the President
                                                       January 27, 1975

                                                         PR 2

Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees


I.  Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

    Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the appointments
    and/or other changes which require Board action; and (2) that the
    report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved
    by the administration be accepted.

    Background: The following recommended appointments and/or other
    staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance
    with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
    recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate vice
    president through the President and have his concurrence.

    Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain
    appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
    or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
    the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring
    Board approval.

                           BOARD ACTION

New Appointments

Austin, James A., Associate Professor*, Department of Obstetrics &
    Gynecology, College of Medicine, retroactive 12/1/74 through 6/30/75.
Fair, Kathryn, Assistant Professor*, and Director of Undergraduate Programs,
    Department of Dental Hygiene, College of Allied Health Professions,
    retroactive 1/1/75 through 6/30/75.
Foley, William S., Jr., Assistant Professor*, Department of Family Practice,
    College of Medicine, 6/1/75 through 6/30/76.
O'Leary, Joseph, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences,
    College of Agriculture, 1/1/75 through 6/30/75.

'Special Title Series



Maffeo, Patricia, Instructor, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine,
    and Psychologist, University Health Service, retroactive /11/75 through
Rasmussen, Gorman, Assistant Professor*, Department of Medicine, College
    of Medicine, and Director, Department of Social Services, University
    Hospital, retroactive /l1/75 through 6/30/75.
Somes, Grant W., Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine,
    College of Medicine, retroactive 12/1/74 through 6/30/75.
Tietz, Norbert W., Professor, (with tenure), Department of Pathology,
    College of Medicine, effective 3/1/75.
Bishop, Geoffrey B., Visiting Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
    College of Engineering, retroactive 12/1/74 through 6/30/75.
Frye, Wilbur W., Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, College of
    Agriculture, retroactive 11/25/74 through 6/30/75.
Kelly, Col. Arthur L., Professor of Military Science, Department of Military
    Science, College of Arts & Sciences, effective June 1975.
Tobin, Thomas, Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Veterinary
    Science, College of Agriculture, retroactive 1/1/75.


Wright, Ballard D., Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of
    Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, to Associate Clinical Professor
    (Voluntary), (without tenure), Department of Anesthesiology, College
    of Medicine, retroactive 12/1/74 through 6/30/75.

Joint Appointments

Jones, Russell A., Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Psychology,
    College of Arts & Sciences, and Department of Behavioral Science, College
    of Medicine, retroactive 7/1/74.


Mazzoleni, Alberto, Associate Professor, (Adjunct), Department of Medicine,
    College of Medicine, retroactive 7/1/74 through 6/30/75.


Kelly, Leo, Lieutenant, Safety & Security, after 12 consecutive years and
    8 months of service, effective March 1, 1975.

*Special Title Series



Stapf, Paul, Professor, (with tenure), Department of Germanic Languages
    & Literatures, College of Arts & Sciences, retroactive 12/31/74.
    (Early retirement because of medical reasons; as of January 1, 1975
    appointed on a part-time basis and on post-retirement appointment
    at one-half regular salary for one year.)

Post-Retirement Appointments

Cierley, Morris B., Project Coordinator, Office of the Dean, College of
    Education, retroactive 11/1/74 through 6/30/75.
Johnson, Alleen Payton, Visiting Instructor in the Community College System,
    Southeast Community College, retroactive 7/1/74 through 6/30/75.

                      ADMINISTRATION ACTION

New Appointments - Lexington Campus

Ament, Constance, Instructor, (Part-time), College of Nursing, retroactive
    1/1/75 through 6/30/75.
Bachman, Richard Keith, Assistant Clinical Professor (Voluntary), Department
    of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, retroactive 1/1/75 through 6/30/75.
Baldini, Bernadette, Librarian IV, Library, Medical Center, retroactive
    1/1/75 through 6/30/75.
Ball, Betty J., Clinical Instructor (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
    Education and Research, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive
    12/1/74 through 6/30/75.
Biddle, Paul L., Assistant Professor (Part-time), Department of Orthodontics,
    College of Dentistry, retroactive 12/1/74 through 6/30/75.
Bravard, Eloise V., Clinical Instructor (Voluntary), Department of Allied
    Health Education and Research, College of Allied Health Professions,
    retroactive 12/1/74 through 6/30/75.
Chan, Wesley Kenneth, Clinical Instructor (Voluntary), Department of
    Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, retroactive 1/1/75 through
Clark, Jimmy D., Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences,
    College of Arts & Sciences, retroactive 1/1/75 through 6/30/76.
Ewing, Willis B., Jr., Clinical Instructor (Voluntary), Department of Allied
    Health Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions,
    retroactive 12/1/74 through 6/30/75.
Jones, Cheryl, Librarian III, Library, College of Law, retroactive 1/1/75
    through 6/30/75.



Kelly, William N., Clinical Instructor (Voluntary), College of Pharmacy,
     retroactive 1/1/75 through 6/30/75.
McCarthy, Carol, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, retroactive
     1/1/75 through 6/30/75.
McKibben, Vivian, Instructor, Department of Health, Physical Education &
    Recreation, College of Education, retroactive 1/1/75 through 5/31/76.
McWhinney, Bruce A., Instructor (Part-time), College of Pharmacy,
    retroactive 1/1/75 through 6/30/75.
Sanchez, Michael R., Instructor*, Department of Respiratory Therapy,
    College of Allied Health Professions, and Lexington Technical Institute,
    retroactive 1/16/75 through 6/30/75.
Sartorelli, Linda M., Instructor, (Part-time), Department of Philosophy,
    College of Arts & Sciences, retroactive 1/1/75 through 5/31/75. (Temporary
    part-time appointment and will be void if either section does not have a
    registration enrollment of 15 or more; otherwise appointment terminates
    5/31/75 without further notice.
Stuckey, Josephine W., Clinical Instructor (Voluntary), Department of Allied
    Health Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions,
    retroactive 12/1/74 through 6/30/75.
Wolfe, Margaret, Assistant in Teaching, College of Nursing, retroactive
    1/1/75 through 6/30/75.

New Appointments - Community College System

Ashland Community College
Phyllis P. Simpson, Instructor, 1/1/75 to 5/31/75.

Elizabethtown Community College
Marilyn B. Rarick, Instructor, 1/1/75 to 6/30/75.

Henderson Community College
Nancy H. Evans, Instructor, 2/1/75 to 5/31/75.

Lexington Technical Institute
John Neal Peebles, Instructor, 1/1/75 to 6/30/75.

Madisonville Community College
Sue M. Jones, Instructor, 1/1/75 to 5/31/75.

Somerset Community College
Sally R. Mullins, Assistant Professor, 1/1/75 to 5/31/75.



Southeast Community College
Donald L. Price, Instructor, (Voluntary), retroactive 7/1/74 to 6/30/75.

Administrative Appointments

Biggerstaff, Robert H., Associate Professor, named Acting Chairman,
    Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, retroactive 1/1/75.
Wekstein, David R., Associate Professor, named Acting Director of
    Sanders-Brown Kentucky Research Center on Aging, Department of
    Physiology and Biophysics, College of Medicine, retroactive 12/1/74
    through 6/30/75.

Non-Academic Appointments

Andersen, Earl B., Consultant, Learning Resource Center, Department of
    Special Education, College of Education, retroactive 11/1/74 through
    6/30/75. (80% of his time - Coordinator for the State of Virginia SEA
    4/5 time.)
Barnett, James E., Area Extension Agent, Extension Department (Madison
    County), College of Agriculture, retroactive 12/9/74 through 6/30/75.
Butler, Lewis D., Learning Resource System Consultant, Special Education
    Learning Research Center, College of Education, retroactive 11/15/74
    through 6/30/75.
Jones, Edward L., Area Extension Specialist in Development Programs,
    Extension Department, College of Agriculture, retroactive 11/25/74.
Weigand, Kenneth B., Agriculture Extension Specialist, Department of
    Agriculture Economics, College of Agriculture, retroactive 12/1/74.

Joint Appointments

Dougherty, John A., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, College
    of Medicine, and Pharmacology, retroactive 12/1/74 through 6/30/75.

Promotions (without tenure)

Levy, Richard S., Department of Anthropology, College of Arts & Sciences,
    from Instructor to Assistant Professor, 1/1/75 to 5/31/75.

Reappointments - Lexington Campus

Biggers, Sherrill B., Jr., Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
    College of Engineering, 8/1/75 to 5/31/76.
Smathers, Diane, Temp. Instructor, Department of Textiles, Clothing &
    Merchandising, 1/1/75 to 5/31/75, College of Home Economics.



Change s

Anzures, Antonio S., from Assistant Professor* & Physician to
    Assistant Professor (Part-time) & Physician (Part-time), Department
    of Medicine, College of Medicine and University Health Service,
    1/17/75 to 6/30/75.
Harman, Robert L.., from Assistant Professor (regular title series) to
    Assistant Professor*, Adjunct series, retroactive 1/1/75.

Leaves of Absence

James R. Barclay, Professor, (with tenure), Department of Psychology &
    Counseling, College of Education, Sabbatical leave, full-salary,
    Spring semester 75-76.
Ward E. Bullock, Professor, (with tenure), Department of Medicine, College
    of Medicine, Sabbatical leave, full-salary, 2/1/76 through 7/31/76 and
    Special Assignment leave 8/1/75 through 1/31/76.
William Chambliss, Associate Professor, Department of History, College of
    Arts & Sciences, (with tenure), Sabbatical leave, full-salary, 7/1/75
    through 12/31/75.
Joseph C. Finney, Professor, (with tenure), Department of Psychology &
    Counseling, College of Education, Half sabbatical, after 3 years, half-
    salary, Spring semester '75.
Carolyn H. Francis, Assistant Professor, Prestonsburg Community College,
    Community College System, leave without pay, 1/1/75 through 12/31/75.
Paul L. Kinsella, Associate Professor, (with tenure), Jefferson Community
    College, Community College System, leave without pay, 1/1/75 through
Marion E. McKenna, Professor (with tenure) and Dean, College of Nursing,
    Military Leave with Pay, 3/22/75 through 4/5/75.
Vivian MacQuown, Librarian III,(with tenure), Sabbatical leave, full-salary,
    7/1/75 through 12/31/75, Library, College of Law.
Paul Mandelstam, Professor, (with tenure), Department of Medicine, College
    of Medicine, Sabbatical leave, full-salary, 1/1/75 through 6/30/75.
Willem Meijer, Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Biological
    Sciences, College of Arts & Sciences, Sabbatical leave, full-salary,
    3/1/75 through 6/30/75.
Leonard Ravitz, Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Psychology
    & Counseling, College of Education, Sabbatical leave, full-salary, Spring
    Semester, 1975.
William Sabes, Professor, (with tenure) and Chairman, Department of Oral
    Pathology, College of Dentistry, Sabbatical leave, full-salary, Change
    from January 1, 1975 through June 30, 1975, which was approved by the
    Board of Trustees on 9/14/74 to January 1, 1976 through June 30, 1976.

*Special Title Series



Malcolm Siegel, Professor, (with tenure). Department of Plant Pathology,
    College of Agriculture, Sabbatical leave, full-salary, 4/30/75 through

Terminal Reappointments

Jack McElroy, Assistant Professor*, Student Teaching, Department of
    Vocational Education, College of Education, 1/1/75 through 12/31/75.
    (Appointment is non-renewable unless promotion and tenure achieved
    prior to ending date of this appointment. )
Rodney Napier, Instructor, Department of Health, Physical Education &
    Recreation, College of Education, 8/1/75 through 5/31/76.
Kawanna Simpson, Instructor, Department of Vocational Education, College
    of Education, 8/1/75 through 5/31/76.

*Special Title Series

Action: Approved  ve



Date                       *, 1975

, 1975

*0 . X


                                               Office of the President
                                               January 27, 1975


Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees


I. Appointment of Vice President for Minority Affairs.

    Recommendation: that Dr. John T. Smith be named Vice President
    for Minority Affairs, effective July 1, 1975.

    Background: The new position of Vice President for Minority Affairs
    is being created to exert a positive influence at the policy making level.
    Dr. Smith will be responsible for the offices of Affirmative Action,
    Employee Counselor and Minority Students. He will be the official
    University representative in matters relating to minorities on the
    Lexington campus, in the Community College System, in the Lexington
    community, and in the State at large, The Vice President will advise
    students and staff on specific problems and advise the President on all
    matters relating to minorities. Dr. Smith will also be available for
    special assignments by the President as needed.

    Dr. Smith is a native of Lexington, Kentucky and a graduate of Dunbar
    High School. He holds a bachelor's degree from Kentucky State
    University, and the masters and Ed. D. degrees from the University of

    He served in the Lexington Public Schools between 1946 and 1965 as a
    teacher, as Assistant Principal at Dunbar High School, and as Principal
    at Constitution School. Dr. Smith served on the faculty at Ashland
    Community College from 1965 to 1968. He became Assistant Director
    of the Jefferson Community College in 1968 and has served as Director
    since 1969.

    Dr. Smith is active in church, youth and community work, belongs to
    numerous professional organizations, and is listed in Who's Who in
    American Education.



II. Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

    Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the appointments
    and/or other changes which require Board action; and (2) that the
    report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved
    by the administration be accepted.

    Background: The following recommended appointments and/or other
    staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance
    with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
    recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate vice
    president through the President and have his concurrence.

    Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain
    appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
    or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
    the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring
    Board approval.

                      ADMINISTRATION ACTION

Leaves of Absence

Wesley J. Birge, Professor, (with tenure), School of Biological Sciences,
    College of Arts & Sciences, rescinding leave without pay for January 1,
    1975 through June 30, 1975 as approved by the Board of Trustees,
    Page 23, June 11, 1974.

Action: Approved

Disapproved            Other

Date:                          19 -

        A' -      6

, 1975

_ |


                                              Office of the President
                                              January 27, 1975

                                                PR 4

Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees


Recommendation: that the degrees and certificates specified on the attach-
ed list be awarded to the persons named, upon certification that the require-
ments for those degrees or certificates have been satisfactorily completed.

Background: At the November 19, 1965 meeting of the Board of Trustees
authorization was given to the awarding of the Degrees of Associate in Arts,
Associate in Science and Associate in Applied Sciences, and of certificates
for those who complete prescribed programs of two years or less of college
work. The candidates on the attached list completed their requirements in
December and are recommended to the President and the Board of Trustees
by the Community College Council and the Vice President for the Community
College System.

Action: Approved




&I , 1 975.





      DECEMBER 1974


Associate in Arts:

1. Clarence Edward Adkins
2. Vickie L. Albright
3. Sallie S. Alexander
4. Phillip R. Barker
5. Bobbi L. Bills
6. Janelle Leigh Caines
7. Sue A. Carey
8. Michael A. Charles
9. Delbert P. Conley
10. James Richard Cornett
11. Joe E. Cothran
12. Wanda Sue Craft
13. Jerry Mack Dailey
14. Darrell E. Dennis
15. Charles L. Douglas
16. Martha Ellen Eary
17. Virginia A. Edwards
18. Earl E. Ferguson
19. Anita J. Fosson
20. Steven R. Gilley
21. William E. Greene
22. Barry K. Grimm
23. Stephen Allen Groves
24. Nada A. Harrington
25. Stephen Ray Harris
26. Herman T. Henderson
27. James B. Hunt
28.  Gary D. Ingram
29. Elva W. Jarrell
30. Michael Leslie Johnson
31. Deborah A. Keetor.
32. Willis H. Kelley
33. Donna L. Kitchen
34. Walter G. Kurowsky
35. Miles E. Lawhorn
36. Roger L. Lemaster
37. William R. Lewis
38. Cara L. Lyon
39. Deborah A. Lyons
40. Joseph M. Malloy
41. Melloydee J. Martin
42. Vincent E. Mayberry
43. Larry W. McGuire
44. Donald G. McIntyre
45. Robert E. McKnight


Associate in Science:

46. Jesse W. Melvin
47. Dinah L. Midkiff
48. Kenneth A. Parsons
49. Billy R. Patton
50. Lawrence J. Pope
51. Marsha A. Ratliff
52. Francis M. Regan
53. Kathy M. Ross
54. Lucille A. Rowland
55. Richard 0. Scott
56. William B. Scott
57. Sandra J. Sexton
58. Linda Jean Shelton
59. Worthington H. Slutz
60. Scarlet Elaine Smith
61. Richard S. Terreo
62. James D. Thompson
63. Roger G. Vallance
64   David Michael Webb
65. Deborah Sue Wheeler
66. Cynthia A. Whitt

1.  William R. Adkins
2.  Kenneth E. Barker
3.  Roger L. Black
4.  James L. Borders
5.  John V. Borders
6.  Regina A. Bradley
7.  John N. Brislin
8.  Mark E. Brown
9.  William D. Burton
10. Darrell S. Caudill
11. Colonel C. Cline
12. Mary C. Cunningham
13. Billy T. Fritz
14. Ronald R. Griffith
15. Phyllis J. Hall
16. Mary P. Henry
17. Donald L. Houck
18. Garland R. Logsdon
19. George E. Lovelace
20. Debra K. Marcum
21. Dixie L. Marshall
22. Joan E. Mayhew
23. Bill J. McComas
24. Janet L. McEwan
25. John W. Nunley, III
26. Robert E. Preston
27. Paula L. Pruitt
28. Dean A. Qualls
29. James L. Roberts


30. Alan Runyon
31. Rebecca A. Salisbury
32. Donna J. Strohm
33. Nancy L. Sturgill
34. John K. Thompson
35. John T. Ward
36. Steven K. Watkins
37. Charles P. Wheeler
38. James P. Wylie

Associate in Applied Science:

1. Anita L. Branham
2. Vernon R. Hess
3. Charles V. Hobbs
4. Gail P. Johnson
5. Deborah D. Musser