xt7fn29p3526 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fn29p3526/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1925-04-mar11-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1925-04-mar11-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1925-04-mar11-ec. 1925 1925-04-mar11-ec. 2011 true xt7fn29p3526 section xt7fn29p3526 

          Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of
     the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky,  for Wed-
     nesday, March 11, 1925c

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met Wednesday, March 11, 1925, in the o-Lffice
of President MoVey with the following members present:   Judge R.
C. Stoll, Chairman, Senator H. Ia. Froman, and Superintendent
McHenry Rhoads.

     Upon motion duly seconded and adopted, the reading of the
minutes of the nrevious meeting was dispensed with.

     The Business Agent submitted the following report which was
ordered filed:

                                        March 11, 1925

   Dr. Frank L. HoVey
   University of Kentucky

   Dear Doctor MoVey:

   I am submitting herewith financial report for February 1925.

   This report shows receipts from State Treasurer of $479,513.62.
   On March 7 we received a check for February collections of
   $36,865.13,   That brings the total to $516,378.75, making
   the amount received to date $66,378 75 in excess of the
   amount budgeted.   The amount given above includes inheri-
   tance tax.   This surplus probably will be increased $30,0OO
   or more by further receipts, and a study of the budget in-
   dicates that the excess of receipts over expenditures for
   the current fiscal year will probably reach $100,0O.    A
   recent decision of the Court of Appeals relative to the act
   changing the tax rate may have some bearing on the receipts
   of the University.

   We have reduced the Louis des Cognets notes on the stadium
   to $21,500.

   Very truly,

   D. H. Peak
   Business Agent




Statement of Income and Expenditures
       Menth of February 1925

General Ftmnd income
   Federa'. A p:propriation.
   Vocational Educa. Board
   Genera. Educa. Boaid
   Special Agri. Appi o.
   State Tax
   Int. on Libelaty Bonds
   Int. on Edow-Vjienrz Donds
   Chemistry b.dg, 'und
      (nt. on Binigham Tax)
   Student Fees
   Stui. Fees - Summer School
   Stu. Fees - Veterans Bur.
   Stu. Fees - Univ. High
   Stu. Fees - Univ, Exten.

   Administration Exp.
   Additions & Betterments



  8,642.2 2
406.121 .21

368, 242. 57

Excess of Inc. over Expend.37,878.64




    144 .45
275,581. 67

 223.003 64

  To d.ate

  4, S99. 36
  16,028w 26

  5, 636 -67
  83,2C0 .9
  3,3653 s00

12 ,764.10
420,820 .60
260,882.2 S

Patterson Hall Income
   Room Rent - Summer School

   Additions & Betterments

   Excess of Inc. over Exp.

General Fund Income
General Fund Expenditures

27, 241.52

23,937 .21

  2. 036 .21

393,447. 888

9,241.20   34,289.87
            2 192.85
9,241.20   36,482.72

3,9;28.35  27,865.56
3,928.35   29,133.66

  5,312. 85

56,506. 38



Excess of General Fund
  Inc. ovraT Expend.

228,316.49  268,231.34




Excess of Rec. over Exp
  for Gn. Ledger Acot.

Excess of Rec, over Exp, for
  fiscal year to date --
  Gen. Fund                41,640 95  231,526.65
Excess of Rec. over Exp. for
  fiscal year to date --
  Gen. Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1924 - Gen. Fund
Cash in Bank Feb. 28, 1925 - Gen. Fund

Trust Fund Income
  Student Loan Fund
  Civilian Rehabil. Fund
        Total Income
   Student Notes Paid
        Total Receipts

  Student Notes
  Notes Payable


4,428 00

Excess of Exp. over Rec.      432.86
Excess of Exn' over Rec. for the
  fiscal year to date - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1924 - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank Feb. 28, 1925 - Trust Fund


175.91    3,042.27
175.91    3,177.67
554.00    4,592.50
729.91    7,770.17

1,546.00    5,974.00
1,546.00    8,153.40
(816.09)    (383.23)


Experiment Station Income
   Hatch - Federal Appro.
   Milk & Butter - Cash Rec.
   Beef Cattle Sales
   Dairy Cattle Sales
   Sheep Sales
   Swine Sales
   Poultry Sales
   Farm Produce Sales
   Horticultural Sales
   Seed Test
   Fertilizer - Fees
   Public Service - St. Appr.
      it     '   - Misc.
   Feeding Stuffs - FeeB
   Adams - Fed. Appro,
   Serum - Sales
         - Virus Sales


1,282.50    8,997.37
  250.00    1,547.05
    8.00      240.47
    93.88    1,055.25
  169.05    1,372.15
  246.46    1,900.15
  808.90    3,629.94
    6.00    1,343.80
    9.00      120.00
  113.66    3,190.33
  78.50      653.60
2,651.25   13,333.50
5,331.50   33,293.58
  363.42    2,399.19
  16.65      123.75

1, 26-10  3,210-16    -4,936-26



  Serum '--Supply Sales          45.65
     it -- Misc.                  82.89
  State kppropriation        42,721.01
  Creamery - License Fees     3,024.50
      n?   - Testers' Licensesl,157.50
      it   - Glassware Tested   332.71
  Robinson - St. Appro.      12,520.94
        Total                153,277.41


Expense                   154,270.34
Additions & Bettur~monts    9,592.54
     Total                163 862.88
Excess of Exp. over Inc. W10 585.47 )
Excess of Exp. over Inc. for
  fiscal year to date - Exp. Sta.
Cash in Bank July 1, 1924 - Exp. Sta.
Cash in Bank Feb. 28, 1925 - Exp. Sta.

     9.80       55.45
     22.40      105.29
            42, 721.01
    81.00    3,105.50
    66.00    1,223.50
    5.43      338314
11,613.40  164,890.81

25,112. 76
   641 .37
25, 754. 13

,24 726.a)

31,190. 86
  6.464. 66

Extension Division Income
   Federal Stith-Lever
   Federal Supplementary
   State Smith-Lever
   County & other Funds

22,550. 46
174,155.9 0

22,550 .47

98,77 .IT

72, 611.96
272 s7

   Expense                   191,932.53    27,024.67
   Excess of Inc. over Exp.  (17,776.63) 71,696.45
   Excess of Inc. over Exp. for
     fiscal year to date - Ext. Div.
   Cash in Bank July 1, 1924 - Ext. Div.
   Cash in Bank Feb. 28, 1925 - Ext. Div.

   Genearl Fund Income
   Trust Fund Income
   Experiment Sta. Inc.
   Extension Div. Tno.

53 919.82

  55,272. 43

433,v362.79 128&,822.87  718,185-6O
  3,001.76      175.91   - 3,177.67
153,277.41   11,613.40  164,890. 81
174.155.90   98!721.312  272,877 .02
763,797.80  395,333.30 1,153 .131 .10

General Fund Exp.
Trust Fund Exp.
Exp. Sta. Expend.
Ext. Div. Expend.

163 ,862.88

56,506.38  449,954.26
 25, 754.13  189,617.01
 273024e67  218,957.20
109 285.18  85E9,707 . 87

Exoeqo of Inc. over Exp.
Exoess of Rao. over Exp,
  fov Gen. Ledger Aocte  

14,375.11  286,048.12  300,423.23

  (663.40)   2,218.16  1,,554.76


  Excess of Rec. over Exp. for
    fiscal y3a.r to date --
    Ccmbined Fand           132.711 71     8628 32) 8r7 2  _9

  Exceas of Reo. over Exp. for
    f isoal year to date - Combined Finn           301,977.99
  Cash irn Panrk and on hand July 1, 1924
    Cc-dbined Fund.70                                         i
  Cash in Eank and on hand Feb. 28, 1925
    Comrrfined Fund                                  3

       Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and Expen.0,4.-
  tutes   I.. 4xn4'.   R.osi.ptcrir 7  e  itures fox General Ledger
  Ac~c:outsn $' , 44 . 7S^"
                                        Debit      Credit
         A.ooO;unto ye Weceivable                 7, '343. IS
         nurarince Pa.jd in Advance       259.40
         N te3 aFab.b.e                2,000.00
         Sl.mIcd.-y A'I c.xnts         2,747.49
         Student Notes                 1,391.50
                                        6,388.39   7,943.15
                                                   6 ;3% ";9
    Upon motion duly seconded and adopted, the Business Agent of
the UniverOity WaG authorized to take up and pay certain notes that
the University gave to Louis des Cognets and Company for stadium
cons.str;.ctio2n, and held by the First and City National Bank amount-
ing to $2l,560.

    Upon motion duly seconded and adopted, the President and the
Busineep Agent were authori zed to renew a series of notes amount-
ing to $20,000, and given by the University to the Blanchard-
Crocker Company for construction work on the Men's Gymnasium.

     Upon motion duly seconded and adopted, the Business Agent and
the Piesident were authorized to renew notes given by the Univer-
sity for money borrowed from the Kentucky Memorial Fund, and used
in the construction of the stadium.

     President MoVey reported to the Committee that preliminary
steps had been discussed looking toward the establishing of a new
dormitory for women.   He stated in this connection that Profeasot
Walter K. Patterson had previously offerred to deed to the Univer-
sity a plot of ground lying just south of Patterson Hall on con-
dition that the University would pay to him a leasal of $500 a year
during his life time and $5,000 to his estate at his death.

     The President further reported that certain overtures had been
entered into looking toward financing such a building, but that thes,,

5 .


had by no meanse reached such a status as to make it possible to
detail them at this time.

     Upon motion diuly seconded and adonted, the President was auth-
orized to proceed toward completion of these negotiations and re-
port the result of his work to the Committee at a subsequent meet--
Lng.   In thio cOonnect'ion the Executive Commnittea indicated that
it was the sense of that body that the lease indicated affecting
the Patterson propaerGy should be entered into at once.

     President MoVey reported that the University was in position
to take advantage of thfe provisions of the Purnell Bill which pro-
vides for enlargemrent of facilities of experiment stations in the
United States, putting at their disposal amoints of money running
from $20,000 the firet yeast th.cough succeeding years to an amount
equal to $60,00, specilfying the type of work demanded of such ex-
periment stations as rake advantage of it, among these requirements
being experiments in better marketing, better home life, and other
sociological and community projects.

     President MoVey said that in order that the University might
take advantage of- the provisions of this plan it was necessary
under the 1,- that Gsvernor Fields send a statement to the Federal
Gov3rnment setting forth willingness on the part of the University
to accept the conditions of the bill, and to this end he asked
permission of the Board to submit the matter to the Governor..

     It was moved and seconded and duly adopted that the President
make formal request of the Governor that he take the necessary
steps for the University to enjoy the provisions of the Purnell

     Mr. J. Pelham Johnston, attorney for the University, reported
that a settlement had been made with one, Clay Watkins, permitting
the said Watkins to cross property in Breathitt County belonging
to the Robinson tract of University experiment land.    Mr. Johnston
reported that M:r. Watkinst land so lies that he is out off from
access to it but that Watkins himself claimed right to cross this
property to get onto his own land; that a gate had been put up and
efforts made to prevent such crossing, but that these efforts had
failed; that after discussing the matter with Watkins and the Di-
rector of the Experiment Station, he found an agreement could be
reached by which all friction might be allayed and both parties

     Mr. Johnston said this agreement, briefly stated, contemplated
that Watkins pay to the University $1; that he turn over to the Ex-
periment farm 100 black locust posts and furnish certain gate
fastenings; the Experiment Station to build a fence along the road,
but Watkins to do the necessary road repairing for one year.    He
said that in this agreement it was also proposed that Watkins be



allowed the use of a certain barn site that he hid been using on
the Experiment Station property.

     Mr. Johnston submitted a written agreement which had been duly
signed by the parties on both sides.

     Senator Froaian then rmoved that the settlement reported by Mr.
Johnston be approved; that -R. C. Stoll be authorized to execute
this contract on beha.:f of the University, whereupon the said Stoll
did execute the same then and there in the presenioe of Cella Taylor ,
a notary public.   The motion was put upon its passage and adopted

     This contract of agreement as executed is as follows:

        THIS IUND_!',T'S:U;RE made and entered into this the 24th day of
   February, 1925, by and between the University of Kentucky, a
   corporation created under the lawa of Kentucky, party of the
   first part and Clay Watkins of Quicksand, BreathittCounty,
   Kcntuocky, party of the second part.

        WITNESSETH that the said party of the first part for
   the conLda2ration hereinafter stated hereby granxt.3 to the
   said party of the second part the privilege of passing over
   and through the Robinson Sub Experiment Station property in
   Breathitt County, Kentucky, from the mill of the party of the
   second part on Rose Branch to the County road on the north
   bank of the Kentucky river at Quicksand, Kentucky, over and
   along a strip of land 16 feet wide. which was formerly the
   road bed of the Morbray and Robinson Railroad, for the pur-
   pose of delivering lumber from the said mill of the party
   of the second part, for the term beginning with the date
   hereof to and including the 31st day of December, 1925; up-
   on the following terms and conditions, to-wit:

      1. That for the privileges hereby granted, including
      t'ne lease of the barn herein contained, the party of
      the second part has paid to the party of the first part
      the sum of $1.00 the receipt of which is hereby aocnow-
      ledged by the party of the first part, and the said
      party of the second part further agrees to furnish and
      deliver to the party of the first part at a point or
      points along the strip of land he is hereby granted the
      privilege of hauling over said point or points to be
      designated by the superintendent of said Robinson Sub
      Experiment Station 100 Black Looust posts, (6") six
      inches in diameter and (7 ft.) seven feet long, and al-
      so (3) three gate patterns for gates 7 feet high, by
      12 feet wide, within thirty days (30) from the date
      hereof; and in the event the party of the second part
      fails to furnish and deliver said posts and said gate



  patterns as hereby agreed, within said 30 days period,
  then all rights and privileges hereby granted to party
  of the second part shall cease and determine.

  2. The said party of the second part hereby agrees that
  he will put the strip of land over which he is hereby
  granted the privilege of hauling, in proper shape for
  said hauling, and during the entire term of the privi-
  leges hereby granted keep the same in such condition,
  all at his own expense.

  3. The said party of the second part further agrees
  that he ewill not haul over or go upon any of t'he land
  of the party of the first part except that herein spec-
  ified, and that he will not injure or damage any of the
  property of the party of the first part; and in the
  event that any damages result to the party of the first
  part from the exercise by the party of the second Part
  his agents, servants or employees, of the privileges
  hereby granted, the party of the second part will pay
  such damages to the party of the first part.

     For Ghe consideration herein stated the party of the
first part hereby leases to the party of the second part the
land now covered by a barn erected by the party of the second
part on the property of the party of the first part, on Rose
Branch in Breathitt County, Kentucky, and near the above men-
tioned mill of the party of the second part, for the term
from the date hereof to and including the 31st day of Decem-
ber, 1925; and the said party of the second part hereby
agrees that before or immediately upon the expiration of the
term of this lease of said land, he will remove said barn
from the property of the party of the first part; and the
party of the second part hereby releases unto the party of
the first part all right, claim and interest in and to the
tract of land upon which said barn was erected.

     IN TESTIMONY OF ALL WHEREOF the party of the first and
seoond part have hereunto set their hands the day and year
first above written.

                                       UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

                                       By  Richard C. Stoll
Attestt Enoch Grehan                      Chairman of the Ex-
         Secretary, Board of              eoutive Committee
                                           Clay Watkinq



       I, Cella Taylor, a Notary Public within and for the
   State and County aforesaid, whose commission expires on the
   22d day of July, 1928, hereby certify that the foregoing in-
   strument of writing was this day produced before me in my
   county and acknowledged and delivered by The University of
   Kentucky by Richard C. Stoll, the Chairman of the Executive
   Committee of said University of Kentucky to be the act and
   deed of said University of Kentuoky a party thereto.   Given
   under my hand and Notarial seal the 11th day of March, 1925.

       SEAL                                 Cella Taylor
                                         Notary Public, Fayette
                                           County, Kentucky


        I, B. C. Sewell, a Notary Public within and for the State
   andCounty aforesaid, whose commission expires on the -4th day
   of February, 1928, hereby o~rtify that the foregoing instru-
   ment of writing was this day produced, acknowledged and de-
   livered bofore me in my said county by Clay Watkins, a party
   thereto, to be his voluntary act and deed.

        Given under my hand and Notarial seal this the Lth day
   of February, l996.
                                            B. C. Sewell
                                         Notary Public, Breathitt
       SEAL                                  County, Kentucky

     President McVey reported that a question had arisen concerning
payment of certain taxes on Experiment Station land belonging to-
the University, and lying in Knott County.   Without objection, Mr.
Johnston was authorized and empowered to take up and settle this

     The firm of Coolidge and Shattuck, Boston Architects, pre-
sented the.following bill for services in making and revising plans
for the chemistry building:

                                         Boston, Massachusetts
                                              March 6, 1925

   University of Kentucky
        To Coolidge and Shattuck, Dr.
   For Professional services rendered in making changes in plans
   for Chemistry Building, University of Kentucky, Leexington,
   Kentucky, as per instructions of President McVey of June 23,
   1924, $2,858.9O.   2 x $1,429.45, the cost ofidraughtmen's
   time on changes.



  University of Kentucky
        To Coolidge and Shattuck, Dr.

   For Professional services rendered on account of Chemistry
   Bu~ilding for the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky,
                                                   $5, 475.$69
   3%c on 182,523, tho amount of contracts.

   General construction, J. T. Jackson Lumber Co.,  $119,997.00
   Plumbing, J. J. Fitzgerald and Co.,                 19,310.00
   Heating & ventilating, J. J. Fitzgerald & Co.,     21,900.00
   Electrio, Brook-Anderson Electric Co.,              21,316.00

   Electrical engineering services in connection
   with additions to Chemistry Building,
   4.2% of Electrical Contract $21,316.00                 895.27

   Revising electrical plans in connection with
   University of Kentucky,
   2 Times Draughtsman and Engineer's time                302.98

   Plans and specifications in connection with
   Heating and Ventilating additions to present
   system - Chemistry Building - based on
   -awarded contract.
   ...#..2% ofa $21,900                                    919e 8Q
   Extra charge for revisions of plans to conform with
   changes made by architects, based on two times
   draftsmen's labor, 2 times $279.36                     558.72

     Upon motion duly seconded and adopted, the President and the
Business Agent were authorized to pay the foregoing acocunt, if
after checking it over, they found it correct.

     President McVey submitted the following letter from Dean
Thomas P. Cooper, Director of the Experiment Station, which is

                                         March 7, 1925

   President F. L. MoVey
   University of Kentucky

   Dear President McVey:

   When the citizens of Caldwell County deeded to the University
   the land required for the Western Kentucky Sub Experiment
   Station, they divided a part of one farm, leaving approxi-
   mately fifty or sixty acres in the back with its only outlet
   through our property.



  Last week while at the Sub Station, the question came up of
  the right of way through our property.   After going into the
  matter in some detail, I found that the giving of such right-
  of-way would be not only a perpetual nuisance, but that it
  would cut directly through the areas which we wished to use
  foi experimental plots and similar purposes and which, con-
  sequently, would be of the greatest value to us.    Therefore,
  I asked Mr. Lowry to enter into negotiations for the purchase
  of this property.

  Arrangements have been made to purchase it for nine hundred
  dollars.   This property contains approximately fifty to
  sixty acres.   There is some little timber on it which will
  give us posts and which will serve to reduce somewhat the
  price paid for it.

  I wish to recommend that the Board give permission for the
  purchase of this property, and I trust that authority will be
  given to proceed with the necessary arrangements.    I am sure
  that under the circumstances, its purchase is advisable.

  As I understand it, there is no way by which this purchase
  can be charged to the appropriation for the Western kentucky
  Sub Experimment Station.  Therefore, I am recommending that
  the necessary funds be advanced to the Western Kentucky Sub
  Station from the farm income of the Experiment Station and
  that this sum be repaid to the Experiment Station as tAe
  Western Kentucky Sub Station may secure income.

  I am attaching a rough sketch showing the location of the
  land to be purchased.

  Very truly yours,

  Thomas Cooper
  Dean and Director

     Upon motion duly seconded and adopted the purchase of land in
question at the price named was authorized.

     President McVey submitted the following letter from M. J.
Crutcher, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, calling for
certain corrections in the minutes of the previous meeting of this
Committee.   Without objection by the Committee, the same were au-
thorized to be made.



                                        Mardh 11, 1925

  President F. L. McVey
  University of Kentucky

  My dear President MoVey:

  We wish to submit two corrections to the minates of the regu-
  lar meeting of the Exeontive Commnittee of the Board of Trus-
  tees held February 12, 1925, as applied to coatract prices
  by the various bidders on the new Chemistry,-Bailding.

  At the bottom of page 9, there occurs the iteri: "These bids
  deduct $6,000 for fixtures."   This should be stricken out
  as it has no bearing on the summary of the geieral contract

  On page 10, we wish to correct the total bid prices of the
  J. T. Jackson Lumber Company to read $120,397 instead of
  $122,652 as shown.   The latter figure merely hidicates the
  total cost to the University of their general oentract price
  plus additional bids and bond.    The total Bum appearing on
  their cortract amounts to $120,397.

  Very truly yours,

  M. J. Crutcher
  Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds

     President MoVey reported that he deemed it wise-to place cer-
tain benches at the north and south sides of the Adniilistration
Building laying off thereat plats or small plazas tc supply gath-
ering places and seats for students and thus prevent accidents by
automobiles running through roadways at the two ends o f the build-
ing.   He reported that a plat had already been made, announced
that the cost to the University would be about $1,500 Go $2,000,
and asked permission to proceed weith its installment.

     Upon motion duly seconded and adopted, the President was auth-
oriz3d to proceed with this plan.

     President CoVey submitted the following self-explauatory lat-
tar from Dean Thomas P. Cowper which was ordered spread upon the
                                         February 26, 1925
   President F. L. MoVey
   University of Kentucky

   Dear President MoVey:

This is to inform you that we have been notified by Mr. B. H.



  Heide, secretary-manasr of the International Livestock Exposi-
  tion, that a Pullman .-)mpany scholarship of $250 has been
  awarded to the College of Agriculture for.thia.:year.  This
  award is made on account of the winnings and standing of the
  exhibit of the Experirent Station at the recent International,
  and represents a cash sum of $250, which is to be awarded by
  the College of Agriculture to some worthy student.

  Very truly yourS,

  Thomas Cooper
  Dean and Director

     The following resignations and appointments were approved:

     Resignation of Hiss Mary E. Daviess, clerk in the department
of horticulture, effective with the close of business February 7,
     Resignation of Mj3s Emma S. Roseboom home demonstration
agent, Mercer County, offaotive February 14, 1925.
     Resignation of L.. N. C. Shiver, assistant county agent,
Mason County, effoct 1 -e Yebruary 28, 1925.

     Appointment of Yise Pauline Howard, clerk in the department
of horticulture, at E, st lary of $85 a month, effective February
9, 1925.
     Appointment of liBE Helen Kannedy, Home Demonstration Agent,
Mercar. County, at a salary of $166 2/3 a month, effeotive Febru-
ary 1 to June 30, 1925.

     Continuation of employment of the following:
     W. M. Howat, county agent, Spencer County, at a salary of
$150 a month from March 1, 1925 to February 28, 1926.
     H. F. Link, assistant state agent, Lexington, at a salary of
$250 a month, from February 16 to December 31, 1925.
     C. E. Houk, county agent, Garrard County, at a salary of
$196 2/3 a month from January 1 to December 31, 1925.
     W. D. Sutton, county agent, Hopkins County, at a salary of
$233 1/3 a month, from February 1 to December al, 1925.
     Miss Anna MA. Streed, home demonstration agent, Henderson
dounty, at a salary of $183.33 1/3 a month from March 1, 1925 to
February 28, 1926.
     C. V. Bryan, county agent, Taylor County, at a salary of
$166 2/3 a month, from March 1, 1925 to February 28, 1926.
     G. B. Nane, county agent, Campbell County, at a salary of
$216 2/3 a month, effective February 16 to December 31, 1925.

     Meeting adjourned.

                                         Enoch Grehan
                                         Secretary of the Board