xt7fn29p3371 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fn29p3371/data/mets.xml  1897.  books b92-53-27062044 English The Church Record Pub. Co., : New York : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Lexington (Ky.) Churches. Church record  : containing the histories of the churches : biographies of their pastors : photographs of churches and pastors : list of officers and members. text Church record  : containing the histories of the churches : biographies of their pastors : photographs of churches and pastors : list of officers and members. 1897 1897. 2002 true xt7fn29p3371 section xt7fn29p3371 




The Histories of the Churches-Biographies of
   Their Pastors-Photographs of Churches
       and Pastors-List of Officers
              at- gembxsrg

            I LLUSTI1ZSTID.

                NEW YORK a

 This page in the original text is blank.



   With the exception of only two or three, the interest-
ing histories of the churches which are here presented
have been prepared by their respective pastors expressly
for this book. As to the arrangement of the subject mat-
ter, we have placed the denominations in alphabetical
order. We sincerely regret the inability to secure the
two or three photographs that are omitted, but it is no
fault of the publishers.
   We trust that any slight errors may be generously
overlooked, since they are not due to any lack of pains-
taking care.
                               THE PUBLISHERS.



   This book is something entirely new for Lexington.
Although many churches publish occasionally, each for
itself, a manual or directory, giving some of these facts
for the use of their own members, yet the combining
of all these together so that the members of all the Protest-
ant bodies may readily learn about one another is an
entirely new plan and will prove to be a great success.
Aside from the great convenience of such a volume there
are higher ends to be secured. We are members, in all
these churches, of one another; our aims are common;
our methods vary and we can learn much from each
other. There is also great practical value to a city, grow-
ing as this does, in holding up the beginning of things
and the course of history in the churches. The stranger
can inform himself in a few moments as to the story of
the church into which he has come from another com-



          Historical Sketch.
                BY Rav. W. M. PRATT, D. D.

   The present First Baptist Church of Lexington was
constituted in I817. George W. Ranck, in his History
of Lexington, page 19, gives the following account:
"In that year (i817), on the 4th of January, a number of
its (Town Fork) scaftered members assembled and re-
organized the church, with the assistance of Elders Toler,
Jacob Creath, sen., and Jeremiah Vardeman; Berry
Stout being moderator and Samuel Ayers, clerk." On
the church list of rembers kalbqn -that time, we find,
among others; tl1P.nPr of f j4itr tter, R. Higgins,
William C. Wafidld, Walter'Wagil'e'ld, W. H. Richardson,
William Stonle 'MattheW Wktef,) Williaim, Jayne, Edward
Payne, J. a ,Mortory, J C .C. iiaaseni, Gabtiel Tandy,
Thomas Lewis, and WiiJiatV Poindexter. The congre-
gation met at this4 tinei ccb  pe  of Transylvania
University, but iniffiediYd 9tbps' ere' taken to build a
new house of worship. It was completed and occupied
in October, i8i9, and located on North Mill street, op-
posite the College Lawn. It was a substantial two-story,
provided with galleries.
   Immediately after re-organization of the church, Dr.
James Fishback, who had just been ordained to the Bap-
tist ministry, was called to the pastorate at a salary of
4o0 per year, a sum considered at that time quite extra-
ordinary for a preacher's services.  His pastorate ex-
tended from i817 to i826. A quaint feature of the day
was the custom, kept up for a long time, of the Mill
Street Church, of giving out hymns line after line. Mr.
Ranck furthermore states respecting this first pastor of
the church: "In i826 the influence of the religious
movement, headed by Barton Stone and Alexander
Campbell, caused the introduction of a resolution into the
First Baptist Church to change its name to 'the Church
of Christ,' which was advocated and opposed by the two
parties which had then formed in the church.  After a



long discussion, the party favoring the resolution
'swarmed out' under the leadership of Dr. Fishback,
and organized the 'Church of Christ,' and worshiped
in a building now known as the station, an office on Short
street between Upper and Limestone. This church was
eventually dissolved, many of the congregation going
back to the First Baptist Church, and the remainder con-


nected themselves with the body now called the 'Chris-
tian Church."'
   The following is a list of succeeding pastors of the
First Baptist Church to the present time:
   Second Pastor-Elder Jeremiah Vardeman, from
i827 to i830, assisted by J. Creath, Jr., in i828 and i829.
He was a very eloquent and effective preacher and had
greater success in revivals than any other minister of his
   In i834 and i835 Elder W. C. Buck preached for the
church once a month.
   An i83i J. B. Smith is mentioned as preaching for the
church one year.




   In i832 to i835 Elder R. T. Dillard was in charge of
the church.
   In 1835 to i839 Elder Silas M. Noel was pastor. He
died May 5, i839. He was succeeded by Dr. B. P. Drake,
a member of the church, a physician, and set apart to the
ministry of the church.
   In i840 Rev. William F. Broaddus, of Virginia, was
called to the pastorate at a salary of 1,500 per year, with
the privilege of conducting a young ladies' school. Re
continued in the pastorate until I845, when he resigned.
He was a very able minister in the pulpit and an excellent
   In i845 Rev. W. M. Pratt, D. D., was unanimously
invited to take charge of the church for one year, at a
salary of 700.
   So, according to contract, he returned, after a tour
through Virginia, and commenced his pastorate August
I, 1845, expecting to close up and go back at the end of
a year.
   The church sent a committee each year for seventeen
years, to renew the call. The people in this region know
whether his labors during this long pastorate were a suc-
cess or a failure. He has, preached during the pastorate
three thousand two hundred and seventy-one sermons;
baptized into the fellowship of the church three hundred
and eighty-six; two hundred and seven were received by
letter, and eighty by relation and restoration, making
six hundred and seventy-three additions.  Number of
members in i845 two hundred and sixty-nine; number in
i863 three hundred and twenty-six.  The church con-
tinued in great harmony during this period, with very
little disturbance. During the period of the civil war it
required great prudence to steer the ship of Zion through
the troubled waters, but she got through safe and sound.
   In the spring of i853 the church resolved to erect a
new house of worship, and secured a lot with a good
dwelling on Mill street, and broke ground for founda-
tion the rst of April. On the i9th of November, i854,
the last services were held in the old meeting house which
had been occupied for over thirty years, and the church
used the basement of the new church on December 3d,
following. The house. was not completed for dedication
until August I9, i855, when Drs. S. W.-Lynd and R. T.
Dillard preached on the occasion to a full house at II a.
m. and 4 p. m. The cost of the house was i5,ooo. We
raised by subscription 8,296, by collection and subscrip-
tion on day of dedication 796.73, and the contractors al-




lowed us 2,500 for material of old house, leaving a debt
of i io.86 which was subsequently discharged.  The
church prospered in this new and beautiful house, when,
on the night of January 3, I859, it was burned to the
ground. A burning shingle from a stable on fire, on the
opposite side of the street, was blown. into the cupola and
the firemen had not the appliances to reach and put out
the fire. The pastor was returning from a trip to Illinois
and at Cincinnati was informed of the sad disaster. On
reaching Lexington he found his church in great distress
on account of the disaster, and it was a number of months
before the members could agree upon rebuilding as to
the location. A portion was favorable to rebuilding upon
the same ground, others regarded the "Old" Baptist grave
yard a better place, because of the spacious ground. It
wag finally agreed that the contribution should decide the
matter. This stimulated activitv and liberal subscription.
More money was subscribed for the grave yard and the
others acquiesced. It was not till January i, i86o, one year
after the fire, the basement was fitted up for worship, and
a year later before the auditorium was completed. Dr. D.
R Campbell, of Georgetown, and Rev. George C. Lor-
rimer were with us and preached on the occasion. Pre-
vious to this the church worshiped sometimes in the old
city hall and in the theater and we were all glad to be
settled in our new home.  About the first of i863 the
pastor resigned his charge, although the annual call was
renewed. The reason was this: For a number of years
the board of the general association had been located in
Lexington, and he had acted as financial secretary of all
branches of its work, viz., state, foreign and domestic
missions, Sunday-school and colportage, and the duties
were so numerous and such a tax on his time he could not
do justice to his church as a pastor or to himself under the
heavy responsibility resting upon him. The prosperity
of the church demanded the whole time of her minister.
He advised the church to call Rev. Wm. H. Felix, a
young man full of promise of usefulness, and well
equipped by education for the position.  The church
acted upon his suggestion, and on the 6th of September,
i863, Rev. Felix, having accepted the invitation of the
church, entered upon the pastorate and continued until
May, i869, when he resigned and settled as pastor of the
church at Covington, Kv.  During this period of six
years the church was increased to four hundred and
twenty-five membership. He was much beloved bv his




church and respected by the community. He was suc-
ceeded by Elder George Hunt, who was pastor for about
four years-from i869 to i873. Brother Hunt was fol-
lowed by L. B. Woolfolk, who continued in the office be-
tween four and five years, and he was followed by Elder
Lansing Burrows. After him came Elder J. C. Hiden,
who was pastor from i884 to I887. In i887 Elder A'.
H. Felix was called to the pastorate the second time, and
is now closing the tenth year of the second pastorate.
When he came to the church in June, i887, there were
four hundred and twenty-five members, now there are
over nine hundred, having himself received between six
and seven hundred into the church.

         Biographical Sketch of Pastor.

   Rev. William H. Felix, pastor of the First Baptist
Church of Lexington, was born in Martinsville, Wood-
ford county', Kv., October 6, i838.
   He remained on his father's farm until he was sixteen
years of age. In i855 he entered Georgetown College
and was graduated from that institution in i86o.  He
then took charge of a Baptist church at Newcastle, Henrv
county, Ky. Hle was ordained by Dr. Duncan R. Camp-
bell, president of Georgetown College. During his first
ministry he read law and was admitted to the bar in i862
and practiced law one year in Shelbyville, Ky.
   In i863, Mr. Felix was called to take charge of the
First Baptist Church of Lexington, Ky., and served until
i869, when he received a call from the Pilgrim Baptist
Church of New York City, and was pastor of that church
for one year.
   In i870 he accepted a call to the Fitst Baptist Church
of Covington, where he remained for fourteen years and
resigned in I884. For two years thereafter he served
countrv churches in order to regain his health.
When he came to Lexington in I887 the church had four
hundred and twenty-five members; after his nine vears of
labor the congregation has grown to over a thousand
   Mr. Felix was married in i86i to Miss Mattie Hav-
don, daughter of Thomas Havdon, of Louisville, Ks'.



She died in i871, leaving four children. Mr. Felix was
married the second time in i875 and by this union one
son and one daughter were born.
   There are few men in the ministry whose labors have
produced a greater portion of good.  Wherever he is
known he is greatly loved and respected.





List of Members.

Allender, W. E.
Allender, Mrs. Allen.
Allender, Mrs. S. A.
Allender, Miss Bettie.
Allender, Miss Sarah.
Adams, Thos.
Alexander, Mrs. S. M.
Atkins, F. A.
Atkins, Mrs. Roberta.
Atkins, Miss Mary.
Atkins, Miss Bertie.
Aubrev, Mrs. Annie.
Allen, Elijah.
Allen, Mrs. Marv E.
Allen, Miss Elma.
Allen, Miss Nellie.
Allen, Win. Raymond.
Allen, Mrs. Jennie.
Armstrong, Mrs. E.
Atchison, Mary.

Baker, Jessie.
Bosworth, G. W.
Bryant, W. D.
Bryant, Mrs. Maggie.
Bond, Mrs. Hattie.
Berry, Mrs. Mildred.
Berry, Mrs. Ellen.
Berry, Miss Lucy.
Battaile, Mrs. Sallie.
Barkley, John L.
Barkley, Mrs. Bettie.
Barkley, Archie.
Barkley, Miss Sallie.
Barkley, George.
Barkley, Mrs. Lucy.
Brooks, Mrs. F. D.
Batts, Mrs. Mattie.
Bliss, Mrs. Julia.
Beard, Margaret.
Bourne, Morton H.
Bacon, Miss Maggie.
Byrnes, Robt.

Ayer, Mrs. Ella.
Anderson, Josephine.
Atkins, Annette.
Asher, Mrs. Margarette.
Adair, Miles.
Adair, Mrs. Mollie.
Alexander, Harvey.
Adair, Miss Lena.
Adair, Miss Addie.
Akers, J. A.
Alford, Richard.
Alford, Mrs. Mary.
Alford, Miss Susie.
Alford, Oliver.
Alford, James.
Alford, Richard.
Alexander, Mrs. Nettie H.
Allen, Leonard.
Alexander, John.
Armstrong, Mrs. Maggie.

Bolin, Miss Nannie.
Bealert, Mrs.
Bateman, G. F.
Bateman, Mr. C.
Brock, Joseph.
Brock, Mrs. Ella.
Bosworth, N. L.
Brock, Mrs. Frankie.
Ball, Mrs. Samantha.
Bateman, Howard.
Brasfield, Miss Hallie.
Bickers, Mrs. Emma.
Booth, H. M.
Ball, Eugene.
Ball, Miss Nettie.
Brown, S. S.
Brown, Dudley.
Brown, Miss Bertie.
Biggerstaff, Miss Bessie.
Bradley, W. S.
Bonta, Mrs. Jeo.
Bush, Brarni Ate.




Byrnes, Mrs. Sallie.
Bennett, Miss Annie.
Barlow, Maria L.
Barlow, Miss Blanche.
Bealle, Narcissus.
Bloom, Miss Laura.
Brown, Mrs. Mary.
Bain, Mrs. Bettie M.

Chasteen, Martha.
Chasteen, Julia.
Clark, Mary.
Clark, Augustus.
Clark, Mary.
Clark, W. F.
Clark, Lee.
Clark, Jessie.
Carpenter, B. P.
Carpenter, Mary.
Carpenter, Lizzie.
Calvert, Mrs. Thos.
Cassell, Mrs. Sophia.
Curd, Miss Sallie.
Campbell, W. H.
Curtis, Mrs. Ellen.
Conners, Mrs. Atar.
Cluke, Mrs. Fannie.
Chasteen, Bert.
Collier, Fred.
Calvin, Miss Laura.
Chick, Mrs. Mary.
Cohen, Henry.
Cohen, Mrs. Henry.
Cohen, Allie.
Cohen, Miss Bessie.
Cassell, Miss Annie.
Canfield, Mrs. Marv.
Canfield, Miss Mary.
Canfield, Miss Bettie.

Darnaby, Geo. E.
Dickerson, James.
Dickerson, Mrs. Alice.
Dickerson, Claud.
Dickerson, Nannie B.
Drake, Ben.
Drake, Ben, Jr.

Bressie, Miss Minnie.
Burke, Mrs. Rannie.
Burke, Miss Lola.
Britton, Thomas.
Britton, Mrs. Thomas.
Bain, Mrs. Mattie.
Bain, Mrs. Cherela.
Burke, Mrs. Mary.

Carr, Ben G.
Clould, Miss Mary.
Curry, Brook.
Collins, Miss Jessie.
Cardwell, Miss Sallie.
Cardwell, Miss Fannie.
Cohen, Miss Edith.
Crowder, David.
Covington, David.
Covington, Mrs. Hannah.
Crosthwait, Mrs. Laura.
Creek, Miss Bettie.
Colcamp, Mrs. E. F.
Curtis, Mrs. Kate.
Cohen, Miss Minnie.
Colclazier, Joe.
Chenault, D. A.
Cannon, Miss Mary.
Corbin, Mrs. M. J.
Chandler, Mrs. Alice.
Collier, Miss Lucy.
Carter, W. L.
Chambers, Vactor.
Cluke, Miss Annie.
Crowder, Miss Gertrude.
Cramer, Mrs. Alice.
Cox, Mrs. Lottie.
Caldwell, Mrs. Jennie.
Cooper, Mr. George.
Cooper Mrs. George.

Downing, 1Irs. Eva.
Duncan, W. H.
Davis, J. Elwood.
Dillard, Miss Florence.
Dinelle, Miss Mary.
Dillard, Miss Annie.
Drake, Mr. E. B.




Drake, Mrs. Alice.
Dotson, W. N.
Downing, Mrs. Delia.
Dillon, H. R.
Dillard, Mrs. Nannie.
Dingle, Miss Kate.
Downing, Robert.
Davis, J. Elwood.

Elrod, David.
Elrod, Carrie.
Elrod, Mamie.
Elrod, Lulu.
Ellis, Mrs. Sarah.
Eades, Lucretia.
Eades, Annie.
Emison, Miss Mary.
Eastin, Preston.
Eastin, Laura.
Elmore, Sallie.

Foreman, Julia.
Fowler, Catherine.
Foley, Laura.
Fairhead, Lizzie.
Flannelly, Mary.
Freeman, Yancev.
Freeman, Eva.
Felix, W. H.
Felix, Mrs. C. H.
Felix, W. H., Jr.
Farley, Albert S.
Foley, Mrs. Dixie.
Fowler, Martha.
Fleming, Lucy.
Frily, Miss Fannie.

Graves, Mrs. Polly.
Graves, J. M.
Graves, Mrs. J. M.
Graves, Miss Elenora.
Graves, Buford.
Graves, J. R.
Graves, Mary E.
Graves, Lee.
Gears, Caroline.

Drake, Mrs. E. B.
Damaby, Charlie.
Darnaby, Mrs. Amanda.
Davidson, Miss Vienna.
Davis, Miss Hattie.
Doty, Mrs. Anna.
Dotson, Mrs. Nana.
Davidson, Mrs. Minie.

Eastin, Mrs. A.
Early, Miss Cora.
Easton, Thomas.
Eskridge, E. C.
Eskridge, Mrs. E. C.
Eastin, David.
Elkin, Miss Mattie.
Elkin, Chas. B.
Elkin, Mrs. Nancv.
Elliott, Mrs. Adelaide.
Elliott, Walter.
Eaves, Miss Hulda.

Fleming, W. W.
Fitemaster, Lucretia.
Foster, Thomas.
Freeman, Mrs. Nannie.
Freeman, C. C..
Felix, Mrs. Annie B.
Freeman, Eddie.
Freeman, Mrs. Marv.
Forsythe, Mrs. M. R.
Foley, Miss Annie.
Fasqeues, Ernest.
Foushee, Henry.
Forman, J. C.
Flowers, Mrs. Pattie.
Freeman, Rev. J. C.

Greene, Belle.
Gains, J. H.
Gains, Mary.
Glasscox, E. B.
Graves, Ellen S.
Garrett, Burton.
Gess, Naomi.
Griffing, Mrs. Mary.
Gritton, C. B.




Gilbert, Henry.
Gilbert, Julia.
Gilbert, Albert.
Griffing, Mary E.
Griffing, H. F.
Griffing, Jerry E.
Griffing, Annie.
Griffing, Emma.
Griffiing, Orrie.
Griffing, Harly.
Griffing, William.
Gribbin, Minnie.
Guess, Miss Hattie.

Hardesty, Sarah.
Hunt, J. D.
Hall, Alexander.
Hornsey, Fred.
Hornsey, Mrs. Fred.
Houghton, Mary.
Hicks, Hugh.
Hicks, Mary.
Hicks, Sophie.
Hicks, Margaret.
Hicks, Carrie.
Hukill, Mary.
Hibler, Emma.
Hibler, Clarence.
Hall, Robert.
Henderson, Mrs. L.
Hicky, James.
Hedges, Mrs. Sue.
Hedges, E. C.
Howard, J. R.
Howard, Ruth.
Herndon, Mrs. E.
Herndon, Lottie.
Herndon, Eva.
Hicky, Ida.
Hukill, Catherine.
Hukill, Ida.
Haley, Barbara.
Haley, Mattie.
Hornbrook, E. A.
Hornbrook, Richard.
Hornbrook, Tom.
Hornbrook, Mrs. Lida.

Gritton, Mrs. C. B.
Gritton, W. E.
Griffith, Mrs. Marv.
Gritton, Miss Dessie.
Griffin, Mrs. Harly.
Gaines, Mrs. Mary.
Gess, George.
Graves, Madison.
Graves, George T.
Gaines, Slaughter.
Gritton, Mrs. Irene.
Griffing, Mr. John.
Gilbert, Mrs. Emma.

Harris, Jacob:
Harris, Effie.
Henresey, Mrs. M. J.
Hodges, J. W.
Hodges, Mrs. J. W.
Hodges, Miss Laura.
Hodges, Harry.
Handy, Miss Bettie.
Howard, Miss Ira.
Hunt, Miss Stella.
Hall, J. C.
Hall, Mrs. Elizabeth.
Hall, Miss Mattie.
Hall, Miss Nannie.
Hall, John F.
Hamilton, Mrs. G. A.
Hamilton, Miss Daisy.
Higgins, Mrs. E. W.
Higgins, Joel.
Haley, Miss Florence.
Hamilton, Miss Erma.
Hifner, J. B.
Hifner, Mrs. Annie.
Henderson, Woolfolk.
Halev, Lister.
Henry, Volnev.
Hall, Miss Annie.
Hukill, Miss Katie.
Hall, Miss Roberta.
Hicks, Yellman.
Hunt, Waller.
Hukill, Henry.
Henry, W. S.




Hardesty, Annie.
Hunt, NTannie.
Hunt, Mrs. Carrie.
Hunt, G. R.
Hunt, Maggie.
Hunt, Mary.
Hunt, Carrie L.
Hunt, Walter B.
Humpstone, Price.
Hukill, C. E.
Hicky, Moses D.
Hoagland, Annie.
Harper, Annie.
Hughes, George.

Henry, Mrs. Ann.
Hanson, Miss Jennie.
Hamilton, Mrs. Ray.
Harris, Miss Rubie.
Hall, W. F.
Hart, Mrs. Orma.
Hodgen, Dr.
Higgins, Miss Bessie.
Hughes, Mrs. Lizzie.
Harris, Mrs. Martha.
Hodgen, Mrs. Florence.
Harris, Mrs. Anna.
Hickey, Mrs. Ada.
Headlev, Mrs. Mattie Lee.
Hearndon, Mrs. Mattie.

Ingles, Mrs. Mary.

Jackson, Sabina.
Johnson, B. F.
Jefferson, Elizabeth.
Jenkins, Miss Annie.

Kidd Mrs. Lou F.
Kidd, Carrie.
Kidd, Martha.
Kidd, Frank.
Kidd, Joe.
Kidd, Clark.
Kidd, Lutie.
Kent, Jennie.
Kaufman, Hiram.
Kirby, Mrs. A. L.

Lewis, Miss Ann.
Lewis, Miss Julia.
Lanckart, Susan.
Lanckart, Nannie.
Lanckart, Annie.
Lanckart, Joette.
Lancaster, Sarah.
Lashon, Miss.
Lancaster, Carrie.
Lancaster, D. L.
Lancaster, Mrs. A. E.
Lutstarf, Marv.
Lee, Mr. F. E.

Jefferies, C. B.
Jeffries, Mrs. Lulu.
Jarrell, Harry.
Jarrell, Mrs. Addie.

Kidd, Marv C.
Kent, Annie.
Kennedv, J. F.
Kennedy, Mrs. Grace.
Kerr, Charles.
Kaufman, Maggie.
Kent, Mrs. Agnes.
Kidd, Miss Lizzie.
Kenvon, Mrs. D. P.
Kimball, W. P.
Kimball, Mrs. Flora.

Long, Lulie.
Littrill, William.
Lancaster, Richard.
LeCompte, Joe.
LeCompte, Mrs. Sarah.
LeCompte, Miss Maggie.
Latta, Mrs. Ollie D.
Lassiter, William A.
Lee, William.
Lewis, Miss Clara.
Lindslev, Mrs. M. J.
Laffoon, Mrs. Glorena.
Lewis, Mrs. Anna.




Mitchell, T. D.
Mitchell, Virginia.
Morris, Josephine.
Mooney, Carrie.
Mooney, Florence.
McCann, G. P.
May, Victoria.
May, Charlie.
May, John.
Miller, Eudocia.
Metcalf, Mary.
Martin, Manlius.
Martin, W. M.
Martin, Maggie P.
May, J. B.
May, Mrs. J. B.
May, Miss Clara.
May, Benjamin.
May, Oscar.
Meglone, Sam.
Meglone, Georgie.
Meglone, Lewis.
McCoy, Mary.
McMeekin, Sallie.
McDonald, Mrs. Sue.
Montague, Ella.
Moore, Nettie.
Moore, Wm.
Maul, Etta L.
Meeker, Mary.
Meeker, Rebecca.
McCord, William.
McCord, Rebecca.
McCord, Ben.
McCarty, Mrs. Lulie.
Moore, Dollie.
M\lurrell, Salome.
Matheney, Emily.
Morgan, Alice.
Morgan, Mary.
McCann, Miss Mary.

Newberry, Mrs.
Notnagle, L. H.
Nally, Miss Sallie.
Nelson, John L.

Morton, Shelbv.
Moore, W. R.
Moore, Mrs. Laura.
McMurtry, Ed.
McHargue, S. A.
McHargue, Mrs. T. J.
McClelland, Robert.
Moss, Mamie.
Moore, Susan.
McCann, Joe.
McCann, Fannie.
McCracken, Rachel.
Mayfield, W. P.
MccCanni, Mrs. Maggie.
Martin, A. K.
Martin, Mrs. Mollie.
Martin, Miss Ella.
Martin, Miss Bessie.
Mc.leekin, Mrs. Mattie.
Mathews, Clarence W.
Mathews, Mrs. Henrietta S.
Miller, Miss Cornelia E.
McCarthy, Miss Stella.
Morgan, Mrs. A. E.
Martin, E. L.
McHargue, Miss Etta.
Morgan, Miss Llewellyn.
Martin, Mrs. Nancy.
Mohr, Mrs. Catherine.
Mills, Mrs. Ella.
Mills, Miss Ella J.
Moore, Mrs. Fannie.
Mundav, Miss Sarah.
Maurer, Miss Annie.
McClellan, Mrs. Susan.
Meeder, Miss Kittie.
McHargtie, Robert.
Murphy, Mrs. Belle.
Maxwell, Mrs. Belle.
McConnell, Miss Lillie.
Moore, Miss Maud.
Moore, Miss Sadie.

Nelson, Mrs. John L.
Neely, Dr. J. E.
Neely, Mrs. Annie.
Neelv, Miss Jessie B.
Neff, 'Miss Alice.




Oldham, Lizzie.
O'Mahony, Emma.
Owens, Susie.
Oldham, Abe.
Oldham, Josie.

Parker, A. T.
Pulliam, Minerva.
Pulliam, Nannie.
Purnell, William.
Polk, Charlotte.
Page, Lizzie.
Page, E. Jeff.
Page, Charles C.
Peale, J. H.
Peale, Nannie.
Pepper, Nannie.
Pepper, Dixie.
Pittman, Mary.
Pence, M. L.
Pence, Belle.
Penn, N. F.
Penn, Libbie N.

Reynolds, S. W.
Reynolds, Bettie.
Reynolds, Charlie.
Reynolds, Sam.
Reynolds, Nellie.
Redman, Susan.
Richardson, Will.
Richardson, Maggie.
Richardson, John.
Richardson, Ella.
Rutherford, Florence.
Rodes, Mary E.
Rodes, Lula.
Rash, W. L
Rash, Lillie.
Richardson, Mrs. T. H.
Roberts, Dr. W. P.

Stafford, Sarah.
Snyder, W. R.
Snyder, Rebecca.

Oldham, C. K.
Oldham, Alline.
Oldham, Mollie.
Owens, Amanda.
Owens, Miss Katie.
Osborne, Mrs. Sallie.

Perkins, Josephine.
Parrish, W. D.
Pierre, Beatrice.
Powell, Mrs. Sarah M.
Page, Miss Lillie.
Peterman, Mrs. Lucy.
Penny, Mrs. Gabriella.
Pence, Miss Alice.
Perry, Mrs. Lida B.
Polk, Mrs. Linda W.
Perry, E. P.
Polk, Miss Marv.
Perkins, Miss Florence.
Pepper, Miss Mary Belle.
Patterman, Mrs. Annie.
Page, Mrs. Esmel.
Prather, Mrs. Emma.

Richardson, Mrs. Maggie.
Rash, W. D.
Rash, Miss Lizzie.
Rash, Mrs. Fannie.
Richardson, Miss Elenora.
Rumsey, Miss Addie.
Ramsey, Miss Mattie.
Rogers, John.
Rice, Miss Lucy.
Robb, Mrs. Lizzie.
Robb, Miss Jennie.
Ravburn, Miss Lizzie.
Rash, Robert.
Rockett, John.
Ryals, Mrs. Mary.
Redwitz, Mrs. Bettie.
Risque, Mrs. Rosa.

Smith, Bettie K.
Saxton, Miss Stella.
Sharp, Maggie.




Sutphin, Martha.
Sutphin, Mattie.
Sheely, Francis.
Sheely, John D.
Sheely, James W.
Sheely, W. F.
Sheely, John M.
Sheely, John Henry.
Sheely, Sarah.
Sheely, Frank.
Sheely, Noah B.
Searcy, Mary.
Searcy, James.
Shiddell, Mrs.
Shiddell, Alethia.
Sidener, Sallie.
Sharp, Stephen.
Sharp, Jennie.
Sharp, Miss Jennie.
Saxton, Ann.
Slade, J. T.
Slade, Bettie.
Slade, Jennie.
Slade, D. D.
Snedaker, Sallie.
Snedaker, Sue.
Snedaker, Bradford.
Sellman, Will.
Smith, Emma.
Stout, H-. M.
Shepherd, Mrs. V. K.
Stout, Newton.
Smith, G. W.
Smith, Mrs. Mamie.
Sewell, Mrs. Lizzie.
Spencer, Mary.
Stoll, Nellie.
Smith, Mrs. Ida.
Southworth, James.
Sherrod, T. W.
Saxton, Orrie.
Shedd, William.
Smith, Mrs. Annie.
Stackhouse, Sallie.
Stackhouse, Ida.
Stackhouse, Carrie.
Scott, Dr. W. F.

Sheely, Richard.
Sheely, Lizzie.
Sheely, Mrs. Mary F.
Sebree, Carrie.
Shepherd, Miss Bertie.
Sheets, Miss Mary.
Stackhouse, Thomas.
Searcv, Miss Annie.
Shay, Miss Lulu.
Suthierland, E. S.
Smedley, Mrs. Mary.
Smedley, Miss Laura.
Smedley, Miss Ada.
Skinner, Miss Lucretia.
Smith, Guy.
Shropshire, Mrs. Willie.
Sadler, F. E.
Sutherland, Miss Fay.
Staples, J. H., Sr.
Staples, Mrs. Lillie.
Staples, Miss Eleanor.
Staples, Charlie.
Staples, J. H., Jr.
Sweeny, Mrs. Sallie.
Sloan, Mrs. Stella.
Sloan, Miss Marv B.
Sloan, Miss Millie.
Strode, Hall.
Stackhouse, Miss Alma.
Spicer, J. A.
Sharp, Leslie.
Sharp, S. G., Jr.
Stoll, Miss Marv.
Shelv, Miss Lillie.
Sheely, Mrs. Mary.
Strode, Dr. J. T.
Strode, Mrs. Dr. J. T.
Smitha, James M.
Stackhouse, Percy.
Sallee, Miss Lillie May.
Self, Mrs. Mary.
Snedaker, Samuel.
Sublette, Miss Jennie B.
Scearce, Mrs. Ann.
Stevens, Mark.
Sayre, Mrs. Alice.
Scott, Mrs. MI. E.




Taylor, Catherine.
Tingle, William.
Tingle, Amanda.
Thompson, Mary.
Thompson, Joseph.
Thompson, Thomas.
Talbott, Marv.
Talbott, Moflie.
'falbott, Thomas.
Tisdale, J. T.
Thornton, Nannie.
Talbott, Fannie.
Talbott, Emma.
Tate, P. A.
Tucker, Olivia.
Tobridge, Thomas A.
Talbott, Lena.
Todd, J. O.
Todd, Mattie.
Threlkeld, Mrs. Thomas.

Todd, Annie.
Todd, Jennie.
Thornton, Willie R.
Talbott, Mrs. S. J.
Thompson, Steele.
Threlkeld, James.
Tracy, Susan.
Taylor, Josie.
Tooney, Mrs. A. M.
TiletVMs Marv.
Talbott, MissFannie.
Thompson, Mrs. Lureno.
Talbott, Miss Mary T.
Talbott, Miss Mattie Lee.
Taylor, W. E.
Thurman, James.
Thurman, Mrs. James.
Thurman, Miss Bettie.
Talbott, Miss Bessie.
Turner, Mrs. Maggie.

Upton, Mrs. Fannie.

Vaughn, Emma.

Wilson, W. C.
Wilson, Maggie.
Wilson, Lizzie.
White, Al.
White, Mary.
White, Mollie.
Weeks, Lizzie.
Weeks, Fannie.
Wilson, J. N.
Wilson, Mrs. M. C.
Wright, Thomas.
Wright, Susan.
WXainscott, George.
Wainscott, Lee.
Williams, Hellen.
Williams, William.
Williams, Marshall.
Wehb, Gulie.
Worsham, Mattie.
Worsham, Pearl.
Worsham, Warren.
Weigott, William.

Vinson, John R.

Walker, P. M.
Westbrook, Leonard.
Wilgus, Ida.
Wren, George.
Wilson, Libbie.
Willis, James A.
Willis. Ben G.
Wilkerson, C. H.
Wolverton, Silas.
Wilson, John N.
Whitson, Mildred.
Whitson, Miss Edith.
Wilson, Fred.
Wilson, Miss Lizzie.
Wainscott, Marshall.
Wilson, Miss Ida.
Weigott, Marshall.
Weathers, M. E.
Weathers, Mrs. Sallie.
Weathers, Miss Blanche.
Wilson, Miss Tulia.
Williams, Miss Lucile.

1 9



Weigott, Nannie.
Wilson, Mrs. E. M.
Wilson, L. Shuck.
Wilson, Joseph.
White, Mrs. Georgie.
Williamson, Frank.
Webb, J. Whitney.
Wells, Mrs. Barbara.
Walker, William.
Walker, Lucy.
Williams, Mrs. Smithy.
WValby, Rosa.
Woolly, Mrs. Mattie.

Yellman, William.
Yellman, John H.
Young, Vernette.
Yates, Margarette.
Young, Mrs. Lucy.
Young, William.
Yarrington, Airs. J.


Williams, Miss Cora.
Witherspoon, A. H.
Walker, Mrs. Mona.
Walker, Mrs. Sallie.
Walker, Mliss Mattie.
West, Miss Naomi.
Woolridge, Miss Nellie.
Weeks, Miss Emma.
White, Mrs. A. J.
West, Mrs. J. H.
Weddell, Miss Hattie.
Witherspoon, Mrs. A. H.
Willis, Mrs. Annie.
Wyats, Miss Helen.

Yeager, Silas.
Yellman, Alice.
Young, Mrs. Lillie B.
Yellman, Miss Gracie.
Young, John.
Young, Mrs. Emma.
Yellman, Miss Fannie.
Young, Mrs. Eugenia.




           Historical Sketch.
                  By REv. OTIS HUGHSON.

   The Fifth Street Baptist Church of Lexington was
organized a regular Baptist church on the evening of
January I5, 1892. There had been a Sunday-school in
the chapel in which the organization was effected, for
several years conducted as a mission from the First Bap-
tist Church. The membership numbered but six on the
evening of its beginning. For two weeks the church had
its pulpit supplied by students of the Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary in Louisville and on the first Sun-
day in February called to its pastorate Rev. Otis Hugh-
son, who was then a student in the seminary. For two
vears and a half the only place of worship was the little
frame chapel that had been built for Sunday-school pur-
poses. In the middle of the summer of i893, in con-
junction with the First Church, a new building was be-
gun, but on account of the serious depression in business
and financial matters the building was only half finished.
It remained in this condition for over a year. On the
i8th of November, i894, the new home was dedicated by
Rev. W. H. Felix, D. D., pastor of the First Baptist
Church and humanly speaking the founder of the new
organization. The membership grew gradually, reaching
at the fifth anniversary the number of two hundred. It
is proper to mention that the property consisting of the
new church building and the lot of ground upon which it
stands, valued at 7,000, was a present from the First
Baptist Church, except about I,500, which the Fifth
Street Church paid in constructing or improving the
building.  The church has been from the beginning
thoroughly united, vigorously resisting any effort to gen-
erate contention and strife and promptly dismissing those
who persisted in disturbing her peace and concord.



Officers of the Church.

   Pastor, Rev. Otis Hughson.
   Deacons, H. F. Thornton, Geo. Cooke, R. T. Dale,
A. R. Allender and John L. Rue.
   Treasurer, A. R. Allender.
   Clerk, A. M. Baker.
   Sunday-school Superintendent, T. W. Spicer.
   Asst. Sunday-school Superintendent, James Stuart.


Choir Master, N. H. Williams.
Organist, Miss Maggie Roberts.
Sunday-school Organist, Mrs. W. H. Cooke.
Sunday-school Treasurer, W. H. Cooke.




   'The church has several auxiliary societies. The "Lit-
tle Lamplighters," the little folks' society, with a full set
of officers selected from the little people. The Ladies
Aid Society, the president of which is Mrs. R. H. Smith;
secretary, Miss N. B. Darnaby; treasurer, Miss Ella
Cooke; board of trustees, Geo. Cooke, C. S. Wright and
N. H. Williams. The Young Peoples Union, a society
for the social worship of the young people; president,
T. W. Spicer; secretary, J. J. Adams.

          Biographical Sketch of Pastor.

   Rev. Otis Hughson was born near Charlottesville,
Virginia, January 29, i863. His childhood and youth
were spent on the farm, receiving such education as was
furnished by the coinmon public schools, which was very
meager at that tinfe, rarely reaching over five months in
the year. At the age of seventeen, having learned teleg-
raphy, he was employed by various telegraph and rail-
road companies as telegraph operator, finally reaching the
office of train dispatcher for the Chesapeake  Ohio Rail-
road situated at Richmond, Virginia, and having charge
of the transportation department over the portion of road
from Charlottesville to Old Point. At twenty-two years
of age he united with the Leigh Street Baptist Cherch of
Richmond, Virginia, and in September, I885, having re-
signed his position of dispatcher, entered Richmond Col-
lege to begin his collegiate course.  Three years were
spent there, graduating in various schools. In the
autumn of i888 he began his university studies at the
University of Virginia. At this institution he graduated
in chemi