xt7fj678wd2s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fj678wd2s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-11-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 21, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 21, 1974 1974 1974-11-21 2020 true xt7fj678wd2s section xt7fj678wd2s Vol. LXVI No. 75
Thursday. November 21. 1974


an independent student newspaper 1

Vice President resigns
to accept new position

Managing Editor

Vice President for Administration Dr.
Alvin Morris is leaving the University to
accept a position with a national health

The announcement that Morris will
become executive director and secretary-
treasurer of the Association for Academic
Health (‘enters tAAHt‘) in Washington.
D.(".. on Feb. 1 was made in a press
release Wednesday by the University
public information office.

MURRIS “AS out of town until Friday
and was unavailable for comment.

President ()tis Singletary said Wed—
nesday night he will not make any hasty
decisions concernirg a replacement for
Morris and that the resignation “will
cause me to have to look at the whole thing
(the administration 1.”

Singletary said he had been at a con-
ference in Washington. I) (‘.. for the past
several days and was not fully informed of
all the details surrounding the an-
nouncement. He said he assumed Morris
would continue in his current position until

“Ill-I tMthRISl has been with me since
I first came to UK and was one of my first
choices. I have valued both his friendship
and judgment during that time,"
Singletary said.

In the press release Morris was quoted
as saying he leaves with “mixed

“There is no place I'd rather live than
Lexington; no institution I'd rather be
associated with than UK and no man I'd
rather work for than ()tis Singletary,"
Morris was quoted in the release.

“I FEEL I must leave. in an effort to
reconstruct my personal life." Morris
stated. “I am most fortunate to have the
opportunity of working with AAHC."

AAllt‘ was formed in 1971 as a national
organization to represent the collective
efforts of higher eeducation in health
research and manpower.

Morris was appointed special assistant '

to Singletary in Sept. 1969. shortly after
Singletary began his duties as president.

WlIl-IN Tlll-Z University (‘ollege of
Dentistry was formed in 1961 Morris was
appointed dean. Al 35 he was the youngest


Kernel stall photo by Ed Gerald

Tough Luck

(let in the way and you'll end up getting carried away. The
Lexington Maintenance Department towed vehicles obstructing
Linden Walk. located off Rose Street. The city had planned to clean
up the leaves and grit accumulating in the gutter lane. but was
delayed in its efforts by motorists who disregarded the two-day-old

no parking signs.


dean of a dental school in the nation.

Morris. 47. a native of Detriot, Mich.
graduated from the University of
Michigan School of Dentistry where he
received his doctor of dental science
degree in 1951.

Morris was awarded a PhD. in ex-
perimental pathology from the University
of Rochester School of Medicine and
Dentistry in 1957. He then became head of
the department of Oral Diagnosis at the
University of Pennsylvania School of
Dentistry. 8 position he held until coming
to UK in 1961.

21 University of Kentucky

lexington. Ky. 40506

ABC Board
license ruling


The Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC)
Board recently ruled that ABC licensees
may advertise in the Kentucky Kernel if
they do not use words denoting alcoholic
beverages. ABC Commissioner Julian
W. Knippenberg said a letter to Kernel
Press Inc. lawyer. Tom Bunch.

The ABC Board met informally Nov. 13
and “unanimously agreed that . . .licen-
sees of this department should not ad-
vertise in the Kernel if they plan to use
anything denoting alcholic beverages or if
their name contains anything referring to
alcholic beverages." Knippenberg said.

KNIPI’HNBERG‘S letter was a
response to a request from Bunch for
clarification of an ABC letter sent to
several Kernel advertisers Oct. 25. The
Oct. 25 letter said advertising of “licensed
presmises" was a violation of ABC
Regulation 1610.

AB(‘ Regulation 16.10 prohibits ad—
vertisement of alcholic beverages in any
educational institution‘: newspaper.
Knippenberg said the ABC Board reaf-
firmed that “the Kernel is primarily an

educational institutions newspaper. even
(‘ontinued on page 12

Bowl game unlikely to
affect finals schedule

allow him or her to take a make up has no
recourse other than to forego the event or
takean B grade on the exam. he said.

Kernel Staff Writer

It is "highly unlikely" that the
University will schedule finals a week
earlier if the football team is invited to
play in the Liberty Bowl. Senate Council
(‘hairman Stanford Smith told the Senate
(‘ouncil Wednesday,

”There have been a number of rumors,
one on the radio. that UK will wipe a week
of school out if we are asked to play." he

"1‘0 THE best of my knowledge there
has been no formal actions on this matter
anywhere in the l'niversity." Smith said.

Smith said the (‘ouncil would do
everything possible to provide the op—
portunity for students who wishto gotothe
game or woukl be participants in it to
make arrangements with their professors
for final exams.

The vice president for student affairs is
authorized to allow athletes to miss class
or exams to participate in a l'K»-scheduled
event. Students who are members of the
band. chorus or other “professional clubs"
on campus are allowed to miss class or
exams with the permission of the dean of
their college. he said,

lltl\\’l£\ HR. S'l‘l'DEN'l‘S who are
spectators must make advance
arrangements with their professors or
departmental chairmen 111 these cases. he

If a professor does not allow an event
participant to make up an exam. that
student may take the matter before the
Appeals Roaid established by Senate
Rules and Regulations. he said.

a student spectator with a
who will not


“cantankerous‘ professor

"THERE IS nothing in the rules dealing
with the case of a spectator student who
might wish to go." Smith said.

President (itis A. Singletary voiced
concern over the student spectators whose
professors might not let them make other
arrangements for finals. “That student
simply doesn‘t have grounds to appeal.“

he 51"" (‘ontinueil on page 12

YSA denied

it) “ALLY lIIXSth
Kernel Staff Writer

The Young Socialist Alliance (YSA) has
been told by the Dean of Students office to
remove campus advertisements for a
socialist speaker being sponsored by the
Free l'niversity class. "Introduction to

YSA is not a iegistered student
organization this year although it had that
status in 1972 and 1973.

"\ FRlilfi 1' class is not a student
organization. They can invite a speaker for
their class but they can't advertise a
speaker for the general public." Assistant
Dean of Students Frank Harris said,

Harris told YSA members and Free L'
coordinator Russell Pelle to take down the

Harris said he told l’elle if the ad-
wrhscments are not removed. “I will
cancel their space ithe Student Center
room where YSA regional coordinator Jay
Fisher is scheduled to speakl or revoke
their registration as a Free 1' class."



Editorancliiel, Linda Carries
Managing editor, Ron Mitchell
Assoc-ate editor Nancy Dalv

Features editor. Larry Mead
Arts editor, Greg Hotelich
Sports editor. Jim Mauom
Photography editor. Ed Gerald

Editorials represent theopmions ol the editors, not the University




Ediloiial page editor, Dan LI L'Iihe'




Mixed reactions to World Food Conference

The 11-day World Food Conference
ended Saturday in Rome and drew
muted reactions from those con-
cerned with starvation and hunger
around the world. The poor “Third
World" nations. faced with a
probability of widespread starvation.
were disappointed that they did not
receive larger commitments for
immediate grain gifts while the richer
nations complained that not enough
time was spent on long-range
solutions. Aithough the conference
was often beset with political
bickering and ideological name—
calling. the delegates were able to
agree on several long-range
programs. which could help ease the
problem in years to come. including
the following:

—The World Food Council was
created subject to approval by the
General Assembly of the United
Nations. The Council will have its
headquarters in Home but will report
directly to the United Nations in New
York. The forming of a permanent
organi7ation to deal with problems of
food production and allocation on a
continuous basis was a prime desire


An agricultural development fund
was promoted by the Arab nations
and was actively supported by most
of the other nations. This fund would
aid in improving agricultural
equipment and techniques in the
underdeveloped countries,

A program for expanding
agricultural research around the
world was adopted. This program
would seek to financially aid
agricultural experts in their research
projects .

. An effort to improve irrigation
drainage and flood control in the
hungry nations was started, Many
countries (like Bangladeshi were
especially hard hit by flooding during
the last few months.

VA nutritionaid program was
created to implement special
feeding services for malnourished

The mle of women in agricultural
production and the special needs of
mothers in the areas of the world
plagued by' hunger was emphasized

(tn the other side of the com. the
countries facing imminent starvation.
notably Bangladesh. India. Pakistan.
Sri lanka and 'l‘anxania. cried out for

grain. The l' .N. Food and Agriculture
Administration estimated that bet-
ween eight and 10 million tons of grain
will be needed in the next eight
months to prevent mass starvation in
fanimestricken areas of the world.
The rich industrial nations. primarily
the l'nited States. Russia and the
.~\rab oil-producing countries are the
logical places to seek grain and
financial assistance.

The t'mtcd States and Canada
respondul with a promise of one
million tons of grain in the coming
year while Australia added an un-
disclosed amount to that total. Also.
the Organization of Petroleum I‘Zx-
porting t'ountries pledged $8 billion in
aid for poorer countries this year.

The \\ orld Food ('onfcrence y\ as a
mere step in preventing mass star
\ation It did not deal at length “till
the problem of population control It
did not insure that shortwterm food
needs \Hll be adequately Incl The
situation is already critical in parts of
India and .\li'ica l'rotests are
mounting and Il more food Is not
deliyered millions of the world's
hungry may biteout at the hands that
\o reluctantly feed them


of the major industrial powers.

WIN: The


WASHINGTON —Sylvia Porter
laid down a kind of half-baked
ultimatum the other day. The
chairperson of President Ford’s
Citizen‘s Action Committee to
Fight Inflation said that if we
don‘t take the pledge for the WIN
campaign and promise to grow
vegetables in the backyard. her
boss was going to slap on
“mandatory wage and price con-

This happy intelligence Ms.
Porter said she'd learned not
from the President‘s own mouth,
but had deduced in her capacity
as a “trained economist." Where
Ms. Porter received her training
wasn’t mentioned in the dis-
patches. but any sane school of

economics will tell you that if you
grow your own corn and lima
beans. all you're going to get is

However, the one place where
administering the pledge might
do some good is at the Federal
Reserve Board. The Board is
where they grind out all that
worthless money; and while
there is no known correlation
between the price level and Ms.
Porter’s homegrown turnips,
there is a high one between the
Fed's money printing and infla-

Experience shows that the
upper limit for pumping new
money into our system, without
getting an ugly inflationary leap
at the supermarket checkout

Letters to the editor

Knocks lensman

David Halberstam came to the
University a few days ago. His
lecture and the following question
and answer series were interest-
ing and enjoyable. I hope the
committee responsible for his
appearance continues to attract
intelligent and stimulating speak-
ers in the future. This campus
has had the opportunity to hear
Jack Anderson, Ralph Nader and
others of equal intellect.

There is one complaint which I
would like to raise with the
Kernel and its photographer,
David Cronen. For the first 15 or
20 minutes of Mr. Halberstam‘s
talk. the Kernels photographer
was all over the man. CLICK,
pictures does an “experienced"
photographer have to take to get
one that he can use?

The point, Mr. Cronen, is that
you were annoying and disrup-
tive. The crowd was watching
your next angle instead of
listening to Halberstam. Two or
three times Mr. Halberstam
seemed to lose his train of
thought because your lens was up
his left nostril. This isn’t the only
lecture you’ve done this. It
happened at Ralph Nader and
Jack Anderson. At Anderson‘s
you finally had to be asked to sit

Mr. Cronen, in the future
please try to remember the
people are there to see the
speaker not your camera tcchni-
ques. The Pulitzer can wait.

.Ioe Wohlleb

counter. is about 6 per cent a
year. From January 1972 to July
1973 the Fed was pushing money
out at the rate of nearly 9 per
cent. which is 50 per cent faster
than the outer edge of safety.
Even this year the growth rate
was 7 per cent-plus. until the Fed
abruptly cut it off in July.

Why all this wild jumping
around? “Overreaction to short-
run fluctuations,“ sayd Darryl
Francis, the president of the St.
Louis Federal Reserve Bank. In
the closed, nocomment world of
the Fed, Mr. Francis is looked on
as something of a dissident.
independent thinker; but on the
outside many persons agree with
him and go further to say that the
Fed‘s policies are impractical,
contradictory and dangerous.

The Fed‘s goals are laudable
enough: to keep employment up.
interest rates down, business up,
inflation down and prices flat.
The operative assumption for



doing all this is that easy money
produces jobs and low interest
rates. It has never quite worked
out that smoothly. hence the
higgles and jigglcs m the money

()F LATE. though. the numbers
sustaining these ideas have been
behaving very badly The Fed is
having to print more and more
money for fewer jobs and more
inflation. “The trade-offs be-
tween unemployment and infla-
tion decline With experiences of
erratic inflationary policies in
terspersed with unreliable phar
ses of anti-inflationary rever-
sals." says the University of
Rochester‘s Karl Brunner. an
economist who doesn't get hlS
data from the squash and zuc-

The Feds ability to create jobs.
control interest rates or meet any
of its goals diminishes as the
mischief it causes grows. One of

succotash school of economics

the reasons is that litisinessliii-ii
are getting hip to the damage the
Fed can do in its lllIIlllllllL‘
inflationary ttl.’t(l\('l'lt‘ll(t‘ and
ari- taking steps to protect them
sclyes So. when the Fed wants
business marching one way. the
shrcwdies move in the opposite
direction for survival's sake

Nevertheless. the power of the
Fed to bounce us violently up and
down the graphs is still only
understood by a minuscule part
of the population They know that
the Fed has the machinery to
make it nearly impossible for the
rest of the government to run up
the horrendous deficits every-
body ’s shrieking about They
know its central position. as
Sylvia Porter would if she'd
kindly come out from behind the
c phages


Nicholas Von Hoffman is a
columnist for King Features



THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. November 2]. l974—3





. Ominous trom inside and outside the umversuty community
— @
R i N T
ruouz 253-2003 PHONE 29-12“
are Posters Flyers
am Bulletins Resumes
l in Announcements NeWsIetters
‘ld. '
in Serving The UK Community
l in
s a
a r Phtttppe Wotsbecker
Student senate - - » ~‘ ~ --
in. W at I t ey gave a meeting... .
W, ‘ “The Progress Red Hot String Band”
”VP ‘btudent senator-at-large Emily Ledford un- for SC. No questions about further economic
wittingly pomted to the average level of partt- programs were asked of Metry and he was November 21 and22
”t" cipation of this semester's student senators in approved unanimously. from8ti112
:1”: 22:13? Government (80) when, at the first senate While busily approving Mucci’s and Wilson’s 683 S. Broadway 2544373
g. she joked that there were senators who programs, the senators have proposed none of their
didn't know the location of their mailboxes within own. Not one new program has been initiated by
the SG office. student senators from the floor of the senate this
The Nov. 7 Student Senate meeting was called to semester.
order without a quorum and adjourned after only Part of the explanation for the lack of proposals
part Of the bUSineSS had been transacted by SC for new programs by senators is their negligible
President David Mucci. There were no questions attendance at meetings. Half of the meetings this
n-n from the few senators present 35 to proper semester have been cancelled or ended for lack of a
”n. parliamentary procedure when no quorum exists. quorum, which requires 20 senators.
on That meeting serves 35 3 perfect example 0f the Proposed constitutional amendments have been
ind semester—long non-participation and rubber-stamp sitting on the table for at least one month because
-m nature 0‘ the Student Senate. the necessary two-thirds of the senate’s member-
m“ Muccx made a sufficient number of procedural ship has not been present to act on them.
tllt' errors and prompted a local expert in parliament- Of the four meetings scheduled this fall only one,
utc ary procedure to declare that actions taken at the the first, has been attended by two-thirds of the
meeting should be declared void. However, no senators.
thc formal complaints about proper Procedure were Although this low participation rate is certainly
,nd made at the meeting,and none have been turned in nothing new for student senators, it obviously
”h to Muccn 5m“ then. cripples any potential senate action, whether bad or
art lf nocomplaintsareturned in by the senators, the good.
hat decisions made in the first part of the meeting will While lack of Student Senate action may not be
m stand/[hose decisionsincluded approval ofa major missed by most students. the senators are also
the SG financial proposal and the appropriation of delaying the formation of the University Judicial
up approximately $85 for photo copies of UK faculty and Appeals Boards by failing to nominate the \
lry- and sta ff salaries. required number of students from which the boards’ \
“a, Although the senate has not acted as an absolute memberships are chosen.
8‘5 rubber-stamp {0" the Mucci-Wilson ad— These boards represent two of the few channels ‘(y /
M ministration '8 proposals, they have managed to within the University for direct student input into / q
the approve every action brought to them by the questions concerning the responsibilities and rights LCROV'S Keepsake
executive except one — the approval of Ron Gross of an individual student. .,
as PUbhc Relations Director. Whether the senators participate more in the TOgether for keeps
a The :cnators have not even managed to retain a formulation of SC actions may or may not be “WOOD ,
res semblance of interest because few substantive important. However, by failing to nominate lNow you can select matched



questions have been asked about the proposals
during senate meetings.

Finance Director Jim Metry was approved by the
senate on the basis that he planned to sell cowbells,
kazoos and visors at football games to make money

Letters (cont.)



members for these boards they are seriously
limiting judicial options for students within the


Susan Jones is a journalism junior.

Suggestions for the Kernel

I just thought I‘d suggest that
you do two things to improve the

t. (‘ut down the number of
copies you print. (‘hcck the

the boxes were out last year
and seemed to do alright.

.lerr} Linebcrgcr

l'K staff mcmbcr

a ice. I refused to pay it and was
unable to park in that lot I find it
outrageous that I should have to
pay to park my car in a
University lot to work for the





K ‘ qustvom S‘x‘t't03104‘00 ( I




sets and trios by Keepsake‘
mastercrafted in beautiful 14
kt. gold. Your Keepsake
diamond is permanently
registered. with perfection



(‘lassroom Building. Student NO parking I normally would have no EASTLAND
t‘cntcr. ct. al. for untakcn Kcr- objection to the (‘olonels playing 4 “(MS to Buy. igilr'iiit‘iniaut
ncls too much paper used up Wednesday night I drove to some games in Lexington. but if E35“ ~ Charge FAYETTE MALL
work at the University. Because this is what is going to happen azmwgryedn Card RICHMOND
2. Place hoxcs in conspicuous the Kentucky (‘oloncls were then as far as I am concerned WINCHESTER
placcs tor Kernels to be put in for play ing in the Coliseum. l was not they are not welcome here. FRANKFURT

recycling. ,\ good many end up in
trash cans and on tho ground

allowed to park in the lot across
from Blazer llall without paying

Illt. l’ico
Political Science-junior





l—TIIE KI‘INTl'CKY KERNI‘IL. Thursday. November 2|. I974


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Student Government needs your help in organizing a tenant referral program to help
students looking for off-campus apartments, rooms, or houses. if you live in a rental unit in
the U K area please fill out and turn in the form below at any of the following locations:

Agriculture Science Center North
Medical Center Library

MlK Library

Arts and Science Office, 256 P.O.T.
119 Commerce Bldg.

166 Taylor Education

Anderson Hall Lounge

Bradley Hall

Pence Hall

Student Government Office 120 SC.


Name Phone


Landlord ooono.ooooooooooo-oooooooooo PhoneorAddress............................
Apartment................... House................. Room...................
Numberofunitsin Building...............

Commentson Landlordor Unll coo-cocoons.oooooooooooooooooooooooooooeooooooooooooo


Questions? Call Student Government - 2572691





Wild Days
at Ponderosa


$2.49 (Reg. $25”)

FRI. (NOV. 22), SAT. (NOV. 23), SUN. (NOV. 24)

59¢ QFF this weekend on a great dinner that includes
a Sizzling 10 02. Super Sirloin Steak, Baked ldaho Potato,
Tossed Green Salad and a Warm Roll with Butter.

Ponderosa Steak House


3 Minutes From Campus
On Southland Drive
(Between R.R. Underpass
And Nicholasville Rd.)

1316 Russell Cave Pike
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news briefs


Cover-up iury hears
Mitchell refuse blame

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Watergate cover-up trial jury
Wednesday heard another chapter in a continuing saga: How John
Mitchell refused to take the blame for Watergate despite
presidential pressure that he do so.

The jurors were transported back in time again through reels of
tape, to April 14, 1973 when John D. Ehrlichman reported how
Mitchell received the Richard Nixon suggestion that he accept the
Watergate heat.

“He lobbed mudballs at the White House at every opportunity,"
Ehrlichman is heard telling Nixon after his unsuccessful effort.

“He is an innocent man in his heart and in his mind and he does
not intend to move off that position," Ehrlichman reported.

“He said if I‘m indicted it is going to be very hard...but I can‘t let
people get away with this kind of thing...l am just going to have to
defend myself every way I can."

April 14, 1973, was a Saturday ——> the beginning of a weekend in
which Nixon was totally occupied with the Watergate scandal that
then was hitting the pressure point with then-White House Counsel
John W. Dean III and 1972 Nixon campaign aide Jeb Stuart
Magruder spilling the story to prosecutors.

House overrides two
presidential vetoes

WASHINGTON (AP) ~ The House overrode President Ford‘s
vetoes of two bills Wednesday _. one of them broadening the
freedom of Information Act, the other expanding federal aid to the

The margins were overwhelming and only one member spoke up
to back the White House on either bill.

The vote to override the veto of the $851 million vocational and
rehabilitation bill was 398 to 7. with all seven votes to support the
White House coming from members who are either retiring or were
beaten in recent elections.

On the bill to amend the freedom of information bill. to give
greater access to government documents. the vote was 371 to 31.

Agriculture board endorses
Morehead veterinary program

LOUISVILLE (AP) —- The state Board of Agriculture endorsed
Morehead State University‘s program in veterinary science
technology at its regular meeting Wednesday The board met at the
Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center in conjunction with the North
American Livestock Exposition.

Agriculture commissioner Wendell Butler said there's an urgent
need for veterinarians. especially in Eastern Kentucky. and
Morehead’s program is “designed to help the veterinary situation
where it’s the worst."

The program in veterinary science technology does not compete
with veterinarians. Butler said. “These people will be assistants to
veterinarians. The program is designed to graduate competent
individuals with veterinary technician skills." he said.

Butler explained the technician will receive an associate degree
after two years of study. He said 14 students will he graduated with
associate degrees in August and another 30 students will begin the
course of study in September.

The graduates will work under the supervision of veterinarians
and will help perform routine blood and urine analysis. prepare
animals for surgery and assist during surgery. Butler explained.

UMW members criticize

tentative contract agreement

WASHINGTON (AP) - While some l'nited Mine Workers
members are criticizing the tentative contract agreement reached
in negotiations. a UMW spokesman says the pact is marked by
greatly improved retirement and pension benefits.

The pension provisions constitute “one of the major ac-
complishments of the new contract,“ a UMW spokesman said.
“This pension plan is better than that in both the auto and steel

The agreement has been under consideration by the UMW
Bargaining Council. which must approve it before it is sent on for
ratification by the members.




The Kentucky Kernel. 1M Journalism Building, University ol Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky. 40506, is mailed live times weekly during the school year
exccp‘ during holidays and exam periods, and twice weekly during the summer
session. Third-class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky, ‘05".

Published by the Kernel Press Inc. lounded in "71 Begun as th '
. . . . e Cadet n I
and published continuously as the Kentucky Kernel since 1915. ' '9‘

Advertising published herein IS intended to help the reader buy. Anv lalse or
misleading advertising should be reported I: the editors.


Kernel Telephones
Editor, Editorial editor 1574755 Advertising, business, Circulation 250-4646


Managing editor. News desk 257-1740 Sports, Arts 25771800






 Faculty tenure and promotion
recommendations suspended


Kernel Staff Writer
President ()tis A. Singletary
announced he will put faculty
tenure and promotion standard

recommendations recently
passed by the University Senate
in “deep freeze" effective today.
He said the recommendations
policy would be suspended until it
was clarified by the Senate.

SINGLETARY was reacting to
criticism from faculty members
who alleged the policy was
“stealing tenure and promotion
decisions from the depart-
ments.“ he said.

I‘Ileven anthropology faculty
members "objected vehemen-
tly" to the policy. and 37 faculty
members and Ill senators
petitioned the Senate (‘ounciI to
l'e-admlt the recommendations to
the l'niversity Senate floor for
turthcr discussion, (‘ouncil
(‘hairman Stan Smith said.

The recommendations came
trom an ad~hoc committee to re-
evaluate tenure and promotion
known as the Krislov Report.

SINGLETARY told the Senate
t‘ouncil Wednesday that the

tenure and promotions standards
had “been around for a long time
in the (University) Senate rules
and regulations and policy

Smith said the original in-
tention ofthe Krislov Report was
to “say what we do" in simpler
language and make the in—
formation more readily available
to the younger faculty members.

Singletary said because the
Krislov Report was passed by the
University Senate with no serious
objections, he had assumed that
the .aculty had wanted it done.

"'I‘IIH l~‘.r\(‘l'l.TY'S jumped on
me for things they wanted me to
do so my legitimate recourse is to
notify the faculty tomorrow I’m
going to put this thing in the deep
freeze until something is done.“
he said.

The (‘ouncil decided to place
the policy on agenda for the
Senate's Dec. 9 meeting.

“Som ehow this thing has gotten
turned around 180 degrees. I hope
when it gets to the Senate floor we
can communicate what the in-
tention of it was.“ Smith said.

SINGLETARY said he was
upset about the content of the
petition and the accompanying
literature with it. “They asked if
tenure and promotion was being
taken from department hands
and being delegated to the
President,“ he said.

“They know damn well there
are agencies in the University to
protest against that. The fear
and suspicion is all out of
proportion on this thing, all the
basic structures are here,” he

“I think we have a fine tenure
policy already but we seem to get
more and more specific and less
and less effective,” he said.

SINGLETARY added there
was no compulsion to go forward
with the policy and he had im-
plemented it only because he
thought it was what the faculty

“If they don‘t want it. I won't
do it.“ he said, ”so I’ll put it in
suspension until it is clarified in
the Senate," he said.

“I think we’re going to find a
good bit more spiritied debate in
the Senate this time,“ he said.




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