xt7fj678w924 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fj678w924/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1992-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 1992 text GLSO News, November 1992 1992 1992-11 2019 true xt7fj678w924 section xt7fj678w924 f‘: ”“ A“, 4" 3+ +++ J...“ ++++++HH++;++;
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Privacy Prevails: Sodomy Law Repealed
On Sept. 24, the Kentucky Supreme quietly plea bargaining as many other
Court issued its decision in Wasson victims Of this law had done, Wasson
et al v. Commonwealth of Kentucky and and his attorneys Ernesto Scorsone,
judged a portion of Kentucky's sodomy Pam Goldman and Dean Bucalos pursued
law unconstitutional. In a split the case into the courts in an attempt

decision, the seven member court to overturn this law.

upheld in a 4 to 3 opinion two lower From the onset, this attempt

court decisions which found that the appeared futile in the face of the

section prohibiting private, 1986 US Supreme Court 5 to 4 decision

consensual acts between adults of in Bowers v. Hardwick in which the

the same sex was unconstitutional. Court judged that states had the

Justices C. Leibson, C.J. StephenS, right to uphold sodomy laws as

J. Combs and J.J. Spain were in the related to privacy rights for

majority decision with Justices J, homosexuals. This decision came at

Lambert, J. Reynolds and J, a time of widespread AIDS hysteria

Wintersheimber voting in the dissent and one US Justice has since said that

to not repeal the sodomy law. This in review he should have voted the

decision and its impact on the other way on purely legal grounds.

lesbigay community require some This swing vote would have effectively

perspective on the history of this made all US SOdOfflY laws

case. unconstitutional. Sodomy repeals then

Hiatory of the Case where left to a state by state
In l986, Lexington police Offensive.

undertook an undercover sting CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

operation outside of a local gay bar.

An officer engaged Jeffrey Wasson Have YOU been discriminated against

(then 23) in a 25 minute conversation in the Commonwealth of Kentucky

leading up to WaSSOH’S invitation tO for your sexual orientation?

the undercover officer to come home

with him. The officer then led THEN REPORT IT!

Wasson into mentioning sexual activity 231-0335

and arrested him on solicitation for

sedomy, a misdemeanor crime defined GLSISCfImInafienPrwea

as anal or oral sex between members .

of the same sex only, Rather than 8P»HPWB£¥.,Thur..Ffl,&-SDR

 N @130 avgw; W} Men’s Chorus Says No on 9
~"“ \--’ ‘ -/ ""“ The Lexington Men’s Chorus recently
Published Monthly by the made a donation 0f $100 to the
Portland Lesbian Choir and Portland
L’Wgton gay/fisfitangewlaa Gay Men’s Chorus to help them with
0 their ”We Sing OUT" tour around the
‘fla‘n‘zaflon towns of Oregon. This tour is to
P,(,). Box 11471, Lexington. KY 40575 break down stereotypes of lesbigay
Editors: people in an effort to defeat Measure
« , - > 9, a proposed constitutional amendment
‘ '1?“ Jones and hnstm Smith on the Oregon November ballot that
GLSC) Allnllfll DUES ‘ $10.00 WOuld outlaw any form of gay rights_
DUCS for Couples _ $15.00 The Lexington Men’ s Chorus received
_ 7 , . . requests for donations from the
LLJTRXgCEEUQEXJ $592M,” Oregon groups as a fellow member of
View or opinion-m nx‘preuocfd in the 51.50 Now a.“ then. of the GALA, the internat ional gay and
Anthem: and don‘t maaonmly repxnomt Chane of the 0130 Bond . . .
.mm....m..m m “1.“, m .m....... 1...... .1... lesbian chorus organization-
32%: mwmmwd‘mmflmmmmnt Call Frankfort Whenever...
:meififfgimnESXLLS;-§;rlfi:53: GLSO News' Directory has two new
:gtjgjjtzx;;::j" "“1 m‘m‘i‘m “D” ‘ ”hm“ number listings to help our community
,\ Jaw re“ (/9 become more involved in the dealings
'Q " /.’,F' of our commonwealth's representative
‘\ ‘ democracy. If you wish to voice your
. opinion on a topic for your legislator
HPOIOEY Gwen or to check on a pending piece of
The October issue of the GLSO News legislation, we now list the toll—
inadvertently missed running a story free (1—800) numbers.
on the Oct. 8th ACLU Town Meeting .
Series: ”The ABC's of Lesbian/Gay/ PU" om Your POOdle Sklns
Bisexual Rights.” GLSO News Iris Events will present the Lexington
apologizes for this gross oversight community with a sock hop on Saturday,
for this important meeting and Nov. 7 at the Unitarian Universalist
stresses the importance of both the Church. Beginning at 9pm, an exciting
national and local chapters of the program of events including dancing
ACLU in fighting for human and gay to 50's and 60's tunes, a limbo
rights. For more information on contest, hoola—hoop contest and period
joining the Central Kentucky Chapter dress awards will commence. Tickets
of the ACLU, write CKCLU, PO Box are $6 per person and refreshments
22132, Lexington, KY 40522—2132. will be available as a fundraiser by
7 UK Lambda. So, pull out those poodle
can YOU spareaB_OOk' _ skirts and sweaters and prepare
Eastern Kentucky Univers1ty's yourself for a great time!
lesbian and gay support group,
GLSSO, has begun a drive to create .uLMMMJ—L’.
a reading room on homosexuality and 0————————-——'
l/g topics. The reading room is
currently in EKU's counseling center W
and has had 20 books donated thus :—————-—-—-—-———--—:
far' If have either $2
fictional or fictional books/
articles dealing with homo/ ._.—————-—————-o
bisexuality (not pornographic in
nature) or wish to donate money to W
buy books, please contact Laurie at ‘_________.__—————'
(606) 623-3072. '.————————-———————.'
z___________._.—._———G lmvaEnggz .___ JOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOk

GLSO 1992 Candidate Survey own Commission on AIDS. The official
Republican platform and the Bush/Quayle
ticket also do not support a woman’s
GLSO News conducted a survey this year chOice for her reproductive rights.
of local candidates for national and .
state office. Out of the 17 Democratic, 3' Rosiftefiot/hStEockdale SIP) -independent
Republican and Libertarian candidates on a Barbarcglsiflalteerfsz Spaefizlsiggfgefig
3:2: mededwma” he a
This candidate is Ernesto Scorsone Cabinet ow1ng to the controversy, Perot
. . . ’ later qualified this by saying he would
Democratic State Representative candidate t th t 't t l 'l bl
for the 75th District. Although a better pu . e mos compi en peop e avai a e
response to concerns of central Kentucky's m hls Cabinet posts.
lesbian, gay and bisexual community was Unless otherwise noted surve s were not
hoped for, experiences with similar t d ’ y
surveys in New Mexico show that it often gesurgfnetor-
takes years before candidates realize l. ' Wendell. Ford-Dem incumbent
the potintifal benefits‘and ag’rclual VOtifig (Qwensboro) As incumbent, the NGLTF
strengt 0 our community. us, in t e . . .
lack of firsthand survey results, GLSO $3325 F22: :igfmiagslrggn 05:85:: pjogzilgie
News has compiled voting records and 2 David Williams-Re (Burkegvillle) . ‘
positions of candidates from campaign U‘S Re resentativePGth District '
literature and information provided by l. soot: Baesler-Dem Current ma or of
the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Lexington; who is pro-.choice y
President of the United states: 2‘ ‘Charles Ellinger—Rep. Current
1. Bill Clinton/Al Gore (VP) - Democrats Lexingltlon Counc1lmember. Has taken an
The Clinton/Gore ticket has shown zztteCSOliioit‘lgilex.Distri t
unprecedented support for lesbigays as l aM. henl M l -D . : b t
shown by the high visibility of gay and ’ 1C ae O oney em. dncum en '
lesbian delegates and speakers at the I I I I I I I I I I Scan: :nIus I ECI) Esq-e. i6-
Democratic convention. Clinton has said I ,I
that he would sign an executive order as I o I
President banning discrimination on the I WW I
basis of sexual orientation in Federal I I
employment. If the federal Gay and I Asz I I
Lesbian Civil Rights bill passed Congress, I 5, 993 I
Clinton says he would sign it. The I I
Clinton/Gore ticket supports a woman’s l ' ’% I
right to choice on abortion, would I 5L5 I
appoint an "AIDS czar" to deal directly I ' ‘ ’ Vila I
with the HIV epidemic and does not I 9‘ \"m’ I
support the military ban on homosexuals I @ I
in the military. : 0‘ ‘ :
Both the Human Rights Campaign I ‘_ “ g; I
Fund (the largest lesbigay PAC) and I ‘l ",- " “w- k I
Queer Nation have endorsed Clinton. I , I ’ ~‘tfim‘m ‘ \ I
2. George Bush/Dan Quayle (VP) -Republican I /\F- Eflil I
incumbents I 9 fl I‘M‘J ‘3 ' I
The Bush/Quayle ticket has shown I r \ fly I
itself to disdain lesbigays as evidenced I a“ ":A* , " " I
by harsh gay-baiting at the GOP convention I 2’ . s."\ l
where gay Lo Cabin Republicans and ro- I E ‘1” W . "e 4" I
choice Repubglicans were harassed. gush I — 635/ fi‘é 9’ I
has said that althought he is ”sorry,” I I
he considers families consisting of gays I DON’T M I
or lesbians with children "wrong." Both I 188 I
Belinda Mason and Magic Johnson as well : :
as speakers at the NAMES Project AIDS I ms ONE. I
Quilt showing have condemned the Bush I 0 I
administration's failure to implement I I
the recommendations of the President's lllllllllllllllllllllllll
6150/ NOVEMBER l992 - 3

 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 His nursing career has also suffered.
Fayette District Court under Judge Since tieb:::f:;:nof anti-gay rhetoric
Lewis Paisley ruled, however, that the has appeared in state papers and on
sodomy law violated Wasson's rights to conservative Kentucky radio stations
privacy as implied in Kentucky’s 1891 since the decision. The right-wing
state constitution. On appeal, Fayette extremist Family Foundation has condemned
Circuit Court Judge ICharles Tackett the decision as furthering homosexual
upheld Paisley’s deCision and added that demands for "special rights” (i.e.
the law was also unconstitutional in protection from discrimination).
that it only applied to homosexuals and Attorney General Chris Gorman has
was thus a violation of equal process also filed a request for the Court to
before the law. reconsider its decision. By process,
Six years after Wasson's arrest, the Court has 20 days to change its
the KY Supreme Court struck down certain decision. Such requests are rarely
sections of the sodomy law while leaving reconsidered although only one judge
in forcelthose sections dealing Wlth would have to change his decision to
rape or minors. Now, all Kentuckians are uphold the sodomy law.
free to perform whatever sexual act they Taking a different tack,
WiSh as long as it is in private With Republican State Representative John
another adult and does ,nOt. involve Harper of Shepherdsville has proposed a
coerCion,'force nor prostitution. constitutional amendment that would
The DeCiaion . . . make anal sex illegal for all sexual
, Writing for the majority, Justice orientations. Harper claims that his
Leibson §tates people Clo not need to proposition is not to legislate morality
"sympathize, agree With' or even but to slow the AIDS pandemic. If passed
understand" lESblan and gay _ sexual by the Assembly, Kentucky voters could
orientation to recognize a right to see this amendment on Nov. 1994 ballot.
equal treatment before the law. Gays and More startling a caller among a
lesbians are also more importantly deluge of an orchestrated protest campaign
recognized as ”a separate and identifiable threatened to kill the 4 judges who voted
class for Kentucky constitutional law to overturn the statute.
analysis because no class of persons can Possible Impact
be‘ -discriminated against under the This decision is historic in that
Kentucky Constitution." The Court it is the first state sodomy law to be
interprets greater rights to Kentuckians overturned since both the advent of
2253:2222tr;sizes5:1,°f‘:t::::::$ am ms. 39"?“
. . v. Hardvuck deCision. Since the deCiSion
preference" 13 not 'a baSls for is based on Kentucky's constitution, the
criminaliZingthe minority. . . effects on similar court cases in Texas
The dissenting opinions by
Justices Lambert and Wintersheimber CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
state that the sodomy law should be
upheld for three primary lines of
argument: 1) that homosexuality runs Pegasus Trave‘ ‘nc.
against the traditions of Western history
and Judeo-Christian morality; 2) that flé‘lé/(e m&5€_€fw&w_ 754/1?
the commonwealth has the right to _
violate privacy for public health (i.e. :1 ;—:
AIDS); and 3) that such a broad definition é. 5'2, ff» E j
of privacy could lead to legalization of ?i;3 : 1i ;__ :A 3: E ii?
consensual incest and in-home illicit lg l . :33: E :2;
drug usage. ' H A- ' ' l -
The Justices received thousands
of letters from conservatives petitioning 2040 Idle Hour Center
them to uphold the law prior to their Richmond Road, Lexington, KY 40502
decision. Jeffrey Wasson has also _ _
lost 2 jobs directly or indirectly due 800 228 4337 606 268 4337
to his arrest and decision to fight it. GLSO Donation With Each Purchase!

 . . . A:
and Michigan are unknown. With Kentucky _! I 4w@

1 "' ‘ . 919 -
becoming the 26th state to not regulate a! > g 75‘ ail-05in 90¢ (”a ‘3.
private, consensual sexual actiVity, ' ‘ ,,;3
the majority of U. S . states now have no
sodomy laws as supported by the United gmdew “1' af/m afiu 25 madam 464.3%.“ 1
Nations Universal Declaration on Human “164%”me 3M3” mf Mb 91150le 930 Box
Rights comniss10n. U 77 1': mm 0575 mwflz'lé-5583

On a state level , the sodomy law 4 ' m5 ' 4 ' '
has been used against the Louisville flap/15 dunlvzuamy, Eddie r5805”. ysau and no [tag
Fairness Campaign and other continuing £515 £005 (Will,
struggles to protect lesbigays from ' ' 5
discrimination . lI’he repeal would appear
to remove this line of argument . 5551,15}; cS‘nultg and Boggé Stout 1»onsz you. to I'D/1n Lu
PSYchOlogicaJ-ly' the Effects on in ffls meogm'flon and deltg'zation ofowz 74$ anniversary on
lesbigay relationships and self- esteem
can not probably be measured . Gay dVW 5-
citizens may now feel that they too have
a voice and rights that are equal to non- 15 l; [2’ ti t ['
gay Kentuckians . Also, the legality dl/(a 3' U M you [M 5 PM ,2 gm“ 0/ DUE’
given to all expressions of love between devotion, [misndigip sup/mat, and liapPUZEAi—V .4 [we
lesbian and gay couples could possibly you,
remove fears that subtly have undermined :3} CA)
the strength of these relationships . we '
Whatever the future effects of (WW. ,9, 1980)
this decision in both advancements and
backlashes , it is critical to focus on [7‘25 £5xin5ton community aongmtufatu 11ml: Alba: (0/
this change as the result of one person’ s . . ,
choice to stand up against an injustice. 0411a I‘m”) Mdcfiofl (jug-7m on [Am wufimfl'
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