xt7fj678sz0w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fj678sz0w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1998-04-may5. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1998-04-may5. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1998-04-may5. 1998 1998-04-may5. 2011 true xt7fj678sz0w section xt7fj678sz0w 


                              Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                                   University of Kentucky
                                          1:00 P.M.
                                        May 5, 1998

Oath of Office

Roll Call

Approval of Minutes

Schedule for Meetings

President's Report and Action Items

PR 1    President's Report to the Trustees

PR 2    Personnel Actions

PR 3    Central Administration
        A.  Strategic Plan

PR 4    Community College System
        A.  Candidates for Degrees - Community College System

PR 5    Lexington Campus
        A.  Candidates for Degrees - University System
        B.  Appointment of Dean of the College of Social Work
        C.  Naming University Building - Lexington Campus
        D.  Naming University Building - Lexington Campus

PR 6    Medical Center
        A. New Multidisciplinary Center

Finance Committee

1.    Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for the
             Nine Months Ended March 31, 1998
 2.     Report of Leases
 3.     Approval of Leases
 4.     Capital Construction Report
 5.     1997-98 Budget Revisions
 6.     Confirmation of 1998-99 Tuition Schedule
 7.    Mandatory Registration Fee Schedule - 1998-99
 8.    Room and Board Rates 1998-99 School Year


9.     Adoption of Policy Statement and Purposes and Objectives of Corporate
             Compliance Program for the University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center
10.     A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $6,200,000 of University of Kentucky Consolidated
             Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series P, Dated June 1, 1998 of the Board of
             Trustees of the University of Kentucky
11.     A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Approximately $4,665,000 of University of
             Kentucky Consolidated Educational Buildings Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series M
             (Second Series), Dated June 1, 1998 of the Board of Trustees of the University of

Student Code Committee Report

1.      Amendment of Code of Student Conduct


      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky,
Tuesday, May 5, 1998.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington
time) on Tuesday, May 5, 1998 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of Patterson Office

      A.    Meeting Opened

      Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 1:00
p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Mr. Martin Welenken.

      B.    Oath of Office

      Governor Breathitt asked Richard Plymale, General Counsel, to administer the
oath of office to the following member:

      Professor Daniel R. Reedy, re-elected faculty representative for a term to
      expire June 30, 2001.

      C.    Roll Call

      The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll:
Mr. Ted Bates, Mrs. Kay Shropshire Bell, Governor Edward T. Breathitt (Chairperson),
Mr. Paul W. Chellgren, Ms. Melanie Cruz, Mr. Merwin Grayson, Professor Loys L.
Mather, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Mr. Billy Joe Miles, Dr. Elissa Plattner, Mr. Steven
S. Reed, Professor Daniel R. Reedy, Mr. C. Frank Shoop, Dr. W. Grady Stumbo, Mr.
Martin Welenken, Ms. JoEtta Y. Wickliffe, and Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson. Absent from the
meeting were Mr. John "Jack" Guthrie and Mr. James F. Hardymon,. The University
administration was represented by President Charles T. Wethington, Jr.; Chancellor
James W. Holsinger; Vice Presidents Fitzgerald Bramwell, Joseph T. Burch, Edward A.
Carter, George DeBin and Eugene Williams; Dr. Ben W. Carr, Assistant to the President
for Administrative Affairs; Dr. Juanita Fleming, Special Assistant for Academic Affairs;
and Mr. Richard E. Plymale, General Counsel.

      Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum being
present, the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business
at 1:03 p.m.


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      D.    Approval of Minutes

      Governor Breathitt said that the Minutes of the Board meeting on April 7, 1998
had been distributed and asked for any additions or corrections. Ms. Cruz moved that the
Minutes be approved as distributed. Mr. Shoop seconded the motion, and it carried.

      E. Schedule of Meetings

      Governor Breathitt called attention to the 1998-99 Schedule for Meetings of
Board of Trustees, noting the statutory meeting dates.

      F.    President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1)

      President Wethington reminded the Board of their approval of the 1998-99
Research Professors at the April 7, 1998 meeting. One of the Research Professors,
Professor Joe Chappell of the Department of Agronomy, was unable to attend that
meeting. Professor Chappell was in the audience, and President Wethington asked him to
stand and be recognized, following which he received a round of applause.

      President Wethington asked Ms. Cruz to introduce the new Student Government
Association president and vice president who were also in the audience. The new
president will succeed Ms. Cruz in July.

      Ms. Cruz introduced the new president, Nathan Brown, and vice president
Ernesto Mansilla, and asked them to stand and be recognized, following which they
received a round of applause.

      President Wethington called attention to the following items in PR 1:

      1. Six professors were named Great Teachers by the Alumni Association. They
          are Raymond Betts, Robert Bostrom, Cornelia Glenn, Craighton Mauk, Mary
          Marchant and Roy Moore. They received the award at a recent ceremony and
          will also be recognized at Commencement on May 9th.

      2. UK Children's Hospital, Central Baptist Hospital and St. Joseph Hospital are
          funding the Arlington Healthy Kids Center at Arlington Elementary School in
          Lexington. The health clinic recently opened and serves 370 students enrolled
          at the school.

      3. The Student Development Council's Senior Challenge raised funds for a
          marker at Scovell Hall, one of the original agriculture buildings on campus. A
          ceremony was held, and the historical marker has been placed in front of
          Scovell Hall.


- 3 -

      4. James Muller, head of the UK Gill Heart Institute and head of Cardiology at
          UK, has been getting considerable attention for his cardiology work and for his
          focus on the "Coronary Valley" phenomenon, i.e. heart disease associated
          with the Ohio valley. A symposium was recently held in Lexington to focus
          on that problem.

      5. The College of Engineering has inducted new members into its Hall of
          Distinction, and Civil Engineering has honored leaders in construction
          management. In both cases, the College of Engineering is involved in
          recognizing those who have been significantly responsible for the success of
          the College of Engineering.

      President Wethington asked the members to read the other items in the report at
their leisure.

      President Wethington recognized Professor James Applegate, College of
Communications, who has served this past year as Chairperson of the Senate Council.
Professor Applegate will be succeeded by another person from the College of
Communications, Professor Roy Moore. He asked them to stand and be recognized,
following which they received a round of applause.

      G.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

      President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the appointments,
actions and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and that the report relative
to appointments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted.
Mr. Bates moved approval. The motion, seconded by Mr. Shoop, carried. (See PR 2 at
the end of the Minutes.)

       Dr. Stumbo called attention to the retirement of Dr. Max Crocker. He said Dr.
Crocker was a well respected physician in Family Practice from one end of the state to
the other, and his retirement will be a real loss to Family Practice.

       President Wethington then went to PR 4A. He said he would present PR 3A at
the end of the President's report.

       H.    Candidates for Degrees - Community College System (PR 4A)

       President Wethington recommended that the degrees for the Community College
System specified on the list attached to PR 4A be awarded to those persons named, upon
certification that the requirements for those degrees have been satisfactorily completed.


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Ms. Cruz move approval of PR 4A. Mr. Welenken seconded the motion, and it carried.
(See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)

       President Wethington stated that these students are still University of Kentucky
community college students in University of Kentucky degree programs, and their degrees
are to be awarded by the Board of Trustees as in the past.

       I.    Candidates for Degrees - University System (PR 5A)

       President Wethington said that PR 5A is a companion document concerning
candidates for degrees in the University System. The recommendation is that the
President be authorized to confer upon each individual whose name appears on the
attached list the degree to which he or she is entitled upon certification by the University
Registrar that the individual has satisfactorily completed all requirements for the degree
for which application has been made and as approved by the University Senate. Mr.
Reed moved approval. Mr. Chellgren seconded the motion, and it passed. (See PR 5A at
the end of the Minutes.)

       President Wethington called attention to Mr. Grayson's son, Charles Merwin
"Trey" Grayson III, who is receiving two degrees from the University of Kentucky, a
Master of Business Administration and a Juris Doctor. He congratulated Mr. Grayson
and his son, Trey. Governor Breathitt noted that Trey is also the holder of the Bert T.
Combs Scholarship in the College of Law for his outstanding academic record.

      J.    Appointment of Dean of the College of Social Work (PR 5B)

      President Wethington recommended that Dr. Kay Seeley Hoffman be named Dean
of the College of Social Work effective July 1, 1998. He reminded the Board that Dr.
Zafar Hasan who had been dean for several years returned to the faculty in 1996. In the
interim period, 1996 until the present, Dr. Ed Sagan served as acting dean. A national
search was conducted and two finalists visited campus during the Spring of 1998. Dr.
Hoffman had widespread support by faculty, staff, students, alumni, and administrators.
He and Chancellor Zinser were pleased to recommend the appointment of Dr. Kay Seeley
Hoff-man as Dean of the College of Social Work. Mr. Welenken moved approval. His
motion, seconded by Mrs. Bell, passed. (See PR 5B at the end of the Minutes.)

      K.    Naming University Building - Lexington Campus (PR 5C)

      President Wethington recommended that the Board approve the naming of the
Administration Building, 232 East Maxwell Street, at the Gaines Center for the
Humanities as the Raymond F. Betts House. Professor Betts has had a long-standing
leadership role in the development of the Gaines Center. The Committee on Naming
University Buildings has reviewed and made the recommendation to the Chancellor of the



Lexington Campus who recommends to the President that the building be named the
Raymond F. Betts House. President Wethington said he was delighted to recommend PR
5C for approval. Dr. Meriwether moved approval. His motion, seconded by Mr.
Wilcoxson, carried. President Wethington reminded the Board that Professor Betts will
be retiring at the end of the Spring semester. (See PR 5C at the end of the Minutes.)

       L.    Naming University Building - Lexington Campus (PR 5D)

             President Wethington recommended that the Board approve the naming of
the third building of the Gaines Center located at 226 East Maxwell Street as the
Commonwealth House. This designation is highly appropriate because of the Center's
role in undergraduate education in the Commonwealth. He said that the Committee on
Naming University Buildings and the Chancellor of the Lexington Campus have made this
recommendation to him, and he was pleased to recommend approval of PR 5D. On
motion, made by Mr. Miles and seconded by Mr. Shoop, PR 5D was approved. (See PR
5D at the end of the Minutes.)

       Governor Breathitt said that the Gaines Center is a wonderful Center on campus.
The Gaines Center and the Honors Program are able to attract students of high quality.
The students' interaction with the university and the stimulation that the students receive
from this program is outstanding.

      M.    New Multidisciplinary Center (PR 6A)

      President Wethington recommended that the Board approve the establishment of
the Center for Health Services Management and Research. He asked Chancellor Holsinger
to comment on the recommendation.

      Chancellor Holsinger said the concept is to develop a Center for Health Services
Management and Research. It will serve in a consulting role to health care organizations
across the Commonwealth and potentially outside the Commonwealth. It will also
provide impetus for health services research and will bring together investigators to work
in an interdisciplinary fashion to solve some of the problems that arise out of managed
care and other health care services delivery modes.

      President Wethington said he was pleased to recommend approval of PR 6A. Dr.
Meriwether moved approval. Mr. Wilcoxson seconded the motion, and it carried. (See
PR 6A at the end of the Minutes.)

      N.    Strategic Plan (PR 3A)

      President Wethington returned to PR 3A and made a presentation on the Strategic
Plan that covers the years 1998-2003. The Plan is a successor to the current 1993-98


- 6 -

Strategic Plan which has been utilized in the operation of the University of Kentucky for
the past five years. He stated he was very pleased with the 1993-98 Plan and invited the
members of the Board to review the report since it addresses the successes achieved
during the last five years in accomplishing the goals approved by the Board of Trustees.

       President Wethington noted that most of the Strategic Indicators have been
accomplished entirely, and significant progress has been made on those that were not
accomplished. In the instances in which the Strategic Indicators were not achieved,
sufficient state appropriations contributed to the lack of success.

       He said that the last Five-Year Plan had been invaluable to the University. It is
absolutely essential to have a Plan approved by the Board in order to be able to explain to
the public that the University has charted its direction. He said that the new legislation in
House Bill I will be one of the key factors in planning the next five years. He noted that
the Education Reform Act was factored in when the priorities were considered for the
years 1998 to 2003.

       President Wethington explained that the process began in September 1997.
Between September 1997 and January 1998 a team of faculty, staff, and students headed
by Joan McCauley, Planning and Budget Office, began a review of the old Plan and
looked at ways the new Plan ought to be revised. There was a Board of Trustees
discussion in November 1997 to get Board members' input into the Plan. In February
1998, the President, Chancellors and Vice Presidents reviewed a draft of the Plan. The
draft Plan was then sent out to the entire university community. A copy was sent to the
library, and it could also be accessed by electronic communication. There was also a
session with Board members about the draft Plan. With the Board's approval, the new
Plan for the years 1998-2003 will be published.

       President Wethington reiterated the importance of the Plan. The Plan becomes the
framework by which decisions are made about the allocation of resources. It is used to
determine priorities for the use of financial and fiscal resources in order to show
improvement in the institution.

       President Wethington then reviewed the strategic planning issues.

       Research and Graduate Education
       These were issues discussed with the Board in a previous planning session and
considered when working on the Plan. Research and graduate education had to be a
priority given the fact that the University of Kentucky is a research university (a
Carnegie I research institution). Research and graduate education have been a priority for
the institution for several years but that priority has been enhanced by House Bill 1.
Therefore, research and graduate education had to be a top priority of the Plan.


- 7 -

       There had to be an enrollment strategy, and the strategy is to continue the course,
keeping enrollment stable and constantly increasing the academic quality of the students.

       Undergraduate Instruction
       A continued effort must be made to focus on undergraduate instruction, and
emphasis has been placed on undergraduate instruction throughout the Plan. The
University of Kentucky will not be a top twenty public research university unless it is an
excellent undergraduate instruction institution. That is an aspect of the Plan which cannot
and should not be ignored.

       Service to the Commonwealth
       The service to the Commonwealth is equally as important since the University of
Kentucky is a land-grant statewide university. Everyone agrees that service to the
Commonwealth has to be a key ingredient.

       Information Technology
       The University must be in the lead in information technology to be an excellent
university. There is a continued emphasis in the Plan on information technology,
particularly as it impacts student learning and as it impacts the research and graduate
enterprise of the institution.

       Top Twenty Public Research Universities as Benchmarks
       The Plan alludes to the fact that the University will likely need to have a changed
group of benchmarks. If it is going to be a top twenty public research university, then a
set of benchmarks that compares the University with the states that touch Kentucky plus
North Carolina may not be the proper group of institutions. This Plan references more
than once the fact that the University of Kentucky should be compared to a comparable
group of institutions that better reflect top twenty research university status. This will
need to be accomplished in concert with the Council on Postsecondary Education which
sets the benchmarks for the institution for official purposes such as faculty salary

       Community Colleges
       Management has changed for 13 of the 14 community colleges; however, there
needs to be the continued role in working with the community colleges since the degrees
are awarded by the University of Kentucky, and the employees are still University of
Kentucky employees.

       Capital Campaign
       It is time for the University to have a major capital campaign, and this is
addressed in the Plan.


- 8 -

       Economic Development
       Economic development was an issue raised by the Board, and the Board discussed
the university's role in economic development. The fact that the University of Kentucky
is an economic engine for the Commonwealth and that the university's research mission is
important in the development of new businesses that spin off from the ideas of faculty in
the university is reflected in the Plan.

       Diversity among the student body, the faculty, and the staff is focused on in the
Plan, particularly in regard to the requirement that the University meet the state's plan
for equal opportunity for institutions of higher education. The university's continued
commitment to the state plan and the federal affirmative action plan is reflected in the
Strategic Plan.

       The internationalization issue is addressed in the Plan. There will be a more
focused effort on the international life of the institution, specifically in regard to the
countries and areas in which the University ought to be involved across the world.

       The Plan for the first time has a vision statement. The statement enhances the
University of Kentucky's stature as one of the nation's great universities: an institution
recognized nationally and internationally for excellence in teaching, research, and public
service, and a sustaining resource for the intellectual, social, cultural, and economic
development of the Commonwealth.

       The Plan has a revised mission statement for the University. It recognizes that
this is a comprehensive, public, land-grant university dedicated to preparing students for
an increasingly diverse and technological world and to improving the lives of people in the
Commonwealth, the nation, and the world through teaching, research, and service.

       There is a list of values for the first time in the Plan. This list reflects some
excellent work by the students, faculty, staff, and Board members. The values of the
University guide the decisions and behavior. The University values academic excellence
and freedom; personal integrity; the creation, synthesis, application, and teaching of
knowledge; lifelong learning; the success of the students; the personal and professional
development of the faculty and staff, mutual respect and collaboration; cultural diversity
and human dignity; personal and institutional accountability; service to local, state,
national, and international communities; and the continuous improvement of the programs
and administrative processes. These are the statements in the Plan that guide the
university's future.


- 9 -

       Each goal statement is followed by a list of objectives and enabling strategies in
the report. Because of the length of that report, President Wethington did not include the
enabling strategies in his presentation. The goals are not complete, however, without the
strategies involved in accomplishing the goals.

       President Wethington reviewed the following objectives of the goals:

       1. The University will strengthen its commitment to academic excellence and
          enhance its stature among the nation's most distinguished public institutions.
          It will advance its standing, build an internationally distinguished and diverse
          faculty, recruit and graduate a diverse population of professional and graduate
          students, increase integration of the research, instruction, and service missions,
          strengthen the University's commitment to excellence in teaching and student
          advising, strengthen the University's commitment to quality undergraduate
          education, maximize access to higher education, and enhance research and
          instructional space and equipment.

       2. The University will continue as a leader in addressing the issues and challenges
          facing the Commonwealth, the nation, and the world. The plan is to develop
          and reward leadership, be a leader in the innovative application of information
          technology, enhance outreach and public service programs, be a catalyst for
          economic development, and demonstrate creative leadership, responsiveness,
          and concrete accomplishments in meeting educational needs of all Kentuckians.

       3. The University will strengthen the development and stewardship of its
          human, fiscal, physical, and information technology resources. The plan is to
          recruit and retain high quality faculty and staff, pursue financial and other
          support, implement an organizational structure and processes that best help
          meet the goals, develop and manage the land, buildings, and equipment to
          support the goals, and manage the technology resources in support of the

       4. The University will strengthen its commitment to be an academic community
          dedicated to the success of its members and the achievement of its collective
          purposes. This is part of the one university concept. The plan is to pursue
          diligently a climate of integrity, openness, trust, and mutual respect for all
          members of the University community, an environment conducive to
          interaction among all members of the University community, recognize that all
          members of the University are colleagues, recognize that the University is a
          community of learners, and strengthen methods of communication and


- 10-

          collaboration between the University community and other educators outside
          the University community.

       President Wethington reviewed and elaborated on the Strategic Indicators that
were chosen to be focused on in the next five years. He said that these Indicators will
help the administration carry out the Five-Year Plan, and they are strategically most
important to the University.

        1. Have ten or more "target of opportunity" research and graduate programs
          and/or professional programs ranked in the top 20 or the top quartile of public
          research universities as measured by ratings of individual disciplines, scholarly
          productivity, citation ranking, extramural support, reputational ratings, or
          other suitable measures.

        2. Strengthen the institutional commitment to the first professional degree
           programs - law, medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy - to continue and enhance
           their national standing.

        3. Improve UK's position among U.S. public research universities (based on the
          NSF ranking) from 46th to 40th.

        4. Increase research and development support to $145 million per year.

        5. Seek state support for the sustained financial commitment necessary to
           achieve the goals established for the University in House Bill 1.

        6. Increase by 15% the number of graduate student publications in refereed
          journals, presentations at professional meetings, and/or earned recognition for
          juried creative products.

        7. Increase by 10% the number of national and international awards earned by
           faculty and students for their scholarly research, teaching, and/or service.

        8. Increase to 40% the number of entering freshmen on the Lexington
           Campus/Medical Center who score 26 and above on the ACT (or equivalent
           on the SAT).

        9. Improve to 55% the percentage of full-time undergraduate students (first-time
           degree-seeking freshmen) who earn a baccalaureate degree within six years of

       10. Maintain faculty salaries and benefits at a level competitive with comparable


- I1 -

11. Maintain staff salaries and benefits at a level competitive with comparable
   institutions, or the local market as appropriate.

12. Increase the number of graduate degrees by 10%.

13. Add 40 faculty positions, to include at least 25 endowed chairs, and endow at
   least an additional 25 professorships to strengthen research and education

14. Simplify and improve the University Studies Program.

15. Revise and enhance the degree audit system to assist in timely and accurate
   student advising.

16. Meet the enrollment and persistence goals of the Kentucky Plan for Equal
   Opportunities in Higher Education and the employment goals of the
   University Affirmative Action Plan.

17. Develop a plan for enhanced University participation in international
   cooperative projects.

18. Ensure that all departments with teaching assistants have a teaching assistant
   development/preparing future faculty program.

19. Implement a requirement that all baccalaureate students declare a major by
   completion of 60 credit hours.

20. Increase student satisfaction in targeted areas, as determined by periodic

21. Seek funding to add and/or substantially renovate 400,000 square feet of
   research-related space.

22. Seek funding to substantially modernize 100,000 square feet of instruction-
   related space.

23. Improve the University libraries ranking among public research libraries from
   32nd to 28th.

24. Complete installation of the campus network to on-campus faculty offices,
   laboratories and classrooms, and to student residence halls.


- 12 -

25. Continue the implementation of the comprehensive plan to provide state-of-
   the-art academic computing for students and facilitate effective application of
   such new technologies in teaching and learning.

26. Engage the entire UK community in celebrating the milestone of 50 years of
   African-Americans at UK and use this celebration as an accelerator for future
   progress toward greater diversity and expanded participation of African-
   Americans in the intellectual and cultural life of the University.

27. Complete the infrastructure construction for a total of 330 acres and have an
   inventory of 26 lots available for lease or leased at the Coldstream Research

28. Facilitate at least five new start-up ventures in the Commonwealth based on
   the intellectual property of University personnel.

29. Expand and support partnerships between the Lexington Community College
   and the Lexington Campus/Medical Center and the other community colleges,
   and their corporate and small business partners, to develop new technical
   programs responsive to the economic development priorities and workforce
   needs of communities across the Commonwealth.

30. Develop and implement a proactive marketing and communications plan that
   clearly presents to the proper audiences locally, nationally, and
   internationally, the progress the University is making toward achieving top 20
   public research institution status.

31. Establish priorities and goals for a capital campaign guided by the Strategic
   Plan, a top priority of which will be meeting any match required to receive
   funds from the Council on Postsecondary Education Research Challenge Trust

32. Use the research-based intellectual resources of UK as a land-grant university
   in addressing the priority needs of the Commonwealth's citizens, businesses,
   schools, farms, communities, professions, and government and non-
   governmental agencies through enhanced outreach programs.

33. Increase private donations to at least $60M per year.

34. Increase the University's endowment to at least $400M.

35. Implement a plan to acquire, install, operate, and support state-of-the-art
   administrative and management information systems.


13 -

       36. Enhance the professional development opportunities offered by the
           University for staff employees and increase staff participation in those

       In conclusion, President Wethington said the presentation represents the entire list
of Strategic Indicators, the list of objectives, the mission statement, the value statement
and the vision statement for the institution. He assured the Board that the report had
major participation across the University. He said he was pleased to bring the Five-Year
Plan to the Board for consideration, and he certainly recommended the Board's approval
to put in place a framework that will allow the administration to come back in June with
the first annual operating budget to help begin to carry out the Plan for the years 1998-

       Governor Breathitt entertained questions from the Board.

       Professor Reedy said that, in his opinion, the Strategic Planning Committee did an
excellent job of pulling together recommendations and information from the Task Force on
Graduate Education and Research and setti