xt7fj678sx81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fj678sx81/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1864-02-jun21. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1864-02-jun21. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1864-02-jun21. 1864 1864-02-jun21. 2011 true xt7fj678sx81 section xt7fj678sx81 

Kentucky University, Earroisburg. Ky.

            March 16, 1864

     On motion it was resolved that the obligers on the notes
herefore given for the purchase of the Western Military Asylum
return the same to the proper parties.
     Teas                                  Nays
     Jno. Aug. Williams                 J. B. Bowman
     A. G. Kyle                         A. H. Bowman
     A. G. Vivian                       0. L. Poston
     G. 0. Runyon                       D. W. Thompson    4
     C. T. Worthington
     J. S. Dearborne
     J. W. Mcuarvey
     Jno. Shackelford   9

death of
curator R. T.

H. T. Ander-
son elected

     By a vote of 2/3 it was agreed to accept resignation of
Curators this day tendered & to fill vacancies thereby occas-
ioned. Jno. A. Cano resignation was then tendered and accepted
George W. Williams was by a suspension of the Rule, elected a
Curator in his place.
     Jno. J. Rogers' resignation was then tendered & accepted
on suspension of the Rule requiring the election to be by ballot,
Landon A. Thomas was elected Curator in his place. Bro. Bowman
was authorized as the agent of this Board to assist in legaly in
any proposition that may be made to this Board in reference to
the permanent location.
     On motion of J. A. Williams a committee of three was appointed
to prepare suitable resolutions in vier of the great loss it has
sustained in the death of Curator R. T. Lathan and that the laws
be published in the Am. Ch. Review, and a copy of the same sent
to the family of the deceased. Jno. Aug. Williams, A. G. Kyle,
A. H. Bowman was appointed this committee.
     On motion the rule was suspended & H. T. Anderson was elected
a Curator of this Institution.
     On motion the Board adjourned to meet 27th April 1864.
Jno. Aug. Williams, Sec.            C. T. Worthington, Pres't.


            Kentucky University, Harrodsburg, Ky.

                      June 24, 1864
                      Kentucky University

     Meeting of the Board of Curators _ Harrodsburg, Ky.
     At the Regular meeting of the Board held in Masons Hall
June 21st 1864.




pro sent S
     Jno. B. Boman
     Jas. !aylor
     Jno. Aug. Williams
     A. G. Kyle
     A. E. Bowman
     D. W. Thompson
     C. T. Worthington
     Joseph Smith
     Dr. Givens

Pros. Milli-
gan' s report
read and re-

Report of
Goal Agent
& Treasurer


Special Cos.
allowed time.

Tutor Ulrich
re si gn8s.

W. L. Williams
R. J. White
A. G. Hlrnddon
Andrew Steel*
Wu T. Moore
J. W. McGarvey
B. B. Groom
H. T. Anderson
R. M. Davis
G. D. Runyon

     According to the established order of Business. President
Milligan read his Report as presiding officer of the Institution
On notion the Report was referred a Special Committee, with in.
structions to report on same this afternoon.

8   J. A. Williams, I. Whit., &. T. Anderson, J. B. Bowman,
Genl1 Agent & Treasurer presented his Report which was read and
received On motion that part of the Report which relates to the
investment of funds on hand., be referred to a con. of three with
instruction to report for the action of the Board at their meeting.

                            Comm i tee

     B. B. Groom  A. Steele   W. T. Moore. On motion that part
of same relating to relieving Bro Bowman be referred.

                            Commi ttee

     J. W. MoGarvey  W. L. Williams  S. W. Givens. A majority
of lx. Con. being absent, on motion the vacancies were filled
pro tom, who were instructed to and in the report of Treasurer
and. to do such other business as said Con, by law are authorised
to do at this meeting.

                           Committee pro ton.
     A. S. Kyle R. White R. Davis. On motion so much of Report
as relates to the course of study and general educational design
of Institution be referred to Special

Jno. Aug. Williams, H. T. Anderson, Jas. Smith On notion the
special Com. appointed last March. be allowed till three o'clock
this evening to report.
     Tutor Ulrich resignation being tendered, it was referred. to
a special Committee W. T. Moore, A H. Bowman, A. Herndon.



      Kentucky University, Harrodsburg, Ky.

                     June 21, 1864

     A proposition to purchase the "Piper Property' was sub-
mitted to the Board and referred to Exs Committee.
     On notion Board adjourned to meet at 2JP. M.

   Report of
   on investment

 Riport of
Treas. Audible


Committee on
resolution of
March last

Committee on

     2iT. X, M.Board met pursuant to adjournment. Committee
on Pros. Milligan's Report asked for further time which was granted.
     Committee on investment of funds through their Chairman B. B.
Groom reported as follows:
x x x 'That they would respectfully recommend, that J. B. Bowman
be directed to make such investments as he truly sees best, be-
lieving that his knowledge of this matter is better than ours
& knowing that he will most earnestly protect the best interests
of the University." The report was duly received. On motion
this report was recommitted with instructions to report same
          made of investment of funds now in lands of such as may
     Report of Ex. Con.        & the Report of Treasurer was re-
ceived and adopted.
     Coi. on course of study wre allowed further time to report.
     Con. on Sale of "Piper Property' allowed further time to report.
     The Report of the Con. on resignation of Prof. Ulrich Reported
as follows$
     Resolved 1. That we report that upon a Conference with Prof.
Ulrich he abides by his expressed purpose & that in view of this
part we recommend the acceptance of his resignation.
     2ad That the Board take this opportunity to express their
high estimate of Prof. Unrich abilities & competency to discharge
the duties that are associated with his recent position.
     3rd That the Board doem it proper to express their thanks to
Prof. Ulrich for his fidelity in meeting his duties as Tutor of
the University.
               W. T. Moore, A. H. Bowman & A. G. Herndon.

     The Committee on Resolutions of March last Reported That they
were unable to prepare a report & asked to be excused whereupon
the Committee was discharged.

     Resolved that the funds of the Institution now on hand uninves-
ted and that may be hereafter, shall be invested in U. States &
State bonds or in any other way the University Cox. may think best.




adopted as
to location

Meeting of
Donors and
Curators to
be held

Report of
Committee on
Course of
Study etc.


     The Con. on Relief of Treasurer reported that Bro.
Bowman has already performed an ant. of labor for Institu-
tion which claims the highest lasting gratitude of all its
friends & that his present labors & responsibilities are
greater than we feel at liberty to exact. In order to give
his the desired relief we recommend that offices of Gen'l
Agent & Treasurer should be separated and that some other
members of the Board should be elected to fill the latter
          Report adopted.
Bro. Wassonts excuse for absence was reported and recieved.
On notion the Board resolved to confer the degrees as re-
commended by the Pres. of the Institution in his Report.
     On motion Judge Graves and others present were invited to
sit in our meeting & take part in our deliberation.
     The following Preambles & Resolutions were adopted.
Whereas by the action of the Board at a former meeting the
question of the permanent location of the University was
decided to be and open question and so declared to its Donors
and friends abroad.

     On motion of John B. Bowman, resolved, that a full meet-
ing of the donors in person or by proxy and of the Curators
of the Institution be called to meet on the Second Tuesday in
August next, for the purpose of deciding upon a permanent
location for Kentucky University.
     On notion, the foregoing resolution was reconsidered and
it was amended by inserting the words 'the Tuesday after the
Third Monday in September next " instead of the date mentioned
in the resolution.
     The Committee on Course of study through their chairman
Jno. Aug. Williams made the following report which was adopted
by the Board.
    (1) That they have looked through the present Course of
study in the University and find it important in the following
     a. The Bible is not a regular Text Book for all the Classes
in the Institution.
     b. The              as a whole is too extensive, and the
Text work on many subjects too voluminous for Compotion within
the time allowed.
     c. The departments of Nat. Science, Belles Lettres, and
Biblican Literature are more especially & seriously affected by
these imperfections.
     (2) In order to remedy as far as practicable these evils, the
Committee respectfully suggests.
     a. That a daily recitation in the Scriptures be required
of all the students in the Institution.



Time of An.
nual Commence-
ment changed
and traveling
expenses of
curators to be
  Com. on
  death of
  Curator A.G.

  Jo. E .Thomp-
  son elected

  of catalogue


     b. That the Faculty & Ex. Cor. be requested to reduce
as much as may be proper in their judgement the number of
pages to be read by the several classes.
     c. That they be requested to raise the Standard of
qualifications for ad-mission into the Reg. Classes, as far
as it may be necessary to do so, in order to introduce the
Scriptures and to relieve the Department of Belles Lettres &
Nat. Science.
     d. That they have permission to make any other changes
in the present Curriculum of Study which in their judgement
may be best for the Institution as a first class College of
"Arts & Science.
     On notion leave of absence was granted to Curator Joseph
Smith and John Augustus Williams.
     On motion of Curator John W. McGarvey, a resolution was
adopted changing the time of the annual Commencement of the
University from the 4th Wednesday to the 4th Thursday in June.
     On motion of John B. Bowman resolved, that from and after
this diae, the necessary traveling expenses of all members of
this Board residing out of the County of Mercer, shall be paid
by this Board to and from the meeting thereof.
     On motion of John B. Bowman, resolved, that a Committee of
three be appointed to prepare suitable resolutions expressive
of the sense of this Board in reference to the death of Albert
G. Vivian, late a member thereof, and that said resolution be
spread upon the minutes of the Board. and a copy of the same be
sent to the family of the deceased. Whereupon, the chair appoint-
ed as said Committee Curators John B. Bowman, David W. Thompson
and James Taylor.
     On motion of John B. Bowman, the By-Laws were suspended and
Richard M. Bishop of Cincinnati, Ohio, was appointed a Curator
instead of Landon A. Thomas declined and James S. Thompson of
Mercer County instead of Albert T. Vivian deceased.
     On motion of William T. Moore, a committee was appointed
by the Chair consisting of John W. McGarvey, Andrew Steele,
and Daniel W. Thompson to prepare resolutions expressive of the
sense of the Board in view of the resignation of Prof. Robert
     On motion of John W. McGarvey. a resolution was adopted
that the Executive Committee be directed to publish the Annual
Catalogue of the officers and Students of the University, and
embody within said Catalogue the Reports of the General Agent
and Treasurer, and that of the President of the Univecsity.




Publication of
report as re-
aired by Charter

Election of
officers of
hIe Ex. Con.

     On notion of David W. Thompson, the Executive Committee
were authorized to prepare and publish within one month from
this date, such a Report as the Charter reguires.

    On motion, the Board proceeded to the election of officers
for the ensuing year. Curator Taylor in the Chair whereupon
     Charles T. Worthington was re..lected President&

John Aug. Williams

John B. Bowman

Thanks to
J. B. Bowman

1  Secretary

    GHn'l Agent  & Treasurer

     John Augustus Williams, David W. Thompson, Abraham H.
Bowman, 0. S. Poston and James E. Thompson were elected the
Executive Committee.
     On notion, the thanks of the Board were unanimously ten-
dered John B. Bowman for his services as General Agent and
Treasurer, On motion, the Board adjourned till the Tuesday
after the 3rd Monday in September next.
                              C. T. Worthington,
                                               Pros t.