xt7ffb4wmb07 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ffb4wmb07/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1982-01 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, January 1982, volume 6 number 1 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, January 1982, volume 6 number 1 1982 1982-01 2020 true xt7ffb4wmb07 section xt7ffb4wmb07 CKX§XJA

Central Kentucky

Vol. ‘11 _ .


Based upon the results of the election in December, 1981, six
persons have been elected or re—elected to membership on the CKJA Board.
Elected for three—year terms are: Michael Baer, Vinnie Dubilier,
Kenneth Germain, Alvin Goldman, and Phyllis Scher. Shelia DeKosky was
elected for a two—year term.

Cookie Wenneker was appointed to a three—year term by Temple Adath
Israel, while Dr. Monroe Moosnick was appointed to a three—year term,
and Joe Rosenberg to a one-year term by Congregation Ohavay Zion. Judith
Levine was appointed to a three—year term by Hadassah, and Terry Wilson
was appointed to a three—year term by the Lexington Havurah at the time
the Havurah became a full member of CKJA.

The members of the Board of the Central Kentucky Jewish Association
and their terms of office are as follows:

Michael Baer (1984)

Martin Barr (Temple Adath Israel, 1983)
Shelia DeKosky (1983)

Vinnie Dubilier (1984)

Sue Friedman (1983)

Marilyn Call (1983

Kenneth Germain (1984)

Alvin Goldman (1984)

Charles Gorodetzky (Temple Adath Israel, 1982)
Martin Kaplan (1983)

Gloria Katz (1982)

Markell Kohn (Congregation Ohavay Zion, 1983)
Judith Levine (Hadassah, 1984)

Helen Levy (1982)

Jack Miller (1982)

Marilyn Moosnick (1983) .

Monroe Moosnick (Congregation Ohavay Zion, 1984)
David Rose (Bnai Brith, 1982)

Joe Rosenberg (1982)

Phyllis Scher (1984

Allan Slovin (1982)

David Wekstein (1982)

Terry Wilson (1983)

The officers of the Board are elected by the Board from the Board.
Elected in 1981 for two-year terms were:

President ~ Judith Levine
Vice-President - Marilyn Gall
Vice—President - Allan Slovin
Secretary — Jack Miller
Treasurer — Michael Baer

Two members—at—large to the Executive Committee are to be elected
at the next CKJA Board meeting.



Where does the money go?

At its meeting in December, 1981, the CKJA Board of Directors adopted
the organizations budget for 1982. The highlights of this budget are as

Executive Committee $21,810
This includes salaries for the Community Worker and secretary,

funds for printing and mailing, maintenance of the CKJA office
(rent, etc.), and some discretionary funds.

Community Relations Committee $4,550

Funds allocated to this committee will be used to continue to
supply school calendars to the community. These calendars identify
major and minor religious holidays and have contributed significantly
to the policy of most of the major organizations in the community
not to schedule events on Jewish holidays. Additional funds will
be used to further develop appropriate dialogue and programs between
the Jewish and non—Jewish communities.

Campaign Committee $6,650

These are the funds that are necessary to hold an annual campaign
which supports Israel, numerous charities and local community activi—
ties and programs. Funds in this category are also used to administer
the annual Israel Bond Campaign.

Community Activities Committee $13,390

The committee is responsible for the Forum, Camp Shalom, pre—
school parties, Israel Independence Day celebration, and an Israeli
Folk Dancing program. Although the Committee expends this much
money, it also generates income from the sale of tickets to the
Forum and tuition from Camp Shalom.

Social Services Committee $12,000

This committee administers the Israel and camp scholarships
programs as well as the Emergency Loan Program. Funds have also
been allocated to this committee to bring another Russian family to
Lexington in 1982.

In addition to the above—listed expenses, the Board expects to
provide over $174,000 to the United Jewish Appeal and a variety of worthy

A complete copy of the 1982 budget is available to any member of the
Jewish community who wishes one. Contact Mr. Martin Barr, chairman of
the Budget Committee at 278-7078.

Ed. Note: If you wish to request funding support for a particular non—
profit or charitable organization from CKJA, please submit your request
in writing no later than February 15, 1982, to:

Mr. Martin Barr

CKJA Budget Committee Chairman

753 Malabu Drive

Lexington, Kentucky 40502
A list of agencies and organizations receiving support in 1981 is on
file at the CKJA office.


The 1982—83 Forum Committee is now being formed. If you have any
suggestions for programs, or are interested in Working with this exciting

CKJA ' .
1299-prOJeCt, please call Judy Baumann, the 1982—83 chairperson at 223—




Following votes of approval from the Boards of CKJA and the Jewish
Community Federation of Louisville, the two communities are jointly spon-
soring the Project Renewal community of Netanya—Sela. This means that
for the next five years we will be closely involved with and responsible
for many aspects of community development in this depressed neighborhood
on the outskirts of Netanya.

A joint steering committee has been established, with representatives
from both the Men's and Women‘s Division of the Campaign Committee.
Arthur Salomon and Ellie Goldman have been appointed as the Lexington

At its first meeting, the Steering Committee approved a budget for :1
the 1981—82 fiscal year. Since Project Renewal operates on a cash-on-
hand basis, money must be available before any projects are undertaken.
Because the final approval of the sponsorship of Sela came so late in
the year, money was advanced to the community for a very limited number
of activities including a summer day camp for the children.

Several members of the steering committee will be making a trip to
Israel next month to meet and consult with representatives of Sela, and .4
the Israeli Government to review budget proposals for 1982-83. Based onlo


goals for Project Renewal fund raising.


After what seemed to be a slow start, U.K. Hillel is on the move.
Community advisors, Leon Cooper and Alan Stein have been meeting regularly
with the Hillel leadership, and Hillel has already held several meetings
on campus.

In addition to bagel brunches, movies, and ski trips, the students
are planning to hold their own campus—wide UJA fund raising campaign.

CKJA provides partial funding for Hillel, and we can be proud of the
efforts they are making to become an effective voice for Jewish students
on campus.

If you have children attending UK or Transylvania College who are
not receiving mail from Hillel, or know of other Jewish students who are
not yet on the Hillel mailing list, please let us know and We will pass
the information on to Hillel. The CKJA office number is: 277—8048.

Our answer machine will take the message if the staff is not in the


The Kentucky Jewish Post and Opinion, published in Louisville, is

interested in finding a Lexington correspondent to report on Jewish events

here. The Post and Opinion will pay a token fee of $10.00 a month, and
the correspondent would be expected to report on a weekly basis.

If you are interested, please call Judy Saxe, CKJA community worker,

- 277-80AL8; or, Jeff Lebensbaum, Editor, (502) 459—1914.



Over the past six months we have served as Chairpersons of the Russian
Resettlement Committee. As most of you already know the Rozmans are the
second Russian family sponsored by the Jewish community of Lexington. In
July, Gregory, Victoria and their son Alex came here from Vilna, in


From the first day of their arrival the Rozmans immersed themselves
in learning about life in a new country with an entirely different language,
political, economic and social system.

Greg, an expert in the field of control engineering, was persistent
in seeking a job in his field. Within a short time he personally type:
110 letters to engineering firms all over the country inquiring about
employment. Through his letter writing campaign and an impressive back—
ground Greg was successful in obtaining an engineering position in
Richardson, Texas.

The Rozman family was very appreciative of the help and financial
support given to them by the Lexington Jewish community. They were aware
of the time and effort that went into setting up their apartment and were
thankful for the furniture and household goods given to them.

When the Rozmans left Lexington on January 2,it was difficult for
them to say good—by to the many friends they made here. They would have
prefered to stay in Lexington, but unfortunately there were no job oppor—
tunities available.

Based on our experience with the Rozman family there is no doubt that
they will be successful at establishing a new life in Texas. We feel that
the Russian Resettlement project was truly worthwhile and something the
whole Jewish community can be proud of.


Susan Mason and Bobbi Fried



Are you a high school student interested in spending a summer or a

«O‘“ school semester in Israel?

Are you a college student interested in a unique Jewish summer living
experience? Or are you ready to try a year of college abroad?

Are you a young adult—searching for new and different career oppor—
tunities? Or do you need time to think through your options, but want
to keep active and involved?

For all of these reasons, and more, Israel may be an answer. There
are a multitude of trips, courses, and work programs available for young
people of all ages — sponsored by a broad range of American and Israeli
organizations and agencies.

The CKJA office has a growing file of information on such programs.
Judy Saxe, the Community Worker, is ready to discuss the various possi—
bilities of travel, work, study in Israel and to help you make the appro—
priate contacts.

For further information, call 277e8048.




Hear Ye! Hear Ye! CKJA's Scholarship Committee has funds available
for young people who are interested in participating in an educational
program in Israel or who need financial assistance in order to attend a
non~profit Jewish summer camp. It's now time to begin planning for this
summer and next fall.

Cam ershi s, in amounts not to exceed one half the total amount
needed for camp fees and transportation, are awarded on the basis of
need. Any information submitted on the application form is held in
confidence by the members of the Scholarship Committee.

Scholarships are available to young Lexingtonians who have been
accepted into a study or a work/study program in Israel. Other eligi— _
bility criteria are that the student will be returning to this community
for at least six months after his or her Israeli experience and will
participate in local Jewish youth activities during that time. These
scholarships, available in amounts of up to $500.00, are awarded on the
basis of personal written applications which detail past participation _> =
in the community and plans for using the Israeli experience to the future» *-~"”---"“5
benefit of this community.

In order to obtain additional information, or an application form,
call or write Evelyn Geller: 3493 Sutherland Drive, Lexington, Kentucky
40502, 272—8972.


Many young people in our community have benefitted from these
scholarships. We hope many more will take advantage of this offer, this
year and in the future.


Participating in a UJA Mission is an exciting and informative way
to see Israel. UJA offers a variety of Missions designed to fit the
special needs of different groups within the American Jewish community.
Up coming Missions include:

February 21 — March 3 National Physicians Mission
February 21 - March 3 National Attorneys Mission
March 7 - 17 * From Generation to Generation: A

Special Mission for Parents, Sons
and Daughters

June 20 — 3O ** National Family Mission
July 11 - 21 ** National Family Mission
July 18 — 28 National Singles Mission
August 8 - 18 ** National Family Mission

* A special Mission for a parent involved in community Jewish activities
but whose son or daughter is not or for a child involved in Jewish activ-
ities whose parent is not. Participation limited to one parent and one
child per family.

** These Missions have special activities for children. Lexington
families which have participated in a Family Mission have been very
pleased with the experience. It is an excellent way to take your children
to Israel.

For information about these Missions or about other Missions please
call Bob Baumann, 223—1299 or the CKJA office.





Ted Friedman has been asked by U.K.‘s Community Education Program to
teach a survey course on Jewish Humor. The course will take its partici—
pants from Moses to Mosha Dayan, from Abraham to Woody Allen, and will,
of course, include stories by the classical humorist Sholom Aleichem.

The course starts Tuesday, February 2nd, and continues every Tuesday
night 7:30 - 9:30 p.m., through March 9th, in Room 205 Frazee Hall.
Course fee is $30.00. For more information call U.K.'s Community Educa—
tion office 257-3294, or Ted Friedman, 266—5321. Persons 65 or older are
eligible to receive a 25% discount on Community Ed program fees.


The CKJA Israeli Folk Dance Group continues to warm toes and hearts
at Temple Adath Israel every Wednesday evening from 8:00-9:00 p.m. Under
the direction of Karen Edelstein, with the assistance of Beth Genya Cohen
and Sharyn Shearer, the group has increased its repertoire significantly.

If you have some experience in Israeli dancing this group is defi—
nitely for you! You can learn to appreciate your Jewish heritage while
having fun and getting much needed exercise, all at the same time!

A six—week beginner series is scheduled to start in April of this
year. If you have always wanted to learn more about this beautiful
expression of modern Israeli culture this is your big chance!

Questions? Call Karen Edelstein, 266—5h65.
Very Special People”


The Forum Committee is pleased to report that the Forum series, to
date, has been most successful. Both the Giora Feidman Trio and Max
Dimont captivated audiences — Feidman with his magical clarinet, Dimont
with his fiery rhetoric. Attendance is up from last year; we have had
audiences numbering nearly 200 for each event.

The last two events promise to be equally as exciting. The acting
husband and wife team of Christopher Frye and Thelma Ruby will appear
in an adaptation of the Broadway hit, "Golda," on February 7, 1982.
They will be followed by Cantor Sarah Sager, one of the world's few
female cantors, on April 11. Please mark your calendars and plan to
attend. If you have not yet purchased tickets, please call Judy Baumann
223-1299, Libby Scher 273-3200, or Jo Belin 269—7776.

If you would like to attend the remaining events in the Forum series,
but need transportation, please call Judy Saxe at the CKJA office, 277—8048.
The Program Committee will be happy to arrange a ride for you.

Ed. Note/President's Note: Many thanks to Harriet Cooper who has taken
over for Susan Gerstel for the remainder of the 1981-82 series!

24 —
26 —

27 -

30 -

20 -



10 -

. Schedule of events

Rubic Cube Championship finals — Temple Adath Israel

Ohavay Zion Sisterhood Meeting — 12:00 noon Alice Weinberg's home
3422 Fleetwood Drive

Hadassah Book Study Group — 12:30 p.m. Helen Levy's home 2120
Manor Drive, Apt. 120

Hadassah Tennis Party — 7:45 p.m. Lexington Tennis Club
Hadassah Popcorn Party - 7:30 p.m. Abram's residence 2067 Norborne
Bar Mitzvah — Darren Shakio 5:00 p.m. Temple Adath Israel

Board Meetings - 8:00 p.m. Adath Israel and Ohavay Zion

Hadassah Meeting - 8:00 p.m. Susan Goldstein's home 10 Mentelle Park
Hadassah Board Meeting — 8:00 p.m.

Adath Israel Sisterhood Dance - 7:00 p.m. Springs Motel

Adath Israel Sisterhood Board Meeting

Adath Israel Sisterhood Meeting — Temple Adath Israel

Hadassah Women's Discussion Group — 8:00 p.m. Natalie Sherman's home
992 Holly Springs Drive

Hadassah Donor Dinner — 6:30 p.m. Harley Hotel

CKJA Board Meeting - 8:00 p.m. Temple Adath Israel
Hadassah Book Study Group — 12:30 p.m. Ethel Feldman's home
337 Irvine Road

Board Meetings — 8:00 p.m. Adath Israel and Ohavay Zion

Hadassah meeting — leave Lexington 9:30 a.m. Speed Museum, Louisville
Purim Family Worship — Temple Adath Israel

Hadassah Lox Box Sale

Hadassah Open Board Meeting - 8:00 p.m. Dubilier residence 665
Bayswater Way

NCCJ Annual Brotherhood Award Night — 6:30 p.m. Hyatt Regency Hotel

12-13 — Bar Mitzvah — Mark Lerner-Temple Adath Israel

17 -
18 —

Adath Israel Sisterhood Meeting — Temple Adath Israel
Hadassah Women's Study Group

19—20 — Bar Mitzvah — David Edelstein — Ohavay Zion Synagogue

Note: Addition to CKJA Community Booklet
Re: Kosher and Passover Foods


Foods in the Zandale Shopping Center carries a complete line .

of packaged and frozen Kosher foods, including bakery items.




, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, is seeking to locate Jews
who lived in the city of Zaporozhe (Zaporozhye), Ukraine, during the
period 1941—1904, about a matter of utmost importance. Please call or
write Joseph Edelman of HIAS about this matter. The address is 200 Park

Avenue South, New York, NY 10003; the telephone is (212) 674—6800.



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Camp Shalom, the day camp operated by CKJA is seeking a director for
the three—week 1982 season, June 14—July 2, 1982.

Candidates should be at least 21 years of age, and have previous
camping experience or extensive experience in working with children.

The Camp Committee is also accepting applications for other staff
positions: Counselors, Jr. Counselors, and Counselors-Ianraining.

Resumes may be sent to: Nancy Hoffman
3413 Pepperhill Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40502
or call 266—2380 for additional information.


"NCCJ Forum" - This is a televised monthly discussion of current
social and moral concerns. Each month a new topic is chosen with four
guests from the community invited to share their views. The program
can be seen on Channel 27.

Watch for: "Hunger in Lexington" — January 30 — 1:30 p.m.

"Differing Religious Views
on Life After Death” — February 20 — 1:30 p.m.



proudly presents



THELMA RUBY. leading English actress and star of William
Gibson’s “Golda" along with PETER FRYE. distinguished
Canadian American-Israeli actor. producer. director of stage.
screen, and teleVision. star in a special version of the Broadway
show “Golda." The character and personality of one of the most
beloved women of all time come to life against the backdrop of
the world-shaking events Golda Meir helped shape. “Stars in
Your Eyes“ offers an exciting dramatic event for audiences of all

The/ma Ruby and Peter Frye come to us under the auspices of B'nai Brit/J Lecture Bureau.



Series .
Students .
Single 'l it‘lx‘t'ts


Judy Baumann .... ..r ,........... SIS—12W
,lo BClin ......... .,. ... , INLEHW‘
Libby Seher . . . . . I . . . 23-5100

8.30 per person
. 17,30 per person
1.00 per person
0 per perlormrinee