xt7ffb4wm966 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ffb4wm966/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-04-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 2007 2007 2007-04-10 2020 true xt7ffb4wm966 section xt7ffb4wm966 Spring football sees another quarterback controversy,
.1‘ this time between backups. spomg pAGE 4


\\\\\\/K\KERNELCOM TUESDAY APRll it), 31111



candidate . 7 (.11..l\;\,'.(?l.-\'(i HANDS li‘zlL \thl‘
expects . ._ journalist to
challenge in . ' ‘ _ . speak on
top—20 goa|s medias tutuie

8y Walker Martin
By Jill Laster

1.‘.\1L-1\1 11
paste'iikuieinv (7111'



\iwlh liiiigliuiii li.1~ 11.11. elml l.1i’ li'nm
lie: 11.1ii\e l.11111x\1lle

lhe Plinliliilllllmlhl l11x .meie.
.nitl i‘eliiiieex :ii R\\.iil\l.i. iliiiiiiuli ( .111

l l .i
“llllt lliL‘ \t'eulltl t.lll\lltl.ile l\‘l \ lLC 1\\... \

l’iexitleiii tiir Rexeui'eh .litlii'i xee l lx'x ,
11111311511111|11xiinre.1lix11.;i1ex.11.l1i iii|:_'lii 5““: \Hh‘mhl‘m il1e<1.1/.1 Mill“ '1‘!” .111..

not he i'etielietl ‘.l\ xtmii .1\lll1.'tt|il\x‘!\ll} * -. _. [1.1.1
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I b .. Mush-L111 (enter [111
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l .lniit Linux 11 \Ull ll get there. l' . “'1 ... .1 -.
.. .‘ ‘ ‘ .. ,\ liee .l 1.1 t‘. ‘.l
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.-. . . L . k V l
[he lop ‘H Hiixinexx Pl 111 ixn i unre.1r ._ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ Ii
xoiiuhle he x .111! l‘lll it \\1ll h. .1 x’lhlllL‘IlL'L ' .- n 1 1,» ~11“...
~ « . K 1. 1 1. iLx
111 implement 1.“.

l1‘illl‘ 111x111 111.‘ 8'
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1.111 illlliix 1. \ i..1li~l1.. li.1._\ \dltl . " ilte lu'iiie 11th.: \e\\ 9

“D11 l Illlllix )1111'll eel there .~\.1.!l) .1x . _ PHOTOS SVALUE GARZA VAL \l.1.l11” 11

lllL'l l 1".‘ \ \I‘k'x’xll


. .

PlJlllltLl l .lniit inn“ 11....111x. 111 the ' , .. . ‘ ‘ .. ‘ .. , .1 . , . _ ._ . ' llie .1.iiiie. \i‘1‘ll\‘1‘lk‘kl 1‘1

liiiuliii; i\\ll1: .' ‘V' . . 4‘ ., , ‘ “ "I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ " " " " \.li.111i 11! l.~11:ii.1l:x11. .111... lti...~1 1.1.:
lhe [1111 Ill liiixiiiexx l‘l.1i: .uiilx 1111 ' i i" i 1 '- * ' ' 1' “11:111..1x.i.~\.1i.‘.!1.11111111-5111-1 1.11;

lllxl'k‘.l\ill:-‘ lL'\k'.llkil 71111.511; :11 11.1.11‘3 ,ia- 1.11111..1'..

\Niiliillilitli‘ liuiii lli.‘.1iiieiii \lllw 1:11.?

'.".l\i \k .‘ 1.‘ '.‘
liiiil. . ll1111":' 11.111 .'.~
.\x 11.1.11 11: ihe ;1l.1i.. ~211.leiii '11111.1ii . 3121.11.1‘11-1 -1;'1".l.11.\’-

;1ii.l xiuie .iiiiwiiiiii';.1liui1x \1ill 11.1}. 1111 (111 ‘ 1 .111:'.:ei1‘ ”Ii-'1 xl..- him-xi
percent at the 111111113} it‘tlllllt‘xi l ix “ill ' 411.11; _\ 11.1.11. 1h. 1111,, l\i.11.i‘ 311111

Pi'tl\l'xl\.‘ the oiliei 4'” i‘vei.eii'.. .1111111m. '1: . - . 1 1 . ' .1ll.1.i\x .111! 1.x.» l1.'l.i ill \‘11: (1:11 2.1
motel) Ni“ iiiilliuii. thiniiel. eiitl1m " , piiwii \\llli :11111 ether \\;~J.1'..'~
iiienix 111.111! liiiitli‘.11xiiie iexe.1i.h .1111.l ‘ » . _1 \i1i.. ’ 111111

' \l11ll1. .x .. '1'1: :11 111.111.111t .1


tnxi . ilti 111-. .1..111.l1111.: 1.1 ili.‘ l‘ii~ill~.'\\

' 5 '. .
11l.1ii - -’ .. - 1i1.-\..11t111! .1 «1'1 l.1'll.‘i 1h»:
. . _ .,. ," 11 ‘ ..
li.1.\ x.1itl ll‘iwlllllx 1.1i. 1111 l1111‘ il ' .. .- . .1 '111. .1l.1. \.li.l mil: H.111.
. .. . r .

he 11ml. lh. ii<1\i!!\1ll.\\11iilil ht .1111111111111 Yh 1 \. him: .1! |111:.'i1.

..1iiiij-1 \Hlll kt'lllllxix} l1.1_..11\l.11111x111.11.1x: ii :iiio . l111.1\.'- 1 1:1;.:1~.11
. . - 1 .1 J ,

xltlll\ l\\ \Ltillt ltllimllr BY Katie Saltz


"ll lllx‘ x1.1ie .liiexii'.

.i: l..'iii.‘ .'\.'.. 1.1.11 1lzii-t


' 11 .1 1 111.
“1:11.: llllHtiL'll 1-."21’IWF" 3....-. “‘ "l‘ “h ‘l‘ ' ‘

\\:il1 their xl1.1i'e 11? [he 1111111.\.ii1e 11i1i\ei
\1t\ e.1ii'tie.1tiii|i.1

.1l ii. . :111111.1l.1\.1i'
ll.1=11\i‘1l\'\x’llte xx

14‘” ill“ ‘ ”“ \l.11111 1111111\.11111nx. C\i7.|il\lt\n\ 11nd iie\\ teehnnlng) ‘ 'ix" '1l11' my”.
H“ “MM ”‘1” i l\ "1”“11‘54 1” 1‘” .11.. expulenl 1111 ihe l'ix' iioeixxtni’ext.1111111-'.liil\ l. 311111‘x 0.1111 .‘.,
ilixlil’ilin‘ii \\.1\ 11ml: iilii1i1ll.il‘;i lli.lii lli.‘ lite tl‘..iii:‘e\ ‘Alll11t‘t‘lli".t\l'11llcil Higher lfklllk'tlllllil i“ l‘ W “ \
.1t'tii.1l 1'111i.1111.1 , ‘ 1- ‘h; .11.. 1‘. .....:1.i .1'. the huuixii it l‘he
H“ ”l“ .1111 ‘l‘ "‘ " “"“'l ”"4 l" ‘4‘! ..1., 1. '1‘1tlli:\ 1\\1i.l.1. . lll .e.1i'.1>iili.1.'t l‘1\
llie‘l'1_‘.l11\lli\x ‘11'Jx‘llllLi-' .11‘11l 'li.li\\' 1. .1‘ l . I

. 1’ x . .
#11111. . x11i'.:11i:.

. ‘ .1iit! .2..1ii.1_-1enitiii11l the ~l11l'L‘.\\lllt‘ll

lll1' lrii‘ :<. l iliiili. ill.1l . 131111“... lii‘ \.11.1 .1iii.'iili‘. “:3 1. l‘xeiiiletl\ limiiwlni't

li.1xj\.ll1e.1\\1111.1tetle..11 i111 i.'\.‘.1itl‘1 “1‘. ‘1..- 11:. 1.1 1“,“. h,- l ”Hm \\.1~ l‘-.l\L‘\l Uii the m1-
1”"11 Fl-l‘lil-llk' 11.1111111; 3“: ' ‘\ ll ““1 ‘1“- 1..1:1.e:11.iii the .-11'il‘.1'i\ .1111l.lhriii:l11the xt111‘e.x.1i.l
\i'li‘lw’ii.‘ ““1“” 1” l \‘ \l “"" '- lienl :1::.li.1i. -~ .111.‘ [‘I‘Aitlent 111 .\ll\iii‘.ll'\ .‘1'ei'
Mllkl .l l.lk'i\ ill i.‘~~'.'..l\ l‘. \E‘.l1. '\ .il‘1‘liii'l i= '~1\e\lill [ k I
\“V i K ”"Wl‘ i" ‘i‘ '11 "‘ “i3 “‘1' “1‘19“" l'ii.1i 15151.1 .1111‘1111.*i.e iil.1ll1iiiii \\.'1x \ei‘\ illl[ll'L‘\-
Vim“ ll 1‘ il‘Nll‘V i“'ml ”Nil" ll 411111» . .1 < i'iil.l1.'1 \.111l "lhe\ .1ie \iiiiiii: 1.1 \Peiitl .1 x11.“
tl1.1l “"“M‘h 1‘ «11.11111111: 1“ 'll1"'“‘“"" ..1111 .::11.11111i .-,1 \ .1:‘1"..i 1.111 i‘ei‘..1\.1iiiig the \liil't‘ ” I
l.‘ llll-' ‘ l'1li1il11\.ii\ l0! lllL‘ l‘UHiwlUl'c 'Ae‘l't‘ presented [it

“1“” "”"inl ‘ll-‘MV i il4llli~1‘- ' ‘ 4 ix 1111111. l11iit'l’ l\\‘i‘.ll\‘(l\ B1i0ix\l1‘l\‘ .iiitl Barnes 6;
lll‘l‘l‘lc‘liu “ill “1“ ‘~ “1“ ‘1‘ ”11“" ill" *1 "‘1 my? lhl. il.11'11x 1 ix: i‘lil'xlldflilL‘ «lireelnr
““1””‘lllWi“l“’l ll1\'\\~“-"“‘”l \F' 7 1 ‘ 1 1 .11 “11.111. x? .hmee t1.» ixt‘L‘IillP \illll .1th.1n1-'1
“”11! l ‘1l‘k‘lllll1'lll 81.111111. ' ; 1' .\.1l\'. ix.‘\':1 Sit-\enx..1l'ix' purehnxiii: .li
mike il l\ 1.1 111111111 .1111! 1.31..' 112.111.". ' ' ‘

\li‘ll 1.1 help l.1.l-1i iii the lllllsllll}; t1:
Stmeiix Mlltl "l'l1.1i ‘.\.EE i.‘.iii.iel ix .111.l
11H \lixW.

ix \\.1\ \.1ti\iie.i \1iih ixennulj. ’iuelxx'ni.”

" ' l‘K‘lll'filll l‘lll '\\.l\ it'; 1£l\ l-e'xilllltKl iii lillxk‘ i‘l1i[‘\‘\.ll\ 'l1‘ll
ll l\'\ \llLl l 'ill\llli: Y1: l l\ ' " -- 1‘ . , " 1 .. ‘f .
i lxilit \ \lkki\l\ H. \i\ \kll\ x ”Li “L i1ilk‘l'l‘lhillL‘\\\" .1l ill.‘ mm 111 l\\‘llite1.l) \ ”A“ (

\1il\ele.1i‘iiiiie ...ii‘.;111~..ii’.1111. ' ' .. ,. .11, .. . 1 1 . .. , Y . ..... 1 .. . ..

”MN.” |\ the \, T I’11' 1.”. ....1t.... ‘ \ 1.1111..1. AH“ ”1"an m H‘Hkm hml‘wtm ei' ~.1;1l \\h.‘11 the :'1i.1:111x.1.‘. .1eie xiihiiiiiial. I11;
.. .. .1‘1H- . 1. ’ 1.1. . 1 1,.» . -.x . 1 ,. . . ..' ‘

‘ "l 1 \\i.lli. . 111.11 111. ~i..ii111.x111111t11.1111.)..1iitll11.lttl 11111111 111 1111.11 1 k
“1‘11 ‘ :.:\.~ il1.11.-\i 11111111111111“ -«\\,
"I lll'l‘i 'l ‘ “1T," “1'” l " 1‘ 1““il‘i-‘l’ 111.. 111.1111 ~llllk‘l1lll.x in tin .1111li.1el l'ix l‘1.11.l will

i” “"“i‘ lh'“ 3‘” 1’ 1““l‘li‘ “l ‘i l‘“ “M ‘1!“ ixeiiiiuflx iiiiiiixxifli.‘.1ll1ill‘1k‘ll1.“:\ 1111.e\.\ill1i111|l-1tt1~tli.1t
I " , V l y .

\\h.il \111. ‘.\i\li\. l..1.\. x....i lh. firs. ix.1111.1l\ l4.:.1l\t.11.i1.111l 1 ll1111.. ”mi hm “ill W}

”‘1”? l ii “Jill l“ ‘1“ ‘1“ '91" “11'14'3” l ix 11111.111111111v11111.Blt‘weiix x,111l

VP '\\.'1.1.1111.-.ll11.l1.1iiee1111111.1ll.1ii.1teii1.1iiiiiiiix

“men". ““lh‘l‘i‘i \ch l’\x'lll‘.i.‘\l\. hi.‘
11.1.! xxinieih (iii'.l1e: n.111l ih 1.111. 13.1.1 '
hiii. .1111111. lii’l x'\.-.lll.l.‘ lx.11111.11l\ .1l .1l. ’

(.11111 lielii. ggeiieuii 111.1ii.ij-1ei 1-: lxtiiiie.i\ ll 11
\t111’e.x.1:.l ili.1t ixeiiixul'. :1.1\e l ix.1f.111111t.-1

Student textbook business partners With eCampus.oom

By Erica Mitchell llieii l‘1ll\ili\'\\ 7:1 W1: ‘ : " ‘ li.1.,'
newslkvker', .‘ \t‘ll\\' llll \\li.il 1.1.: kit'i.‘ .11 . -'.‘.i.‘..".‘

('.l|\1‘ll ‘~.1|1l llL .11l1le‘1llllt' [it'lllthh'j

Hri.1ii R.1iie_\ \\;1~: iii'ed 111 hnuixxinie mite 1-:1\-x .( 111mm 11.1111. e \;11\lllt' 1.1 l ix

-i 1

inf-w .leiii»
|.'1i1.‘\i11iii\e.the l'ix' etuniiiiiitx1.:1'.11l11.1le '\\e llilllix the 11‘1'ixl \. h 11
tit-.itled I11 do inure tl1.1iitl11't_\pit.1l li’iixti.1? 11l.‘.i '(Kiimii \iitl lll’x‘\ l1.1\e
e1: .1ille1-1e \llltlt'lll .1111} partnered \\|lli .1 [H.111 .1111! .\..~ll.i:: \:1.1i1.11:\ 1.1
liiei‘ul 1.1 l.111111h .1 1111\\ hiixinexx1illei‘iii_1: ~111 1.1.111l "
tit-nix .111 .1ller11.1ti\e 1111' inning-1 .1iitl \elliiij: lh.‘ imiiiieixliiy- h.-it\.1.:1 1 -‘ .: . . '-. .'
lt‘\ll31111ix\ \i.|!lt‘1l iit’li‘lwi‘lllfl tl‘i ..iii\ .11. 3‘ ‘ 7 ,. ‘ ‘1 ‘ ' \ " l'h‘H‘l 1. ' .i' -'.
Rune} .lllil lli\ p.1rtiier. l ix hiixiiiexx Rune} .1ii.l\1iii‘r.1\ met 1.1.th 1 ..: 1 1 1 1. - . ' - '1. .( :11». “.111
1-11‘.11l1i.1le lulxe \liiiT.1).ei‘e.1h‘d the liwiklw .\1.1lt \lniilennieii .1'. .1 le\‘1i':. 1 1 f 1 .. 1 '. .. .. . '1 ..1»1 t11111l1x\
- Lining-1e in Jill-.1 \xhieh 1s .1 “eh \Ilc \\ here ('luh 111111111111: :1.1' . 1 .1 1‘ ' 11x \\;-‘~ ..1.-
ED MAUHEWS ‘ . '1 _ xliiileiitx e.1n hii\ .md \eil texlhrmitx \\1th nth R.1iie\ eiiipli.i~i/e.i the . h.1111-'.~ ,. .1.:1 el ’ ‘ .. .' ~ ' . ’ t'1111' ix'.111.1\
”A“ H ' ‘ ei‘ \lllthill\ '.1t .1 itriee determined h) the \llL"\ lei". 1.1t1iiiliiiiie Uhiixillj.‘ the liuwki \.‘:.1111.'11 . ‘ . 1 1. . : = 11h. .111.lt11.'
il\L‘i'\ .ix .lPPt‘illlilL' in x1111 entx :1x piixxihle He 11\
me ihe ii1111lxi;\el1.1iige te.1m h.1\ purt pluiiietl the 1111:1111: hehnul the l‘ll\liie\~ 1.: . '1 - -‘ . . - 1 .11.:1ux 'lie
llL‘l'CIl \1ith x:('.1iiipii~.eoiii. .111 (‘lilll‘lC hunk re 111.111 CW“ ~1.1r.1ll .nlleye x 1.111lentx hie . 1‘ .. 1. 2. ~ ,1. 11: i1‘\\‘:1‘l‘1
1.1ilei husetl in lexing-itnii. [11 e\p.1ntl their the Humid \thunge le.1ii‘1 \.. r . ., 1. :11 1 - “11.11. \\
hiixmexx "hut hit t‘\t‘l\ 11thei.1ille:t \lllilt'H x1. . '. .. , i.- .'..11'. .11\
‘lhe [\li’llk‘lNlllil \iith e('.1mpux \\ill experientetl the \ll1l\i\ nl mend-.111: \11111‘1 . ..
l‘t‘lit‘lllC\t‘i\1iilt‘li\\1il\\‘1l.l\lll[1111\iltllil1ir ‘filill 1111 l‘1111l\\ .1: tin l‘t‘illlliilllt' 11l 'h x .. ' '. . .11' 1.x..11.ix
l.1nil\ 11111 tiixluiiierx." Rune} ~.111l 111.11111 mexiei .11111 then \. liiiig; ”ime wine 11111» 11 - 1' 1 ‘1 . - .1 1 1: :z- 11.1
111.1il in the ixei'iiel l‘dti.l1‘lllt‘l‘1'1iix\li\l1.‘ll‘l V1111-1\‘11 1' ll» ‘ ~ ~10. 11 1 - 1 l1 ..
"Vie “ere ex. itetl .1h-1111 li.l\iili_' the up L‘il1lHl the xeiiiexiei.” R.111e\ ~.11.l 1 1 . .- ' : -.‘ » .1 . ’1l'1 111111.. .1'
1111111111111 to partner \‘-llll e(‘.1nipiix .1111! .1huiii Be..111xe \lllilk‘ill‘- xe: the 1111.. .
the piilt'iilldl iippuriiiiiit} enhantiiie Hikiixl1\xll.lllil\‘. ihex '1e 11x11.1il} .31.1..;x11 'li.1.1. '11.: 1‘11. . ‘ . . il11.1ixl \. h 111«-'..
lirmklzulinnee.” he \Ilil i‘el.iil xtnrex.R.1ne: x.1:11 lhe li1x1ixi'\1.li.ilij-'L‘ 1.1.1111.11. l ix .'1 1 1i .11 met-1:111; -111.l11.1iex
lhe l\\41l3tl\lik‘\\t‘\ “ere .1 11111111 lit lUr times 1111! than-1e .1n1 leex lair ll~illL‘ the \llt' lll~l‘.ll R.1111-\ .1111: \l.1=l \iiiiih puliiitul \kl'
e.1el1 other. \‘tlld Mari. (arson. \1ee president .1nd .1etiimiil.1tes rewnue through .1.l\ei"i~e cute ~1111l111111uie \.1ili.111. inn. .11:.l mmpuier
111 euxtiimer experiente .11 e(‘.impux mm mentx x. 11:11.11 t1.wl1.111.111 \.1ih11n\ \.hi1.1.i.li



First issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents. Newsroom: ’ 1‘0 '15 Advertising: 2572872




PAGE 21 777esttai Apia. l 7

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37777 "









\5\_‘ .7' ' 7
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fallillSIAprlI 20 — May 207
"7.. ,







{HQ " 7W :7 ‘77. j 7 '











ArresiMarch 21 — April 797 '

Gemini (May 21 v June 21) ‘ .



Horoscopes? _. 7 ~

( v71".”:7777‘3‘
f ,‘7' It \‘."i"'\

77'. the lessee.


‘7.77':" (77777’

7 .‘i "7. . V :7 7"
Oct. 227 V

Lilira 7372777. 23 ,

Scorpio 7007 23 Nov.217 ‘ :7.

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Cancer (June 22 — July 22) '




Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
77777.77 ‘.\ .777 77 77.77772 tlmiin Wt‘7l
777777 71’» 7777s s. .i unrated-.73 7777’!
.7777 l" '7'. 23717777277377.7771,
.' ‘77 ’ ’77777’7‘d
’ 7 ":77 litu~
Capricorn tIJeC 22— Jan. 19) 77

7.7. L17777777’ ’77s



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Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 1877
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7, 7,. . . 7

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your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun [Ema ‘ a.

1119 DiSI-l

Amputee Mills
tells Us about her
DWTS backflip
— and more

When Heather Mills nailed
Iier I'ox-trot and mambo iduring
\x‘hieh she did a haekl'lip'i on
Dancing Willi the Stars (ABC.
Monda)s. 5' pair; 'I‘uesda7s. ‘7
p.777). no one \s as more shocked
than the Iiiigland iiati\e. "l’ie
surprised inyselt’." sais the es—
tranged title of es-Iieatle Paul
MeCart-iie}. with whom she has
a daughter. Beatriee. 3 Mills.
.79. 'a t'oriiier model \\ hose left
leg “as amputated 777st helou
the knee alter she \\ as hit b) a
liltlltlrc)(IC iii 700.7. gets in the
grooi e \\ 7777 Is

Q: Was the haektlip your
idea. or did it come from )our
partner. Jonathan Roberts? 7
\HltlItI do llips and eartuheels
“hen I \7 as a kid. so ,Ionathan
said. "'77) 77'" We tried it. and it
paid 7777,

Q: Was that the first time
_\ou‘ie haekflipped since you
lost _\our leg‘.‘ ()nee. I sass a ”-
)earold doing a eartuheel. and
I thought. I eould tr} that. .-\nd
then 7777 pe7\is popped out he
taiise it “as too soon atter Ili_\
attitleiit. 77777 no“ I .7777 teeliiig
titlllc strong

Q: What‘s your biggest
dancing ehallenge’.’ \\ 7777 me. it
is eoinpleteI} about the balanee
Io spii‘. around, I’m OK. But to
\\;777\ iii .7 straight line is hard.
heeause | doifl ha". e the leg.

Q: So are )ou glad )ou (lid

the show? Io get tree danee
lessons I‘i\e minutes 7mm in)
house" l‘\e neier had lite so

7'77 A'ti 777.7 '78577 ’7

Laura Prepon out of the 705

When Laura I’repon
\\ rapped that ‘7lls shovi last
year. she had on!) one request
tor her agents no more TV, That
is. 7777777 she read ()etober Road,
"The seript “as so beautitul and
seemed like a moxie." the
Watehiing. Next Jersey. lI'dIHL‘
tells I’s. Prepon. 27. \7 ho plays a
strong-headed single mom on
the hit .\Bt‘ drama 7'I‘htirsda)s.
It} p.777). talks \\ith I's.

Q: How‘s working with a
ne“ east‘.’ .\7 first. I \\as like.
Whoa. this is t'reaking me out.
But ewrsbod) on the DC“ shois
is incredible in a ditt‘erent ua).

Q: .-\nd you get to near
normal clothes again. .\7 least I
ne\ei‘ had to “ear plattoi‘iii

Q: You're dated actor
(‘hristopher Masterson for
sewn years. An} talk of a
wedding? No? I‘m not thinking
marriage or kids right now But
sou iie\ er know

Maia Reelsteari

Casa Aramara

I’aradise Iias been touiid
but 77777) 77 _\ou‘re l'riends “7777
ioe I-raiieis. The (7777s (ione
“77d Iottlidel'. H. imits (‘asti
\i'aiiiara. a 535 million. 7i\e—
.ui‘e toastal estate Ioeated iiist
north ol' I’tierto Valiai'ta. .\Ie\i—
to. "It's better than an} IHIII'NIJI’
hotel |‘\e been 777'" II‘t‘quL‘IlI


Heather’s hot moves

guest Kimberl) Stewart tells I's
Welcome by imitation onl).
eelebs ineludiiig Lindsa) Lohaii
and Mario Lopez 7777‘. e enio} ed
the I4~bcdr00m mansion. I'iie
Iieated pools. top-ot-theeline
gun and prnate beaeh on the
I’aeit'ie ()eeaii. 757m t‘aet: .»\tter
their June 3000 .sta). Vince
Vaughn proposed to JCIIIIIIL‘I'
.-\lll\lt)lt on their return flight to
l..A.lWh_\ it's Iiot "The greatest
thing about ‘Ara-mara is haiing
an_\thing )oti want. \7heii—e7er
_\7777 “am it." I'itllls‘ls tells Is
As a testament. there's an "any
thing button" on eaeh room‘s
phone. enabling guests to make
requests t'rom IS roundrthe-
eloek staffers. ineliidiiig a mas
sage therapist. a L‘Iittlll‘lt‘tll’ and a
Ii\e.star ehel'. Jessie-a Mehalie

Stars' Death Hoaxes

I orget R I. l’: Winona Ryder.
35. Sinhad. 57). and Iodd
Bridges. ~17 . are all still aIi\e
despite reeent repoits, ()ii Mareh
77' blogs bit/led with “iie\\s"
ireportedh geiieiattd b\
takeaiush. eomi that R)der died
trom a drug oierdose. No da_\s
later. Wikipedia.eoiii listed .7
date of death for Sinbad. And
the Bridges rumor resulted troin
a Mareh 37 radio report that
someone \\ith a similar name
had had a heai1 attaek. "l‘iii iitst
glad iii_\ kid neier heard it."
Bridges said. I’op eultitre e\pert
Rhone Rapping tells I's. "7‘eo~
ple are taseiiiated b_\ death. and
the Internet iiist helps l'iiel these







Party Pics...
We're Covering You





777777 a 707) before you (ititstay yotii wel(0me.

Post grad 7 areers.
Go online or text (BKY ‘ to 68247.‘



.E".§E._§,'1'1'I_... ,,


part time iobs and internships





 .\_'17)1{111(1\.\tt41's 1’()Rl\'14‘l4‘.8'l‘


(3111114114 Macaulay. 1e11, watches shei 41414111 114111.111»
14114611(15.111111141134111!P11rkiestlast41411411 4 44.4‘1414'14144 141. 111411114 141111
1:144n41‘1114111v 111 4111113 41111411141 11411 141 414 41 14414.4. 111.1..1111111» 44 4,14


C1114114111e111111111page ‘

“Kt‘ttttt‘th‘s 111‘1‘1‘1‘1‘11 .1 1l\1'11
minimum [1141‘ )14111. plus .1 s1111~
111g percentage 111 sales." 14114111
stud. "W14 111‘1‘141‘1'11 to 1111 1'141111\.14
111111s 11111111 111 $3 11111111111.1111411111A
111g 4.1 1114“ [11111111 .-\\14111114 14114

Behr also \’.llt1 K111111411)
Bookstore was 1411111111114 111‘ 1111141-
1111: the s1111114 4.11111111141411114111s ‘.1\

"11114) 11101111011011 students
11141114; 1111114 111 1111) t14\11111111.s 1111
111114. .11111 4.\14 1111111411 111 111411111114
111.11 .1411 11414 11' the 111111 114.11}
11111111411." 14114h1 s.1111. “14.1111 114.4
1111411111111141111114 11111114111t} 111 111414144
1114.4 .1 1111114111 1l\1 111'114\t1111111.4 1111
144.1111 141.1“ .1141‘111'.1t14 1111111114. It
\1111 1114 lIlICl'1‘\1ln:_' 111s1414 111111 141
1114114111 11ll\ 114111114 11114} 1110\11114
turns 11111 1111114”

110111 \11111 \111‘ “1411111 1.1'1‘14 .1\
111.4111} 111 l1141'14111pl11}1414~ 1111111 11114
1'K st111'14 .1s1111ssihl14.

"\VL‘ “1” 14111311111 1'1\' B14141.
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1111111 [114111) 111 1411111111'.1g14
\11111 111 s1111114 1411111414rns. 1114 \11111.

",-\ \11‘14 president \liillTL' in .111 111111414
41111114“ 1114114 staring out 11114 11111111111 111114v
111114} \.1111.

“.\1_\ morztll 11111101111111) 1\ 111.11 11114
11111 111‘ 11114 Vice President 111 Research 1\
111 1411411114 4.1 141111111114 111114114 111s1411\414r} .11111
11.114) 44.1111

111 4.4141 11114 11111 11111114."

11411r111111: 141111 1114st 1111.14 111111414."

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1411." 1114111 \.ll\1 "W14 \\l11 11') 114
1.141411 .1\ 1141.111} 11111411111141411114111}
1414s .1\ possible ”

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111111. .11111 .111) 141111111111414 \\ 1111 1.
”1114114411411 1\ “14111111114 I11 .111 111
t1'1‘\114\\ " 1{\\141‘t \11111

11411 141! 11.1\ 111.111\
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.1\ 111.111} \1\L‘11 t14\1111111l1s .14.
s114114. 1.\\ 1411 and

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hooks." 14.111411 s.11.1 "\\14 11.1111
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We “.1111 11 111 1414 .1 .114s1:11.1111111
114l'\11111t‘111\ .11111 1.1141111) "

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K11111C11\ 1114111\ 1141. 14111‘11‘41

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4.14 .1 s1111414~s1111 1411\111.ss.14111 1114

1111111 gust 1.11411. .1'. 111.4 11141114111

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11.1. _\

114i 114414.11111.


"1‘\.4 11111111411 11114
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\11'1‘ 114 \111111‘111S.

”1'11.‘1.11_\. 414111114111s utll \1l11
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1\1411111411}'s 1111 .111 111 (111411 1141114
1114141ls 111 111-.4 111111114." 111.4


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111.1) .11141‘1111 I14 11‘.1l'|1 .11411111
. 11.11411141111111.1 .11111 .141. 111114411111’1s


Self-defense class trains
students to protect themselves

By Deborah Hirsch

“11111111111 1‘111\14r~11_\ 111111111
\\1111') Russell 1.111111. “11.1! 11
lcels 111.1' 1111414 11111111411 11141114.1tl‘. .1
31111111111111] 111111111141 1114.111} t\\ 11414
11141 s1/14

14111111111111.41}.111.11 \\.1\ .1 «111.4.
111414.s1111111.1t14111111 .111411»114.4l.411\14

11111 11114114 \41 .1\ 11111111114 1.11.14
.11111111 1111 11411111111110 \111‘tl\1‘11l11
111111\\ 1111111111 11141 .11111 1141.111111114
.1\\.1) She 11.1. 114.11‘1111141 th14111
111111111111 11 111414 thr14147111g|it 111114114
s1\14 14111114114 111.11 Winthrop 1'111
4.141'sit} 111R11141. 11111. S.('
141141} 1111111111.11141".1tt.11'|.141"'
111114 111 11114 instructors,

"1‘1114114's .1 st1in1'14 1111 14\ 141‘)
thing. it almost 141414141110 111.14 .1
11.11111'111 114111411 11111414 )1111
111111114111 the 111141111111," 4.11.1 Rus—
\1‘11. :11




11111\ 141's1t_\ 11.1s 11111411411

11114 .11111s. 14111
11411141141141.111411 it 111 1.11111.11\ \11'14
:1 11.11.- .14111111 \ 11111111
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“\1‘11 1111‘ 11'11‘111‘\
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1141' \t'\1‘ll ‘1.'. 11\


4 \‘i:11 s1“.1‘11


1114\11414.111.‘11111111; 114111.4414111.1ti\.44
1111111 5.11114 1’.1\4.1_:.4 .11411s14 \111411141
.11111 1111’ 1141. 11 1114111.‘ 111'}.‘ 1111111 ill
11114 41411 is 11.14 1‘1 11111411111:
1111111 1411111141 ‘11111411.1.1\
111 \\111111111p 1 1111141911 11141.:1141
t11141'14‘s .1 1111141\11111114111111111114114
\11111 11411111 1114111111
.1111 1.14.11; .11. 141111114 .111. 11.11111.
/11X‘111s 111.11 \ 1111
\\ 11111111111 .11111x14.11111114,411.111111411
141'1111.11‘il\ .11 students \\1ll .1111111
.1111 .111141111 11
11114111111s14 14 14.111 111 .1
det‘ \yyl'1‘\\|11|1
R..\1) 111111.14

11411s14 .1111111‘s \11114114 14114111111114:


l 1


1111111 111\

.11\‘ 4‘ .l\

111114111311 114 sp.1.14
4. .1111'11


111411 111'114..'1.1111

41‘11 111'

4 1’ (A4

‘.l\1 1.1-'


4 1444.11.41.11 11.1.1.
4.111 11.11.14
”111.44. 11111.11.) 1411111411, .1

. .11111'11.4 54.1.1. ”
\Y . '4!


\1411 .411‘ .
114.11 4.1

111.4 .

141111.411“.- "111114.41

1114‘ \l‘ 41 ‘


/.14111?\ :.'.411


.1“ 11111111

\ 1.11.411
1444113114111 1411 1.11‘1‘4.;4‘1i4 R14
.111 .1511421311 1.11114 4.1.14. 114
1111111411.1l.1111411 1.1!111‘ll\ 11.11.4114:
'4. :11 1111111114..
11141.4 11111!
44.44.4111 111411.44
.44.;11 1111111 p.411plg .1341 ‘ 11;

\1. 1.,
.‘4444; 111.4114

14111 1111 .'

1 \


111 141414.111



141.111 11‘. 4.1. .11114

1‘1“ 141' “11‘11‘11 ,1\\,11111 1111.‘ .14

4.121111111111\ 111.1 '.‘.1.41‘ 11114




r. ‘11‘111‘15'4471

1‘14. 11«-44

, 1


OWildCard UKID v2.0,
107 Student Center
OYMCA Center for
Tutoring, 5:00 PM,
YMCA Center For
Achievement Tutoring
OCheap Seat Tuesdays:
"Alpha Dog", 8:00
PM, Worsham Theatre
(student Center)

OUK Students for Life
Meeting, 8:00 PM, 115
Student Center


°Bryan Station Middle
School Tutoring, 4: 00 PM,
Br an Station Middle

Sc ool

8:00 PM, Student Center
Cats Den

OLibrar Associates
’Annua Dinner Meeting,
5:30 PM, The Lafayette

0The Spoken Word:
Coalition, 8:00 PM, TBA
0L.E.C.M. Food for Bod
and Soul, 5:05 PM, St.
1472 Rose Street)
.°University Christian
Fellowshcp 8:00 PM, 230
:Student enter
3'WiIdCard UKID v2.0, 107
istudent Center
1-UK Budo Karate Club,
i8200 PM, Barker Hall
1 Dance Studio

OEntrepreneuriai Tips for
Running a Successful
Busmess, 3'30 PM, James
W. Stuckert Career
Center 408 Rose Street
Rm. 101

-Resumes and Cover
Letters that Work, 3:30
PM, James W. Stuckert
Career Center 408 Rose
Street Rm. 203
°Wi|dCard UKID v2.0, 107
Student Center

OTrap 81 Skeet practire,
7:00 PM, Wiimore, KY
OCard Carrying Members
'Past and Present: The
ACLU in History and
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Adath lsrael,124 N.
gAshland Ave.

'1“ ‘1‘)\‘4'

6111111111; 0011

Great location—walk to class
Swimming pool

Individual leases

Private bedrooms

24-hour emergency

Fully furnished units


phone 859.254.0101 . fax 859.381.0111
129 Transcript Ave. #2, Lexington, KY 40508

Full-size washer and dryer in

each unit
Full kitchens

High-Speed internet and cable

television included

On-site management

695 Winnie Street | 859.226.9068





.2 O ‘411’4‘ 'R1’411111‘4S' “1‘1
(4 011, 1‘11V4


-\1“./4411C.141il 4.111111
'UK 811G111<11ratt4141111
£1.30 PM P11114141 11.141
Dame 511111111
°Cliti1:al Mass, ‘ 00
Woodland P.1rk
OUK Graduate 81111111441
Conference 8 4‘101'11V1 i’ S
(30011 Barn

, R1'1111'1

1114.“, .4

(111414.41.4..1y Br.

'1 1'.
21 1,334.







‘1 ‘1 “11,4. 1‘

. to

1 ,>.(:\

in , p g






i \
. i

. tiy’A

Freshmen OBS vie to backup Woodson

By Eric lindsey


\lilll‘x l‘t‘wlix‘ll‘ titll 7‘

\l‘l ‘l‘tL' l~‘\t'll,iii i‘ltlk"\ t

in \it'tcimnu-d nntt! ill
it’ll.ii"\ “Gyms lilg
ills t\_ _
nu: \ftlttllfli‘dgi \ntlii
\\tu‘\l\t'lt Aim \
\tlh' int ix

lint t'an \' gtli
\Mnulst‘uli .i\ .1 i\‘\ii ‘llt

‘I la‘lh "All

plum oi

tram has
tint-shuns it 5. t f 1‘: 'ix
tuiai’tt‘i‘l‘uu l. positron
(ll'u' t" ill. "anm
iiti'iu' itiut s.;:i«


l'\«i-iit. fits um \\::i
.iini \lilm Hall

l i . \ .
lill\ :k'l t; Inn; tt\


“without lait’rai!‘
(suns l‘Lillt‘x “\lw
'm'i‘gh \z'M \\ nth“ \l‘

"t n . 'u


1.:ll scasnli ”I :1 mid to tltznux mm 1.

"()lunuish lll\'\ Limo tlu' “

lth'xi t' lilt' \I‘k'x‘:l .sl‘il l lll‘l \\!
wilg‘lisg‘ it \xlwlt' it” htilt" ' a To! ' :tvlu tunilwr'fi‘lt' H

\tillkik‘l‘ and ”lllu'} illl\l\‘l\liilltl \\ l=.l.. l Hiik'l is ‘nnnnia .u »
Hair-int ‘\

'lic tinnn; \ot: haw I» trim in tiny \ul. l‘.l\‘Cl
All Hi» R xx? known mm .t\i1\"‘li timxn .

flax tinnitcilmtl.
llic M. ‘lv :nnt' tlu‘ twain-Hun}, gins lzon lit
six-gtls ny ,‘ :tv‘ ‘Ailt‘l
\ot: L'l.l \lt
..;:q".t.in imliin” put:
\lllimigi: lulki t

any llJi'lEl'w' il.t\‘\'

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unwi \tun E .in \Iitun
\Klivlt .ttH‘H: ‘i “

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l‘idtlu 'Ilkiil
litir‘.‘ zillt‘l‘. 'llk\ inst lii\lll|il‘ \ this
i into litloraiu

llx‘lllm'l on; has {\iili‘ _'l1\lilol

F'dle' lisl'm' lllt' 1min" liiznt.
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tonnuinn: .‘ilxi Fwd-
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tun'tl "v t1 :naw' .
(.il- Mn Hit-Ml,»
“.u link a"? “t


(iroups rcjcct apology from Don Imus

BvMansaGuthrie suit: ‘ x as l' \ anon

was r.

nil li,il.i.

[unlit Mn“, Kt ‘lil tilitlt'ls'u

wl";n.tni limit
and \llll'ni iii-v.1 \ nt
in w \Iritl

i'llllt t- a ct“

i'ili‘. l“ t‘l‘it m it’
‘5 il,i. l 'llklliw'i '.\_i~ ill