xt7ffb4wm918 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ffb4wm918/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-08-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 27, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 27, 2003 2003 2003-08-27 2020 true xt7ffb4wm918 section xt7ffb4wm918 A recap of burglaries and vandalism on campus this summer I Page 12




August 27, 2003

Celebrating 32 years of independence

UK steps up efforts
to keep new students

Joining the sisterhood

JONN rosm I mm surr

Nevr pledge Amanda Jarley accepts her bid to join Sigma Kappa sorority. UK officials encourage events like rush and student activities
recruitment as a way to keep incoming freshman enrolled at UK.

Students volunteer, socialize at activities that increase retention rates

By Keren Henderson

Katie Twist spent one of her first
days as a UK freshman scraping
white paint off the old brick walls at
the downtown Lexington Children’s

“I'm having a great time and I‘ve
met a lot of people,” said the biology
major, straining to reach the top

The work, while tedious, will help
keep her at UK, administrators say.

Twist's labor was part of Ken-
tucky Welcome, this week‘s sessions,

events and parties designed to help
new students make the transition
into college life.

Administrators said they hope
that a strong first impression will in-
crease retention rates, which are the
percentage of freshmen who stay at
UK after their first year.

Improving retention numbers is
one of administrators' main objec-
tives. They said students who spend
more time socially engaged at their
university are more likely to want to

Members of Greek organizations
are more likely than their non-Greek

peers to return for a second year of
college, according to the Office of In-
stitutional Research.

Because of this. the university,
clubs, groups and off-campus organi-
zations invest numerous man hours
into pulling students into the social
life of campus.

“One of our major goals is help-
ing students meet other people,“ said
Assistant Dean of Students Tammy
Howard. who coordinates Kentucky
Welcome. “A major factor for reten-
tion is establishing connections with
others on campus. We know that stu-
dents who get involved and who join
organizations are more likely to come
back in the spring."

See STAYING on 2


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UK ranks low
in race relations,
dorm quality

Princeton Review survey mentions UK in 5 areas;
administrators consider student perceptions


UK’s dorms, study habits, teaching assistants and
race relations didn’ t fare well in the recent “Best 351 Col-
leges” survey conducted by The Princeton Review.

teaching too many upper- -level classes, No 7 in having
students who almost never study, No.17 in having little
race/class interaction and No.8 for the category “Dorms
Like Dungeons."

Int each category, 20 schools were listed as “has ” or
‘lwom .9,

The review did award one positive ranking— the
Kentucky Kernel ranked No.11 in the category "Great
College Newspaper”

UK administrators said the survey points out areas
that need improvement.

“Perception is reality," said Jim Wims, director of
Residence Life “We hope to begin to change the percep-
tion of students toward our residence halls.‘

Wims also said he and other vice presidents agree
the dorms need updating and renovations.

“With age comes challenges,” he said “People are in-
terested in moving forward.”

Administrators are also examining other concerns
raised by the survey

In fall 2002, teaching assistants taught 5.9 percent of
upper-level classes, said Roger Sugarman, the planning
and assessment director for Institutional Research.

To rank the colleges, The Princeton Review has
about 300 students at each campus fill out a 70-question
grid- based survey that encompasses academies, campus
life, stucb' hours, student body and ideologies. 0f the 83
lists in the “Best 351 Colleges" book, 60 are based solely
on student surveys.

~ A disclaimer on the Princeton Review Web site
states that “a ranking list appearance does not reflect the
Princeton Review’s opinion of the college, but a high
consensus of opinion among the college’s surveyed stu—
dents about it.”

However, some new students say that rankings like
the Princeton Review’s had no impact on their decision
to enroll at UK.

“Rankings don’t really matter when you find a cam-
pus that fits," said business freshman Cory Bailey.

The Princeton Review has conducted its annual sur-
vey of colleges since 1992.

To see the complete list of rankings, visit

" _ Perception is reality.”


LCC placed on probation, working for accreditation

President says status indicates dependence on UK;

some LCC students see the close tie as a benefit

By Jessica Sela

By Rebecca Ned

The Commission of Col-
leges, a division of the South-
ern Association of Colleges
and Schools, recently put Lex-
ington Community College
on a oneyear probation.

LCC’s president, James
Kerley, said the probation is-
n't reflective of the college.

“It has nothing to do with
the quality of the school," he

The commission said it
felt that LCC “has not yet
demonstrated that it has suffi-
cient autonomy to be accred-
ited separately” from the Uni-
versity of Kentucky, accord-
ing to 'a report issued by the

With this accreditation,
the school would have the au-
tonomy to operate as any oth-
er community college in the
state of Kentucky LCC would
also belong to the Southern
Association of Colleges after
gaining the accreditation.

Accreditation is a way
for the commission to ensure

that schools are meeting the
required standards and that
their academic credits are
able to transfer to other

Kerley said the school is
working hard to keep their
accreditation from the Com-
mission of Colleges.

Kerley has appointed a
committee to make decisions
and do research about any
needed changes. Charles
Coulston, co-chair of the com-
mittee, declined to comment
on the actions being taken.

LCC has three options.
Kerley said. The first option
is continue accreditation in-
dependent of UK. If this is
not does not happen, Kerley
said the school will join ei’

ther UK or the Kentucky
Community and Technical
College System.

Separate accreditation is
the preference.

“There is strong empha-
sis being put on this option,"
Kerley said.

Kerley said he hopes that
when probation is over, the
school will gain this “stamp
of quality" and emerge as a
better college.

Some LCC students said
that LCC is clearly dependent
on UK.

“They are dependent. but
that's how they sell it to
prospective students.“ said
Steven Hamm. a computer
science senior at LCC.

He said LCC recruiters

don’t try to separate the two

“When they come.
they‘re saying that you‘re go
ing UK and LCC. not just Lex-
ington Community College,"
he said.

The closeness of the two
colleges on the same campus
helps students who couldn‘t
afford UK. he said.

“Kids aren't suffering
from the dependency. they‘re
benefitting from it." Hamm

He said students proba—
bly don't care about any dis-
tinctions between UK and

“I've never heard one fit
over the two being close." he

It has
nothing to
do with the
quality of
the school.”


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The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lexington







Continued from page A1


To Phillip Kraemer, the
associate provost of under
graduate education, keeping
students is like a job inter-
view - first impressions
. count the most.

I The first 90 days deter-
; mines if students feel at-
~ tached to the university, he
. said.
' “If we can make stu-
' dents feel comfortable with-
in those 90 days, they are
very likely to stay here and
; succeed," Kraemer said.

Roger Sugarman, direc-

. tor of the Office of Institu-

I tional Research, said rough-
; ly 10 percent of freshmen
; drop out after the first se—
- mester and roughly another
I 10 percent leave sometime
j during the spring or sum-
, mer.
i But more are choosing
Z to stay
3 Greater numbers of
. freshmen are returning to
UK for their sophomore
j year, according to the latest
- figures released by Sugar-
: man’s office. The retention
‘ rate rose from 77.7 percent
, in 2000 to 79.3 percent in

While there has been a
spike in freshmen enroll-
ment over the past three
years, Sugarman said it is
unrelated to the spike in re-
I tention. Usually with more
students. retention goes
~ down, he said.

While social involve—
. ment is important, Sugar-
‘ man also credits the jump in
the retention rate to working
student-adviser relation»
ships and programs like UK
. 101, a one-hour introduction
. to college life class, and the
Freshmen Discovery Semi-
nars, intense classes focused
on non-traditional subjects
and approaches to learning.

When compared to
benchmarks. UK has shown

In the past decade, UK





has ranked second from last
in the list of its benchmarks,
beating only the University
of Arizona. While current
statistics aren't available, re-
tention rates are now equal
to or better than four or five
of them, Kraemer said.


Twist was one of about
700 who participated in Mon-
day's UK FUSION. The vol-
unteer event allowed fresh-
man to work in small groups
and help the community as
they completed 40 service
projects around Lexington.

Vice President of Stu-
dent Affairs Pat Terrell led a
group of students to one of
the volunteer sites.

“This is a great opportu-
nity today for students to
connect with other students,
to connect with student lead-
ers, for them to connect with
faculty and staff, and it’s
through those relationships
that students will feel a Vel-
cro connection to the univer-
sity and want to stay here."
she said.

Two of the most popular
Kentucky Welcome events
were Campus Ruckus on Sat-
urday night and the Student
Center Spectacular on Sun-
day night. Event coordina-
tors estimate that close to
4,000 students showed up to
check out campus organiza-
tions and enjoy free food and

Many campus organiza—
tions that participated said
that it is generally at these
events that they get a large
percent of their recruits.

“We weren‘t a very large

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group until we started doing
this," said mechanical engi-
neering junior Ryan Grogan,
who dances with the UK
Hepkats Swing Dance Club.
“We jumped from about 20
people to over 100 people
from doing this event."

For many of the larger
student groups, this week’s
events took much time and

Student Government ran
lemonade stands, passed out
cards and pens and gave
$5,000 to the Student Activi-
ties Board to help run the
Student Center Spectacular
Sunday night. Along with
being a sponsor for the
event, they also ran a table,
promoting interest in the
Freshman Representative

SAB has been planning
the Student Center Spectacu-
lar and Campus Ruckus all
summer. It's their biggest
event, said Angel Lee, presi-
dent of SAB.

“It‘s to show them what
the university has to offer,”
Lee said.

The events seemed to be

“This is really fun and
it‘s a good way to meet peo-
ple that I would not have run
into on campus." said unde-
clared freshman Jenna
Bockey, who attended the
Student Center Spectacular
with her new roommate.

Others were not so im-

Undeclared freshman
Allie Kreutzer said that
while events like Campus

See STAYING on 3


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Continued from page A2

Ruckus are good. they are
not what is keeping her at
UK. A “lack of other op-
tions" is her main motive
for staying.


While extracurricular
activities are a strong pull,
so is dorm life.

Jim Wims, director of
Residence Life, said that it
has been working to make
students' first impression of
dorm life a good one.

“Students will spend the
greatest amount of their
time living in the residence
halls.” he said. “It is impor-
tant to make that a good ex-
perience from the very be-

The resident advisors
are a big part of that criti-
cal first impression. Wims‘
office works to hire resident
advisers who will involve
freshmen from the start.

Some students say that
it is working.

“They are so nice," said
interior design freshman


Gettin’ some grub



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Karthllt Ramakumar, a mechanical endineerlnq graduate student. grabs some free food from Block and
Barrel Dell during the Student Center Spectacular Sunday night.

Kristy Wier. “They said that
whatever it was even in the
middle of the night. they'd
help you out."


Though the retention
rate for this year's freshmen
will not be available for an-
other year. Sugarman pre-

dicts it to rise.

"I think that we would
predict that they would go
up based on the programs
we offer," he said.

For students like Katie
Twist. this week's events
have fulfilled their pur-

“This is so much fun."


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Twist said after flakes of
aged paint cascaded from
her scraper to the floor. “All
you have to do is show up at
the places and all of the sud-
den you can make tons of

Twist‘s take on reten«
tion: She'll be back.


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UK raises parking fines


Students returning to

. campus are now facing high-
. er parking fines, even as park-

ing permit prices have in-

“Any time you have a
change in permit prices. then
you need a change in ticket
prices," said Don Thornton.
director of UK parking and
transportation. “This will
keep students from taking an

’ economic approach."

Most citations now come

. with a fine of $25. If a ticket

is paid within 10 days from
the date it was issued the
price is dnopped to $15.

This is a 55 increase from

. last year, when fines were

usually for $20.

Fines for parking in a
handicap space is still $50.

The increase in fines
alongside the increase in per-
mit prices is designed to
keep drivers from trying to
save money by parking ille-

. sally.

“Some students think it

‘ will be cheaper to get a few
' parking tickets and not pay







$152 for a parking permit."
Thornton said. “This is not
fair to those who buy permits
and cannot find spaces to

' park because of the viola-


Thornton said K lot per-
mits for Commonwealth Sta-
dium increased to keep the
bus system from the lot to
various places on campus
running. The campus bus
system is funded by parking
permit money.

“The money from the
permits and citations go to-
ward paying for parking
garages, updating equipment.
bus costs. parking lots. park-
ing control signs and parking
management systems.“ he

Thornton said fines are a
necessary part of the parking

“When dealing with
parking. there are two
groups: violators and permit
holders. Violators won‘t pay
tickets and permit holders
get tired of trying to find
spaces to park. Nobody has
found a better way to stop vio-
lators than issuing citations
and impounding vehicles."
Thornton said.

Despite the fine increase.
some students will continue
to collect violations.

Brent Guiliani, a sociolo-
gy senior, said he has more
than $200 in unpaid parking

“I live off campus so I
don't buy a permit," he said.
“I got a lot of tickets last year
when I visited my girlfriend
who lives on south campus."

Most of his tickets were
issued because he let the
money run out in the parking
meter. he said.

He also got a $50 ticket
for parking in a handicap

“I ran into my girl-
friends dorm for two minutes
and when I came back to my
car I had a ticket waiting on
me," Guiliani said.

Guiliani said he will pay
his tickets before he gradu-
ates in December since UK
will not let students graduate
until all fees are paid.

Many freshmen aren't
yet familiar with parking ci-
tations but are quickly learn-
ing that fines pile up.

“I haven‘t gotten a ticket
yet but I probably will get a
lot this semester." said Vic-to
ria Brown. a finance fresh-

After buying her books.
she was in a hurry to get
back to her car.

“I probably have a ticket
right now.“ she said

to discourage violations

5 Higher tines reflect increase in parking permit prices;
, illegally parked cars take spaces from permit holders

19 ways to get
a ticket

More than 66.000 parking
citations were issued last
school year. Here are 19 things
to do that will guarantee a
parking ticket:

Parking without a permit

Improper display of a UK
parking permit

Parking in a yellow line or
in a fire lane

Parking in a wrong area

Parking on grass, sidewalk,
crosswalk and street

Double parking or parking
against the flow of traffic on
streets or in parking lots

Parking in handicap spaces

Parking in service areas

Parking in loading zones

Parking in a space or zone
reserved for carpool

Persistent parking violator
(a person who has
accumulated six parking
tickets in a school year)

improper application or use
of parking permits

Disregarding a parking
control sign or a parking

Disregarding parking
devices including cones, rope
and other barriers used to
prohibit parking

Parking in Commonwealth
Stadium on days of home
football games

Disregarding directions
from a parking attendant or
police officer

Failure to stop at parking
attendant booth

Inoperative vehicles

Abandoned vehicles

Paying Up

Pay citations, apply for
permits, appeal citations and
access parking information at

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Fraternities Welcome Newest UK Class, by Lee Wilson

As the freshman class arrives at UK and settles into their first college weekend. fratemity recruit-
ment begins

After purchasing their textbooks. re—arranging their entertainment system for the third time. and
devouring their first late night UK pizza. a majority of the nearly 2000 freshmen will participate
in fratemity recruitment beginning on Monday August 25m

in most cases, fraternity recrurtment is the first chance for UK freshmen to meet the nearly 1200
Greek men on campus. it‘s an exciting time. one in which lifelong friendships begin; future busi-
ness partners meet for the first time. and for many. the beginning of their greatest memones.

“Right now it's an exciting time to be in a fratemity at UK. We‘re coming off a successful year in
which we improved our grades. expanded our membership. and won several national awards.
We've come so far. so quickly. and we‘re not done yet." commented senior lnterfratemity Council
President John Weis.

Contrary to Hollywood or MTV‘s version of Greek Life. the UK Fraternities are not “Animal
House" or “Old School". The chapter's place a strong emphasis on scholarship and collectively
exceed the all»male average with a 2.9] gpa. In addition to succeeding in the Classroom. the fra-
ternities are very active within the UK and Lexington Community. demonstrated by their involve—
ment in raising $62000 last year and contributing over 26.000 hours of community service.

When the fratemity members are not in the classroom or impacting the Lexington Community.
they can be found leading campus organizations. Developing leadership skills remains a core
value within the fratemitics that continues to send the best and brightest into Fortune 500
Companies. C ongress, and professional sports, At UK the fraternity members utilize their
network of peers to sharpen their skills as leaders and assume a variety of positions including
Student Government. Student Activities Board, and various academic and honoraries.

llV & SQ“ N “College has been a terrific experience and my involvement within the fratemity community has
played a vital role in my personal and professional development. I knew coming to UK that
fraternities had a good reputation for developing leaders. and I only hope that this year‘s freshmen
will give it the same opportunity l did. The positive impact of the fratemity experience is truly
amazing," commented Inter Greek Programming Assembly President Ryan Schoonover.

So as many of this year‘s newest class settles into UK and finishes that last bite of late night pizza.
many will think about the next few years and how they can begin to maximize the college
experience. We have one question for you...UK Fraternity Life...is it in you?

Congratulations again on your decision to attend the University of Kentucky and we look forward
to meeting you during fratemity recruitment from August 25-29. Welcome to the UK Fraternity




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fast mtmmmooai Mandamus

Major power outage not likely at UK

Utilities spokesman says
electric system is fine;
: UK students still worry


Around 50 million resi-
dents of Canada, and the
Northeastern and Midwest
ern United States were forced
to deal with a sudden loss of
power earlier this month, but
a power outage of that extent
is not likely here in Lexing-
ton, said Cliff Feltham, a
spokesperson for Kentucky

“It’s very unlikely that a
power outage like that could
happen for a variety of rea-
sons, but it's not a total/ab-
solute," Feltham said. “If
something catastrophic hap
pened to the system, it's con-
ceivable that it could happen
here, but it’s not likely."

Feltham said the electric
system was in good shape
acmss the state.

“They’re doing what they
can to make sure they don't
experience what the north.
east experienced."

Feltham said the power
didn’t go out in Lexington be
cause the power outage was-
n’t close enough to threaten
the system.

A power outage is usually
caused by wind or lightening
from storms, Feltham said.

The blackout in the
northeast is believed to have
started in Northern Ohio, and
the exact cause is still being
investigated. Power was re-
turned to most places by Fri-
days and had returned every-
where by Sunday, Aug. 17.

Beckie Newton, a 21-year-
old New Yorker caught in the
power outage. said she was at
her job at a Manhattan law
firm when the power went
out, and she had to walk to
her apartment in Brooklyn 11


u ad. {the Chit. ,
a nun gun all: m

"4“ is.“ «an. .,

Light up the library
The Villain T. Young Library can be seen across campus at night. Some students are concerned that UK
services will be shut down it an outage like the one caused by last February's ice storm occurs.

miles away because the sub-
ways were out.

“It was scary at first. at
least the first few hours, be-
cause no one knew what was
happening or how widespread
the problem was,“ Newton

“There was an unspoken
fear among most people that
it was Sept. 11 all over again,
but we all remained calm and
walked home."

Feltham said the longest
power outages in this area
were caused by ice storms. in-
cluding the one that hit Lex-
ington last February. In that
storm. some customers were
without power for almost two

The length of an outage

depends on the
Feltham said.

“If a breaker has
switched off in a substation,
we can figure out what caused
the breaker to switch off and
we can get people back on rel-
atively quickly." Feltham said.

“In other cases. if it's a
tree limb in a line, there are
occasions we have to remove
the tree limb and it takes

Meghan Johnson, a psy-
chology junior. was one of
many affected by the ice
storm power outage.

“We just had a blackout
during the ice storm last Feb
ruary," Johnson said. “I hope
it never happens again.“


JoIIII rosm l xmnsmr

She said that she didn't
feel UK would be prepared for
a major power outage like
what happened in New Eng-

“Last February, the
dorms didn’t lose electricity.
but University Commons,
part of UK Housing, lost it
and was without it for several
days," she said. “UK facilities
can't even run during a black-

She said the way whole
cities shut down during the
recent blackout shows the
problems society faces with

“Today‘s society is way
too dependent on electricity."
Johnson said.





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a 5

The threat is always there.

(Students) just have to take a little

more care.
