xt7ffb4wm829 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ffb4wm829/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-04-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1996 1996 1996-04-08 2020 true xt7ffb4wm829 section xt7ffb4wm829 [SIABLISHL01894


By Judith Hensley
Contributing Writer

Basketball season is over. What can you do for the
rest of the semester? UK’s Student Government
Association has an idea.

SGA is sponsoring a program it hopes will help
students become more active in local and national

“We try to get students out to meet their repre-
senting officials,” said Melanie Cruz, associate direc-
tor of SGA. “We want them to go out and vote and
get involved, whether they like the candidate or not.”

The Political Action-Reaction Project is designed
to get local and federal officials to come to campus
and talk about their accomplishments.

“We want to have the senators discuss what they
have done,” Cruz said, “rather than politicking
toward their campaign.”

The first politician in this series is US. Sen. Mitch
McConnell (R-Kentucky), who will be on campus
from 1:30 p.m.—2:30 p.m. in 228 Student Center.





» 1 my 1', 11'; r
.. 1s 1 1.1” ..

Iii" '

WMPY 81”" During the third
race Saturday, one of the entries,
Stranon, (above) flipped in the gate
and unseated the rider The horse
was scratched fiom the race at the
veterinarian’: suggestion.

In the fifih race, First Cabin makes
his last-minute charge a aintt Mist
Delovely (right). First Cgabin won
that race.

Lot: of UK students showed for the
opening weekend at Keeneland (far
right). juniors ]eremy Ailifl and
Todd Bailey (front row) cheer with
sophomore: joey Bailey and Gabe
Cortney, and senior George Imorde,
the students were awaitin the
official results of the fan i race '



, By Jason Dattilo
Spam Eiitor

Crowds were down on the opening day of
Keeneland’s spring meet Friday, as cold weather and
Easter weekend teamed up to keep some students
awa .Temperatures at post time were in the low 405,
chili mg the crowd of9, 093.

f Last year’s opening day card drew around 10,400

“It’s April,” said Price Atkinson, a journalism
junior. “It should be warm out here. Two days ago it
wa5'70, now it’s 30-something. Usually in April, it’s
“ not like this.”

Atkinson, unlike many Keeneland regulars, attend-
ed all of his classes before ho pin out to the thor-
oughbred track on Versailles oan .Atkinson arrived
around 3 :45 p. in. just before the seventh race, plan-
ning to place some bets and “look at the women.

By Allson Klglll

Emmi-v: Editor

Kappa Alphi Psi social fraternity kicks

, off its Celebration Week Monday. The

reason for the bash? Call it a 15th
Anniversary party.

The fraternity has contributed non-

rofit services on cam us since 1981, and

_ as worked with suc organizations as

‘ ' Habitat For Humanity, the God’s Pantry

' ' Walk for Hunger and canned food drives,









"“1"“ Light rain today,

high near 45; partly cloudy
tonight, low near 30,- partly

cloudy tomorrow, high near 40.

o Dolls and Bush performed Thursday to

energetic crou'd. Review, page 1’.


McConnell is chairman of the Senate Ethics Com-
mittee, the Foreign Operations Subcommittee, and
the Nutrition Subcommittee.

For most state residents, McConnell’s member-
ships in the agriculture, appropriations, environment
and rules committees could be his most important

McConnell’s position within these committees
could be a great advantage for Kentucky farmers,
state environmentalists and numerous other citizens
concerned about issues facing Kentucky in the future.

McConnell will hold an open forum during his

“Mitch McConnell wants mostly a question~and-
answer session to address student issues,” Cruz said.

The SGA hopes that, by addressing issues impor-
tant to the state and to the cam us, it will be able to
interest more students in the po itical process.

“We've brought different officials to the campus
for years," Cruz said. “But we’re putting more pres—
sure on because of the up—corning presidential elec—

Second in the series will be Rep. Scotty Baesler.

‘.‘ ‘.'...ew

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Unfortunately for Atkinson and others, the biting
wind had most of the richly adorned females hiding
under multiple la ers of clothes.

“(Keeneland) is fun —- especially when it’s warm,”
said Richie Creech, a finance sophomore. “All the
girls are covered up today.”

Creech and his group took shelter on an up er
level concourse inside and out of the wind ag
spending a brief stint outside. Others, like Paula Gun-
selman, a political science and psychology senior, had
the same idea.

“I m not even wearing a jacket,” said Gunselman, a
Keeneland first- timer. “Now I need to drink more
beer to warm u

One would?” have thought that hot chocolate
would’ve been the drink of choice on Friday, but
Gunselman and others kept the Keeneland beer ven—
dors bu

“The beer window is the only sure thing at

own house.

week, so we want it

tant in light of last

fraternity or sorority on campus with its

“We want to make something special
for everyone,” Johnson said. “Also, a lot of
the older brothers come back for the

Johnson also said the wee was im

A UK student being threatened on cam-
pus with alleged racial undertones.

“I hope we can come to ogtther and
show some unity,” Johnson sa1

GA encouraging political action

The fonner Lexington mayor has been known to be
involved in some conflicts.

Baesler was put on the spot and questioned about
ethics violations around the time of his election as 11
US. representative from Kentucky.

The issues pertained to alleged illegal use of city
workers in moving his personal furnishings. The
matter was t uietly resolved when Bacslcr paid the
workers for their time and labor.

Baesler prides himselfon taking a strong stand in
favor of equality. \Vhile he was still mayor, he
ordered the removal ofa confederate flag from a local
construction site when some local voters said the flag
was offensive to them.

Baesler has more recently been criticized for his
positions and actions concernin r the tobacco indus—
try. Many of the state's tobacco Tanners believe Kcnr
t11ck1"s main cash crop is in danger of being out-

Baesler will be in Center Theater at [0 11.111.

Cruz hopes Baesler will also field questions from
the audience.


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JAMES CRISP Kerrie/1111]}r JAMES CRISP Kernel rmfi

i119 IIII‘ racing tans

Keeneland,” said Shane Banks, a political science

Beer and babe hunting attract some to Keeneland
but many students come to wager on the races. This
meet, which runs through April 26, is the richest in
Keeneland history, and big purses help ensure quality

T e si nature race of the meet is Saturday 5 1111--
ota Blue grass Stakes. The (irade 11 race, considered
the final prep before the Kentucky Derby, has six
horses already entered.

“I’m addicted to ambling,” said C reech, who had
a cop of the Daily acmg Form nearby. “I’m a gain—
ble- -a olic.”

Creech plans to make two trips to Keeneland each
week during the brief spring meet, but he doesn’t plan
to skip any classes.

“I’m doing bad,” Creech said. “My teachers take

to be a bi deal.”

week’s racial inci ent.




The week starts off with an open com—
munity service tonight. The events ofthe
week are highlighted by fraternity mem-
bers playing in a charity basketball game
against crew members of the WKYT—TV
station. The game will be held on tomor—
row night at 7:30 in Memorial Coliseum.

The game is open to the public and
tickets are $3 each, with a portion of the
proceeds going to the Robert H. Williams
Cultural Center in downtown Lexington.

Members of the UK men’s basketball



April 8, 1996

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III: 111111111 3 limpumi 5



llnahomlier trail
may lead to Baliloi'nia

lll'il_l3.\'.\, Mont. \s fcdcral agcnts scarchcd
for proofihat Thcodort K .ic.1nski lcfi his .\loii
t111i111' .1bin to 111' all bombs 11111 pc'oplt said 11st1 r
day they had seen the liciinit 1n .S1'111aiiicnto, ( .ilil

in thc art“ .1 whtrt thc l i1.il1oiiil1cr 111.11ch hi. la 1
four bombs.

l‘ir'ank llcnslcy. '.1 dcsk clct‘k .ll tlit‘ Royal llolcl,
next door to the bus depot in downtown Sacraincu
to, [old the Associated l’rcss lic saw Kac/ynski iii
the neighborhood or staying at the hotcl almost
annu11ll1 during the past Ii1c 1c ars. ll1 SIHtll .11 tlic
hotel two or three times usually in the late spring
or suinincr llcnslcy said

“ll‘ituasn't forall this. I’d l1c1-1pcciing ioscc
him about now," llcnslcy said, rcicrriiig to
Kacxynski's rcccnt arrest.

:\1 a Burger King i'cstaui'ant 111111 to thc S11, ['1
incnro bus depot, iiiai1.1gcr.\likc Singh s.1i.l IIt' saw
Kaczynski .1 few tuncs in rcuni 1c.1rs (111 11111-
1111' asion K1'1171nski 11 as c .'llr1ln" .111 arinload of
books Singh said.

“lie said he was doing rcscarch and he had .1
breakfast sandwich," he said “He looked likc onc .
of those bums who conic in 111 the iiioi'ning and
h111 c 11 sandwich and cup ofcoffcc and walk out "

NAMEdroppin g


‘Eli' star may have on-screen llinu

NI'AV YORK —~ Anthony I51Iw'ai'ds’ t'irslars on
“FR’ sa1 vicwcrs arc readyioscc:1sc1icrsi1l1-ofliix
charactci‘. l)r. ,\l.1i'k (ii'ccnc.

“Anthony is thc sc1y one." Julianna .\l.1i'gulics
tells ’I’l ' (imdc in its ;\pril Ii issiic. "I asked .dl of
1111' friends, ‘ll you had to slccp with one of the do1,>
tors, who would it In" Thcy all said (ircciic."

.\l11rgulics, who plays Nurse (Iai‘ol llailiaw'ay.
sa1s women are smart

I hc1 sa1, ‘,()h lcouldh111c.11'ic.1r11nc nwhi
stand with Dr. Doug Ross (.11' tor (11 orgc ( ’ioonc 1)
But (v'rcenc he is the onc I would want to bc abh-
Io have great sex with , and takc home to my

Edwards, w'hosc character is going through .1
divorce, says he’ll soon have 1111 on—scrccn fling.

(,‘ompr/rdfi'mn '.'."in' 177111171.

Blood Center visits UK
with Pint Party '96

.S‘ 11: 1} 'rqu

Central Kentucky Blood Center, together with
VVKQQ FM has extended an invitation to UK to
roll up its sleeves and join the part)

Pint Part1 ”(1, the final blood dri1c opportunit}
for UK Students this academic 1car will take pl ace
from noon to 9 p.111. in the UK Complex Coni—
mons tomorrow and Wednesday.

“UK students have a rich history of successful
blood drives that provide a tremendous boost to
the blood supply for our c1 uninunitics," said CKBC
s 111kes‘woinan Marsha Berry. “Many students have
t e distinction of being Triple Crown donors for
giving blood three times in a calendar year. ()111-

Donors must be 17 or older, weigh at least ll ,
pounds, and be in good general health The( KIM
said there is no chance of getting AIDS or any
other infectious disease from givmg blood. A“
materials are sterile and used for one donor onl-
then discarded.

The following competitions and awards have
been created for Pint Party ")(1:

VUreek competition: In addition to thc conipc—
tition for the highest percentage of donors from 11
fraternity or sorority chapter students c an donate
toward '.1 new chillenge betwan iratcrnitics and
sororities. to see which one can accumulate the
largest amount ofdonations.

VRcsidence llall Association Steak-(Int will
give a chccseburgcnanil-chips party to the ITS]:
dence hall floor with the highcst pcrccntagc oi

VAII donors receive a free T shirt, coupon for a
free meal at Steak—Out, a coupon fora frcc l1-in11n
ice at l‘azoli’s. and a chance to win a p11rt11b|c('.l)

VTo reserve a time to give blood, watch for
sign ups on campus. For more information con—
tact your Greek organization or an RNA member.

For information about the drives, call Berry at


‘i Fraternity celebrates anniversary With campus activities

walk-a-thons for Sickle Cell Anemia and

Kappa Alpha Psi also gives away need-
based scholarships to some students.

The fraternity holds the Kappa Cele-
bration Week every year, but is anticipat-
ing this year’s events to be on a grander
scale because of the anniversary.

Solomon Johnson, chairman of Kappa
Week, said he thought it was important to
make the week a good one because Ka
Alpha Psi is the only predominantly b ack

team will be on hand and the \K'ildcat
Danzers will perfonn at halftime.

“I just hope we have a good turnout,”
Johnson said. "Because usually the week is
more directed toward the black students
on campus, but we're going to try to get
everyone involved."

Another event being planned by the

fraternity for the Celebration \Veek is a i
swim party at the Harry C. Lancaster f
Aquatic Center \Vednesday night from 9

to midnight.
The culmination of the week will be a
picnic held Saturday in Vi’oodland Park.

Everyone is invited to attend,



' Sh




Monday, April 8, 1996, Kentucky Kernel



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Lance WilliamsEditor in Chief
ennifer SnnthManlaymg Editor
retina Reilly ews Editor
Jeff VmsonCampus Editor
Alison KightExecutive Editor
Matt FeliceEditonal Editor
ason DattiloSports Editor
obert DuffyArts Editor
Erin BacherDesr Editor
ClairelohnstonKe Editor
Matt BartonChief Photographer
Ben'amin Abes
An eas Gustafsson............................................0n-line Editors
Ashley Shrewsbuiy...................................Asst. Editorial Editor
Chris Easterling Asst Sports Editor
ulie AndersonAsst Arts Editor
an O’Neill ..... .....Asst. KeG Editor
Tracie Purdon
Sheri Phalsaphie.........................................Asst. Desi Editors
John Abbott, Natalie Collins, Scott Gordon, Brian rivett .
Melanie Sawyers, Jeff Vinson, Tiffany White.......Copy Editors



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By Alison Kiglll

Executive Editor

Although newly—elected Stu—
dent Government Association
President Alan Aja received 10
applications for positions in his
cabinet, he decided to extend the
filing deadline from Friday until
tomorrow at 4 pm.
“(My administration) wants to
see a lot of people ap ly,” Aja said.
“The more that appl) , the better
chance we’ll have to improve
diversity on our staff.”

Aja said that interviews for leg-
islative positions will take place on
Monday and Tuesday nights,



Aja extends deadline for SGA executive positions

along with those for the positions
of Senate clerks, comptroller and

“\Ve can’t have a Senate meet-
ing without those positions,” he
said, referring to the upcoming
SGA meeting where he will be
sworn in, along with Vice Presi-
dent-elect Chrissy Guyer.

“VVe’ll be holding off on
appointing people for other posi-
tions.” '

Aja was referrin to the dead—
line for committee head sitions,
which is not until Apri 16 at 4

He said he wanted newly-


Bflll start

jockey Donna Barton flefi) ride: Proper Dance, a D. W





e Lukas trained

hone, preparerfor a race Friday aflernoon at Keeneland he track opened this
weekend, but was hurt a hit hy the cold temperatures. Crowd: were smaller
than ma! for opening weekend at the track.

Golden Gale (above) walk: in the paddock before the start of the race. The
filly won the Beaumont, which was the ei hth race on Friday. Golden Gale
was trained by Nick Zita and ridden by ike Smith.

help select committee heads, since
they would be working hand-in-
hand all next year.

“They (executive directors)
need to sit in on interviews for
committee head positions,” he

Aja suggested that people
applying for legislative positions
speak with former executive direc-
tors before their interview, so they
can get an idea of what types of
daily duties they will need to per-
form throughout the year.

Also, he suggested that candi-
dates bring a written proposal to
their interview with innovative
ideas and plans for new things

they wish to accomplish as com-
mittee heads.

“We need people who are will—
ing to work and get things done,”
Aja said.

“\Ve also need people who can
have 3 00d working relationship
with ot er people in SGA as well
as people in other campus organi—

Aja said the panel performing
the interviews would consist of
current and former SGA senators,
a Residence Hall Association
member, a Student Activities
Board member and current SGA
President Shea Chaney and Vice
President Heather Hennel.




appointed executive directors to






mummy i/a


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-UK Men's and Women's Choruses:
Jefferson Johnson, director, 8:00pm,


_ (nlENDn

The Campus Calendar appears in the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kernel. All organiza-
tions Wishing to publish meetings. lectures. special events and sporting events. must have
'all information to Student Activities room 203 or call 257-8867 1 week priorto Publication.





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- . -. .L.__......._.......~-.. - -— ~~







N Monday, April 8, 1996, Arum-17y Mme!


1...- “pom—v.1..-


“Ell "(It release features tl‘lll-IIOII

By Tom Owens
WRFL General Manager

’The Red Hot foundation, in
its quest for AIDS awareness, has
released numerous albums
embracing popular musical gen-

In the past, the Red Hot series
has focused on enres like coun—
try, dance, jazz, hip—hop and indie

This album, Offbeat, focuses on

grammable sequencers like the
airlight became more commer—
cially available.

The first trip—ho albums were
arguably the Ta king Heads’
Remain In Light, the David
Byrne/Brian Eno collaboration

. lily L1]& in the Bush of Charts, and

Jerry Harrison‘s transient space-
funk album The Red and the Black.
Those first records nabbed
found sounds and looped them
over African-inspired polyrhyth-

trance hypnosis and melding it
with perception- altering beat
changes and out-of-nowhere
psychedelic imagery.

A trip to the record store will
reveal multi le compilations of
trip— hop, and) maybe even a trip-
hop section loaded with groups
like DJ Knish and Portishead.

What leads Offbeat away from
the newly-trodden path is the
scope and focus of the record.

While a person might imagine

insert does).

Part of the gist of the Red Hot
group is AIDS awareness through
popular culture. In this case, it’s a
pop subversion.

If you dig through the liner
notes, you’ll find a condom hiero-
glyph 1n the background Reading

on, there are links to the Beat
Eh? The Beat, Generation?

What’s that got to do with how
out—of—sorts ’905 kids are sup-

“cool jazz" to their mind-

search for parallels and alternate
outcomes in the two neran'ons.


and nihilism state-

ments. The link .

between the mtg];
nerationa is

5:11: attitudes.

tion was one of the

twisters. Tri phoputilizeathebeat-I

first groups to move - " '

en masse towards a



Amiri akara does a
Beat-e ue rant
andSou Cough-
ing present dadaist
ramblin about jack-
alo ,and forks.

Tie crown jewel of
the album is tri -hop
godfather David yrne



general dissatisfac- reciting aftllac: IferEuac
ti d be '11 r- lece enn e “ t oes
iir‘iznatZtiong’wit’zpitx m4 RH Back,” reminding us to
and dru As the rewind and take a look.
lack o ’anything VW Overall, 0 eat is
more than a superfi- (Wu M an interesting isten for
cial identity develops a worthwhile cause.


' 1."-LJ.>.-o-—.~--_. ’

the purely ’905 genre known as

mic murk, creatin “(F 3 trance—fusion that the content of an AIDS bene—






trip—hop. w1th mind e-xpan lng overtones. fit record would be preaehy, none
Trip-hop most likely began in Today’s trip- hop is simpler and of the songs directly scream, “Use
the early '805, when pro- less “arty," taking the ip-hop a condom!” (although the album
P AGERS New movie
$ 1 O/MO .
159 EAST REYNOLDS RD more Editing
By Robert Dully


Are you tired of $5 hr. Jobs?
Bartenders earn on (were. a of
$7 -$15 per hr! (salary + tps)

You have M lnvoetoaSl Wain ammonia FUYURE
our“ new Invest lw'a lav IMME Eoomlnoal

Lexington LEXINGTON 3.11111513in SCHOOL

On top of the poster for The
White Balloon, it says (without
attribution) “The Most Celebrat-
ed Foreign Film of the Yean!”
While 1 do consider The White
Balloon an incredibly well— made
film, giving it such extreme praise
might be going a bit too far.

The White Balloon tells the story


- Loxlngton'sonlyatotollcon Mycbgfi‘o'r’idnq school of Razj h (Aid Mob mm d-
SC HOOL CALL NOW! 269- 6060 khani), a’little girlawho only wailts

154 Paichon Dr. (Potchon Vlllog.)

to buy a fat white goldfish during
the big New Year 5 Day celebra-

It sounds simple enou h, but
poor Razieh goes throug more
struggle than Odysseus to get her
treasured fish.

After a long battle with her
mother to get the money to buy
the fish, Razieh finally begins her

However, several obstacles lie
between her and that golden

The first, and most pointless 1n
the film, is when Razieh comes
across a grou of Dervish snake
charmers 100 rig for handouts.
They mistakenly take Razieh’s
500- -toman note away from her
and then continue to taunt the
innocent girl.


has special rates for

Representative Elizabeth Wile

at 22 1-9600 for details



I Bicycles are very important at UK. But so are pedestrians.
Last fall the University instituted a voluntary bike dismount zone. It didn't
Bicycles continue to be ridden in the heart of campus, all too often at
l unsafe speeds. The need for bicycle safety remains.
Plans are being discussed to create bike routes and in