xt7ffb4wm70k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ffb4wm70k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-06-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 27, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 27, 1985 1985 1985-06-27 2020 true xt7ffb4wm70k section xt7ffb4wm70k _________—_________.__——————————————
VolJXXXtXJb. II“ , I III Wmvm f Iridependentslnos 3971 Jone’n. 1985
e ‘f' . ' ' ’ ’ . , . tt '
I. ~. : ' ggf . - UK, U of L comml ees
f ' X . " , ' 3" o
l A e ’ * ' . V
,. b; a”; ‘ ag' . recommend against merger
4 « '9 I
‘ . J ’ k ' " f ,' ‘ , By SCOTTWARD vely put an end tofurther merger talk by
. ’ a: , I Editor-in-Chief thecouncil.
‘ g; . x “In the View of the (ad hoc) commit-
" v ‘ -_' ‘ .3 In separate meetings. the UK and Uni- tee. the advantages to be gained (from a
' : i W A ‘ versity of Louisville Boards of Trustees merger) are more than offset by the dis-
“ -‘ if A "J voted Monday to accept similar recom- advantages, most especially the strong '
f‘ , mendations agaimt a merger of the two opposition of faculty. students and alum-
schools. ni and the probability of serious political '
' ’ it ~ The UK board also approved the 1935 controversy,“ said Robert T. McCowan.
; ' 86 $455.7 million budget which will give chairman of the UK board's ad hoc com-
faculty membersa3-percent pay raise. mittee. He was reading from the report
“ w ’t However, UK will be left with what submitted by thatgroup.
‘ " . President Otis A. Singletary termed “the The U of L recommendation also cited
D worst faculty salary problem this institu- political difficulties and faculty, student
_ F tion has faced in many, many years,” as and staff opposition as reasom to oppose
. . ' v " _ a UK faculty salaries continue to slip in merger. “Any gains in academic quality
. , ' “/1 f " , comparison to the University’s bench- and efficiency that could be achieved by
“ 'n or w- mark institutiom. such a reorganization would be offset by
tutu-WWW The merger recommendatiom were the opposition of alumni, faculty and stu-
Toss- up prepared by special committees of the dents. by perceived losses to the Louis-
boartk at the request of the Council on ville andIhexington areas, and by proba- .
MicholIle Brondnon, lb. tosses hor flog during practice at this year's all?" Eda? $53“? the {935$th :gght‘mggcmgfifim Urgpogt
annua - - - ~ erging o u tom.
UK band camp. Brondnon is a native of Hamilton, Ohio. Jack Dulworth, the student member of stated. I
CHE. said the recommendations effecti- SecMEItGER. page7
CHE draft raises uestions rom ts cri icism
(l 9 P D t .
Admlnlstrators assall oCIonsolidating the state vocational ed- Board of Trustees “We‘re simply not going to stand idly
. ucatlon programs and commumty col- . by and let this go on in the state without '
plans CHE dlrector legeswlderasinglegovernmg board I adopts resolutlon strong and vociferous opposition," Sin-
sa 5 still incom lete UK mugs; L mfg gmyufiudm 0p osin document 3‘3th w‘drtheicisoard' u“ is me for "5
uni our 11
y p separateboardoftrustees p g The resolution passed by the board
B ALEXCROUCH DT- Grady Stumbo. a CHE Mb”. BYISCQ'I'I‘WARD stated that “any such proposals to dis-
Stiff Writer said the drafts came outIIof “a lot of Editor-m-Chief mantle the University of Kentucky are
:Iv‘orkmsmsIrgupsandstgofiih He salda lot In the 3k of ha unacceptable to the board and will be
- 9°53! QWF‘L . . . w e w t President Otis A. vigoromlyopposed."
ou’lgieAprosiizoosals thast Tmmmm The CHE staff is trying to codify these Singletary called “the most serious as- Former Gov. AB. “Happy" Chandler,
from 3&8an a Council on Hi Shir Edu- proposalsnothesatd. . sault on the University in its modern his- an honorary trustee. told the board "I
cation lan for the future direction of “There are some of us that don’t in tory and maybe since its existence,“ the think it‘s high time that somebody ought
Kentuclfy’s universitys tern tend ms" by and watch proposals todIls- Board 0! 'l‘nstees adopted a resolution to organize a group of fellas and fight
The draft as repor-teylsin the Lexington mantle the Umversny," Stumbo said. Monday opposing a Council on Higher back. If they want to fight. I’d give it to
Herald- Leader included the following The staff “clearly got the impressmn Education draft proposal that became them."
recommendations: that the first draft did not meet the ap- public last Thursday. Chandler said, “There is movement on
Closing theUK College of Dentistry proval of thecouncdz hesald. The draft proposal called, among other foot all around this commonwealth to de-
OGiving administrative control of Jef. CHE executive director Harry Snyder things for closmg UK’s College of Den- stroy confidence in the University of
ferson Comm unit College to the Univer- doesn’t “know what all the paranma lS tlstry and transferring control of the Jef- Kentucky. lregret it andlresent it."
i ofLouis ville y about." ferson Community College from UK to
s ty SeeCHE. page 5 the University of Imus ville. 5“ BOARD, page 7
’fw‘"; - ”"3: .I’;
I 1“ w... .‘43,
, l O I I
Morehead professor s donation spans 30 years of c1v1l rights , 4
Byl-‘RANSIMMS most geographic areas in the United lecting the civil rights literature around
Reporter States. 19o. , ..
Sonieofthedivasetopicsofthecol- “Iworkedseveralhours,writingmto '\
'l‘heM.l.KingLibrsi-y’scollectimsre- Hawwfromheerlmlintheus. tolettersedsyina'dertoobtainthelit- 7.
cmtlyreceivedenboosttrunedonation l-louseofltepnsaitstivesonxulfltnt erahn'einthecdlcctiondtwasatime- *
a 5mm about civil fish‘s “mm” Klan activities to “A Study of the Social comumingjob,"Howardseid. ‘ I
fransMot-eheed State Univanitypro- and Economic Conditional the Negro “Ymcwldn’tcollectecollection like "
(”on PondanondGarandlens." this now,” Mel-shell said. “It’s a good ..._ .. :3
Victor flown-d, in NM a Mm “Dr._ Howard was particularly inter- pictm'e of the civil rights movement be- g '
at MSU, domtcd “mm mm. ested in the reletiotnhlp between cthcs- cause of its vastness and cornprehensive ,.
activitiestlntocctn'redbetweenlmdnd maddvflriamandthisiudlected new. it
1m. inthelargeqtnntltyoflitestm'egsth- ‘flhiscollcctionwillbaiditmanyux
"l‘llecollectimisnledeltpofzsmsep- eredontlietopic."mseld. mmitcutsecmmnydis- . .
maimmuumdmmm Howsrdexplsinedthethehsdelways cipllneslikepollticelscienceendhistory. d
pfletl.hooks.newslettcrs.etc..”seid www.mmm ltalsoeoesbeymdmebamul‘ur'
WillismMsrshsll,ssslstentdirectaofli- WHPWMWWMVMW- Wandcovmtlievnitedsmes."he l' it
trades for special concede-is and er- “0" 0‘ film-“on, but the “Harold said.
olives. pram never received such an oppor- By planting to honor Howard in the .; :_.-
'mmmtmamm. unity. plannchlscinltm‘elCenter,Willism ‘ W‘
“output,"llsnhellseid.“Notonly Whaisskcdwinlhedonstedthecollec- Parker-,vicediencellorformm-ityaf-
mmmwdomtaoyanot mwmwm “Punch-Mo unaidhshqiutoshowthsrupsct
mm,mnmmw retirumntsndlneverinedthemsterlsl thetllwsiddsssrvcstorlettingotlnn ,
shlewnlntothseflectsofcivil ”lwhogumuugmyt: ”Chunk“. 1'11“
rl‘ts in labor relation. mom, “I“ care III! . was Howard workingonyetsmtherpm-
mm'hh'mw‘w mlymwlncuneendlooksdstthe peccollccmuormtionontbem “'“W”
sclvltia. collection." «we of nflgion on on Rules! MN- Iot'v Walton“. MJ- Kine donor'-
-mm.mmm'm lionrdabosetdthtuxvssvllllm csnmovanutfmntflteum.flowud m’dwhlwmm'mw'
”mmmflu toprwlhfllnwlththssectlityendths sstdtfiwlllbshl-tgpot chlvos,browsosovorthorocontdo-
mum...“ typedclrculntlonhswentsdhhlt— Honrdbthss tint-nonl- notionbyvmoruoword.
mmmmmbuhinm mm. monument-gm-
relrJh-asndm." MM‘NMbK-r m, M w i. "“1.
nltlpinlatte-l-esdoym museum-windmill; ”gm-simm- nflsbbflcMIIJnJotu
e‘hal'su-‘wbsemslc mmdvflrflhw", 1's. gamma-mum
unabashed-film muhmm-al. Refilb—do'lmcsl- mutant-drywall.
I, _ - 7‘ ' . -..}.'.'.'}-. ‘ . as

 2-KmYKHWEl My, JunZT, 1“

Gary Pierce
Arts Edl'or

' f 'd 11' ‘C l ’ h' '

UK production 0 l y no ame 0t openst lS evening

By KAKIE URCH presented in a “fhshback” sequence. ~I ‘ I _‘ ‘;- y 4‘

StaffWriter starting with the last scale and going a ' $11717; ' .. m»

. backtothebeginning. ‘ a . ~ ~

President John F. Kmnedy’s favorite An ensemble of students in the UK de- l . g . ‘ l
musical opens tonight at UK’5 Guignol partmentofmusic. underthedirectionof 1% t. , . ‘ ‘

Theater in the Fine Arts Building It's P Phyllis Jenness. will provide the music. as A} * a, ; “ l . k
Investorysetinanidylliccmmtrysinu- Rodgerssaidthescoreot’thisrevivalin- a A” f" s”.
lartotheAmericaKennedyhopedfor. . eludes “some 5mg; that were in the w I y " k _a ‘.

“Camelot," written by “My Fair movie version and appear on the record ‘1 _ '- o -.

Lady" authors Alan Jay Lerner and but werenotintheBroadway version." 5,- ' ‘ .- l '
Frederick Loewe, isprosented bythe UK “The sets are incredible," Rodgers a ~ ~ ( ‘ ~z
theater department in conjunction wuth said. “We never close the curtain except :‘ f (a, ‘5‘ f, h _, l a.
thedeparhnentofmusic.’lheshow,dl- foracta'oninfrontotthecurtaith'sall ‘ “1 ‘I Q A,’
rected by theater department damn done on witches. much like Broadway '5, I a ‘ ~ .95 t ' g ..
James Rodgers,rmsthmtthlme30. sets.” . i , ‘ :2} . .. ..
Rodgers said, “I think the reason that The set system, which Rodgers said is _ L ‘ 3, lg
Kennedylikedthisshowsowellisthatlt rareinamivasitytheater,wasbuiltby ; . ' ' r h
is about that perfect state that we all Assistant Professor John Holloway, who . . a a. ”a;
quest for. When it was playing in Wash- istechnical director t'ortheUKtheater. 1 t t .3,
ingtonheusedtogotothelastscezle “The this hashad . ,1 -,f ,s
ee 'tbecauseofthesong‘Cam- reason show SO ' ‘. ~' .
0X}? mgh many revivals is that there are a lot of r ‘7’ ‘ .;. kw”...
Based on TH. White’s novel, The Once theories about whether Arthur really did a 1 .
and Future King, “Camelot” is the story measkmg» Mel's sald- ' ' ‘ .‘
0f King Arthur, Guinevere and Lancelot, The show should appeal to “family au- K
who form a love triangle 0‘ sorts, and diencos,” he continued. and features U/ _ :
live in Camelot. :1 state so perfect that It some “beautiful music” and “traditional ’
only rains after midglght and all the costuming for the period: ‘early fairy urn-comma."
leaves tallinneat little ' es. tale.’ " Most of the costumes were made _ ,
Rodgers said the most important as- at UK, but Rodgers said “we did rent the Roger Leasor (lefty, Melinda'Cumb’orlodgo arid Ed Monaghan star m the UK
poet of Camelot’s perfection was the fact armor.” theater departments production of Camelot.
that “everybody got along so well with u ,, . .
’ each other sitting down at a round table laCamelot ‘5 the What}!!! 3:: . . .
and talking about problems rather man i; a snug: fins: W, was we Lange stars in Williams drama
fighting over them.” his 5831’in earlier in June
The cast of 31 (plus a canine) in ' ' . gaffrem ard- - - La the ul elf-
production is a mixture of student and sa‘t‘Cadrgelotghtrurtls tolltiight, “Thaw J . tars . t . the fightered Magglg‘ e £18; gm; [greyhznfi
- community players. Guinevere is played ur y m a 8 WI ma’ ee or- essma Iange s tomgh 1n . .
by Melinda Cumberledge. The parts of mances. at 3 pm. Saturday and Sunday. American Playhouse presentation of Ten- 3:31:12? hllserseilicslwcashujzfings “:22
Lancelot and Arthur, the two men she Admisswn to this musical fable is $6. nossee Williams’ steamy “Cat On a Hot rapidly fading integrity of his southern
loves, are Played by Ed Monaghan and 'tl‘lcketstage onuigle ”0,3300“ until Shhgw Tin Root” on KE'l‘ (Ch. 46. Telecable ch. family
' Roger Leasor. The part of Merlin is true a . e Box ice. Te e no 12) at8p.m. Rip 'l‘om plays Big Daddy the cancer-
played by Jamos Stoll. . _ 1‘ $9Watlons at 257‘3298 Wlll hold “eke“ Based on Williams’ revision of his orig- stricken head of the family‘ whose clan
Rodgersiverswn of the musical mclud- until an hour before curtaln time at 8 final script completed list 10 years ago. vies viciously fOr the largest share of his
es some dialogue from the film, and is 11m. tonight‘s version features the Academy wealth.

I Film: The Trojan Woman - A tllm var» ' Other: SM" 5099' "'0'" KMY 0' ' Other: Shdtor Songs from Kontudty at
aion at Euripidos' Tragedy: 340 Classroom Shokor Village at Pleasant Hlll: Call 734- Shaker Village at Moment Hill; Call 734-
Ildg.; I:Wp.m. 54H 54]]

' Other: Downtown Lunch w/ the Arts - C Other: IMX Race. at Kearney Road 0 Sports: 85 Calumet Cup Polo Toumoy

\ Tho Ky. Hoodawnors (cloggora) at First 5.- Park - Entry Foo Charges; 2:30 p.m.: Call Finals; WW. ism or Hafiz:-
curity Flam - Free: Noon-l p.m.: Call 255- mm ty tont “Ion : y Hone ;
@350)". 210 ' Other: Riggs Promotions Tractor/Trudi It!) p.m.: alum-66“
Pull - admission charged: Rupp Arena:
B:m p.rn.; Call 233-4567

0 Corrupt: NCA Overloading Camp; ' Wt “CA Weeding Comp: 0 Camps: NCA (tn-cladding Comp: “WWWWW
Wmm;mm;g Mondaytthnday;SoatonContor:l MondaythruThundayzioatonCormr:l
a.m. . 5 P-"l-i c." 257.” min. - 5 p.rn.: Cdl 257-” a.rn. - 5pm.: Cal 151-"

0 one the AMI: The Grant: I.-
at a TV Sorta: 30 Clo-arm Ildg.: 1
a V ' V I1
sPECIAL Irv/EMS Wall:-
(Jmut'mmwmmfihsé' $3.2"? '“h d ' ""‘n GIGS-Olfl-Aorobialnthowonoym
' : I. III. ' ‘
dent Comer Adlvlom Ottica zoo/204 swam our: on." m“ mw mm m. Iv. mug-nu nastia Room: 12 Noon- 1 p.m.; Call 257-
Conbr. WW 0' Konmcky. The Wm- MMH0MMlp.n.:WM-t.flo m
tionlapvblishod aowppliodbythoon-com- gammwmw-mmdm
out m, with editorial privi allowed ‘
WWWOdChthuwm‘uflu- gmtm~OIW~dM-mmwfflpnn
dent organizations or University department: . .
MM..WM°"N I .aC mogkzz‘mvwnwm Mme.»
Calutdartormmthettlhdomondro- .. soup-mm 'm mama-ton
tamed to the W Acttvltloo (like one :m;,o/e.n.-Io.n.;canm an M
Mmtopubueanondato. uam:ummmrmm:m.awu

 KENTUCKYKERNEL My, £10.27, 1916- 3 ‘
Evans cites slow work among reasons for contract loss
8 SCUI'I‘WARD u - - continue to pay? I think not. If it were Rep. Ernesto Scorsone (D-Lexington).
Ehitor-in—Chief I beheve thete is a need your money. wouldn’t you want better re- one of the legislators who called for a re-
for more applied research, turnonyour investment? versal of the decision concerning the coal ‘
FRANKFORT _ State Energy Secre . “It iser money -—it is your decision. research contract, said the thrust of _
m Me Evan told a legislative Imetw1th Telnetance-” I am charged with managing it — I Evan's argument had shifted from the .
committee Tuesday that failings on UK‘s George Evans, made a management decision to find a type of research UK was doing to the ,
part led to the loss of a Sta-million en- state energy secretary contractonwho could perform the work personnel matters and red tape.
ergy research contract to the University “'9me t°"- “If anybody is going to be casting
of lmisville. — He said U °t L was 59“ a ”“3"?ch- stones about superfluous memos the
Evam cited UK’s inability to meet tures in line by March d 1“}. “Anth- When hEHSPOKe with universny officials, state government shouldn‘t be the one '
deadlines on 23 of 5 projects. the m. ther reductions after that pomt were both he was met With a dfilre to prOVIde castingthosestones."hesaid.
nation or “several key staff members" coImterprodwtive and unnecessary. but timely research "he the areas tho}, we, ' Scorsone also asked Evare “what spe
and “unnecessary anddisruptive person- mvettheleee they were done. But they the ”the”, felt were needed He cific examples of applied research do
nel action which... lowered morale and mmmfwmmmls3' said U °t L 315° showed a “11mm to you have that the University of Kentucky
createdamtietyandapprehensionamong Butthewaythelabwasmnisofno cooperateandcommumcateandtosm. hasretusedtoconductthroughthisen-
the employees" of the Kentucky Center concern to him, Evans said. “so long as phfy procedures. . ergy contract?"
torEnergyneeearchlaboi-atory. It doesn't Interim With the pedonnance Under U 9‘ L centr°l~ Only the Presl- Evam replied that “the University was
He also cited “a preoccupation with Of those duties the Energy Cabinet had dent and three”? well“ be involved "1 more interested in doing the research
bureaucratic policies and procedures contracted and was paying for. When it reporting to the seel‘emryi according to a that they were interested in" and said, ,
rather than with the conduct of re- sotmthewayof whatwewere spendms “9‘” Che” Evens Presented t0 the com “I don't know of a specific example“
search," a reluctance to respond to re- taxdollarsfonthenlhadaprohlem." m'ttee- where UK refused to do research, but _
quested changes and “the use of the lab- Evans sald the running 0f the lab be- EV?” was 35““ whether he knew “ft” “we kept forcing basic research and it
oratory to promote University interests came 3 problem when "at 8 time when was “t charge at the laboratory during was met with less than enthusiasm."
to the detriment of the state's interests," contractual obligatiom were not being UK 5 onerahen and said he ,Woffld try to Lyle Sendlein. director of the institute
as reasons for moving the contract to U met; the director 0‘ the [abnwas concen- make hts amwer d‘Ptt’mat‘c- He 53‘d of Mining and Mineral Research and for-
of L's control. traunsonprocedmalcharts. that when he came on as energy secre- mer director of the laboratory, could not
Evam spoke before the General As- Evans also said the laboratory was re tary, he t°td_UK the days were over bereached for comment.
sembly's Joint interim Committee on luctont to change from synfuel research When the tall wowed the dos- find On Monday however. he spoke with an
Energy. to “ways to make Kentucky coal more We told them Wodhmee Slnee- ad hoc committee of the Board of Trust-
He said that between April 1, 19M and acceptable environmentally." He said 3!“ “the Unrversrty wanted to tell the ees created to study the loss of the con-
March 31. 1%5. 21 members of the labo- that at one time synfuel research was cabinet what we ought to do and tract and said, “We're delivering the
ratory professional staff “were either important, bl" “the “mes have what was important. product that we delivered in the con-
voluntarily or involuntarily terminated. changed. . _ Another' committee member 35km tract." He added that Evans never gave
There was a loss of over 300 man years A150. "I. believe there IS a need f0? whether b at L was eqtupped to handle him an indication that he was displeased
of professional experience." Persons more applied research. I met With reluc- “contract . , _ withtheworkthelab was doing.
leaving included the former director of tance. i wanted more involvement from U of Lpresrdent Donald Swain fielded He also said the administrative
thelab. the private sector. I met with resistance. the question, 58m the university is cur- changes he made primarily created a di—
“During this same period. only three I attempted to negotiate a contract to rently Involved In 30 coal and energy-re vision of labor that was previously lack-
pmtessionah were hired, and their com- produce research that we felt would be in lated prelects and could handle the con- inginthelaboratory.
ing in was offset by the resignations of the he“ interests 0f the commonwealth. l tract, but 315° M the opportumty to When asked by a committee member if .
two doctoral scientists since April or recewednoenthusiasm." clear up what he called a misconception: the loss of the contract was a surprise.
1935." Evans said. Evam asked the energy committee: We have two male? research umversr- Chancellor for the Lexington Campus Art .
He said the personnel cuts were made “If you were contacting for no rmjects he‘mKehhlekx" Gallaher said, Looking at the perfor-
in anticipation of budget cuts, but that and 23 wen behind schedule — some by Most committee membete who Spoke mance we were giving the state, yeah. I
the laboratory had brought its expendi- as much as a year behind —— would you said they favored Evam' decision. But was surprisedjv '
e e ' '
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 l-KWYKERNEL My, £11027, 1“
KM‘NTu-fiel '(Hli' xii :l !;.ril1i'r' sir~ rim} 1 Jim: \l
er :7- ‘lll’(l‘l:l:l‘llll'l6"ltl‘,)l\\tl'l \‘a5 4.
, .
x . t
would.“ I... tWflmlnl ’ r h’// / . (
Soon Word “K \ H \ 7‘ ‘ .,:
Editor-in-Chiot 9:5: 7 : ~>.~.-.:-.=.:,:::::-.a:-"’ ' ,_ .\ ._ “‘33,; " ‘
Cynthia A.Pnlonno teammate" , . i ' 1% \
Managing Editor editorial Editor 6;“) a K
i ’ G V /'
‘Assault’ on UK ~ /
must be met With t- v i = v» we is i ”W “s
l , I M“. _-, L L
tr r .
a strong defense *~ lav .... it»
’ ' th (1
The kingdom or or is facing an “assault" Smokers rights decrease as ey o
of epic proportions, and it may be time to .
man the walls and heat up the boiling oil — hl;ou might rtmbgeut ableOktio guess «.- , gimokelrswtglimtagisgpwfgé hug:
- w tcameou 3 sm ngina , —
in short, to defend ourselves. ' report issued by the Federal Trade “1"“. A. mdvemuy trod upon for lo the”
Two weeks ago, the state Energy Cabinet . . . A man enerations.
. . Commmsron this month. but when I . 4, , STOLL YE
announced the transfer of a $4.3-mlllion en- ten you it we,“ come as much of a w: I refuse to m, the extent to
ergy research contract from its 10-year stay surprise. . which mm?! smoke cam
at UK to the University of Louisville. It seemfs thautecifgalietnttransales have emphysema. bronchitis or cancer.
. declined or us ‘ e in more In 1981 a bet $1.5 billion was ‘ t t, the tuft ‘
Last week, the Lexmgton Herald-Leader than a decade. and this is despite a spent on cigarettye advertising, de. myfiefiiflng and as” who
uncovered a draft proposal of the CounCll on concurrent me in the advertlsmg by spite the limited markets. Perhaps deny it are inevitably smokers.
Higher Education that called for — among Wcmmmpa‘ilf- t" Sowing the clouds on the horizon. those who profit from smokers‘ ad-
other things -— taking away control of Jeffer- S°Whatelsedl ”9 expe-c ‘ .‘he 5m“ 1“de t° ”'9 b‘n‘m “cum"m‘h'
. . . The facts are fairly Simple. 636 1111”.
son Community C011f38e from UK and gwmg billion cigarettes were sold in 1981. And as the storm thundered about To a non-smoker with a cold or
them to U of L, closmg the UK dental school but only 632 billion in 1932. Then, as them, the tobacco companies out“ other respiratory ailment, a work
and possibly putting the UK and U of L med- if to prove a point. soles pllhnmeted themselves and rained a new wmwt that is Clwded with
ical centers under one governing board. to a measly 584.4 billion Cigarettes world’s m 32,7 billion on (3188- stale cigarette smoke is a torture
_ _, _ inland. rette advertising. Something tells chamber- Andbecameofmvailim
. 15“ somethlng we said? We all know why — the tobacco me they’re gettingnervous. traditions of freedom to smoke, non-
Questlons to members of the Energy Cab~ companies included. _ Theyhavearighttobe. smokes feel guilty about com-
inet as to why the contract changed hands £310”??? WW 3: AS got“! W113” health hazards Pm-
- si 1 y ywhlle V - were enough, ccoeo 'as -
351% largely unanswered until Tuesday and WI 5' as a meme to continue to mm m “fit well: save your gtult for church,
members certainly aren t talking — ex- - d 'te - - mm, the time has come to
. . . “ soclety. And they have Mt. SDI smoking is not so bad for you, but breathefree .
cept to say discusswn of the draft was pre- facing sternopposition bytheF'I‘C. that secondhand smoke offers no '
mature” and to remind wary onlookers that It was 20 years ago that those hazardatall. As the number of smokers de-
it was merelya “tentative” document. healthttzvarnings first :ppearedthoar; l Thefts; tcglnbtfntionhistso _n$cu- clines _ and statistics are finally
. . . cigare packages, an smce m1 outngh ms or- acknowl ' this—then bet-of
As PreSldent Otis A. Singletary told the time the health hazards _ both doc- mum. but then _ unlike W- “mom only iwu"; This
Board of Trustees Monday, the draft wasn t “mated and imagined — have been pers — these people don‘t consider means that any day now, smoking
too premature to be committed to paper and piling up on researchers desks By accuracy their fifSt priority. I sup- cigarettes in public will go the way
it wasn’t too premature to be discussed by 1971 the W900 ”mm“ 9°?“ 9°59 1 ca“ ““9“” “‘33“ ‘0 Spread of dueling and Spitting - into the
CHE members. not adieu sell cigarettes on telewslon inch ‘00:] hm" desperaziltlln books as rude, crude and socially
. . . orra 0. av y, espec' y unna bl beha ' .
CHE eitecutlve director Harry Snyder has on, we“. Newspam and mag_ when only the most addicted smoker ”2”um '3 :2:
also declined to discuss the drafts because am have to sen ads, too. As it willeverbelievethem. n amomen soon.
th 1 r . ' _ ha , . w d ms. ' . .
ey_ aren t pUbhc documents .Would .dls enpuwrlsanfslgnaml E beraoxe “sham": It is their contentions about sec- Editorial Editor James A. Stou is
cussmn of a watered-down depollthlzed final 3’, , . .
.1 h spectlvely of all advertisers m such ondhand smoke that I cannot afford a theater arts senior and a Kernel
document be any more worthth e, w en periodicals. to let pass. the time has come for columnist.
private drafts may more accurately reflect
the actual opinions of some members of the ——————-—————————————_____
cocuun LETTERS
Singletary also called the draft proposal —— —
along with other recent events — the “most ‘ , ,
serious assault on the University of Ken- Let sgetpet‘ty
tucky in modern history and maybe in its _ , _ _ . . . .
existence.” _ This retails in raspome to the ed- the idea that changing to Nike shoes link acadelmm and athletles.‘ Who
Meanwhile, “working papers” was the eu- ltonaluln “ June 20 Kentucky Ker- can actually changethosetradltlons. knows. maybe more athletes. will get
‘ _ ncltled_ChangeofshoeSlsvery theeducatlmtheyshouldlnsteadof
phemlsm one Council member used to de- big. deal in wildcat conmtry." The Give Eddie Sutton a break. mic, getting pushed through comes so
scribe the draft proposal. :lr'tllcle qtucblitloy.’K poigteg'ewt how tra- he is new here. but remembe- he is theycancontinuetoscore points.
_ _ "onwas en y cha ' of anexperieneed' concludon’tsellhim
Working toward What? Taklng contra] 0f players’ SM {run (3me [0 SW. Hasty gum-diufim {m SfiCk tothe real tradition-breaking
the dental school away from the institution Nike. UK has a strong basketball handling selection or shoes to selec- issue! if and when ”Icy arise. In the
under whose governance it has reached a mam, ”“1 W m should 50" 0‘ P197!!! 0'11! displays Your Mm~ be!” "‘9 "‘3" ”ch ‘3
third place ranking third nationwide? Re- "a“:‘nwg’: 5m": "m' ”if: hadn't mflrm'" mummm's'
vamping'a system which enabled Jefferson gem Mammm,m'h°“m? 5 But hold on. not only does Sutton new the increased tuyadr used tor
Community College — one of the commumty . _ . want to dunge brands ot since, he am.
colleges currently under UK’s control — to 1‘ 3'0“ mt ‘0 “1* mm” ““9; want! *0 Nude madam“ in m
_ - but do not “dude Wimwned, fiting from the money UK will get
become the second ranked community col- . . . , . .
l t'onwide" WWW. respectable and wm- from using Nike. Oh no, we cant KarenlieighSimpson
989'“ l - mnsphyen- Don’t try to sell me on break yet another “tradition" and Edmtionseraor
There seems to be more madness than
method in the CHE’s work. UK is being 3m" cm by 3.“: W
placed in a defensive position, and must be l 7,
' ' ' W910 :mmms ‘Ms' ' ’
certain “8 defense ‘5 strong. mm. my? am Why am ml was '10 @737 m
. . new” in" 0mm m in scam I
On Monday the University trustees ap- ”mm, | ”Armory” “my; 00“th ,fmmu
proved a recommendation by an ad hoc com- “6"! ,. ~ mm“ M? W! ,4: l "' \ \\
mittee against a merger. While there is no ’ ’/. ‘l / 7 / ‘ I ’/ ‘ I i
doubt that merger might afford some dis- ’ ‘ W. ' L ' ‘t". r; “o ' ‘ vi".
tlnct advantages to the state and higher edu- $1 . {at}, 3 5-5, 1 {i=2 4 //I .31? ” .573 591‘, Fr."
cation, it would seem, with the current ‘ 'rlit ,gjt' l ‘4." -! I" “ 4", i 3"
makeup of the council, UK has little to gain f ‘ “V'__ ," is]! 5" =-— {i ii, . .. _ /x = I' 4'" ““— "' it;
andplentytolose. v ‘J-—- 1,, ‘ l - 9.19:; ’ E— r" a §=1 '7‘"
l ,g , ' ' l j ‘1” , - " , ' 7— ___. w' ,
Break out the long swords and the plate A , j; (g, ,1; 7 ' 2,1 . ' I ; .
' ' ' —v a 7 , , :7 k / / . - 1 , .4 .
mall,friends. it looks llkealong,hard siege. 9 . —9 / /

 KEWYKERNEL My, £11.27, 1905-5 ‘
. HE Snyder said a lot of work remains be council. a belief you have to do some- “Pe0ple wonder what‘s going on at '
fore the final document is produced. He thing even if it’s wrong," said James 0. Kentucky" when one Of the state's “few
Cominuedfrom page one described the process as “deliberative, a King, UK vice president for administra— success stories" may be eliminated. she '
comprehersive look at higher educa- tion. said. A survey of dental school admins-
- - - tion." King said the University first heard of trators has ranked the UK college third .
wisthlyg‘esrubiathihfydgfem?f§etivxiosell But he added he wasn't sure the July 8 the proposals in late May from council "1 the nation. 1
them but he refused to elaborate. He meeting would still take place. members. discussed them and “made it The proposals about Jefferson Commu-
said however that the draft obtained by Snyder was reluctant to comment at clear we would oppose them vigorously." nity College have brought strong reaction .
the herald-Leader was already out of all on the issue because the drafts are Helen Sady said the recommendation from Director Ronald Horvath, “I‘m con- .
date None of the dram reflect the coun- not public documents, he said. “Dis- about the dental college takes UK from cemed. l‘m upset and I‘m angry." he
cil's position hesaid cussing them in public serves no useful its cooperative efforts with U of L to an said. “My folks are saying we‘re being
Jack Dul . said the drafts which I rpuse _ it doesn’t help us. it doesn't “adversarial relationship." used asapolitical football in this thing."
he called a preliminary working docu- he1911K" Sady. assistant dean for program plan- Charles Wethington Jr. chancellor of -
ment are in preparation for the final re~ Snyder's reticence is not shared by UK ning and development, called the dental the community college system. said he
port to be mm, at the mfl’s July administrators, who have vigorously at- school proposal the “most academic was confident UK could defeat JCC pro
8 meeting Dulworth the student mem- tacked thedraft proposals. “i don't know arm" of the “assault” on UK and said pasal ifitwent to the General Assembly.
ber of CHIS is a UK, graduate who will any valid reason for these proposals. I closing that program would be only the Both Wethington and Sady said outside
attendUofillawschodtlusfall. think there’s some frustration on the beginning. support for both programs is strong.
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