xt7ffb4wm626 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ffb4wm626/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-04-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1977 1977 1977-04-18 2020 true xt7ffb4wm626 section xt7ffb4wm626 Vol. LXVIII, Number 146
Monday, April 18,1977

The Falls City Beer balloon, piloted by (‘harlie llurst,
prepares for takeoff during the LKD second annual


an independent student newspaper]

llot .\ir Balloon Race. The Kosair Shrine balloon.

UK plays conflicting roles

Kernel Sta ff Writer

UK's mle as provider of service to
the community often conflicts with
its role as student educator, ac-
cording to Harry Snyder, executive
director of the Council on Public
Higher Education (CPHE ).

Snyder discussed various aspects
of University functions when he
addressed the UK chapter of the
American Association of University
Professors last Wednesday.

“The University must be
responsive to individual students,"
he said. “It must provide students

with a place to think; not what to

Because UK is the state’s
“preeminent" university, its ad-
ministrators must design a diverse,
flexiblesystetn “attuned to both the
prrsent and future demands of life,”
Snyder said

One way UK may assume
leadership is through community
service improvement, he said.
“We‘ve had complaints that UK is
reluctant to get into community

“We must be involved, however, '

in order to solve the commonplace
problems of UK (as well as those of)

Sigma Nu, Chi 0 win LKD

Sigma Nu made it four in a row by
capturing the I977 Little Kentucky
Derby bike race Saturday. Sigma
Alpha Epsilon finished second and
Alpha Tau Omega took third.

SIgma Nu used the team of Bob‘

Riley. Kenny (lardner. George
('harles. Mike Maynor and Randy



and liquid samples at the sites.


Federal officials. armed with search warrants,
examined four sites in louisville yesterday in an
effon to findthe source of toxic chemicalsthat have
forced the closing of Louisvilles main sewage
treatmentplant. Bob Pence assIstantFBl agent In
char; of Kentucky, said FBI agents and US
l-Jnviromnental Protection Agency officials took air

Erickson in the first heat, then came
back with Gardner, Charles, Roger
Whitton. Brad (‘aron and Erickson
in the finals.

(‘hi Omega won its fourth straight
girls scooter race. beating out
secondplace Kappa Alpha Theta
and Delta Delta Delta.


— David O'Neil

sponsored by your Kentucky Kernel, won the event,
heating nine others.

citizens," he said.

Regarding pressures which favor
emphasis on vocational education,
Snyder said “the economy and poor
job market have made a resurgence
of traditional education tough.”

He agreed that though there are
valid vocational goals, education as
a whole should not
“vorationaliaed,” and a balance
must be found.

In this respect, Snyder said the
University ”must assume a con-
structive. active role, rather than a
reactive one. Sometime UK has had
a reactive role about certain
(graduate) programs,” he said.
“We need a fully-funded program in
areas of research."

In a question and answer period,
Snyder was asked if services to the
community (such as indigent patient
care) are a legitimate public ex-

Snyder said he Is unwilling to have
such expenses appropriated to UK’s
fiscal load unless they are
eduwtimal, which he said he feels
indigent patient care is not.


A caravan of about 550 cars crept through New
Y‘orks Kennedy Airport in protest of the faster-
thansound Concorde airplane yesterday, and its
organizers claimed victory despite failing to clog
the plate aspredicted. The parade of cars wasn tas
big as one last year. but organizers promised
weekly repeats until the Anglo-French SST is

permanently banned from Kemedy.



University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky

The wild blue yonder

Writer gets taken for a ride

Assistant Managing Editor

Pardon me while I gloat.

The Kosair Shrine hot air balloon,
sponstred by the newspaper you’re
reading, won the Little Kentucky
Derby Hot Air Balloon Race Friday
afternoon. And yuirs truly was

Until Friday, the most dangerous
thing I had ever done was tell
Bernard King that I didn‘t like his
socks. And when I saw the other
balloons shooting into the clouds, l
tried hard to remember all those
Latin prayers I had learned in the
fourth grade.

But when the pilot yelled “Get
in!" and we were suddenly airborn,
I knew there was nothing to do but
get an eyefull of Lexington and hold
on. Tight.


The pilot-owner was a shriner, Dr.
Norman “Doc“ Cohen. a 49-year—old
allergist from Lou'svlle. llis co—pilot
was shriner John Buckley, a glazer
from Louisville.

We had drawn the nirmber eight
position. After the leader, or “hare"
balloon, would take off, seven others
would follow before we left the
ground. The object of a hot air
balloon “race“ is not to get to a

destination first, but to faithfully
follow the hare balloon and land as
close to it as possible.

Six other balloons would have a
chance at a pinpoint landing before
we did. All we could do was hope
they'd blow it.

Because there were so many other
balloons in the field, each had to get
into the air quickly, to avoid drifting
into the others. Each pilot had to
build up incredible heat inside his
balloon while eight or nine people
grappled with the gondola (basket)
trying to keep it on the ground.

When he thinks there’s enough hot
air, the pilot signals, everybody lets
go and the balloon shoots into the air
like a rocket. (I always thought they
floated up, like the one in “The
Wizard of 02.")

We wrestled with Doc‘s balloon as
it bucked agaisnt a slight wind and a
lot of heat. He hollered, l scrambled
in and before I had time to settle
myself and latch on to the sides with
a Herculean grip, we were 150 feet

That was it. No butterflies in the
stunach, no last second screams of
“Wait! I've changed my mind!"
'I here was no turning back.


“Doc" Cohen had received his

aircraft liceme in 1974, so he was no

rookie. He had once gone 138 miles in
his balloon during a cross-country
race. He had also won the national
championshiop in Indianola, Iowa—
by default. He placed second, but the
winning balloon hit the bare, not a
kosher move in ballooning.

(‘opild Buckley had a CB walkie-
talkie and spent the first few
minutes trying to contact our
“balloon-chaser" on the ground,
who was tracking us in a car with a

After Doc had us at a desirable
altitudeof about 750 feet, he began to
ring his cowbell and blow his
whistle, waving to people below. Our
balloon was unique. It was purple
and blue. modeled after a shriner‘s
hat, or “fez.“ It even had a huge.
black tassle on top.

As we watched the ground glide
by, houses looked like models,
swimming pools like ashtrays. A
little boy ran into the street below
and gave forth with a few toots on a
trombone. Doc answered with his
whistle, but before long. the boy was
a speck on a ribbon of road.

Aside from an occasional blast of
heat (fueled by liquid propane), the
ride was peaceful. “It's like sitting
on a cloud and watching the world go
by,” Doc said.

(‘ontinued on back page

Group rallies for pay hike

About 20 persons turned out
Friday afternoon to demonstrate
against the University and
scheduled pay increases for UK non-
academic employes.

The protesters criticized UK
President Otis Singletary for up
coming tuition increases which the
group says will not sufficiently
benefit non-academic employes.

Specifically, the employes
charged that the scheduled five per
cent pay increase for nonacademic

Protesters gathered outside the home of l' K President
Otis S'mgletary on Rose Street Friday to show their


Zaire government troops have launched a
counteriffersive aga'mst Katangan rebels and
driven them back I5 miles in a fight for the copper-
Inining town of Kolwezi, the Zaire news agency
AZAI' said yesterday. The report said one wounded
prisoner and quantities of military supplies were
mized in the offensive that began Saturday night in

southeastern Shaba province.

employes is not sufficient to match
inflation and increases in the cut of

Organization efforts of non-
academic employes to date have
consisted largely of a card, mem-
bership drive under the A.F.-
S.C.M.E. (American Federation of
State, County and Municipal Em-

The question of collective
bargaining for state employee has


Today wil be partly sunny and windy with a
chance of showers and thundershowers, the high in
the low tl)'s. There will be considerable cloudiness
with a 50 per cent chance of showers. The low
tonight will be in the 50's. Tomorrow will be mild
with occasimal periods of showers. The high
tomormw will bein themid toupper 70's.

been unsettled due to the absence of
oouective bargaining legislation in
Kentudty law.

Organizers for the UK group filed
suit for a declaratory judgment on
the isue in Fayette Circuit Court in
1975. Fayette Circuit Judge James
Park Jr. ruled in January that the
UK Board of Trustees had the right
to deal with the non-academic
employes, but was under no
obligatim to do so.

4|!VI" ml.

displeasure with scheduled pay increases for non-
faculty staff employes.











editorials 89 comments 1 ----~


Editorials do not represent the OPIRIOM 0f the University‘ aooiodoalolgoodwhoa-o.“aim“.mcouomm-“aummwwufl

IMO-ballot Adlai-u“ ldltm
Gh- Ekl-ardo Ito Iona-
M Galrlol
noun I‘-
Wallor Illooa
Alto “or
Job Who Illlor Nancy I!!!




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Med Center problems need investigation

Sometimes university presidents have
nightmares. They wake up in the wee hours of
the morning, screaming and thrashing wildly.
Their wives quickly turn over and say, “What is
it, what is it?

“Nothing. . .it was nothing," say the presidents
shakily. “It was just a nightmare. I dreamed
that I had to administer three med centers in-
stead of one. Whew! “

Fortunately, that scenario is only material for
a joke that is told regularly in academic circles.
Unfortunately, that “joke" may seem very real
to UK President Dr. ()tis A. Singletary.

If Singletary wakes up screaming and
thrashing itwill be a result of what appears to be
a steady decline in the effectiveness of academic
and service programs at the. Albert B. Chandler
Medical (‘enter

At least four med school t'aculty members are
leaving the University because of dissatisfaction
with facilities. programming, salaries and what
they perceive as a decline in the med school’s
capacity to treat patients and educate students.

Dr. Joella Utley and her husband, Dr. Joe
Utley, are two of the four faculty members who
have announced their decision to leave the
University. “We’re striving for academic ex-
cellence and it’s simply not possible to achieve
here at this time," said Joella Utley in a
telephone interview yesterday.

Mrs. Utley. a professor in the department of
radiation medicine. said the school is suffering
from a lack of research funds, lab space and
competitve salaries. She and her husband, a
professor of cardiac and thoracic surgery, will

join the med school faculty at the University of
California at San Diego.

Joining them there will be Dr. Hector James,
an assistant neurology professor. Dr. Ward 0.
Griffen, chairman of the department of surgery,
is also leaving the faculty, according to a
copyrighted story in Saturday’s Lexington
Herald. Asked to confirm or deny the report
yesterday, Griffen said “no comment.”

James said he is leaving because the med
school faculty is “so short of talent that it en-
dangers one's professional goals to stay.”tJames
said he has perceived a steady deterioration in
the quality of faculty members. He added that
‘far more talent is needed for clinical and
research" departments.

James said “ a here was a time when there were
more talented people. The primary objectives
have not been to retain talent. It’s getting more
mediocre; it can be resolved only by changing
priorities." James added that he didn’t expect
the situation to improve in the “forseeable

The Utleys and James indicated that increased
funding is desperately needed for medical
resources, programming and for competitive
salaries. Dr. Peter Bosomworth, vice president
for the Medical Center, said that financial
probelems are not unlike those in other areas of
the University.

"I would like the financial situation of the
entire University to be better," he said. “As it
(the financial situation) applies to the Univer-
sity, it applies to the Medical Center.

Bosomworth downplayed the departure of the

f'our faculty members and questioned
statements suggesting that quality faculty have
not been hired. “I think we’ve recruited ex-
cellent people. We’ve also lost some, but that’s
true nationally.

“Medical school faculties—particularly
practicing physicians—are very mobile; if
there’s no opening for advancement they tend to
move up elsewhere. I really don’t believe our
turnover rate is greater than any other in-

James alleged that “indigent families are
being denied health care either because there is

no money or no competent people” to treat them. ,

“Private practice will not see the indigent; they
ask, ‘where do I go now?’ After seeing this again
and again it makes you very depresSed,” said

Bosomworth said, “The University hospital
cannot possibly provide services for all the
people who cannot pay. We have a finite
capacity—a certain number of beds—to provide
a full range of services.”

The situation at the Med Center—and it
amounts to more than fickle dissatisfaction on
the part of a few faculty members—is reflective
of the general problem of dwindling funds for
higher education. Without remedy, the Med
Center will continue to lose qualified faculty
mem bers and will be unable to attract new ones.

More importantly, the quality of education will

decline. The most serious consequence of the
financial crunch, however, will be felt by the
people of the state, particularly the indigent, who

will no longer be able to receive health care.

We empathize with the University’s

predicament—unable to keep pace with
spiralling costs, its programs are suffering. By
all indications, it should get worse before it gets
better; there is no easy solution to the

unavailability of funds.
The Med Center has .provided. quality

education and medical services to Kentuckians

for years. That record is now being eroded
because of inflation and state government’s shift
to upgrade state secondary education at the
expense of higher education.

Gov. Carroll has said that this shift in
priorities would not weaken higher education.
The situation at the Med Center provides one
indication that he is wrong in that assessment.

This shift and rising costs necessitate “belt-

.tightening” and acceptance of the fact that some

University programs and departments will
suffer. The Med Center, however, should not be
one of those areas.

The faculty defections and the allegations of
inadequate services indicate serious deficiencies
at the Med Center. The extent of the problem
could best be determined by an institutional
investiga tion; more objective and complete than
a study being prepared by the faculty, which
reportedly concludes that the College of
Medicine faces “imminent crisis.”

Singletary should proceed with this kind of
probe. If “imminent crisis” is indeed on the
horizon, Gov. Carroll should be urged to initiate
corrective action. The med school is too im-
portant to the welfare of the state for it to be
allowed to deteriorate.



, ' . or

Wanton Dtuvn'ovr MOKCIIAN A
MDYQIRE mt WITH 0E sat-smote J


How many trillions?

What 'defense’ money could buy


Now that Tax Day has come and
gone, readers should be reminded
that the total cost of the socallcd
Defense budget from 1045 through
next year‘s record $130 billion will
exceed $2 trillion After inflation.
this means nearly $3 trillion in
today‘s prices.

Nothing of any value to the poor or
the working people of the United
States has resulted. Instead. the
money poured into the military
rathole has only brought uncountcd
dead, wounded or mutilated on all
sides of the battle fronts.

How much is $3 trillion? A rational
society might follow a little shopping
list like this one:

Brand new, $25,000 homes for half
of the60 million families in America
would cost $750 billion.

If a $5 million hospital with $5
million worth of equipment were
built for every half~million people. it
would cost around $4 billion. (live
each hospital a staff of 200 at an
average salary of $20,000 and you'll
spend $16 billion over a lO—year
period for free medical service.

Three thousand universities at
$100 million each for buildings,
books, and equipment would mean a

college education for all youth, and

would cost $300 billion.

We‘ve now spent just over $1

Last year, Ford vetoed a Federal
Day (”are bill that would have cost
$120 million a year. Our hypothetical
rational society might spend $1.2
billion a year for this. In 30 years,
that‘s $36 billion for day care.

Let's put depolluting devices on all
major industrial facilities ($20 bil-
lion), depollute the Great Lakes and
every river and stream in the
country ($10 billion), and stock the
waters with fish and the hills with
game (another $10 billion). Total:
$40 billion.

To eliminate the cultural deprr
vation facing many American fami-
lies, we could give 50 million
families a new $500 color TV ($25
billion). give 30 million families
$1,000 of new furniture and $1,000 of




RMS‘. AND YCU’RE W Willi T (“INN AM i?


new clothes ($60 billion), and give 30
million families $500 a year for 10
years in extra vacation money ($150
billion). The tab for this is $235
billion. '

How about a free. dance hall at $2
million each for every 100,000 peo
ple? Each hall would need a
fivepiece full-time rock or jazz or
country band. Ten years‘ salary at
$10,000 a year per musician. Our bill
for dance balls is only $5 billion.

flow are we doing with our $3
trillion? We‘ve spent LESS THAN
HALF. To be precise, 31.386000000-

So let‘s send some around the
world. We can attach the “string"
that only working people would get
the benefits, and not the dictators in
sunglasses that currently line their
pockets with American foreign aid.
You don‘t have to be a pacifist to

, no
if r



But Andy Young'héasisofiiething ::to say

U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young
doesn’t owe anybody an apology.
In fact, he needs to be encouraged.
Young is well on the road to
replacing John Dean as America’s
No. 1 blabbermouth.

'But one major difference between
Andy and John is that the world
needs to listen to what Andy has to

The novice diplomat has been
called on the carpet during the past
weeks for making somewhat candid

'realize that this would Substantially

reduce the dangerous international
jealousies and conflicts that threat-
en nuclear war.

Latin America would get $100
billion (10 times the figure Kennedy
promised in his Alliance for Pro-
gress propaganda but never sent)
and $100 billion to China would
duplicate in these areas all the
facilities of US Steel, Bethlehem,
Armco, Republic, Inland, National
General Motors, Chrysler, General
Electric, DuPont, Greyhound, Boe-
ing, and Nabisco. Altogether.

And Africa, India, Iran and the
Southeast Asia our napalm nearly
destroyed could get aid too. Say $100
billion each.

And the Soviet Union could junk its
own military machine, and reap the
benefits of an amount similar to our

There would still be a monumental
surplus. if we had a rational society
in a warless world—a socialist
society— we could begin the history
of a truly human race.

Life is really beautiful, once'we
cleanse it of wars and repression. So
join the Young Socialist Alliance and
help create a new world.


his comment was submitted by
Mark Manning of the UK Young
Socialist Alliance.

and “unartful” comments about the
status of world affairs.

Specifically, Young supposedly
insulted the British by suggesting
that racism may have been cradled
in the United Kingdom.

The infuriated British ambassa-
dor laced Young royally by remind—




or -.Q

_ .1 borboro


ing him that he no longer was a

senator or a preacher. (But neither
did he deny Young’s comment.)


Young also remarked that hatred
of Jews by Arabs is akin to the
hatred of blacks by the Ku Klux
Klan. That prompted a challenge by
an Arab delimion to the United
Nations whi claimed that “all
Arabs differentiate between Jews
and Zionists." ‘

Recently, Young answered
“Yeah" to an interviewer's question
on the illegitimacy of South Africa’s
white government;

The international communicative
channels were instantly abuzz with
demands for verification of the
remark, and replies ranged from
“We’re waiting for the United States
govemment’s reaction," to an “offi-
cial State Department statement"
that Young‘s statement was “incor-


President Carter is one of few who
still gives Young full support. “I‘ve
never complained about anything
Andy does,“ the President said, and
emphasized that he encourages his
Cabinet to speak the truth.

Predictably, several Republicans
in their infinite wisdom are mutter-
ing something about Young's re-
signation. Representative Jim Mar-
tin (R—N.C.), said that Young has
“terrified our allies and insulted the

All he said was

Baloney. Public outcry over
Young‘s “outspokenness” merely
proves that the truth does indeed
hurt. And, furthermore, Carter‘s
continued support of Young is an
exclamation of “tough toenails" to
the wearers of the shoes that fit.

Young is a breath of fresh air in
the stodgy world of high-horse diplo-
macy, and we as world citizens are
beginning to discover the impact of
an unfamiliar and sadly neglected
concept—honesty in communica-

Actually, the world needs more
people like Andrew Young in the
position of official voiceboxul per-
sonally am willing to see the
creation of a new Cabinet post,
Secretary of Candid and Honest
Comments, filled by a person simi-
lar in character and Chutzpah to
Andrew Young.

The scope of this office's authority
could ideally range from comment
on world issues: “Europe, you still
owe us 30 billion bucks! “; “Did you
ever say thank you, France?“; and
“Back off, Breshnev,“ to matters of
domestic importance: “Bob How-
sam should‘ve never traded Tony
Perez."; “Exxon is still a bunch of
crooks no matter how many PBS
specials they subsidize,"; and
“Back off, Congress."

I mean, aside from a few hundred
billion people, how many could the
truth really hurt?

Eat 'em up, Andy!

Today is the last time this column
will appear this semester. I couldn't
conclude without one more parting
shot: A toast of rancidfiterno to the
state senate of Florida, my home.
Florida, one of the first states to
sanction an 18-year-old drinking and
voting age, failed to ratify the Equal
Rights Amendment.

Florida always was a nice place to
visit, but I‘m not sure i want to live
there anymore.


Barbara Hoots lo a graduate student
In communications. ller column
appears every other Monday.









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'I‘III'Z KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. April l8. 1917—3







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SeemA'eFom Ramon.

"'L" at .mr-ttti III tIIIr

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Sound Guard keepsyour

2 (i any

ilissr \‘



-‘m _._._.. ___.~.__m

ltlezlore Sound Guard;
he only way to prevent
your records from wearing out
was notto playthem.



Lilith? illt‘

2‘ch II'Ils



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III IIIl-s i t IIItunI Itch. from
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to protect the
gI‘IIoII'IIs from dI'In‘IIIgII. \t'l,
_. retnat‘kabh.
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lnIlII IpII ndent tests

show that Sound (In: ad pIe
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3 IInII )lI IIItIdI :It all

an li blc fII IIuenIies,
AW hile at the same

It does not



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ll AM. 104 M. MON. Mil SH.


Wlm MI mm C“! U.


m. IV.






Little Feat and Bishop
disappointing in concert

Ily RIIIL l-‘l'tlA'l‘E
Kernel Reporter

(‘t'itics‘ favorite Little Feat
made their Lexington debut
at Memorial (.‘oliseum last
Saturday night. playing to a
small but enthusiastic
a lid ten cc .




'l‘roupeis that they are.
Little Feat managed to ignore
the dreary Coliseum setting
and gave the folks a hard.
tight set of selections from
their albums; Feats Do Your
Stnl't. Dixie l‘hickI-n and their
upconnng 'l‘imc Loves A

The first three numbers
were straight boogie.
exemplified by the fine “Red
Street Liner."

'l‘IIII concert's high~point
came InIIIIediately after with
“Atlanta," the hardest
rocking heard from a band
that, is not known to be
especially hard rocking. For

the only one. of the evening, it
was a pretty good surprise.
From “Atlanta“ onward,

' without a personality. dozens
of faceless fingers and voices
serving up that solid beat

the set evened out with song without II missed cue and

after song utilizing the Little
Feat standard white-funk
formula. Various numbers.
including a ten minute ver-
sion of the popular “Dixie
thicken." made up a primer
on Little heat at their most

(‘onspicunus by its absence.
was the beautiful ”Long
Distance Love," the song
which signalled Little Feat's
emergence as a band worth

As far as technique goes.
there is III) faulting Little
Feat. Onstage. as on record,
they are a group of note—

perfect session robots. ln3'

capable of playing off-key or
blowing a chord. each holds
down his end of the band‘s
total sound with the cool
assurance imparted by years
of studio work,

So used to anonymity are
they. that Little Feat in
concert is a band totally

little visible interest in the
proceedings. Even Lowell
(leorge. the head Feat and
the groups most impressive
player. is a face in the crowd.


()pening for Little Feat was
Stephen Bishop, the genius

that gave you “Little ltaly."
“Save it For A Rainy Day“

and other ground-breaking

efforts in the genre of Heaw
Foam Rubber Music.

liIshop toddled on stage
wearing a white suit and an
acoustic guitar. He im~
Inediately launched into a set
of songs of the exact sort that
you would expect someone
wearing II white suit to play.
ice cream music and LUVIIJ.
Lt l\"l-I. LOVE in slop buckets.

For all that. the crowd had
II good time and maybe even
got their money‘s worth. If
they wanted pop stars. they
could have always waited
until Queen came to town.





IliI lit! behindthis IIInesIIInIfIIIntl} retarding,r
Ilesn U‘l‘llll is it iItIIIn. tlt"
I‘lIuIIII Ind cut s tlIIIIugh stI-el.
"III! III‘ErII‘Igl ll: \\il’ ll It

on teases In surface noise
and hat monic (listIIItiIInI‘ *
ln other Wt Irds. when
applied according to in-
structions.z1 new I'I.‘(‘