xt7ffb4wm57k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ffb4wm57k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-09-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1973 1973 1973-09-04 2020 true xt7ffb4wm57k section xt7ffb4wm57k The Kentucky

Vol. LXV No. 19
September 4, 1973


and cons

of tape controversy:


Page Ill

an independent student newspaper


University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY. 40506


L o c a l t i e s ,
reasonable tuition,
and the availability
of unique programs
not offered elsewhere
account for the
continued rise in UK


at 20,000...

Kernel Staff Writer

News In brlet

By The Associated Press
0 Hank hits two more

' Free coffins offered
' Wreck orphans l8
° Gaza hospital opens

. Cops offer haircuts

° Convoy gets through

0 Today's weather...

Registration for the fall semester
already totals nearly 20,000 students, but
400 to 450 more are expected within the
next week, according to Ray Cum-
berledge, associate registrar.

Enrollment, up one to two per cent over
the previous year, is generally following
the national trend.

BLACK ENROLLMENT will also be up
this year, Cumberledge added, giving
credit for the rise to increased emphasis
placed by the University upon getting
more minority students.

Over 3,000 out-of-state students are on
campus this fall, making up the limited 13
per cent out-of—state undergraduates
allowed by the Council on Higher Public

When asked why students from other
areas often preferred UK to universities
within their own states, Cumberledge cited
a number of reasons.

“SOME STUDENT have Kentucky
ties," he said. “Their parents were either
born or educated here. Also, tuition is often
more economical in Kentucky than
universities in the students’ home states."

0 SAN DIEGO—Henry Aaron hit the
707th and 708th home runs of his major
league baseball career Monday night and
pulled within six of equaling the alltime
mark of the legendary Babe Ruth.

Aaron‘s first homer in Atlata’s game
against San Diego cam

Aaron's first homer in Atlanta‘s game
against San Diego cami in the third inning
when the Braves’ slugger tagged a pitch
from Padre hurler Clay Kirby on a low line
into the left field stands. .

On Aaron’s next time up, with reliever
Vicente Romo on the mound for the
Padres Aaron blasted the ball 370 feet out.

0 MANILA — Some Filipinos who can't
afford the cost of living can get free coffins
while still alive, a newspaper reported.
The report said Gov. Eduardo L. Joson of
Nueva Ecija Province has given away
3,043 coffins valued at about $18,100 during
the last 13 years.

Cumberledge added that UK has
numerous programs not readily
available in other states such as a College
of Agriculture, and medical and dental
training programs.

When questioned about possible
modification of admissions procedures,
Cumberledge said he would like to see a
change in the way students are registered
during the summer to make it more like
fall and spring registration is conducted
for continuing students, and for UK to offer
alternate courses which would better
satisfy student needs.

...and evening class
surpasses 1,000

Kernel Staff Writer

THE UK Evening Class Program,
offering both credit and non-credit
courses, has been expanded for the fall
semester, according to Millard E. Allen,
program director.

0 THOL‘ARS. France —— Two couples
were killed when their car collided with a
truck Saturday, leaving 18 orphans.
Yvon Germain, 49, and his wife
Madeleine were survived by 10 children.
aged 5 to 22. Joseph Emaure, 40, and his
wife left eight children aged 6 to 18.

The truck driver, who was slightly in-

jured, has been held for investigation.

e GAZA — Israel inaugurated a
children‘s hospital in the Gaza Strip today,
the first of its kind in occupied Arab
territory or in Israel proper.

An old Arab hospital was converted at a
cost of $51,000 to accommodate the Gaza
children. Beds had to be set up in hallways
today to handle overflow patients. The
hospital is staffed by 15 Arab doctors and
an Israeli consultant.

There are children‘s facilities in most
hospitals in Israel, but no children‘s

The main function of the evening
program is to provide persons who cannot
attend day classes an opportunity to
further their education.

Many who had taken advantage of the
evening classes in the past previously
attended college, dropped out, then
resumed studies to complete their
degrees, according to Betty Childers,
secretary to the director.

FULL-TIME STUDENTS who could not
enter a particular day class, because it
was closed at the time of registration, may
also take advantage of the program. The
courses offered in the evening are the
same as day classes, taught by University
staff members, and carry the same course

Although regular registration for the
evening classes ended August 28, students
have until September 4 to enter an
organized class. Approximately 954
students enrolled in credit courses this
semester, and 91 entered non-credit

No credit can be received in areas such
as interior design, sewing, photography,

Continued on Page 16

e KOTA KINABALU. Malaysia — The
head of Malaysia‘s Sabah State told police
to take youths with long hair to the nearest
police station and have their locks cut
“short, neat and clean.“ Mustapha Harun
said: “Because we live in the tropics,
keeping long hair is most unsuitable."

0 PIINOM PENH, Cambodia — A
Cambodian navy convoy reached the
besieged provincial capital of Kompong
Cham with reinforcements and badly
needed U.S. arms and ammunition. The
city, 47 miles northeast of Phnom Penh,
has been cut off for two weeks.

...raln ls at hand!

Relief is supposed to come tonight in the
form of rain as a cold front passes its way
through. Hot and humid weather will
prevail until the rain comes some time this
evening. Temperatures will dip into the
sixties tonight.





fiheiKentucky Kernel

Established 1894

Steve Switt. Editorrin Chiet

Mike Clark, Managing Editor

Jenny Swartz, News Editor

Kaye Coyte, Nancy Daly and Bruce Winges, Copy Editors

Charles Wolfe, Practicum Manager

Carol Cropper, Arts Editor

Bill Straub, Sports Editor

Bruce Singleton, Photographic Manager

Editorials represent the opinions ot the editors and not the Universny.

Time for UK
to 'retire' Rupp

It’s high time UK’s Athletic Department lived up to
its obligation to collegiate sports and quit playing
handmaiden to Adolph Rupp.

It was bad enough that Rupp was allowed to remain
at UK after his distasteful retirement as basketball
coach in 1972; that Rupp was allowed to keep a
centrally-located Coliseum office, while new coach
Joe Hall was forced to work out of little more than a
carpeted broom closet; and that Rupp held a shady
role as “advisor,” when no other retired University
official was allowed such a unique privilege.

Rupp has finally gone too far, though, and it is the
duty of the Athletic Department to sever all ties with
the Baron.

Last week, Rupp was named a member of the Board
of Directors of the American Basketball Association
Kentucky Colonels. After all his years of arguing
against professional sports, Rupp has become a

This presents UK with a problem, though one which
is easily handled. Now an employee of a professional
team, Rupp will still maintain an office in Memorial
Coliseum, and will be promoting a pro team while
working in a campus office. It is incredible that this
would happen, but it would be even more incredible if
UK doesn’t cut all ties with Rupp.

Rupp is not UK’s basketball coach, but a
professional promoter. As such he shouldn’t be
allowed to use a UK office.

Colonel’s owner Ellie Brown, forseeing a conflict of
interest on Rupp’s part, insisted he take a year’s leave
of absence from his “advisiory” position. This,
however, isn’t enough, since Rupp will still maintain
his Coliseum office while promoting the Colonels.

College and professional sports are antithetical.
Witness the wholesale rustling of college un-
dergraduate players under the so-called “hardship”

What’s to keep Rupp from spotting a player in the

Coliseum hallway one afternoon, offer a huge bonus
contract, and run him off to Louisville before he
completes his playing days at UK? You can slough this
off with “Oh, he would never do that.” But who would
have ever believed Rupp would join a professional
team or would use a zone press?

It is time for action. Rupp should be dismissed from
his office, his advisory position, and all other ties with
UK. He has chosen his bed; let him sleep in it.






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Day brightened

My day was brightened by David
Mucci’s “UK infringes on student rights"
article (Aug. 30, Kernel). I quote “Im-
minent educators have suggested that one-
third to two-fifths of proportional
representation in decision making bodies
be given to students.” Collegiate dic-
tionary defines imment as “threatening to
occur immediately; impending, said
especially of misfortune or peril (also)
projecting over, overhanging.” Substitute
each of these terms for“imment” and see
what you get. My favorite is overhanging,
an adjective all too descriptive of so many

Normally, humor in the Kernel is limited
to the hackneyed pun of its own name.
Bright spots do occur if rarely. Last year,
Karen Beckwith enlivened some otherwise
drab Womans Lib propaganda with her
original, unintentionally-hilarious

definition of castration. Where are you
now Karen? We all hope you are still
Unconscious humor such as that cited is
a God-given gift. Kernel editors should
solicit more articles from writers whose
words slip so naturally into humorous
byways. Besides the two mentioned above,
I hope others with equal talent could be
found. Remember though that the divine
spark may be stifled if you edit their copy.
Frank J. Essene
Professor of Anthropology

Paper shortage

In view of the current paper shortage
wouldn’t it be of great moral and civic
service for the Kernel to limit its daily
copy to ten pages or under?

Nicholas Martin
282 Clay Ave. Apt 1
Journalism freshman

Kernel letters policy

Letters to the editor may concern any
topics as long as the content of the letters
is not libelous. However, so everyone has
an equal opportunity to respond, we ask
that you limit letters to 250 words. We also
ask that they be typewritten and triple-
spaced for the convenience of the
typesetters. All letters must be signed,
including campus address, telephone
number and classification. Each letter will
be restricted to two authors; those with
more than two signees will be signed “and

“Page III”, the comment page, is open
for commentaries on all issues, inside and

outside the University community.
Besides local comments, the Kernel will
run items from The New York Times News
Service. Again, the editors ask that the
writers follow a few simple rules:

No comment may exceed 750 words. In
such instances where capy exceeds
maximum length, the editors will ask that
the comment be rewritten or that the
writer come to the office and edit the copy
for the editors. Contributors are also ex-
pected to triple space copy and include

address telephone number and



Your health Doctor-patient ties desirable



QUESTION: I used the Student Health
Service several times last year and saw a
different doctor each time. Can’t you keep
on seeing the same person?

ANSWER: Yes, as a matter of fact, we
would prefer that you develop a “doctor-
patient relationship” with one physician
and see the same physician whenever the
need arises. This makes for a more
satisfied patient and physician and the end
result is better health care. However, the
only way that you can be assured of seeing
the physician of your choice on each visit is
to make an appointment with that
physician. This can be done by calling 233-
6143 and you will be given the first ap-
pointment-which that physician has open
and which is compatible with your

schedule. The advantages of making an
appointment are : 1) You may see the
physician of your choice, 2) Waiting time
is minimized, 3) The proper time can be
alloted to care for your problem and the
need for revisits kept to a minimum.

We recognize that all illnesses do not
happen “on schedule" so we do have a
“walk-in” clinic for those students who are
unable to make appointments. However,
when you come to the Health Service
without an appointment you will see one of
the physicians or nurses on duty in the
walk-in clinic at that time. The waiting
time is usually longer but rarely more than
15 to 20 minutes.

QUESTION: I am a UK student and will
not be 18 until October. There is a very
confidential problem which I need to

discuss with a physician. Will my parents
be notified?

ANSWER: Ideally, you should be able to
discuss any health problem with your
parents but we recognize that this may not
always be possible. Most of the “con-
fidential" health problems facing students
are related to sexuality, contraception,
pregnancy, VD or drug abuse. In March
1972, Kentucky law was revised to permit
any physician, upon consultation by a
minor as a patient, with the consent of that
minor, to counsel, examine, order
diagnostic tests, prescribe for and treat
health problems regarding contraception,
pregnancy, VD, alcohol and other drug
abuse or addiction, all without the consent
of or notification of the parents or guar-
dian of the minor patient.

It is not our intent to circumvent parents
or guardians when providing health care
for Unviersity students. However, our
main concern is that our patients receive
the best care poblem. I am sure that your
parents share this concern. This is not
possible if students are afraid to seek help
because they are afraid their parents will
be notified. We can assure you that if you
need advice or health care related to one of
the “confidential" problems mentioned
above, we can provide professional
counseling, diagnosis and treatment with
your consent and without the consent or
notification. f your parents or guardian.

Dr. Frank Cascio is the Director
Of the University Health Ser-


THE new YORK TIMES news sew-r:

NEW HAVEN—Mr. Nixon is dead
right in refusing compliance with sub-
poenas, whether issued by a commit-
tee of the Senate, by a grand jury, or
by any other authority, commanding
the production of written or taped rec-
ords of consultations held by him as
President. I think this refusal is not
only his lawful privilege but his duty
as well, for it is a measure necessary
to the protection of the proper con-
duct of his office, not only by him but,
much more importantly, by his succes-
sors for all time to come.

Since there are no precedents, judi-
cial or otherwise, covering this case,
and since the Constitution does not ex-
pressly speak to the issue, we must
have recourse to common sense, which
ought to underly and inform considera-
tion of every constitutional question.
It is hard for me to see how any per-
son of common sense could think that
those consultative and decisional proc-
esses that are the essence of the Presi-
dency could be carried on to any good
effect, if every participant spoke or
wrote in continual awareness that at
any moment any Congressional com-
mittee, or any prosecutor working with
a grand jury, could at will command
the production of the verbatim record
of every word written or spoken. Does
anybody really think that Franklin
Roosevelt, or Lincoln, could have man-
aged the Presidency on those terms?
That the means by which Lyndon John-

...and cons



Charles L. Black Jr., in an impassioned
and perhaps unduly dogmatic column,
says that Mr. Nixon is everlastingly right
in sitting on his tapes, that, if he lets
anyone outside the executive branch
hear them (Mr. Haldeman presumably
excepted), the Presidency is doomed and
that the President is therefore serving
the cause of “his successors for all time
to come.”

Everything Professor Black claims
about a President’s right and duty to
protect his own “consultative and deci-
sional processes"-—-abominable adjec-
tives, but one sees what he means——
is right on one condition. That con-
dition was clearly stated by Andrew
Jackson in 1833 when he declined to
give the Senate a paper he had read
to his Cabinet justifying his decision to
remove the Government deposits from
the Second Bank of the United States.
“I have yet to learn,” Jackson wrote
the Senate, “under what constitutional
authority that branch of the Legis-
lature has a right to require of me
an account of any communication,
either verbally or in writing, made to
the heads of Departments acting as
a Cabinet council. As well might I
be required to detail to the Senate the
free and private conversations I have
held with those officers on any sub~
iect relating to their duties and my

I have italicized the last ten words,
because this is the heart of the mat-
ter. Jackson, much as he relished and
enlarged the Presidential prerogative,

never supposed he could extend it
beyond the performance of official
duties. As he put it on another occa~
sion, cases could arise “in which it
may be indispensable to the proper ex-
ercise of [Congress'] power that it

a page for opinion from inside and outside the university community I : lggl E I |

Nixon and the secret tapes: the pros...


son secured the cloture vote on the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 would have
been usable, under those conditions?

The framers of our Constitution, as
one of their first acts, unanimously re-
solved that all their proceedings should
be inviolably secret, and that the Con-
vention should in the end go before
the public with a result, rather than
with a record of the tortuous process
by which that result was reached. The
Supreme Court confers in the strictest
secrecy, never violated, and is judged
by its public decisions and its publicly
uttered reasons. These facts should be
pondered, just for a little moment, by
those who would lave with the per-
fume of sanctity the public’s so-called
“right to know.”

It is true that the Constitution does
not expressly set up an “executive
privilege.” I doubt it ever occurred to
the framers that anyone would come
to contend that the President had no
right to take effectively private coun-

sel, or to hold private conversations.
In any case, his right to that privacy
rests only on functional implication;
he cannot efficaciously conduct his of-
fice without it. But it is equally true
that the Constitution does not express-
ly confer any investigative power, or
power of subpoena, on Congress or on
its committees; this power, too, rests
on implication, or at best on the judg-
ment that investigation is “necessary
and proper” to the exercise of the tex-
tually named Congressional powers.
But is there anyone so far gone in lit~
eralism as to hold that the President
does not also possess those immunities
“necessary and proper” to the effec-



tive exercise of the Presidency, even
though those very words do not occur
in the Constitution?

Two subsidiary but practically im-
portant points must be added. First,
the decision that the President’s rec-
ords may be subpoenaed and forcibly
publicized would certainly generate its
own abuses, for the surest high road
to wide publicity, for any Congress-
man or Senator controlling the sub-
poena power, would be to use it On the
President. Secondly, all attempts to
frustrate secrecy in serious decisional
processes must fail, and will almost
always do more harm than good, for
the secrecy, being necessary, will sure-
ly continue sub rosa, without even the
responsibility imposed by a perma-
nent record and by relatively formal-
ized procedures.

It is the ultimate constitutional fool-
ishness to let the merits of a particu-
lar case rush the country into a dis-
astrous precedent. We have to think
not only of Mr. Nixon and Senator
Ervin, but of President Eisenhower and
Joe McCarthy, and of every possible
future combination. Let us judge Mr.
Nixon on his public record, and not
convert our judgment of that record
into a precedent that will embarrass
and degrade the Presidency for the
whole future.

Charles L. Black Jr. is a Luce
Professor of Jurisprudence at

of Presidential privilege, duty

should inquire into and decide upon
the conduct of the President or other
public officers, and in every case its
constitutional right to do so is cheer-
fully conceded.” The argument for
protecting confidential Presidential con-.
versations and papers, in other words,
prevails only as long as those conver-
sations and papers are connected with
the performance of official duties.







It is the President’s official duty,
in the words of the Constitution, to
“take care that the Laws be faithfully
executed." It is not the President’s
official duty to break laws. To take
the familiar example: would Professor
Black seriously contend that, if Presi-
dential tapes contained evidence of a
murder committed at the order of a
President, the President would be
serving the cause of his successors for
all time to come by denying the tapes
to Congress and the c0urts?

The line between carrying out the
law and breaking it is marked by a
fine old British word—malversation,
which is to say corrupt behavior in
a position of trust. The Luce Professor
of Jurisprudence would appear to con-
tend that, even in cases of malver-
sation, refusal of his papers is not
only the President's “lawful privilege
but his duty as well, for it is a
measure necessary to the protection
of the proper conduct of his office."
Few Presidents have been more stub-

born defenders of Presidential prerog- '

ative than James K. Polk, but Polk
in plain and conclusive words disposed

of the extraordinary thesis propounded
by Professor Black.

If members of the House of Repre-
sentatives had any reason to believe
there was malversation in office, Polk
said in a special‘message in 1846, then
“all the archives and papers of the
Executive Departments, public or pri-
vate, would be subject to the inspec-
tion and control of a committee of
their body and every facility in the
power of the Executive be afforded

‘ to enable them to prosecute the inves-

tigation.” Above all, if the House was
looking into executive misconduct
with a view to the exercise of its
constitutional power of impeachment,
“The power of the House in the
pursuit of this object would penetrate
into the most secret recesses of the
Executive Departments. It could com-
mand the attendance of any and every
agent of the government, and compel
them to produce all papers, public or
private, official or unofficial, and to
testify on oath to all facts within
their knowledge."

Jackson and Polk, it may be sup-
posed, cherished the Presidency no
less than Professor Black and con-
ceivably understood the Constitution
a little better. But Professor Black
is curiously contemptuous of history.
“There are no precedents, judicial or
otherwise," he writes, “covering this
case” of the tapes. Obviously neither
Jackson nor Polk had electronic tapes
in mind when one conceded the con-
stitutional right of Congress to inquire
into Presidential conduct and the other
said Congress could in cases of sus-
pected malversation penetrate into ”all
the archives and papers of the Exec-
utive Departments." But the principles
they stated cover the case at hand.

Because Professor Black can find no
precedents, he says that “We must
have recourse to common sense." His
argument runs counter to common
sense as well as to history. Jackson



Lee Lorenz

and Polk were robust champions of
the Presidency, but they believed in
strong Presidents within the Constitu-
tion. They were surely expressing the
common sense of the question when
they restricted claims of Presidential
confidentiality to the performance of
constitutional duties. No past President
has ever extended those claims to the
question of suspected malversation.
This. not the performance of constitu-
tional duties, is the issue in the case
of President Nixon and his precious

ism W

Arthur Schlesinger Jr. holds
the Albert Schweitzer Chair
in the Humanities at City
University of New York. His
latest book, “The Imperial
Presidency.” will be
published in the fall.



I—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. September 4. I973



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Physics building.

A few empty spaces are shown In this B parking lot across the street from the Chemistry-


Sfudenf parking areas feature
commuters shuffle bus service

Two major changes in student
parking have been instituted on
campus this semester, including
an expanded free parking service
and a division of the C lots into C-
1 and C-2 zones.

The first combines a shuttle
bus service with the new Com-
monwealth Stadium parking lots
to provide commuting students
with parking space and tran-
sportation to the center of

parking, so instead of carving up
more land around campus for
parking space, we decided to
make use of the parking lots
surrounding the new stadium,"
said Joe Burch, UK director of
public safety. “This was the most
economical way of adding
parking convenience for the

Three shuttle buses provide
transportation from the stadium
to the Funkhouser biology
uilding. According to Burch, the
buses, which will operate bet-
ween the hours of 7:30 and 5:30.
complete the cycle in eight

Burch said the parking lots are
being paved, and students must
temporarily park on the grass
field, but he emphasized that all
cars must be removed on mor-
nings before home football

the $20 yearly charge for a C
parking sticker, there is a major
change in the zoning. The C
sticker lots will be divided into
sections C-1 and 02 with the C—1
lot being located between




THE COUNSELING Center will offer two
free, non-credit Developmental Reading
Study Skills classes during the fall semester.
Register at 30l Old Agriculture Building
(next to Commerce Building). Classes begin
Monday, Sept. I0. Monday and Wednesday at
2 pm. or 3 pm. 2957

STUDY SKILLS Derby—Saturday, Sept. 8.
One day workshop on how to study more
efficiently. Register at Counseling Center,

301 Old Agriculture Building (next to
Commerce Building). 2956,
FREE MEDIA — the movement to

establish a subscribersponsored and‘
operated FM station general information
meeting: Student Center 206, Sept. 5,
Wednesday. 7:30 pm. 3155.

DR. PISACANO’S BIO ll0make-up exam:
6:30 PM, Tuesday, Sept. 4, in Rm. I06,
Classroom Bldg.

MEETING OF all Pre-Meds and Pre-
Dents; Tuesday, Sept. 4. 7:30 PM, in Rm.
loo, Classroom Bldg.

MITTEE will hold its quarterly meeting
Thursday, September 6, at 6:!) pm. in the
Health Service Lobby. Any interested
student is welcome. ’

9, 7 :30p.m. Open to everyone. If you'd like to
be a performer call 255-0467 before Sept. 7.
Newman Center, 320 Rose Lane.

TRANSACTION, a social action program
manned by student volunteers, will hold its
first meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 5, at 7:30
pm at the Newman Center. Students will
plan proiects intended to improve the
situation of persons or families in the
community with special problems or needs.

AUDITIONS for The Death and Life of
Sneaky Fitch, Fine Arts Building, Guignol
Theatre, 7‘I0 p.m., September I0~II, I973.

AUDITIONS for Story Theatre, Fine Arts
Building, Guignol Theatre. 35 S. 7-9 p.m.,
September 5, and 3—5 pm. September 6.

available in the Student Government office
for anyone who has not yet re-regisfered.


meeting-Thursday, Sept. 6, 7:30 Room 245
Student Center.

.THE FORESTRY CLUB will havea picnic
Wednesday, Sept. 5, at 6:30 behind the
Forestry Building. All people who may be
interested in joining the club are invited.

..THERE WILL BE 3 KrClub Meeting at
7:30pm. on Thursday, September 6th in the
complex commons. To obtain football
tickets and get membership cards, at-
tendance IS necessary!!!

SOCIETY meeting-Organizational meeting
for Fall semester. Room “5, Student Center.
Wednesd‘iy, Sept. 5, 7:30 pm. Allinvited.

..FREE U information and organizational
meeting-Persons interested in teaching
Free U courses leave course description,
title, your name, address, and phone number
in the Free U box in the Student Government
office before Sept. l0. Anyone wanting to
help can come to the coordinators' meeting,

Tuesday, 7:30 pm. in Room IIS, Student

ASS 300 section I. "Introduction to Women’s
studies” has 43 openings. Interested
students may sign up in the Dean of Arts and
Sciences office on the second floor of the
Patterson Office Tower. The class meets on
Johaursday from 3:30 pm. to 5:30 pm. in CB

ASS 300 section 2, "Perspectives on Human
Sexuality" has I2 openings. Interested
students may sign up in the Dean of Arts and
Sciences office on the second floor of the
Patterson Office Tower. The class meets on

xgdnesday from 7 pm. to 9:30 pm. in CB


25 7- I 740 -
Kentucky Kernel




Columbia and Clifton avenues.

Lots off Lexington Ave. will be
designated C-2. Owners of 8 C-1
sticker will not be allowed to use
the C-2 lots and C-2 stickers will
not be allowed in CI lots.

The Rose Street parking
structure will be held for A and B
permit holders only. and cars
with these stickers will not have
access to the C lots.

The Security Department will
begin issuing tickets today.

We goofed

The Kernel erred in the Aug. 29
issue in a story concerning
Women's Studies courses. The
story said “Perspectives on
Human Sexuality" was the
second section of “Introduction to
Women's Studies". The story
should have said the former was
section two of A&S 300, The
course has nothing to do with the
Women’s Studies curriculum. as
the story reported.

Both classes are still open.
“Introduction to Women‘s
Studies" has 43 openings. The
class meets on Thursday from
3:30 p.m.-5:30 pm. in CB 208 and
will be taught by the Women‘s
Studies Faculty.

“Perspectives on Human
Sexuality” meets on Wednesday
from 7 p.m.-9:30 pm. in CB 212.
The staff will be Dr. Kenneth
Henly, Dr. Suzanne Howard and
Mr. Arvil Reeb.

Interested persons may sign up
for either A&S 300 section 1 or
A&S 300 section 2 in the Dean of
Arts and Sciences office on the
second floor of the Patterson
Office Tower Building.

The Kernel also said Alan
Moorerand Pat Haliday would
teach “Women in Literature".
Haliday should be spelled
Halliday and he will be the only
instructor in the class.


Through an editing error, the
Kernel listed the University
Legal Counsel’s telephone
number for that of Legal Aid. The
Legal Counsel handles only
University-related problems. The

correct Legal Aid number is 258-




Farmer's market
opens in Lexington

Kernel Staff Writer

In an effort to cut out the
middleman and provide farm
products at a moderate price, a
farmer’s market has been
organized in