xt7ffb4wm43p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ffb4wm43p/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1996 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1996 Vol.67 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, June 1996 Vol.67 No.6 1996 1996 2019 true xt7ffb4wm43p section xt7ffb4wm43p 1 (”~- H ~- — I B .:_
,, lookout 9 i i JUL 222 i996 July, 1996 .7

.__ j g j x , ‘ Q‘ o Volume 67, Number 7 ,

Ojulyzs j - WW ' " " ' f: Titian.“ r V4” \ yigkkl; _—'——-'— l.
:xérmjslsof; Center .. .._-.‘ ’ 3‘ A j) r ‘ - The Official Publication
.My 26 i 1' II of the Kentucky Press .
nnic Ad Transfer Seminar j Se l'VlCG
. W . j , WWW Georgetown College i : .-
‘ 4,.- .l .r h 0 August 15 i 51;:

. ..:«.ri»-j;eme.mmaimam“ , THE KENTUCKY W C W O _n

, :95“? "N" izabethtown Community Collegei _>g E 333 g E W

i:.,\v'i:i,£‘::5ta . August 16 i g g g 3 5 W,

_WW Electronic Ad Transfer Seminar i a Q 33 :33 8
_ Madisonville Community College i Z 2* a (F? "W‘ .

b 0 September 26-27 § 9 g )1: g 1

- KPA/RPS Board of Directors 7: 2 (r7) A 3.
£5234 Fall Retreat, Opryland Hotel, j '< E 13 a -' ‘
4%}; Nashville j E a g
"V“ A, ,, ,,,,,7 m, ,, ,,,,, ,,,,,i,,,, m , m E O .
Where are they now. 3 a < m
C o o o o o g

‘ ra1g 1g ts a 1 erth n 0 11m
Former editor now devotes 5 r} . ~~ a, a
time to pulpit, students , s . . _ as . :1: z, A m e /\ m , . j

W . By LISA CARNAHAN l. Wig. t... KW}; ', . WW WW _ _
KPA News Bureau i .r. -’ A I “3 ~ v LU ,1 ”ii; ‘
On Larry Craig's professional hall tree hangs : ‘ , «M W W in W

many hats —Baptist preacher, newspaper h i a; I W inMfiiM dbllnfll “ W I
reporter, editor and publisher, college journalism '2 g _ WW jg ; v.4 it , ,_ _

' teacher, county trial . . . . " of. V' sadism, 4 W_ . , , I
commissioner, carpen- This .15 thefir.“ 1." :W: i a M g " ~ .- ’ " ' Em ‘ . '

. ter, radio program host a 53,135 ofpmo‘hc _ 7‘ . i it? is :fi " ' I W_ _. ii . .
and commentator .., articles onformer W V 3% W: ' v -' r .- 1;; ;.. . ' ,
and that just covers the and current journalism . W, ' W W . . . '
P35t few Years- r0 essionals in .3” ' ’

2 Currently, Craig P Q nt k ‘ W /

W holds tight to four of e uc y H “I WW /——\\
those hats —— delivering four sermons a week at ' ' g
I the Richland Baptist Church, teaching a basic e
writing course at WKU, serving as Butler County ,- ' .
trial commissioner and filling in as a host or com- ”3ng ' .
mentator for a radio program out of Russellville. ”jg l _
Few journalists can claim a career as unfor- % *3? $ _V «be ' ‘

gettable as the 47-year—old Craig even though he W; E: we?” .
worked full-time in the business less than 20 £5 . .

‘. years.

~ For example, he gained nationwide attention

. i when his church in Bowling Green was burned Larry Craig, a former KPA president, now spends his full time pastoring a small Baptist church out-

.' side Morgantown and teaching journalism students at Western Kentucky University. Craig is pic-
" 1 See CRAIG, page 3 tured above outside the church with one of his favorite companions, Cotton the Wonder Dog.
- TW ‘P 1d b d' h' E
0 papers ane e ates me 1a et 1cs, . . . <
l o . o o o 0 My.” hilt. m I
W111 “21001131 detenoratmg pubhc Vlew m -
.. . . W pinned on
' ad awards Newspaper representatives say 1ndustry as a whole ’Wcum
' ' ’ ' ' . 5 t
.. WWW Two Kentucky newspapers were has improved, hasn t stooped to levels of televrslon WP!
. . . i
named wme“ “T PM 1996 Mum'Ad By LISA CARNAHAN media, or the alleged lack of it. i Convention crowd ,
" . Tearsheet Competition. KPA News Bureau The debate was spurred by the i mm m
‘ The Maysvrlle LWergWer- Has the media lost all credibility premise of books like James i FI- ‘1 ‘2 ' '
‘ . independent cap turgid; secon p ace with the American public? Are we to Fallows' "Breaking the News: How i W _ _ _
' . m the Best Sponso romotlon cate— blame for societal woes? Do we sensa- the Media Undermine American fW WM W W
3 . gory.“ h‘ d l _ th t tionalize events just to sell newspapers Democracy" which claims the h W“ 7;» W'
. f 91;"? 53:21: at ca egory or grab ratings? American public now distrusts the 3”" - _ ‘ , . W ’1. _ ,
’ . wengp . e a uc d :‘n . . ali These and other questions were media more than political figures. I ' 7 L': ' ' . x K ‘2 '4'

. WW. “£3295 were 1‘; 3 alien origin ' tossed out for a panel discussion The event, dubbed "Meet the mw.m ‘ a

4.. ‘ ty’e venessan qu ty recently that tackled one Of the hottest Press," was held at Georgetown WW” %-.W.‘WW‘WWWW,W WN‘LW W WW WW 3, Wt W

. SuAWARDS. pages tOPics of the day — ethics in the See ETHICS. page 4 ,. ’i -e‘w ‘ { .

W Mini”: ..W, ‘W . ‘. . W . , W _ ‘."'}"""""""W‘1'” . . W . W . W. W _.* W W W W W

.-"W' a I 'W > . _ . . . ‘W » 'l J ‘. . ' WW r w ',' '.' a. . W ',¢ . W. ' .. WW ' . W V -r W " A.

a.“ ' W \ ."V e’ . . .- f . . .. , 'm." “ ,W i 'W ‘ ; ‘ . i- W . .

-W':’0Wr » - WW ,. ' ‘ W . .' ‘._,‘ \ I W 5. .i’ W . . . , .WW . WW W'W 5 er W‘ . W W . - W W W

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, July, 1996
Patton jOlnS E‘tOwn layouts. elected secretary of the Newspaper She worked at the Georgetown ‘
1 Purchasing Management Association News-Graphic for the past two years .’.
newspaper as ad Brett named sports Inc. covering school board, the courts 4
. . ‘ and law enforcement. For the
support team leader edltOI‘ dt Parlb Paper MUhQ receivag award Register, she will cover Richmond
Rochelle Patton joined the Wesley Brett has joined The . . . City Commission, Madison County ‘ 1
Elizabethtown News-Enterprise as Bourbon Times as sports editor, fOr Educatlon Wfltlng l‘iscalCourt and law enforcement. "
advertismg support team leader. Brett, WhQ l5 “150 a news'anchor and Lexington Herald—leader reporter 9 :
l’atton, a 1986 graduate of UWC‘SUSMWC reporter Wlth Channel Angie Muhs has won a national Herald-Leader S OWCnS f
iilizabethtown High School, earned a 18 in Lexington, received an limmy award for her re ortin 7 on education ' ,.
bachelors degree in business admin- award earlier this year for his inves— in Kentuckv. P b announces retlrement .,
istration and information systems tigativ'e “W." on Orkin P9“ Control. The American Association of Lewis Owens, president and pub— -.
trom Spalding University. \\ 1th BR“ 5 arrival, Th“ I‘m“ University Professors awarded Muhs lisher of the Lexington Herald—Leader .
Sltt‘ was previously employed plans ‘T‘t‘fnd"_d sports coverage. Brett its 1996 Award for Excellence in announced in June he plans to retire
as information systems coordinator and h” ”HUI." moved t“ PM” ”‘ Coverage of Higher Education. from the newspaper in early 1997.
at HWPIH‘ Of Central KCMUCLV— September ”f 1““ year. Muhs, 27, won for her tour—part Owens joined the newspaper in '
As advertising support team , series "Midlife Crisis: Kentucky‘s W75 as advertising director. He also
leader l’atton is responsible tor C'J 5 salter EleCted Community Colleges at the served as vice—president of market~
assisting advertising team mem- , ° , ‘ (.‘rossroadsf' ing and general manager before
bcrs, coordinating their work tasks, to ndthndl pOSt being named publisher. _
processing national advertising Joan Salter, purchasing manager Daily Enterprise W’lng Linder Owens“ leadership, the J
accounts, and diagraming page for The Courier—Journal, has been ‘ ‘ Herald—Leader has won 11 excellence 1
APC newsroon] award awards from its parent firm Knight J
_— I he B entuck Press _ The Harlan Daily linterprise's Ridder, more than any other news- J.
. . V - , paper in the company.
newsroom \\ as recently named the H.“ ‘ k' , l .- l l | . l
The Kentucky Press (135Nm23mz4) is pub- District13 best newsroom in their region by . ”t ”P“; 7 ‘(Z’)um” “ m" til? i
lished monthly by theKentucky Press Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise ‘ . ‘ , . _ . , |‘ ‘ : environment ie s wens) createc,
Association/Kentucky Press Service, Inc. Ajn‘finrtltil);LEE/llhlllltg, thL papt r ‘ said Frank McComas, vice—president i
PeriodjcaJ-Class pgstage is Pald at Frankfurt, District 14 p‘ “LI 1 (1 i J}; 3]. t ) th ‘ l: ‘lt \ ‘I‘i ‘ Ol operations TOT Knight—Ridder.
KY.40601.Subscnption pnceis$8per year. Stuart Simpson, Pulaski Week ! ,‘ ‘ L1 in t _ L ‘1 {r} M’ A new publisher is eXpected to
Postmaster:SendchangeofaddresstoThe American lublishing owns the b‘ 1 ‘t b . 8‘” ‘mb‘ 0 W]
Kentuckyl’ressi 1‘“ Gift-immune! DistricHS-A Middlesboro Daily News, iiii. “fhi‘df‘: :1 1) ‘4}er q {rm (:1:th
Frankfort,KY.4060l,(502)223-8821. . . . . - ~ . t . 4‘ ‘L ‘5 - 0» L P “
Tom Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader 1:33:42“: Ilgtiissulrribunt ind thi Kentucky Press Association in 1984,
Officers and Directors _ , L k C ‘ ' will remain as publisher emeritus for
Kenka)' Press Assmafi‘m $22113;er 9t nf)rd Interiirto ma] . . a transition period and will leave the
. ‘ * v a ‘ ‘ “ New reportei Joms Wa- Marih i.
Pre51dent . _ . ‘ ‘
John Del Santo, Ashland Daily Independent State at Large Reglster CdltOrlal Sta“ :
Russ Powell, Ashland Daily Independent \ _ New ad [nanafler .‘
PresidentElect Tammy (ray joined the news— ' f: .
Geneaabeisfi’COTder NeWSPaPeTS Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger lnquirer room of the Richmond Register in named 11] RUSSCllVlllC E
‘ June. ._ , y ‘ , ‘ 1
gastlg‘esiliient th ' Oldh E Chip Hutcheson, Princeton Times Leader (lay, 23, Georgetown, is a 1994 H“ NHL“ “(mm rat 6‘ I‘kddkr’ J
oro y a y, am ra University of Kentucky graduate. See PEOPLE. page 12 i
.. . Merv Aubespin, Louisville Courier Joumal
Guy Hatfield, Citizen Voice and Times , , , , ‘
Assoc1ates DiViSion De at S
Treasurer Barbara McDaniel, Toyota Motor
M B k c/A 1 ‘hi N E Manufacturing . .
my “C “5 ppaa‘ a“ 9W5 “”955 Dome Rieger Oscar Day
Districtl Advertising Division Donie Carmack Rieger, a former Former Maysville Ledger—
William Mime“: Fulton Leader Teresa RQVML McLean COUMY News Courier-Journal writer and editor, Independent reporter Oscar Day suf—
, , _, _ _ _ > _ died June 19 at Fairfax County (Va) fered a heart attack and died after
Distrith News EditorialDiVision H at l s‘} x , «<4 ' l , 'ft‘ ) , lk l , 1
Jed Dillingham, Dawson Springs Progress John Nelson, Pulaski Week 03st] a . . it \t as t . 1 iis a t rnot n w a Ju y . . .
She began her career at The Day, 53, of Highland Heights, was
District3 Joumalism Education Courier—Journal as a staff writer in pronounced dead in the emergency
Teresa ReVlefll McLean CUUMY News Dr. Ron Wolfe, Eastern Kentucky the early 1930s and later became edi— room at Meadow v ie w Regional
District4 University tor of what was then the women's Medical Center.
Charlie Portmann Franklin Favorite section. Day covered the police beat for The
GeneralCounsels . During World War II, Rieger l.edger-lndependent from 198‘) until V
Districts l0“ Fleischaker and mm Greene, Wyatt, and her husband Charles J. Rieger April 1995, when he went to work
DaVid Creer,Elizabethtown News Tarrant and C0mb5 Jr., moved to Washington, where for WAXZ radio in Georgetown,
. Enterprise Kentucky Press Association Donie continued to work for the Ohio. He was sales manager and on—
Districtb Kentucky Press ServiceStaff paper as a Washington correspon- air personality, using his unique l
Dave Eldridge, Henry County Local David T. Thompson, Executive Director dent. VOW“ for a number 0f commercials
_ Bonnie Howard, Business Manager A native of Todd County, she for the station,
21511313“: . k Calla ‘ y N Gloria Davis, Advertising Director was a graduate of the University of Day is survived by his wife, Judith
e ey amic , tinCounty “’5 Lisa Carnahan, News Bureau Director Louisville. Minton Day; his mother, l’earl ’
District 39 Reba l2w13,Rwearch/MarketingCtxirdinator In addition to her husband, she Carpenter Day of Maysville; and two
KenMetz,BathCountyNewsOutlook SueCammack, semen?” _ is survived by her sons, Charles J. sisters, Roberta Day of Mavsville '
Buffy Sams, Bookkeeping ASSistant . 7 K . y . ,. . ' .
Sh H Ad ti . A . t Rieger Ill, James H. Rieger, and four and Janice Hodge of l‘ayetteville,
District 10'“ R 9:); Macrcpe; Cyer on?) :1: ant grandchildren N C 7
chian ac e a y, ippin r or _ ‘ _ ' ‘
Marty Backus, Appala News Express Linda Slemp, Clipping Agsistant Memorial gifts may be made to The funeral was held July 6 at Knox
DishictlZ CarolPayton,ClippingAssistant the Arthritis Foundation, National and Brothers Funeral Home in
[aflseHatmakerJackson Timw/Beattyville Holly Stigers, Clipping Assistant Federation of the Blind of Kentucky Maysville. Burial followed in
.' Enterprise Audra Douglas, Clipping Assistant or another charity. Shannon Cemetery in Mason County.
. ~ v... ,, - . M
x .

 l , ‘
l . .
g The Kentucky Press. July,1996 - Page 3
' wife's), Craig got the job. "I was mad. So I took out my pis— who were visiting the area for a , '
. 1‘ cralg ('raig began his duties in tol, laid it on my desk and sat there revival. 'I'hev passed a roadside
'-. January 1980 and was immediately all night With the lights on so you dump and were overcome by a hor-
‘ i Continued from page 1 told he'd have to take pictures as could see in sort of daring anybody rible stench.
; part of his job. to come back and try it again. They "There laying not eight inches off
i by the Ku Klux Klan in 1991. That ”Well I told them I didn't take had sent me a message and I wanted the blacktop was a decomposing
9' incident was reported on again earli- pictures. My idea of a photographer to send them one and I did.” goat covered with bottle flies," said
‘ er this month when USA Toc'ay pub- was somebody with a pocket-protec- After that, Craig wrote several Craig. "The next morning I went ‘
_ lished a series of articles about the tor and thick, Coke-bottle glasses," investigative stories and editorial- down and took a picture of the
string of church fires in the US. said Craig. "They told they'd find ized on vote buying in the region. dump, rotting goat and all, and ran it
i 1' When he was editor at the Green somebody else for the job and I said "They called it ground money. on the front page along with every
p River Republican, his office was 'where's the camera'." Money that was given out and spent name I could get out of that dump by .
. sprayed with gunfire, most likely Craig recalls for the first several on the grounds of the polling place digging around with a stick." ' .
.' because the day before the incident, months of his job, the office manager I wrote that it subverted democra— Craig's story got results. The
. Craig had probed into rampant vote had to load his camera. If he was out cy," said Craig. "Back then you could Forestry Division cleaned up the dump
“ buying in a county—wide election. taking pictures and used that roll of go to any polling place in Butler and worked with the newspaper on
. Both incidents stemmed from film, he had to run back to the office County and usually there'd be two other illegal dumps in the county.
_ Craig following his convictions, not and get her to load it again. camps —— a pickup truck on one side "I think I got more angry phone
what would make him popular with After three years, Craig and his of the clearing and another on the calls over that than anything else I
« his fellow townsfolk. ‘TT—f‘_————————————- ever did," he said.
. His start in the newspaper busi- A Journalist has a tremendous opportunity to be an advocate for Although Craig had left the
' ness was not typical, either. that part of the community without a voice, to right a wrong and be newspaper business when his _
"I guess you could say I backed the watchdogs for society. ” church was burned, his run-ins with ‘
into journalism," said Craig. the KKK started whenhe was at the ‘
_ At the age of 17, Craig was pas- , Morgantown paper.
j toring a small church in Russellville. Larry Craig "I had to go to the courthouse
3 He had just finished a book about ——_—-—_-———_—— one Saturday and there in all their
*3 writing that advised 'if you want to wife Patty bought the paper. other side with a tarp on it. They'd regalia were these klansman hand-
.i write, pick up the phone and call the "I soon realized I was the worst have these No. 3 washtubs with beer ing out materials," said Craig. "Being
j editor of your local paper'. businessman on the face of this iced down and it was just a grand nosy, I went up and got one of '
j "I had always assumed that one earth. It gave me a headache to add 01' picnic. People would saunder everything they had." 1
l day, I would do some kind of writ- two plus two. I'd rather write a 1,000 back and forth, having a few cool After thoroughly reading all the i
E ing because I was a voracious read- word treatise on the aesthetic beauty ones here and few there, to see who pamphlets, Craig printed excerpts j
er," said Craig. "50, I picked up the of a carpet tack than add two plus would offer them the most money." from the materials. l
phone and called the Russellville two. I absolutely hated the business Craig's gun-toting made an "I thought I knew what the Klan
paper and talked with Al Smith, end," said Craig. impression on others as well. was about — that they believed in l
who was the editor there at that The Craigs sold the newspaper One of KPA Executive Director the separation of the races — but :
time. I told him I wanted to write, in 1990 to the Anderson Group David Thompson's favorite stories to until I read all that that every 5
but had no journalism background which later sold the paper to what tell on KPA members (which is also Jewish baby, no matter the percent- ?
Ihadn't taken the first class." had been the Morgantown paper's found in the collection of humorous age of Jewish blood, is doomed to :
Smith told Craig to come by and competitor, The Banner. The two antidotes in the publication which Hell, that blacks are subhuman and ‘
talk with him and during that first papers were merged in 1992. marked the 125th anniversary of have no souls I wrote a front-page / .. ' ‘1
‘ meeting, gave him an assignment to His 10 years at the Morgantown KPA) recounts Associated Press column and told the people of Butler ~’ /
i write a feature story. were eventful, to say the least. Bureau Chief Ed Staats' first County the Klan was in the area to "
l "Well I did it. I stayed up all After delivering papers on a encounter with Craig. recruit members and they should ‘
, night and wrote it and then typed it Tuesday night shortly before a coun- Staats had just started working know what they stand for. There 1‘
l on my Royal manual typewriter and ty-wide election, Craig stopped at an in Kentucky when he and Craig was a considerable outcry from the ,.
j took it to Al the next day," said Craig. area restaurant. A "local political attended the same meeting. When public after that." \ I
Smith edited the copy, or in hack" was sitting at a table with a Staats asked Craig who was going to The church burning came after \
;, Craig's words "slashed it to pieces computer printout in front of him chair the meeting, Craig calmly pro- Craig was quoted in an edition of ’
with his pen when Craig walked up to talk. duced a pistol and laid it on his brief- WKU's student newspaper. He was ,
"It broke my heart. I left inward- "Being the nosy person that I am, case. He replied, "I can if I want to." quoted as calling the Klan "a putrid
ly cursing Al Smith, all of journalism I looked at it. I was absolutely flab— "I had a suspicion that there was cancer on the body politic of .
. and myself for being so stupid," said bergasted. It was a list of every voter some pioneer journalism in America." His church was located ,. .
4 Craig. "Imagine my surprise when in Butler County and out from sever- Kentucky," Staats said. "Larry con- only two miles from the self-pro- .
the next day it was on the front page al of the names, was a cash amount firmed it." claimed Imperil Wizard's home and
with my byline Ijust about died." and a brand name of whiskey .. Staats called Craig's departure the Klan's headquarters. 1‘
The fire was lit, and Craig began Kessler's, by the way, seemed to be from print "a real loss." "The main thing that bothers me ,
writing for the paper, eventually the brand of choice," said Craig. "Larry is a real sage," said about the Klan is that they do it .
covering school board, fiscal court When he asked What the print- Staats. "I'd like to see his Writing claiming to be Christians," said Craig.
and other prime beats. out was, the "hack" responded "the available somehow across Kentucky. "You can't preach a gospel of hate in ‘ '
"I loved it and have ever since," working papers for the election." He offers an awful lot of wisdom, the name of the Prince of Peace. .. .
he said. "I told the man I'd give him $100 that good ole‘ Kentucky humor and "If more people would stand up for ,/ ' ‘
‘ Craig's newspaper career was right there and then if he'd let me common sense. He usually delivers What they believe, and say 'this is what
nearly halted when he moved to take the printout down to the office the invocation at meals served dur- is right and basic to humanity', then ' .
Tennessee in 1975 for four years. and make a copy. He asked me what ing KPA meetings and I've heard his these hooded creatures would crawl l '1
During that period, he submitted in the world for and I told him I 'prayers' repeated throughout the back under the rock they came from."
j only an occasional column to the wanted to run it on the front page. state, with their mix of politics and Craig says he's trying to instill in
Russellville paper. In 1979, he He told me I shouldn't joke about country humor, journalism and the students he teaches at Western a “
returned to Kentucky. things like that," said Craig. Baptist religion. love for the profession.
"I came back to the Bowling The next night Craig's newspa- "I think Larry typifies the excel- "In a few cases, I'm able to build ‘
i Green area and was doing only odd per office was sprayed with shotgun lence that exists in the very rich tra- a fire in their belly. 1 want to show _ ;
carpentry jobs. I was 30 and I pellets. dition of non-daily journalism we them that journalism is more than 4
. thought my life was over." "They knew I wasn't there hth‘ in Kentucky." just a job it's a responsibility. I saw .
Craig stopped by the newspaper because it was Wednesday night and The investigative journalism it as a sound trust," said Craig. "A
in Russellville and was told by his I was preaching. But it was obvious Craig is most proud of dealt with journalist has a tremendous oppor-
friend there that the Morgantown from the pattern of pellets around illegal garbage dumps which were tunity to be an advocate for that part
paper needed an editor and they my chair, that if I had been, they scattered throughout scenic Butler 0f the community without a voice, to ,
urged him to apply. would have taken m y head off. (‘ounty in those days. right a wrong and be the watchdog ‘
"l didn't even know what an edi— There's no doubt it was a warning ‘ Craig said he decided to do fur “me”; But another ”upon,” 2
[or did I lldd no idea," saltl (‘mi‘g There was no real ”nestlgallon til something About when in" was lrin‘-‘ ”1ng j' Kohl to teach Flt-(“til l4 lll1111'1' . ' -1 n1 - tr'. 'Ea md 1. nttial 111E1111ti11 oi
1 : 1-sil‘1lzt'. '»v'-,v1"1.ts 11, .~ ,1 1 E. x
’l‘a tit'sfaitslwi‘d‘. tt1:‘.‘;.1it ( li‘1italtatltrttal ll'\1»;;E1111ltl.1..111111.tiittt\. E11, "‘El'w ‘ liv' 1‘1" E111ztit .ltt‘vtttlll~l‘llll\E‘l!l E E
_ '..' t ': E‘tll‘il. l11m11i.ast!i1e blamed the .iitorined tlieii ’lial s line, said lat-1.. F2 ;‘ 1- 1“‘1-- ‘- 1, 1 t‘tw . tEllt'-l:t‘l‘1s.‘!!'ll l l
. _. 1' w =7 drawn 1‘ 11 j. not. on the media hit on not to he . heet‘h ader tor tin- 21.1111i - .‘r i 1:. -‘ ‘ ’1~ » 15::11 “l.;:..: ;»- tltlt‘ 1.1.l1111 11.11 1 1.litots l
t: 1-1. st at our - tilture and the denitse of our meme 1; ..11 £111.11." 321;;11 .~i'l1.1.l\ page l\.-1\ sh‘E‘ 1x .11;
. : ‘ . s itt~lt’1ttl.5ltt‘\dl\l the .\1nei'itaitptililit l1o\ defended tele\isioi1,.laitninEq3111. llll‘l' ... t. 1. .i 1i.tt~ mild llawpe ll1isi~~i1ot .isti I
‘11 «1:11-1s outraged at the media tor \lL‘E‘ltllllEt; these don t get the same hiiin tap her .11. 1 l1:l\lll It «11.1 im‘ 1.1.1 must .t'1-E‘llt‘ toi .lttltlitt \, theionel't
1l* t lllllt‘a‘h \th'“ and (it 11‘1”“ “h“ Y‘H’h‘kl although areiitreadingneu‘l’dl‘ersand.1111E11‘11:1~1t~\1.1‘.1. in 311.1111 -.1rtdl1.1l.111111 l'hat s what 11.11 it- ~hoot
liotl. ~.;ood‘71nd bad people protest betatise ot the w hat the\ see on tele\isioi1 as real 111E1toa
:11» tiia s t o\ eraEge ot negatn 11 events, both are l\’E\an said one of the greatest wealxtie-ses at the Hit» 'iiit:.'thedneisi-panelagreed«1111\111sthe
dia‘wn t.- it, and that draw ' is the dri\ ing force media is the ethits ot destrut tioii, lhe l‘t'llt'l \oii .1t1E111tlattM‘Hlt‘tlttwtllltgtttn‘\Ultlltalttrllllltt'lltt'tlld
l1o1l11ndratii1gs have to tear down to sutteed in Journalism and ehesiE«.;irit11aiit iole it has 111 \U\ iet\ lhe panel
l‘earte. whose sE\ndicated toluinn appears in llawpe «ountered there was nothing \\ 11111;: lttt‘llll‘t 1s also agreed tliildreii need to he taught to
the lesington l1lerald~leader and ( ourier—Journal, with taking pride in "having the head' ot a politi .lith ientiate between ‘llard ( op\ " and ”'l he
11 as a staunt l1 advocate for newspapers Known for cian like former Jetterson ('ountt Sheriff Jim t .reen \attonal l ntEuirer” brand ot Journalism and true
his pointed opinions on a \‘arietEv of subiet'ts. l’eart'e on your wall. He said the public not onh tinder Journalism
said he didn t think anything was w rong with sttwcl/ but appreciated, when newspapeis investi We must train our votith to be distriminatinE;
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s : The Kentucky Press, July, 1996 - Page 5 g,
‘ #9249. . . 5"
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, Seminars to prov1de training on electronic ad transfer
KI’A is continuing its endeavor to Tech in Knoxville, Tenn, the seminars if something were to happen to the ad 111 am. to 1pm. (( 'entral time)
_, provide the most up—to-date services will provide training for neWspaper once they have it in house, all they l atli seminar includes lunch and
for member newspapers. The most representatives. have to do is print it out again." refreshments and tomplete training
recent effort is in the electronic trans- A manual on how to use the ser- According to Davis, newspapers on ('ommonNt-t'i and the Adobe ‘ .
' fer of ads. vice will be available at the seminars will be able to use their existing com» Acrobat sottware.
. Several major advertisers are