xt7ffb4wm220 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ffb4wm220/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-06-04 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 35, June 4, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 35, June 4, 1914 1914 1914-06-04 2015 true xt7ffb4wm220 section xt7ffb4wm220 · Q
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‘ University of Kentucky
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I _i- _ _ ___ .ZL. -·—;——-—————--—-
· FOU  EN AN- nuns cmcus A REVIEW OF
L"'. crowd P"“M N lnjoy th. .j...     E. E.   gqm ccmmqnumug °{ [hg Q1"; gil As the year rolls on and many reach
L"` Dm":. oy th. cl". of c¤M|l¤| MI"! UMQUU Und Orlllnil of C b I Tx I III. °II·dI F°ur“•n_ out for their goal, they leave behind
Fwnnn p"gu,·"_ um °°` ." ° ° ’ ° tlwm 11 string of victories. Many
_ UNMC cl"' “ F|"“ M“h°‘ The cmrus which me Students of have been won outside of the athletic
"“""" OH Monday night at nlnethirty The K°nmcm°'n' the annual publ.- dl" ch°"`°h' the University prepared for the enter- °°m°”t wh°r° hmm mums m°r° than
I tion ot the Senior Class arrived -1 bmwn.
when the orchestra struck upon the °° ' talnmenr of the alumni on their re~
msg of umd Kentucky Homer, the last week and have been distributed Th° faculty and S°m°rs' mbed in mm to the Unlvgmny fm. h0me_cOm_ These b¢¥?an when the dairy team,
IBB! dance of the season began The amtmg the students and owe"' For cap and gown, met at Patterson Han inf week was the event 0f Tuesday °°mp°S°d °f M°””‘ H‘ K' G°'yl°’ G‘C‘
' day morning at 10:30, and then ` ‘
·· 1 years the book has been edit- S““ . Rlcilaramn and w. 1. Harms went
I grand marcl1,whlch was mu by me “°"°" . evening and was attended by ¤b¤¤¢ ’
Dfésident and vice-president Mr Gd by the Senior class and becomes marched to the Hmt Methodist eight hundred people who enjoyed to °v" m (`h'°°g° t° j°dg° S°m° mm
Stonewall Jackson and Miss Pauling better with each cla"' The mnowmg Church. Before eleven Oclock the the fullest the clever work ln boxing "t°°k· In this °°"t°”t th°r° were six`
house was crowded and many were ‘ ’
O Hunk, opened the program or the (mes always pmm by the uperience unable IO mln admittance wrestling, fenving, gymnastics and te"' Universities and the Kentucky
fthelr predecessors. ‘ ‘ team received second position in the
evening, which was followed by twen- ° 1 _ , 1-nmedy.
ty dances and continued umu after The annual has many beautiful pic- bIIrh§fI§;"';;I!LCs:)(:r III;';)(;i;;d II;°;`€t’:; The prize fm. the best anamund final count.
the wee Small hours of mldmghh The tures and cuts, besides many unique I°‘uI ‘d II R p (III dI II II Okp gymnast was won by pmmp Salle? Some weeks later at the National
armory was beautifully decorated in and original features which were de· °‘1;*“"°'l“‘I; Ee I Tv' in 5   III with hmm narrow Second The prim Dairy Show. which was also held ln
1 blue and gold also with the letters of veloped by the members ofthe Senior a ew M"` S ° vmcome O le ( @8 for the best gI,mn8Sm_ team was won ('l1l<·ago, who exhibit prepared by the
. ’ , _ and faculty. ' ‘ . _
Y K. S. U. of old at one end ot me hall class und these were especially mem by David Barrow, Harry Allender and “'“‘l°"t” °f um agrwultural d°p°"
and the GIQCIIIIC numerals of the grad bers of the sum Then Dr. Wood began h|S EWR! S€¥'· Samuel Dick mont umipr the direction of Prof. W.
; u-ting class at the other and of the The first, annual that was ever pub- m°n· ·¤**¤¤f¤1*¤*¤¤·¤*h¤ {mth verse John Mpnonald was awarded the I). Nicholls. was awarded first prize.
3 building lished was only a very Small vmumc of the eighth chapter Of St. Mark, decision in fencing and the winners of This mak"; Mw munh dairy prim in
Q The CIIIIIS and many IIIIIIIIIIIIII Spent and containing only pictures and For what shall lt profit a man, 1fhP the comedy Stunt Dum were Pete mp lust fm", yeahh
‘· the enjoyable evening from one tune vIqwS' The Kenmcki8'n’ as it was Shan gain the "'h°l° world, and lose Lerbovltz and Herbert Felix. Puxsmg fmm agnmlmre to arts'
through another The Senior ban is later named, now contains much in- his Own S°“l‘ The circus was presented on uw wv Hnd that early in the fall, Mr.
uml 1. gm social mm and is .. *¤m¤··¤¤¤· ¤*¤¤·~¤· and ¤¤¤¤¤== ¤¤ "°"?"“"""‘“"""‘· ”"‘j"°Tf“°"‘I"‘ newly constructed platform on Stoll ~·—¤¤1 <‘···~~~~» 01   Y<>rk· ¤¤¤
· marking post of the class Soon they campus, Seniors and class pictures. thing `"`Ong with the p°°p B “ I0 ga n mem which was brlmamh, lighted awardml rn Mr. Joe Roemer the only
ne to pass on with the alumni to be besides many other features and me whole wld mr umu mm use for the Occasion lprize givvn by rlw Smlety in the Jap- .
i followed by the proceeding class works Of UL The mmaker was not Opposed to Leo J. Sandman a member of the`“"*`S" "°"t°St· All ""iv°rSm°S and
with them at this time were members The staff is to be complimented for w¤¤l¤· but only as IS used for Self' Senior class who has SO Successfuuv 1·0ll®g•~s nf the I'11it+·1l States are eli-
ot former classes and to them the their grand publication, as it required The Soul he lmims mn as a longing managed the Sewml theatrical events zible to mite-r in the- Qipan peace
much of their valuable time. or deslrg L°"gmg· he Sum' caused , - U I, d 11rlz1~· and from il number nf papers
I reverles of former day were a pleas- I d I t I tl l. II, I, Of th€ N3? lll UIQ lll WFSHY. S<‘0¥'¢‘
ing and sweet memorv The class of Ml" w' F' Wright was editomm {msg gm ua QS 0 en er 16 n 9 - another decided success in the circus *"bmm°d “"· R""'“°" had Dm muh
fourteen as they IIIIIIB alwayq done chief, but early in the spring Was Stu" Tupqdav evening ll winning essay.
‘ ‘ · _ He- 11ol11te·1l out that it may not bv " ' ` _ · , ,_ _ __ _ I
performed their part excellently and formed to go to his home on account II IIII II I IdI I d I I At 2:30 Tuesday afternoon the cu, Amt 11+ p.1>> througli an vlimina
to many the date of June the first of Sicknemh and Ml" Ed' Tom Proc- pm td G to tu 8 up `wr y goo S Ol 1·11s11ura1l1¤ was formed in front of the mm Of [“"`l"" Students who dpsired
tor was selected to direct the Work. thpse may lead to the <*“’i·1¤*·¤¤¤= °t _. - · , , , d t1>r1·111‘€·sv11t rhe l'uive—rsity in tha
  be ]()ng remembered as a delight. I I I I b I t II k II 1 tl t WIN llldlll l)lllldlHL (lll [H9 (HIIIDUN {Ul
Mr. Proctor did well in directing the t'° “°u· u 0 d 9 up {`°°( la _ , - , ,, , ,K+’llIll(‘k)' l11t1~1·1·0lle·uiute 0ratori<·al
fu) day of p0]1€g91{g·€_ I II II I II __“,I __ d II I Ill¢.\l`(‘ll(‘(l (l()\\ll LIHIBBIOIIP, nut on
Q work of the publication and the val- f'l“'“” pm L ( "dm 8 $00 la mgm mm, IM I.mduI_tI west on Main Ass111·imi1111 uml ll'0111 these Mr. John
PASSING IN REVIEW, ll&lbl€‘ assistance of the an editor and ‘“ l‘i‘""**""’“ M1? ""I‘* mm ""“"*“`“ Imml Im mImdII.m. and Hm Im slum 111»11111·11 1·111·11.· ws s1·11·1·11»11. The
_ others skilled in the same ufl WBYG HS “P go along Hm idea "as that Tha puma? was wd by the l·mI.I,!._ lluul 1·1111t•·s! 11 ;1< l1•·l1l i11 0111* chapel
WM ¤==·¤1·¤·¤ ~1<·1» and ¤»¤¤><»s~ mw of ¤··¤<·¤¤ ~·¤¤·1·¤¤·» Md *·· ¤~··¤*··¤ 01** """""""’" ""` ""’ "‘“TY_"““;"' T'{`TF"fi sity »1....1 ami 1-1»11011—111¤~»-we ¤¤1m~—¤|1··*·* **·= *‘=·> ·¤*· 1* ¤··· l··= *****1 ****1 **1*
“'p wuhlll th`) grim Um Wurriom uw Annual` 'lw d0Simd‘ um tm mum 0 allmihln" 11I` lhv 1·itv s1·l11111l>:, tl1¢·11111>·11 nir s1·h011l l l‘l"‘ "`· lh"` lh" "*"i"" Viom" 'lf M".
pass Ka`- Iwmihh Mmhh hwls to tho IOM or uw llouzs 1·1·111·1=s1·111i11; mp va;~11mS .·01.f‘·<·l¤*··~‘ ··~+·1· l1·~l1l 11111l1»1· mp 1111~1·(·;10n
And <·11u11t it honor just to view I I SU"' II_1,I__ III- NIU l·mI,I_[.Sit\. II swam mum. ··¤ 1*1.· \<~1»· i;11i1»11
'l`h1· 11ussi11g ul' th1· }*`0llI`I€*i‘ll Class. I"i\R(1E   IIN Wm M Tmmm. usual]: lends 11,1-1111·1·1>l11»g»·111`111e1·lm11i1·11lz1n1l ··l··1‘-i IH '"' "’ hm': """"` \Ai"ml`i°S
'1 1 · \'l`1l u i1··1·1i>11," us 11~ ex- ` .. .» 1,,  
n     ll`,. HI   (I]., l(I l Ii _ I I ll l¤‘i··:¤l <‘ll=lll¢‘·‘¥`lll=i'. :111 iUU`ll'llll\|Y`ill~um"" ‘I"'“ """" "· ‘["l‘" HON"'!
A"‘ "’"" ""‘” “""*""" ""“ “ "°? ,lwW fin wit [I". )`;um`_.:")`TY 11.111. il 11ll11.1..- 11.,1.1 (lll \\l1i1·l1 11;.; ¤‘=·~~ l-·»l 1 -¤·¤·1·¤— ‘~\*·¤¤‘·· ¤···1·····l ~»~*=·r
Si111·o first w1- ('illllt¥ to this old     F[4A(1l!"`\°L mm “m"` ( mlm MH `UA ,l,1,,,,,,,.,1 I, $,.,.,1,,, 1,, ml, 1,,,11 ;..1111"·· l’=*~‘~‘i’~ ‘ ""· "°‘ll'l`¤*l “’*l* d€‘
I _, _....-... 1;‘.·1·1i1111» '.‘1l1i·‘]l w1>ul1l win}.: thvm z1l11l`l · . 1 · 1.1 · ’1‘1~ 1- · l·i···~ tl 1-
pldmh Given to th¢ UWM/€"$ltY by the Ken`?. 11 , 4. . · I !l· [_ I_· I I l`·‘l’l`*‘#•‘llll|l‘: ll1·‘ 1‘11ll··;•· 111` ;11‘\~ ;1111l "·' " · ' ‘ °"` i` ··l"‘ ‘ I
Q How 111111 tl1•· toll to you uml me tuck), Society of the Sons of VIM `U nm In U Mu ) Hm ("IUM `.1.1111·.»_ 111.— 111111111- ~;11’1·•x uitli 111··111- ""i‘ "”i*l`{ ’l   """ 'M" T “i""r`
  ·l°··1 !··—;` A" ` · .‘   , .- 1. » , ·
(`illlI(‘ tl11·1·1· il t1»111·l1 of truth and h R I t. 1 NH U I ml M [IH [md I ;,1.—\ ,,1 11,.1 1;.1-. ,,1111111 i11 1·l1111‘u·· "` ``·’ ` ·`   " """""’l"`*’*"*`
g1·qm· t c CVO U lon. 1lh·‘ |»· `Jll!l·lllt‘ 111 1\i.<1l11111," 'l`h·· 111.1l{1·1· I I I I I I II ,I I
‘ ‘ ' YW l , _ "· ·1 »·1‘~ V *.»· 1 ll11111l ;1s»111·l;ltl111l ‘ ""`
\I>11l1\‘ lll()l'l i1 wl 1l \'¤ll 11`1 l1> l  ·l\`\:‘\>* lU\Il}.!·_ mmh Ill`. lmwlmnhm UI I ) ll ll I I l l `1l ""
' ‘ U * ‘*' · l' ' ' "‘   111:1:·» 11l` 1.1»· s!111,·1111 1111 \‘ Pl 11·1‘
1 ..   ._, I -. S . 1. v?*'r? zi`, 1‘¤ Q
A ;1l•'2llll 11l' Kll'l\\'lf‘(l£•'. 1·11l11·1l ill 1l11· |;11·g1· 1-1·1»xx1l th·11 h111l :1<>1·111l1l1~1l "'Ud In M mul! HI lh IH “hU‘ 1- ,_1- 1; ge 1.-I,, .4,,,,- ._._»II, 1,,,1 1,.. "I   D{\· COl‘ORADO
·' nl-'rwl {AL'! ll `l'_ 1* ·\   ' `
1111w1·1·_ vu ·.\i•111:: ll11· h1•l|` lll·* llflll JH IIH I MI" H l "l"m`l _ 11·_~·l1 lll 1‘i1!‘., 1. ‘.\.1·< =:··'•¤*l'illl}" ·‘» \\]1··l1 \\·‘ l'1·*` I
Am] Illllll l;11' .lll(l 111*:11 11111 1111·>.1·11ls ?Ll\•'lI I11 ll11· I 1ll\1*l>l¥) lv} lll•‘ l\¢‘\l·1 1··g·I.1-!· 1·1l 11:1 ll— M ~1·1·>s ;1111l Il;1‘ 1*11ll yy {hg Lqq Year
1 1111*. 11ll’ .>‘   -1· .1‘* .~·   r`1‘ 1 l ·‘ l l
l11·1»11pl1r, 1111»L;y s1.1~1.·1_1·111‘ Il11·S¤11lS11l`lI11* ll1~1·11-11 I `°° ll (I I `l` Umm 4   _,.· ,,.,,,,g___1 W, 11,1,, ,1,.. ,,.1. __ _
. I , '111· A 'l he ll ll1‘. `1`-.'··11·I 11·l1ll`1 ~>1 ll il I II EI I ,1 .— I. , ,_ -II , 1I, _
A111l l1»ll111x1·1l h1·1 unto this hour. I11111111, l I I . ~ 1; _ .,1* ;;». .i.1 ·1·;1.11;_11.> 111 Sr.111~ ·   ' · ~‘ "*
'I`ll•' ||lI|¤*, \\lll('lI l` S·‘\\'Il[\·1‘\.’llI l`111‘l I V. `I"`| Mt Inn I" VII!3iM_h·.]1·IlH·l,I ;_II __\II_I \ II IIIIIIII in HIII right IHI ll' ,1*1 `l·171 l411_ 1* 111 ’1‘1,*=1 ’I· •·1·»
Aml;11 h1·1· 1`1·1·l 1x‘•· k111—l( 111 li111l lll l11·i;:l11 11:1~= ~—1·! l:1~l \‘»·*lx·· :1111l ull hl MMU! Hmm mw" ht" IMM mlm`~·-,.11,1, 1‘.·~ 111.· ;111~·1—i1:—; ··»1l1111 1 l1· '—.‘ ·1"il . - , .. -
'I`l11~ |l(‘&l(‘•‘ 111111 s11·•·11;1I1 that shi- 1hin;~~ l11·i11·; ll‘2l\l)' ll1•· ¤'•‘l`*'l|l<‘ll)' Nw, I I \ I K ll H Nl M ll ( 1 \’_1· 11; ·1.~ """ “"" "l" "·"` ‘" °'l ‘· "·"` ”"
·· ·¢·1» `·1~, *15*. I 1E ;;< ` .. . »1
,4 ;;i\‘1·>= 111 ull .l111·ly l1- 11;:. l··ll11\1i11:1h1·111111·"ll11il `(I (I lm] ` II H H ‘ "¥·l&l\. V 1.1 ". ill *·1*l·l•‘ll1 ‘~*=1*l'?l·l**
Alld \··ill I11 s1·11l‘11 :1111l l1·11\1· h1·l1i111l t'11l11111l·i;1_" 11Ill‘ N111i1»11;1l ilIlIll<‘Ill_ 1l11· ll". ""w‘l'!I U"" Wl `UHI `°`l°h"` I Cl "-$5 UAV 1»1` 111l1··1·.11l1~—i~
' · .•.~1i11·1 " _ M -1 !1~~,1 11,* . _ »
'l`h1· tl1i11;:s that did 11111* souls on- 'l1·1 ll.-11l.~>: l.1·11 |l1—y111»l1ls :·,11111- il N" I ( I M I It H I . I _ ll" l·1¤‘1¤1·l‘ ‘M1~ .1 ¤l*·*'1*'>·¤ ~~l lll<‘
, . , . Z. ~·- ·1¤l.1» 1¤1~1 l1·11¤ 1·· 111··11sl»··‘ T1i— 1 \ I  * ` "·*‘ l` ' ml" !"`““" ·‘°""' H . ,- - 1 1 .
illl'Alll. l>l'llll;llll :1111l }1;\ll'l()lll' s|1•·111·h 111 111‘1 I IIII I I 1 ·11 !—··l·1 I1 11’.1l1·1·r:11\, 1:··· ·· ·11=·1:1l\
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:·· nv ·` \¥€ lh1· h;11ll1· 1·11ll! h1- >1;1|;-1l_ 1l11· 1l,1;e xx;1< 11111 {11 l·1·1~;1l0 . N,- ..,.,_..,._,........_,....._..i..,.,............‘ I I I I I I I II 1~· ·111» ¢ ;~ ·.»1¤’1·r· lll ~111l·» "~ ~ ‘l···
·‘11 ln lll ll * l·1"' l1?`· .\`»·1 ¤1l`
lli1·=* 11111 )‘1· lwlls with 1111111111] ll 1l1·.»i1·1~ lA11l' ·.1.111·, l1l!l 111 imtlll vilhiu ·~ 111 x·1‘·~;~:11‘··l "·11‘ 1l1·· ll1ll‘ll·‘Z`   _ 1’· ~ 1-1 "*" ll ` 1*--¤*l= ' ‘· » 1
s1111111l! 1111· —.1·111>` 111 l<.·111111-liv >11»11—. 1l11· l1»11· ‘\‘l1·1~ 1l1·· l':1¤ · 1—— 1|1·1— 1»l:¤····| ·~=1·l V I I I I_ _ I   *1*   ¤*· "‘·l ¤‘·‘l¤¤·l·‘*· ·  
i i` 1·‘1~ .11; ·1‘1· ·..\\11 1` 1,~ ?~· 1 ____
]Al\* IP! ll11~1l:11‘l< }M1l‘!1·\1Ills fulll 11l` l1111111· llllll 1·111111il‘\, !‘\l1*: 111 l?.·· \‘ll|ll, l'!‘<‘—l1l<‘lll ll1‘lll`I\ $ I II I I II I I ‘1· ‘‘‘` ·l· ` '1`· il 1 ll—1~ l` ' —*
‘ ,‘ yl l '1 I Nl l|¤‘ l ,l_ ;¤111`1ll‘ I
U111‘1·:111lul11:# slvll tI1•· ll;lllll*§Jl'll\lIl£|Y l11·. H•‘)`lI41lll>i Nilill thm I11- l»1·Ii··1‘··1l !·.1r’l»··1‘ 111 1l1·· l'··i1•1·—i1—. 1·1·11····1!·•ll I I I I II II ~ ·~·‘ ·|· 1*1 ··‘ l?•¤ ·l=·~ \ll‘=F` l
1 _ ,~`,11| 1 'l1·l11 lll 1·\1.,1l1l 11
lI11· \\‘;1l‘ 1I1·11111 :1111I llw hllxlu rzlll for ¤·• 1I·l1\1~1‘ •|»·· :11I1I1‘·~~< 1·1 .l~'1‘1|1l;[ll   I I ‘1;1l'1
l ' `,‘l'\¤
Fur l'a1l‘ 1l1*1‘1>¤s the- hills 11f1l;1y ;Ll`Ill> nhs l`111*··11·1·sil1·111 l`•1l'\l\x* l’11i1··1l 'l`le1· l`!ll\~‘I +11 l~ 1·111111l 111 l.1x1· thi   I I I I I I ·i ~‘1l1 .· * " l .‘11·1—‘ ll1·‘ ll'*\\··l"l"
*1 1 -»l' li.- ~’l|~-‘ll~ ;1':· ?1·l*•11·· 111 ll1·· 1;1·111·11 II_I I I "~‘ l.·11¤ 1‘   ¤¤~‘ l111·l 1~ ‘¤¤`·1"··l
1 ¤,‘11— '. I 1- 11 1- |\i."‘ll 11. I I I
guhl, [l'(|\l|)l\‘ 1\i1I1 \l1·xl1·1>. will l11· 11l··1—·1l 1·1 1111·11 1l1··l1· M ~: l11| I I I IIII lv *.1 ··»     l 1·•1··11 Mlm ··.·
111Y 1 1 \1,*\ ll "llll 1\.l~ .‘ l I I I
\\'¤* \\'llU'Il thv old vluss Yuale uwuy l·‘11ll1mi11;; lhis s11l1~111li1l 111l1l1‘1·ss 11l` 1h1· l»;·111»1~1‘ 1I1.11 i— `ll 1l·—;11‘l1 l1>1· 1l 41111l l II I ` l·.·.1 ·1· ZM111. ·=·_ M1-111111-lu \I1
I I [ l.l" |l111 ~ II I I I I I I II
I "|11 lhzll Il<*\\' wnrhl lhut ls tl1e·11l1l." 111·1~~¤·11t;1li1111. lh1· Stairs uml Sll‘l|><·# l··l‘ \\'1l·l· |lll|l|.\ l¤l`|llll\|l' \~·llll= .\l11·‘l’ 1 1‘»ll¤·‘· ' 1 ’ · "l‘ Y" " I"
(`. H. Il, °]-I, \\1·l'1· l1111‘I1·1I l11lI1¤·l11]1l11¤1>1l l1¤·l:lll% Ul l¤’.1l1*~ l11\·* 1l\~‘ll ll1¤*ll' lll? g 1<`1·111i11111·1l 1111 l'11L;¤· I·]i:l1l 1 l1 lI`l· ·!

g T H E ID E A I
  is P ‘“‘ “ "i"‘" E    P S     ’ ‘ Z .j ”i   EM S `4*"· I _ I __ ._ n,  _.__~; _-T.,
I ME AT Children 5c
Mm I HE ORPHEUM I HEA I RE """""‘°" ‘°°
I FIRST·CLASS IN IVIRY APPOINTMENT. . J. H. STAMPIR, Jr., Owner and Manager. OPIN 10 A. M. T0 11 P. A1. q .
MANY   OF prlnclpal In a Kentucky hlgh school. are graduates of the department of' Chicago, lll., and R. L. Gregory, Hae-
Charles Elmo Blevins, who was Arts and Science. Most of the class dln, wlth the Loulsvllle, Henderson
    president of the Y. M. C. A. during have arranged to begin practice at and Bt. Louis Railroad, In the Departs
GET     the past year, wlll be associate secre- the bar at an early date. ment of Malntenance of Ways, with
onnln work no ono. In Ponmnno nr tary of the Y. M. C. A. at Georgia Tlleozfechaltnlcal mnnfglneers hamlrll headquarters at Evansville, Ind.
Tnnoo no In Hlnh oohnolno Tech. recev pos ons respons ty ..1.,..--
g s Robert Allen Norris has been elect- and In the next few weeks will begin
    Of the one hundred and twenty-slx ed principal of Stanford hlgh school real work. A llst of these can be PIIIOIIIS ot! Adw¢&dS.
members cf the graduating class. for the following year, where he has found on the mechanical page of this  
many have already received good po- been since the llrst of last January. Issue. • •
sltlons and wlll begin work at once. Harry N. Woodson will go to Bethel clvll ln O
    and A number of those In the Arts Col- College. Russellville, Ky., and there      
S  lege have obtained posltlons In Ken- wlll assume the dutles of Athletic D1- In th° °°"y pm °f um °°“°°
tuclty hlgh schools, where they will rector and along with thls the chair whim Mn um S°°i°r Chu E°gm°°"
w·tll D •l M t· joyfully spend their days In du-eetlng of English In that Instttutlen. b°$'“‘ *° *b““‘ "b°“* $°““’$ '°°"·*°" S"° "‘°“°Y by °"d°"“l¥
I an y a lnec the were somewhat discouraged from {mm ul
Kentucky's youth along the road of The Board of Trustees of Morgan- y .._
wisdom. neld has selected MI-. w. ·r. Woodson b""’¤ '°*" °” by bl! '°°"’· b“* “‘°"°
MAY 21. zz: 23• Mr. John Howard Payne, state‘s as principal of that high school and °h““ °“ by ““f°y°"m° ’°°“°' whmb Nllchlcr Brothers
’ wlnnlng orator and class represents- he will assume the role as director w°r° r°°°iy°d by Dun W°n°r E' 411 [AST MAXWQLL
BIG FEATURE ACTS tive, has been given the position as beginning In September. R°w° m °‘“"°" t° ‘°"°" °°“°°"‘i“s
In the Ann. and Science Donut locations of men, but the sltuatlon is   R
___._.._.-n...   . ,._,,, _ é; ‘ . . . epresontatlve.
          ments there ara f0rty'¤vB m9uIbGrB, later bbicame rngretncncourasinidzug  
' and many others have like positions. Fswm miziemgn; :1}; Oznrizmljeedgg
-—-—-— e e e o c ‘ | i
10c, 15c, 25c. Kenh youdoylllt Some of these, however, have been cmu am an wen I d n W rk D   I   O O
__ reading law for the last year and on D me or 0 `
Night _ 10c, 25c, 50c The elsht-set vaudeville vrcsrem at next tau wlll complete tuelr course In gu rf me `:°°i°" md *;°m° sf ::° nn' J' T• 8LAT0" ·
the Ben All Theater this week con- the science of j“risprudguc8_ s:;n(;;°r° ° uses h°y° p°'°°° °r °   Qheapside
400 GOOD SEATS 10c |‘““‘° “n““‘::’°' °' mb °‘“" “°”· Asrlculturlstn The nlnvnn nrnnnnlnn lnlnynnr nun H0\II‘S8A.M.I08P.M enema ss4.x
Home 0 W ch um rm h°°d"¤°m' The graduates of the Agricultural  
. been assigned with the following com-
wlth perhaps little Miss Julia Curtis. oollono oro nlwnyn ln domnno Pnnl _
..-—-————— -.- Write om with Many veIees,·· most D nnnwn wnnt nn Hnnnnnnnn nnnno ¤¤¤le¤- the fhet tlve hevlns eheedy DOLLAR SAFETY RAzQRS_
. ' t rt d th I k, d
Tolonnono ooo directly In command, although prac-' nn nonnty ngonn loot Jnnnony and no B °’ ° M. WM H wu announce Ender, KCCII CIIIZIZCI,
tlcally all are above the average in TM IDEA °°m° tlme °8°°
n ‘ mains with them as county agent. _ 8IId Ever Ready
After the Benallsco the Dale s C' H' swarm' Wickimm I" O'
Q   0. WI y ·_ Albert Hatter, or Franklin, Ky., has onlnnnnn Pnnnolno H D Hnndloy ·lU8T WHAT YOU NEED-
mrixln ardn Knomanin rainy- skating! b°"“ empmyed by th° U· 8* G°y°m' owensbnyro locatediwlth the oelsware   &  
8 S S' G8 ° mu ev ° pr°°°°° °° ment as tobacco expert and will leave ’
      wllh n ntnongl nlevnn and nomonnhnti & Lackawana Railroad, of Buffalo, N.
III July for Manllla, where he wlll be  
P- R • ed unusual norlon ol Sworn Y., in the Malntenance of Ways De-
lD€$ ¢P8l1' · · director of the agricultural Expert. _ MAIN eraser ann saoanwav •- •
Mal, Slloldoo and tho two Komp olo_ partment, C. O. Duncan, Anchorage,   l
*"""°"°'“· · · "E"“’°"" Ist. }...~..I.l. the tests. singing ces.I'“°“` S°“"°“‘ *¤ wth the ¤¤·¤e ¤¤¤·¤·¤v with md- I
The maj°'“y °f the eerleulturel uarters at Alban N Y In the Con-     d   I
t d t h llk ll .
UNnvERSn,n.Y LUNCH STAND nnlllly oontnrnod not S “ bn S °·"° ° P°¤t°¤° md will struction Department, T. L Perry TABLETS and FINE
begin directing the cultivatlons of nd H D Palm re re wltll tho Groot
cstsrs exclusively to students Smith & Ryan do a novelty singing ° ‘ ‘ ° ° STATIONERY
F l 8 U crops as soon as thev leave the lnstl- N R l d art
IMI •¢¤ lv ¤1 t•¢¤ ¤Iv¤•‘•lty and talking skit and gel away with nl · orthern ailroad. w th hea qu ers   I   I: t I P
A B   good nhondp from mo houso lt“u°“· at Duluth, Minnesota, in the Physical   u'        
° ' ' MI . .. ..- I
con. 8. LIMESTONE AND COLFAX JUIIB. CUPIIBS (IISDIEYS 8. l`€p€I`IOlI`€ Tl I { d n•r· n Mn d Valuation Department. s
nl nnlnnn ln n nonlon or memory lt our gra uates n nes an After graduatlon P. A. Rowe, Brie-        
  nnnnln that nrn not Onlv novel but Metallurgy will be employed In some ton, Ind., wlll take up the duties of I f
YES, skillfully ononnlodl Hon lmltnnlonn or coal field, but definite facts concern- assistant clvll engineer in Lexington; W"' E' °TA°°• 8“°°“”"·  
We srs stIII eressmg 4 Suits for $1.20 nnnnlnr nnlnrn nnn nnlnnnnenl nnn nlnn_ Ing these could not be obtained. w. 0. Aunstedt, of Louisville, with 309 WEST MAIN STREET ` g o
, , ;_n_ , lng gf ulelr Songs lll tlloll. volooo and Thomas RODIDBOD, ODS of the four, the Loulsvllle and Nashville Railroad  
Bluy BRIICY S P IESSIIIQ   , V will go to the Blue Ridge Mountains Bridge Department at Louisville; P.
AND DDY DLDANIND WDDKD above all her violin imitation from
lu south Llmuwm Phono any ono nonooolnlo Soldlon. nre romnnln no; tl/ilrflnia, not ibenetotll one Bl;l8d6S I-1. Croft, Futon, wlll in with the Illl- n n  
nblo Sho has cnplnrod Lonlnoton I onesomepnes, u eneat the nols Central Railroad ompanylu the llncnnwmoo
  nooolo wml hor tnlonnod work shade of the non-lonesome mines. Malntenance of Ways Department, DOROTHY DODD SHOES
C A   Morrln Cronlo ono hln merry mon, Lawyers. headquarters at Fulton, Ky.; R. E. FOR WOMEN
wh ° °m D d hl oonslntlng of llvo nnnlnnnnnn, two or The law class Is large and contains Steffy, Rlcknell, Ind., will go with the   to  
t ‘ ~ As I
•E:”n·gILEIq_E mnUGeI:.l·’{)RéIg a mom dwnrrnl do n comedy nnggllng many good men Several of these H. I Stevens Company, contractors, RALSTON HEALTH SHOES
Should Have. Ice Crea Soda. and all sorts act that is classy FOR MEN  
MAIN AND WALNUT $TREET8· throughout and brimful of rolllckiug ,   to    
  comedy. Including an excruciating    
      boxing bout between the two dwarfs. For the • •
Anthracite and Bituminousl Fred Warren and laffle Conley, n
cgALs b°°k`°’d up “"d gm" “°°°° "'°“"“° Tuesday and Friday evenings at U. C. T. Hall by college Bays Sawyer
Lexington Kentucky by lllelolflve-yennold non, Zola class: ’ G0 to  
3 ' VBU QV 9 IlllX UPG 0 TR. Hg 00 • • s • .
nnnnn nnnnn nnnnlnn nnn n nnnninnn Miss Spurr and Wm. Warfield. Admission 50 cents. The Lewin Cigar Co. ‘
W S   of "funny stuff" that is well put , _ _ 0,,. N"' Hum!
. e ..n_,nr_.. Tnoy worn nn lnnlnnlnnoonn Special appointments made for teaching the Tango, LEXWGTDN
The Sanitary Qrocer hit with opening day houses. _
PHONE noo The Three Renards close the blll Maxlxcs Hesntatron and One Steps     l
_ _ _ _ with an European aerial teeth act Tgkg [gg; Sho;-ggning I
C·>*· S- I-·m·= M V·¤¤¤·¤ Ave- nm I. novel es It about II. ss _.._........________._ _ -........- _ I
  work in this Interesting form of  ________ Lexington Roller Mlllg Con
$8ll3ll§8 S calllly KIi0il8lI ¤¤¤¤¤eme¤t~ -————····“··;"'“°°'°°" _ ° °
119 souru upnzn sr,       &     JOE BENCKART, Prop r
Fresh Candies Made Daily. Ea B bc  
Pop Corn Frittcrs. · I ._.. .,. _ _g.l~»;..g..— A nl ‘ .   ar I (lp
In _. n . n —-·-—-·· ,. ~ l `
LEX'N°T°N• ' ' KENTU°°(y In     loot",     I   ; Q O l01 South LIm••ton•SI..opp. Phoenix II•t•I
  r;,?·`:;,_r**····.r·vn A *1 ° FIRST·CLA8S WORK GUARANTEED I I
* °”··· Incoltroluvrsn
CIOIISADQ, PI’OIIAI\|, AISOITIIQ, ‘ V — ··"‘·"··—   ·
Ropoiring New Phone ISSO-Y l52 S. Llmsstesa I .
why H“"° $°'° Fm RIG HT N ow s Ia '°‘ B' “"“"‘“"* I
W. H. Stevenson By walking on lnnknd RV I C E “··I.tI·I¤*·* 'l‘AII.()RS¥5T3$'t¢éit‘
Cleaning. Pressing and Rspalrln .
soles when we SEW °  
‘ ' • Special Attention Given to Lsdl•s’ Tsllorlag ·
ladies Work a them 0I’l f0I‘ thi! SRIIIC AIIWOTRGUIIIRISOG Alle all n•sSp•eIaIt ' Hy
. ` 1 . |‘ 0 y
SPCCIGICY price. work done       A   1 i
you wait. I
Club Rates, 5 Suits, $1.50   o I k   H I I |24.[28 Noeth Limestone Lexlngtonn Ky_ Drs •     o o
son s. Lists. I»II.II.Ie1z.. MKII ilii 08 Cpl I Ill gEN*[·[ST I
•••••¢     Broadway.  ~—·————-——~—·—----..—_ — ——-»— ~ ——-—~—-- V- ----...--...-...-.--.... City Nst°l. Bank Bid';.

 O 4 nr
  914     Frances Folsom McGuire. A. B., Mt. H. Berkley Hedges, Lexington, Ky. The srore by lnnlngn: `
hg     Vernon, Ky, Thomas D. Howard, Lexington, Ky, lnnlngs .... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R Hb
· · NQ `HF;`3 tqemy N"] Much, n_ gw Mgygvulgl D. E. Johnston, Lexington, Ky. Kenturky ...0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 8 3
`,   12. M.M·.n•_ Ky_ George E. Kelly, Lebanon, Ky. Chinese .... 0 ot 0 0 0 0 B 0 2 4 7 2
` . L; site Dorothy Matthews, B, 8,_ Lexlng- Herbert R. Masters, Wabash, Ind. Hatterles—J. Park and C. Park;
, °"|oo,.o_ ton, Ky, Daniel T. Morgan, Elizabethtown, Ky. also Foster and Marsh.
yOU PG 8 b€H€V€l‘ in st an J k Pr M t Edgar H. Nollau, B. S., St. Louis, Mo. H¤l'¤€h8| R- Shélwfl. C||¤t0¤. KY. MARFTEAME
onew ac son ea en .
. ’ rt b Ap N t _ A_ gn who . H. Glover Stron , Loul lll , K . '
0lltdO0l‘ lif€—8Ild In Pauline Hank, Vice-President. 0 an an O"! el g sv 6 y —-—
M K vonnm B not vine- KY Roger T' Th°mt°n‘ I’°xmm°"' Ky' State emerged victor ln one of tho
healthy I‘€CI'€8tl0Il—lt’S Hu; Gayle. Tmuumr ny Stephen Lamont Pannel, A. B., Green- Rupert P. Townsend, Owensboro, Ky. but Komen played this yon,. on mon
' ' ‘ vma_ Ky_ H. Tyler Watts. Louisville, Ky. ·
Safe to Say   y0u’re Ida Lee Tamar' Historian John Howard Payne A B Cold Clvll ENIIHOOTI I C E MPM, when they defeated Marietta
. . John Howard Payne. Representa- ’ · ·· Wm. C AI ed , . i- · Collette by the ll€0l'9 of 3 to 2-
a Spalding enthusiast- ,,,8 Sl""“¤'· *‘Y· I “'“ ·· '"”° l- l·°¤"'ll°· Kr M usual nm Park was the min.
` Mayme M. Peck A. B. Tomes Kv. #€Vl (X Coleman. Pafadlfw. Ky
• • · . I V ' · · · · vltlual star ol' the game, holding the
Golf, TBIUIIS, Cflckét, or Chulps Elmo Blevmm Poet Robert Pfanstlel, A. B., Lexington, Ky. Plllll H- Cl'0fl. Flfltvn. Ky. OH ( th"., Inn Thp nm,.
Folsom F. McGuire, Prophet. , ‘"“"" " " ' · K
what not Henry L Spencer Onto`. Sallie Pence, A, B., Lexington, Ky. C- Alléll Dllll¢¤¤. All ·> 0 2 1 <> 0 0 x ¤t 4 1
\, • • ville Ky f ’ U l, 8 Reuben Tl Taylor, A. B" LaGmng°’ Mining En¤m°°rm¤’ B' M"' E' Marietta .....0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 1
t ' ' Ky_ James W. Atkins, Lexington, Ky, H i M, P k d (· p rk.
DIVCPSI Y Earl Cassidy, A. B., tnez, xy. llllel "** ·· ll" ll" · ° ·
nit, ,e.s., t , .l+J.Jkb.<‘·tt.t<. ,
Robert C. Dabney, U. S., Hopkinsville, a ee Turner Lex ngton Ky a 0 P Ov ng on y Smmn and lll¢·l¤€ll-
of Ky Mary K. venabte, tt. s., Louisville, Thomas Robinson. Mlddlesborc, Ky. _,___o
' V Ky_ Oliver W. Smith, Covington, Ky.
O O F. D t , B. S., H ki -
  Edvmbl-dx an mth Op ns George 'l`. Vanarsdall, B. S., Louis- I-IW- LL- B-    
CIV °’   D I B S Wim y[]]g_ Ky_ Arthur T. Bryson. A. ll., South Ports-  
ORN fl’•• llliiivn in •|| depart- ;r°"°°K ` °"`°m’ ` " °ms` Anna E. yvaaay, A. B., hexmgtrm, xy. mouth. Ky. LAW SENIORS
ments except Law to graduatu H `;;“’D0;;0wBk B S Richmond caroline Taylor yvathms, A. B., Lex- George A· l¤¤vlll+~. AND FACULTY
of Kentucky High Schoola who ' ‘ y' ` " ’ ingtgnl Ky_ Ky. ---—-
ll'! prepared to enter the Fftlh- HKy' L D A B P d h Lydia E_ WeSc0t’ A_ [tu pmt Lick, Ky_ William W W. Chambers. Gatllff, Ky. Judge Lum-my and Mm"La“Grty ZW
. , . ., . , , , N ‘ ` , . ',
mln Chao. zvmn Onovan ° um wminm q~_ Woodson, A_ g__ plat Ilicki truy L. Dickinson, Harbourville, Ky. terwilnmg On. lsnfdubnnvlgls th aylla;
Each county in the State in A " N 16 d A B I I t K, Allen tv.ou1tton, A. rt., Graduate me `°"°" ";( ac" ’b° °; th
entitled to send FREE of tui- 2{gus ea °r °"’ · ·* *9* ng °“· Walter P. wright, A_ no Mnnoh,,Sto,._ West Point Academ5’· Lieutenant l'. Pepa¤>nl?“t`_ IIN) mi?] H: (EK k b
tion, matriculation, laboratory y' Ky_ S. Army. mmm ‘m°' rm" ‘ " ar er'
I and other feet, one or more _Lu;iuS M' Hamm°nd’ A' B" M°'y¤°‘d’ 3_ g_ fn Agrtcunu,-,_ Leslie L. Guyn, Lexington. Ky. Juiie “;_T":;T;rts;_I:;:n 0::;:1:3;-
Ippomteel. P   H nk A B Paducah K Virgil A' Babbagg Cl°v°rp°"· Ky. W, Duncan Hamilton, Greenville, Ky. rad m0;l_l` Ae KK nj lame Rich"`;
, . ., , . s . - ' . 8. S t‘ , . S
au e Ca k B S Fi, h Paul P. Brown. Somerset, Ky. Henry rl- l‘l*ll`dlll· S€bl`€<‘. KY. u B0, I _ AH ‘, W
Neceuary expenses moderate Thmlllls /l¤l' G Heddon, . ., nc · Lloyd Brown, New providence, [Own Elmer D. Hays, H. S., Wincltester. Kv. Bush" J` Embry en` Imrgo `
.3 . vine' Ky` Atl L H k B ll K TllYl0l' V House mum nd K A Vlllllillll- \\'» F}. Nichols. and W, H,
- r tur . ruec ner, e evue, y, .. . , -1 o , y.
. · - , , . ., L , . , , ' · .
For full information regatta- Qolgmas Hgwgfftol? 2 BWI; iiord Ed\yard H_ puulkne,-_ Lot, Ky_ (layborne x. Johnston. A. li., Tallega, ntlxnspnswrt mmm! wd l fdrewan
‘ ° . ., , ' 'S i '
{ mg ¤PP¤mteca. courses of study. ` 2 en y 0 0 ' a J. R. Christie. Manchester, Ky. Ky. ' ne. el [Ha V otl I, I I 110% dp.
cost of board, etc., ¤PPlY to y. H ff A B R k Rebecca W. Cockreul Lexington Ky' George E. Jones` Sturgis, Ky. teasttant a one; s Eltffattr    
H. S. BARKER. Mary Frames u ’ ‘ " °°'°° °· H_ K_ Gnylo Frnnkforo Ky_ William H. Jones, Hazel, Ky. hghtml ugglllsggid U: hir ywgenz
LPr“ldcm.K Stogewall Jackson A B Arlington John Albert H°“°"· Franklin- Ky· T' B` Kem" Great Bend` Kansax ;:t:`lt: elttjoyed to have these with
exington. y. ‘ ` " ’ _ A. L. Kl , R b d , K . ' ` '
  Ky. Gilbert C` Richardson, Kemom Ky ng 0 ar S y _ hitn befroe they left the tlewlftmént
    Otto J Jones A B Sedalla Ky Seneca Rom' Gee` Ky` Hpmy C Kimbmuglh Lexington mx for all time
‘ ` ' ‘ " ' ' Henry tv. sehoentng, 1.ou1svttte, xy. 'l· White l·<>wry. Fatlettsburz. Ky. Q _ _ .
succuur to SARRIS ‘ co ° Carl Emll Lauer, B. S., Louisville, Ky. Graham A. Smith, Henderson, Ky. wmiam Magruder. Lexington. KV. Judge Lamrty has been lJ•an ot the
l _ ' Katherine McMurchy Logan, A. B., ` Law liepartmenr for about eight
1 wnnam C. Smith, Henderson. Ky. lrl¤">’ B· Miller. Lcxlrtston. Ky. . . . _
E IEBT SODA F6UN1§:?N · Lexington Ky` Jl T T I C tm K Jessie umol. A B Loxmgt K, Y¢’3l`l‘l4 'llll`0lll·ill lll>* ll<'lll't‘ lllll`K the
` f · IN THE A I i I om . ay or, yn ana, y. ~ .. . .. . on. y. b   in l I h 4
n CITV. FINE cANmE8_ Ruth NIcChesney. A B. Paducah, Ky Joe R- Wan, Cayce, Ky' Roscoe C. Preston. A- H" [mz, Ky tottrse has been extentlet to t ree
, years and is now the only Southern
  F. W. Wallace, Louisville, Ky. “- J- Sallfofd. Pri. (`ovlngton. Ky.
Ad I h \V H L i m KY Basu Duke Sum] wmow Sl d K_ law school that is at member of the
T Op 8 Br. Ou Sv 6. L _ ' la G` L American Bar Association. He was,
2     S James W. Whitehouse, Tayorvllle, Ky. H€lll‘Y l·· ¤l