xt7ffb4wk03z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ffb4wk03z/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1919 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 7, April 15, 1919 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 7, April 15, 1919 1919 1919 2015 true xt7ffb4wk03z section xt7ffb4wk03z To E¢Ht•rs: Tho  
···w· ¤¤¤·¤· ¤··¤¤·=··· THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY em.-ed .. ..c.... °
I. pmpamd f°r th° ~ - - class matter at tha ‘
:;·:sspZr;c:i;;G:I§as:: "T- post office at Lap `
¥· 1 z K .
mem. _ "“°"* ’
April 15, 1919 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY l Vol. II, No 7  
—···· ·‘—‘ ;· ———— Q?
The Summer School of the Univer- Three army sergeauts just return- T]-8 State Law providing for the On Sunday A ·1 6 H d _ T _ if
sity of Kentucky will ba in sessicin ed _fr0111 France have arrived at the appgimtmeut of three alumni mgm. nivarsary of lheplluitzad lgtzjtaecsoliu $1; ve1·;;$yB§?r;€(;fti;§;l;S$(g?;tOfutgz U3;  
Jung 23 to August 2, a, period of su: Umvers1ty of Kentucky to assist Ma- b I, E th B d I b world war in which more than 2500 quarterly session L th U · gu· xx
weeks. The work of the summer ses jor Byars at R. O. T. C. headquarters 8 S O 8 Oar O Trustees t° G . - ·’ . B', G mverglty <`“ 
_ _ Kentucky boys gave up their hves, Tuesday Aprzl 1 wxth the follow:  ·‘
S;0¤ is designed for teachers, students m Buell Armory. Their official titles made by the G°VBm°r was cousldered Lexington and Fayette county by member; wage   G ng  
and persons seeking information and will bé &SSiSt3.Dt i11SEI‘I1CtOI‘S of mill- HC 3 l`€C€Ut IUBGUHE of th€ Board of planting trees OD the University of S{,au]gy· V1 O gjib€l·t0v;;;g;fOl;£·    
ty;;_mmg_ With the mstructxon ara to iialy UIGUCS, but SOTHG of th€11` W01`k Trustees and BJ committee composed Kentucky campus paid public tribute C, Stoll, Lgxjqgtg · il P ’ " 
be ivan a number of s ecial features w1ll be clerical thou h the will `11- · · - ’ 1 u' ‘ ‘ J°1mst°“·  
g · p ‘ ., g y 1 of president Mcvey J_ L Lyle and to thaw sons who lmlve Jomed the im- Jr., Lexington- J M Turner palms- ¥"
during the six weeks of the session. struct the companies in more ad- ’ · nlgytalg More than gggg B1-Sons iu. ·H . ' I ' - '  
f   .   d . . . .     Johnston yvas asked to dl-`agv up I ' . ¤   V1 8; Frank BICKGB, VEYSKIIIBS;   M, yy
From the program 0 stu ws lt W1 vauce mlllwfy t1‘&1¤1¤g, & WGFK f01‘ cludmg many soldiers sailors {and Ellistou Glencoe- R G G d ¤?
bg possible to make up plan 0f WOI‘k which théy WBYG €SD€Gi9·llY filltéd bY mms and rcgulaltmns t° govgrn tho aviators in uniform vlcre present isville y I · . or On, Lou-  
suitabig for teachers and workers in their experiences in France. nomination and election. Tha follow- Congressman J, Campbell Cgmmu dg; Tl I . ·'€¥;
many fields, Thé UITBG I11€I1—C}13I`l€S K- Lllllll, mg rules were Submitted to thg bggyd livcred the memorial address at, the v€l]1;`b?{a1éd accepted. the gift qt SCO-  
The entire plant of the University Jesse Stone and Clarence Kinney- af {ts last m9Bt.n _ 1 Exercises, which were held in the M_ ar mm th? City cf Lexington  
is available mi- use, including labor- had two ye=u·s’ service in France. Be- l' ` Y _ _ 1 g' ternoou at the University and requested President MCYQY to ac-  
atories, libraries and buildings. The fore enlisting Sergeant Lunt lived 1* I~¤m1¤¤¤¤g¤b¤~¤¤tS éhau bg mail' The t .,:1 th · t. cept the pim? aud comnlumcam with ZE?
faculty of the University 0f Kentucky in Massachusetts; Sergeant Stone in Gd to Bach perscm Butméd to vote OHS - Least; Wlflc 18 Eixclip wu Of me Commlssllm Gxpressmg Eppm°ia"  
for the summer session 0f 1919 has Georgia and Sergeant Kinney in In- ROR Later than July 1· Each Person ml Ondr Q 0,0nE Oosevem np? for the glft and Workmg vut €0I1· Q
been greatly enlarged. Work wm be diana. Cutltlcd to vote Shan have the right were p ante l3‘r1d»ay 1n za. grove about dztions of transterml,  
Offered to Satisfy the demands of to nominate three persons for mEm_ the bignok which crosses the campus President McVey reported to the  
teachers in every Held of educational EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE bers Of the Board of Trustgea gfsyle gig O1;-351d,. andb 8.1;; gshéilm, board that the matter of zz. school of  
activity. APPROVES APPOINTMENTS 2. The ballots Shan be mailed to p ,g1ve11 1 y . . 1 @11- pharmacy discussed at a. previous jg 
It is no longer necessary for the _ tht} Secretary Of the board. EfgztefgogiulsggduggicigiEGGS? fifty; 1neet111§ had been under consideration ’Q;_ 
· A ————— . ` » ‘ 1 YB Wl and ' d th · 2 
  schorll t€Z.ch€rS Of the State,     the meeting of the Executive 3_ NO person   TQQBIVQ al   [be added as the name Of 1. V   vlsenlclilt an at he ,W1Sh€d  
t d t d b f _ S th @9 mlm to d€fGI` definite recommendati w
my Supgrlnlii 6*15   vgmigz Ggiagg Committee of the Board of Trustees CMG ¤<>¤¤¤¤¤9¤ <>1‘ €1<==¢¤¤¤ balm un- mc included in me list or 1¤=>1·¤es ma ui next year when he wouidolluggj `· 
mr Ggiivgfggt; ;OI_; dlimg the Sum- March 26 the following appointments LGS? umm S?t*Sf8;t(;£Y geprgsigtatégn WGYG llalldéd ill at the close of ihé better the iiuancial situation `apd  
_ V. dz _ owesecrearyo e i ‘   _ . · 
m"- Tm U“i"°'S“" °f K°“l“’°k" ‘“ gglginilgdeemigsggi Rcoliggdgg   ballot has eium bE€11O?-gsi; cit di Bm°1SeS‘ l‘“°?" f?“th"”.dm"S °f the Pm the = 
meeting the needs of the State in “?]§_t1 Y E Y Q Y S U » Stmyad N0 arson Shan be G _tt d A spe/al·:e1·s’ stand was greeted gu l1lSt1tl1ll1011 Wl1lDl&yi11 health matters __ 
Agriculture, engineering and an the 1 ey count}, for ZL pe110d of four t ·   _ P Hm Q at knoll above the brook, and the IH the State.  
t and S meas The multiplication mmhs- ° me °th°“w1S`°’ than by b"‘H°t‘ R¤¤¤¤v¤1t Oak planted dimtiy i¤ ’  L
ar s cn . _ _ . . * 
and Smdardizatm of the high A c011t111uat1011 of the employment 4· All ¤¤m1¤¤¤¤g b¤11¤tS Shall be mm of at by General Roger Wlmms, STROLLERS SELECT CAST  
Schools enlarged Curricula of Sec- Of MTS Frances Y_ Klmg, emergency cast by noon of the day prevlous m virhile Wood G_ Dulap read the 1-011 of FOR MUN-DER COVER ,,  · ;?
Ondarylschools land new aims in ed` 1101119 demonstration ag€nt’ Livings- th`@ I`€gl11BY` I`H€Etl1l$` of the Board of hOnO1~ Of Hfty_t`V0 men who made ·  ;;
ummm demand teachers qualified in ton gounty, for at ipemod of twelve Eissteeié blt 1;* tm guy 1C;S€¢ lgtéié the supreme sacrifice in action or The tentative Cast fm. the pmS€nm_  Y 
many gubjg-cts and ifajngd in theory mont S was a'uth`0r1Z6d‘ noon lgn H   BD Gm er ’ an a'   of (HSBESG YVhll€ in thé S€]‘ViQ€_ tion Of ¤:UHd€r COVBIJ, to be la d l 
_ _ . _ . _ . date shall be opened · - D ye il
and pmctlce Ofm0dern€duCalt1On.ThG M1s. B0x1e Campbell Pe1k111s, e111er— _ n Sm ’ _ _ C£’~Pt·&m J- W- ThI`OCl‘—mO!`mn» a Pei" about the first of May by the St 1- "i
summer School Of the University is gency home dcmoustmtion agent, gn athcforroogm lat the UE1V6I‘S1tY set Seiya], friend and f0l10We1‘ Of C0l0I19l lgrg, the dramatic organization of lie  
Organized largely to Supply this d€_ Whitley chunty, wappoiuted for at Tliusmas Ofl‘ih;‘S%n9f t fi BORN of R¤0seye1t,1n¤de a short talk in which iimvgrsiiy gf Kgntuglgy, is composed} {
maui period of Bight mOu1;hS_ 1Y€1‘S1 Y- he pzud tribute to the U18!]. and the of Miss Lucy Young Gus Gay and  *
__...l...—- The €m`p`1Oyym€n_t of Arch M_ Allen, 5. Thfé HHIHGS of six p€1‘SOI1S TG- Sf3JZ6Sm3·I1- Fred Auvsberg of Iiexiugtorr Miss » 
UN'Q[VERSITY’S WARRIORS emergency county agent, for 2. period C€iVlHg the highest number of votes Cha el Overflow d Eliza.- Spirrier and Miss Map J Eliza- Y 
TO BE HIGHLY HON()RED_ gf twelve mouths was ;mthm·iZBd_ for nomination shall be placed up011 A P S I, . beth James of Louisville Missgs Mar-  
___ Comimmnce Of the employment Of the election ballots, and no other per- tl Thg Program bégan at   O Clock m garet Smith and Carlysle Chenault of j.
The committee on memorials to _y_ p_ Ricketts, County agent of Owen sons shall be voted for. In case two L? mvmslty chdD€1’ Whmh was um Maysville; Emery Frazier of Law- rl
time who have msu their lives iu county, was authorized. 0* mfm P€*`S°¤S Shall receive an {L G tf; ?°°°§° H21°d’m lh? 1aYg° °r°Wd’ renceburg; Lee ivmciam gf Bards. {
the gram Wal. made 3 report to the Cgntinuaucg Og the employment Og equality of votes, the secretary of Biggera uilldre mmammg m th? COT- town; William Baker of Winchester- -
Executive Committee at its last mGGt- ·l· YV- Worthington, C011HtY BSBHTZ of the board Shall determine by I0? 72116 rt OTS Ou S; B' Rclauves and frmuds Orrin Bel] Of Eminence. Duaué °
mg Stating thm inquiries had been Cgmpbgll County, was aum0yized_ person who shall be the nominee. O men .W 0 wm not Tatum were Rogers of Fparnkfort and E, T Tap. g
madg and that a plan would bg an. Continuation and modification Of 6. The election ballot shall be mail- $1:95 sl? tOmt:)€;_§gGSnLlmtberS' Tl? LEX- Scott of Owensboro. I I  
mumgd mer, If the University of €‘mDl0Ym€¤t of Mrs- D· K- RaW1i¤gS» ed to each person e¤m1¤<1 to vote on g k m ° °°"’ Y’ f°?`m€ S°m° Gus Gay, Emery Frazier Fm; ll
Kentucky lost any men in me Span- emcrge¤cv110me demonstration agent, br before Oembei- 1.  Bsiéggrgs gbggngmugti °h°“}S* Augsberg and mum Spurrigr Qm "gld A 
. . · I1 - · 
1Sh.Ammm war the records do ma was avvrevéd- 7. The vote Simi be cast by mk. mg the SOD gf the XEZHIS (§€’HgW S¤‘<>¤<=1‘S" Md have taken leading I
Show it lRea.pp~omtment of R. L. Warren, ing a cross in me Square Opposite tha matus fmmg Stabat Materg Lug ig iparts in former presentations and  `·
president; Mgvgy lstatgd to 1;:19 comd ZEIGYSBHCY County agent was approw 11*2111HGS of the DGYSOIIS to be voted f01‘. Hailleliijah Chorus from the; Messiah LEG Mccmin Successfully directed the Q
mittee that savara. prcposas ha y · · _ . . ’ production of "Mica d M " 1 1; — 
been made for 34 memorial to those Continuation of the employment of r€;rW§;1t§l;GbGl€Gg101g1 liimllotilthalsec- Endeg the milgreetiou of Prgfggggy C_ A_ year. GH €¤ as  
WM had mst their MS in the gmt ~“‘·‘“°S S· Dim °m“g"“°Y °°“‘“" biogriphy of Sigh SC$,d$§`§E€ a§§§°5{ iJ{ms1$;ér`§ {Z ’?£°Ef£1§h§§§1§t@p€a%fZ ——· g
. · . _ zwent, was approved. _ 1 · · I ‘
wan that the Sgmm Class héd me ° _ .· b10g1·z1phy shall contain, among other University band led the march to the TWENTY‘SEVEN PRACTICAL
sented 2. proposal ·t0 share III the It was approved that W· C- WIISOH 1. . , . M ,
memorial and that it had already been continue as county agent of Pulaski thugs, the date ot the icantlidzmtes site of the newly planted grove, where IN-ERS ENTER COURSE. `
pmpcsedkhvalt 84 memorial building be County under modmed Conditions; birth, the clate of l11s graduation, the W'00d Dunlap, cha1rma11 of the com- · —  »
Bmcteé On the campus, the building that Miss Dom Baker he appointed degree which he has received, h1s m1ttec 011 arrangements, introduced TWF?lltY·'SBV€I1 practical miners have ·
to be used for student purposes and clerk in the Office Of the Editor Of D;1§§•;ltS;r;11u gill 1;;; tim
men of the State who fell on the Held AT BEREA GATHERING the room set apart for the Board of U · ' ` Vmg
, , , ' Ill conclusion the speaker Said- knowledge of technical qualiiica,ti011s
of lnattla, on sca or 111 the air, durmg ___ Trustees .,,1,Oda . ‘ . .
~ , _, , ‘ Y, whlle We do honor to our ‘1‘€QH11`€l`l for mma- foreman, Each
` the war. wziléhiglttillgg Bliiglaéégirigqéglig izclzgg 13. The three persons receiving the noble dead. let us dedicate ourselves man Wl10 takes the course will re-
highest number f t h llb - t tl ‘ ‘ l —‘ A . ' ‘ l
PATTERSON GIVES $100   ;;;;’n};fg§1§"u*;Tt€"“d€dGT*"; ”;‘*€§‘ inawd. O VO GS S a B mm ‘gigxvscr?pe§,€wl1;§;1;1;);;;S Zjliifggbiglfi   1;  iirgégsigylsg
  T0 THEL.;.LIBRARY   B? Hill f0r ealch sgrgggrn ap C OO ’ 14· The S€C1`€t€i1`Y of the board Shall €1‘ than ever because Of the great in the Uuiv9r5i1;y_
lj _ _ 'ihé Subject Of Soils `rmd {ERL certify t0 the Governor of the Com- deeds Of AIIl€I`lC3.11 boys in Europe, ...._._....,____________
  Books for the library of the Umvcr- HMP wm Idiscuwgd M mi _ ht 111011Wealtl1 of Kentucky the names of L€t US TBSOIVG that ill thé fl1€u1’€ all the C U ·H d . .
  sity of Kentucky will be purchased f `_ l ’ O ay mg ’ Those who have been so nominated GitiZ€HS Shall have a. voice in our `M 1 W1 gmac that thaw Shall
1 _. . . : . w1th Professor George Roberts, Col- __ _ , _ be 110 future wars.
1 v.1th the $100 gwen tl1c111st1tut10n by lggp Of A ricultum as S €m_m_ Tues f-0111 \\l11cl1 the Governor may nmke »‘Z0V€1¤m<>Ht. LGT; us declare today
  , Dr. James K. Patterson, president dm; Hightg the Subjgct flér Lolisidera; the appmntmgnt in accordance with that ea, ‘g0ve1·mme11t of the people, for “‘Thc11 to our children, there shall be
? emeritus ot the University. The au- mm was livestock CMMS and hows U19 law. U18 DGGDIS, by the people; shall not no handing
 I Iluill 3_pp]'()p]'i3ti()]] f()]‘   libygyy Sheep and poultryi PrOf€’SSOr   ` —°_`1"""_'   da'   but YL reality- L€t· US   fates SO Vain, of I)ELSSi()l[S S0 ab-
;' is 21ppOl1ltG(] by UIQ library CODJIHHYQB Andgrggu nf the College Of Agrigu]-       Epixdhehgue $0 tg? Othmathat the great horrcdy _
T i11t0 varying sums for the general li- ture Hllll A. S. Chapin, of the exten- ASSISTANT T0 GOODE. IQQWXS chg]? got   am£yt°aDd But pBniG_;h€ IPOHCQ Whlch passes
. d _L , - ,, AL,_ >- d· ·· _, _ L * Y ~ ’¤ . G US U.11(Ol`S{l11(1Ilg
YN bruiy fun and the mrmu., depfut ;1011th1v1S10H,_ WC1; gill thc progrim _, —··—- Send gu Dwyer to Om. God that, as Nm in Um. time, but in umn. time
LV ments, ~01‘ G BV©111HF§· Y1 FLY Fmllli Bal`- \\ .ayla11cl Rlmzuls, for the past four Citizens Of this glorious RG mblic , Oh L d, ’
__ r , · _ tt, assistant in the dc artment for 1 ·· - 1 ’ xm 01 ‘
[ Fha, apportionment for the present TG D wma. county agent of Kenton county, may be as bmw and as worthy as
  y€Zl1' hZ`l,S illféildy b(i(§n Ingdgy     -15 ’g1OPySSC§;1;;) "vorkr gsm/B 3*   before hansn l]€OH Hp]`}~OlI`1l€(1. }1SSiSt[L1]_t `t() P]‘()· “rQrQ Our Sons and daughters Vvho   nlxct Us not COHIDIQHL but hope,
`_,_ thought that Dr. Pattersoxfs g1ft w1ll (bunt ‘A t R F S f“·’~’°"_E· S· GOOOG In the D¤¤¤1‘¤¤€¤¤t 011 the llIlll°Ol`II1 of our nation and or work and pray for tim highest and
  be added to the general {uml The Congmtgimageign the éuccgigcif 2:;; ul? fiillllillfll I-I11?ba‘11d1‘y, Cghegc 0f Ag- the Salvation Army and of the great noblest ideals.
{Q library committee is composed of Iémetmg and Of his Work mjchp C gfu SW1 E““A€l`“tY <>f13¤¤f¤~¤1