xt7ffb4wjg83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ffb4wjg83/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1990-11-16 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, November 16, 1990, no. 584 text The Green Bean, November 16, 1990, no. 584 1990 1990-11-16 2014 true xt7ffb4wjg83 section xt7ffb4wjg83 ( I i
I November 16, 1990
v¤·¤m<-> 584 Events Calendar
Gallery Series — Noon - Free Admission
Peal Gallery, King Lbrary North
November 16-17-- 1940s RADIO HOUR, Dept. of Theatre
8 pm ·- Paid Admission
Guignol Theatre, Fine Arts Buicfng
' November 18 —- CONCORD TRIO, Center Sundays Series
° 3p.m.-FreeAdn1ssion
// 4 Recital Hall, Singletary Center for the Arts
3 \ November 18 ·— WINTER SOLSTICE CONCERT: Nightnoise,
` Liz Story and PhHb Aaberg
` `,• 8p.m.—PaidAdmission
wg) Concert Hall, Singletary Center for the Arts
& Q November 20 - UK ORCHESTRA, Philip Miller conducting
A { s p.m. - Free Adrrission
% 44 Concert Hall, Singletary Centertor the Arts
`· . \ University Artist series
4 }
M 8 p.m. — Paid Adnission
  Concert Hall, Singletary Center torthe Arts
~ Richard Goering, guest soloist
8 pm - Free adnission —
E _ Recital Hall, Singletary Center for the Arts
 I /'\"` ’  Novenber 29 - McCRACKEN WIND QUINTET
` 9 Seniors Concert
3 pm - Free Adnission
A I I I I l   Concert Hall, Singletary Cemerfor the Arts
8 p.m — Free Adrrission
N Recital Hall, Singletary Center for the Arts
‘ Peal Galery, King Lbrary North
The Newsletter 0f the
University 0fKentucky

 Page 2
New U.S. Government Depository Library Over and Above!
The Ashland Community College The following letter was received by The following letter was received
Library has been officially desig- Sandra McAninch in reference to by Judy Brown in reference to
nated as a United States _ ACC's new designation: the United Way campaign:
Government Depository. "Dear Sandy, -
"Becoming a depository is a l want to take this opportunity to "Dear Judy,
natural outgrowth of the college's formally thank you for all your help The 1990 Lexington Campus
mission to provide education and support during the past year. Fall Festival to benefit the
opportunities and information to the Your advice and assistance in United Way of the Bluegrass was
oommunity," said Carol Greene, establishing procedures, sorting a terrific success, thanks to the
ACC's Director of Library Services. through shipping lists, and in many people who contributed
Acc applied for official depository general making sense of all this their time and talems to the
status last spring when the Boyd material that is now suddenly ours! Festival. The Campus Fall Festival
County Library elected to give up Our ACC faculty is very excited grossed $977.54 which is 30%
its designation. Based on the rec- that this material is now available more than was raised last year.
commendation of Congressman right here, 'in house' for them! The festival committee and the
Carl C. Perkins, the United States The documents are already making 1990 United Way Cabinet certainly
Printing Office granted ACC's it possible for us to offer information appreciated your part in making
designation last May. we did not have available before. this year's festival such a success.
When ACC's new library, part ofthe Again, thank you for your The Library Association book
Learning Resources Center now assistance. All of us at the ACC sale generated a lot of interest.
under construction, is completed Library look forward to working with We thank you and the Association
next fall, the government depository you in the future. (LSO) for contributing to this
collection with catalog services and Sincerely, event.
microfiche readers will be established Carol Greene The collective effort to produce
in a separate section of the library. Directorof Lbrary the Lexington Campus Fall
Rgpdn 19 d in pan from _ Services, ACC Festival is a good example of our
mE SUNDAY INDEPENDENT campaign theme, ”United We ·
  Win!” We appreciated your
Preservation Video Upcoming LSO Zlepmpggigwe UK umd Way
To B8 $hOWI'i Funpfipns Singerely.
The Library of Congress National N¤v¤m¤¤r 16 " Gall Fcmner & Iapdla Peck' Ph'D
Preservation Program has LSO Oran and Bake $3]** " C°`Cha"s’ UK United Way
    a video-   a.:m.-   ax"., In  
recording titled "Library Binding, Km l-lbiafv N¤¤¤ Staff L<>¤¤¤¤- Best of
A Shared Responsibility, A Brlng the crafts and/or baked B _ _
Collaborative Process" that has 9°°dS YOU “'{Sh *° d°"a*° as _ lennlum
been acquired by ine preeer_ early as possible on the 16th An article wntten by Joanne:
vation Depanmeml ii denmn- so that they can be priced. Goode and Mary Vass enntltled
sirates many bindery iecnniquee: LSO will once again be collecting 'Trainlng Library Staff for
illustrates ine breeeryaiicn food contributions for God's Pantry Automation in a Decentralized
Options ayaiiabie through iibrary for Thanksgiving. Bring a food item Library System: The University
bincere_ and qeecribee ine tothe LSO Craft and Bake Sale of Kentucky Experience" has
nannerenin between ine iibrary and and receive a free raffle ticket for been chosen as the best
ine binqery in ine preservation ci the holiday wreath to be raffled article to appear in The South-
  materials: The video   be     8&S`[€l'|'1 Librarian during the
encwn icr ine iibrary eiaii at 1:00 & December 20 -— past biennium. The Wilson
0:00 b_m_ cn December 3rd and at LSO Christmas Luncheon Award, SELA's recognition of
10:00 a_m_ cn December 4in in ine 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., at the UK this honor, will be announced
Peal Gallery. Everyone is invited Aluéngiuiiigg-I:EiATgF NOTE ¤¤1¤i¤s;?t¤¤ ai gw ·;*$S°‘
Tl-I cia ion's ennia on erence
and encouraged to attend to be held in Nashville on Dec.6.

 Page 3
Ge”e’°$”Y_ i'°’ Vrdeotapes A variable for Loan
I People remember those who have    
helped them along the way. Well, (Sept 1987) (Deeember 1989)
Bi least Di- Stephen Aron does. The Changing World of The Monroe County Li-
Ae Weii 85 giVii”ig 8 donation to the Reference Services (27:00) brary System; OCLC's
Friends of Margaret King Library. og.; nepert Ne. 4 Retrospective Conversion
Dr. Aron sent the following letter Debarrmem; CCLC
to Birr Marshall, Director of specter (Ma“§i‘ i?88i_ _ Founder Fred Krrgeur;
Cottoottohst gpecial Librarians, Research The Ltncntn Park ZOO
Doo, Dh Marsha"' rototypes and the Collection Ltbrary (35:00)
The approach of Breeders' Cup A"?iyS'S Siisiemi OCLC S  
Day tumoo my thoughts to tho Unrnterruptible Power System t
Bluegrass and prompted me to get (32:00) (Ap"' *990) _ _ _
back in touch with my Kentucky   Pasadeila Pubhc i—'b'a"YS
connections. l'm sorry I've been so inierntetien Came'?
uncommunicative, but new tnet l've (Jury 1988) 0CLC S New Tele-
tinerry finished my eieeertetien ene The National Humanities Cntr: °°'“'“¤"“Eai'°"S Ne*‘”°'k§
landed a job closer to Kentucky l'm The State-wide Union Catalog Oci-C Oiiice °i R€$€‘9'Ci"' S
looking fonrvard to making another at North Carolina State Library; i°i’°l9°i ADAPT (2590)
foray to Frankfort. Quality Control of the OCLC ·
l never thanked you or the other Database (37:00)  
people at the University of Kentucky   (*990) _ _ _ _
library adequately fortall the help (Doc. 1988) gaptemra gate Bbia"a?(·
given me on my previous stay rn The vtmttam Ransom H0 an a °mia 99 iiweis Y
Kentucky. Now that l'm collecting J A h. _ A t .9 . SYSi€m S U"‘°“ i-'Si °i
a paycheck, I feel better able to Dzigd tgtitcmz Hzargirtigggig ‘E9"aiSi N%”gN°riih eemeee
returnlthe genrerosrtt shoxrn mrebby tnrgrnarronat (mcg or Marketing rtlgrattrrhat U, ong Beach
a otemem ersothe ing irary . . _ .. ·
staff.- lthope the enclosed donation ;nEoi3§gt;p;;:;§B2tco>Q;;t  
will ard rn some small way the efforts (20.00)
of the Special Collections department ` (1990)
to maintain et riret-rete archive of   Beniantin Franklin shows
Kentucky history. (_rarr_ 1989) viewere how the computer
I would also be happy to send 3 New OCLC president IS helping libraries improve
copy of my dissertation ("How the rmrbdueed to Library sewices (13:00)
West Was Lost: The Transformation Community (g;oo) An rrueryrew wrrh QC! C
of Kentucky from Daniel Boone to   Fgrrnggr greg rgrrggtrr
Henry Clay") if you or other - .
interested persons want to see what   ot Mtchtgah; A Tour (January 1990) (5400)
l made of the books and manuscnpts ot tho OCLC computer Room;  
in your library which your staff so Schootwtatch a Compact  
eiieerieiir ereeeiii me- biec oeteeeeeerpueiicene mem
l look forward to seeing you soon Prtvato Sohoot Systems (Q¢i0i§€r 1989) A
and thank yotgagaiglo (21:00) hrrfefotgetory of OCLC
inoer , 2
Stephen Aren    
A$tS‘S‘a"‘ '°'°i°$$‘?' The Newbeny Lierery; The Epic ocLc·e co-rtorvr
P"“°°’°" U""""$"i’ r=rert1 Test; the usrtrp (26:00) cetereging product us;00)
EQ!LD_£i m .  r h F r  
Capabilities er ocLc Msto a. S-9-mu
Macao wentetetienerrrrzzo 0987) (40¤¤0>
Tomtrhat (10:00) Keynote Address)

 Page 4  
Employment Opportunities
(Complete Descriptions Available in the Reference Department)
Position: Library Tech V, Math Libra Position: Non-Print/Music Cataloger AT BOULDER
Rank: Grade 9 Rank: Librarian II (Asst. Professor) or Position: Curator ofthe
Contact: Ann Howell Librarian III (Assoc. Professor) Westem Historical
Salary: $25,000 minimum Colledionsl University
Position: Library Tech Ill, Acquisitio THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA Salary: $35,000-$40,000
Rank: Grade 7 Position: Reference/Music Librarian
Contact: Ann Howell Rank: Instructor or Asst. Professor NEW lEBSEY
Salary: $21,500 minimum (Instructor)
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY $25,300 minimum (Asst. Prof.)
Position: Library Tech ll,  5T2':clJaT 2/ggigw
Acquisitions/CSR Reference Librarian
Contact Ann Howell Position: Monographs Catalog Ran 8* a'a'Y· "?€‘Fl?"d€"t
  uwn qua ICG ions
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Rank: lnstmctor or Asst. Professor N
Position: Staff Assistant VI, Sa'a'Y· $21500