xt7ffb4wjg7h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ffb4wjg7h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1984-07-20 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, July 20, 1984, no. 435 text The Green Bean, July 20, 1984, no. 435 1984 1984-07-20 2014 true xt7ffb4wjg7h section xt7ffb4wjg7h         "“"f°7 it
7-20-8M » . No. M35 4
- ‘
July 21 ° A Marshall McLuhan's Birthday -
— July 31 First U.S. Patent (1790)
Aug. 2 Goal Setting and Motivation ‘
Aug. 3 Deadline for luncheon plans for_ .
` ` the Fall Library Faculty Meeting g ;
. - . Aug. 3-16 Steam Distribution.System_Repairs . A A
‘ Aug. 6 Deadline for returning Fall Faculty
_ A I . Meeting Survey (see last page) ‘
’Aug. 7 Effective Student Assistance
I · . Aug. 7-9 Teaching School Media Librarians . 3
to Teach
` ` ‘. Aug. 8-17i Improving Your Reading and -
. · Comprehension Speed y _
Aug. 9 , Effective Office Courtesy ; —
Aug. 10 . Newsletter Production on a .
Shoestring —
NeKt "Green Bean" issue: Friday, August 3, 195Q. ‘
Deadline for inclusion? Tuesday, July 31, l9$¥.
I Production Staff: Cecil Madison, Sandy Hardwiak, ~
y Rob Aken (editor)

The following letters were received by LSC. · I
I. want to thank you all--those who paid for and those who A
selected—-for the beautiful crystal dish you gave me on my _
retirement. I love crystal,. It's elegant and artistic and it -
doesn't have to be polished. ‘ ¥ . _ P P I
‘ You have been an exceedingly congenial group to work with, and -
when I fully realize that this is not just_ a lazy summer‘
vacation, I know I shall miss you severely. I_must say that this ‘ _
. new spattern of life is proving very easy to adjust to, and I’m
doing it in surroundings made more beautiful by your thoughtful
. gift. Bless you all. , .
I n Vivian MacQuown · ‘
* * x ss ' _ s
Thank you and the LSO for the lovely crystal candy dish you gave
I ° me. It will remind me often of all of you ,and‘ of all the .
problems we've solved together and all the pleasant times we've
shared. I shall miss you all. 4 _ .
Sincerely, I A i is I ,
Sally Ann Johnson _ is A I A . ’“ I A
I I * u * . · I
My years at the Library have been a very special period in my
life. A very important reason for this has been_my association
with all of the wonderful people I have known and worked with _ V
there. I want to thank each and every one of you for the time I -
have spent among you, and I shall cherish your gift of the
beautiful _Gorham Lead Crystal _dish. It sparkles- is its
i loveliness! ,
I thank you very much! I y
-Sincerely, _ ‘ .
Ruth Vaughn _ A ·

 yi A
Annual Repairs to Steam Distribution System
The steam units in the following buildings will be shut down in
August for repaivsr Hot water will not be available éuwiug bncse 4
August 3, 11:00 acm, through August 9, HZGO p.m, ‘
Agriculture Science Buildings
College of Medicine Office Building
Medical Center Annex #l, #2, #Q, and #5.
Lexington Community College
August 3, 11:OO armr through August 16, Q:OG p,mr V ‘
Anderson Hall Law Building
Bowman Hall M.I° King, North & &¤mLh
Chem1stry~Physics Building Pence Hall
Dickey Hall Pharmacy Buildisg
Fine Arts Building Student Center
Frazee Hall Thomas Hunt Mwrgan Bl@g
Journalism Building
l Q “ 1°   `’`` `7` ”`+*·§s wr};- Q    ‘*·’ ""’i§i°"“ ` A <"‘#·‘”" @<=€*¤¤=¤m@           {:2;
[ ]H1V@§. Sr- ff}- gf §%:.&,,§E@,M&,.&£ y ..r.i,&§LHh mw  ry     éj M   r
The University cf l·<.·2muci:,a;g‘n ¢.‘e<; fVSfZEQ@a3 $ys~‘;·az1," amid
First ARL Library cludirxg l2 main campus branch libraries. Omar §i;2r;¤im, Liza; T`=ir.2rrt;;y of ih-: Eicaiimk
The University 0f Kcmucky is thc férsst M0rc·gvc·r, there arc an additional 22,000 Cams;  "'Ttrr;-‘·;§¢·j;:·¢E(.»;·nrcz·\vilIbu ·
Association 0fRcsc::1rch Librzxricsinstituticm szudcms served in 12 community colleges i21=;firsaié§t:>r:.: »g¤ ::v·: s.; rc   zarxaynlinc
{0 acquire an LS/2000 system. The system located throughout thc stare which are purr puiulig .;:r.;<;2a= :i·:.;..Zsg; nr   wc ra §?!  are zhri `*
being installed initially includvss 2 Data of the University of Kentucky Cuxunmnity stzapzahiliay··>€;‘Ev.;·;?·;,;E2¤iéi;ii;;5;e   se.··cmi:·c
Gcncml MV l0,0()() nxinicomputcr amd 27 ijullegu Sysrcrxx. "LS/2000 will suppori urs umwsrsixy sy;,2»_~;z=, '
terminals forcirculzxtion, bibliemrxnplxic ami édcul biunding ofloczl database needs with in pas;) 4.12égr fg; ·*;:, zi; ·£·:::··‘* mad,
:1uth0rityc0mm|,:md limizui ;¤.hm·;u r·¢;:.» access tu and support from the major nz- ze»hi»;h €j:=:<:h:;d;;;a=-:-   {1.: Enzyme :%*;+5, _
Later phases will include 1crmm.¤\>» mr m» ti0n11bilwli<>gr¤phic uri}iiy," he said. "And, GCLLQ 24:2 z»;zm~. ·‘ rim   i;.i?#._ 2 \;·%v1—ii-.>
creased public access. thc new M500 \`·{/OI'kSZ11{i()I`i available from graphic 2-xugrus   ¤.QQ`E1Z ztrchiw mpcs,
Paul A. Willis, l)ircct0rofl.ihr:1rics an the OCLC gives us flexibility in amending lmzi uzzzsuii ies: LQ1:z’ raw me   ‘·r:x·‘: iwzrdi   :0
University of Kentucky, said; "'I`hc [.3/2000 2nd nutionaj automated scrviccsmunumbc: the pn‘»g;;; .[‘\A xx Iulc .11 minn§s_ A2 our agricultural library, for exam- ThijUi1iVLFSiTS'€¥€`·.(.·L7 wsrf; Ll;»r‘;L:irish:avc
[hc same Lima permit us no xmkr more cth- plc, wc intend [0 install an M}()<) for access ii? miikion =w;£»— = 1     ?;‘K}Y`.T,'.i.€i}' V
cient usc of pcr>¢mm:l and mhur zcsmnrusb. to L5/2000 as well as OCl.C's central on- ?~f3,0i}fE ·.= r·:¤;m :=2:rZ1zE=s.
` In terms ofsizc, thc |.!nivcre~i1y ui Kentucky line sysmm." Un<§m·txz·=· ec Ev;   2:2;:*-餤 [T gf} rikl
is about xhc mcdum ARL imxiuuirm, s0 our Libraries involved in the iniaial phase of p:·<>~.·i~,=; J"2· U. .;·;;;eaay sr  ;i.>;·swv·::; :¤ xii.
requirements nrc substantial. Thr: LS/2000 LS/20<`)O§ncludc thc Mcdica£Ccrx;cri,§br¤ry· LSf2UU{» E2za.*;€v.***·¤, .2€\;~·e:·§·él.:·;;. i.*.>.;;xi§<..;mn,
- trulizcd sysrcxm that wc have bccn using library) as well as the law and agricuizurc ;1s1·;‘   rrsrcc;
- from ine QQLC_§gg$kg&;j; C~y¤PtlSFM; D·lU
` (See q11@sCi<‘¤k’1F2&V ’ **3 Oi .1   §>¤r..—¥ ·

l The following KLQ epousoved workshops will take pluee lm eugust,
{ See Rob Akeu For regis ration formsp
l Teaching School Melie Liorsrlems to Teeem ·
Debra Johmamr wwd 5unY nowoes from the Mewiuokf Bitte Gl ernment
of Education wlll esgdmet this workshop me 2~~·syt J_·» hrwln »£ · ~eseereh
topics and lerlots espeots of exjlls -~»» orleatel ~ru‘;mml;mr The
workshop ull} be offered Lwioe: Auguvi ? at Mercer State end
. August Q et ieetenm Kentucky University; a2;5s E ,,‘= gi ooth ee?s};
Fee: $12 (WK3 memherejy $3G (monWKLA Meae;v¤}_ ,ee- Qeyirier by
August l,
Newsletter ?a»duo§lmu on e Shoestrimg
Bob Gottliae QQE.c¢tnr Lf Community Relations, §4uxw;l le 'u.. ?>ee
Publie Libre yi eye ileu Kelly (Profeeeov of Lggmersiel Aqth
Jefferson Colmtliiy College) will pr;se‘e v1€¤ werxsue; me
newsletter pr~2l¤Lloa on August LG, @~f, nl ale Je*Jersom
Community not rée. resi $l5 {KLA uem$er;i_ eli {non KLA
members), Helilxe; wj élgust l.
The fol o~i¤$ nruihiug programs ere eve$.s¤3¢ i- ¤C e~¤MFermllV
employeesl Fgogllms ,‘¤· ere held in room li (L?l'e€Qd} ri Me»~ ‘.‘s iul
Hella To enrol? eouteet Rosemary Veaeh {7~l5€lj
Goal Setilug are No lvetlon Amguwt Q_ Glfh a·~;
` Find out how t_ ¤;e l=-_ goal set lng to lmpreve l I·s= wuuetl ».,V‘ l yl ucpele,
and job satlsbeetiool
Effective Student Qu lstemxo Angus; g EtQU~%lIV{ M s.
when dealing wjrr sisuents, life lmpogceht 4 —l_7 lv bart l .¤l&Q°lV
and professional lmagel This worxshop wil? te s ,- “·; lbs
reception end treatment of students is ;my r ».l `; the
University of Keetuokv and develop ideas to improve eL4" `‘‘` :;%v*—ut
relations in your iepsrtmeutl

i Improving Your Reading & Comprehension Speed
August 8, l0, 15 & 17; 9 — noon each day
This workshop consists of A sessions, at three hours per session,
covering techniques to improve and build your comprehension
levels, break poor reading habits, and develop skills to help
double your present reading speed, Reading smarter and faster
` can save valuable time, enabling you to devote more time tc other
job responsibilities, lou must attend all four sessiongf ·
Effective Of°f'ic;e f§f<;n2w=t2esy August 9,   »» noon
This workshop reviews general office etiquette rules, including
the correct way tn answer the phone and to receive students and
A visitors in the offiee,
i Adler, Anne Gr, et ul, Autgmation in Libraries;mA_LlTAWBiplig;
graphy,Mlgj§tljQ£, Ann Arbor: Pierian Press, l9h3.
Cartmell, Vivien and Velma Parker, eds. Cartographic Materials:
A Manual or interpretation for AACR2, Chicago: ALA, lQg§.
y ZZ/695,h/LCE?/ish?)
Chapman, Liz non he Catalogue: Am?ractieal_Banghogk Qsing
AACRQ and lhhrary of Congress. London: Clive Bingley, l98M.
A T2/69§7Ze$2o/19sAU
F<>S1<€¤>» A ~ A    r-.-Q2¤¤m¤i¤1¢a.¤i¤¤¤  
A in_the_lnfnrmation Age, London: Clive Bingley, l?b¥.
Highland, Harold Joseph lgrotecting Your Microcompnte; jysten,
New York: Jenn Uiley and Sons, l9€H. (HF/55¤9,2/,R5?!i98”}
Kirkpatrick, Donald L, A Qrectical Guide for Supervisor; T§ain—
ing and Qeyeidpment, 2nd ed. Reading, Mass.: Addiscn~
Wesley, lQ83,