xt7ffb4wj07s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ffb4wj07s/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Daviess County--Directories Kentucky--Daviess County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Daviess County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Daviess County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt7ffb4wj07s section xt7ffb4wj07s           I@11mIvg¤I@ jT@HQijmymy  
      GUIDE TO I
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i By The
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  :_ u.5.Work Projects Administration, MH _ _
    . Louisville, Kentucky Q
  August 1942 l
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Q The Daviess County Defense Council is affiliated
g with the Kentucky Defense Council
Q Frankfort, Kentucky _
E Honorable Keen Johnson, Governor of Kentucky
g Chairman
g John J. Greenleaf, State Director of
§ Civilian Defense
g James R. Wilson, Chairman `
{ J. E. McClure, Vice Chairman Robert Matlock, Secretary
i A John Polkinghorn Roy Burlew
2 Hugh O. Potter Bert McCormick
@ Judge J. Everett Long Wilbur K. Miller
i Fred Weir Lawrence W. Hager '
gi John L. Foust Mike Callas
’§ This guide is prepared for the official use
f of the Defense Council of Daviess County and
Q other agencies engaged in defense work. It
@ should not be made available for commercial
f use. Additional copies can be obtained only
` at the office of the Daviess County Defense
1 Council.
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Q AMERICAN LEGION, JAMES L. YATES POST #9 (National American Legion).
{ Founded 1920. Commander, Delbert J- Glenn, Fourth and Allen Streets,
j Owensboro, Telephone 185. Term expires June, 1945. Adjutant, J. 0.
Q Boswell, 1020 East Nineteenth Street, Owensboro. Term indefinite.
gg Membership: 458. Open to honorably discharged veterans of World War I.
EQ Committees: Executive, Delbert J. Glenn,pJ. O. Boswell, William O’Flyn,
Qi R. P. Wimsatt, O. S. Kelly, W. E. Johnson, V. E. Carden, Mike Callas,
Q Charles Asdell, John`W. Polkinghorn, Simon B. Smith.
{ Purpose: Promotion of public welfare and aiding cx-service mon and
,5 their families who need assistance.
E, Normal Civic Activities: Teaching by precept and example true Ameri- _
j canism. Cooperating with governmental and civic defense programs.
Q Defense Activities: Engaged in Auxiliary Police Air Raid Warden
Service, Auxiliary Fire Protection, Motor Corps Service. Interested
in Consumer Protection Activities.
I Local Publications} None. A
" Auxiliary), 217 West Twenty-fourth Street, Owensboro. Founded 1925.
I Prcisdgnt, Miss Margaret Burks, 550 Ewang Court, Owensboro, Telephone '
8 2894~J. Secretary, Miss Sidney Neal, 2019 Littlewood Drive, Owensboro,
Q Telephone 1518. Terms expire August, 1942. Civilian Defense Sec4'“"
x rotary, Mrs. Y} M. Kirtley, 215%·West Second Street, 0wensboro.. Term
i` indefinite. A
l A Mcmbership:H i72. Open to wives, mothers, sisters, daughters of
j Legionnaires. l
{ Committees: Child Welfare, Miss Ella P. Slack, West Eighth Street; A
; Rehabilitation, Mrs. I. M. Hendricks, Vest Twonty—fourth Street;
_ Community Service, Mrs. Delbert Glenn, Fourth and Allen Streets; (
Publicity, Mrs. John Gilmour, West Seventh Street, all of Owensboro.
7 Purpose; Community scrmice and voterans' rehabilitation. y
I _ Norma1·Civic Activities; =Cooperaeing with American Legion, Rod Cross, A
A Salvation Army_and.other civic organizations. ' '
Defense Activities: Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dress-
ings, F1rE% Aid, Child Caro, Entertainment, Recreation, Interviewing.
Local Publications: None. »

Federal Building, Owensboro. Founded 1917. Chairman, Mike Callas, Owens- ‘
bore, Telephone 159. Secretary, Miss Ella P. Slack, 402 West Eighth Street, `
Owensboro, Telephone 1697. Terms expire October, 1942.
Nbmbcrship: 1,645. Open to persons who join·yoar1y and pay membership
dues of one dollar or more. — `
Committees: None reported. 4 ¤
Purpose: To carry out the purposes of thc Treaty of Geneva and certain
other broadly defined duties. # `
Normal Civic Activities: Home service, homo hygiene and care of the
sick, first aid and volunteer production. “
Defense Activities: Engaged in Soudng and Preparation of Surgical i `
Dressings, Red Cross Assistance, First Aid.
I Local Publications: None.
of U.S.), 522 Allen Street, Owensboro. Founded 1910. Exalted Ruler, L
J. T. Duncan, 506-8 Frederica Street, Owensboro, Telephone 550. Sec- ¥
· rotary, Richard Slack, 225% St. Ann Street, Owensboro, Telephone 215.
Executive Secretary, L. D. Gasser, Frederica Flats, Owensboro, Telephone
y 18754W. Terms expire February, 1945. V
¤, Membership: 255. Open to American citizens ovor 21 years old. h
f Committees: None reported. I
Purpose: Promotion of public welfare.
1 Normal Civip_Actiyities: Provision of·1unchos and correction of defects
R in tooth and eyesight of indigent school children.
i Defense Activities: None reported. .
§` Lpcal Publications: None. *
i 201 West Eleventh Street, Owensboro. Founded 1910. Council Com issionor,
I William E. Couty, 621 Daviess Street, Owensboro. Scout Executive, William
V Q. Potter, 621 Owen Court, Owensboro. Council President, H. S. Dunning,
4 2511 Frederica Street, Owensboro. Terms expire February, 1945.
E O_~, Membership: 400.` Open to boys 12 to 18 years old able to pass scout {
Q tests and requirements.
gi .

 gg A_m_________________....................---¤¤¤¤¤¤nlilnnllllllll-F!K
Boy Scouts of America, Western Kentucky Area (Continued)
’• A Committees: Made up of local residents as required.
X Purpose: Character bui1ding,·community service and promotion of A
_ educational and recreational activities. I
_ Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with Red Cross, also civic and‘ `
social organizations. _ . . _
Defense Activities: Engaged in Collection of Scrap Metals and Other A
[_ Metals, Collecting Books. Training for Red Cross Assistance, First
_ Aid, Signal Service. Interested in Teaching Classes of Map Reading
and Sketching. I
5 Local Publications: None.
I BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOM N'S CLUB (State and National Federations
g of B.&P.W.C.), e/e Mrs. Velva Bowers, 218 West Third Street, Owensboro.
A Founded 1924. President, Mrs. Jessie Berry, 551 East Twenty-first ‘
f Street, Owensboro, Telephone 1567-J. Secretary, Mrs. Ruth M. Norris,
3 425 East Twenty-first Street, Telephone 2549-W. Terms expire May, 1945. _
{ Membership: 52. Open to wmmen actively engaged in business or profession.
i Com ittees: Education, Mrs. Delbert Glenn; Finance, Miss Mary E. Rapier;
t Membership, Miss Alberta Tennes and Miss Daisy Chapman; Public Affairs,
· Miss Lorena Tennes; Health, Mrs. Bessie Eads, all of Owensboro.
A Purpose: To promote interests of women`and civic we1fare.· l
· Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with other agencies in all civic) ¥
· EEvements. . ., ‘ A " " _ ( , A
V— Defense Activities: Interested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical
Dressings, Red Cross Assistance. · n ‘ ‘
‘ Local Publications: None. I _ A
. . * 
- Airport, Owensboro. Founded 1942. President, L. S. Cox, Jr., ll1O
Parrish‘Avenue,·Owensboro, Telephone l695~J.t Secretary, Charles G. ' i
Bridges, 1551 Frederica Street, Owensboro, Telephone 2451. Executive
“ V; Secretary, Noble Ayer, 801 Locust Street, Owensboro. Terms indefinite.
I Membership: 55. Qualifications, experience and ability in some branch
y of aviation.

 141 .
Civil Air Defense, Owensboro Squadron (Continued)
Committees: Medical, Dr. E. M. Day, Whitesvilleg Transportation,
Gresham Houghland, Owensboro; Communications, Dr. Frank Pardon,
Purpose: National defense.
‘ Normal Civic Activities: Courier service, observation patrol, touring
of gunnery targets, air ferry service, assistance to moving military
forces and cooperation with local defense organizations. e
` Defense Activities: Engaged in Civilian Aircraft Warning Service,
Signal Services, Research Assistance. I
Local Publications: None. . I
DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA (National Daughters of Isabella), 404 West Fourth
Street, Owensboro. Founded 1925. ‘Regent, Mrs. Dora Snyder, 601 Cedar g
_ Street, Owensboro. Secretary, Miss Catherine lenegar, Owensboro. Ex- Q
ecutivo Secretary, Mrs. D. O'Connell Daugherty, 1755 Frederica Street, “
Owensboro, Telephone 648-J. Terms expire January, 1945. Q
` ‘ Membership: 78. Open to prominent Catholic women. I
I Committees: None reported. '
' Purpose:‘ Promotion of religious understanding and closer unity among ,
L cemmunicants of Catholic faith. (
L Defense Activities: Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dress- ·
ings, Red Cross Assistance, Child Care. Interested in Library Service, -
; Collecting Books. I
A Local Publications: None.
} Circle, Daughters of Isabella), c/o Rudd Hotel, Owensboro. Founded 1919. V
g President, Miss Catherine Lenegar, 426 Triplott Street, Owensboro, Tele-
g phone 418-W. Term expires October, 1942. Secretary, Miss Margaret I -
‘ ? Arnold, 510 Triplett Street, Owensboro, Telephone 5lB4W. Executive
E Secretary, Mrs. Froda Donhouer,415 Lewis Street, Owensboro, Telephone
5184W. Torms`oxpiro November, 1942. ` 5
3 Membership: 77. Open to Catholics of sound health and com unicants - 4
{ of St. Joseph Church. ` · i
i Committees: None reported. I
if (
&* 5

 _____ ______ 
Q Daughters of Isabella, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Circle #241 (Continued)
T Purpose: Charity and social service. ·
E Normal Civic Activities: Social work among people or Catholic faith.
`I Defense Activities:' Engaged in Family Social Service in Industrial
E Areas. Interested in Hospital and Clinical Assistance. ' `
Q  Lece.1 Publications: None. ‘ l ~ - l
E _ Society D.A.R.), 518 West Fifteenth Street, Owensbero.* Founded 1870. Re-
Q gent, Mrs. E. A. Carter, 518 West Fifteenth Street, Owensboro, Telephone
Q 1452. -Sccretary, Mrs. Overton Cheatham, R.R.#5, Owensboro. Terms expire
g June, 1945. ·
{ Membership: lO4.· Open to lineal descendants of those who aided the
{ American cause in the Revolution.
JE Committees: War Relief, Mrs. D. D. Bogard, 505 East Fourth Street,
f Owensboro.
{ Purpose: To perpetuate the memory and spirit of_theso the achieved
j American independence. ` `
if Normal Civic Activities : Cooperating with educational institutions
Q in fostering patriotism, with Rod Cross, American Legion and other
§ organizations in their undertakings. V `
g Defense Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Sewing
Q and Preparation or Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assistance. Interested
Q in Family Social Service in Industrial Areas, Child Care. A
i Local Publications: None. A 1· _ J
é DAVIESS COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION; Founded 1895. President, Morten Holbrook, (
j 22l% St. Ann Street, Owensboro, Telephone 1280. Secretary,.Wi1liam L. ' p
Q Wilson, Masonic Tenple, Owensboro, Telephone 2212. Terms expire December, 1
f 1942. I A
é Membership: 45. Open to practicing attorneys in good standing with the 2
Kentucky Bar Association. H ‘ V
Q Committees: Resolutions, ethics,_unauthorized practice of lang statute A
Q revision. . I
Q _ Purpose; Better understanding of the law and fair enforcement thereof.
 F ' > 
5 iQ 

 :61 · I l i
Daviess county Bar Association (Continued) P
Normal Civic Activities: Enterprises designed to improve the adminis-
tration of justice. . ~
Defense Activities: ,Engaged in Public Speaking, Discussion Leaders, I
Interviewing. I .
_ Local Publications: None. -
DAVIESS COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY (American Medical Association, State
Medical Society), 2000 Lexington Avenue, Owensboro. Founded 1927. Presi-
acne, Dr. Horace Harrison, zooo Lexington Avenue, Owensboro, Telephone
·’ 75J*§g Secretary, Dr. W. B. McGloy, l4l4 Waverly Court, Owensboro,
Telephone 2500. Terms expire February, 1945. A
Membership: 67. Open to licensed graduates of recognized medical _
L schools. _ 1
Cpm ittees: None reported. _ _ _ I
Purpose: Advancement of medical science. i L
_ Normal Civic Activities: Cooporates with local health unit, Aids`War t
Department by providing examining board for army draftees. Q
· Defense Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Child 5
l Care, Research Assistance. Interested in Ambulance Service, Rod Cross g
Assistance, First Aids Q
§ ` Local Publications: None. s 4 A
· Founded 1928. Acting President, Mrs. Julia Dixon, 1324 Frederica Street,
Z Owensboro. Secretary, Mrs. William“Woolfolk, 2119 Frederica Street, I
g Owensboro. Terms expire October, 1943. ;
; Membership: 78. Open to licensed nurses and wives of physicians.
2 Committees: None reported. ` _
l § Purpose: Cooperating with physicians and hospitals in providing medical 3
é care to those needing assistance. I
A Normal Civic Activities: Aid to hospitals and the Red Cross.; _ Q
F Defense Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Red Cross Q
S Assistance, First Aid, Child Care. Interested in Ambulance Service, Scving i
i and Preparation of Surgical Dressings. =
?. Local Publications: None. p
gi J
Si I _,  

 »— —  
_ ·Yv
j Associations), 202 Frederica Strcct, Owensboro. Founded 1910. President,
A Earl S. Vdntor, 202 Frodorica Street, Tolophonc 1780. Secretary, lbs.
i _ Julia Dixon, 1324 Frederica Stroot, Owensboro, Tclcphonc 1517-J. Terms
Q oxpiro September, 1942.
E Membership: 16. Opcn to intorostcd citizens of good character. I
L Committees: No standing committoos. Appointments mado as noodod for
E Christmas Scale, investigation and other activities. 9
E Igurposez To provont tuberculosis and promcto bottcr health.
L - Norriggjlgwio Activities: Sponsoring nutrition classes in public schools 4
Q V and caring for tuberculosis patients in Owensboro and Daviess County. I
Q IEjE§@c_Activitios: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Child
Q Care, IntEroEtod_in Consumer Protection Activities.
i Local Eublications: None.
y _Kcntucky I.0.0.F.), 202 Vest Third Street, Owensboro. Founded 1870.
E Noble Grand, Janes H. McKinney, 1924 Griffith Placc, Owensboro, T>lophonc .
·} 1924 or 1500. `Sccrotary, A. Galloway, 1301 Vvnablo Avenue, Ovmnsboro,
E Tolophono 2157-R. Terms oxpiro December, 1942. `
E Membership: 89. Open to rcputablc citizens who believe in a Supromo Deity.
it Committees: None reported. _
i Purpose: Fraternal and social. _
t Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with Tuberculosis Association, local
Y health department and all civic organizations, cspocially thoso furnish—
{ ing lunches and medical assistance to needy school children.
Q Dofonso Activities: VEngagod in Rod Cross Assistance, First Aida Child
4 Caro. Interested in Eamily Social Scrvico in Industrial Areas, Public
  S pc akinig. it
E Local Publications: _ f
; KIWANIS CLUB or OWENSBOEO (Kiwanis International), c/o Hotel Owensboro, l
5 Owensboro. Founded 1952. President, dex Lee May, Owensboro. Secretary,
N Clyde Watson, 50S East Fifth Street, Owensboro. Executive secretary, l
i George Long, 1100 Ewerson Court, Owensboro, Telcphono 1850-J. Terms
Qi expire lanuary, 1945. · _
>ss 2
Lg fp , _ _ I . »
T _ J

 an 8 1
Kiwanis Club of Owensboro (Continued)
Membership: 78. Open to business and professional men of good character. u
Committees: None reported. ‘ _
Purpose: Promotion of better business standards and community spirit;
assumption of citizenship responsibility. . Z
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with local health department in
providing free dental and medical services for indigent school children. _
. Defense Activities: Npgaged in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid harden Service,
Motor Corps Service, Ambulance Service, Hospital and Clinical Assistance, `
Child Care. Interested in Library Service. 1
Local Publicatiens:' None. ‘ 1
" KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS,`OKENSBORO COUNCIL (National and State Councils, p
I K. of C.). Founded 1898. Grand Knight, Ellis Conley, 201% East Second »
A Street, Owonsboro,_Te1cphono 275. Secretary, Guy A. Aull, 1410 East q
Fourth Street, Owensboro, Telephone 2655-R. Terms expire October, 1942• S
_ Executive Sccretary,`William Frey, 801 East Fifth Street, Owensboro. Term E
- indefinite. V _ . 3
° _ Membership: 165. Open to members of Catholic Church in good standing `
and certified by the parish. ‘
Com ittees: None reported. .
i Purpose: Fratornal and charitable. I S A
i Normal Ciyip“Activitipsj None. C V
_ DofepEg_ActiXitios: Engaged in Auxiliary Police, Air Raid Warden Sor- V
V vice, Auxiliary Fire Protection, Collection of Scrap Metals and Other
f Metals. lntcresteduin Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Red Cross As- .
E sistanco. t ‘ V
E Local Publications: None. ‘
E _LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE, OWENSBORO LODGE (National L.O.M.), 404 West Fourth p
V Street, Owensboro. Founded 1910. Governor, August C. Michael, 515 Clay
I Street, Owensboro, Telephone 456. Secretary, B. Shaekelford, 2lO Vest {
L Fifth Street, Owensboro. Terms expire February, 1945. f
* 2
§ Nembcrship: 505. Open to white adult males of good character. 3
i Conmnjjnxljgtptgnenz August Michael, B. Shackelford, Birdie Abshire, i
Q, all of Ovmnsbero. j
h C

2 Loyal Order of Moose, Owensboro Lodge (Continued)
`i Ppgpeseg. Child training and promotion ef better unity among civic
{ organizations in local child welfare work.
Q Nerma1·Civic Activities: Correcting physical disabilities in school
{ children; cooperating with Elks, Lions and Rotary Clubs in their civic
E programs.
i Defense Activities: Engaged_in.Air Raid Warden Service, Auxiliary Fire
g Protection, Motor Corps Service, Preparation and Serving of Food,
Q Collecting Scrap Metals and Other Metals, Entertainment. A
V g Loealmiublications: None. `
i ORDER OF EASTERN STAR, ACACIA CHAPTER #46 (Grand Chapter of Kentucky,
(Z O.E.S.), masonic Temple, 227 St. Ann Street, Owensboro.` Founded 1875.
E Worthy Hatron, Hrs. Clara Akin, 1421 West Second Street, Owensboro. `
IZ Secretary, Hrs. Clyde Kirk, 520 Hathaway Street, Owensboro, Telephone
{ l422—E Vorthy Patron, O. A. Hodde, 212 East Twenty-second Street,
Q Owensworo. Terms expire September, 1942.
? Membegshipi 500. Open only to daughters, wives, widows,_sisters or
n 7 mothers of Master Masons in good standing.
E Committees: Home reported.
if Purpose: Fraternal and charitable.' _ 4
L Normal Civic Activities: Aid to American Red Cross and Masonic‘Tidews
{ and Orphans Homo. . 1 4 V · Z .
S Eefense Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Sewing
Q and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Child Care. }nterestod_in F
, Ambulance Service, First Aid. A
L Local Publipations: None. . l
2 OWENSBORO CHAMBER OF,CCHMERCE (U.S. Chamber of Commerce), 102 East {
~; Third Street, Owensboro. Founded 1919. President, A. S. Griffin. Term (
E expires October, 1942. Executive Secretary, Cline B. Finnell, 102 i
9 East Third Street, Ovmnsbore, Telephone 812. Torm.indofinito. ` Q
* I
 ° I
Y Mombership:‘ 250. Open to business and professional men and women of *
1 . good character. r . 1 ,

 -:-——·*  ' _". si-`·¤·}FZ!!n..;.   ' " K
Owensboro Chamber of Commerce (Continued)
Committees: Retail Merchants,Division, E. S. Montgomery, J. J. Newberry
Co.; Retail Grocers Division, M. E. Bunch, 516 Triplett Street; New
Industries Fund, Ferdinand Birk, 1712 Griffith Avenue; War Service ‘
Organization, Cline Finnell, 102 East Third Street; Food Industries,
G. I. Parker, 508 Hill Avenue. ·
Purpose: To improve civic, industrial and commercial life of the city.
Normal Civic Activities: Assuming leadership and cooperating with all
civic activities as occasion demands for advancement of business con-
ditions and patriotism in the community; Sponsored Retailers for Victory T
i Campaign.
Defense Actiyitiesj Engaged in Research Assistance, Collecting Scrap
and Other lbtals, Discussion Leaders. _
Local Publications: Monthly Bulletin. d _
“ Congresses of Parents and Teachers). Founded 1916. President, Mrs. '
» Earl L. Peak, 520 Booth Avenue, Owensboro, Telephone 1275-J. Secretary,
Mrs. Blanche Duncan, 202 Clay Street, Owensboro, Telephone 2836-R. Terms
. expire Nay, 1943, and Hay, 1944, respectively.
Membership: 805. Open to parents, teachers and others interested in
( child vmlfare.
I Committees: Health, Hrs. P. M. Barlow, 1222 Independence Avenue; Safety,
¤ Nrs. Harvey Ford, 124 Vest 24th Street, Owensboro, Telephone 15314W; i
2 Parent Education, Hrs. E. H. Lovell, 1915 Frederica Street, Owensboro. ·
; Purpose: Child Welfare. 4 ' _ I
A Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with`Wcman's Club, Lions Club and
{ Rotary Club in charity programs.
t Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Preparation and I
Q‘ Serving of Food in School Lunch Rooms, Child Care, Library Service.
E Local Publications: None. ` - . t
L """‘“""`*’—""“`*t l • K
° OVENSBORO CURRENT EVENTS CLUB (General Federation of Vemen's Clubs). ` _
g Founded 1914. President, Mrs. V. C. Haycraft, Hartford Road, Owensboro,
L Telephone 840-J. Secretary, Hrs. John Reid, Freeman Avenue, Ovmnsboro.
; Terms expire February, 1945. ·

 l *1].**
Owensboro Current Events Club (Continued) ;
I Membership: 16. Acquired by unanimous vote of members.
( Committees: None.
l Purpose: Cultural improvement of members. A
I Normal Civic Activities: Sponsorship of educational programs.
{ Defense Activities: Interested in Entertainment, Recreation.
‘ Local Publications: None.
404§·Frederica Street, Owensboro. Founded 1901. President, Dr. T. J.
Boldrick, 1521 Parrish Avenue, Owensboro, Telephone 668. Secretary, ·
Dr. H. B. Harris, 205%·West Fourth Street, Owensboro, Telephone 1400.
. Terms expire February, 1945.
A Ngnggrship: 52. Open to licensed dentists.
I Committees: _ None. A
V Purpose: Promotion of better health. J A _‘
A Normal Civie_Activities: Cooperating with local health unit in
A examination of'seheel children and with the`War Department in ex- I
j aminatien of draftees.
· Defense Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance,
» Red Cross Assistance, First Aid, Child Care.
‘ I
— Local Publications: None. ° .' _
A , I
. OWENSBORO FEDERATION OF NOMEN'S CLUBS, c/o Mrs. E. H. Lovell, 309 Fourth 2
, Street, Owensboro. Founded 1957. President, Mrs. T. L. Mills, 1210 ”
F Frederica Street, Owensboro, Telephone 559-J. Secretary, Mrs. Gertrude ;
j McQuigg, 206 Park Avenue, Owensboro, Telephone 1049-J. Terms expire (
I August, 1945. A j
Nhmbership: 15 clubs. Open to executives and members of federated 1
A clubs. 1
U Cemmittees:'None. t
.. Purpose: Closer union for civic work.
" Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with Red Cross, Bundles for Britcln
» and various civic organizations. t

 V  ·_ _____ __,_""       }·~
..12; V I
Owonsboro Federation of Women’s Clubs (Continued)` `
Dofense_AEtivities: Engagod;in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical
Drossin@s. Interested in Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Child Care.
Local_Pub1ioations: Nona. V
of Commorco), 414 Masonic Building, Owcnsboro. Foundcd 1940. Prosidont,
William L. Mhlson, 414 Masonic Building, Owensboro, Telephono 2212. Seo-
rctary, Villiam Thompson, 1916 Fleming Avcnuo, Owonsboro, Tolophonc 1901-J.
Torms oxpire July, 1942. ‘ · I ·
Ngmbgrship: 85. Open to mon of good character, 21 to 35 years old.
Committocs: Youth and Americanism, William Fulton,_Jr.; Govcrnmontal `
Aifairs, John F. Food; Public Hoalth and Safoty, Dr. William E; Carpontor;
Agrioulturo, Robort Lytlo; Aviation, Charles Bridges, all of Owensboro.
Purpoioz To promote civic sorvico and public welfare through active,
A constructivo projocts and to train young mon in lcadcrship and civic ‘
Normal Civic Activitios: Nonc. _
Dofonso Activities: None specifically, but willing to cooporato in any
I homo dofonso program.that is assigned to tho organization.
‘ Ipcal Publications: "The Quill" (publishcd fortnightly).
A OWENSBORO LIONS CLUB (Lions Intornational). Foundod 1920. Prosidcnt,‘
V Albcrt Kittingor, Owcnshoro, Tolephonc 156. Socrotary, J. V. Vittitow,
5 221 St. Ann Stroct, Owonsbcro, Tclophono 1938. Torms oxpiro Juno, 1945.
Membership: 116. Open to Owonsboro business and professional mon.
Z Committoocz. None roportod. ‘ ’ ‘
Q Purpose: Sorvioo-to the community. =
V é Normal Civic Activities: Provision of ocular and dontal sorvicos for
Q undorprivilogod childron. I
Dofcnso“Actjvitios: Int0rost0d_in Auxiliary Firo Protoction. Z .
i Local Publioationo: Nono. V *

i -].3-
Founded 1950. President, R. L. Alexander, 1808 McCreary Avenue,
Owensboro, Telephone 2578. Secretary, Fred O. McCoy, Y.M.C.A.,
Owensboro. Terms expire February, 1945. “
A Membership: 55. Open to ordained ministers of churches in Owensboro
C and surrounding territory.
. Com ittees: Moral Crusade, Robert E. Humphreys, 1520 Millers Court,
Purpose: Promotion of religious welfare.
A Normal Civic_AEtivities: General spiritual welfare; crusading against
crime, sale of intoxicating liquors and for banishment of slot machines.
· DefppsoWA£tiyitios: Interestod_in Child Care, Entertainment, Recreation,
A Collecting Books, Discussion Loaders.
A Local Publications: None.
C OWENSBORO‘RESCUE MISSION, 117 Frederica Street, Owensboro. Founded 1959.
¥ President, Rev. H. B. Carrico, 1511 Alexander Avenue, Owensboro. Tole-
pheno 1570. Assistant Superintendents, Rev. and Mrs. W. 0. Self, .
Z 117 Frederica Street; Secretary, Frank Gaddis. Terms indefinite.
A Membership: 75. Open to members in good standing of Owensboro churches. *
i Committees:_ None reported. .
I Purpose: Religious and social work; rehabilitation of unwod mothers.
{ ` Normal Civic Activities: Operation of transient quarters a.nd assisting
_ in the collection of paper and clothing. {
iDefense Activities: Engaged in Preparation and Serving of Feed, Family
’ Social Service in—Industria1 Areas, Collecting Scrap and Other Metals. g
Interested in Child Care. Mission has twenty-five room building that
C can be made available for housing of refugees from bombed areas.
‘ Local Publications: None. i
SALMATION ARMY, INC. (National Salvation Army, Inc.), 2518 West Second A
Q Street, Owensboro. `Cemmanding Officer, Haj. John R. Davis, 2518 West l
` Second Street, Telephone 1250. Term indefinite.
F Membership: 125. Qualifications, acceptance of doctrinal faith, omn-
plianco with rules and regulations. A

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l Salvation Army, Inc. (Continued)
Committees: Advisory board composed of seventeen local business men
and women. `
Purpose: Dispensing of charitable and'spiritual assistance to all needing
it, without discrimination as to class, creed or color. A
Normal Civic Activities: Furnishing transient hotel facilities, local .
relief and recreation, cooperating with`We1fare League and WPA, cen-
ducting religious services.
o Defense Activities: Engaged in Preparation and Serving of Food, Family
V Social Service in Industrial Areas. Interegted in Entertainment, Collect-
‘ ing Books.
Local Publications: None.
SATURDAY MUSICALE (State and National Federation of Music Clubs).
Founded 1896. President, Mrs. F. M. Haydos, 1501 Waverly Place, Owons— `
bore, Telephone 1031. Secretary, Mrs. Maurice Stimsen, 2224 Frederica
‘ Street, Owensboro, Telephone 22954N. Terms expire September, 1942.
Membership:‘ 52.‘ Open to‘individuals with advanced musical training.
I Committees: Publicity, Mrs. Henry Pettit; Finance, Miss Ovela O'F1ynn; (
‘ Radio, Mrs. Hugh Petter; Advisory, Mrs. J. N. Snyder, all of Owensboro.
Purpose: Advancement of musical education by Junior and Morning Musical
i Clubs for school children. (
i Normal Civic Activities: Furnishing music for patriotic meetings, church,
social and civic functions. w `
@ Defense Activities: Engaged in Hospital and Clinical Assistance. lng
' terested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Family Social
Service in Industrial Areas, Recreation.
i Local Publications: Year Book.
4 1 U.D.C.), 2207 Frederica Street, Owensboro. Founded 1880. President, ‘
§ Mrs. E. R. Bonnett,`4l4 Crabtree Avenue, Owensboro. Secretary, Mrs.
= James T. Duncan, 451 Triplott Street, Owensboro. Terms expire February, r
1945. ‘ 4
i Membership: 27. Limited to widows, wives, sisters, nieces, and lineal `
F descendents of Confederate Soldiers.

 `- » -15- M
United Daughters of the Confederacy, John Breckinridge Chapter (Continued)
A _ Committees: None reported.
_Purpose: Promotion of closer friendship among relatives of Confederate
Normal Civic Activities: Aid to old veterans, Bundles for Britain and
Defense Activities: Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgica1‘
Dressings. Interested in Family Social Service in Industrial Areas,
V Library Service.
Local Publications: None. I
g NNITED‘SPANISH FAR VETERANS”(National U.s.v.w.), lO15 West Second _
Street, Owensboro. Founded 1902. Com andcr, D. S. Smith, 1015 West
5 Second Street, Owensboro. Adjutant, N. E. Bunch, 115 West Twenty-
Q second Street, Owensboro, Telephone 1915-R. Terms expire January, A
1945. ‘
Membership: 20. (Limited to veterans of Spanish—Amorican War.
{ Committees: None. Z A
Purpose: Patriotic and social. I 1
1 Normal Civic Activities: None. l V
‘ Defense Activities: Engaged_in Red Cross Assistance, First Aid. In-
. terested in Family Social Service in Industrial Areas, Child Care.
Local Publications: None. A A
102 Daviess Street, Owensboro. Founded 1959. Commander, Lewis Hays,
102 East First Street, Owensboro, Telephone 2146. Adjutant, Joseph V. _
Connor, 1420 West Ninth Street, Owensboro, Telephone 658-M. Terms ;
expire June, 1945. . _ i
` Membership: 125. Open only to veterans of U.S. armed forces with Q
foreign service records. Q
L Cenmnttoes: None. L _ J
I Purpose: Promotion of Americanism, service to community, state and
j nat i on.
‘ J

 * -16·- U L
` Veterans of Foreign Wars, Owensborp Post #%96 (Continued)
Normal Civic Activities: Aid to veterans, Red Cross and American Legion.
Defense Activities: Engaged in Auxiliary Police, Red Cross Assistance,
Collection of Scrap and Other Metals, Recreation, Discussion Leaders,
Public Speaking. Interested in Air Raid`Warden Service, Civilian Air-
craft Varning Service, Auxiliary Fire Protection, Salvage Demolition
Service, Ambulance Service, Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Operation .
of Canteens, Child Care.
Local Publications: None. .