xt7ffb4whr9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ffb4whr9k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1926-04-16  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1926 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 1926 1926 1926-04-16 2012 true xt7ffb4whr9k section xt7ffb4whr9k ANNUAL BLUE RIDGE EDITION










von Jons

as house mothers
NO. 25

APRIL 16, 1926

Being Exhibited Here
PLANS GIVEN OUT Display of American Federation
BY DEAN TAYLOR of Close Paintings 25Will
The walls of the Art
Strongest Faculty in History University of Kentucky building ofwith
are hung
of the University To Be
an interesting collection of paintings
Here for the 1926
from the American Federation of Art.


Main Hall at Blue Ridge

First Annual Banquet for Budding Journalists To Be at
Lafayette Hotel





The exhibition, which began April 11,
and is a traveling one sent out by the
DORMITORIES TO .OPEN federation, is open to the public until
April 25.
Special Trips Planned for the According to Prof. Allan Swisher,
; Two
Vacation Students
of the department of art, the paintPlays Scheduled
ings, with one or two exceptions, arc
of commercial
value rather than
Dean Taylor announced that the representative of the best museum
1926 summer session of the Universi- work.
ty of Kentucky would consist of two Among the better canvasses one by
terms this year. The first ter'm will Walter Ufer. formerly of Louisville,
open June 14 and close July 23, and portrays
a Mexican Indian with
the second will begin July 26 and e'nd vivid tones suggestive of the hot the
cliAugust 28. For the 'first time in the mates. Another Kentuckian, Charles
history of the summer school the de- C. Curran, has a portrait of a girl
partments of Journalism and Physiol- which took the second prize in the exogy will be open. Bacteriology, which hibition at Nashville last year, when
was not scheduled in the catalogue, Professor Swisher took the first prize
will offer a full program of work.
with his canvas.
The summer session has grown in
Two sea pictures, "The New Eng- size during the past few years and
in 1926 every college on the campus ( CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
will offer a full program of work, and
the entire plant and facilities of the
University of Kentucky will be available for instruction purposes.
The tuition fee for each college,
With the exception of the College of
Law is $18.00 a term. In the College of Law there is just one term
Graduate of the
of 11 weeks and the fee is $50 for the
University in 19 2 4 Is
Victim of Pneumonia
Dormitories Will Be Open
in New York City
The University dormitories, Patterson Hall, Smith, and Boyd Halls and
also the men's dormitory will be open WAS TALENTED
during the summer session.
Miss Marjorie Warden, 22 .years
rates are as follows:
In the women's dormitories $1.50 to of formerly of Louisville, a graduate
the University of Kentucky, and
?3.00 a week will be charged accordpopular
ing to the room occupied.
In the tre, died actress at the Romany theaat noon Sunday in New York,
men's dormitory all rooms available
where she had made her home for a
year. Her death came sixteen hours
after she was stricken with pneu-


Robert E. Lee Hall with Swimming Pool in Foreground

Builder Embodied His Ideal In students wno attend the conference
this year will find a mountain top
Institution in North Caroexperience.
After a long school year,
lina Which He Created
with the grind of the classes and
20 Years Ago







Miss Warden was graduated from
the university in 1924. While on the
campus, she was very prominent in
student activities, social circles, and

Romany productions.
Her untimely
death came as a great shock to her
Virginia Heizer, Margie Smith, many friends here. Besides being a
Lydia Roberts, Irene Mortalented actress, she was a violinist of
gan and Virginia Boyd To
Represent University



(V- -






For Women Students

The Y.W.C.A. delegates to Blue
Ridge this year are Virginia Heizer,
Margie Lee Smith,' Lydia Florence
Roberts, Irene Morgan, and Virginia
Boyd. The election was held at Boyd
hall, Tuesday evening, by the senior
members of the retiring Y.W. cabinet.
Virginia Heizer, the newly elected
Y.W. president, is a junior in the College of Agriculture. She came to the
university from the University High
school and has been prominent in
Y.W. work ever Tsince she was a freshThis year Virginia has been
secretary of the Y.W.C.A. and has
ably performed her duties, despite her
deep interest in other campus activities. She is a member of the Alpha
Delta Theta sorority.
Margie Lee Smith, the treasurer of
the organization is a junior in the
College of Arts and Sciences.
came to the university three years ago

Miss Florence Heintz will arrive
of Kentucky this
week to conduct a two weeks'
course in campfire work for women
students in the University who
expect to become teachers in the
public schools.
The group will hold its first
meeting Monday afternoon, April
19, at 3 o'clock in the high school

at the University

This course is offered through
the courtesy of the national organization of Campfire Girls and will
bo given free to the women students of the university. All girls
who are interested in this work
should see Miss Virginia Franke or
Dean Taylor at once.


"Hot Tamale," Guest From New
Mexico, to Be Sent to Queen City
Zoo; Impressive Ceremony Planned
Unheralded by advance publicity
agent?, neglected by the professional
and unknown even tc
the best informed gossips on the can
pus, a mighty change is aoout to be
made in the whole working plan of
the University of Kentucky "Hot
Tamale" is to be sent away to the
Cincinnati Zoological garden!
No longer will the savage visitor
from the jagged mountain peaks- of
New Mexico ramp in his little cage
in the basement of the men's gym.
No longer will he snarl out his von-- ,
genco at those, who annoy his slumbers. No longer will Louiso Atkins,
the capable treasurer of tho
circle, be gripped in the throes of
thought, attempting to conceive some
plan to secure the finances necessary
for the appeasing of his insatiable appetite.
Peace Kelgns
For a time now perhaps peace will
jreat on the university campus. No




1561 ACRES

examinations and the constant round
of activities don't you sometimes
long to steal away for a few days into
some secluded spot in God's green
outdoors away up high to meditate and pray to gain inspiration and
vigor for the great task, before you?
Our Master needed this refreshment,
how much more must you and I need
Beautiful Scenery
There is no hetter place in all the
world for such experience than the
great outdoors in the Blue Ridge. For
generations western North Carolina
has been called the "Land of the Sky,"
and it has long been characterized tas
one of the most exquisitely beautiful
regions in all America. United States
Government, created by the National
Congress, and through this reserva- -

Blue Ridge the "Land of the Sky"
was started in 1906 when the first
tract of land was purchased. Since
then seven tracts have been secured,
making an aggregate of 1561 acres.
Ly 1912 there were three buildings
on the grounds and at present there
buildings, in which
more than 800 people can be accomodated. The present valuation of the
property is six hundred thousand dollars.
The founder and builder of Blue
Ridge, Dr. W. D. Weatherford, has
builded his life and ideals into the in
stitution, and the equipment is used
to the maximum during the summer
months for the promotion of these
ideals. It is here that each of the 500 (CONTINUED ON PAGE




longer will news-reel- s
photographer (CONTINUED ON PAGE
be buzzing around the men'. gym.
No longer will reporters for local papers, feature writers, associated press
representatives, interviewers, et
ad infinitum dog the steps of "Hot
Tamaje" from morning to night in an
attempt to get his opinion of the
case. Tho humune officer has declared
truco and many of tho pious folk of
the ulue urass city who wero so upset
over the idea of having a wild feline
in their midst, have now returned. tr.
their peaceful pursuits.
Tuesday afternoon nt tho regular
meeting of the
circle the biography was almost finished. After u
lengthy consideration of the matter
it was decided to accept the offer of
the Cincinnati Zoo to take tho 'cut off
the hands of the pep organization.
This decision was reached only after
Many of the
a most bitter discussion.



Law Tests Given

Operation Proves Fatal to District Passenger Agent of
Southern ; Was Ardent
Supporter of U. of K.



ten-da- y

conference at Blue Ridge. According
to Mr. Kavanaugh's figures the cost
should vary between $47 and 62, according to the mode of travel.
If one travels by automobile the
secretary figures that each individual's, share for transportation should
be 12; the registration fee is 10 and
board for the 10 days is $25, making
a total of 47. Plans are being made
to take all the university representatives in automobiles.
By railroad the cost would be some-

what higher as the train fare for the
round trip from Lexington is $27.
The total cost would be approximately
62 according to the secretary.
LOST A Tri Delt pin somewhere
between the campus and the Greeks.
If found, return to Helen Sampson at
tho Tri Delt house.

Lucille Short Honored
Awarded Cup for Most Valuable,
Chi Omega Pledge
Lucille Short,
lege of Arts and
ed tho cup given
Omega sorority

freshman in the


Held at Southern S t tt d e n t s'
Camp in North Carolina, June
11 to 24 Kavanaugh and
"Y" President To Go



Cost May Be Greatly Reduced
Through Making Trip
by Automobile
The university in general and
C. A. in particular is
making extensive plans to send
a large delegation of students to
the Southern Students' Camp at
Blue Ridge, N. C, June 14 to 24.
Two official delegates, the new
president of Y. M. C. A. to be
elected in the near future, and
George Kavanaugh, general secretary of the Y. M. C. A., will be
sent to renresent the university
and will have their expenses
paid but all the men students oi
the university are invited and
urged to attend this camp.

the Y. M.

The triD to the camp has previously
been made by train but this year they
are planning to go in automobiles as
the delegation from Berea drove
through last year and found it a very
successful wny to make the trip. In
this way the cost of attenumg tne
camp can be greatly reduced and thus
more boys will be able to go.
Sponsored by National
This camn is sponsored by the nat
ional Y. M. C. A., for the' benefit of
students atending southern colleges,
with the purpose of fostering student
contact among the colleges of the
Last year 100 southern col- -



Board of Trustees of University
Pass Resolutions Compelling
Orders to Have Matrons
by January 1, 1927



Resolutions to the effect that each
fraternity on the campus of the Unichampionship in 1921.
versity of Kentucky would be comMr. King took an enthusiastic inter- - pelled to have a house mother on or
before January 1, 1927, were adopted
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) by the board of trustees of the University at a meeting held by the board
on Tuesday, April 13.
The board of trustees strongly feels'
May Queen
that in view of the past actions on the
Most Popular Girl Will Be part of fraternities that house mothThis, the board
ers are necessary.
Named April 26
believes, is the only way to insure
good conduct on the part of the boys.
The election of the Queen of Not for this reason alone has the
May, who will preside over th,e
board adopted this resolution as they
May Day festival at the university,
feel that the presence of a woman will
will be held Monday, April 26.
insure better living conditions.
Only male students of the univerfact thitt fraterIt is a
sity may vote.
nity houses are not models of cleanliAH arrangements for the elecness, but with a competent director of
tion are being made by the
affairs they might be made so. It is
The girl who receives the
suggested that the house mothers
highest popular vote will be named
might act as the directors of the
the May Queen, the second highhouses, thus insuring better service
est, maid of honor to the Queen
on the part of the servants, and conand the next four, attendants.
sequently less waste.




"No Use Looking at a Gift Horse's
Tonsils," Says Smith, in Speaking of
The Romany and Their Romaniacs
I was parked comfortably in the
office the other day, Morris bein' out
at the time, when in come a damsel
who turned out to bo one of them Romaniacs from the theater over here on
the alley. She asked me would I
write her one of my stories about tho
theater and how lucky we was to have
one. I say that she was right, wo
was lucky, and there wasn't no use
lookin' at a gift horse's tonsils, no
matter how much he coughed. I explained that I couldn't write no story
about it because I didn't know any
thing about a theater, and all I had
against this particular one was the
paint job on
outside, never hnvin'
Leon inside.
Byronic Atmosphere Prevails

Sciences, was awardEighteen. Students Take Examannually by the Chi
to the pledge who
inations This Week
best represents the ideals of that
Col-leg- o
University of Kentucky Law
organization. The award was made
sent 18 of its members for en- at the Founders day banquet which
trance examinations to the Kentucky was held at the Phoenix hotel Monday
Bar Association which was held at night.
Frankfort Thursday of this week.
The prize, which is a handsome silThose who took tho examination ver loving cup, was awarded on a
are; J. Rryce Johnson, Adrian II. basis of scholarship, activities, and
During her short
Terrill, Henry Reed Prewitt, Eugene general conduct.
B. Cochrane, B. A. Robertson, S. B. stay at tho university Miss Short has
Triplett, Richard Clayton Smoo t, taken an active part in many extra-- I
Paul E. Keen, Lawrence E. Luigart, curricula activities and social affairs
Hubert II. White, Richard P. Maloney, of the university. She is a company
William Franklin Simpson, M. T. G. sponsor in tho R.O.T.C, In uddition
Daughcrty, "'Harlan Hobart Grooms, to her numerous activities Miss Short
Woodson D. Scott, Charles S. Dur-ret- t, made, an unusually high scholastic was a Byronic atmosphere in the
Joseph Bradley and Kathleen standing for her first semester in the simplicity of the Kernel office which
EIGHT) Mulligan.''
I took to be a wise crack, but I ex
cet-er- a


has compiled a table of costs for atY.M.C.A. student

BURDENS tending the

Acording to a rating mark worked
out in the office of the dean of women,
assisted by the Women's Student Government Council,
ties for girls at the university will bo
regulated by a point system.
No girl will be allowed to carry
more than 15 points in addition to her
school work. If figured on the basis
of the now rating some of the girls
are now carrying 30 and 40 points.
Next year a chairman of activities
will be appointed to see that no girl
carries more than 15 points.
The students are in favor of the
plan because it gvies opportunity to
more girls for office holding, and
lightens the burden on prominent
girls likely to be elected to more offices than they can manage, Organizations are electing their now officers
with the point system in mind.
Officers carrying 10 pqints are: the
presidency of the Woman's Student
Council, of the Young
Woman's Christian Assocation, and of


Ridge. Trip

Work of Women
for Attending Conference
Students Will Be Graded on
Point System Basis
George R. Knvanaugh, student secNext Year
retary of tho University Y.M.C.A.,

Tho first annual Kentucky Kernel
banquet will be held tonight at 6:30
o'clock in tho private dining room of
the Lafayette hotel.
The banquet, which is financed by
the business department of The Ker
nel will be for the members of the
staff and their three honor guests,
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, Miss
Irene McNamara, and Prof. Enoch
Grehun, head of the journalism de
partment. There will be a short busi
iness session, nnd the staff for the
coming year will be announced.
This event will mark the close of
the old administration and the inaug
uration of the new. After the close
of the most enjoyable exercise of the
evening, that of feasting, those present will have the honor and pleasure
of listening to addresses by the retiring managing editor, Arthur H. Morris; the retiring business manager,
Jack Warren, the distinguished associate editor, Kyle Whitehead, and the
notable professor of journalism, Enoch

Howard C. King, district passenger
agent for the Southern Railway System, died at the Good Samaritan hospital at 4:15 o'clock last Thursday
morning, April 8.
Mr. King underwent- an operation
for the removal of gall stones, Monday night. He rallied 2nd grew
stronger Tuesday, recognizing members of his family, but took a turn
for the worse .Wednesday, growing
gradually weaker.
He was prominent in Lexington's
civic and business life, widely known
35 years' association with the
EIGHT) from
Southern railway, and actively interested in college and high sv ool sports
Will in Lexington and "Bill" King towns.
Father of
$62 His son, William B. King, former
student of this university, and star
Secretary of University "Y' athlete, pitched the foul goal that won
the Southern Conference basketball
Compiles Table of Expenses


Course In Campfire Work Will
Be Open to University Girls

Kernel Staff Will Be U.
Entertained To n i g h t

plained thaft. it was just cigarette
smoke and let it go at that. She says
that she would enlighten me a bit

about the legitimate stage, but I
says she needn't to bother; if they had
police protection, it was all right. We
didn't seem to be gettin' very far, so
she departed.
A pair of officer's boots come
clumpin' in after while containin' Jack
Warren. I asked him how was the
Boy Scouts doin', and he udmits that
his particular army seemed to still
bo tho prize outfit, and would I please
I say I was just
go chase myself,
leavin' and ho wus so cheerful over
it that I sat down again, and inspired
for details concerniu' tho state of his
Distributes Himself Over Chair
Jack distributes himself gracefully
over the most of a chair and Morris'


� P.



Editor W. C. Wilson, Alumni Sccrelary
Assistant Editor, Helen J. Osborne
Louisville, May 1 (First Saturday Regular ) luncheon nt 1:115, Elk's
Cliicngo, April 19 (Third Mondny club.
Philadelphia, May 1 (First SaturRcgulnr) luncheon nt 12:15 Mar-shn- ll
Field Men's Store. (Grill room). day Regular) luncheon nt 1:15, EnLouisville, April 22 U. of K. ban- gineers Club, 1.317 Spruce street.
Buffalo, May 8 (Second Saturday
quet 0
at the Brown hotel.
April 24
Regular) luncheon at 1:15 ChamAssociation
Dance 9:00 p.m. at the Men's Gym- ber of Commerce, corner of Main and
nasium, University of Kentucky.
Seneca streets.







The following is a discussion by Russell R. Larinon, Executive Secretary,
Dartmouth College, of the financial problem as met by that institution:
Alumni funds will differ in organization and method and properly
should do so in order that they may be adapted to the particular requirements of their respective institutions and alumni bodies. Because of this
fact, the writer is not going to endeavor to specify what the organization
of any alumni fund should be. Necessarily, if he desires to be of any
assistance to those who are concermd with such a fund in other insUtutiomi,
all that he can do is to discuss th. organization nnd methods of his own
fund with, here and there, some expressions of opinion as to the value
of methods which have been used. The fact that the affairs of one institution will have to enter largely into the article does not indicate that it
is the belief of those connected with that partcular institution or fund that
successful or that success has been attained.
it stands out as
The Dartmouth College Fund ha3 been in existence since the year 190G-- 7.
At its inception it was patterned largely after the Yale fund. Since 1907,
annual contributions have increased from $5,147.10 to $70,354.28. The
number of contributors has increased from 553 to 3,789, which represents
fifty-fiv- e
per cent of the total number of graduates. The fund is collected
and administered by the executive body of the alumni known as the Alumni
per cent of the amount collected is
Council. Usually about twenty-fiv- e
assigned to permanent endowment, and the major portion of the remainder
is given over to the college as current income. Without any advance
commitment on the part of the Alumni Council, the trustees of the college
have had sufficient confidence in what the result would be to feel justified
in going ahead each year on budgets providing for exceedingly burdensome
deficits if the Alumni Fund collection for that year had failed.
Each fund campaign extends over a period of about six or seven
months, from December of one year through June of the next.
campaign is entirely separate from any other. Pledges are accepted for
only the current year, and subscriptions for a term of years are never
solicited nor accepted. Possibly there are few exceptions to this because of
promises made by individuals to class agents that they will at least make a
certain contribution over a period of years.
The alumni fund books are cloned on July 1 of each year, and pledges
which have not been paid by that time are not counted as contributions
If the pledge is paid tardily, the amount is credited to the fund for the
following year. Contributions- which 'arrive in envelopes postmarked later
than June 13 are not accepted for the current year, but are. credited to the
Some years ago the policy was followed of not closing the
year following.
books absolutely on July 1, but each campaign then dragged on through
the summer. There was fairly uniform agreement among the agents and
among the members of the alumni fund committee that it was preferable to
date, even though this might
close the books absolutely on a definite
mean considerable disappointment to individual agents who were unable
to secure enough contributions by the exact date to make t'heir quota
although they could have made their quota if given three or four days leeway,
The question might be raised as to why we do not solicit promises from
alumni that they subscribe a certain definite amount over a period of years
The answer lies in the fact that our alumni quota, when viewed over a
period of years is constantly advancing, and it is much easier to ask for
larger contributions from individuals; as the need increased than to endeavor
to predict a need over a period of years nnd ask for a definite contribution
per year. Moreover, part of our reason for having an alumni fuund rather
than an endowment fund is that we may expect that an alumnus will
contribute as generously as his income allows him to contribute, and we
rather expect that this will vary from year to year.
Having identified the fund as one administered by an alumni body, and a3
one whose proceeds are devoted, in the man, toward increasing the current
income of the college, as one which accepts only cash contributions and as
one in which each year's campaign is entirely separate from any other
year's, let us turn to the oorganization which is employed in its cllection
and administration.
members, representing
The Council of Alumni is composed of twenty-fiv- e
.different geographical and other groups, and acting virtually as liaison
officers between the trustees and the body of alumni. The Council, among
its other activities, elects a committee of the alumni fund which has a
membership of six, one of the members being named as chairman. Thi
committee appoints an executive secretary, the incumbent being usually
The treasurer is ex officio
connected with the college administration.
treasurer of the alumni fund. In practice, the chairman of the fund com
mittee and the executive secretary are chiefly responsible for the planning
nnd the earrvinir out the camnaien each year. The members of the fund
committee, other than the chairman, are asked by the chairman to supervise
the w,ork of collection which is being done by certain groups of agents oi
by alumni associations.
Tile chairman is an alumnus who is successful in his own line oi
activity, one who commands the respect of the other alumni, and one who
is willing to work untiringly for the college. The executive secretary keeps:
in constant touch with the agents of the various classes and is responsibk
for the printing of any circular appeals which may be mailed to the alumni.
Ho keens the chairman in touch with the progress of the fund and the
nrogrcss of the various classes. The chairman will, from time to time,
correspond with the agent of a class who is doing very well, or with an
ni'ent who is not doing well. He throws in his influence wherever it ie
needed. The treasurer, or course, is responsible for the proper recording
of contributions and for making the wcessay investment of contibutions
which accure.
But the most important cog ,in the alumni fund machine is the clash
agent. In our alumni organization the class is the most important unit,
for a man's contact with the college is usually maintained more through
his class than through any other agency. After consultation with the clasr.
officers, the alumni fund committee appoints every year an alumni fund
agent for each chts3. In some classes the appointee is known simply as the
chairman of a committee whose responsibility it is to raise the class quota
for the alumni fund. But in the average class hd is known as the agent,
while in all the classes which have graduated in recent years, he invariably
culls to his aid a certain number of assistants who are usually known as
The members of the class are divided between the member?
according to geographical residence,
of the committee or the
according to undergraduate social connections, or according to the point
at which the first letter of their lust names comes in the alphabet. If we
were to hazard a prediction, we should say that, in all probability, classes
will be handling their alumni fund affairs in the future more often through
For a sub-agecommittees than through agents and
assumes that he is merely helping out the agent, and this attitude is often
evident in his letters to possible contributors.
A quota is set for each yeur's fund campaign the amount being fixed


by the Alumni Council after the chairman of the fund committee has
conferred with the president of the college as to the probable needs that
the college will have for thnl year in current income. The quota in therefore
sot- according to the needs of the college nnd according to the amount which
the alumni will probably bo able to subscribe for that year. The share of
each clan is determined by the time which has elapsed since graduation
and by the number of men within each class. By experience wo have
found that ability to give in roughly measured by the time which has
By plotting average gifts of classes over a
elapsed nfter graduation.
period of years, we secured a graph Indicating giving power.
We use
this in assigning and calculating class quotas. This method is not as
scientific n one as we could wish to have, bul it has proved on the whole
fairly satisfactory in practice, and we will expect that it improve as time
goes on.
Asking nlumni for money in fnirly lnrgc sums year after year with the
expectation that a majority of the alumni will respond necessitates cducnting
the alumni as to the financial problems of the college nnd the need thnt
exists for alumni support. One means of carrying on this education is
through spenkers which the college sends out ench year to the various
alumni associations. While it is not their custom to discuss the funds,
it is their practice to discuss the problems of the college, and among these
problems the financial one. In the actual alumni fund work it is expected
that the circular material which the alumni fund committee sends to all
the alumni will benr the burden of educating the nlumni as-tthe reasons
for giving, and that the personal appeal which is mndc by the agent in each
class to the individuals in each class will accomplish the result of securing the
ictual contributions. We have found that printed appeals mailed by the
alumni fund committee are, on the whole, effective only in educating them,
so tiiat we no longer expect that circular material will result in securing
many actual contributions. Out,, plan provides for sending out about four
printed appeals each year. The material, in so fnr as possible, is on standard size. But the whole emphasis of the Fund Committee and the executive
secretary is placed on the work of .the class agent and his assistants with
meetings, telephone calls, or personal
their personal appeal by face-to-faletters. It is fair to make the niisumpition that the class which is so
organized for the Alumni Fund purposes that the members of the class will
be seen personally by men interested in the success of the Fund, will make
its quota. But the class which is organized only to the extent of having
to collect the
an Alumni Fund ngent who endeavors, almost single-handeFund by means of circulnr letters will invariably fail to make its quota. '
Suppose we summarize what happens in a single campaign. We will
take the last one as an example. In September the chairman of the
committee and the executive secretary corresponded with the agents and
made such changes in the list of agents as were necessary, either through
rlsignation, or through record of unfitness for such work as judged by the
record of the year passed Some time in the month of October the committee
sent the Alumni Fund report for the year to all the members of the alumni
body. It contained the report of the committee, a tabulation of the results
secured by eacli class, a statement of expense, and a list of contributors
arranged according to classes. It was a report only, and it did not present
any appeals for funds by definite statement. About the same time the executive secretary corresponded with the individual agents and suggested that
they make preparation for the active work of the campaign, which would
begin in December. They were urged to set up their uganization and to
have their committees or their assistants ready for work by December.
The chairman of the Fund Committee sent a mimeographed letter to the
agents, signed with a penned signature, outlining the plans for the year,
and asking them for suggestions. In November the Alumn Council met and
set the quota for the year, the chairman of the Alumni Fund Committee and
the members of the committee having been selected at the previous meeting
in June.
On December first the chairman addressed the agents by means of a mimeographed letter in which he talked of the Fund, and more especially of the
first printed appeal which was to be sent out about a week later. The
appeal was enclosed, and the agents were urged to write letters to their men
to follow up very closely the receipt of the printed appeal from the committee.
The chairman told them that the central appeal for the year was to be
"the support of the educational program of the president by means of contributions to the Alumni Fund." This first appeal was sent out to all of the
alumni by the Committee.
It consisted of a four-pag- e
announcement containing the opening appeal of the year and a list of class quotas. Ac- compaying it was a facsimile of a typewritten letter from the president of
the College to the chairman of the Fund