xt7ffb4whq68 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ffb4whq68/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1874-01-jun09. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1874-01-jun09. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1874-01-jun09. 1874 1874-01-jun09. 2011 true xt7ffb4whq68 section xt7ffb4whq68 


Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 9th, 1874

Meeting of
June 9,

Motion to
admit re-
porters for
the press.

Motion to
enforce the

Maj or
Luxton admit-
ted temporar-
Report of
the Chai rman
of the -Board
Regent Bow.
man' s report
read t refered

Treasurer' s
report rec'd

Certi fi cate
of the Exec.
Commi ttee

lotion to
refer Trease
user's report
to a special
Com. ruled out
of order.

     A meeting of the Board of Curators of Ky. University took
place at Morrison College at 2 o'clock this P. NiI.- The follow-
ing Curators were found present-
     Chairman R. Li. Bishop, Andrew Steele, J. B. 8owrman, John
G. Allen, B. Gratz, Joseph WaVsson, D. S. Goodloe, G. W. Elley,
J. S. Woolfolk, Joseph Smith, A. G. Hernaon, R. J. White, B. B.
Groom, John Shackelford, Z. F. Smith, J. P. T :rbitt, R. R. Sloan,
W. T. Withers, Enos Campbell. John Aug. Williams, Horace Miller,
Wm R. Rogers, James S. Kinnaird, George G. White.
     MRoved by Curator Withers that the Reporters of the Press be
admitted - Moved as a substitute by Cura.tor Sloan that the by-
laws be enforced ayes and nays called for carried by a vote of
14 ayes , John B. Bowman, Benj. GratzJoseph Wasson, -). S. Goodloe,
J. S. Ioolfolk, A. H. Bowman, Jos. Smith, a. B. Groom, John
Shackelford, Z. F. Smith, R. R. Sloan, John Aug. Williams, James
G. Kinnaird, George G. White.
Nays- John G. Allen, Andrew Steele, G. W. Elley, R. J. White,
Horace Miller, Wm. E. Rogers, W. m. Withers, Enos Campbell, A. G.
Herndon -
     Moved by G urator Withers that 1Ma j. Luxton be admitted
during the time the Re-s-ent ana Treasurer is making his report.
     The Chairman of the Board R. M. Bishop read his annual

     Regent Bowman then submitted his annual Report.
     Moved by Curator Tlrbitt that said report be refered to
the appropriate Standing Committee - Adopted.
     J. B. Bowman submitted his reoort as Treasurer. M4oved by
Curator J. A. Jilliams that said report be received and filed-
     The Extive Committee as Auditors made the following report,
and certificate viz We the undersigned members of the Extive
Report that in accordance with the laws of Ky. University, met
on Monday June 8th, 1874 e.t Ashl-and and examined carefully &
fully the books & accounts and find the Vouchers for the same
complete & correct and
     We also met at the Bank and examined the Bonds notes & se-
curities and find them correct & safely kept- Jos. Smith- Jos.-
Was4ron, 3enj. Gratz- Jas. S. Woolfolk.
     Curator White moved that the re ort of the Treasurer be
refered to a special Committee which was voted out of order.
     Curator White appealed from the decision of the Chair and
called for the Ayes & Nays which were withdrawn. Curator White
then offered the following- Resolved that a Committee of three be
appointed to examine the condition of the investments of the
funds of the University together with his whole management and
disbursments of the same since ne has been Treasurer especially for



Kentucky Universi ty, Lexington, Ky., June 9th, 1874

Report of
Com. to
answer Pe-
titions from
Churches &
Dono rs

Page 293 &
294 (blank) /295/

Motion to
add to the
Com . lost.

Session of
June 10, 1874

Minutes read
& approved

Col. of Arts

A. & iA. Co1.

Curator J.L.
Caldwell & L.A.
Thomas resign

the last year and make what recommend they deem necessary as to
the collection or sale of any of the securities now owned by
Kentucky University add investment of the proceeds-
     On motion this resolution was laid on the table-
     The Committee appointed at the last meeting of the Board to
answer the petitions of certain churches and Donors made the
following resolution - No 1. The Committee to whom were referred
cerrain petitions, Memorials and demands of certain congregations
ana parts of congregations by the Board in September last beg
leave respectfully to report.
     1. )Printed Report)
     Curator Joseoh Smith offered the following.
     Resolved: that the Majority & Minority printed addresses
published in the interim of the meetings of the Board be refered
to a Committee of three who shall report to this Board what action
if any they may deem necessary in reference to them.
     Carried_ And Dr. Smith- -R R. Sloan & B. B. Groom appointed
as the Comtee.
     Curator R. J. `White offered a motion that two be added to
the above Committee - Lost.
     The Board then adjourned to meet at 3- o'clock to-morrowv

     Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 10, 1874

     The Board. met at 9 o'clock pursuant to aajournment-
     R. M. Bishop in the Chair- Session opened by Prayer by
Curator Ricketts
     The following Curators being present Chairman Bishop, J. G.
Allen, Andrew Steele, Joseph Was5son, I. S. Goodloe, G. W1. Elley,
J; S. W(oolfolk, A. H. Bowman, Joseph Smith,G. W. Givens, W. L.
Williams, A. G. Hlerndon, R. J. White, R. C. Ricketts, B. B. Groom,
John Shackelfori, Z. F. Smitn, J. P. Tarbitt, R. R. Sloan, W. T.
Withers, Enos Campbell, Z. vs. Shirley, Horace JLiiller, Winm. E. Rog-
ers, James G. Kinnaird, James Crutcher- Geo. G. White.
     The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and no objection
being offered stand approved.

     Committee on College of Arts made report which was received
and ordered to be filed.
     Committee on A. & si. College made report which ;wgas read and
ordered to be filed.
     Curator Z. F. Smith presented the resignation of J. S. Cald-
well as Curator wnhich was accepted.
     Same also presented the resignation of Landon A. Thomas which
was accep tedI.