xt7ffb4whq5p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ffb4whq5p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1876-05-dec28. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1876-05-dec28. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1876-05-dec28. 1876 1876-05-dec28. 2011 true xt7ffb4whq5p section xt7ffb4whq5p 




Kentucky University, Lexi~gton, Ky. Dec 2S 1, 1876

Session of
Doe. 28, 1876

app rove d .

Motior to
canccel the
lease of
farm and t
aontrno':t 9
Prof . Penr

Curator Be
Gratz resi

acc op ted

Report of
the COmI. c

!i tht

enj .

  dA P
  d -


Cos. to in-
"stigate the
Isancial His-
syy of the
iAv rsity.

     the Board met at 11 o'clock and a quorum found present -
Also - Cols. Breckinridge & Bradford, emeb rs of the State Board
of Visitors to the A. & M. College.-

Also present - Prominent Memb rs of the faculties of different
Colleges of the Ky. University -

     Session opened by Praycr by Prest. Graha- of the bibli. iolloege.

     Minutes of the Previous meeting were reoi1 and aft r some
corrections approved. On motion of Curator Goodloo the unfin-
ished business of yesterdisy was c.lled up and Curptor Smith read
the report of the Committee of which he is Chairman.

     The motion of Curator 'dicketts made yesterday in regard to
cancelling the contract mais by the Executive Committee with Regent
Bowman, leasing him the farm the contract with }rof. Perrin as a
substitute for the rtort of tihe Uommittee - adoLltei.

     The Secretary res d a comnunicati n from Curator 3enj. Gratz
resigning his position as a Cura..or of Ky. Univt rsity.

     On motion of Curator 'icketts after some complimeentary remarks
by him & Regent Bowman the resignati;n was accepted-

             Curator 'mith moved that the members of tle Visiting board be
        invited to take part in the discussions & actit-ns of this Board
                                                            Amended by
/356/   Curator Rogers so as to include the memb rs of the Faculties
        present - Adopted.

Mn           The Report of Committee on Fiaance was read by its Chairman
        D. S. Goodloe. Curator Mill l er moved its ado  tion.

     Curator Ricketts moved that it be considered by sections-
adop ted.

     Curator 'Yoolfolk off' red the following resolution which was
unanimously adopted.
     Re5. That a Committee of five (5) be appointed to examine
thoroughly all of the documents, Books & re ,orts of all the
officers, Agent and            of Ky. University Since its organi-
zation and ascertain used report the exact &inancial conditions
and exact financial history of the Univ rsity and make necessary
recommendations as may sk-dlm necessary to liquidmte the debts of
the Univ rsity, increase its income, and secure an efficient op-
eration of all its departments and to this



sale o f
real estai

Subs t i tu to
liopted co
corning sr,
of real es

lioli shi ng
lIoo Re ge ncy

ioting of
BMland res
l6nce &c.

kile of Sto
lwaiing Imp
hints &c.

               Kentucky University, Lexifgton, Ky. Dec. 28, 1876

         Committee all officers of the University are hereby ordered
         to give free access to all books & papers in their possession.
              The said Committee are directed to confer with such Donors
        or Committees of ionors as may request conference. They will
        also confer with the Executive Committee and if they think
        proper with the Board of Visitors of the State_ They will report
        fully at the next meeting of this Board and to this Committee is
        refered the communication of Evon T. Warner, W. L. McChessney
   /357/& J. W. Patterson a Committee of Donors with direction to confer
        with them and furnish them access to the books & accounts of
        the University -

              The Committee is given power to employ such accountants as
        they may deem necessary and the Treasurer is directed to pay
        such accountants upon the written order of this Committee. The
        following Curators were appointed as the Committee -
             Andxrew Steele Chairman
             D. L. Goodloe
             R. E. Sloan
             Jno Aug. Williams
             W. L. Williams.

te           The first recommendation of the Committee on finance was
I&      taken up and read as follows - Recommend that so much of the
        Ashland and Woodlands estates as are not indispensible to carry-
        ing out our contract with the state of Kentucky be sold and the
        proceeds applied to this purposest
             Curator Kinnaird offered as a substitute the following which
an_     on motion was adopted.   Resolved that the Executive Committee be
.1a     and are hereby ordered to sell so much of Ashland or Woodlands
state   or both as may be necessary to pay the debt due to the EXdowment
        fund and in making such sale the L'ommittee may sell in parcels
        of such amounts as in its judgement may be best.
             The Committee is further ordered to take such legal steps
        as may be necessary to vest a perfect title in the purchase -
        2y. Recommendation refering to abolishing of the Re-ency was on
        motion of Curator Kinnaird refored to the Committee of five (5).
/358/   3. Recommendation as to uniting the Ashland residence and houses
        adjacent was on motion of Curator Smith laid on the table.
i-     4th Recommendation which is as follows Viz   We further recommend
        that all the stock crop, farming implements and all the loose
        personal property on the farm except so much as may be necessary
ck,     to cultivate that portion of the farm reserved for the purpose
le-     of giving employment to State Students be sold as soon as pos-
        sible and the proceeds of the sales be applied to the payment of
        the salaries of the Professors of the current Academic year as



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. Dec. 28th, 1876

Instruc t ioons
to Exec. CogO

Instruc tior
to the

fivi de d
among othex

to Secretar

loolfolk' s

vacanci es i
hoc. Com.

lets -of the
Ixec. Comn,
approved ir
part .

Prof. Perri
to be in-

Minutes rea
& aDprovea.

I .



provided in the contract made with them by the Executive Com-
aittee. Curator Smith moved that the above recommendation be
refered to the Executive Committee with restrictions to act
at the earliest day possible - adopted.
5th_ Recommendation read as follows. "Your Committee recommend
that the Board determine what is a fair proportion of the Inci-e
dental expenses jointly chargeable to the A. & M. College and
order the Treasurer to make the proper correction in his books -
and that in future the Treasurer charge to the various colleges
of the University their proportions for expenses that the Board
may indicate."
     On motion the Treasurer is directed to so correct his Books
and charge to each Department its proper proportions of the
general expense.
6th. Recommendation was adopted and reads as follows- We recom-
wend that the proportions for the A. & M. /359/ College for the
past be one third. To the College of Arts and the other two
colleges two thirds m and that as under the present arrangement
the Commercial College is required to pay its own expenses that
the portion for the current session & future shall be two fifths
for the A. & M. College and three fifths for the College of the
Bible & Arts  

     The Secretary is directed on motion to acknowledge receipt
of the Communication from the Comtee. from the Donors and enclose
copy of Woolfolk's resolution.

     The resignation of J. S. Woolfolk as a Curator of Ky. Uni-
versity was on motion of Curator Goodloe accepted -
     Curators W. E. Rogers, A. M. Barnes and H. A. Headley were
elected to fill the vacancies in the Executive Gommittee.

            Curator Barnes moved that all ofthe Acts of the Axtive Com-.
       mittee since the last session of the oard, that have not during
       this session been disapproved be now 'approved - adopted.
            The Secretary is directed to inform Prof. H. Pi Perrin of the
       action of this Board in regard to the disapproval contract between
.n     him and the Axe cutive Committee.
             The minutes were then read and approved. On motion the Board
       adjourned   Prayer and Benediction by Cuarator '. L.  illiams
       Jas. Woolfolk                    Wm. T. Withers
ja            Sec.                        President Pro Tem.
       The Resolutions of Regent Bowman, A. M. Barnes Committee are on
/360/ motions to be opened upon the minutes and a copy sent to Mr.
       Benj. Gratz.