xt7fbg2hb476 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2hb476/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1942-05-27  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 27, 1942 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 27, 1942 1942 1942-05-27 2020 true xt7fbg2hb476 section xt7fbg2hb476 27’


Minutes of the University Faculty = May 27, 1942

May 27» 1942

The University @eonlty met in the President’s Office Wednesday,
May 27, 1942. President Donovan presideda Those attending were
Jesse Es Adams. Baal P. Boyd, Alvin E. Evans, Henry H. Hill” Mo E.
Ligon, Frank D. Peterson” Mo M. White9 and Edward Wiesto

The minutes of May 15 were read and approved.

The Secretary presented to the Faculty the list of candidates
for degrees at the commencement of May 29. The requirements in each
case had been checked by the respective deans and the Heglstrar"s
foieeo The Faculty voted appTOVal of this list and recommended the
candidates to the Board of Trustees; The list follows:

Candidates for the Degree g§_Baohelor of Arts


Sanford Allen Alversoo
Helen Virden Babbitt
louise Ellison Bailey
Jack Barton Baker

Henry Mitchell Baldwin, Jr.
Hunter Cherrington Belt
Mary Elizabeth Bennett
Margaret Louise Blackerby
Mabel Ellen Boswell
Thomas Harrison Bowman, Jr.
Jeanne Frances Bowne
Lawrence Bernard Brannon
Louise Thomas Brightwell
Robert Rodes Barnum III
Charles Rhoades Burton
John William Carrioo

Rita Ragland Gates

Mary Helen Cockriel

Paul Churchill Combs
Verna Mae Meedor Cox

Juno Gilbert Davis

Mary Clive Davis
Granville Humphrey deBoode
William Harold Downing
Elinor Southgate Earle
Milford Donan Estill
Lucille Elizabeth EVans
Joseph John Famularo, Jrc
Margaret Patricia Felton
Sidney Alexander Forsythe
Martin Jack Freedman





















Mary Eleanor Garner
Merl Donaldson Guard
Henryette Hall

Marjorie Penn Hall
James Willey Harris
Mary Hume Harrington
Fredric Bruce Hill
Joseph Marion Hodges
Jane Katherine Holladay
Nelson Hoskins

Lida Belle Howe

Jane White Humble
Elizabeth Jeane Hunter
Lulagene Johnson
Margaret Anne Johnson
Ann Maurice Kirk

James Parker LaBaeh
Mary LaBach

Emily Chrisnan Logan
Helen Bobette Fiske Lyon
Wynne McKinney, Jr.

Ann Foree McMullen
Omega Ruth McQuown
Elizabeth Stewart Macon
Wesley James Mastin
Robert Whitfield Miles, Jre
Frank Walter Miller
Bettie Rae Millikin
Lillian Palmer Mitchell
Nancy Jane Mohney
Margaret Cohen Montondo
Beatrice Louizette Moretti
Aimee Katharine Murray
Lewis Denver Nioeley
Mary Eldone Nickerson
Helen Louise Nisbet
George Fenton Nollau
Martin Packman

Eloise Palmore

Dorothy Elizabethe Paul

Minutes of the University Faculty = May 27, 1942

Kate Huntington Pendleton
Gus Tinos Retro

Hazel Marshall Price
Marcia Page Randall
George Homer Ray

Doris Jean Reiohenbach
Betty Wells Roberts
Henry Milton Robertson
Connette Robinson
Earl_Bonner Rose, Jro
Elizabeth Lovell Rose
Genera Irene Rose

Jean Martin Rose

Orel Arnena Ruth

Henry Davis Shenklin III
June Smith Smith

Martha Collins Snapp
James Green Snowden
Elizabeth Garrard South
Virginia Judith Stoker
Lida Chenault Stall
Richard Pindell Stoll
Loretta Ennk Stone
Dorothy Lee Stopher
Martha Louise Sutton
Mary Agnes Swope

Paul Andrew Taylor
Margery Allene Thomas
Marthe Glover Thompson
Marguerite Tuttle

Laura Stone Walton
Minnie Janice Ward
Lavania Helen Warner
Barbara Jean Weloh
Marjorie Frances Wheeldon
Frances Emeline Whitfield
Harold Eugene Winn
Angeline Hartzell Wyatt
Virginia Znniga Tristan

Candidates for the Degree 2: Bachelor 25 Science


William Howard Amos
Maurice Edwin Anderson
John Smith Archdeacon
Mary Elizabeth Barnes
Milton Ray Bradley
James Edward Burdette
Brady Marshall Collins
William Thomas Collins
Victor Edsel Conley



Bruce Edwin Cooper
George Boyd Grafton
George Stephenson Dozier
Earle Cabell Fowler
Buford Hall, Jr.
Benjamin Paul Haskell
James Prestley Hickey
Eugene Ruoker Johnson
Edward Alexander Konopka



Minutes of the University Faculty 3 May 27p 1942

William Chambers Lohb Charles Edward Rankin
Robert Franklin Long Hermon Clayton Hobingon" Jre
Mary Loswell Ray MoEuon Grover B. Sanders

Orville Leo Meafiors William Hardwiok Sewell
John Tremble Morgan Opal Skaggs

Mary Katherine Crsburn Bernard George Stall Ill
Raymond Leon Patterson Thomas Lucien Talbert
Benjamin William Plooh Robert William Willmott
James Hobart Powers Alioo Rebeooa Wootton

Lloyd Hamilton Rameey

Can.didate for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
Inéustrial Chemistry

Arthur Spregens Collins

Canaidatoe for the Degree gfi Beohelor 2£~§E£§
33 Journalism

Angola Therese Prels
Andrew MaoBrayer Sea III
Heinz Hermann Seelbeoh
Antoinette Delores Stabilo

Candi&ates fo: the Degree 23 Bachelor g: Science

Mary Virginia Fuloher
May Frances Coffey
Anna Ruth Burton Thoman
John Ellsworth Thoman

Canéidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
in Me&ioal Technologz

Anna Louise Cox

Allen Edward Crowe
Elizabeth Ebbitt Ellis
Helen Joyce Fain

Paul Floyd Frank
Elizabeth Ann Potter
Virginia Ann Stein

Candidates £or the Degree gé Bachelor 23 Science

John Runkle Allison Chester Lee Brown
Kenneth Anoerson William Bell Bryan, Jr.

Samuel Hamilton Baughman Lowell Dallas Campbell

William Herbert Bell Everitt Paul Clark
James Kenneth Boone Joseph Lucas Claxon, Jr.

James Gordon Browder John Buchanan Clay



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Jewell Blaine Colliver
William Henry Cord

John Wilhern Crowe
Jones Reeves Davie
Harold Warren Dorman
Bernard Ribelin Dorsey
Emmitt Dozier, Jr.
Thomas Francis Duffy. Jr.
Howard Dean Dunigan
Lawrence Bryan Embry
Kenneth Haynes England
James Warren Erwin
Kenneth Agee anett
Vole Wilson Gardner
Stewart McIntyre Gannce
Joe Atkerson Gayle
Julian Elmo Gillespie
Harold Grafton Ginter
John H. Gray

William Henry Gregory
Claude Ellis Hammond
Gano Theron Harding
Floyd Jones Heird

Lee Morgan Hill

Gerald Wayne Herd
James Hubert Ison
William Fraser Johnstone
Donald Hells

Allen Rief Kessler
James Wilson Kidwell

Minutes of the University Faeulty a May 27, 1942

Joseph Cyril ankett

Lewis King Luoketfi

Homer Johnston MoAllister
William Charles McClure
Robert McConnella Jr.

Joseph Edmund MeGary

Joe Lainer Mobley

Richard Francis Moore

James Bradley Oliver Moynahan
Edgar Harold Murphy

Michael Santford Nelson
William Earl Netherland
William Owene Newell

Eddie Chester Paseo

Hickman Patrick

Hays Pigeon

Carl Vernon Port-er a
Paul Reuben Robbins ‘:
William ErVan Routen 3
William Albert Sehneiter ;
William Albert Seay

William Keith Sharp

Frank Morton Shy

James William Simpson

James Kermit Stacey

William Bernice Stamper

Conrad Boyd Thomas

Marvin Thomas Wells

Charles Hilton Williams

James Edwards Wrighfi

Candidates for the_Degree g£_Baehelor gfi Sclenoe


in Home Doonomiee

Peggy Jo Allen

Joyce Lynn Archer
Helene Louise Arnold
Mary Elizabeth Bennett
Sonia Rhea Berkowitz

Nora Catharina Billingsley

Dorothy May Bostiek
Nancy Oressa Byers
Edna Juanita Gates
Martha Virginia Cheney
Marian Clark

Alice Williams Codell
Helen Louise Culton
Sue Hellon Dawson

Mary Louise Graddy Delaney

Mary Lois Denny

Margery Elizabeth Donnell
Lucille Drakeford Eblen
Anna Jane Gabbert

Gene Morton Jones Gardner
Nancy Lee Goodin
Josephine Kirtley Grant
Margaret Josephine Gulley
Lorraine Harris

Mary Frances Home

Esther Alene Kalb

Ruth Bryan Keeney
Dorothy Ellen Keith

Allie Garnett Kendall ;
Mary Elizabeth Lewis ?
Margaret Rosalie Neweomh

Mary Barbara Shelton .
Lyda Maxine Short ,l
Olive Stewart m
Dorothy Belle Stiles

Mary Louise Stokes

Agnes Sublette

Rachel Lee Townes


Minutes of the University Faculty 6 May 27, 1942

Sara Lucille Triplett Marguerite Williams
Margaret Van Arodnll Hazel Rose Wilson
Margaret Louise White Edith Amonette Winchester
Elizabeth Belmont Wigginton Susan Hanbery Word

Qandldates for the Degree oi Bachelor 2: Science
in Civil Engineering



Geoil Francis Anderson Quentin Herman Lewis
Frank Kite Brown Harry KuOGDeng ngh
Carl Bamar Combs Peyton Loving Mitchell
Louie Cumming, Jr. Joseph Donald Nitzchke
James Ernest Delaney Harold Bell Revlott
William Carroll Forston. Jr. William Corrington Rice
Allen Gibson Teddy Vance Rouse
Harvey Logan Guthrie Dan Marvin Sabo

Poul William Hensley Albert Joseph Spare
Edward Robert Hermann Thomas Marion Stewart
Loren Noel Jones George Williams Terrell
Cyril Charleo Kissel Dewey Woodrow Young

Candldates for ohe Degree 3; Baohelon 3: Science
£3 Electrical Engineering


Joseph Victor Adams, Jro A Dwight Lee Hepper
Garrett Louis Baggerman, Jr. Charles Ray Marcum
William Sutton Carley Glenn Edward Padgett
Jameo Calvin Qonner Walter Layne Pioklesimer
Andrew Wood Edwards Ray Vernon Scott
Richard Reginald Evans, Jru William Braxton Slsoo
Joseph Casper Greenwell Buford Rutherford Whitt

Charles Raymond Hood

Candidates for the Degree fig Bachelor 3: Science
in Mechanical Engineering



Samuel Cleo Berry Thomas Archer Mahan
James Thomas Bowling Stanley Milward Moore
Chester Carl Brown Anthony Russell Patterson
John William Carson Stanley William Penna
Varge Cornett Clyde Milton Rice

Dann Wood Denny Charles Edward Robinson
Robert Mortimer Drake, Jr. Joe Page Roysdon

John Wesley Gaines Eaten Warfield Spears II

Tom Cleland Jackson

Candidates for the Degree 3i Bachelor of Science
in Metallurgical Engineering

Ronald Andrew Jean Rogers DeJarnott
Rollie Charlesworth Ashurst Donald Herbert Desy
William Lee Bruckart, Jr° Andrew Alex Gyoker





















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Minutes of the University Faculty e May 27, 1942

Raymond Henry Raye Chester Fraoler Robaras ,
Joe Carlyle Leisure Frelerlok Steedly Q
Jerry Longest Mercer John William Warnock /

Owen Lee Mitchell

Candidates for one Degree 3i Bachelor 2: Solenoe
33 Whig; gem-Wise



Edwin Charles Barkmen
Joseph William Stewart

(«Tandiaetes 17 017 We 99.53% 23 Bachelor 3.: £333

Mary Louise Barton _ Fhillip Kirk Phillis

John Stanley Boles E. Alan Robins

Hiram Montgomery Brook, Jr. Mahlon Richard Shelhourne ‘1.
John Bord Clarke9 Jro Burwell Keith Shepherl ‘
William Terrance Comiskey Robert Henshaw Stevenson

John Anderson Fulton Roy Vance. Jr.

James Richari Howell, Jr. John Lucian Warfi

Charles Milton Lendrun Squire Needham Williams, Jr.

Elmond Lewis Martin James Wilmer Wine” Jr.

Sam Boyd Neely

Candiiatee for fihe Degree 2: figehelor 3i Arts
:3 Newman.




Marvin Lee Akers Lawrence Gamble

Ermal Glenn Allen Anne Glover Geiger

Ladye Kathlyn Allen Elizabeth Lucille Gibson

Mary Louise Anderson Steve Graham

Louella Alhers Barry Florence Elizabeth Gregory _
Gishie Gloria Bederman William Walter Halfhill gs.
Robert Lee Beeler. Jro Frances Barton Herfiwick :
William Bay Black Mary Lou Harkey

Elizabeth Hewett Bottorff Ruth Knight Harris

Betty Taylor Bronston Anne Rhoads Hatter

David Anthony Brown, Jr. Isabelle Elaine Hawk

Margaret Haynes Brown Mary Bell Haynes

Mary Leo Burnett Myna Lee Heltsley

Margaret Allen Callie Lethe Murrell Hicks

Pearl Clark Opel Johns

Franees Lorrayne Cockriel Charles Robert Jones, Jr,

Mildred Coleman Mary Elizabeth Jones

Alonzo Combs Mary Meglone Kemp

Bernice Elaine Daugherty Miriam Anne Krayer

Margaret Marie DeBord John Francis Kurachek

Martha. Louise Donnell Rita. Sue Leslie (A
Agnes Baylor Eckles Geneva Young Lindley ”‘
Sara Revell Estill Walter Leon MoGarrell ;
Louise Mitchell Ewan Dorothy Lee McNeill

Sarah Elizabeth Gallaher James COOPer Mathewson


Minutes of the University Faeulfiy = May 270 1942

Shirley Arlone Mattox
Roy Rossell Maya Jro
Robert Douglas Montondo
Patricia Agnoo Mulroy
Mary Charlotte Myers
Virginia Leo Overstreet
Marjorie Leo Owens
Carrie Louellon Penn
Robert Plago

Mary Thomas Powers
Dorothy Dee Preston
Sara Margaret Pridomoro
Pearl Taulbee Reynolds
Ruth Hunt Rloo

Arminta Helen Roberts
Lilo Juno Robertson
Evelyn Merrell Russell
Charlotte Thomas Sale

Louis Joseph Schwartz
Barry Shaw

Mary Joy Shupert

Christine Collins Smith
Hilliam Keffer Smith
Lucille Rebecca Smoot

Mary Klrkwood Snyder
Elaine Stevenson

Wanda Beryl Traugott
Orville Wendell Trosper
William Armendt Tucker
Kenneth Earl Vanlandingham
Dorothy Dalton Vaughn

Rose Eleorr Vermillion
Eugenia Bays Walker
Thompson Stout Whitaker, Jr.
William Waller White
Thomas Franklin Zion

analfiates for the Degree 2i Bachelor 2: Science


in Commeroo

Harola Joseph Baker
Lora Barrow

Edwar& Bowne, Jr.
Claudia Gillis Brown
James Wyatt Brown, Jre
Rosemary Brown

'Roborb Dean Burton
Margaret Shelby Cantrill
John Dennis Glark, Jro
Richard Lyle Clinkinbeard
Jack LeRoy Cook

Lionel David Coon

Oscar Trigg Dorton
George Forrest Doyle
Lyman Hendryx Everly
Kathryn Jean Ewers

Mead Boykin Ferris
Harold Freeaman

Mary Agnes Gabbard

Ruby Jo Gevedon

Charles Speed Gray

Earl French Radian
Mason Hookonsmith
William Ray Holt

Velmer Herndon Hopper
Robert Lookhart Horn, Jro
William Earl Irwin
Glenna Melrose Jones
Plummer Mason Jones, Jr.
Calvin Oolle Landrum


Thelma Allen Logan

John Douglas Long
William Henry Dixon Maxedon
Charles Edward Meyer
Randall Lee Mitchell
Douglas Holeman Morris
William Preston Murray
John Millard Parsons
James Henry Penoe
William Clifton Penick
James Ivan Potts, Jr.
Helen Baker Powell
Wilmott Jeffries Prewltt
Hugh Bruce Prloo. Jr.
Waller Raymond Puryoar, Jr.
Kenneth Leo Recktenwald
Shelby Shanklin, Jr.
Sylvia Siegol

Charles Edwin Skidmore
Joseph Marshall Stafford
Thomas Alexander Stokes
John Michael Tioco
William Price Venters
Arthur Joseph Walsh, Jr.
IVa Frances Watts
Bernard Allen Wells, Jr.
Roy Coleman Whayne, Jr.
Sarah Margaret White

Catharine White Wilson













f; p Leslie Allison
‘ ‘ Shirley Matt Castle
; Frank Graves Dickey
j Stella Spioor Gilh
,1 Norman Mclntoah Guard
ii N1. Antoinette Harrison
“ i» ‘ May DePauw Heberling
' Donald VanDeren Irvine
Zella Pally Jarvis


El William Bailey Cherry
w Wolford Moore Ewalfi

Wayne Varon McConnell


Minutes of the University Faculty 6 May 279 1942

Ernest Benton Brown, Jra

fl Fredrick James Lewis, Jr.

Candidafies for the Degree oi Maste: 2£.$¢i§369



Joseph Ray Binford

Joseph Marcus Elder

Lyman Vernon Ginger

5 Leonard Almon Hart

, g’il ‘ Raymon Dudley Johnson

,n‘kg:fi Robert Joseph Hickel
K”'l Robert Thomas Owen


in Home Economics

13 Education


Candidates; far the Degree 2}: 2‘23.le 93: aorta Q

Margaret Hope Keoney
Lovaine Carol Lewis

Ruth Todd MoAdow
Elizabeth Margaret Ragland
Mamie Wash Scott

Milfion Doak Thompson

Clara Palmeter Webb
Harriet Walton Williams
Nicholas Winn Williams

Candidates for the Degree gg‘Mgstep.2£.§oienog

Charles Lee Owens

‘ohn Anon Patten ”
Minnie Sohrelber Ix
Thomas Howard Shelley, Jr,

Leon Stein

Candidate for fihe Qegree 33 Master 3: §pienoe
la wwflié 59.2%

Alexander William Book

Candidates for the Degzee 3§_Meeter 3: Science


M ll 1‘ l Wendell Chester Binkley

Vii‘é 1? W Charles Lester Cornett

\ ‘ . , :55 333‘ Robert Bruce Hallmark m
H ҤIW' 1 Martin Graves Shearer

H JQF;; 3 Julian LaFar Smith

Marjorie Mayola Jenkins
Anna Louise Kelley

Candidates for the Degree fig Master 2: Arhs

Genevieve Pan-is (A
Helen Margaret Robbina 4
Sarah Slack Rogers
Thomas Isaac Rogers
Josephine Shaw

Joseph David Shepherd



Minutes of thn Univgrgity Faculty a May 27” 1942

Canfiiflntng for the Dngree Sf Master of Science
§§_Ednentian '
Harrint Slough Pusey

Clnyhnurne fitenhens

anflténtes far thn Degree 33 Dnctar g: Philosqghg



William Glenn Glark
Haraas Leonard Davis
John Stuart Erwin

John Daniel Rommeln Jr.

antar g£_Laws

Henry Prynr Almfin Abbatt
Alien William Barkley
Mary Breekinridge

James Wilson Carnahan
Hiram Church Ford

Allen Wyant Gnllian
Raymonfl Francis McLain
Jaseph Ranch

Rogers Clark Ballard Thruston
Charles Whitefield Welch
Samuel Mackay Vilsen

nectar Qf Literatuge


Irvin S. Cobb

Alfre& Leland Crnbb
Willie Snow Ethridge
John Calvin Metcalf

heater 2; Scinncg

Irvin Abell
Frederic Wharton Rankin

Dean Hill distributed to the members of the Faculty the
results of the poll on probably attendance in the summer quartero
Apyroximately 700 of 1392 students polled indiaated that they plan to
centinne their work in the summer quartero

President Donovan discussed briefly the probable effect on the
University enrolment of the new provision for the enlistment of students
in tha Army Reserve, anfi stressed the necessity for wide publicity for
this pragram. It was suggested that the University might accept some
applications for the Navy Val program. though the University's part1»
cipation in this will not bepublicizédor emphasized.





















Minutes of the University Faculty 6 May 27, 1942

The next meeting of the Faculty was set for Friday, June 19. ga.


gr,_n 4K?Z a a.
,/ gehretary

June 19, 1942

The University Faculty met in the President's Office Friday,
June 19. with President Donovan presiding. Those attending were
Jesse E. Adams, Paul P. Boyd, Alvin E. Evans, W. D0 Funkhouser, ‘a.
J. H. Graham, Frank D. Peterson, w. s, Taylor, and Edward Wiesto ‘\

The minutes of May 27 were read and approved,

On recommendation of the College of Engineering, the Faculty
approved petitious from three engineering students as follows: D. B.
Florence, Jim B. Williams, Clayton H, Shackelfordo Each of these
students was asking that he he considered to have satisfied the requiree
ments for the degree of 3.3. in Electrical Engineering at the end of
the first term of the current quarter. When courses for which they
are enrolled are completed, each of these three students will have
credit in excess of the minimum requirements for graduation from the
College of Engineering. Mr, Shackelford will lack one credit in
physical education at the close of the summer term, and he requested
that he be excused from completing this requiremento The courses for y
which these students are currently enrolled were scheduled for the full 3
quarter, but because of their character it was the recommendation of ‘6‘
the College of Engineering that these three students he allowed to ‘
complete them during the first summer term.

For the current summer quarter only, the Faculty approved as a
maximum load to he carried by any student in the University, 24 quarter 1
hours for the entire quarter and 13 quarter hours for either term. This
action was necessary in view of the fact that the statement in the
summer quarter bulletin was in conflict with the rule on student load
recently approved by the Faculty action. It was the understanding that
the provision in the Faculty Rules will govern student load after this

‘summer quarter.

0n recommendation of the College of Agriculture, Marshall McKenzie
was given permission to carry and receive credit for 26 quarter hours
during the present summer quarter. Mrs McKenzie stated that this amount
of work would complete his requirements for the degree of 3.8. in fig‘
Agriculture, and that his draft board had refused to defer him after
this quarter. He stated that his standing last semester was 2.5.

The Faculty placed the following interpretation on a rule adopted
last winter, relative to the credit 3 student might receive on leaving