xt7fbg2hb10f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2hb10f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-10-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 02, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 02, 1987 1987 1987-10-02 2020 true xt7fbg2hb10f section xt7fbg2hb10f  

‘ h.


Everything you wanted to know about
' Homecoming. SEE PAGES 2 AND 3

Kentucky Kernel



Cats say they’ve learned from
being burned, SEE PAGE 4




Today: Chance of showers
Tomorrow: Breezy and cool








' Vol. xcn. No. 35

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Friday October 2. t 987


Editorial Editor

After hearing possible sen~
tences for being found ”guilty but
mentally ill.“ Ulysses Davis lll
picked up his chair. threw it at a
Fayette County deputy jailer and
bolted out of the courtroom.

it took more than 10 minutes
for court deputies to wrestle him
into a holding cell.

Davis' outburst occurred as the
sentencing phase of his trial
began last night.

The jury of eight men and four
women deliberated for 312 hours
before finding Davis "guilty but
mentally ill" to three counts of
attempted man slaughter. two
counts of fourthdegree assault.
one count of first-degree wanton
endangerment and one count of
unlawful imprisonment.

Verdicts were reduced on five
of the original charges.

Davis. a former UK custodial
worker. held police at bay from
the Peterson Service Building for
more than 11 hours last Dec. 10
while armed with a rifle. shot-
gun. samarai sword. dagger and

Davis had fired more than 100
shots and injured two people be-
fore police subdued him with a
high-pressure fire hose.

He was caught as he ran from
the courtroom by one of the dep-
uties last night. He was then
wrestled to the ground by two
deputies. assistant prosecuting
attorney Mike Malone and the

Davis was handcuffed and es-
corted to his holding cell in the
court house screaming. "I've got
to go . . . you should have killed

The jury was still in the box.

In his holding cell. Davis
pounded on the door from inside

While being wrestled to the
floor by the deputies. one of
Davis‘ sisters. Candy Davis. 17.
had to be wrestled to the ground
and restrained by another deputy
as she screamed “No. Ulysses.

Judge James Keller ordered
that Davis be transferred back to
the Fayette County Jail. Davis
was bound in shackles and es.
corted to a Fayette County sher‘
iff‘s car by five deputy jailers
and three Fayette County deputy

Keller said Davis waived his
right to be present by showing he
would be disruptive during the

Jesse Crenshaw. Davis‘ attor-
ney. explained Davis‘ action at
the trial as due to hearing the
word "shock."

Malone. in reading a state sta-
tute pertaining to conditions for
release to the jury. mentioned the
term “shock probation."

"I Davis: was thinking the word
shock meant that he was going to
an institution.“ Crenshaw said.

Shock probation is a term that
means a criminal sentenced to
jail can be paroled in a minimum
of 30 days.

Davis thought
meant "shock
(‘renshaw said.

Earlier. the scene was relaxed,

As Davis was led out of the
court room after the verdict.
family members remarked. “Be
strong L'lysses."

Davis walked

The scuffle then occurred dur-
ing the sentencing trial. about 40
minutes after the verdict had
been read. in which the jury rec-
ommends a sentence to the

The jury decided their sentence
recommendation after the out-



with his head

\cc I)!“ IS. Page ii

Davis found ‘guilty but mentally ill’ by jury

UK gunman goes berserk after verdict, tries to escape but finally stopped by deputy jailers

Ulysses S Day/is Irightl contemplates the f'J', is verdict restera'i.






Paint job




UK Physical Plant Division worker James Holloman paints the
parking structure on Rose Street yesterday afternoon.

ALAN HAW“ ‘Kemet Ste"

Condom dispensers coming to U of L

Associate Editor

L” of L Student Government Presi~
dent Doug DeVine can't understand
why any university would be op-
posed to placing condom vending
machines on its campus.

This week the University of Louis-
ville announced that it will put eight
condom vending machines on its
main campus in an effort to promote
safe sex and prevent the spread of
acquired immune deficiency syn-

U of L already has one in the rest
rooms of its student center.

DeVine said the U of L adminis-
tration came up with the idea of
placing condom vending machines
in rest rooms about six months ago.
and after the plan was drawn up. it
was approved by the school‘s board
of trustees.

The board also did it without
drawing much attention to the issue.
DeVine said.

DeVine said the L‘ of L adminis-
tration‘s decision to keep the issue
out of the public light was a wise
one because “it didn‘t attract a lot
of attention and cause a lot of con-

The issue was not even discussed
at the student government meetings.
DeVine said. except informally
among the group's student represen-

The administration “just sort of
did it and we went along with it.“ he
said. “I think everyone pretty much
agreed that we didn‘t want anyone
getting AIDS."

Wednesday. the UK Student Gov-

ernment Association will decide
whether to approve a proposal that
recommends the placing of condom
vending machines in the rest rooms
of six dormitory basements

()ne of the reason some senators
have opposed the resolution is be-
cause they said the L'niversity is
sending a signal to fhc community
that it promotes sexual promiscuity.

But Fred Rhodes. 1‘ of l, dean of
student life. said that issue was not
men discussed by the t' of 1. admin-

One reason the placing of condoms
on campus might have not been too
controversial at L' of L. Rhodes said.
is because its location as an "urban
university "

"Being an urban university you
probably have a wider exposure to
issues than some schools might." be

DeVine said most of the 1.200 stu-
dents living on t‘ of L's campus sup-
port placing condom vending ma—
chines in the rest rooms

"They think it was the right rc-
sponsc.” he said “i“.iei'yonc here
agreed we didn't want anyone get—
ting AIDS. We should have some»
thing like that at least until they find
a (‘lll't' for the thing "

At Wednesday‘s LYKSGA‘s campus
relations committee meeting. the
Sexual Safety and Awareness Task
Force's proposal was favorably
passed onto the senate floor,

At the meeting. the task force‘s
chairman. SGA Senator at Large
l)avid Botkins. pointed to the exam-
ple set by L' of L as proof that con-
dom vending machines are becom-

mg the norm on many of the

nut ion's college campuses

“You might think that \\c are on
the cutting ground here of a liberal
change. but that‘s not the cast-f
Botkins said

But SGA Senator at Large David

Moore said just because l' of I. does

something l'K should not llt‘Ct’Sball
ly follow suit

"Now it won» t|t\t' tiiiii :t t
does it. t' s iisii'

l (ltlll‘ \ii
take a stand ti;.i.'.\'
said "You lt-v' niacin .aiou'
or scratching
.ilmtlt (liaillt

«)1 I.
lit‘ Nth:


this .iI ‘tlit’


1.011 ri-

Wildcat Roar brings
students out to yell

Staff Writer

With the theme "Kentucky is a Mag-
ical Kingdoom.“ it was high ho. high
ho. off to the roar we go. as more
than 3.200 spirited students lined the
Student ('enter parking lot last
night. kicking off the Wildcat parade
and Roar.

The festive carai an paraded down
Rose Street. stopping trafic on its
way. Down (‘olumbia Avenue and
onto Woodlawn Avenue. the crazed
carloads of (‘at fans toasted each
other and yelled their organizational

As the group headed toward (‘oin
monwealth Stadium. the tension
grew in anticipation of the pep rally.
the announcement of the five home—
coming finalists and the “Yell like
hell" competition. which matched
about 30 organizations trying to out-
shout the other.


Wildcat Roar full of
enthusiasm. see photos
on Pageto.

Soon after tlic 3.200 plus tiled in.
the [K band exploded into the Wild
cat fight song. setting the stage for
the cheerleaders and leading to the
introductions of [K football coach
Jerry (‘laibornc and Athletic Dircc
tor ('lilf llagan. who directed the
pep rally

Many dressed in the proper attire
of blue and white cheered as the 16
homecoming finalists were an»

A laser light slum. featuring high-
speed geomctiit images set to
music. intrigued the students The
atmospheri- proiokcd Widespread
participation among the crowd as
they awaited the head competition

\t.‘ R” \R. Page I

More than 70 donate to blood drive yesterday

Staff Writer

More than 70 students. faculty and
staff donated blood yesteday at
Buell Armory. The second campus
drive. sponsored by the Central Ken-
tucky Blood Center and the Armory.
drew 78 units. about 15 more than
last year. according to the drive‘s
coordinator Martha Osborne.

The evening drive "may start ear-

lier next year.” since response was
so overwhelming. Osborne said.
More than 80 individuals registered
for the drive and 23 of those were
first-time donors.

"We see a lot of the same laces."
said team leader Fran Murphy

Employed with the center for four
years. Murphy has come to know
many of the donors on a first-name
basis. Even though the work is ba-
sically the same. she said it is en-

joyable because of the different peo:
ple and places with whom she comes
in contact.

The center is equtpped to handle
up to three drives a day and sup»
plies hospitals in central Kentucky.
Osborne said

Donors close to the gallon mark
will receive a metal key chain with
a number issued to each donor. Mur-
phy said. It takes eight donations
about two months to reach a gal»

Ion. she \ffltl flu-r} time a person
donates they receive a "Paws to [to
natc" ’l‘rshirt

The ncyt campus drive is sclicdr
ulcd for Oct 7 in l’attcrson Office
Tower from it am to 4 .lu pm
(ireek competition begins Oct 1;; at
the Farm House fraternity and
Alpha Delta l’i sorority from t'. ‘io to
to p m The drive will also be spon-
sored by \‘l'l’Ml Radio. Osborne

UK Student Center to celebrate its 50th




Engineer named best

Staff reports

UK‘s College of Engineering has
named Donald R. Myers as Young
Engineer of the Year in Construc-
tion Management.

The UK graduate will be honored
today during an Engineering home-

coming luncheon at 1:30 pm. Myers
Is a partner with 3-D Enterprises
inc. a Lexington engineering con-
sulting firm.

in January. Myers was named
Outstanding Young Executive of the
Year by the Associated General
Contractors of Ky. Inc,

Staff Writer

it is October of 1931. The campus is barren of a
common meeting place for students. somewhere
to gather and study. meditate and comment on
life in general.

Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Honorary
Fraternity decides to fill that void. They appoint a
committee to discuss possible funds for building a
place in the heart of campus to accomodate the
growing needs of students at UK.

It is now 1933. and the Kentucky Kernel pledges
$20th) to help start the ODK fund drive L‘K Pres.
ident Frank McVey appoints a committee to study
()DK's recommendations.

The plans become a reality on April 5. 1937 Al-
most 500 students and faculty gather to watch the
ground-breaking ceremonies for the new Student
Union Building. named to signify the bringing to-
gether of common campus ideals under one roof .

Fifty years and several additions later. the Stu-

dcnt (‘cntcr and its governing board are looking
forward. with recommendations that the (‘entcr
be com nicrcialich and expanded

The Student Union Building was formally
opened May H. 1938. With the ODK and Engineers
Ball Said the (‘incinnati Enquirer. The building is
as "swanky as the most luxurious country club "

James Shropshire began as Director of the Stu-
dent t.'nion Building. under the watchful eye of the
Board of ’l‘rustecs He served until April of til-it.
when he was granted a leave of absence for mili-
ta ry duty Bark Peat replaced him

World War ll also meant the temporary end to
all fraternities and the activation of senior ROTC

They wore uniforms and marched in file to
meals and classes. Upon graduating. they
marched to the railroad station. where they were
sent to war

The Student linion Board. established in am to
oversee activities in the building much in the
same vein as today's Student Activities Board.

brought l.ou1s Armstrong and l‘lllltll Lawrence
campus in HHS-47

In 19:37. the Student l'nion fec went from the
original 32 per semester and St for the summer
term. to $3 and St .30. respectfully

By 1058. the budding was gctting too small to
house all of the activities that the expanding cam»
pus desired t'K Vice-president F 1) Peterson ap—
pointed a committee. chaired by George Kava
naugh. asstx'iate business manger. to develop a
design for the addition

Architects Vern Johnson and Byron Romano-
witI. then went to Frankfort for approval of the
construction of what would be named the Student
t'enter An 380.000 debt service per year was pro

(iround was broken April 23. 198'). The
of the building was $1.37 per square foot.

The new Student (‘enter in January of 1%4
housed a grill. game room and theater. as well as

browsing and “music-listening“ rooms
Scc \Tl'IHZNI. Page II

final cost






Former Kentucky Governor.
US. Senator and Major
League Baseball Commission-
er A.B. “Happy" Chandler
says “I like everything except
that real loud rock ‘n' roll
music. I like beautiful music.
I'm a beautiful man, you know.

”The present-day singers
are not up to the ones from
the other age."

Favorite song: “My Old
Kentucky Home" (could we
have guessed?) Also “Danny
Boy.” “It's one of the loveliest







Austin City Saloon -- 2350 Woodhiil Shopping Center. Closed for remodeling.
Will reopen Monday.
pm to 1 am. $2 cover. Stan Gibbons (acoustic guitar) is playing tomorrow
night from 9pm. to 1 am. Nocover.

TheBottornLlne—Set W. ShortSt.RebelWithoutACause(rock)wilbe
playing tonightmdtomorrow night from 10pm. to 1 am. $3per person.

The Brass A Samn —- 2909 Richmond Road Mercedes (top 40/funk) wit be
playing tonightand tomorrow night from 9pm. to 1 am. $3 coverbothnlghts.
headings—509W. MdnSt.TheMovies(souldanoeband)Mflplaytonight
from 9 pm. to 1 am. $3 cover. Mystery Train will be playing tomorrow from 9-
10 pm. The Bunch will play tomorrow from 10 pm. to 1 am. Both bards are
classic rock and dance. 53 cover for men. Nocover for women.

The Brewery — (above Breedings). Larry Redmon (country) is playing tonight
and tomorrow from 9 pm. to 1 am. Nocover.

Cheapalde Bar —- 131 Cheapside. The Bruce Lewis Trio (jazz) is playing tonight
from 9 p m. to 1 am. Tomorrow David Wunsch (acoustic guitar) will play from 9
pm to 1 am. Nocover either night.

Kings Arms Pub —- 102 W. High St. Mystery Train (rock and blues) will play
tonight and tomorrow from 9 pm. to 1 am. 52 cover.

Main Street: — 269 W. Main St. Metropolitan Biues All-Stars (blues) is piaying
tonightandtomorrow from 10pm. to 1 am. 51 cover.

Spirits — Radisson Plaza in Vine Center. The Bobby Lanz Band (pop) win be
playing tonight and tomorrow from 10 pm. to 1 am. $2 cover.

'Two Keys Tavern — 333 S. Limestone St. Next Best Thing (rock and roll) will
be playing tonight and tomorrow from 9 pm. to 1 am. 52 cover for men. No
cover for women.



The Big Easy — Rated R. (Fayette Mall: 2:30. 4:30. 7:45. 9:50 and tonight
and tomorrow only at 1 1 :50.) .

Big Shota — Rated PG-13. (Crossroads: 2:05. 3:55. 5:40. 7:45. 9:40 and
tonight and tomorrOw only at 11:25. Also sh0w1ng at North Park: 2. 3:55.
5:50. 7:50. 9:50 and tonight and tomorrow only at 11:55.)

Blg Town — Rated R (South Park: 2:15. 4:45. 7:35. 9:40 and tonight and
tomorrow only at 11 )

Castaway PREMIERE — Rated R. (South Park: 2:30. 5. 7:45. 10 and tonight
and tomorrow only at midnight. Also showing at North Park: 2:25. 4:50. 7:45.
10 and tonight and tomorrow only at midnight.)

The Curse -— PREMIERE Rated R. (Turfland Mall: 2, 3:50. 5:40. 7:45, 9:35
and tonight and tomorrow only at 11.15. Also showing at North Park: 1:55.
3:45. 5:45. 8. lOand tonightmdtomorrow onlyat midnight.)

Dirty Dancing — Rated PG-13. (Fayette Mall 2-15. 4:10, 7:50. 9:45 and to
night and tomorrow only at 11:35. Also showing at North Park: 1:45. 3:45.
5:45. 8. 9:55 aid tonightmdtornorrow only at 1 1 :50.)

Diaorderilee — Rated PG. (North Park: 2. 3:55. 5:50. 7:50. 9:50 and tonight
and tomorrow only at 1 1:40.)

Fatal Attraction — Rated R. (South Park: 2. 4:20. 7:30. 9:55 and tonightmd
tomorrow only at midnight. Also showing at North Park: 2, 4:20. 7:30, 9:55
and tonight and tomorrow only at midnight.)

Lllra Father. Like Son PREMiERE —- Rated PCS-13. (Fayette Mail: 1:50. 3:50.
5:50. 7:55. 9:50 and tonight and tomorrow only at 11:40. Also showing at
North Park: 1:50. 3:50. 5:50. 7:55. 9:50 and tonight and tomorrow only at

Lost Boys -— Rated R. (South Park: 2. 3:50. 5:35. 7:35. 9:25 and tonight and
tomorrow onlyat 1 1:10.)

No Way Out — Rated R. (Lexington Mal: 1. 3:15. 5:30. 7:45. 10 md tonight
and tomorrow only at midnight.)

Offspring —- Rated R (North Park: 1:50. 3:50. 5:45. 7:45. 10 and tonight did
tomorrow only at 11:55. Also showing at Crossroads: 1:50. 3:50. 5:45. 7:55.
9:55 and tonightand tomorrow only at 1 1 :45.)

The Pick-Up Artist - Rated PG-13. (South Puk. 2:10. 3:45. 5:20. 7:55.
9:30 and tonight and tomorrow only at 11. Also showing at North M2115.
3:40. 5:30. 8. 9:45am tonight and tornorrowonlyat 1 1 :35.)

The Princlpal —- Rated R. (North Park: 2:30. 4:40. 7:40. 10 md loniqtt lid
tomorrow only at mimight. Alao showing at South M; 2:20. 4:50. 7:50. 9:50

Snow White and the Seven Dwarte - Rated G l‘l’urfla'id Man: 2:10. 3:55.
5:35. 7:30. 9:15. motonightandtomorrowonlyat 10:45.)

Stakeout — Rated R. lLexington Mat: 2. 4:15. 7.35. 9:55 and tonight did
tomorrowonlyat 11:55.)

m Kentucky rm - u Charlng Creea Read. Rated PG. 7:30 W:
5:30 Saturday: 1. 7:30 My. W. 9:30 tonidlt. 3:30 W. 5:30
Sunday TheWali.RatedR.Mdnighttonight;TMReturnotmm.not
rated. 130 tomorrow. TheUenantnter.RatedPG. 7:151ornorrow. 35m-
day The Untouchablee. Rated R. 9:30 tomorrow. 9:30 Sunday. Monty Py-

Medea on Main —Drageet. Rated 9043. 7:50 and 9:50 mght: 1:45. 3:45.
5:45. 7:50and950tomonowmdmnoay. mmmm.m
mm—mmmm,mmn storm-la
tcmorrowCrtrnaaetthettmmPG-ta. warm-tam.




Carie Froman and Gretchen Turpin. both education majors. deco-
rate the lawn of Alpha Delta Pi's sorority house for homecoming.

Parties, pig roast

just some of events

in ’87 homecoming

Contributing Writer

eginning today. the

University of Kentucky will

be headed for three days of
“magic. " It‘s homecoming weekend
and this year’s theme is “Kentucky
— A Magical Kingdom."

Mary Wis Estes. homecoming
chairwoman, said the theme was a
unique idea. The homecoming
committee had a variety of themes
to choose from and decided that
“Magical Kingdom" would be the

Estes added that the main
homecoming event the Student
Activities Board is sponsoring this
year is the "Big Blue Boogie.“ This
street party. on Main Street near
Triangle Park. begins tonight at 8
and lasts until midnight. It will
feature Thumper and the Plaid
Rabbits. along with Doug Breeding
and the Bunch.

This kickoff event is open to the
public and provides a way for
students and alumni to socialize
together. Estes said.

"After the pep rally on
Thursday.“ Estes said. "there‘s a
letdown on Friday. So this is the
time to get students and alumni
involved. “

The “Big Blue Boogie" is
sponsored by the UK Student
Activities Board. WVLK. Victorian
Square. Festival Market and the
Lexington-Fayette L'rban County

If dancing in the street is not
appealing. then students can dance
to music tonight in Jewell Hall.
which is sponsoring a dance in its
lobby from 9 pm. to 1 am.

Denette Smith. residence hall
director of Jewell Hall. said the
dance area will be decorated
according to the homecoming theme
— with shiny moons and stars of

This 10-year tradition at Jewell
has been well attended in the past.
according to Smith.

"At least 75 people have been
there at onetime. and more than
that are in and out all night.” she

The event is open to all students
on campus and ”not just those on
the North side." Smith added.

But the festivities won't end on
Saturday when the scoreboard at
Commonwealth Stadium reads
00:00. South Campus is sponsoring a
Pig Roast on Sunday from 1 to 5

David Wells. Kirwan Tower
chairman of activities. said the
roast has been a tradition for at
least three years.

The Sensations will provide live
music during the afternoon and
Billy‘s Bar-B-Q will supply the food.

Admission for the event is 52.

UK sororities are also preparing
for homecoming tomorrow. Missy
Derifield. president of Chi Omega.
and Vicki Hesen. activities
chairwoman for Kappa Alpha Theta.
said their sororities will be hosting a
homecoming brunch for their
members and alumni.

Fraternities also have parties
scheduled as part of their
homecoming activities. Phi Kappa
Tau member Tim Scholten said his
fraternity is sponsoring a dinner and
dance at the Hilton after Saturday's







It's not a good sign when Holly-
wood takes one of its promising
young actors and dumps him in a
movie like The Big Town. which
recycles plot lines and characters
from other. better movies

Matt Dillon, simply put. plays a
young gambler who gets sucked
into the small-time crime life of
Chicago in 1957. A love triangle
follows as does a predictable

The leisurely direction of Bob
Bolt (making his feature film
debut) does not help to make the
action of the story — a bunch of
guys throwing dice — very
thrilling 0r involving. The film
desperately cries out for some of
the snazzy camera angles that
highlighted Martin Scorcese‘s
The Color ofMoney.

Dillon is constantly overshad-
owed by a stellar supporting cast
featuring Diane Lane. Tome
Skettit. Lee Grant and Bruce
Dern. The real fault of the film.
though. belongs to Robert Pool's
cliche-ridden screenplay.

—Rob Seng


“The Offspring" is a loose col-
lection of four horror segments
hosted by the venerable master
of pulp horror. Vincent Price.
The connecting theme of the
quartet of stories is that they all
constitute a part of the history of
Oldfield. Tenn. a wicked little
town whose No. 1 occupation ap—
pears to be maniac homicide.

“The Offspring" is the first of
several horror films that will
come to town in the next few
months. (inc can only hope that
the others will be better. Much

—Wes Mlller




Mercury 1 PolyGrami Records

Tough songs comprise Hold
Your Fire. the new LP from the
Canadian trio. Rush.

Neil Pearl‘s lyrics have be-
come more concise and down-to-
earth while providing some in-
sightful social commentary.
Pearl usually comments on social
changes in the face of technologi-
cal advances but he expands to
explore human emotions.

Rush seems to have arrived at
the musical plateau it has been
gradually moving toward. Geddy
Lee and Alex Lifeson have finally
achieved a perfect medium be-
tween their respective instru-

ments. Although his solos are
now more sporadic, Lifoson's
steady guitar work is always pre-
sent. complementing bee‘s quir-
ky bass and synthesizers.

—Rob Seng

Pat Metheny
Geffen Records

Pat Metheny's latest effort of-
fers some of his melodic style
and some extensions of previous
experimentation. And although it
has shortcomings. it also proves
Metheny. with the help of pla-
nist/co-writer Lyle Mays. can
still be a creative force in mod—
ern jazz.

Metheny‘s flair for sensual me-
lodic phrases are felt in the bal-
lad. "In Her Family." and in
“Distance.“ Mays is given a
chance to further develop his cin-
ematic style.

“Last Train Home“ is the only
track on Still Life (Talking) that
conveys a picture worthy of the
album's title concept. Its driving
percussion paints a lonely image
of an old passenger train slowly
but assuredly moving into a sun-

—— Will Renshaw

A & M Records

s are

Babylon and On does exactly
that. And what it‘s babbling
about is bad relationships and the
lighter side of loneliness — most
of which stems from alcoholism.
a subject near and dear to this

There has been a decided shift
in the Squeeze outlook. In the
early days. the band was based
on catchy couplets backed by
keyboards and guitars built on
beat and bordering on overkill.
Now it is the lyrics that have nar-
rowed and the music that is broa-

The spontaneity of a song like
“Sex Master” is pretty far gone.
In its place is a shift toward a
style that is more ambitious.
though it lacks some of the ear-
lier frivolity.

-— Erik Reece














lhc rrgular artist of [Rh
future i\ on \.I(.llltln for
I" dun at F” ‘s
"Mcrllage l h \" in Mint):
( aniline. filling in fur
\lr. Breathed lhn mat-i. I‘
“r. “or! Sicnuin. '.‘.

11 hose Cartoons hair
appeared in " The \afurdm
[toning Post" and
"Parrot \\ nrldf'



0% 7'45 CAUGHT RicKers






I-‘I. Iat‘aa '5- Innovation.







 Kentucky Kernel. Friday. October 2, 1987 - 3

Erik Reece
Arts Editor

Homecoming rounds up
Kentucky personalities

Staff Writer


“I never miss a
Homecoming weekend means a homecoming game,
busy schedule for everyone. espe- except by accident."

cially local administrators and ce-
lebrities. H H
A.B. Happy Chandler

UK President David Roselle will
speak to alumni at a dinner at the
Marriot tonight. Tomorrow morning
he will attend the Community Col-
lege Princesses Brunch at the Stu~
dent Center.

He and his wife. Louise, will be
entertaining guests tomorrow before
and after the game.

Peggy Way. Roselle‘s administra-
tive office assistant, said that since
this is the president‘s first UK
homecoming, he is very excited. He
and his wife will participate in the
half-time activities and the crowning
of the homecoming queen.

UK Athletic Director Cliff Hagan
and his wife. Martha. will be enter-
taining the commissioner of the
Southeastern Conference. Harvey
Schiller, and his wife. Marcia. They
will also be spending the weekend
with the president of the Sugar
Bowl, Jerry Romig, and his wife.

Hagan will be recognizing one
lucky fan before the game. Com-
monwealth Stadium is less than 26.-
000 tickets away from having the
five millionth fan pass through its

“I will be welcoming the five mil-
lionth fan at the stadium prior to the
ballgame,“ he said. “1 will also be
buying my wife a big homecoming

Hagan said he has not missed a
homecoming game since the early

But Hagan and his wife will not be
able to cheer for the Cats together

against Ohio University. His job
calls him to the press box during the
game. but he said his wife will be in
the stands picking up the slack.

Former Kentucky Gov. AB.
“Happy” Chandler will be going to
the game sporting his famous blue
cap with a white "."K a blue L'K
sweater and letter jacket the foot-
ball team gave him,

"I've been going to the games for
71 years." he said. “i never miss a
homecoming game. except by acci-

Chandler said that after the game.
“l‘ll be gomg home. God willing.
and I hope we win "

L'K Vice Chancellor for Adminis-
tration Jack Blanton has not missed
a UK homecoming game since he
came to L'K in 1975.

“I‘ll be tailgating with friends be-
fore the game." he said. “But other
than that. you will find me terribly
blah “

Blanton. who says he is not much
on dressing up for the game. said he
will be clad in informal attire tomor-

(Tawood Ledford. the “voice of the
Wildcats." said he has never tail
gated before a [K game in his life
because he has always had to pre
pare to call the game for those w ho
can‘t make it to the game

“I do try to leave early to look at
the decorations around campus." he

CLAY OWEN’Kernel Stet!

Rick Robey's newly opened Bristol Bar 8. Grille in Chevy Chase is
one of the many restaurants offering a diverse atmosphere and cui-

Dinner date

Rethink your drink and your meal with Lexington’s out-of—the—way restaurants

sine to Homecoming diners Prices tend to vary from restaurant-to-
restaurant as does the style of food.


Staff Writer

he selection of the restaurant

can make or break a date.

Finding one that compliments
your dates personality can be no
small task. With that in mind, here‘s
a sampling of some of the city‘s
restaurants a little off the beaten
path and what they have to offer the
homecoming couple:

a la lucie's, 159 N. Limestone:
This restaurant features fresh
regional cuisine and a cafe-type
atmosphere. The prices range
between $8.95 and $13.95, with
specials occasionally costing as
much as $18. Located seven blocks
from campus. a la lucie's plans a
new menu daily. flying in seafood
from the East Coast and preparing
everything fresh in the kitchen.

Steve Pladgett. the manager. said
a la lucie's has a “casual elegance.“
“We're very relaxed. very
unpretentious." he said. “We‘re a
cafe with big-city food."

Reservations are required.

Alfalfa‘s. 557 S. Limestone:
Alfalfa‘s is one of the closer
restaurants to campus. It serves
many different types of entrees —
from four versions of eggs benedict
for lunch to duck for dinner — in a
distinctive '605 atmosphere.

Prices range from $3.50 to $4.50
for lunch. and from $5.50 to $9.50for
dinner. Reservations and credit

carts are not accepted, but.
according to manager Peter
Fleming. personal checks are
“welcome. “

Bristol Bar & Grille. 836 Euclid
Ave. Chevy Chase: The Bristol, c0-
owned by estK basketball star,
Rick Robey. recently opened in
Chevy Chase. Manager Mark
Harmann said the Bristol is a
“continental restaurant" with an
"European flavor.“

Prices range from $7.25 to $11.75,
with entrees including a house
salad. bread and choice of potato or
vegetable. Reservations are

Hall‘s on Main. 735 E. Main St.:
Manager Greg Tindle said the key

word for his restaurant is “variety."

Hall‘s on Main offers a wide
selection of steaks and other usual
fare. as well as the catfish that
Hall‘s restaurants made famous.

Tindle described the atmosphere
as “comfortable, but quaint." He
said the main attraction Hall‘s on
Main would have for the
homecoming couple is “a variety of
menu items that would fit the
college budget.“

Hall‘s on Main also has mesquite-
grilled items. including chicken and
swordfish. Prices range from $4.95
for a salad, to $13.96 for entrees.

llall‘s on the River. Boonesboro
Road: Located on the Kentucky
River. it features a full lounge with

entertainment and what manager
David Sidwell describes as a
”riverboat" atmosphere.

Catfish and the patented “Hall's
Beer Cheese" are the main
attractions. Hall‘s on the River also
has a full oyster bar and fried
banana peppers.

Prices are $8.95 to $13.95. and
patrons are seated on a first-come.
first-served basis. Hall‘s on the
River is located out Richmond
Road, approximately 8 miles past
the [-75 interchange.

Sonny's Bar-B-Q. 721 Red Mile
Road: Owensboro is known as the
“Bar-B-Q capitol of the world.” and
what better way to celebrate the
state's heritage tomorrow than a
trip to Sonny‘s Bar-B-Q.

Maureen Combs, manager, said
Sonny's has “good food. quick
service iand i very reasonable
prices. "

"We‘re very laid-back." she said.
“very comfortable. “

Prices at the restaurant range
from $3 to $7


of the Wildcat Roar and the an-
nouncement of homecoming fi-

Red roses were presented to
Claiborne and Hagan as the 16
were being announced. After
many “0th" and "ahs" over the
finalists. the famed “Yell like
hell" competition got off to a
roaring start.

Paired into four divisions —fra-
ternity. sorority. independents
and residence halls, all screamed
at the top of their lungs in hope of
finishing first or second in their
division or becoming the overall
winner of the yell.

Fraternity competition was


0Roar supports team

Continued from Page 1

won by Alp