xt7fbg2hb01g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2hb01g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-04-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1979 1979 1979-04-23 2020 true xt7fbg2hb01g section xt7fbg2hb01g . .. . .... -~.- .. ,...., tot. ,, ._ ..a—.,., ., . .
Vol. Lxxl. No. m l i 2 r 2 l ”"9”: or Kentuck)
Monday. AP!" 23. I979 an independent student newspaper l-fllngton. Kentucky
# —
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II III {a I 2 . , 3%. ' By ELI SIMPSON (iooch wouldn't allow him. senate. (loss could of said the same ‘
. 5i" ‘. 3 I k _‘12 .‘IIII-IIlIILII Special to the Kernel ((iooch. however. says she thing about Bo-Peep or Shakespeare.
' ... . m . " . v II IgII“;.si-E2I ‘fi. suggested. and later requested. that Legally he is right. This is a course in '
hi ..e. .. I Eh ’ at I ”WW" 1970.11» “mm" “m“ Mark (ioss choose another topic for composition. ‘-
3‘ . _o- 2 gI '2 his paper. She said that none of the “i said we don‘t require Henry
I . I students objected to her plans to use Miller or Faulkner. and he said.‘Well.
ts" S ‘ Freshmen in English WI and Ill? the Miller and Hemingway books they required my son toreadthemand .
II .3522“ R . s a . are “too immature“ to read Henry when she presented a detailed he objected.“‘ 2
2 ‘ .2 5 a. “23 I 2: 2_- n; .3 Miller‘s Black Spring and William introduction to the course at the start During Goss‘s telephone discussion
I afii R ”“3”“; ”1... :33 .2 - 2 «533% Faulkner‘s Light in August. according if last semester. In addition. she said with Bryant. Goss said he told Bryant.
f5 Y i . a l‘ as. as“ i i 2 52.33% to Dr. Joseph A Bryant, chairman 0t she had used the books for the "the quote from the The World of Sex
.. I... t .2; a. . ..I . " the English Department. . previous threi. semesters.) (Another novel by Miller that Gooch
' -2 s... .2. 32 2 Bryant slss lslssls llls lsssllllls ln s n lnlsrs Brss lll refer“! when s'sdlns Mark Goss’
2‘3 .. ‘ ”s ”5 sssssnsll leading the l05 sssltsss sl acknowledged lhal he had been new Serrasstfvrlhsnuwe-lonmy
; ‘5“ 2 the freshman English courses as being contacted by (ioss, but said his actions son‘s paper was inappropriate and the
2 2‘ ' ..g..I “ "t00 immature“ to teach. lacking were just a matter of following whole assignment was offensive. not
i 3‘“ -;_ I...“ ,. .55 I proper judgment “to decide a book for academic policy. Bryant said. “Mr. only to my son butalsoto other people 2
s. " " as. i . II .. my II their courses“ and as “not having the 0055 called me on the telephone. in the class."
. x... n g“ I“ .3 22 experience to choose an effectivetopic directly. Nobody put any pressure on Bryant said he hadn‘t read Black I
Q Is . . iv - I 2’2 III IIIsfiv 22: . 23-22 for composrtion." me at all. Let me just tell you one thing. Spring before banning its use and said
ssh“ que 2- .22 e’ “If. ‘~ Bryant‘s comments came in what his father said . . . is absolutely he didn‘t know what all the '
if“ .2222: $3 . 2 ' lists.» 2 i‘ ” connection with his "rejection" of the right. circumstances of Mark 0055‘ paper
3* ”*I. \ ‘ fi . .a " i use Of a number of works. ranging “He (Goss) said. 'You have no right were. “The fact is we didn‘t have much ‘
".12.; its 2. ' 3' . . as from the Miller and Faulkner novels to require my son to read Henry of a leg to stand on in l0] and l02.
I 33 GM“ l-ANDhRS/Keme' 5"" to Dracula. in English l0! and I02 Miller.‘ I said, ‘You are right.‘ Literature must takea back seatin lOI
Soaring serenely over the Lexington landscape, three classesISome StUdentS and instructors “We have no right to require and 102." he said.
balloons chase after the “hare" balloon in one of the five are calling hlS action censorship. but literature. That‘s authorized by the Continued on page 3 . '
Little Kentucky Derby events this weekendJan Shoo, of Bryant contends he 15 only following I
U p I up I and away Versailles. won the race when she landed her balloon academic gUldehnCS 0f the Umversrty - -
closest to the ”bare” in a farm next to New Circle and. Senate. . G 00h IS [66 V,” U '
Harrodsbura Road. The controversy arose early this _
year when a man telephoned Bryant to _ ,
complain about the use of Black ..
mbudsmen have the answers "W - - -
. Copyright‘l979.TheI(entueky Kernel (rooch wrll leave UK after this .
English '0' class. The man. Eugene semester to finish her studies at the ‘
By MARK GREEN their name. She said one student left a have been pleased with the positive 0055. said his son had talked to him . . . . , . . . ‘. .
2 ~ .2 . . . - The teaching aSSistant who wrote Universrty of Cincmnatl. Although
Staff Writer phone number and told her to ask for attitude of students and faculty who last semester about his objections to . . 2 . 2
.. .i . . . . . . . the Henry Miller quote that raised she said she had thoughts of leavrng
. X. But in several cases. she said she are involved in the disputes. the materials used in the class. taught , . . . , . . . . . .
. . .. Eugene Goss ire is leavmg UK. And LlK priortothisinCident.sheadmitted
cant help students who choose to Emmanuel said. Many. many more by Betty Gooch. a graduate student. h , leavin with some bitter that this recent ex erience hurried her
When academic or financral remain nameless. except to give (problems) have been solved than not The final straw apparently came 5 e s . g decision p
problems crop ”Pi there are two information. ~ to the satisfaction of faculty and when 19-year-old Mark Goss,an Arts memories. ' . .
. . . . . ,. . . “I f l h“ f th t lb 2 According to Gooch. Bryant
ombudsmen availablcto helpstudents In fact. Emanuel said, the first administration too. i &Scrences freshman, sent his fathera 39 t in or ‘3 pas year ave . . . .
_ . . . .. .. . . .. . l d d th' . th 'h'l .. originally did not give the TAs any
find solutions. question she asks students is Can we There is a steady trickle of copy of his final theme paper. He had not came a amn lnS‘WY “ ie. . . .
.. . , 2 . Be 'J G h 'd “I ll gurdelines about choosmg texts. She ..
If there are problems or use your name? students into the ombudsmansoffice, chosento write aboutasexual passage lty can 00C sat ~ am rea y . . .
' - - .. . . . . d' 2 d | l l . th' thought this was true until she heard
. disagreements which students can‘t If I cant use your name but the busy times of the year are from Black Spring. In grading the isappomte 0W3 earning lnBS . .
. . . . . . . d h' l‘ t t d t I from Ken DaVis. director offreshman .
. . work out With their instructor. they specrfically. I can‘t dealwrthaspemfic before and after each semester and paper. Gooch quoted another Miller an teac lnl! iterature o 5 u en 52 . _2
- . .. 2 . . h b k h ( - f l d English. that Bryant had banned the
- ran take their case to the Academic problem, she tells the students. spring break. work she thought would help explain teac oo 5 l at a C meaning it an f k . h l - .
., . . . . . . , ,~.. I We use 0 the boo s in crcasses. . .
. Ombudsman. Jane Emanuel,who wrll Grades for final examinations. The academic ombudsmans office Millers Views. true to l - She says she was urged by an i.
.' help try to set the record straight. proyects or indivtdual tests are the handled l0(I) cases last semester. . Eugene Goss. a former state offtcral “l have never taught books that l English department official to admit 2
Busrness Ombudsman Judy most common problem brought tothe Emanuel said. and her office gets in the Nunn administration. a UK thought were just fun to read." she that her use of the Miller and 2
. Marshal deals wciIth probIIcrInhs ‘8‘: academic ombudsman. EImanuclsaid. about ten phone callsIa day inquiring trustee froIrIn 197tho l97I4 and a said. “The whole Freshman English Hemingway novels had been wrong. . .
I agseI I tween stu IcIntS fan e I In most cases. studentsthink therewas aboutavatpety ofI subjectssuch asthe prI:)mlneInt IasteIIn entucIkIy aIttornerI department is treated with disdain by but she refused because she thought -, 2
I. tItIonIIlsr'IIi:trat;qInd squnassIaeIcepIaynmtenosI an IerIroI'j oIrI wIanIt grading crIIteria lpIcaéioerIo aIIbuIIldingIon carInpus or i: o mflntalnIs odmIeIs in MI anIarI the rest of the (English) department.“ she was '1ng She also said the same
g exp aine . . owever. some stu IentIs t e ea me or topping a casIs. exrng on. re aye is comp am 5 0 When asked how she felt about her English department official told her _
2. suspended students. who come in argue that they (11an The office of the busrness Bryant and other members of the . . .. .. .
- - - . . 2 . . 2 experience.C-ooch said. lwastreated the whole controversy had erupted
2 FinanCial and academic problems deservea low grade. and she finds out ombudsman handles approxrmately English department during Christmas l'k . . ed little kid whodid because Bryant needed a rein- .2
can be handled confidentially if the their problem is just a case of sour 200 casesinaschoolyear,accordingto vacation. 'Famngpsrtlfinf ttitude towards us statement of his authority over the .
student desires. and records of grapes. Marshall. The majority of the cases He objected to the quote Gooch a "0".‘0' 3". a a . . . ~
. 2 - ~ ~ 2 - (teaching assrstants) is pathetic. You TAsm some way oranothcr and it was
everything the ombudsmen handle are In some cases. it is necessary to have come in the fall 2» espeCially at fee used and the fact that the Miller and . 2 2 - .. .
i i ' ‘ - don‘t get treated like that if you don‘t some kind of ego thing.
private. the student and instructor brought payment time ~ and result from Hemingway works were required I ion with the ed 3
Emanuel said she has had dealings together for a meeting with the freshmen's inexperience in managing reading. He also said hisson wanted to make waves or go a g Continu on P.“ -
With Stodents WithOUt ever knOWlnS ombudsman to settle problems. “l Continued on page 3 write hlS‘heme on anOlh" subject.but . .’.; :2; -2 . a . 2
—‘tO a at -. .2 -: ' .. 2. ’
fgfyfin" ‘ 2 ’42,». .
“2,"? 2.3.2. . I . Ina” “‘5‘. -2 ‘6' ,I’filr‘ .‘.:225“ II
2 - . ~ ";:;.-..é;“i: :2. . . w :2 ”goofs-1’3? '
- - d record flooding to southwest Texas yesterday and guerillas lIaunched Id pre-dawn mid from the 5F“ and 3. t ’
. '"3' e renewed peril along MlSSlSSlei‘s Pearl River. while she! their Way me an aparimeni building in 2 ‘ ' a
LKD WASA GOOD TIME FOR ALL. See page4 the Air Force flewamillion sandbags to theinundated Nahariya. Israel. I . I is“??? . I . '2
for a full photo layout on SC B‘s festival held last - Red River Valley in the upper Midwest. One Of the four terrorists W35 ShOI and kllled by a f .2} 2’ t ' 5-7 t " 'tI
.- weekend. And at least four tornadoes touched down in civilian as the attackers attempted to break into the $5. II ti. .2 E?“ 2 '- II
State Louisiana, includinga twisterthatdemolished the site apartments. A second was killed by Israeli security % E I if III a ' . _
I of the C rawfish Festival midway in Chalmette and forces as the guerillas attempted to ll" 0" "‘9 beach 3'" t5: ‘ f s I I
.« injured two persons slightly. and two others were wounded and captured.the army . I s“ M" £1? £33 ,2 g b” I
.’ JOHN Y.IIROWN.IR.says he hastaken another poll The National Weather Service said torrential rains said. . "V 13’ " If" ’ ; s5. II? . ' 2
II' which indicates that he is only four percentage points that soaked most of southwest Mississippi and south- Meanwhile. military officials announced ”‘3‘ ' . 2 ’fl V f”\; x 7
2 belowthe leading Democratic candidate for governor. central Louisiana with 5.6 inches of rain within 24 Israeli naval boats Shelled a guerilla training camp $5 2- 2“ .s. M 3.. A 1: .
_ The former Kentucky Fried Chicken magnatc.who hours moved over the Pearl River Basin and added yesterday belonging to the POPUl“ Front for the 1‘ “t 51“. L .Q I eggs: I iii: ..f . ' .
'. announced his candidacy a little less than a month slightly to the flooding. Liberation of Palestine at Nahr El-Berd. north of 2W” '. ' .. 222'"'." ‘It . .
it ago. declined to reveal which of the six major Tripoli. Palestinian spokesmen in Beirut. however. ‘Wtiw . ~ ' ' 1y t ‘.
. candidates was ahead ofhimin his survey. He did say THE PRESIDENT or THE COMPANY that said the Israelis shelled a refugee camp in the area. " ‘ .2 6% . 2. .
j; the survey is an excellent cross-section of party operates the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant Informed sources in Belt!" said three Persons died in i I "~31 :1 3-; . .
2.2" registration around the state. says the firm was neither prepared for the March 28 the shelling. . i. i I 2 2';
“Considering that this poll was taken before I went accident nor aware of its source for two or three days. .2 t " I .35.; “i.“ 21' I '1‘ ’
I'.‘ into extensive campaigning.l‘m real pleased." Brown But Walter Creitz, president of Metropolitan 'III‘I'“ ,ii.i:'2";'E-=:‘2*i j I .r - 2 V ‘t. .
. .‘Iél, said. Edison Co.. denied company spokesmen misled the TANZANlAN TROOPS CAPTURED JlN-M. 6“ -.I . > y. ' as If}. ' ~ 2
I’I' One of the most important factors brought out.hc public and said the utility handled the situation Uganda's second city and the last stronghold for ‘saasw 9’ - 2 ‘- ' ‘2.“ . 1'25
'5" said, isthat possibly 60 percent of the Democratic vote properly. troops loyal to Idi Amin. before dawn yesterday. . g '- “I ‘wafi‘év ,2. '{Ij . _
"2“ is“soft." that is. 23 percent remained undecided about “Keep in mind. man was dealing witha problem he Thousands Of residents threw flowers and shouted. {Vi‘fl}. ‘ H i 22' .. 2 4-3:" 2.x i, . ' ‘
" any contestant and 37 percent indicated they would never experienced before." Crietz said in an interview “WC are free. we a": ”“22" The" was only minor 2.); 2- e f : to '2‘.
change their vote if a better candidate emerged during with Wally Hudson. business editor of the Reading resistance by a few hundred Ol the deposed Amin‘s 1“ ”f a it s ' ~ iii
i“. the race. Eagle. published yesterday. soldiers. 2%?“ ”It, fi.“”‘~“’smg« I, X "I;
. ,,II t. It was [hc first public smtcmem by Crietz since The Tanzanian force also took control of the vital rig??? I ' *"%.n¢“wéfg:§’ 4a,; I}
f "3 Ion April 1. when President Carter went to Middletown. Owen Falls hydroelCCl'lC dam. Wthh supplies all Of arr .‘ 2 2 . “*.&W&3g%.§ 2' $4.4... ”32‘ i
t p... lor a ion or iii: crippiea piani iii an niiempi io Uganda's electricity and 25 mm oline nowerused s 2 - at“ ... :22" 2- .
. CONGRESS RETURNS FROM NEARLY TWO calm fears of a nuclear disaster. in neighboring Kenya. II . 2i. . ftfimmaggss afar” sighs“ . 3;
7 WEEKS OF VACATION today. and energy 2 ' Meanwhile. in Kampala. top secret documents II'..':.533?‘§, 2 l lit QW‘ZZW‘ _ 2:? ~ if .
'2 particularly the safety of nuclear power again is in scattered ankledeep on the floor of deposed dictator If W to? t 5;: w‘xt‘affig II I V. II t
the spotlight. WOI'id ldi Amin‘s security building tell the tale of his regime's a.» 2w -I 5 2: W’s/”‘49:”; I :3; ii 2 ,i . -~ ~
The Senate also is expected to take upthe question paranoia its obsession for amassing records on s” 95" ' 22'2'2 _I “flatwwmw ..r, ‘3 .
of how large the federal budget should beand.laterin TURKISH AND KURDISH FACTIONS suspected agents. spies. smugglers. drunkards. 5223's?” ..s i" kgig’ifi‘sa fit. i I
' the week. may decide whether to create a new declared I cease-fire yesterday after three days Ol complainers. tourists and petty thieves. W722. as; €V3wssfiw gatewét, .. ' i - . 2 .
. ' Department of Education fighting that took a reported 25 lives in the In the ransacked building that once housed the II§\s I.: NhfiIIN‘Qi‘ 35% IIIW II. . ii .
. Meanwhile. the House will devote itself mostly to nonhwestern town of Naghadeh. the Iranian dreaded State Research Bureau. moms fun of files 4's” fist If sggghytfs 2- figural“ II...‘ 2 t
. authoriutlons for upcoming programs and to minor government announced from TehranI. But television show the all-pervasive nature of Amin‘s security 22 III?» 1.2” .. it"s.Wiii’:€':»:" $ 22% f rII
‘ bills such as the disposal of postal service surplus ‘ reports said shooting broke 0L" 383"! at dark. and service that kept “secret"and “top secret"dossiers on %" any»? ’g’vimw‘sc "’3' zpf'ififi‘f I h
. property and the shipment of lottery materials that several persons were killed the smallest details of many llgandan‘s private lives. % .2 ”,3 ”hsgqbngsI “I” 2%)?“ I, :mi . . i
. I .u I A visit from Rosalynn Carter. who will discuss the The government said the canine was "“th a.-. $2». f"... .l'2'..”'"“'-:‘sII35:;‘si'ffin-i “riots....w‘xsgggsém ’ -. .2
2. . I 2‘ problems of the mentally ill. and a hearing by the after religious leaders and government . to“ " ‘2 $53.“, {Rat‘s ,I2-I~.-= " --
2 2 Senate ehlics committee in its investigation on Sen. representatives. headed by the west Azerbaijan weather -2. 2 .. . ‘ t .t. 2 2 2i 2 . ~: iTOM gang's/gm stall -
2' . . Herman Talmad e. D-(‘a.. are also scheduled for governor. Gen. Mohammad Mehdi Abasi. met with I . y _ . . 2 .
2 . - 2, Wynn”... “ ' leaders of the two sides. AMPERCENTCHAINCEOPRAINandpossible One on one . -
Z ' .'; l thunderstorms today. wrth highs not quite reaching ,
. - l 70- loo'l for continua "ln tonlBht and tomorrow lTK senior Jim Montaine is tackled before the catch in rugby action against . .I I -
' - THESE APRIL SHOWERS ARE GETTING A FOl'R ISRAELIS. INCLUDING TWO LITTLE with lows dipping slightly to about 60 (‘hances for Georgia ”new" afternoon at the Commonwealth pitch. Georgia sfuliblcl I . I
- -. - BIT RIDIClYLOt‘sFresh cloudbursts brought more GIRLS. were killed early yesterday when Palestinian rain tomorrow are 80 percent. Kevin Monkman nailed Montaine in the second In“ “hm Eddie "om, In . . .
1 inside center. moved in to scoop up the loose hall. I K won the SEC _ 2 I- .
2‘ i . championship by edging defending champ Georgia 7-6 in the finals. . I. .
I I | I I F' ’T'. '. '1'.”qu “CM. III I i". I I I i I II I III. ” ~I'I""~. ‘- “I ll ~‘_'~'. I .“"W~ .d- e WM-uumiufiwwsw AuquvCW-Wlouflvza grab», ..anw“. 5‘ . Ian“ .
. ' , ~ 'i‘ ' 'i . i "_ . . I . 1 . __..._.. “.._- . .’-—:1-..__.--..-__.——-l—-—___-—__..v .. -2‘>-—‘- ' \ i ’ \ i . ‘
I . ' 2 , 2': g ‘s '. \\s - -‘ -I

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. _ .l
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‘ St v lli r Ilsa Ilmmard Ilsa-mas ( larlt Walter l‘unis Junie \Iu ht Tom Moran % i
KhNTUCKY lib/2117:3312 Ill/Imm/ It/mu Jay l-‘msclt l d I lilurir \[H'Ilt lr/Il‘r‘l Ilnr'ilui til I’lmmemlihi I
r Debbie McDaniel - ‘_ ,
Steve Massey
e ”2 Richard McDonald Gregg fields rastervfllliilth (I!) Willie John ( lay linda ( ambcll é
, \Irllumluu Irlum Jeanne Wehnes (“In I'M,“ Initial” I g I /./,,,,, Brian Hickerd l’lmn. tluuutvu . 4
- _ lnmmlr' li/Ilun fun/mil .\/mll~ Itllll'l‘ 1??
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' editorialsdtcommcnts
___________________———————————————————-———————————————— i {
-"'—'—‘_'———"-"—"-—‘l ‘ I ‘
. . . called fascists in a windy, arrogant editorial. 't can't happen here 't‘ '
Still. it‘s not entirely a juvenile edition. Some of the 3
S e c I a I cardinal I s s u e gags and “advertisments” are hilarious. truly inspired, lhe fact that the Cardinal does receive about half its 3
But too much is simply gross and repetitive ~ sort ofa $50,000 budget from the UanCl'Slly is worth mentioning.
half-baked National lampoon. as a comparison to the student newspaper situation at '5
~ After the paper was distributed (The Cardinal is a UK. 4.
‘ weekly). a storm of protest resulted inthe school‘s board The Kernel. unlike the Cardinal, receives no money .
s 0 w g p O O r I 0f student publications firing ihe editor. who had refused and has no strings pulled by a university administration. .
. to recant any of the issue and had no apologies. His For example. U of L‘s vice president for student affairs '
defense. evidently. is that the edition was obviously was the person Wl‘l0 actually fired the Cardinal editor.
I I facetious and that people who may have been libeled are acting on the recommend: “on ofthc publications board. .
wa s a d I S s e rVI c 6 public figures. and as such. deserve whatever they get. That would be unheard of at UK: 771? Kernel’s ,_
What a court will think of that argument Should be independent board of directors has sole power over
i noteworthy. But the Cardinal has already failed one test choosing the editor. who has total editorial 1 .
w that of good taste. Much of the issue is undoubtedly responsibility.
From a distance of 80 miles, it‘s difficult to tell what What was so bad about the paper? Well. the football funny. but it‘s the kind of humor best kept on bathroom Well let stUdentS dCCide which arrangement is best ~4
sort of frustration and rage compelledthe student editors coach took exception toastory that reported falselythat walls. and “0‘ every ‘meUS '5 “NSC enough {0 support a
of the University of Louisville‘s campus newspaper to his entire team had been “arrested for dope. sodomy and Printing gross. defamatory articles and gratuitous newspaper that Isfinancrallyand editorially independent.
publish their startling April Fool issue. subversion.“(Wonder where the Cardinal got the idea ~— obscenities in the name of realism is bullshit (pardon the But for our part. we think that working on a campus .
By tradition a raunchy and satirical edition. the who says UK doesn‘t set an example for the state?) expression. perhaps it illustrates the point). Publishing paper that isn‘t answerable to the administration and 2
Louisville Cardinal's gag paper this year was gross Several players themselves are also probably upset {or witless humor is a disservice — an exercise as empty as can‘t lean on a unrversrty‘s general fund for protection
enough and outrageous enough to get the editor f ired and having their pictures published with false “charges" emotion without intelligence ora fight without a cause. U against libel suits is a good situation. It teaches a healthy -
get several people on campus and inthe city talking about printed below. And several people. including newspaper of L students deserve more from their school-funded respect for the importance and obligations of the press. .f
libel suits. publisher Barry Bingham. are probably miffed at being paper. and they should get more. and for the impact a newspaper can have. 4
Have you mowed your rug today?
Th b b VD b '
e oys are broke, ut tests can ring you money i.
Last Thursday I walked into the Franklin walked up behind me. one tomorrow. if I can scrape up the account. You boys go get some food." “Yuk. Gregg. Really yuk. Go havea y0u in jail for bad checks and I need
kitchen and saw my roommate peeling “Listen. Gregg.“ he said loudly. “did postage.” "Oh, Mother. I can‘t ask you to do good meal.” bond money to get you out. right?"
hard-boiled eggs. “Are we eating those your girlfriend have that abortion or “Don‘t bother.“ she said sourly. that. Dad will just give you the same I hung up the phone and turned “Right.“ I was silent as l locked the it
again?“ I asked. putting my books on did the doctor say she was too young?“ “She died in February." lecture about how much you spoil me around. glaring at Franklin. “Let me door. “Do you think maybe we should i
the table. I turned around and glared at him. “I‘ll have it forwarded.“ and everything." just say one thing to you.” feel guilty about all these lies?“ 515.
“Quit complaining." he said. “If I “Did what?" my mother asked. Mother sighed. “You‘re talking kind “He's got a point." He looked apprehensive. “Yeah?“ Franklin laughed. “Look at it this
hadn‘t lied about my age and entered “Oh. nothing. Mom.“ of nutty. too." “isn‘t inflation just awful.” I said. “You were great!” I reached outand way. you‘re only preparing yourself "
that Easter egg hunt we wouldn‘t have “But it sounded like he said..." “It's the hunger pangs. Makes it trying to change the subject. hugged him. “We got the cash." for a career in business.“ 2;; ,
these." “By the way." he continued. hard to concentrate.” “Well. the important thing is that He jumped up and let outa whoop. “l never thought of it that way." 7‘4 ,f
- “True. But even kinky sex can “Student Health called today. Your I turned around and felt shock you start eating right. Why didn‘t you “Fantastic. Did the lawn mower really “if we keepthisupthe oilcompanies ‘; i
become monotonous.“ VD tests were positive." waves go through my body as call me?" sound like a car?" will be begging us to work for them." $35? ’
“By the way." he said.“did you drop “Gregg, will you please . . ." deafening noise echoed off the walls. “I. you know. just wanted to work it “Yeah,” I said hesitantly. “But the “And think what great husbands £3;
that envelope off at the bank for me?“ I threw a book at Franklin. but he “My God, what is that?" out myself. Be independent. Reallytry landlord will kill us when he sees what we'll make.“ is
l sat down. “Yeah. What was in it?" “Franklin, get that our out of here." to handle my own problems like you it did to the carpet.” I paused. “But it?
“A check for $80.“ ' l screamed. and dad always told me to." we‘ll worry about it later. Let‘s go eat.“ Gregg Fields, Journalism senior, :1
My face brightened. “Someone ’franklin and me! Mother sounded sympathetic. Franklin walked up. “Greg. 1 just On the way out he looked over at defines luxury as a sandwich with 5‘;
. mailed you $80? That settles it- Let's . “Now. listen, l'm going to the bank caught a spider. i think there‘s enough me. “Now in two weeks were going to bread that‘s not moldy. His column E
buy some steak.“ by gregg fie/ds today and put some money in your for both of us." tell my parents that your bank has put appears on Mondays. 2
“Sorry. pal. The check was from me .
to the bank. l‘m overdrawn again.“ ““——*"——"—'—— As Ameflcans forget about them
“Franklin. you can‘t writeacheck to dodged it. “See. Mom. we don't have <’
cover an overdraft." any money for food. and Franklin I .l .'
a] know. l‘m hoping it‘ll humor well. he‘s starting to hallucinate." Draft do 9 ers g rOW' “Q 0 er In a na 3
them until I graduate and move out of “Good grief. how hungry are you?" :3"
town.“ “You remember those goldfish l got a;
I laid my head on the table. for Christmas..." By CHARLES HANLEY now. for better or worse. or because remembered a great deal of tension would be an effective way to change 2;.
“Franklin. l‘m so tired of being poor. l “...You didn't...“ Associated Press Writer they feel that the injustice they found between individuals of different age things...Peraps people feelintimidated 1:3;
want to talk to my mother."The phone “1 fed them to the neighbor‘s dog to in the America of the l960s are there groups. between the races. in the by the as-yet-unknown degree of V“, ,
rang and i went to answer it.“Hello,“l fatten it up. then we ate it." TORONTO — Six years after U.S. still. United States when i left and [did not government surveillance." 4... .'
said. Franklin walked by again. “Doug guns fell silent in Vietnam. a lost “Canadians are a more peaceful see it at all when l revisited." Willcox. bearded. balding and "
“Gregg. this is your mother. called and wants his money back." he battalion of American draft dodgers people,” said Thomas Hanes. “i really U.S. foreign policy is markedly denim-clad in the hippie style of the
Remember me?" screamed. “He said that acid you sold grows older, more Canadian and love this country." different from what it was l0 years l9605.drivesataxiforaliving. Heleft
“Yes. dear. How are you?” him was mostly aspirin.“ perhaps wiser in Toronto. their Said Harry Willcox, “l didn‘t think 830. he said. his native New York City for Toronto
“Fine. Since you're graduating Mother sounded concerned. existence largely forgotten by the then that the United Stateswas going “The U.S. is more willing to look at in I970 when he realized his draft
soon. i thought maybe I‘d call to “Gregg. how bad off are you?" country they fled. to become any less militaristic and l persuasion rather than force to solve notice was due. and he has never sir:
remind you where i live. just in case “Well. the last cash I saw was at The men who jumped across the don’t think it has." its international problems...and it returned. though he says he keeps in :‘i'
you decide to do something unusual Christmas when your aunt gave me border a decade ago can go “home” They are two of several thousand doesn‘t necessarily always think of touch through reading and
and visit your family.“ $50." i tried to fake sincerity. “And, again anytime under President draft resisters and deserters believed itself as morally correct anymore." corresponding with friends.
“Mother. l‘m sorry. We been too gee, i just feel so bad about not writing Carter‘s I977 amnesty. But many still in Canada. vestiges of a time But Hanes says he remains He had planned the move to Canada
busy to come home.” her a thank—you card. Maybe ”I mail won‘t. either because home is here whose troubles are fadingfast from the “suspicious“ of what the United States for some time because he saw it as a
American memory. The numbers have is capable of doing. He said this “more liberal” country. Willcox said. 2
never been firm. distrust is rooted in police repression sipping tea in a Toronto Chinatown
Some l00,000 Americans refused he witnessed as an anti-war activist in cafe near his home. His opinion now:
military induction or deserted the Chicago in the late l960s. “I better understand that it has very ,- * .
armed forces during the Vietnam era. The soft-spoken Willcox shakes his much the same roots...Canada seems ,4
, _ according to the U.S. government. head when asked whether he perceives dominated by the U.S.” . . . ‘
Tens of thousands of these, perhaps the United States as a land Are these men angry about the . 5
Mill-AW most. ended up in Canada. transformed by the Vietnam War and upheaval that brought them here? « (
Tl’h NUCLQAR John Landau of the Central other chastening experiences. “I feel a certain hopeless anger , _ -
Wfism “\lmw Committee for Conscientious “The regimentation and . the about people who died in that war.
Objectors in Philadelphia estimates censorship of the whole range of Ideas both American and Vietnamese." said 2,
Am LEE that one in three remains in Canada. is still going on.” he said. “There is Hanes. “I feel resentful that l was ‘3
”i , Toronto was the focus of the exodus repression of ideas in the school. for forced to make the decision to come I
‘1‘ of American war protesters. and inthe example. There is a lot less here. But one can say. ‘Someone up .i .
\ 7‘ ‘ v7 ' * late l960s and early 19705 many of underground press. alternative press.“ there likes me.’ because We done
- f I. r» l - 9%! f?” them fraternized in a small expatriate Why the lowered voices of protest in well." ; '
Q ~ ‘ “5%)" x ..r.. 45503.; a \\ community here. But they have long the States? Willcox says he bears no anger. r.
“:2 , , as a. ~s. lf'v |' (* since gone their separate ways. “Maybe there‘s some kind of Does he now. so longafterthe war. feel i
:3}; «g \ $3, '1' r - . * ~‘ teaching school. driving taxis. selling reassessment going on. People are forgotten?
.' ’ :51 I if.“ h. 4 I . _ ' " insurance. reassessing themselves as far as what “When was l ever remembered?” -
6 '0‘ l i _{,‘f:—-/ ’ 7 . "v (A Both Hanes and Willcox — not his ____————.————-—-———————-— _ X
:1 ‘ 3- ‘ ‘ .as’ 4' g. .. . ' ’ real name. which he asked not be used ' ' "
ml“ .3 fl {Ii (3 i‘fifihlfii’” g — said fleeing the draft was not the Letter t0 the E d, tor l
"it. . I l'iti‘i 1'; —-‘ fl" . * only reason they came to Canada. .————-———-———-———-—-——-—'—— i.
fiqil‘ ‘ ' . ;| 16‘7“ ’ ‘ g “l was totally fed up with the whole lk . UK
’ e 4 . o i ,3 . - . . . . . asa wa -in. has onlydonated9w
t / v. _‘ i, ‘V l ‘ Ij ' ‘NR ' \0 , 3 situation surrounding peoplesrightto A“ In veIn ints of blood
7" k’. 1 II 4 .- *l’ ‘ - .' 0 air their political and socralgrievances p ' .
i ‘1. A 5' .‘i @l g) i 4 A " ¥ ‘I d th tt't d ‘ d 't .. 'd Therefore. Student Government is
‘ ' N :65. r I, 4 l “ _ ' \ an e a l u e owar ' ‘ ”I As you may know. UK hasa policy sponsoring one last big drive for this
— r“ ,' \.,. {9“ .il ‘