xt7fbg2h9z6b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h9z6b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-11-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 05, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 05, 1974 1974 1974-11-05 2020 true xt7fbg2h9z6b section xt7fbg2h9z6b Vol. LXVI No. 64

Tuesday. November 5, M74


(‘urly Neal. star playmaker and comedian for the Harlem Globetrotters.
matched wits with the Washington Generals on the floor of Memorial (‘oliseum
Monday night.



an independent student newspaper


i in
Kernel sun photo by Brian Harrloan

praises Ford

Kernel Staff Writer
Speaking to a large crowd Monday.

political science and education specialist
Ralph Huitt called President Ford “a
breath of fresh air" and said “universities
cannot substitute for government.“

Huitt. executive director of the National
Association of Land-Grant Colleges and
State Universities (NALGCSUJ. was the
first of three lecturers in a series of
President‘s Seminars on higher education.

THE SEMINARS were initiated by
President ()tis A. Singletary who said they
are designed to “help keep us in touch with
major currents affecting higher educa-
tion.” About 120 members of the
University community attended the
seminar. held in Patterson Office Tower.

Huitt‘s speech. “Higher Education and
the Ford Administration.“ dealt mainly
with the ways higher education works with
the federal government and some of the
NAI.(i(‘Sl"s proposals.

The association wants "institutional
aid.“ Huitt said “lt is proper for the
federal administration to assist students in
going to college. proper for the federal
administration to pay for the costs."

l‘NTll. NOW. higher education has not
been represented in the White House and
its bills have been blocked by Congress.
Huitt said. He noted that in Washington
during the Nixon years. he never attended
a bill signing or conference or visited the
White House. lt was a “closed
administration," he said,

21 University of Kentucky

Lexington. Ky. 40506

NALGCSL’ director

Two public interest groups conferred
with President Nixon — neither of them
education representatives. Since Ford
took office. Huitt has gained more

As for passing bills in Congress. Huitt
said his agency does not have enough
authority to be successful. Such authority.
he said. comes from “close relationships
between the President‘s own agencies (the
executive branch) and the public interest

Huitt said the NALGCSU wants Ford to
“build up the structure of a working staff

people with assignments who can

respond to each other so the executive
branch works." He added that a “program
that excites some people" is needed.

relationships. Huitt said one important
step has to be taken."It's time to face
Congress and the executive branch on just
what the relations between universities
and state and federal governments are to

be (‘ontinued on page 6

E'ecfion '74: Beginning of the end for Kentucky GOP?

By mu. STRAl'B
Kernel Staff Writer

With Gov. Wendell Ford‘s election to the US.
Senate almost assured in today's voting. state
Republicans will have to regroup swiftly in order
to survive another campaign.

At this time. it would appear a light turnout is
in store for Ford and incumbent Republican Sen.
Marlow (‘ook. Many people close to the
campaign have predicted a seven per cent
margin for the ()wensboro Democrat and a
plurality of between 30.000 and 60.000 votes.

THIS IS A crucial year for the GOP across the
country with many prognosticators feeling
Democrats could gain as many as six senate
seats and between 20 and 60 places in the House
of Representatives.

At least one. and possibly two, of these
Republican losses can be found in Kentucky.
Cook. who had hoped to assume the evangelic
aura of former Kentucky GOP Sen. John
Sherman Cooper upon the latter's retirement.
has failed. Though aristocratic in manner and
authoritative in speech. Cook has not captured
the confidence and respect required for most
long-term Kentucky politicians.

Cook‘s problems stem beyond Watergate and
the economy. At the outset he lost valuable
momentum when Democratic Secretary of State
Thelma Stovall voided (‘ook's file for nomination
because he failed to designate a campaign
treasurer on his papers. It took a court order to

get out of that one and bad luck has hounded him

.ll'ST WHEN IT seemed Cook was gaining on
Ford. Washington based columnist Jack
Anderson disclosed (‘ook was using an Ashland
()il (‘orporate plane to ride back and forth from
Washington and Kentucky This all but squelched
(‘ook‘s reelection chances.

There couldn't be a candidate that differs
more with (‘ook in both style and manner than
Wendell Ford. Ford is a “good ole boy” who

News analysis

shakes hands. slaps backs and tells jokes in that
great Kentucky political tradition. Ford's
appearances at football games and county fairs
probably produced him more votes than any
(Took television speeches or appearances.

What could have been a sure runaway has
turned into just a romp. however. because of the
Governor's position on the Red River Dam The
Army (‘orp of Engineer's project calls for a dam
to be built in a scenic gorge area in waell
County. Ford approves of the proposal. sighting
need for water in the Bluegrass area and flood
control along the river banks.



(‘OUK ()l’l’OSES the dam .. even though he
voted for it during his tenure in office. The
senator eyes ecological dangers. and says the

dam will solve neither flood or water supply

The Red River Dam has been the most
vehement issue in the campaign. But when the
final tallies come in most will find the dam has
failed to capture the imagination of the average
voter. While Ford is expected to lose some votes
in the Lexington. Morehead and Richmond areas
because of the ecology-minded student
population. farmers. laborers and small
businessmen have found something else to be
concerned about -. the economy.

It's a “vote the rascals out" year. and (‘ook is
in. The people disgusted with Watergate simply
won't vote. but those disgusted by the economy
will vote against the man that‘s in simply
because they see he failed in his job of
controlling the treasury.

(‘0th HAS (‘ALLED for bonuses for people
investing in building and loan banks. “Housing is
really the key to the economy problem." Cook
said during a campus visit Oct. 8. “To construct
a dwelling is to make available the selling of
furniture. appliances and things that go along
with it." This revitalization. Cook feels. will get
the economy moving again.

Ford has been less direct with his plans. other
than to say he wants to cut taxes (“just like I did
here in Kentucky") and cut federal spending
(“the military budget is not a sacred cow").

(‘ontinued on page 6



Editor—induct. Linda Carnes
Managing editor, Ron Mitchell
Associate editor, Torn Moore
Editorial page editor, Dan Crutcher


3X") .

'0", El, YES . . . WOULD YOU PHASE 60 IO

Features editor. Larry Mead
Arts editor, Greg Hotelicn
Sports editor, Jim Manon
Photography editor. Ed Gerald


YOUR HEALTH: Contraception
Abstinence only sure thing


Taboos on the free and open
discussion of sex are decreasing
and this is particularly true of
many younger adults who do not
feel bound by the sexual
restrictions of previous genera-

Not only is this the era of
re-evaluation of sex-related val-
ues but it is also the age of
contraception, legalized abor-
tion, earlier sterilization and
great concern about population
control. Sexual intercourse can
no longer be looked upon as
primarily a reproductive act, but
rather in terms of its meaning
within the relationship of the two
individuals involved.

Although attitudes toward con-
traception vary, failure to use
some type of contraception
undeniably is irresponsible un-
less the couple is willing to accept
the responsibility for a child.
Individuals and couples have
good reason to consider what
sexual activity they consider
appropriate under various situa-
tions but unless they are
abstaining from sexual activity
they should know as much as
possible about contraception.

First, no method of contracep-
tion, except abstinence, is
absolutely one hundred per cent
effective. Contraception varies in
its esthetic acceptability and in
its risk to health and even life.
Contraception does require plan-
ning and neglecting this planning
for sentimental or other reasons

increases risks. Both partners
should be involved to avoid
placing the total burden of
decision on one.

There are various methods of
contraception available. There
are chemical methods —— foams.
creams. and jellies. These are
available for purchase at drug-
stores without prescriptions.
Their function is to immobilize
and kill sperm in the vagina, so
that the sperm cannot make their
way into the uterus and the
fallopian tubes to fertilize an
ovum. The woman choosing this
method merely inserts a
measured dosage of the spermi-
cide into the vagina just prior to
intercourse with a special
applicator provided for that

Mechanical devices are used to
prevent sperm from entering the
uterus, the most common being
the condom and the diaphragm.
The condom will be the only
method discussed here which
depends primarily upon the
male. The condom is a thin,
skin-tight sheath which is pulled
on over the erect penis prior to
intercourse. The tip of the
condom acts as a receptacle to
catch the seminal fluid and
prevent the sperm from being
released into the vagina. Con-
doms are available for purchase
at most drugstores.

The diaphragm is an oval,
dome shaped rubber device with
a flexible spring at the outer
edge. The correct size must be



Editorials represent theapmnons ot the editors. noltne University

Special interests:
Senators for sale

Governor Wendell Ford made a campaign issue out of the
source of Marlow Cook‘s campaign financing, pointing out
that Cook‘s money was coming from out-of-state oil and

1 2

determined and then the dia—
phragm is obtained by prescript-
ion. The diaphragm is used with a
contraceptive jelly. When proper—
ly placed the diaphragm fits
securely and comfortably be-
tween the rear wall of the vagina
and the upper edge of the pubic
bone. In that position it
completely covers the cervix and
holds the contraceptive jelly
tightly cupped over the entrance
to the womb. This provides a
chemical barrier that acts to kill
the male sperm.

Prevention of implantation is
apparently the way in which the
IUD (intrauterine device) pre-
vents pregnancy. It is inserted
into the uterus by a physician and
left in place until contraception is
no longer desired or problems
arise. There are certain side
effects: bleeding, cramping.
displacement and expulsion.

The oral method of contracep-
tion calls for a woman to take a
contraceptive pill or tablet every
day. All types of oral contracep-
tives contain female sex hor-
mones (estrogens and progester-
ones i and are designed to prevent
the release of an egg from a
woman‘s ovaries during the cycle
in which the pills are taken. “The
Pill“ is the most effective of all
contraceptives if you follow the
directions for its use and are
careful not to skip doses or take it
irregularly. Oral contraceptives.
like all patent drugs, have some
side effects.

Continued on Page 3

Bankers prepare for the

CHICAGO — The buying panic
was already on in Wall Street but
that didn’t impress a number of
the people at the International
Monetary Market‘s currency
conference. They preferred to
make dour jokes about the future
and laugh along with the vice
president of a large Chicago
bank, who was making people
smile by talking about ”The Last
National Bank of Boot Hill."
Somebody else said they had a
Bank-of—the-Week pool in his
office with the prize going to
whoever guessed the next
institution to get into trouble.

Across the roomful of cocktail
drinkers a man declared, “The
best thing Italy can do is file
under Chapter 10 of the
Bankruptcy Act."

“IS ANYBODY going to let a
country of 60 million just
disappear?" his companion
wanted to know, whereupon the
first man agreed: “Yeah, that‘s
right. They got assets. Look at all
that stuff in the Vatican.“

While the Pieta was sold off to
satisfy Italy‘s creditors, the more
serious minded discussed escape
routes when “it" finally hap-

pened. “It" is never precisely
defined but usually includes
rioting in the streets, food
shortages and a near total
breakdown of commerce and

It's hard to know how serious
the businessmen are when they
get on this theme, or whether
they mean it when they start that
talk about clearing out to
Switzerland. But if half the
maple who say it actually turn up
on the Swiss border. dragging
their money chests behind them,
that tiny country is going to
resemble a rush hour subway

tobacco interests.

Ford emphasized that his money was coming from
red-blooded Kentuckians. The voter was supposed to follow
the implications to the conclusion that Kentucky money was
somehow cleaner than Texas or New York money.

The truth is that special—interest money tends to stain

politician‘s hands regardless of its origins.

And Ford's

paws are looking pretty green these days.
The final pre-election campaign report shows that Ford
has outcollected Cook by almost $200,000—and outspent him

by more than $400,000.

A large part of Ford‘s contributions has come from
groups with close ties to state government. such as: $50,000
from state employes, over $36,000 from contractors, $35,600
from engineers and architects and.almost $30,000 from coal
mine owners. These figures do not include the money that
many of these same people donated through fund-raising

dinners and the like.

It is no wonder that Cook's money comes from outside the
state. since Ford appears to have most of the wealthy
Kentuckians already on his backscratching list.

This is not to say that (‘ook is free from the influence of
special-interest money: he isn‘t. But the geographic origin
of that money should not be an issue.

It seems to us that it doesn't much matter who buys our
politicians or where they are from. The real problem is that
our politicians are for sale at all.

Letters to the editor
Articulate affirmation

Thank you so much for printing
the beautiful comment made by
John DeLautre Very seldom
have I read such an articulate
affirmation of faith. With him. I
share this belief and hope. Jesus
Christ has not only given me life
after death, but he has also given
me a purpose and a joy in this life
that nothing else can give

Rusty Brewer
Sophomore, nursing

Senator Ford?

I was surprised that you gave
your half-hearted endorsement to
Sen. Cook over Gov. Ford for
election to be our next senator.
Cook‘s record in the senate is too
vacillating to be commendable,
including his yes and no as to the
Red River project.

Ford‘s record is far more
progressive, even though an
environmentalist could hardly

agree with him on all issues.
Far more Significant is the fact
that Ford has alreJy achieved a
position of leadership nationally
in the energy field, and the real
fact that a member of the
minority party will have even
less effectiveness in the senate.

I predict Gov. Ford‘s victory
and that he will be an outstanding

George Herman Kendall
l'K alumnus I939


All I have to say to John .lunot
is “Bravo?" You've stated
exactly what happened to the
movement lt‘s refreshing to
know there are still some
thinkers in the I'niversity

Education senior

gold rush of '75

The Golden Alternative

One of the alternatives to
drenching small European coun-
tries with refugees is supposed to
be gold. All else failing, gold is
thought to be the substance that
can save a man from the erosions
of inflation and the chasms of
deflation. Even people who‘re
bullish enough to think America
can make it through the decade
are getting interested in the
possibilities of making money off
it. because on the first of January
United States citizens may again
legally own bullion.

IN FACT, even during these 40

years of prohibition any rich
person whose lawyer had a
modicum of imagination could
always evade the regulations. but
now the speculation is that the
small investor is going to behave
like the German businessman
who keeps a gold coin under his
shirt or the French peasant who
keeps a stash in his mattress.
There is talk — no, there is
religious certainty —-— among
some that, with the Federal
Reserve Board dedicated to the
ruin of the greenback, we‘ll buy
the stuff until we drive the price
out of sight.

(‘ontinued on Page 3










opinions lrom

msade and outside the university community

Vietnam and Watergate
fuel students' cynicism

By Michael C. O’Neill

faced with the unpleasant task of
teaching Henry David Thoreau's “Civil
Disobedience" to cynical, civically apa-
thetic Midwestern college freshmen,
most of whom completed their last
year in high school while Richard M.
Nixon was finishing his last official
year in the White House.

The problem, for them, with this
classic expression of ideal anarchy and
nonviolence is not Thoreau, for his
name still bears the magic and fire
for the young that few other literary
names—Camus, Orwell, D. H. Law.
rence, Hesse, among them—are able
to produce.

Rather, the difficulty for these fans
of “Walden" is much more ObVIOUSI
When they have read seven words
into “(’ivil Disobedience," they en—
counter in Thoreau's plainly brilliant


At the mention

of ‘government,’
the students’ minds
move en masse

to more ‘relevant'


style the simple. devast'iting word
“government." Immediately, their eyes
wander off the page.

Likewise, in the classroom. at the
mention of “government." their minds
move en masse out the window to
more immediate——we used to say “rele-

For their teacher, a veteran of build-
ingseizures and protest marches, this
is all very baffling and sad, but—and
I hate to admit it—extremely realistic.

How does one prove to them that
Thoreau‘s motto, “That government is
best which governs not at all,” is a
profound philosophical and moral
conclusion when, in effect. they have.
already reathed the conclusion them-

These are students from America’s
heartland who, for the most part, had
their belief in the fairyland United
States of ninth-grade civics class bom-
barded and, finally, shattered during
high school years while more death-
dealing bombardments were taking
place in their name in Indochina.

These are the kids whose adoles-
cence was interrupted repeatedly by
the painful exodus of brothers and
cousins, who were denied the right
to vote, going off to war or off to

The Vietnam Show, which ran long-
er than any other program on televi-
sion. did not so much shock or even
harden them as it separated them
ultimately from the reality at hand.

The endless parade became a bore:
Burning babies, bombed hospitals, and
scarred and wounded middle-American
flesh began less and less to assault
their young ideals. They became satu-
rated to the point of indifference.

Marshall McLuhan was wrong;
they were no part of any global vil-
lage. The war was far away, ceaseless
and full of microphone-men articu-
lately explaining it night after night
like bored carnival-midway harkers.

It was inevitable then that when the
Watergate spectacle entered their liv-
ing rooms their profound indifference
remained intact. Perhaps they looked at
the facts, perhaps the implications, but
they shrugged them off. It was simply
another series of far-removed events.
Richard Nixon resigned over the same
airwaves that bring them “Columbo”
and “Happy Days.” The reality of all
three, for them, was equal.

And this makes a great deal of
sense. Television reminds and im-
presses upon them that they are in-
deed only witnesses of events, the
audience of government and not the

The Attorney General arranged a
deal with Spiro T. Agnew that allowed
him to go free for violations that any
other citizen would be prosecuted for.
President Ford ignored the legal sys
tem that Americans have been taught
to cherish by pardoning the man who
appointed him.

We need only to flick the television
switch to observe how much the Gov-
ernment, even in an election year, has

forgotten the governed. It is “Civilw

the Government has not been rendered
obsolete by men who took their sup-
port away from it. Instead, the Gov-
ernment has made itself useless by
gradually, but emphatically, disregard—
ing the governed.

The students’ cynicism is real and
lasting, I am afraid. When indifference
prevails, constantly reinforced by the
distant shadow play of government,
we reach a point where ironically
Thoreau’s motto becomes every stu-
dent's — “That government is best
which governs not at all.”

I am reminded, though, meeting their





in the same essay:

character inherent in the American
people has done all that has been
accomplished; and it would have done
something more, if the government
had not sometimes got in its way.”

And I wonder if the American char-
acter is gone as well, for these stu-
dents have turned in upon themselves,
have accepted an idea that mutual
unconcern is the qualifying charac-
teristic in their relationship with the
United States.


Michael C. O'Neill is a graduate in-


I)isobeditnce“ in

reverse really, for

blank stares, of a chilling, prophetic

structor in English at Purdue.

Gold no substitute for an orderly economy

Continued From Page 2

But the mythology of gold is
much weaker here than in other
countries. We've never experi-
enced the currency collapse
that‘s made gold popular else-
where. and most of us have no
clear idea of how to buy it. (There
are three main ways: gold mine
stocks, which have been doing
rather poorly of late; gold coins;
and now bullion. provided the
purchaser gets the real thing and
not a lead bar with a little gold
plate around it.)

All kinds of people and firms
are gearing up to merchandise
gold to make it popular and easily
available. Brace yourself for a
bombardment of sales pitches
suggesting this is a magic metal
rather than what it is, a
commodity like wheat or soy-
beans, the price of which can go
down as well as up.

Three-Price Manipulation

Because of a variety of
government interventions here
and abroad, it‘s not so easy to

establish just what the price of
gold is. The reason for this is that
sometimes gold is used as a form
of quasi