xt7fbg2h9x31_14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h9x31/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h9x31/data/1997ms164.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms164 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Bell family papers General newspaper clippings text 1.08 Cubic Feet 5 boxes and 1 oversized folder General newspaper clippings 2022 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h9x31/data/1997ms164/Box_1/Folder_14/Multipage498.pdf undated section false xt7fbg2h9x31_14 xt7fbg2h9x31 Clara Bell Walsh

‘Goeslnto Business

Clara Bell ’Walsh has decided to
:become a professional business
Ewoman. After a long career as an,
famateur' she has become the presi~
1 dent of the Mayfair Productions, an
Eorganization which will arrange for

3the presentation of plays by the
lJunior League in ‘NeW York and
throughout the country. Her asso- ’
ciates in the Mayfair Productions
iare Vera Murray, who was with-
Charles' Dillingham at the Globe
(Theater, and Frank Shea, who is
well known as a director.





AT $50,000. Efl Z lf’zy

, The will of the late Arthur Cary, ad—
mitted to probate in county court to-
day, directed that after the payment
of any debts and funeral expenses, one—

- half of his property be held in trust ,
for his wife, Mrs. Sydney Sayre Cary.
and the other half pass in fee simple '
touhis son, Graddy Cary.

The Security Trust Company was
named trustee for Mrs. Cary and di-
rccted to pay her the income from the
mb‘fiey held in trust. At her death, it
is to go to Graddy Cary.

Graddy Cary and the Security Trust
Company, named executors in the will,
qualified, bond being fixed at $100,000. '
The will directed that no surety be ,

The will was written in 1912. A codi—
cil added in 1919 directed that any
advances made to Graddy Cary by his
father be considered gifts and not
charged against his half of the es-
tate. ‘

E. Sayre Courtney, W. H. Courtney
and John Fitch were appointed ap-
. praisers or the estate. ,
Bond of the Security Trust: Company
as trustee was fixed at $50,000.



- ARTl-lllll mm war. is
5. F, Lg!) FOR mam

Widow and Son of ormer Rail-
way Executive Named

Mrs. Sydney Sayre Cary and
Graddy Cary, widow and son of the
late Arthur Cary, ‘former president .
5 of the Lexington and Eastern Rail-
road company, were the beneficia-
ries under the will which was filed
in the Fayette county court yester-
day for probate. One-half of the.
estate is to be held in trust for Mrs. g
Cary, the income to be paid to her-
3 annually as long as she lives. The
son is to receive the rer’nainder in
fee simple and the entire estate at
the death of his mother.

The will was written in 1912 and
the codicil, providing that any ad-
vances made to Graddy’Cary be
considered as gifts and not charge-
able to the estate, was dated in Jan-
2, 1919. Graddy Cary and the
Security Trust Company, executors
named in the writing, qualified
under $100,000 bond each. The will
directed that no surety nor inven-
tory be required. "

The Security Trust Company,
through its president, Charles N
Manning, aISO qualified as trustee
for Mrs. Cary under $50,000 bond,
no surety other than its corporate
effects being required. E. Sayre
Courtney, W. H. Courtney and John
Fitch were appointed appraisers of
the estate.





, a w oi di marina


It was the poet’s ill fortune to embroil himself
gid and powerful church
otland, which is rarely, we suspect, accused
of permitting its spiritual t
against real or reputed 'foes.
Scotland) cry of ‘heretic’ was r
and it followed him to the grave
ginated in the publication of the
,Was soon followed by ‘Holy l-Villie’s Prayer,’
asperated a portion of the church and cler—
The occasion of this humourous
production was as follows.

Gavin Hamilton, Esq. clerk;

(Who is often alluded to in the Is
Burns; and to whom, as ev

, jewelry, ac. may now,


-; .l _ ""‘y1:t’ , .j ““0 LT: , - ,
onstructcd that Will reSist in Made to his mistress’ eye-


, a, El) '8 to; no.
, N. CAMERON Agent.
:RAIL ROAD.—- .‘he stock-
. iiladelphia" Rail ’
.t ‘the 8th and 9th
are of said stock, is
e Company, N o. 400
mmit, on or before


clls' the attention.-
nei‘al y, to his spring fa , ‘
ly now; he has now on i and, ready for
every 'description of the'
French manufacture, from
most costly, velvet and .réomm‘on border, . q
scription, in/endless-vaiiety, a most beautifuwas; ,
ment of views " and lithographic and common 1
board figures very_low; among his assortment of views,
are Lady of the Lake, Battle of Navarino, Monuments
of Paris, Pschye and Cupid, St. Helena, View of Sw1tzer~
land, &c., wholesale and retail.
The subscriber has as large an assortment of patterns
as any other person in the United States, and is also
able to compete with any other person for reasonableness





which will fuse iro


I “I, I ’ not....~. “l.” "
2 ~iios"lié"f§hi'f2iss\ , ., , 11* ' ‘ so “Lu, . in... s -. .. j,
ils for the’Mediterranean Wm" made Emails rise \ ,...'es and horse fee , we feel coir.

‘ A- ,, p s ained to - _ our employers an advancejof prices
up l. 1? Navyynfipartment £04,133; and )rward: presuming upon their liberality and justice, and pledging
ed, via New-York. V . ‘

turn hojhe with her hu
forgiveiand forget——so.th..
“v’row’i left the office.
discharged from custody.

PRINl SEES—Just rece‘lfi .. . c . . - . . . .
, sortment of Blank Cards of superior quality, and for ’
sale low by the groce or dozen. C. MOSS & SON, .‘
Quill manufactory’ and dealers in stationery,
m24—4w I 44 South Third st.


' 7 There a're‘four: daily lines of ’stages

adelphia andl’ittsburgh, yet is there

. avel between'the' two places, that, the,

t ' ‘ . , , mes" of passengers havé to be booked from one—to


ourselves shou