xt7fbg2h9x31_12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h9x31/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h9x31/data/1997ms164.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms164 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Bell family papers Bell Place Land Co. additions text 1.08 Cubic Feet 5 boxes and 1 oversized folder Bell Place Land Co. additions 2022 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h9x31/data/1997ms164/Box_os_17/Folder_1/Multipage488.pdf 1908-1911 1911 1908-1911 section false xt7fbg2h9x31_12 xt7fbg2h9x31 3W}



,Efixtcen Brh‘ig‘i Over $20,090 3
L G. R. 1:33.33? tofirm“ ~


IIfll’ldéOIfiQ _ R0§1d8n00



8 .1911 lots in the jbeauttiu! 'Bell ;
Pmfinwere sold .L at auction , Tuesday L I,
2,-ar’t«:>rnoon at prices ranging from $1253); N.
103533 a. from, foot, bringing a, total 0 :1
$20,613 . For fauc‘h propgrty.n.s-MV{}&S, L
mld the prices were-consideredhy_ Ixe i
in?“ judges exceedingly reasonable,; 11. ‘
fact, several pjéces ‘went‘aLtiwhat warefi
considered :31'giziln ’pflcgs; thougjggtl‘leri
2 >7, m. “:3. " m 1‘ ya goo, ,A :1
witliget'n‘é glighestfhfiaaggf residqnce .;
mummy whlhhr‘haa'rveen 391d at agg-
iirm in Léxmgtmli.-fl§§’th&.9110885!k, , ,
were in 3«?evex‘a;1;ca.3.%e§§/ than:._ led:
1mm] offered 3 fora-fine lots at 914 ate V:
32110 The lots [were sold ggwithphuild-
11w; matricflong as tO'V‘thQ I Hoca’gion; \.;
mét and (sham 331‘ of,” fiber IIOUHBSy‘aTflL ‘
with .u gum-game .ofl concx‘cetquldeal
“wanna, guttem H‘nd,:9‘HHH‘HzL sewepflyvatey .
and. gas pipesr " -' atuaJiiEm-mr~
streets. ,.









First L'bt-to Befigid. 2'
The first Iot‘ifiol‘d;“Hagar-$11!?“flames ‘ -,
of Ben court 'eastrand:;-$3yr3;avenu3, .~
"A ftor spirited bidding it-r‘waislgknoqkéd,
dowxi to. J. 3-]VLN‘I-"mche Iatr$82 .33 #0th
foot. The, next-Jot; facing Bell 3011113
eaiet, was ialgOH‘lth‘ocked ',dpwn, to;Mx.
Nacho, at $331.33. from; my.» ME. Roghe
also secured tllevthlrd lot at $92,‘upqn
the 3313 of whiCh-tha announced he. had .,
purchased thenlfjm‘ 343.9,: B;.,.LOWI"Y.:;. f
i The; three Iotaghave‘ig‘q frontage a
157 feat and are 2403 feet: deep, and ,
Mr. 133111, who conmgcmd.,the made, :3an
11011111873611; thap;M_r.‘ LL: . {yautl'iqlf‘ti‘zggg
[HI-1'3“} ‘1':qu 'Unli‘tne‘“ . :7‘ 3., .‘ > L:
Messrs. Todd. ‘and; kboney Buy, 34;" -
TWO other...“ lots facing-413811 .. court
mm were the" $013; 0116 to MnJames"
A. Todd for $3921. fro‘ntjfogt and. 1:116:52

















L. ‘A_‘;,‘=;;j.cieiu.;s_~ in - “£2,924. an“. _


.423 . 2:21






33V7d 7739


ALL :4"; 4.;


next to J. 1’. Looney for $25.»; -. ,

Mr. Bain their 301:1. the; fourw‘lpts at L'j
the comer of Bell ”court and Sityr-eg
avenue 1’30,ngng home; 013’ Mr; “and ’
Mm. Arthur Gary; {F116 cornerizidlt-LWRELT
bought. ‘hy Mr. '0; I3. Hager‘man ,for~$3;1;_g-
a font; the lot-nexttto the corner went;
to Kinzie Stoue,sofi ‘Georgetownpfor-Vi
$30; thu next ,to- Ymmey‘,l<‘reema.n' for“
3:30, and tha, raurjthi“th.‘v'Howard ’Mur—‘j‘
my for $36; ,. 737$}, I” , ‘ 1-2
1 Lot No. (55, at; the, corner or; 133113:
’cmn‘t west amidSayre ax'emxeg-wag‘”
bqnght‘by MrfiErQBQman'iyat $28.50 8w:
fact. - ‘1 " ' ‘ "‘ ,-,_‘,iL-:i




'7 .3" 5'
\\\\\j \ \\\
\ \\\\\\\§
\ \ \ \\V

'7 ‘7 3 9








...———.———.-——— --\


Forest Avcnuer-Lots Sold.”
Five lots on ,F‘orestyaveuue wetjg ;;
then sold, the logatith‘e ‘cm'n‘er o'f For»,
33: and sayre'avenuea toWD How'se,‘ ,
of. Curlisle, for 327‘. afoot-,1 Lot 57mm ‘
bought by 'Lafe:’"}3r00k ,f'for 23311.5(). (1,;
foot; lot No. 59 by P. F". 'Mfi‘fi‘fiorrniék rf
fur $21 a foot, athewhlchgpricm Joseph
I'IVI<:(LIm'mick gutwl‘utir; N03. (603116! 61:.

_. ' 0113 lot at“:thj31:»;_éqr‘ngtLafitagvfiamsey'k'3‘
gum-"l Russwl‘! twenties Wagfthenssnldsto-i
$0.. L. (3131: for $12.50.: j '
The lots range hmfidtudrnm 52 feet ,‘

5 inches to 57 feet, 3mm depth- Immf‘f
150 11:; ’240’feet’.‘ -/;..‘,_f-_-. La:

i Good Crowd Presently;
“9 The sale war; held by Clay; Rose &."I§
COCRFHH, agents, and nix-{Harvey- Balm} ;
was the auctioneorg.‘ There" ,was ca”;
31:13,ij mnwr‘. presentfland very great:.%
interest, taken 111 11103316, many axe";
prmsions of admiration‘n‘for' the- sub-~
dlvlsicms and regret at not. having the
numey to buy lots being heard in they;















cmwel of onlmtvkem. A . _ . ;

"i.“hem was keen competition for T
numt ni', the: lots which “we're.ofl.’ered',=§
and it was announued’hy 'a‘nlember of 3
um company that nearly every "one"
M'Im lmzflmsad a lot will erect; a. houso~'
hnmmmmly. ‘ ' _ , - . '

.u».-m»—u.4.a“ n a.“ X9» .'.."n"- » \ L a: »L‘




















































 1111:11511101‘1‘12 DI'LI‘LTILIH 1.:‘1xi'1'5, 1111:1115}: 11.11111 ,
average “:1. 111‘ 1y 5:001. /

‘ 'k ‘ I "21 ‘-- 1‘; 11.1 Q»? 1T" idvnu'
=53 14.: 1,2 ‘ 111.,11- 1 1:15
1211513121175" '11 1111-11 11:18 139911 1401171 at 111119
11011 in 1....11..1.m1, 1111111, 1.1.111 111115911111
were 1'1. somxal (:11 sex '«151yythan {.1111
been 11111211111 for 1.11114. 10123 at 3:111:59“?
"1.8.11; The Z1ots wm'e sold 111.11 11111.11:-
1:15; 1..111u1)11s 3.3 110 1.111”: 1111311111111,
cost. 2:1‘1'1 1:11:11: TIL-11‘ of the 111111.511», 111111



u! “.r w.
































































































0 J Q
. Q ~$ \_ \_
with :1 5:11 of concrete $11317 V ) 1; . V4»
' V"9.11{s.:2,'11:t,e1s am“; 3111133, sm'.'1"-X', “If"? 1‘ ) T1 '9‘ .
and gas pipes 11‘2“": "‘1"— 14.1.515-1111111 1: 2 fl 1 9 2;. 9 I ' '3; I *1 I 1
SLIGHLD. - ‘ 2 V , 1 x
' First Lo: 4.0 812 Sold. ' ‘ y, 5‘ 5‘ 2'? 19 o 5‘ 5 5' 9 ? 1”? ° ' 2 3 ‘. 3 \‘1‘ .J
Tho, first 105 said was at 17119 corner 1, 5 9 1?) Nut \3 \
of mt ‘5”?"1‘1‘214. :' 515‘ \1 Q“ . 11
€13... Srnwztipi bidding 11. W: {Li-1 .{Ilfi f3\.'.' ,9 _ , .3 3
I"? ”‘35—: 12... 1,. .1: 52-12:. 1112111.; . 155', x.\ \ng \ ' 9 f\ 5,,
(1011.11 1.1,: J. .,»).. . L01 14 1 Q «. Q fir 4
'f0111"_"j‘1'11'5 )LCXt 101'... fulfill? 1V3H COLXIt'I I |>J ~31 \\ K 9.? P
éCHd-j': V9115 1.1130 “.1100an (103:)? ‘0 fight i J F‘ 94 ‘J‘ l 7%}: 9L ’“quhfl
; A: ‘~ 1 , 4' 0(3101' of 91‘ " '
.1'1117111‘ .21. $33 a. 1.11mi KUOF . I '1‘ ,1 ' « 9.; o: «2*
3350 seem 21: {119 11212211 10'1' at 5:52. 1111011 32.9 N “’1 5‘
, .. 9 «11111011111» 311 111: had 3 y A V
5711' 5 10 o): 151111.11' 11 v A b’
.1)1..1.1..151.11 1.119.121 1'01 311.1. C‘. B Lowxy 0,! ,' :7 .3 W ”M...
The 1111'421'3 11113 :1: 1.1 :1 11'20111""‘ _ 3-; 01' , d1 .1
157 feet 111111411129 2’10 192131 111311;) .1319. N. o z I“ W :17'71/Q/C AA ‘
24.11. 132.111, Who‘ 9011111101011 111 e 35:11-, $1.11. ,, 6 Hz .5. 1‘ ,W 5, 1}") j 9
, ,,. \ 1.011%) :11'1t11o1flize115.‘ » 1 .,.. ,3 '91 ' 1"
11011.11 1. . mat n‘,..;.........~..~ 121111.; ,4“. -. .1'11 3 r \ GYM « 1 g- ,
5525115441119" «~11.- m M 1, Jr, 1. 4,, \1 1 A ..:..,-. -——-—
“Messrs. Wad a..d Looney Buy. 1, .1' .2" R1 | 3 3 V 7 d 7 '73 9
Two other lots facing _ 1:11:11 0011111, I o“ jxl | 2., 1? 9
east 5512113 then sold, (11115 to I:ix‘.J':5n1es; “\ I ‘1
A. Todd for 5511' :1 from: foot and 1.1112 ,3 91;} N I
19121310 J'.P.I.00‘11<>2y 101‘ $20 1; 9 9 $9 I | m ___._..,_.....
3111138111131 "11192-1, sold tho 1'0111‘ 101215 :11. i I l
he comer 1‘.:1’23911 0011151. and Same. 4 ., .5. CD "I 41 (9
avenue facing: the home of Mr and l "1‘ l I" "1
Mrs Arthur 0:. 1‘51 The corner int wus b] \/{V A 9 My ”4'21? 1 | I‘ _.
bought by Mr. C. I2. 11351111111211] fur $.31 Q L b l ——~*-'~"""”’ ”M"
:7. £001.; the. lot next to in: cm 1191 went H) ‘
m Kimmo. Stone, of Georgetown. for /~" 11 Mn 6% | I 0 2 9 9
$30; the 119251.10 Yancey Freemam for :4 l ,
15:311‘1,.c.11d' 1:110 fourth to J. I‘Iowurd Mm‘- 9 5‘ \Q’: 5, 0 0 -.-
'my 201‘ $25. 4 4 , Q | l C » wwn..-
~ 1 ' - : M ' ‘
, 191.. No; 65,111 5119*.00511141, 01 1.91: J ”n ,5 0' l h ‘1
..-,...cm.z‘t vest and Say 9 .151911119,51:.\<)1J(° \ / 5, 5 9
110115111. by Mr. F?CGID1~1‘X :11; .138. 50 a :3 C 1
1001.. . .. . «p% v.) m ,"w___~__,__..,_,...__....
. Fore-25': Avenue Lots Sold. ' DW "‘7"
12“ 1111‘ 'iots on F'medt me: 1111' were 1. .5, fl 5, 0 A
the“ 50111, the 101; 1111119 0"011101‘ of 111017 . c, o
11.5: and Sayre avenues to ‘V. D. Howse . 0-}; u 5
Of CdTliSle, .0? $27 $1 iUOt IJQt U7 V113 '7' I, \ >-— ‘ ' “v
'15.:1111511t by Lafe 13111011: for $31.50 1'1 ' ’h}, l "I ’
101113101 N0. 59 by B 14‘ Manormich. P"*‘ ll ! (q 2 [4
15121533113. foot, 215 which price Joseph . :1 3,
”\IcC‘ormmh got lots Nos; 80. and 61:..-..'<’ ’ ’9 1., a, ' l‘ ,- 1 fl. M - .,
0118 lot at the corner of Ramsey i ' I |
and Russell avem as was 11191130111 to : 1
.1 2 a. ' w
L Gast 1111:. $19.50. . 3 ° ' 1., \l I ' cr 7 /~
Urr111, Iota range in .widtI‘ fxom 520111 {7 _~' , |
5 inches to 57 Rat, 3.1111 in depth £111.11 '3 5, 1 -_ ,
150 tQ' 240 feet : .2. 1 I e
I ' 1300:} Crowd Present. r 44“.: I Q g;
1,. The 8311; was 'lh> d by Clay: Rose 181». " '1 | l
Cochran. 35.11.1118 and Mr Harvey, 1311111 1 9;, 9’ I I _-. ’ fl
1‘ at. 111110 auctioneer. ’_ T110112 v'u‘ , 11; ‘1 ,
8111131111113 crowd present and very; great . . I 1 ~h z
intern». 15211911 in 1:119 sale, many ex-g nu , I
111123310113 «.11 admiration for the sub-' :3 ‘ 1 Lo ,4” _
divisions and I‘egmt 21.1. not having the f 4" 4" :1 ‘ M _J ‘5’ "WNW” "'
211011115! to buy lots being 31011111 in the 1 n“ ,7 , a;
crowd of onlookers ' '
. l '3’ fit
'lhere Wag keen . comp9tition fol . 3 A V 7 7 3’ 9 9 I? 8
"most of the lots which we'ie offered ' 5,, '3 . 2. .~ I 1
511111 11; was announced by :1 member 01’ 4”. u. r" «.12 1‘4‘ ”J " .'
gtha conumny that 1:11:11‘15‘ every one a“, r" .11 3 U *9 "f W Cs) i
1w111) 11111011113911 {1 101‘. 51111 erect a 111211.430. ’1'" ‘- , 13-
lileumdmuely- . 1» .,. _ a 9;, 1, Q}, \’\/
. ._...... - «1 - 4: ;. ”.5. O .
< 4.
1,151 "‘ I’ o 5 6 C P I (A '4
.f, 6 ‘ o 9
P] a 9 6 I. ,5 9 6 .9 t5 '«u \19
l A o 5, a ,5
. (1 xx ¢\\
° 1 \V 1 ‘4 “
3‘15, C j ' . 1?
Q A " .1
P 4'» -., -- flu-..“ ~ —~ ',
° 11. ”5-wa 3’ “W '" " “
,-_...._,........, if“; . v
.5 ‘1 c 9
‘ r ’ b ,1 A ,5 ‘g R 1. 9 9
‘3 Q P ml ..
5 f, o $ (I, 9"“ '____m--__....— -— ~ ,.. .. F
\ ”W”... « nm.___fi__v WW5"... ”w... 4W""‘
_ .. ~~~ W M W M m . .5
M547?” 5b c, ,2 b 9 9
r1 0 O / o
‘1 a 9 9 I K . “Mm M---
05‘ a mw~-—~~—*W‘W .5 w ,_ '
Wfi (1 ,1 a I: 1!. g;
A a L o z ’ o I 0 °
‘1 35 + W» ' ‘ -
15‘ o < ° L» __ -5 _ A... A -..~~»—-—~"~
. - “““““ "“ <
‘ 7 id” h . 4- a, m '1 f 6 "S‘ '9
' '1 " 3 ‘ 9 ° ' 7 ° ’ “ °
’ 4 ' 15‘ . ' __,... fl.-- 1--.-..” M “
“‘ h 9
l' h'V' $ :1 z ‘5 9
c p o I ‘1
r g g ‘1 4 0 I ~~Mwfimwwfl ‘ - W W -.
W. -.-.- ‘ ‘ L 9
as 4.4-. 1* a ’ :3 ., P 6 .
‘3 ‘ o I! V . “51-51....
‘55‘ V‘ V H 3‘] ”a...
J!/ «,9
“ 1::
J an» OJ.
0 o 1
"I K 31‘ ‘J‘ .1 “J. 0}
b} .J. of “J
0" .1. °f
of °J'
'- L-
O1 - h
., 0.- '~ + :1 j N .; 3 1 or! .,
a N . ' I 1
r ‘ a. $21“ a?! N 432/1 9?! *‘ J?! '1‘ *2/ C ‘2’ '3 7‘" ‘ I?
‘ h 5 ~ -
151‘]: 91" 2F/ ’01 I?! 1: 09/ _
n ‘- ‘ ..
i a
' 4L "P















 1’} .
' f V / .1 1‘)" u /,
1 j / ’ \ / /, / . I .1, r" . I ’1
,, ,- . , 21 . - _, _., ,-'\1 . f 1) / _,'!'2" - , " /’ .1, .. [14/ /
. ’ .1 ,1 '71]. . / fl. . : f-lflf» M" _, . 1--’ . , 3/ .V’ ‘) [‘1’ .,,. )1 1 . ......... .- V; .. . I“ ’ ,1 1' ’ 7/1] ‘ , p5,. ,. 712M / 1 / t/,{l_,-2{‘..‘m”7




























































































1115122111 . ..
:2.HthtN 1.1'11'53 SELL AT AUC- .
5 T‘ON- .. F1 ,ty" ,- e1“) ‘.‘ E
21:315pr (Hay 3111 Agem Sccun‘c‘s FI’ICQS 1‘ 7‘7 J'o I
Rangmn From $15. 40 to $41 a Front ‘
Fact $113 6.0 TmaI : - 1‘
§ Bis 11-1111 11.11. 11111311113111er 1.1111 13.011 3.1
I"1-.:11111 11111111 Commany, Sold 111M113 MI ‘1 (a 1
{111111111:1I 1.11111111'!111111 thirée'f11g1ni
11.12111111111111111110111 i211 humxli u ‘ M .111< 1 ~ .. ~ ~ . . ~ .. :j 1 r
51.11111’I111H111I.UII)I‘$I.GI1TQSD..E‘I‘fm‘cj:5: JV 2 120 1., ’2’ z [32. 1.. {£3 1:: ’2“ ,4 ’3’- 412‘ 3/27 9-1428 3/2.? .4 ’30 :1 /dl lg hit! :13:
51.111'111 1111111 $117.40 (.11 $4.1 111621: 110111. '2'; \ 1.. 1o : , #1 'F _ 1- '. , 4 I.
"‘“H- V Z .1 v P " 1. '4 {o I‘-
‘ (11111. 1.2:111.11111111111111.1011 Maifi quwI. I
11.11.1011! H113 1111011110. I111111'1'11n 111' the. I
1-2:.1Ir2 111111 111111.10 (III .y AI tmney W111 l [’7 I
3.11112 \I11.1 I111 3141 [1111‘ f10ntf00t,01.' 3.11.15? ya 3.; 3'0 9-. r. f, 4'. fo «5‘0 to [q 5'0 1:": 4‘0 r0
1‘1-1’11111 1112111112 1:1I 51‘1"”)101303'01‘11 1111111111121}
".1111: :121'111111'11-2. Mr. T111111 was offe'md $1041.. 1". y?
111115111171». 11121 his bid but (191111191! VVi 2; B O O N E5 8 O R O (‘1 V5.
1111 1 11.1111 M11112 cmm'mMMes mun \.\ fl
1111; 11 11111111., 12111 I.h(1"11ur1:haséd 101,16 1 ‘50 ”r . ”r (a In“ in" A (O k I“
11111111 111 1 about. nuclway between 1111-.) 1.. 1, h 5 C H o I‘ ‘
11111111 1211111112112 r 111"Be}1 11806” and {11121 .7; , .1 6 7 95 :1 3 I a 6!- } ) ‘5'“.
'11;,.":111 11121:, 113 II“. I; IIIIICMH 25011.9 . 5)..,_..._..M-..,W-.- WW. .
’Hm 111.1111 1111.11 sold wen; 0111 Saw ‘ W
:1111-2,11111> 1112211 Court E11111. 11011301111. j 11 1. 1’ 2. 1. ‘1 ’03 IO? L, 1. a,"
\\.':-1.12.. ()1111 11.12 31111 BouncsImro; - "15" 1 ’ ‘5 b , 3 3 1} .
.‘1'I-W'i‘d 3.5 ",...__Mw- « "1 ~ 1... - .,.
A Mad 21/111 vrmnd MIomIv 111.111 kl ‘ ___—___...—
11.1111 1'11i12f11 W111; 01111111114126 by AUCIIOn: "2 0 > ‘D ‘ 0 o , a a . ~ ’06. £1 . 52‘
=111II11‘1ve2. W Edi.) .. \ ‘. L, L} 8 d" 9/ 1.; [d 11 .- ‘ 1.,
wan/HI 1119r11'1'10t .. ‘ . . _ . (q 1. * > ”3 . ._
1111- I11 1 Ii! .; 11"?111 fairl) {11’11'1I'1‘igi 2211,1111. 1121 ‘fI-"~----222-*~2~22‘ (t b '
12111111 1111 11113 111101 1'? was “deiS 80 my to: o o .1 a J,
““‘ WWW“ " 1 -‘-' 2" a 1:. 1', 6 9c 9a 1. 1, 10/ to 7 '9 q: 1,
' 1111111111111; 111 11 11111111111111? r2V1IV‘ the-1.1111111. 1-. ‘ It”
1111111121 the 11111111191' 13f I111 011' {31112 fplatt i; w-waw— _: G: W
IIIHIH‘. Hf. 111.1111121151'31'111111 DYICC: [191‘- mn _' >~
"“”“ VV 1“; a Q.” 1; 63 6‘7 1‘: I: /oo «06 1: I: 50
LUI 'JT“ V’\‘.1Hn1'1‘ MUIVTV ...V’.-~...p 35.4100 - m . q r a
INiI {Mm-Huns'gigi' Y5. HUK‘BHTIV ...1o‘... i199 ....,...-.__..-.._.,,‘ _~ _._V W‘ ‘w _ fi _ w- _ -_-.._...-_.._._.-......- _ .
1.111 ‘14....51. ;\' :\'I:"1‘«:I121n1l‘ ..'....1.. 34.83 ""#" ' E o) \ 51,!
$.01'1'21—.\..1;.\I1t1112n111‘2.........:»K1‘. '. J
1,111‘1311'11--21-=\. 1; 1‘1. (11~.:112,111..2';...... 31.911 ,1 I o q o 8 Z 6, 3 o E z 7 Y 1% 1) a Q: a 9:?
L111 131- i‘1I11111H11 Il."l"..tiite, ybcclpfiu;‘L{'17.‘-39 1" ‘1 I? N,
I“! "1" 2'I"I1||Ilf‘}“\“‘1‘Ci'lonVurct1-15gzthfl ‘ A
In): :EH-w '1‘21l1111111.11~1\\hl’u 1 u a :11 g_ u o v 9 “7:13:19 flan”-.. .....,....._,...... M 2": 1 “2'1 ._5 if»... “a M” “___ A“ ~ ’3 r q ’35" IJJ" ,
1.11! "IN- A, I: "111111111111 ”3.11.1... 3418;; ‘1 Q '. 1 Q -—-——-——--—1«~
I.1211-11--I11>11.!: 21110 ,V NW. ‘. 0
L111 I ’1 -.I. I’1‘. Kennedy .1.'.....,..._1130(I ‘ i M O L. 1+5
i1.111 ‘ ‘1’. ~‘I‘. 1" I’nrvy _.._..-2..,....-J:__1.40 -. I
In”. 111111-11, I). \Vilrsnu ..._....1‘.'.,.';“_18.(I0‘ S V
~~—-«~--m‘-W-sw'*wi2~tww ~ ‘ 1 ' e
_ . .. L: E
y: 76 0 75 79 5‘0 8/: m 9% 96‘ 96 97 96 g 147
j ‘ I J.
1 \
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WW“ C R U 6‘ 15 E L L A 1/ 1:; .fi #5-
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-. “w“ -_ - I tau
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. I I z
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.~ ‘1 F -_ 1 I 3; ’
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W .- ‘ .
“”4? WIN) 3 '\1“~’°g V”
“M 6 O \ 7 a c “2 #0
W03 09 1,
”M 2’ a Haw-7
LU 5’ ”/7» 6 9 :1 g .. , $1 a q
6—4 g ‘t /~ 3 x R.
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