xt7fbg2h9x31_10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h9x31/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h9x31/data/1997ms164.dao.xml unknown archival material 1997ms164 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Bell family papers Sayre family wills text 1.08 Cubic Feet 5 boxes and 1 oversized folder Sayre family wills 2022 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h9x31/data/1997ms164/Box_1/Folder_10/Multipage437.pdf 1899-1900, undated 1900 1899-1900, undated section false xt7fbg2h9x31_10 xt7fbg2h9x31  

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I, Ephraim D. Sayro, of Lexington, Kontuoky, do horoby mono and

publish this my last will ano tostawont, borooy revoking ovary other
will %érotoforo Nada by mo.

First.~ I give to my beloved wife Mary E. Sayre the rosidonoo and

» v._7_.___ “v ., 4*— 44. ll

lot Wrora we now live at the oaot corner of Mill and Church Stroats 1n
Loxlnfiton, lnolvdlnfi all improvements thereon; and also all the furni-
ture, plate, pictures, ornamonts, oto., bolonming to sail rooidonoo or
any bulloino on said lot, and all the poroonal effects in or about said
oooldonoo and portoinlng kboroto, Whether intondod for moo or ornanont;
so that at my death oho shall become tho absoluto owner, as I now am,
of sold rosidonoo and nrounds anfl of all too fornituvo and personal
aflooto connaotod with_or mood about said rooidonoo. I also give to
oar any carriages anfl oarrlafio horsos owned by no at my death. In ad—
oltion to fro above, I aloo viva to my gold wife one hundrod thousand
dollars ($100,000), to be solootoo no box or‘by my Executor of nor out

of ovoh.otooko, bonds, or securities a3 may be doomed safest anfl boot

for her, to be taken by bar at their par or face valuo and Without any

ohargo agolnot hor for the premium thereon because of tho market value
tloroof bolhw ln oxoooo of tho par value. wmoro thoro are any unmatnrod
ifltoroofi coupons or dividonoo on such ooovrlfiioo or stooko oolootod by
or for Nor. SUnh.aQGrflinfi or unpaid intoroot and dividendo ahall also
pogo to boy as an lnolflont to said ooomrltloo or stooko.

Socona.~ I fllvo to my servants Jim Smith afld Haney Walkor, to each
the auw of flvo hunflrod flollars ($500.60). I hold tho note of Nancy
walker for two hundred anl fifty dollars ($250.00), which is to be
charred amalnot her legacy.

Third.~ I diroot all tho rosldno of my property of every kind, not
above aiopoooo of, to no alviiod into give equal parts; one of said
parts shall boloug, in equal oboroa, to the children of my deceased
aavgktor, MI? E. S. Courtnoy, and tho othor fovo parts savorally to

a I

my low? ohildran, Mrs. Sidnoy 3. Gary, J. W. Sayre, M33. lflnnio S.

Villiams, and E. D. Sayre. Jr., oaoh_tak1n£ an equal portion. I havo






made awnsiderahla advancemants t0 my aeveral chilflren, but I wimh n0
aanoumt taken.of any advancemnnt to any of thaw axeevt whnya I hold
thair notes for aama. I wish Wham I hold tha noteg of any of my chil—
dren twat the aama shall be paid as la the case of any other debtor, or

that tha same shall b5 aharnad to tha makers theramf in the divigion *


batwean my abildren. Excapt Whara finch nofiefi are helfi by ms at my

death I wiah ma chargen madé afiaimat anv of mv chllfirmn. Any motea {

hall by me againqt any or my childran ahall‘be a first charge acalnst

finch nbild's portion of my estate; and after such notes to mysalf are

paid any portimn a! any of my childran shall b9 gubject to a furthgr

eharqa for tha payment of any note such child may owe to tha Bank of

D. A. Sayre & Go. I
Fourth.~ All deviaas t0 my sons under this will shall be paid anfl

dalivarafl diractly to thmn as thalr ab$olvta property, to do with as

thny choose. Thw ehare of thn chilfiran of fly deoeasad daughter, Mrs.

Courtney, shall also be paid over directly to than as thsir absolute

proparty, axoept my Exewutor, as Truatee, shall hold thfl ahareg of any

Wha ara infants at my death.till they severally attain the mag of twanty~

one years, and shall use and invest the same fer their benefit in acoord4 ;

anaa with the hast Jumgmant or said Exeautor. Th8 portions of each

of my daughtmrg undar thia will shall b9 held by my Exaautoy as thair

Trustee for and dwrin? thair lives, the principal of tha trugt rung at

the flaafih of my dahfibtara to Ho to their respantive isaue, if any; and

if either of than dig without laavinfi alrvivinfi iamua, hay ghara shall

pass to her brothars and aigtarg than living anfi the isaua of amen a3
may ha daad, the iqaua in gueh aase to taha the shawe the parent WOWld
have taken if aliVea. But mesh of my dawr‘hmrs film-ll in an? 3V9“ ””9
the Dower by last Will to devise to any one aha may choose one-fourth ;
(1/4) of bar ahare my my fistata under thia will. my Executor is ave
thorizad to invest said aharas of my estate held in trust for my daugh-
ters and to rainvast and to nhanfifi invastm9nt3 1“ final? fligcration, a—
vciding, howavar, all speculative investments; and if any loane are
mafia for a longer time than six months, amen loans must be snaured by

safe collateral or by mortgaga on raal estata amply sufficient in value

N “w ‘ - ' ' " ‘ -~ ‘ A - a >5. *'*’*"‘“W, ' ~ a'xr ‘3 73¢ _ 1‘34 k.«w,xx\rv~x..a.w~-.r l ”0.1-“ . w ”ml. ... .. Jaw-venom: cm»: ¥»®'jmwrjm' mam >3...“ “,-"v1‘~_v'l.}‘; “m, ;» 5‘“; ;





" ‘7 ‘11. 1*. "in, .. ' . , k _
5195:} ’F’Ef‘lhz” It”; lgall' $1313} 3x98711307“, at tug Tflafl'fifi 3?! or? 314:?” Of WV

(3333:1I1Ir1131? msmwf ”~33111r1+ I ,r -~1+~’ ~- --w -3, a .111, 1 I .
331m ' I I . I- .1 1 .,, 1 “*3. .1 . 3 , g"). x ‘ 1‘ 1’3: 1 :71 9': Tap... - 3 v nigh, 79+ Tr W] . O
, 5 J J J {i ’:-’{)4:r1 .I .1. 1 g. i, {JJ : w. 1 3“ 3 ”(Vi .5 J 1?} «11‘ £3. 1 A". ‘33 f ‘1? . J > ”’5’ a fix: ‘1‘.) (a J {:3



I33 13 IF? 3033933133 and 17033123 1323303, All the mat inggmg 0
33313 vaveral ““1033 8311; 33 331% cvar to my gala Fwy :hters gami-
anfiwaléy, and 33313 seflarata raeaipta, whathar they be ma3319a or 31n~
FIE, 81311 b? a fiflffiflififlt aCNLII ignae t0 fihfl Iqutaa,

(a. 1...! _ 1 , .- I" t. ,. A , > ,._ 1- 1 ,4 K ..- m I, .4 . *1.
win? ~' I fiflmiwfit? 1w» aflflaimt as WV fixeevtm3 T39 Heflmrifv IIIQI

-, ALI


£1: Iizzi’ffivr ”21111713 130131112ny 01 I 7.111.111” 011 I-‘enflmky, 311111. 23.311133 1;?1-113 1'10 ’1 -»
crrity 33311 35 32331331 0: it in qualifyin? as Execwto3o Im1mt31 un~
day IIIW will. I give 33 my Exeawtm3 133 30193 In M «3a,, 0033333139,
03 333:t3aI3 any 313133 33 fiamaufis in fwvw3 3f 03 1311311 33 333336;

alfin 31 3111 331 canvaI any GI my real 330393ty axc33t thIt anove de—

. f” 4. r“ , -.., ' . ’J , . ,1- ..r, *1 ..,., .. I . 1., - ‘ " , :5
visau .u my 3113, 311 ta mama GOHVGVHIQW 33% 33133333 01 real agtate

in 33111113333 3: any 33133 03 30n’3qntq I may have made @3313? my life

In tQGIIMOI” Uhfifinaf, I 333910 sunanriba my mama anfi 33hliah Ibis
89 my will thifi SVth day Of P3333333, 1833.


911333100d by I;Ie t991 I,at0r, 3. D. Savva,
ani anhpwwl ur‘ o'f Ifzim an n18 W111 in 01W
93333318, 33% attwst ed av us at hia 3303931,
and in 713 33339303, 133 in Ihe 33383303 of
9633 mtIsr. this Fab'y. 27th, 1399.
A. 1:1. 11131:“),





j/( (I / b 5/5) Ex/flV/flflf



I, Mary E. Sayre, of Lexington, Kentucky, do make and publish this

my last will and testament.

l. I give to the Lexington Orphan Asylum on West Third Street the .um
of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars; to the Pastors Aid Society, or the
First Presbyterian Church of Lexington, of which I am a member, I give
Fifty ($50.00) Dollars; I also give Fifty ($50.00) Dollars to Jane Mason
(001.) an old family servant; and Fifty ($50.00) Dollars to my cock,

Laura Lewis, (001.)

2. After the payment of the above legacies, and the payment of my fun—
eral expenses and of any debts I may one, I direct that the residue of

my property, in whatever it may consist, shall be divided into four (4)
equal parts, onefor the benefit of my daughter, Sidney S. Cary,another

to my daughter, Minnie S. Williams, another to my son, J. if“ .2 ”a and
the other to the children of my daughter, Elizabeth S. Courtney, deceased,
as hereinafter directed. If I shall at my death hold the note of any of
my legatees, or if I shall become surety or otherwise bound for any of
them for debts which I or my estate shall he required to pay, than I direct
that the amount of such note or notes, without interest, or the amoun

so paid by me or my estate on said account, shall be charged to the

share of such legatte, and be accounted for out of his or her portion

before the division herein provided. There °. 0 an understanding be~
tween myself and my daughter, Mrs. Cary, in oorsideration of certain
obligations assumed by me in closing up the business of the Banking House
of David A. Sayre & 00., that she in case it should become necessary
would supplement my income in a manner to provide for my suitable support“
If she should on that or other account have advanced me moneys to any

amount not repaid before my death, I Wish such advances, with interest




from their date, to be repaid to her out of my estate, beforethe equal
division above provided for.
5. I direct theiflare of my estate above set a part to the childrez
of my deceased daughter, Mrs. Courtney, to be divided between them as
follows: To my two grandsons, 3. Sayre Courtney and Robert Hugh Courtney,
I give to each the sum of Three Thousand ($5000.00) Dollars. The residue
of that portion I direct to be divided equally between their sisters,
Mary W. Courtney and Elizabeth Sayre Courtney; but if itshould happen that
the shares of the said girls under this provision should turn out to be
less than Three Thousand ($5000.00) Dollars eaah, I wish their said de-
ceased mother's portion to be equally divided among all four of said
children. I wish it understood that the difference above made in favor
of my female grand—children is not due to any difference in my love for
all of them, but because as females they are more dependent and as a rule
less able to provide for themselves.

I also direct that the shares under this will 0“ my said grand—daughten
Mary T. Courtney and Elizabeth Sayre Courtney, shall be placed in the
hands of my Executor as Trustee, to hold for the benefit of said benefic—
iaries, viz: Marty W. Courtney and Elizabeth Sayre Courtney, for an
during their respective lives, the income to he paid over to said benefic—
iaries as reoddved, and at their death to go th their respective heirs at
law, or legal distributees, unless they, or either of them, shall dis—
pose of the said Trust Estate by will, which they are each empowered to
do at their discretion.

The Trustee shall to the best of his discretion, make the Trust Es-
tate in hid hands profitable as far as consistent with safety, and shall

pay the net incom» to the beneficiaries when received. The Trustee may

inVest and reinvest the Trust Estate at his discretion, may sell and





diSpose of any part of it whether real or personal at discretion, and
reinvest in such other property or securities as are deemed safe and
proper. Except in the case of my said two grand-daughters, all the other
bequests in this will are made directly to the several beneficiaries, as

their absolute estate, to do with as they choose.

0 4. I nominate and appoint The Security Trust & Safety Vault Company

of Lexington Kentucky, as my Executor and also as Trustee of my two
grand-daughters, Mary W. Courtney and Elizabeth Sayre Courtney. I empower
my Executor to sell and dispose of at private or public sale any of my
property whether realty or personalty, and to mak, proper and legal con—


veyances thereof. My Executor is authorized to settle or compromise at
its best discretion any claims for or against my Estate. I do not desire
tiat said Trust Company shall he required to give any surety on its

bond as Executor or Trustee.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I publish this as my will and hereto subscribe

my name, this eleventh day of April 1900.

Marv E. Sayre.

in our presence, and is attes,ed by in; in her

presence and at her request this llth of April 1900.

J. D. {unt .
R. T. Anderson.







I Iary E. Sayre, do make this supplement and codicil to my will
this day published. My son J. Will Sayre is now indebted much beyond his
means of payment, and as I am informea is seeking a discharge in the
Bankruptcy Courts. If he should for any reason fail to be discharged
from his debts, or if he should not be discharged in my lifetime, I di—
.rect that the portion of my estate which is bequeathed to hid in my Said
will, shall go to his children in equal shares, subject however to any
charge that may exist against his ncrtion on account of advance if any or
by reason of any obligation contracted as surety for him as eet forth in
the original will. If said J. Will Sayre shall obtain a discharge from
all his debts, this writing shall be no longer of any force, and the

portion intended in my said will for him shall go as is there'n directed.

IN TESTIMONY OF WHICH I publish this codicil. to my said Will and

hereto subscribe my name the 11th day of April 1900.

Mary E. Sayre.

The above writing is this day subscribed
and acknowledged as a codicil to her will by
Mary E. Sayre in our presence, and is attested
by us in aer presence, and at her request this
April 11th 1900.

J. D. Hunt.

R. T. Anderson.



 :zZ/Z/ Z //Z/Z
////J 7/60 /Zé





Securities on hand;

shares Nat. Bank of Kentucky, of which it is proposed
to distribute 108 shares at appraised value, $192, - — m $20628.
shares of Security Trust & S.V.Co., of which it is proposed
' to distribute 72 shares at appraised vaiue,$152, _ - - 10944.
Balance in cash, _’_ - - 4"4W:m; i _ - _ l'- - i _____ 528.03
Investments made by Ex'or. at their face value, - _ m a - 7500.
Over paymentto J. W. Sayre in previous distributions,- — - 5504.08
I " ” S. S. Cary ” ” " - 10.55

. $42914.66
It 18 proposed to reserve 2 shares of Nat. Bank
Kentucky stock, and 1 share of Security Trust & S.V.Co.
stock, the amount of accrued interest on the $7500 of .
securities, and “a cash balance of, ----------- 909.66

Leaving to be paid out, — - v ——————— 542005.
The Executor‘s commission is placed at, $2000. “
Costs of settlement, —————————— 55?? 2005.

. Leaving for distribution, --------- $40000.
or $10,000 to each branch of the family. — — - —
This distribution is to be made as follows:

To Mrs. S. 8. Gary, -------------- $10000

Less amount of over payment to her in pre-

vious distribution, —————————————— “u__19&§§"

To be composed of: ‘

27 shares Nat. Bank of Ky. at $191, - g - — -

18 shares Security Trust & S.V200. at $152, -

Cash, --------------- $2096.45

Less legacy tax, ---------- __1§;;§§ 1935.20

Legacy tax, —————————————————— __1§1&§§ $9989.45

To Minnie S. Williams, ----------------- $10000.
To be composed of: ,' ‘

27 shares Nat. Bank of Ky. at $191 , — — — $5157.

18 " Security Trust & S.V.Co. at 182, 2756.

Cash, -------------- $2107.
Less legacy tax, -------- 161.25 1945.75 -
Legacy tax, ———————————————— 161.25 $10000.

To Trust Company in trust for E.B.S.& M.W.Courtney
under will of Mrs. Mary E. Sayre, --------- $10000.
To be composed of the same items as compose the — - — -
distribution to Minnie S. WilliamsjfliufltééfilAé¢ur
~&4M«q§aw mxifiai.fiwvnyn . .
TO J. W. Sayre, --------- i— - - —t¢.g ;.—.- '5‘ ‘- filgggg.08
Less amount over paid him in prev ous dis r1 u ions — ..m,
1 ’ s 495.92
To be composed of: Legacy tax, ———————— 161.25.
18 shares Trust Company, at $159, ------ $2756.
27 " Nat. Bank of Ky., at $191, - - - - 5157.
Amount to be refunded by him, ————— 1558.53 $ 6495.92