xt7fbg2h9v6p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h9v6p/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1995-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 1995 text GLSO News, July 1995 1995 1995-07 2019 true xt7fbg2h9v6p section xt7fbg2h9v6p : ”‘5; {I ‘1, > 5“ -.:
”53"" Mill” i995 '
UNION ANNOUNCEMENT Contributed by Mary Crone _
The May 27 Union Ceremony of . ”St month’ GLSO pUbIIShed an HELP" . l
Tammy Strong and Elizabeth Gilliam article, ”,6 COS! of the Closet, With 00 l
was announced to the public, but Jeff Jones name on It. Jeff dld not It’s not 100% certain et but ;
only through invitations and word-of— erte this article; It was taken off the our la out editors ma be {no’vin l I
mouth. When they requested that the Internet. at theind of Au ust :nd we mg ‘
Lexington Herald-Leader print their The article “5th examples Of our hel ' g ’ l
announcement, they were called by “soc1ety’s assault on lesbIgay Y A 'opl; offer to Elizabeth ma
the editor himself, Tim Kelly, who people” including violent attacks, take thjem both to Boston so th: |
detailed the shaky grounds on which loss 0f jobs, and “he? forms Of GLSO will need at esetter - and '
he chooses to deny a public service to homophobia and discrimInation. SQQNI yp I
homosexuals. It was disturbing to find the The GLSO is current]
Printed here (on p. 5) isthe letter names 0f men arrested for sexual t eset on a Mac in Quark bu); '
written by Mary Crone and signed assaults against children Included in th: newt esetter’will receive not ‘
,1 by many of the ’ceremony’s this list. Those who have a sexual onl Quaik and Illustrator but a
v witnesses. [t was printed in the interest in children are pedophiles, fully com liment of fonts, _ for‘
Letters to the Editor column of the ”Qt homosexuals. The lesbigay either (fie Mac or the PC l
H-L on June 28: bl” 0'11)’ after Mary community needs to be clear about environment in addition to re- ‘
called and demanded to know why this. The nght Wing uses the scanned ads and lo 05 P r
they had waited four weeks already. mistaken idea that gay people _ Please call Mag at 266-5904 .
One of the reasons cited by Mr. particularly rnen - do abuse children, or Peter at 273-5815 if ou are ‘
Kelly as justification for discrimina- to discredit and .malign- our interested or have a lie/ad on
tion is that, “Well, frankly, this is the community. lt is a major contributor someone who mi ht be 1 l
first request I’ve ever had; I don’t to the anger and hate that-cripples ”5,; ‘l—wg ' 1‘-
think there’s much call for it.” The , Some Of the.“RelIgIous lhght _7
GLSO encourages you to write or claim. that molestIng children '15 part ll?l$]®3 JULY:
call the Herald (231—3100) to let them 9f bemg ’35”: Others suggeS‘ that ”“5 Nam: Statement on 5:. Pat's
know that yes, there are people in Is a recrUItIng method, and others Pamde Ban 2
Lexington and its surrounding areas believe none. Of us WOUld “choose” C < ‘ N3
who do want to read about it. And if this lifestyle If we were not survivors onImunIty CWS
, . . OfCl‘Illd abuse. National News 4
211:: 2::khtzbvpllfc: :EY:E:Z£::;:’n:aH Variations on these beliefs are Herald-Leader Protest l_etter,.u.5
See page .Sfor the reprinted letter. continued on ["1579 4 ID Drugs lnaCEMlbllll 1 _

 ”1’40”! N GLTF STATEMENT 0N [NOW is a leading ””0““ CW“
f,;’/‘1”;”;’¢Z Kev/"7;; SUPREME COURT RuLING: rlghts organIzatlon that . has (
L’ié’3i17/JfiEg’gl’i/JJ/i”; ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE supported grassroots orgamzmg
53/3/2225?” .;(,7,;,..7;vw ”$123023? June 19, 1995 — The following ince 1973.]V _
«’fi/"gé’fl AYIé;a//,f7>; statement is attributable to Kerry
59/584!" 112;” I,/f&/, “(ff/Cf“! Lobel, deputy director of the National
”gaff/1i r’ESB/ANz’ij’C/f Gay and Lesbian Task Force E,
5:2,? Elk/”513591114994 (NGLTF). It is made in response to .
£9,7/ RVl’C-ES', 35322-7, today’s US. Supreme Court ruling in WA WI T
n, to}? 1‘ ., ’ii’z'fl 5.715.411. »”T}/‘1'P'v"lj’§l* ,Z/Cl . . . l
£314 . v t r f. r 4 far, the case of gay, lesbian and bisexual .
“f we RGANZATION4 4?; marchers in Boston’s annual St. ,
. .. n. ,. .. Patrick,sDay Parade. W. UH
@LSQ N It’s certainly disappointing that 0
@WS gay men, lesbians and bisexuals can AS A VOLUNTEER,
Published Monthly by the be banned from marching in this ca" (/Il/lary at 266—)‘904
Lexington Gay] Lesbian annual event due to the bigotry of the . . j
Services Organization groug Sponsor'f’g tile paradf} The W W .
para e sponsor s an i-gay po icy IS a n 1
_P'O' BOX “47] clear attempt to send us all back into EFENB ,
Lexrngton, KY 40575 the closet, I
~ . It’s time for the city of Boston to YOURSELF Ann (
lnterlm Editor: hold a publicly-sponsored parade so I
Peter Taylor that all Bostonians, including those LOVE” ONES! 1
who are gay, can participate openly ]
La out Editors/Co-Editors: in this annual festival. A celebration ’
Y T m D St n / such as St. Patrick’s Day in Boston P Ipergun SPY B 1
jam Y ‘ r? _g should not be held hostage to the 1/2 oz. keychain holder (
Elizabeth A- Gllllam bigotry ofits sponsors—it should be (Other sizes/styles available) ]
open to all. N . t 5 _ 3
GISONAnnlual Puelssand Today’s ruling discusses the QUARAN’TE‘ED (
ews etter. $ rights of private parade organizers, NO TEAR GA5 ‘
Dues and NeWSletter for and their ability to limit the messages 5"YEAR SHELF LIFE i
COUP1951$20 delivered during the parade. The 2
Newsletter Only: $l0 ruling does not make sweeping (
Views or opinions expressed in the statements about gay, lesbian and $ 144.95 I
GLSO News are those ofthe authors and bisexual civil rights issues. (
don’t necessarily represent those of the Therefore, it is not an indication Of Visa/MC/CheCk/MO 5
GLSO Board of Directors. Submissions how the court will rule in the case of
are welcome. All submissions become C 1 d , A d 2 Th Phone/Fax (517) 596—3367 F
the property of GLSO and must indicate 0 ora O 5 men ment '_ e
full name and address of the author. The Court ruled today about the rights Of . l
staff reserves the right to edit private parade sponsors, while Target Securlty l
submissions and ads to meet publishing Amendment 2 is about the r
requirements, as well as the right to fundamental right of gay men PO- BOX 126 g
reject any submissions. Placement of . . . . ’ Munith MI 49259
advertising in GLSO News denotes lesbians and bisexuals to part1c1pate K -k 811, l" . S l l a
neither a person’s sexual orientation nor 1n the democratic process. ( emu" y m “In“ a es 0“ 'V) (
a business’ customer preference.
____—_____—_—____— -
GLSO News Page 2

 i1 ‘79
t. Cgl/t I\ J; Li ‘1 NEWS
TIRED OF THE BAR SCENE? M.C.C. believes that the primary was broke... [they] had been

So are we! Womyn, if you are ministers of the church are it’s scrambling for the past week, calling
interested in a good change of pace _ members. Most of us did not come friends and everyone they knew
getting together for card games out of churches with such a trying to get money.” Rodeo is very
and/or other Fun Stuff on a monthly philosophy. My job is to equip and happy to help out with this worthy
or weekly basis, call Lee 5. at 277_ empower the members to carry out cause. Unfortunately, this donation
93651 their ministry. The foundation has will only keep them going for a

been laid, now we must build on it.” couple of months at the most.

LOCAL PASTOR WINS Since its beginning, the congre- The AIDS Medication Fund is

NATIONAL APPROVAL gation has been meeting at the NOT funded by any government

The Pastor of Lexington’s Greenleaf lnn every Sunday at 6:00 agency, even though it is part of the
M.C.C., the Reverend Rex Van pm. Socials and study groups have Health Department’s service to

fl Alstine has received final approval been held in members homes and PWA’s. The TSGRA urges all
from the Great Lakes District Board backyards. Courses under consider- concerned lesbigay citizens to add
of Ministries to be licensed as a ation for the 1995-96 season include: the Medication Fund to their list of
minister in the Universal Fellowship Relationship Strategies and worthy causes, it could make a big
of Metropolitan Community Spirituality & Sexuality: ls There a difference to someone in needlv
Churches. Until now he has only Relationship? M.C.C. is of the
been authorized to serve the mission opinion that finding a permanent NEW MEN ON THE BLQCK
he founded here in the spring of seven-day‘a-week home isapriority Ebony Male or E'Mah 's. the
1993. Reverend Van Alstine was right now. Although the congrega- newest member 9f the lesbigay
formerly a priest of the Antiochian tion has committed itself to partici- family 0f organizations 'h the
Orthodox Church, ordained in 1976, pation in the Pride Center whenever Bluegrass area. The '5 composed Of
he was laicized in l994 when his it is realized, our continuing growth gay .men 0f African descent; our
activities with the M.C.C. were requires the development of more misswn 15h) promote awareness 0f
discovered. community services now. Anyone ISSUES. pertinent to the gay African-

The two year licensing process having or knowing of economical American community ‘hCh’d'hg the
involves the completion of rental space available should contact spread Of HI-Vf substance abuse and
additional study courses to better the Pastor at 272—14071 the under-Etilization 0f co;nmurluty

- servnces y persons 0 co or.
:::bpigay/Trans:::tzi)lr coihmunithyh TSGRA GIVES MONEY TO Additionally, our purpose is to
Over ten separate papers had to be AIDS FUND support and affirm one another
submitted to various authorities as on June 9th, the Tri—State Gay through rap SCSSiOhS and other soc1al
part ofthe approval process. Rodeo Association turned over events. '

Pastor Van Alstine is glad that $82500 ‘0 the Fayette COUM)’ Currently E-Male ‘5 headed by
he will now be free to invest all of Health Department AIDS an eight—member board 0f directors.
his energies serving the spiritual Medication Fund. Fayette County We are based in lsexington. Our
needs ofthe local community. “Our Health Department AIDS case membership continues to grow
growth has been slow as we learned workers, Amanda Woods and Patty rapidly with acurrent membership of
a new way of thinking about Martin expressed their gratitude about fifteen men. We hope to

@ Christianity and the church. The because according to them, “the fund attract new members from across the

'_ GLSO News Page 3

from page 3
state. Since the rou ’s be innin in I i “i
early May, we hgave :ctivetlgy partgici- N/Ifl N/EL Nfikfi! g
pated in the long-term planning of "1 l ‘4 L’
2:215:23; r3]; (1)?” tlilcfpeliflsizgie CANADIAN GAYS LOSE BUT rather than work outside the home.
can network with other organizations WIN BIG Spouses Of retired heterosexuals
to promote better communication. Canadian gays met an judicial get up i0 $504 monthly if the couple
Although our primary focus in ruling on May 25’ but it is hoped that has an income below about $15,170.
on issues concerning the African- the legal precedent Will lay the Egan. and NeSblt have been
American community, members foundations for less discrimination together Slhce 1948"
from the larger lesbigay community anyway. The Supreme C011” ruled NY MAYOR SAYS TO GIVE
are more than welcomed at E-Male 5'4 that the lifelong partner Of a COUPLE UNION LICENSE
functions. Persons interested in British Columbia man was hOt lTHACA,N.Y.-Toshav Greene and
being added to our mailing list may entitled to the pension paid to Phillip Storrs are getting married
can 252'2353‘V spouses of retired government June 22 no matter what, they say.
_—__________ employees. The gay couple, who recently moved
from thefront page However, in issuing its ruling, to Ithaca from Elmira, N.Y., would
widespread, and are even believed the court declared that in general like to have a marriage license to
by lesbigay people. We also have a Canada’s Charter of Rights and assure them Of the rights and
variety of opinions on allowing such Freedoms prohibits discrimination privileges Of married people. And
groups as NAMBLA (National Man- based on sexual orientation —— even Ithaca Mayor Benjamin Nichols
Boy Love Association) to march in though gay protections are not WOUid like to issue them one. “It is
gay rights parades. specifically written into the my belief that it is appropriate for
I cannot adequately cover this document. same-sex marriages to take place,”
issue in one article; I would like to Elated gay activists quickly NiChOlS t0ld Common Council on
publish an ongoing discussion of announced plans to use the landmark Wednesday night.
these issues - readers are encouraged ruling to challenge dozens of Greene and Storrs asked the City
to participate by writing, or by calling discriminatory laws nationwide. Clerk for a marriage license on May
with comments. (Mary 266-5904)V “The general principle that it is 18- When they gOt a routine
discriminatory to refuse to recognize turndown “because it isn’t legal,”
Are you being discriminated homosexual” relationships. has been Greene asked for proof: As atesult,
established, said John Fisher, head he found himself meeting With the
against in Kentucky due to of the gay-lobbying group Egale- mayor, City Attorney Charles
. , “The Supreme Court has opened the Guttman, and eventually, legal
YOU! Sexual OllenlOllOH? doors on an era of litigation, and we experts from the American Civil
will rise to that challenge and Liberties Union and national gay .
challen e ever sin le statute, one activist grOUPS.
RepOfl H NOW. by oneiy one iyfwe have to.” Guttman and Nichols favor
, , , , , On the main issue of the case, issuing the license, which would
{all ihe hm Biswmmaiion PtOjeti, the court said Plaintiffs Jim Egan, make lthaca the first municipality ih
and help in pill our discrimination 73, and Jack Nesbit, 67, did not meet New York state to OK a same-Sex
on the boo!“ “the fundamental social objectives” marriage. Because the decision
of the Old Age Security Act because would likely create a test case for the
276_5393 it was designed to aid poor elderly courts, it is not being taken lightly.
women who chose to raise children A Similar case is befOre
'———-——"—_—— continued on page 8
GLSO News Page 4 '

 REPRINT 0}: UNION extensive lists of legal actions in the right that they should be noted.
'7 CEREMONY LETTER TO THE Wednesday “For The Record”
a EDITOR section of your paper, including Elizabeth and Tammy’s Holy
’ See Pagelfor details lawsuits, marriages ended, arrests, Union Ceremony was similarly a
. court activities, and marriage celebration of commitment, not
als “Dear Editor, licenses. made less so by the fact that you
. le On Saturday, May 27th, Tammy receive few requests to publish such
$0 Strong and Elizabeth Gilliam were You print announcements of events. So, congratulations to
'en joined in Holy Union by the marriages with details of the celebra- Tammy and Elizabeth. The service
' Reverend Kelly Flood at the tions in the social section. This was lovely, the day was glorious, and
E Unitarian Universalist Church. We, seems to be because marriages are the brides were effervescent.”
. their friends and family, were not just legal activities, but are also Mary Sojourner Crone
’ delighted to be there to witness and spiritual, joyful, and significant life The letter was signed by 45 people
Ehd celebrate their vows. events for the people making the
'ed commitment to each other as well as Note: The Herald-Leader printed
3Y- A request was made to the for the community that is supporting a small reSponse immediately
’61: Herald-Leader (in the weeks before them. following this letter: .
J the ceremony) to print an announce- The Herald-Leader carries only
to ment of their Union Service. The You also PUbliSh announce- announcements 0f legal ”h'OhS
'hd request was rejected on the grounds ments of anniversary celebrations, recognized under state law.
‘nd that it was not a legal event, nora and 0f couples who choose to Therefore, we do hOt PUPHSh
Ols common request, yes, it is not an reaffirm their vows. Neither ofthese announcements of same-sex
“5 event with legal recognition, but are legal events, and likewise not marriages, common-law marriages,
f0: neither is it illegal. You print illegal. They are events Of or commitment ceremoniesv
e, commitment and celebration and it is
/’//W”’WW . ’ ' ‘
my /%/% g? Working to Unite
lay é%%%%wa . ~
. ///a;; /// Our Diverse Community
”‘6 %”/% w
”it // é/ Since 1972
the /% a Name(s)
165%,”.11’, “’2 Address
39/ /»«/z"/,¢~z/u%e (3/; . fi—————————————
31} Z stigma; Clty. State. ZIP _____________
$10 Newsletter Only $15 Membership and Newsletter
“1); $20 Couple Membership and Newsletter
u . . . .
,in I do not wrsh for my name to be added to the Community Malling
sex List used exclusively by and for Kentucky Gay/Lesbian organizations.
the .
y MAIL TO: GLSO Newsletter, P.O. Box 11471, Lexmgton, KY 40575
_ ———_—__________—__—
GLSO News Page 5

Happy 219th Blrthday, Amerlca! 1
1 o . ‘
Wednesday Thursday Saturday . yiz'm
’ a a .’ .I
I _ . 9 - _ .
9:00 AM Frontnmners -
2:00 PM Lex. Men's
Chmafimglepark) R E 5 TA U R A N T
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 557 S: L1mestone
6:00 PM MCC-Greenleaf 7:30 PM Pride Ctr. Indegendence Dd): AIDS/HIV SpptGIp. 7:00 PM Lex.Men's 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 9:00 AM Frontrunners Lex1 ngton, KY
MOtel TaSkforce 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al- ’5‘ Guam" Chorus Rehearsal AA 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
7:00 PM Dignity Anon 6100 PM Pronmmners 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. AVOL Hotune 253‘001 4
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowling (Woodland Park) Grp. Training
(Soulhland Lanes) 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA
9 10 11 I2 13 14 15 d“; k d 1,1
6:00 PM MCC-Greenleaf 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 255:" S t G 7:00 PM Lex.Mer1’s 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 9:00 AM Frontmrmers Renowne ee en anc '
Motel Al- Anon ’m V PP - I'P- Chorus Rehearsal AA 10:00 AM Men's Network ' b/ b b k b It
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl- 600 PM Prontrunners 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. WWI/lg U8 er I y U( W 30
AA ing (Southland Lanes) 8 (Egg/{02331;}; $10M Grp. ,
I W “a“ pancake: egg; benea’ld arno/al
/ I
1 6 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 , ’17 / ff
2:00 PM Lesbian Potluck GLSO News Deadline 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian ”‘5‘ Guam 7:00 PM Lex.Men's Integrity (St. Augustine's) 9:00 AM Frontrunners 5,00,"; ome e 6‘,
6:00 PM MCC-Greenleaf 7:30 PM Fairness Meet— Al-Anon AIDS/HIV SPPt-GFP- Chorus Rehearsal 7; 30 pM Gay/Lesbian
Motel ing (Alfalfa's) 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl- 6100 PM Promrunners 7:30 PM P—FLAG AA anal mU(/7 MUTE...
7:00 PM Dignity ing (Southland Lanes) (WOOdland Park) 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. Grp.
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00 PM Gay/1238mm AA
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Wednesday is
6:00 PM MCC-Greenleaf 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. New ”w" ' 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 9:00 AM Frontrunners . .
Motel Al-Anon 6:00 PM Frontrurmers 7:00 PM Lex-Mens AA Internatlonal nght
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl- (Woodland Park) Chorus Rahearsal
AA ing (Southand Lanes) 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA :88 ngI SgY§Dfitzppt. Grp.
30 3] Breads and desserts
June August 0 a o
6:00 PMMCC-Greenleaf s M T WT1 E s s MTl V211; 1: s5 baked daily 111 our kitchen
Motel 45678910 5789101112
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian ” ‘2 :3 :4 15 15 ‘7 13 :4 15 16 17 is 19
AA :3 £2 23 2; 53 i3 2“ 23 i; 33 ii i? 5 2“ FREE Evmmc PARKING.

 . . Court June 7. Minister Paul Keating, United
MAL a AL NEWS Lord Justice Simon Brown and Nations Secretary General Boutros m
i “ Justice Richard Curtis said the ban Boutros-Ghali and other heads of
from page 4 does not violate British or European state April 26 at the opening of the fr
Hawaii’s Supreme Court. Ifthe court law and, furthermore, should be rc- International Conference on Global es
can’t find grounds to deny same-sex examined by Parliament, not the Diversity, reported Capital Q. fc
marriages, gay and lesbian marriages courts. Choir Musical Director Stephen U
performed there will carry the same Beyond that, the two judges Schafer commented, “It is a great in
rights as opposite-sex unions. And disagreed. honor to be selected, of all choirs in
because states must recognize one “Lawrence of Arabia would not Australia, to participate in this event w
another’s laws, a couple married in be welcome in today’s armed ofinternational significance.”v to
Hawaii would retain their rights if forces,” Brown said. “The tide of BRITISH POLICE ADVERTISE C(
they moved to any other statev history is against the Ministry (of IN GAY PRESS d<
JUSTICE DEPT. RETIRES Defense). Prejudices are breaking contributed by Rex Wockner ar
LESBIAN AT RIGHTFUL RANK down — old barriers are being British police forces will lu
Under a settlement proposed by removed. It seems to me improbable, advertise in the national gay A
the US Department of Justice, a whatever this court may say, that the newspaper The Pink Paper to recruit
woman discharged by the Army existing policy can survive much officers and refute allegations of
because she is a lesbian will be longer.” homophobia, according to Reuter. L.
retired instead of discharged Curtis countered: “I do not hold “We want to dispel the myth that Cl
retaining her rank as major. the opinion that the balance of the we are anti-gay, and advertising in CI
The settlement also calls for argument lies with the applicants or this way is a step in that direction,” le
Dusty Pruitt, 48, to qualify for full that the decision of the armed forces said police spokesman Mark Lamb. al
retirement pay and medical benefits is doomed to die an early death or is “Society at all levels is
when she reaches 60. necessarily wrong.” increasingly coming round to the th
“I’m obviously overjoyed. It’s Lawyers for the plaintiffs, three view that an individual’s sexuality or
an excellent end to along process,” gay men and a lesbian who were is no big deal and that’s our view H
said Pruitt, who lives in Long Beach kicked out of the military because of too,” Lamb said.v cr
and is now a minister at their sexuality, said they will appeal A FIRST FOR GM: CAR cf
Metropolitan Community Church in ‘0 European COINS The case is the ADS FOR LESBIGAYS sc
adjacent Lakewood. “I’m hoping to first legal challenge ‘0 the ban under General Motors Corp. has made re
see the day when gay men and WW" 250 people have been sacked a marketing move never before taken H
women are able to serve openly and since 1990- by a US. carmaker: It is targeting m
proudly in the armed services,” Defense officials claim gays gays and lesbians in a national gay th
Pruitt said. Pruitt joined the Army undermine morale and efficiency, publication. An ad for GM’s Saturn l0
in 1971 and gained the rank of cause security problems, complicate division appears in the May issue of fe
captain before going into the communal living, and make it Out magazine. The ad, which also re
reserves in 1973. Her promotion to difficult to “protect” recruits who are has appeared in general market at
major was approved in 1982, but under age 18- (Sound familiar?)v publications, has no gay or lesbian m
:2:::tt:::?.::;§':b“°‘e "W GAY CHOIR SINGS :2;:.:::e:.o':..::;::r::am“ 21
BRITISH HIGH COURT PRIME MINISTER AND “For 3 us. carmaker to do pt
UPHOLDS MILITARY BAN . BOUTROS-GHALI something like this is a huge deal,”
, , , contributed by Rex Wockner - . . .
Britain’s ban on gays in the The Sydney Gay and Lesbian said. Daniel Baker, editor of
military was upheld by a two— Choir sang for Australian Prime Quotient, ii newsletter about the gay b)
judge panel Of the nation’s High and lesbian market. Quotient
GLSO News Page 8

 ted * Division May 9 overturned a individuals, and to raise the
I I . . . .
ros NAHQN/AL NEWS pr0v1nc1al law bann1ng adopt1on by threshold number of employees for
of H l ” homosexual couples and allowed coverage under the act to 25 from the
the fr0m P0383 four lesbians to adopt their partners’ present level of 4. In a last ditch
bal estimates gays and lesbians account children, reported Toronto’s The effort to amend the bill, opponents
for 6 percent to 10 percent of the Globe and Mail. attempted to remove the religious
1en US. population and have annual Judge David Nevins said the organization exemption which had
eat incomes of $200 billion, restriction in the Child and Family been included to win votes for
in Officials at Ford and Chrysler Services Act violated the federal passage. Ifany amendment had been
ant would not disclose whether they plan Charter of Rights and Freedoms. successful, the bill would have been
to target the gay market. Many Single homosexuals had not returned the House for approval and
g}; consumer product companies have been prevented from adopting by the many expressed the belief that such
done so,including Procter&Gamble law.v action would have resulted in the
and Philip Morris (hold onto your RHODE ISLAND PASSES bill’s demise:
ay A PLACE OF THEIR OWN IN The Senate Sends the Measure to the OP RYAN WHITE ACT
”it ARGENTINA Governor for his promised signature. contributed by John Monk
0f Buenos Aires. La Casa de las On May 19, the Rhodc Island WASHINGTON _ Sm Jesse
Lunas, “House of the Moons,” has Senate passed a House-approved bill Helms, R-N.C., is holding UP
lat opened its doors. It is the first space prohibiting discrimination based on billions Of dollars for a POPUIar
in created in Argentina for and by sexual orientation in employment, AIDS'Prevemion and treatment
1,” lesbians. Nevertheless, it welcomes housing, public accommodationS, Program Helms and his Staff aren"
). all women. and credit. The crowd of supporters speaking PUbllCl)’ about his stand 0”
l5 Women from diverse sectors of WhO packed the Senate gallery the Ryan White Comprehensive
he the lesbian and feminist watched the 2 1/2 hours of heated AIDS Emergency Resources
0’ communities are converging at debate erupted with cheers as the (CARE) A“, named after an Indiana
:w House of the Moons, where they can final Vote tally lit up the board, 26 to yOUth . Who “has barred from
count on finding an atmosphere that 21- The Senate approval sends the attendmg publ1c SChOOI after
encourages their coming together in bill to Governor Lincoln Almond’s contracting AIDS from ‘1 b'OOd
solidarity, where differences are desk for his promised Signature transfus1on.. .
je respected and visibility is possible. which is cxPected early next week. .Bu‘ ””1“ are Speaking 0L”
in House of the Moons has spawned With the Governor’s Signature, agamst Helms, who was only one Of
1g many projects and activities, among Rhode Island Will be the ninth state four senators to VOte agaHTSt ‘the
1y them these: attention to the psycho— to pass Civil rights legislation for gay AIDS bl” ":1 1.990 When it flrSt
rn logical needs of lesbians (lesbian men and lesbians. passed. The b_‘“ '_5 now ”P for a five-
of feminist therapy)y groups for Opponents of the bill furiously year reanthonzatlofl:
;o reflection and study, workshops in offered five amendments, including . i‘It’s .mean'éplnted’ and Helms
et artistic expression (plastic arts, a BOY SCOUt Amendment Wthh 1s us1ng hls 5C2.“ 1n the Senate to gay-
in music, writing, theater, mime, etc.), a WOUld have exempted the Boy bash once again,” sa1d Dav1d Srmth,
le library, foreign language classes, a Scouts of America from the bill’s SPOkeSPerson for the Human Rights
movie discussion circle, and live employment provisions. The Boy Campaign Fund, the nation’s largest
Io performancesy Scout Amendment failed 25 to l9. gaY'rights IObbying group' A
7” ONTARIO GIVES OK T0 Opponents also attempted through source familiar with Helms’s stand
)f LESBIAN ADOPTION amendments to put the issue to a said the senator'has three objections
.y by Rex Wockner referendum, to extend the exemption to the blur Wh'Ch WOUId author1ze
it The Ontario Court’s Provincial for religious organizations to (mm-"UM (”wage 10
" GLSO News Page 9

 year’s bill _ is to increase the avail- can overcome a “hold” by working Tl
NAM < AL NEWS ability of out-of—hospital care for behind the scenes to modify a bill to
” people with AIDS and HIV meet a senator’s objections. Or they
from page 9 infection. Before the bill, AIDS can gather 60 votes to overcome the
funding over the next five years: sufferers were going to hospitals for threatened filibuster. CO
_The bill doesn’t say exactly how emergency treatment that could have Patricia Fleming of the White m(
much money will be spent. “It’s just been given in less-expensive House Office of National AIDS to
like writing a blank check,” the settings. The bill funded programs Policy predicted the AIDS bill will pe‘
source said. The bill estimates that under which AIDS sufferers could eventually pass, despite Helms’ cal
$3.6 billion could be spent on AIDS be treated less expensively. objections. A companion bill has not
programs from 1996 to 2000. Helms’ stand is decidedly been introduced in the House. on
_The bill makes far more money unpopular. The bill already has Although Fleming wouldn’t the
available to AIDS victims than to broad bipartisan support and 58 directly attack any of Helms’s three ha:
victims of cancer or heart disease, publicly declared supporters in the reasons for opposing the bill, SUI
although far fewer people die from Senate, including Majority Leader Fleming said there are other diseases 5y:
AIDS. Bob Dole, R—Kan. It is sponsored by — such as lung cancer - that could be bk
_The majority of people who are Kansas Sen. Nancy Kassebaum, a avoided through abstinence from rec
afflicted with AIDS could have moderate Republican. things like tobacco. bk
avoided it through abstinence. However, Dole, a presidential “There are many diseases
In 1990, Helms said he was candidate who is seeking the caused by past behavior,” she said. Sh‘
against the bill because “taxpayers’ backing of Helms’ conservative Helms’ office provided The (th
money is being proposed to be used supporters, probably would rather Observer with congressional figures OC‘
to proselytize a dangerous not confront Helms directly on this showing that AIDS programs are 00'
lifestyle...” He was referring to issue. As majority leader, Dole plays estimated to get $2.9 billion in 1996, that
homosexuals and people who use a key role in deciding whether to compared with $2.4 billion for mi
dirty needles to inject themselves bring a bill to a vote. cancer research and $834 million for to.
with illegal drugs. Helms’ opposition is in the form heart disease programs. arc
Homosexual sex accounts for of a behind-the-scenes “hold,” In 1994, heart disease was the d'r‘
54 percent of AIDS cases, and drug sources said. A “hold” is a notifica— nation’s leading cause of death, with SUE
abuse accounts for another 25 tion to Senate leaders that a senator 739,860 deaths, followed by cancer
percent, according to federal will make lengthy speeches (a with 530,870 deaths. AIDS was the EX
statistics. filibuster) against a bill if it’s eighth-leading-cause of death, with (Bl
One of the 1990 AIDS bill’s brought to the floor. Senate leaders 38,500 deathsw cor
primary purposes _ continued in this PFC
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GLSO News Page 10 —

 1'25 THOUSANDS BLOCKED FROM any anti-i—llV regimen yet studied in first President to meet officially with
iey AIDS DRUG ACCESS suppressrng HIV replication. and the lesbigay community.
the The Glaxo pharmaceutical mcreasmg CD4 counts. [it IS] a The elected officials were given
company has stopped offering the remarkable combination.” . an afternoon of briefings on gay and
lite most-promising anti—HIV drug ever . Whlleiawaiting completion of lesbian issues by several senior
DS to tens of thousands of seriously ill trial_ studies, Glaxo had been administration officials, including
.Iill persons with AlDS, saying it just provrding 3TC free to most PWAs Donn