xt7fbg2h9t9w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h9t9w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1911-06-01 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 37, June 1, 1911 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 37, June 1, 1911 1911 1911-06-01 2015 true xt7fbg2h9t9w section xt7fbg2h9t9w  
42 I
  Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., jUNE l, 1911 No. 38
l     von-t0pped" coach and captain by State outclassed them in every posi- baseball champmnshlp since 1907, and
pitching one of the best games of his tion. Scotty had an oft day, making we deserved to win this. Our team
  career, and although touched up for three bad errors, but was excusable was superior to every college team
__.... nine safties, managed to keep them on account of playing with a sprained in Kentucky, and displayed remark-
ll scattered, only three runs result- ankle and gamely sticking it out. able form the latter part of the sea-
¤re·r.u.Mu anne we
e ca · ' on ay' n na am. ing. On the other hand, Shaw, who Preston covered a world of territory son. This can be accredited to Coach
°f 8°°°°"‘ held us to three hits in' the tlrst; gl}, around short, and made several dit- Ingels, who, by steady coaching and
—·* ————————————————————-—-————————————————· patience, rounded them into the form
Even though Coach Ingels’ contract   I   \\ they displayed. All hail to the cham-
had expired and he was forced to 1 I ’ _A · * pious. Every man on the team has
  leave us, our "Wildcats" would not be ., t ~/   \•~·jv·,, .` I done extra well this season and fully
. denied aud under the superb leader- ( r _ V  fl ye __&__*' ` deserves his   But why the ath-
  ship of Captain Meadors, decisively ? 'll, ij; wk , I letlc committee should let the coach
g defeated Wesleyan and Transylvania X   ll ` $` ‘   go before the two last important
\ University, making a record ot seven   _ ~/ ddl g*_“ , games wer played, is yet to be ex-
l wins and two loses, and thereby win-   \f\\   _ , ` DI¤»i¤€d-
{ ning the championship on a percent-   \\   / 4,   ’ ;\\
' age basis. The work done by our men 3 » l \\ \ 1.* c , ‘ J yl I
I the latter part of this season has not l ll \ _V/ l' \§\L ‘I fl x  t\) A    
been seen here in years. After their I  /// `  "  » F ,, t J ·.,*  
return from the trip through Ohio, W/a ll    _A`   ` t / ,, ~      
their improvement was decidedly j` »/if  i‘,,],;,`#' t_!.,‘   ‘ r t   _ . l From class 1912
noticeable, especially Gower, whose    ng, N   ‘   l 1 · ‘ r ‘ *  l x '
work behind the bat was one of the ’ · , l   l,  ` , V ‘—
mm ¤* eese M Summses   Sm Ou W w?  f t · lr l all Um»;I;1si;:€r»;·:?;1Fits;2¤;;?(g;§t§:
S°°“ *`*°"’ ’“ b°S°”“"· "T°’“"“‘*" *° my   mt r ¥”/ l ‘     ba-. www that I am one ofthe best
playing Hmg League', ball n°w’ and l ll ‘ t Y '       l ?  I;. \ \ ld   classes that ever entered the halls of
his work at the receiving end has H l·; i ‘y ll     ` 6 l "   K S U but when I wm have
helped lots in winning games. Too     l, » ~ l l Y » { · Y'},  , {   ' ' " _ _ Cm?
A l · ~ z. , ·_ — { t , ~ {-:r pleted the lectures of M1ss Kmkaxd
much credit cannot be given Captain »-/*1, I l ll l l ll l ` {  ` _  / M ~ V     ~ _
V /   ,, lm 5 ~ _ ` · \v ‘ ,,¤,»·»,,,;,i, and worn my corduroy pants for a
M°ad°rS’ Whose t“imng’ hitting and "/{ t ‘ ‘ · l *l · E {Y 1 l i *~ — = N 5 '·`**|d ’4' II while I certainl will be some class
executive ability were the mainstay of [J { , ' I ‘ ? E E l ‘ ,  nip r_ g » ,  · “\J\ if S_ ’ _ y _ ‘
the team the entire season ,,Gm8,, , ¤<,y;,___ _,_ _. E,»  ¤__  ~\\ l l y    ' mce my entrance I hate had more
• `L `\ _ t _ \` \ (U  I! ll 1- ’ •
is not only one of the best twmem in ly _ , X   M I , \ l  ( Jig ,   xterary more athletic and more good
by t e ·-4  ·»· , , rl, _ ’ M students than any other class nn the
Kcmucku but hits above the `300  — V  w ‘·:*"‘*{ " /}"'¥»1  University and while I am biddin
mark every year. He pitched against    t »  ¢·£ · ;g, /' '{,* 7  M f H l' _ d, _ g
Weslyan Saturday and had them /'/_? »_ _ ,`=1_   1(    _ ;,/ U arewe , tow 1d you like the Junior
’ ’   t n { 4    _ l ,-,   prom? S0 here’s so long until I am
completely at hls mercy at all times. -· / ~ l _ r _ ,e;£i¤‘6 WM DYGUY Tagged at tim°¤·   " I     \ friend. once again amid the sllmloxxs
both teams com lalnin . ·~ M" , and memories ot your oolleuo days,
1> g t I
On Monday we met and defeated   ` and while you are thinking of what
our old "would-be" rivals, Transylva- By Courtesy of The Kentuckian. benetlt your ella--ar€.»x1 has been to
nia. Up to that time each school had   is Ywj ·· · V s· f·· ~ you, do you not know of some lad
won one game, and this was me mrc. :3** "“ ‘;)°`€‘;i “§“"‘g ‘;"i‘°l" SW": “ ";’“‘; ‘;1““‘;*“· "““" “°"*” ;°“d‘* °*" who, sm- only it uma assasmm by
Shaw was sent in by Coach Levine tb Omewug yd 8; O:} T) r D6 yAfur` p au 8 ' urmss get on M6 mow your hand, muld be enrolled in me
uphold the honor of the Crimson and rugs; an a' (iu Q ly rfston til. than any Onewman on the wa';] mid Fniversity, and thereby vain an etlvu a-
White, while Captain Meadors select- our Bam céuglt the r Str de the rosu t stole home "uh the ban in `ha" B tion? There are lots of fellows, too,
ed Beatty to Oppose him Captain was never nn doubt. Catches by Moore hand. Gilmer acepted everything in that are going to (_0lk_M_ mlm gw
Meadors playing left-field in W8Sl€Y’l ?nd (3 :mTlG{ of bbTmn:;rlv:ni· hits t€:r;;0ry’ and hit, ws"' i Ric? gn tember. why not use your inrluetxve
place, who deserted the team and eiature , t ei latter rob ngu lea ors rght te , alas the mea po nt 0   e in getting K(_mu(_k),.S SOM ,0 Kim
went home. And Beatty did not flinvh. 0 a sure tr pa y a' Gam u Catch team' his h ning and holding being tu<·ky's l'niversity? \\'e hope that
No; on the contrary, he showed the in rigm °‘·`m°"· Tr¤¤¤y¤v¤¤¤¤ had a woefully “'*‘uk· you are loyal ir your relations to your
good judgment displayed by our "cot· good team, it cannot be denied, but This is the tlrst time we have won a beloved Alma Mater.

2 THE IDEA " `
Tl <·rushe·r, old "Sleepy Sitl," "(lravy," Agk Your Grocer {0;.. z
and many other aliases, is here ,` Y
tlwrv and for all time. The Idea staff     t
·'.l .· · ,8 *1:*, ' ht (`l-
“‘°""d ’f’}‘ ""-_* "‘“‘ ‘“ ' ° " mm Forget me cake men ‘
  logo ot Lnto, aud nt lacks the applause { ’
f · I _ _ Made By ·
  am. evtat ot tlus collvge life, you will _ _
·Y~‘?“°l"$` bv as suc·t·¢>ssful in every venture imo LCXIDVLOB n¤u·¥' Mlul C0.
which you bend your energies as you —-- ··   Q ‘
}4:x'.§ wore here. That you win, and estab- ' N 1
  4`* » lish for yourself the namv of one of M A   : H C’I;:ET0N BEDFORD ‘
  · "` Ameri<~a's gr+·at¢>st engineers, and that Jun   ,%m‘m’h b
  your life ever he full of sunshine and GOOD FURNITURE, UIQ New   ‘ I
  A gladness, is the hearty wnsh of The h  
  ld tt. tt - tt .~ bl Wm RS
at ‘*`“ S ” ° W" elm mg “S “€” Carpets, Wall Paper and Stoves. u•.,mm•. cmu. m»¤4y.¤c¤.,m.¤.¤
V FUR l9I |'I9 I2. mt. ·mm rue sm•¤¤·•
(lf course, the first thmg next fall °
0 wra w 0 le is. Anybody ever gets in some goo new materia sw O.
being: around this old grand K. S. I'. lll]! <'€‘¤`¥¤illlY SUNG? W9 first Part of r
moreso those who come in direct cou- fh? SGRSOH. W6 lose thé b€‘Si find UNIVERSITY LUNCH STAND THE LEADING
tact wuh uim know what he Stands largest part of our last. years team. First Class Lunch and SPECIALTY HOUSE
for and his actions Speak for them- “`*‘ hal'? 3 mtlll to €08·<‘h 11PXt Y€&1' Hot Meals
selves. that will assure us a good team at the AT ALL HOURS  
Four years ago there Came to these dos; of tl1e's;aason,lf0r 1f there ts no A_ B_ BARRETT
pam, one s. c. Ebbert of tvot-mgm, §Q"bh "‘?;f*;1“ V $0 "’g‘" °“· °°°"“ C<>r· S- Lmw aud C¤lf¤X Sw- Styles
who was then enrolled in the College the bfytv Q'? QD 3 t°?m‘ F9 has   _
of Mechanical and Electrical Engi- `G 8 N` am? It Iigmams Xuth lh? EVERYTHING, FOR THE m HIGH QLASS
m»m¤·· Attt·at·S quiet and umsum- S"“‘°"‘S ‘““* ‘"° “"'° “’ """y *00* n
mg h,T`“.€,m though mq coun? here ball as to whether we will have at KODAK- ' OUTER GARMENT8 AND
and mam t_\,H_y Strokekoumj Last winiiniigh tial?. If the {TIGR stat Developing and Printing. MII,j[_,'[NERY_
, ( , b_ _ ._ , wor e ar ast year, wt wor as .
geglran ivlreaion   lub rtaputatmn as hard next year, We wm have a Strong L¢X1I1g'f»0l1 Photo Supply G0. FOR l
` ‘° "‘ °"““S· “"° *‘“" M nuoleus around which to build a mm °v·* Km'- T·¤ °·¤* S*··~
power of initiatiw to start a more YO I fu _ , h f °
mem and ,69 .l fi .1 d _ fu" 2 W. 9 0\\s, IS eac one 0 you   E d E
, ,_ l_ nfs]? _Su(PSS U B gomg to do your part and help State   N     S
who was actmou]ed;,ed bx all to be a .    
gpmleman qi. _. _. I ' _ ' again land the title of "Champl0ns, . .
A . t ptmupe, one xxho would NH ,, dl V I t , 1910,, Full Lmc NOW on Dlgplay
how the line of right, no matter ` ' SO Sa 3 OS m ' [CE CREAAI PARLOR
whom it he] md or lurt I _ ,_ As to basket-ball, State has nev-er
th,) ,,0,,;,, O} bm,] ‘bu_;n;§S"j_Sa;';‘jQ had beter tlmspms since the $,,0,-t AND LUNCH STAND    
Of this paper Tl;] kim `” From Z9 of basket-ball was introduced into her South Lime and Winslow Streets °
very start, the timn when he mmgetf avflizi &S$°°la;“;“·t Wlth five 0; ng;   Mlain S‘t1’991’, Eat,
struck out for the ilrst ad., not wait- Su men C as Him", vm S Ou J J FITZGERALD \
ing fm- the a<1~·emsm¤ manager, it “°‘ “""" ‘°’ “ ‘°a‘“ °“ “‘“°" t° Sm" ·*‘*‘_"‘—"_"
was Sm mm, under his oontrglv th., f_*;l‘;1S"j‘j°“· T {Lt if *h<·>h¤yj¤ ;r€;¤¤¤g PLUMBING ___________
paper would be a Stmesq. From then Lent “bm‘;‘_i_ me? tcirail la;   pj Steam and Water Heating
Owhe worked Week afmr week' urging timelv hint to the managerxof tnext 269 W- Sh°*`t·· ' " L°*m8't°¤· K7—   &  
has stuff on, setting the example him- ,` .
_ _ YQBYS tealnz Bring us 8. fe", Southern  
self and Often his persona] maguetlsm teams and let’s beat them fair for the
would land the point ut question, Southern title Central Won it and KINKEAD GOAL (JQMPANY Sprmg Lmc 1n Furnishing
I Outside of perry Cassidy, another why Could State not easily get this OTFICE and YARD- Goods, HHS and 0X{0l'dS
`ll graduate, who startvd the paper, <*0Y€f€d nl&0€ in both foot-ball and Ng_ 157 N_ Broadwa _ are now bein Shown at
he was the mainstay of The Idea, b3Sk€Y-ball'? YVQ hone Tha? fh? util- RAILROAD YARD_C S Frei ht D•_
working up special issues here, help- létic &SSOCl&Yl0H will allow us a bas ` ` _g J   d ’   d
ing write editorials there}, always at k€T·b8U coach. It Diild this }’€8l`. pot' S' Broadway and Chmty St" ' 'ap     S I er an
ilu, right ])la(.(, al {hp   thug, and        
doing the right tltingwa man \l’ll0S(’   &   Shoes   Hats
integrity and personal honesty might <`0r¤wl1 <‘01Y1l>l<*¥<’l>' 0V<*!`Wh<~*l¤l<+d ' 140 W. Main Street
\`·(,ll bp Called forth as an exanlplc {0 I'la,I`va]`(1 (lll the “-ater last      
tho youth of today. ls he modest'? l'llllI\in}.{ away from the Crimson varsi-
“·€“_ ] guess SU wi.,-\. hp m know tv111tlte>l>i;z vventt though outweighed FRESH EVERY DAY
who wrote this, tlw writers lifv, ve~rl— alt'! al*l*¤l`*°¤*ll' 0"€’*`·l*°“'€’l"’d- '|`h€ 107 East Iwain St.
]y_ “·(,um bt, in dang.,-_ Always mm;. ltltuvaus twovvred tlw (VV)-l'll1l€ ooursc   ' b
€St_(]lll(‘I,71Il(1I’€’S(·‘l`\'4*1·vvs who •,
good looking; lt<· is and nututully what honor, Lexington, · - Kentucky N. W. COI'. Mail! & Lime. Q

      oelve medals are Collins, Needy, Wat- who believed in the future of a greater
__ lf Penny Saved klns, May, Harrison, Shanklln, John- University of Kentucky."
F cl f 191, son, one each for first; Webb, t.wo i-—•+•——
[3 d Plnhy Mad! °r an ° " for first; Kohn, Chambers, Douglas,  
‘· S. , B . Sh kli ,
. . . The last days at old :xentut.l<_v State Hong amett and an n one  
’ IV: can nwcyou many pmmn for the Class Of _11 an drawing to a each for second place. •
· ’   ‘ C adi , K hn, Ne d and J hn-
· by ””"'g 7"“ close, with many a happy event. This Sotanthengfigning mm), ;:'m’ wm also Class day exercises at Campbell-Hap
is a gala week. and all are €¤j'>Yl¥l8 rooowe modalo german College will be held Tesuday
TIM Parnell Dfug *0 'l;°d°“"**·“;r‘“*’f'“°r';‘>'u;‘°";;;*;“‘·;‘ The men of the track team who will ;{‘s’**‘?=’~· et *"¤3" °’¤'¤¤k- lll Duff
I men ays. ee ro: e r.- W i n th m { I HK., t Z e ape_
, C0. ,5- straints of their work the Seniors have gzsix; Niegyfl Qebbo jigs! §;;nt;:;
joined in one long series of social and Shanklm and Chambers' The art exhibit, at ('ampbell-Hagen
b Sud of serious functions with the realization man (`vllege will be at 12 o'clock on
that it is their last time to be gathcrctl Professors Tones and Famuahar and Tuesday. The public is cordially in-
. , t·th tdt f ‘···.lll ' ltd.
COL‘D GREAMS ,?§f,€f,§,$“ S “ °“ S ° ""‘ ·‘"’“‘ "‘ com ttitiim tert Thu.-may morning " °
  In a few days, now, the halls and mrj I;1awr€;m(;;ur§’ nvlximratxsg Szgiig 'l'ucs¤‘ay ttenint; at S o'clock (`amp-
  campus will be deserted. and all Will ?;u;:m$:;mn srofrgssor g Tones acted bell-Hagt rman College Commencement
R into new fields, to leave the associa- F? ‘ ham em C ($0 ei S' 20 d lowing is the class roll: Floy Mae Al-
AT COST tions of college and to form new “°m`;;d?r wasf jutiftg mlfhge meh lender, Natvmi Ballew, Marie R. Bark-
frlendships, and yet not to forget ‘ r' d nig io ta Se :‘_ ‘ r ley, Jennie Hives Bush, Nora Esther
thcse of the last fo·ur years. The Se- mma te ex ng on un al' Congleton, Anna Steele Cook, Tommie
. c asses a w o e r memory .raw ort, .uci e .i s, .’aomi n se
thc Guy dear and that will unite in giving them     Hadden, Louise Peyton Head, Jesse
one last. farewell and God-sieed. _ —— QL.   B lt , O L . J , M · El-
—— —-eas-—-` in the mst tm *¤ may   it t.§.`Rt.-.ZrS’"as-'§Ze.°Z..J}Z`SF0tttar$uby
•       will be All-Alumni year at State. Sons Osborn uérv Saym Rubv ‘Em‘9 Tan-
L , and daughters of old Kentucky are ner ,oE;H`Pa’ , _’ ‘
      0 , . nie \\ htte.
• ———— expected from every part of the wide-
Ph Y N 'D S An Important Phase of College Life. stretching l'nion, from the Philip- Tuesday evening after the com
me 154 sur earn! rug ure —- pines from South America in short J -
i ‘ V h -
  The literary societies have had a from wherever the Alma Mater has 23§S;;;n;?gmgi€ba§§;_Eb;lill1H:;€r:];;
successful year, and the interest that sent her children into the conflicts . g
at the Phoenix Hotel.
  bag been shown in them is very en- and, we say it proudly, successes of
couraglng indeed. They have had in- life. For our Alumni have nobly done
' teresting and instructive programs, as their share in making what to-day
I     & C0, well as declamatory and oratorical stands for the first and foremost in   F R E E
mccorponted contests, and it is participation in intellectual Kentucky. The names of FROM
. such as these that gives one that cer- some have spread half around the A N Y D E F E CT
tain assurance and command of him- world and others. while they may not Tl » .
nat s what you get when you
Will ds your Society and Com- self that he can acquire in no other have obtained the highest rungs in buv from
_ _ way. A large percentage of the stu- Learning‘s ladder. have been no un- `. . F,
menccmcnt Iuvltatmns and P"' dents belong to one of the societies, worthy members of the cult that      
        ?nd they can thug render varied and helps,   and b€tt€I•S_  
instructive programs. The literary so- The honored guest of this year's re-
ciety plays an important part in col- union is Prof. Joe H. Kastle, ’84, at   I  
N°· 152 W°“ Maul SU"` lege life, and all students should be present dean of the Department of
Lexington, KL made to recognize this fact by some Chemistry at the University of Vir- 'mt, your Pictur, since you l•!t
means or other. ginia. Professor Kastle ranks among homo_So doe. your
' Next fall when the new students are the first men of his profession in
  wmlng in, the societies should make America, if not in all the world—a.  
every eeffort to interest them and to man of highest ideals and truest mo-  
induce them to join. Thus imbued tives.
`     with new life, the societies would be- The Alumni banquet will be held at     ,   d.
come more attractive still to the old Hughes’, Wednesday evening. The p   S u  
    members. and they could be made members will also take a prominent um let mm help you make moth.!
_ _ more powerful and influential in part in the inaugural services when happy and also hel Ou to wm
The only First class sllop lI`1 Lexlllgtorl moulding and shaping student thought President Parker formally takes tip D y
·. 1 . your
Yale Pompadouraspecla ty. . and activity. Let us all join, in Sep- the reins of zzcvernment. In this con-
B· FOT$Cl‘l· PF0PF\€¥0f tember, in making the membership of nection, one of our brother journalists    
tha SO0l€tl6S larger than ever before, on Sunday morning so clearly set forth Wllb |0f¤0 of those
      .· /   '   rst S, ' ‘ ·.·-
S2e..1i,“.Z§3 1‘.°tI§‘$.."’;.’I.‘.§.§J.?f." Sli t£f§.."X?.1Z‘.‘§.i.t?LIIZ .‘tIX2"l$i3‘i..?.‘..§.`Htl U"·‘°·°’“E "“°'°$
·-THE-— A t _ · Special rates to stu·tt-nts.
cessful year. his utterances go unquoted. ile says: SH WEQT MAIN QT F Ph l635
‘ "l*}very Kentuckinn is glad that l ` ` ‘ an °"° X
when thc Vnivcrsity found herself in  
      need of a new leader that she could do ·
HI P P  ,. ..., ._   , ..    
-i- President Charles l·]liot—at home;  
l ‘ The Athletic Association has an- what Yale did when she found Presi-
Mways l*h° But 8h°w· nounced that medals will be given the dent Arthur Hadley—at home: what -
nlwayo tho samo Pri°°· winners of the State team of first; and Princeton did when she found Presi-  
I second places in the Transylvania- dent Woodrow \Vilson——at home—--and
nways mean' Alwayl G ’ State dual meet, held last week. As a tllld Jlldtlc Henry S llark€r—at homo "   ’
Ohm 0ut"T°*1k°d"' reward of the faithful work, a team of --—- a Kentuckian of Kentuckians, a man        
Ngvgr Qutdopg, seyieu tngn will rgceive   rwetzaertzs. who Fnew isis llrtiyerslts; fr;>¤¤lb:d— Allwgpk pim (glass ami umn-miteeu
. _ _ • 8H $0 8.Il S VBP HIC B 8 W G TOC 0 (‘8.[)S DDQ, \\' l0 l.lll( GPS 0Ot GP Give gng g ga||_
· shaw. &11y_8'00’ 7°30’ °'0°° given winners of first and second weaknesses and her wants, who val- 213 1.2 EAST pam STREET
TRY 'I'0 Gl1' IN. places respectively. '1‘he men who re- ued her possibilities and her strength. Near o toffice

 I |·1F IDEA Uprlng Showing
Published every Thursday by the student body of State Fniversity of Kentucky,
for the benefit of the students. the faculty and alumnae of that
]n8tituQiOn_   ~—-   -
-··—t—:—··-"*"  `o<"@~1’» '
Tllh IDEA is the official newspznper of the Leniversity, and is issued weltly '~,.\__j= '
durinz the college year. Its chief object is to give the college news of Kentucky. jj ·_ \f       I   ’
In addition thereto it gives items of interest concering other universities and 4;*     ·.   e L e _
(‘0lll‘gPS lll lh? l'¥llt(’d Stat}! and     `
Entered at Lexington Post Ofhceas second clam mail matter.   · AND "
AL T0 SEN l0RS ~
WILL H. TOWNSEND, Edlt,0r·In·Chief.        
R. W, TINSLEY ....................... . ............. . .......... Assmtant Editor  
sn 1._ yxrutx .......... . ..................... . ......... . ....... At em; Emmy- " so ‘   " o· We
az. 1., }iE1IK,ER ........ . ..... ( .......... . ..... . ........ Assistant Athletic Ediotr "€" ·
S. C. EBBERT, Business Manager      
I'. L. MARX, Asst. Business Manager. J. B. SA} §. - ~. .. .. .. ‘ . . .
pom Of mhprg The; npggi   ful) and ue (breath new smtpd th,-Ough- 118 North Lim68t0¤¤ Finest Haw Cuttmg and Shaving
" · *“g*·‘S“’“S out the evening in order that the New Phono 2274 ‘ "
and atlvice Thev need to know tl · U Parlor m the (Aly
_ ‘ · ‘ ‘° "ever-empt1es" and their cohorts might Lexinstou, KY-
sentiments of those to whom the pa- appease their mvenoug appetites
{le" lskm make its 8I»l><‘al if they are A huge I,,,um;_(.ak(, fron] B(,u6·di(.tS °—-l-  
O ma 9 8 ma] S“°°°SS· of Louisville, artistically decorated in Rocco GRELLN Dl"°°t°"
We feel that The Idea has been candied roses and icipg,wagipac]p,gg W- I-- wAlTE» M*Nl•"      
given this assistance and support and all by itself
. ’ · N
that 1n a measure its success has been Cigars were furnished the visitors ow Phono 191:  
;)§;;€Btg;l.t Unit nom lets not permit by Presxdent Barker, which served 0 b H H G Everything fu°st·°cla·$$ to 08t-
thmk th] { rloh zome tam less and the purpose Or a mu light for the WP *= ‘ W°m*¤ hu French Drlp Coifee; Oysters any
Hired Qrgimxnse ;*:dhli;;@a<;l1e¤r¢=tion»on
Society. An immense crowd was pres- `Aiinorra Cfl]llIlS, Hindman, Ky. scjml C Supp In uthelowcnrmcs _
, ent during the evening and partici- James Eriirnrri Mason, Vorsaiiiegr AD8l}’IlC3l B2ll2lDC€‘S illld Weights
P&l€‘d lll On? of Thp ll'l0Sl <‘}lPll‘fYllllfI Ky. ONE or ocx l.l2.»xolx<: srlacl.·ll.l‘lrs
evcnts of commencement activities. , , . _
Class day exercises were held upon   mi? Plan(:\.%0uH' rrgwrinxirire ESTB ' 1851
the Cam _ _ . l iam oon ISOR, ,m e , 203-2]]--I—HiRD.AvB
pus \\ ednesday morning at lll Kr. EW_Y0RK_ci
o’clock. A most original and enter- Ernest Francis wortningrnnr L€x_
taining program was rendered, as fol- inrnon Ki.
IOWSE College of Civil Engineerlng—B. C. E.
Presidents Address ...... O. E. Baird Degree
RON Ca“"(`1aSS $°°r°mry ‘‘‘‘‘‘ Lois Litsey Adams, Harrodsburg,
............ Miss Minerva Collins Kin
(`lDSS P()€Y`H .............     Slll.lllZ   Burr-{oon All]iCk’ (vrecrgetown,
Class Historian .................. KV ‘ _“‘—;"“;"—" ‘
(il ‘ ' ‘r` '‘’*   All"'? (tary   rpjrnestl Louis Banker, Louisville, Ky.  
(vinlrsrtirulnoler .........   Cn Ciohlllills Ron Hays Coiiinsr Lebanon Jnno_ ii   h & l D
rl Ol'l2`1l'l ............... . . is €I` tiorir Ky. ·   A    
“ eduesdar evening the Alumni held George Green Dunlap, Dry Ridge, 1  e~    
their annual banquet, at which covers Ky_  
were laid for one hundred and fifty. waiter Horn Loxin . °
. . , gt.on,K5. ·
fri...iiylmi_.-ning ....f.ii.i1iri.i1.i...(.i ,,,,,,,,,i Giibm me, Flamingo i Taz/ars For the College Man
o e sc o as I0 year o . - , an burg, Kin i S r f
at 10:30 o’clock the commencement George Briio Morononi, Loxington, i           _
exercises will be held on the campus Ky_  
directly in front of the Administration Bornord ri-iioinas Moynaiinn NiCh0_ -L-1-—
Building. Judge Alex. Humphries of iosviiio Ky ’ A l
[ Louisville wm delirer the address te Floyd Reed Naylor, Hickman, Ky.              
the- graduates, a list of whom, with Wrilliam Survant Ponnyr Loxingtony I _
their degrees is appended: Ky' All the Latest Shapes and Shades For Spring
CLASS ROLL. John Rogeres, Glasgow, Ky.
College of Educatiorl—A. B. Degree. Jesse Neill Sloan, Shelbyville. Ky.
VCharles Francis Dunn, Morning Kgrvme Heber Taylor- Beaver Dam·      
iew, Ky. ~ - _ _
Jessie iritiiiaii riiiiirry i.ai.iS_ Kr College of Law_LL B Degree 14a East Main Street Opposite Union Station
J"‘"‘°S 0*** r·"“"?· S“"{"°y· Kr Thomas Harris Burris, Madison, cn. ———————— I
Mary Barrett Smith, Rlcllmolld, Ky. Maiison Greenleaf Colson Somep "" _""”‘*'W*"*;·—··
B. S. Degree. Soi Kin y A
Athur Rabb H{1rv°y· Marlon Kr Alpha Hubbard, Lexington, Ky.
Obed Elillll Baird, Utica, Ky. Virgii Yandoii Moore Marion KV
Jacob Franklin Bruner, Whitesville, James Diriro Rees niavsviiirr  
Kr Marion Rexford Schnaitter, Brooks-
Lillian Terry Ferguson, Ia Center, burg in(i_
Ky· McDowell Add' t F l H t-
Frances Cleveland Hughes, Lexing— ford Ky- mg on Og e` ar         S0!)
mm Ky' Otto Christon Martin, Hartford, Ky.
°°"°¤°_°* A'*°··A· *3- °€¤'°°· William icilward Hudson, Bowling _ _ _
Mattie Virginia Cary, \ersallles, Ky. Green, Ki,. Under Directioii Ot
William Claude Shultz,Narrows, Ky.
Anne Dowd Simrall, Mt. Sterling, College of Mechanical Engineering-        
Ky. _ B. M. E. Degree.
Lucius Ernest Smith, Lexington, Ky. James Alfred Boyd. Cave City, Ky. _ _
Lgglig Ngal woiiar pimviiia, Kp .lohn canrpholl, Butler, Ky. For the Guild ot Church of the Good Shepherd
Alice Cary Williams, Lexington, Ky. Perry Ragan Casldy, Lexington, Ky.
· KEloise Elizabeth Ginn, Lexington, Krlflinor Armenlus Cleveland, Boyd,          
y. .
College of 8clence—B. S. Degree. Charles Elwood Daniel, Hazel
Olllne Pierce Crulckshank, Lexlng- Green, Ky.      
ton, Ky. Oscar Lee Day, St. Matthews, Ky. _ _ _
Marlon Gilbert J