xt7fbg2h8g5h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h8g5h/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1971 journals 203 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.203 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.203 1971 1971 2014 true xt7fbg2h8g5h section xt7fbg2h8g5h Kentucky Small Gram L
Varzezy Tim ls -19 71
By Charles R. Tutt, Morris J. Bitzer, Verne C. Flnkner, and James Herbek
_ Agricultural Experiment Station • Department of Agronomy
Lexington • Progress Report 203
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]_ t\1uymy Murray State University
A Agriculture Department
2. Princeton West Kentucky Substation
Western Kentucky University
3. Bowling Green Agriculture Department
Kentucky Agricultural A
4. Lexington Experiment Station
Acknowledgment is made to _]0hn Byars, 0l` the
Department ol Agronomy, and the University of Kentucky
Computing Center, l`()1 assistance in summarizing the results
reported in this progress report.

Introduction ................... 5 i
W Test Objectives ................ 5
1971 Crop Conditions ............. 6
Performance Data ................. 6
W Experimental Methods ............. 7
Data Collected ................ 7
Results and Discussion ............. 8
Recommendations For 1972 ............. 19
Winter Barley Varieties ............. 19
. Soft Red Winter Wheat Varieties ........ —. 20
‘ Winter Oat Varieties .............. 22
Spring Oats for Kentucky ............ 22 if
Certified Seed ................ 23
List of Tables
1. Results of barley performance trials at Lexington, Ky. 9
2. Results of barley performance trials at Princeton, Ky. 10
3. Results of barley performance trials at Bowling Green, Ky. 11
` 4. Results of wheat performance trials at Lexington, Ky. 12
5. Results of wheat performance trials at Princeton, Ky. 13
6. Results of wheat performance trials at Bowling Green, Ky. 14
7. Results of winter oat performance trials at Lexington, Ky. 15
8. Results of winter oat performance trials at Princeton, Ky. 16
9. Results of winter oat performance trials at Bowling Green, Ky. 17
10. Results of spring oats performance trials in Kentucky 18
1 1. Comparisons for date of heading for recommended and
certified varieties of barley, wheat, and oats in Kentucky 18
12. Summary of small grain recommendations for 1972 19
' 2


 Kentucky Small Grain Variety
By Charles R. Tutt, Morris]. Bitzer,
Verne C. Finkner, and james Herbek
Small grains are an important agronomic crop in Ken-
tucky. With the increased utilization of double cropping and
demand for more feed grain, small grain acreage increased from
231-thousand acres in 1970 to 267-thousand acres in 1971. Barley
A acreage increased from 3- to 56-thousand acres, wheat from 170-
to 190—thousand acres, and oats from 18- to 21-thousand acres.
Similar or higher increases are expected for 1972.
_ Small grain variety tests are conducted annually by the
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station to help growers select ..
I superior varieties for their farms. New varieties are continually
being developed by agricultural experiment stations and commer-
cial firms. The new and established varieties are compared at
several locations in Kentucky, and this progress report includes a
summary of results for the past five years. Continued testing and
evaluation of small grain varieties and selections are essential if
farmers, seedsmen and other agricultural workers are to be
provided with information to help them select the varieties best
adapted to their locality and individual requirements.
Information on varietal performance is presented from
three locations in the state (Lexington, Bowling Green, and
Princeton). In comparing the performance of varieties, data from
the area which most nearly represents the grower’s conditions
should be used.
Recommendations are revised each year because of the
availability of new varieties, improvements in production prac-
tices, and continually changing disease and insect hazards.

A record high state average yield of 40 bushels per acre for
wheat was reported for Kentucky by the Crop Reporting Service.
Near-record state average yields were also reported for barley (59
bushels per acre) and for oats (46 bushels per acre). These data
reflect a favorable growing season during 1970-71. Increased
acreage of Arthur wheat contributed to the record wheat yield.
The only disease which affected these crops in 1971 was barley
yellow dwarf virus. The most seriously affected were barley and
oats; however, some wheat fields were affected by this disease.
Barley yellow dwarf is a virus disease transmitted by aphids. Since
resistant varieties are not available, control of this disease is
difficult. Infection often occurs in the fall but is not noticed until _
the following spring. This makes insect control nearly impossible.
A few reports of localized disease and unfavorable weather _
conditions were received. lt is hoped that data reported in this
progress report will contribute to continued increase in the
quantity and quality of Kentucky produced small grains.
The barley, wheat, and oat variety trials were conducted at i
Murray, Princeton, Bowling Green and Lexington in 1971.
However, the trials at Murray were completely destroyed by birds,
and no data are presented from this location. Results for previous
years from Murray are available in the 1970 reports. Commercial
varieties and experimental lines developed by public and private
agencies were grown in these tests.
Since results vary from year to year, two-, three-, four-,
and five-year averages are presented from which to obtain a more
accurate picture of varietal performance when compared with
annual data.

A randomized complete block with four replications was
used in all trials. Each experimental plot consisted of four rows, l
foot apart and 10 feet long. The plots were planted with a
specially built four—row seeder, and the data were taken from the
two center rows of each plot.
All experimental areas were fallowed the previous year and l
a legume crop was plowed under prior to the fall seeding.
lt is important to consider characteristics other than grain
yield when selecting a variety.
Grain yield was taken by cutting the two center rows of
each plot and threshing the grain through a stationary plot
thresher. The weights of each plot were recorded in grams and
converted to bushels per acre.
- Test weight, or the weight of a bushel of grain, is a
_ measure of the quality of grain. The higher the test weight, the J
higher the quality and market value, unless the grain has been
down-graded because of another quality factor.
Lodging was recorded as the percentage of the total plants
that were lying on the ground or leaning at a 45-degree angle from
the vertical when the grain was mature. The term "maturity" as
used in this report refers to the date the grain was ready to be
Plant height was reported as the number of inches from
the ground to the tip of the upright grain head.
Survival was recorded as the percentage of plants which
were estimated to have survived the winter. This is a measure of
winterhardiness and is an important factor to consider when
selecting a variety.
Date headed was reported as the number of days after
March 31 when 50 percent of the heads had emerged from the
plants in each plot. This is a measure of maturity and is important
when selecting a variety for use in a double cropping system.

The performance of the 1971 trials and of the previous L
five years are presented by crop and location in a tabular form.
Since the genetic expression of a variety is greatly influenced by _
the environment, it is best to have several years’ data from which
to draw conclusions. If a variety has only been tested for two
years, it should not be compared against a four- or five-year
average of another variety, since it is possible that one of the other
years was extremely good or poor and not comparable.
Yields reported in these trials should not be considered the
maximum potential for the varieties. High fertility was not used so
that differential lodging data could be recorded. The yield of a
variety is relative and should be compared with the yields of the
other varieties in the same experiment and at the same location.
· Small differences in yield of only a few bushels per acre between
two varieties from an individual test should not be interpreted to `
indicate the superiority of one variety over another. However, if
one variety consistently out-yields another over a period of several
years, the chances are that the differences are real and should be
considered important.
Lodging data are quite difficult to interpret. A high-
yielding variety should not necessarily be down-graded because of
a high percentage of lodging for a given year and at a given
location. Local weather conditions, such as heavy wind and rain,
may cause a variety to lodge much more than it normally does. It
should also be emphasized that a variety reported to be 50 percent
lodged does not imply that only 50 percent of the grain can be
harvested. With good equipment, if may be expected that almost
all of the grain could be saved. Lodging data for a period of years
should receive more consideration than annual lodging data since
they will give a more accurate picture of varietal performance.
The 1971 performance data are presented in Tables 1 to
10. Comparisons for date of heading for the recommended and
certified varieties are presented in Table 1 1. These comparisons are
important for selecting varieties for a double cropping system. A
summary of the small grain recommendations for 1972 is
presented in Table 12.

 Table 1.—Rcsults of Barley Performance Trials at Lexington, Ky.
Acre Test Plant Date
Variety yield weight Lodging height Survival headed>'<
bu. lb./bu. `Z. in. Z
Five Year Average 1967-71
Barsoy 82.5 50.0 16.9 34.9 99.4 27.0
Knob 66.9 45.9 25.6 34.6 92.8 31.5
Harrison 85.7 48.2 15.6 40.9 99.7 35.9
Jefferson 66.8 45.5 21.3 42.4 99.7 36.3
Dayton 54.5 43.6 57.5 39.0 76.6 32.7
Schuyler 86.7 44.7 43.8 36.9 99.4 42.1
Four Year Average 1968-71
Barsoy 90.9 50.1 20.0 35.3 99.4 29.6
Knob 78.2 45.9 31.7 34.5 92.8 33.9
Harrison 87.2 48.0 20.0 40.9 99.7 37.2
Jefferson 74.8 45.6 27.5 42.2 99.7 37.4
Dayton 61.7 43.8 57.5 39.4 76.6 34.9
Schuyler 88.6 44.7 52.5 37.3 99.4 42.7
Lakeland 91.2 47.2 10.8 39.3 100.0 40.7
Paoli 77.2 45.7 40.8 32.9 100.0 33.6
Three Year Average 1969-71
Barsoy 99.0 50.2 20.0 35.3 50.2 30.3
Knob 82.2 45.9 31.7 33.3 45.9 34.8
Harrison 94.9 47.8 20.0 41.1 47.8 38.8
Jefferson 83.7 45.5 27.5 41.9 45.5 38.9
Dayton 63.8 43.6 57.5 39.2 71.3 36.0
_ Schuyler 89.2 44.4 52.5 37.3 44.4 43.8
Lakeland 94.7 47.0 10.8 38.8 47.0 42.3 ,.
Paoli 82.3 45.6 40.8 32.8 45.6 34.2
· Hanover 46.0 43.7 39.2 36.1 43.7 34.3
Rapidan 57.8 43.8 50.0 34.3 43.8 34.8
` Two Year Average 1970-71
Barsoy 106.6 51.0 30.0 36.8 98.8 28.4
Knob 80.5 46.6 45.0 33.6 88.1 33.9
Harrison 95.7 47.7 30.0 41.5 99.4 38.0
Jefferson 83.1 45.1 41.3 42.4 99.4 45.1
Dayton 69.1 44.8 43.8 39.8 61.3 44.8
Schuyler 95.0 44.0 47.5 37.8 98.8 44.0
Lakeland 92.4 47.3 16.3 39.5 100.0 47.3
Paoli 83.4 45.9 50.0 33.9 100.0 45.9
Hanover 33.0 43.3 52.5 35.6 50.0 43.3
Rapidan 43.9 44.1 55.0 34.1 50.0 44.1
McNair 601 71.0 46.1 37.5 36.4 78.8 46.1
1971 Results
Barsoy 103.2 51.9 7.5 39.0 97.5 30.0
Knob 98.1 47.6 7.5 37.3 76.3 38.5
Harrison 119.4 49.6 0.0 46.5 98.8 42.3
Jefferson 104.1 47.0 25.0 48.0 98.8 42.5
Dayton 80.4 47.1 25.0 45.8 22.5 40.3
Schuyler 110.0 47.0 30.0 41.5 97.5 47.3
Lakeland 119.3 49.5 0.0 43.3 100.0 44.8
Paoli 103.0 48.0 45.0 38.0 100.0 36.3
Hanover 0.0 - - - 0.0 -
Rapidan 0.0 - - - 0.0 -
McNair 601 87.4 48.0 7.5 38.5 57.5 37.5
Keowee 97.2 49.3 17.5 42.0 52.5 43.3
>'¢ No. days after March 31.

 Table 2.—Results of Barley Performance Trials at Princeton, Ky.
Acre Test Plant Date
Variety yield weight Lodging height Survival headed¤'=
bu. lb./bu. Z in. 'Z
Five Year Average 1967-71 `
Barsoy 65.1 48.6 12.0 32.3 93.8 21.1
Knob 59.5 44.1 44.5 34.4 98.5 27.8
Harrison 68.0 48.7 22.8 38.9 98.5 32.1
Jefferson 69.1 44.6 22.8 40.4 98.8 32.0
Dayton 54.6 42.8 65.5 37.4 99.3 26.7
Schuyler 58.5 42.1 36.5 34.2 99.0 37.5
Four Year Average 1968-71
Barsoy 75.1 49.4 10.6 34.8 92.2 22.5
Knob 68.3 45.0 43.8 36.9 98.1 29.7
Harrison 73.4 49.0 25.3 41.5 98.1 33.4
Jefferson 77.1 44.9 27.2 43.6 98.4 33.4
Dayton 64.1 43.9 66.3 40.4 99.1 27.8
Schuyler 67.0 42.9 39.4 36.9 98.8 38.0
Lakeland 73.5 47.1 18.1 40.2 95.6 36.6
Paoli 75.6 46.3 25.9 32.9 97.2 30.7 .
Three Year Average 1969-71
Barsoy 80.6 49.4 5.8 34.5 89.6 22.2
Knob 75.0 45.1 44.6 36.5 97.5 30.3 '
Harrison 80.7 49.1 17.8 40.9 97.5 33.8
Jefferson 88.6 45.4 14.6 43.1 97.9 33.8
Dayton 70.9 44.4 55.8 39.6 98.8 27.8
Schuyler 71.1 43.1 35.0 36.7 98.3 38.6
Lakeland 80.4 47.2 9.2 39.4 94.2 37.2
Paoli 77.6 46.3 26.7 32.6 96.3 31.4
Hanover 82.2 43.6 44.2 39.3 94.2 31.8
Rapidan 76.9 43.8 47.1 37.8 97.9 32.0
Two year Averape 1970-71
Barsoy 74.7 49.0 7.5 33.5 84.4 21.8
Knob 78.7 45.3 44.4 34.9 96.3 30.3
Harrison 83.2 48.9 9.4 39.3 96.3 34.4
Jefferson 88.6 45.1 11.9 41.8 96.9 34.0
Dayton 72.4 44.2 45.0 37.9 98.1 28.1
Schuyler 65.9 42.8 39.4 36.1 97.5 39.9
Lakeland 77.4 47.2 11.9 38.4 91.3 37.9
Paoli 70.8 46.1 28.8 32.1 94.4 32.9
Hanover 75.7 43.3 38.1 37.6 91.3 33.0
Rapidan 70.4 43.5 48.8 36.6 96.9 33.3
NcNai.r 601 70.4 45.1 36.9 35.6 95,0 30,5
1971 Results A
Barsoy 73.1 48.8 15.0 35.8 85.0 23.5
Knob 73.3 43.2 88.8 36.3 100.0 33.5
Harrison 81.4 49.1 18.8 41.3 97.5 38.0
Jefferson 89.0 45.5 23.8 43.3 95.0 38.3
Dayton 58.1 42.3 82.5 39.5 96.3 31.8
Schuyler 53.2 40.0 78.8 39.0 98.8 41.8
Lakeland 66.9 46.4 423.8 40.5 96.3 40.5
Paoli 73.5 45.8 57.5 35.0 95.0 35.8
Hanover 66.5 43.7 70.0 38.0 88.8 36.8
Rapidan 54.7 42.8 97.5 37.8 95.0 37.0
McNair 601 63.2 43.6 68.8 36.8 95.0 35.0
Keowee 59.3 47.2 100.0 39.5 100.0 36.5
* No. days after March 31.

 Table 3.—Rcsults of Barley Performance Trials at Bowling Green, Ky.
Acre Test Plant
Variety yield weight Lodging height
bu. lb./bu. Z in.
Five Year Average 1967-71
Barsoy 45.1 48.8 1.0 28.9
Knob 41.8 44.9 11.5 30.1
Harrison 40.3 46.6 4.8 32.3
Jefferson 43.4 45.2 0.0 34.2
Dayton 45.9 44.4 28.5 33.3
Schuyler 41.4 45.6 10.0 27.3
Four Year Average 1968-71
Barsoy 54.6 48.8 1.3 31.4
Knob 47.5 45.6 14.4 32.1
Harrison 43.7 47.7 5.9 33.6
Jefferson 49.9 45.6 0.0 36.4
Dayton 52.5 45.8 29.4 35.3
Schuyler 47.7 46.1 12.5 28.6
. Lakeland 50.2 47.6 0.0 33.4
Paoli 48.7 45.7 0‘.0 26.9
Three Year Average 1969-71
Barsoy 50.0 48.7 1.7 29.5
Knob 43.0 45.8 5.8 30.0
Harrison 40.7 47.6 0.0 31.6
Jefferson 48.1 45.6 0.0 34.1
Dayton 50.1 46.3 9.2 33.8
Schuyler 48.1 46.4 0.0 26.6
Lakeland 46.3 47.3 0.0 31.3
Paoli 42.4 45.5 0.0 24.6
· Hanover 48.5 43.8 2.9 30.5
Rapidan 46.9 43.3 8.3 28.7 ·
. Two Year Average 1970-71
Barsoy 38.1 48.3 2.5 28.4
Knob 32.7 45.6 8.8 27.4
Harrison 32.7 47.1 0.0 28.3
Jefferson 41.3 45.3 0.0 31.6
Dayton 39.2 46.3 13.8 31.0
Schuyler 34.4 46.7 0.0 22.9
Lakeland 31.1 46.9 0.0 28.1
Paoli 31.3 45.2 0.0 22.4
Hanover 37.5 43.5 0.0 27.4
Rapidan 39.0 43.2 0.0 25.3
McNair 601 33.8 44.9 0.0 27.3
1971 Results
Barsoy 34.5 47.3 5.0 29.0
Knob 34.7 42.6 17.5 27.3
Harrison 27.0 45.0 0.0 28.0
Jefferson 35.2 44.6 0.0 31.8
Dayton 30.2 44.8 27.5 30.8
Schuyler 36.3 44.8 0.0 24.5
Lakeland 28.5 44.8 0.0 30.40
Paoli 32.8 44.4 0.0 23.5
Hanover 34.2 42.5 0.0 25.8
Rapidan 38.6 42.1 0.0 25.5
McNair 601 35.7 44.2 0.0 28.0
>'= A11 varieties survived 100%

 Table 4.——Rcsults of Wheat Performance Trials at Lexington, Ky.
Acre Test Plant Date
Variety yield weight Lodging height headed*
bu. lb./bu. Z in.
Five Year Average 1967-71
Arthur 54.8 60.5 36.5 42.6 41.2
Blueboy 62.3 54.7 11.0 39.8 44.4
Benhur 43.1 60.7 13.5 41.2 39.8
Knox 62 40.7 60.2 66.5 43.8 40.4
Monon 44.6 59.1 47.0 42.3 39.8
Redccat 45.8 59.2 23.5 47.0 47.5
Riley 67 42.8 59.2 40.0 43.7 42.3
Lewis 44.0 58.4 33.0 41.8 41.0
Four Year Average 1968-71
Arthur 62.0 60.5 45.6 43.6 42.6
Blueboy 70.1 54.7 13.8 41.4 46.3
Benhur 49.1 60.7 16.9 43.5 41.6
Knox 62 44.4 60.2 83.1 44.8 42.8
Monon 51.1 59.0 58.8 44.3 42.0
Rcdcoat 51.2 59.2 29.4 49.1 47.8
Riley 67 47.2 59.1 50.0 45.1 44.1
Lewis 47.7 58.4 41.3 43.3 43.0
Logan 42.1 58.0 31.7 44.3 48.8
Three Year Average 1969-71 `
Arthur 65.0 60.6 37.5 42.1 43.4
Bluebcy 66.3 54.6 16.7 40.5 47.5
Benhur 52.2 60.8 ll.7 42.2 42.5
Knox 62 48.1 60.3 80.8 43.7 43.8
Monon 55.2 59.0 55.8 43.0 43.0
Redcoat 57.4 59.3 19.2 48.2 48.3
Riley 67 50.1 59.1 44.2 43.8 44.7
Lewis 50.1 58.3 38.3 42.2 44.0
Logan 56.2 58.0 31.7 44.3 48.8
’1`wo Year Average 1970-71
Arthur 66.0 61.0 47.5 43.3 42.9
Bluuboy 64.1 54.1 25.0 41.5 46.8
Bonhur 53.7 61.5 12.5 43.3 41.8
Knox 62 49.9 61.0 83.8 45.3 42.9
Menon 57.2 59.2 53.8 44.8 42.3
Redcoat 56.7 58.9 27.5 49.0 47.6
Riley 67 51.6 59.6 48.8 45.1 44.0
Lewis 54.1 59.2 46.3 43.9 43.0
Logan 53.5 57.5 43.5 45.4 48.4
McNair 2203 62.7 58.0 53.8 39.8 43.4
McNair 4823 67.7 60.5 1.3 38.8 44.9
Arthur 71 63.7 60.8 73.7 42.1 42.9
1971 Results
Arthur 63.8 60.2 65.0 46.0 47.5
Bluuboy 61.6 52.4 475 93·8 52·0
Benhur 55.8 61.7 20.0 47.0 46.5
Knox 62 44.3 60.2 90.0 48.0 47.5
Menon 57.1 59.5 82.5 47.8 47.0
Rcdcoat 58.5 58.0 55.0 50.3 52.3
Riley 67 49.6 58.8 80.0 48.5 48.8
Lewis 52.9 59.1 65.0 47.0 47.8
L.uy.;am 52.0 56.4 75.0 47.0 52.8
McNair 2203 65.2 58.6 55.0 41.0 47.8
McNair 4823 70.3 61.2 2.5 40.3 50.0
Arthur 71 65.7 60.1 70.0 44.8 47.5
"* N0. duvs after March 31.

 Table 5.—Results of Wheat Performance Trials at Princeton, Ky.
Acre Test Plant Date
Variety yield weight Lodging height headed*
bu. 1b./bu. Z in.
Five Year Average 1967-71
» Arthur 52.5 59.2 22.3 39.8 35.5
Blueboy 51.6 52.4 12.0 40.8 39.2
Benhur 42.8 58.1 21.0 41.5 34.5
Knox 62 40.8 58.7 45.8 42.9 34.9
Monon 37.5 57.1 44.3 41.7 34.7
Redeoat 45.4 57.7 10.0 46.9 43.5
Riley 67 36.1 56.6 39.0 42.0 38.0
Lewis 40.5 57.2 40.8 41.0 35.7
Four Year Average 1968-71
Arthur 53.4 59.3 27.8 41.9 37.8
Blueboy 52.6 52.2 15.0 42.4 42.1
Benhur 44.4 58.3 26.3 43.3 36.8
Knox 62 41.7 58.9 52.8 44.2 37.3
Monon 38.9 57.2 54.1 43.0 36.8
Redcoat 46.3 57.9 12.5 48.0 44.9
Riley 67 36.6 56.7 48.1 43.6 40.9
Lewis 42.1 57.3 50.9 42.8 38.0
Logan 48.1 56.9 23.8 45.6 44.6
Three Year Average 1969-71
Arthur 58.8 59.5 13.3 41.3 37.9
Blueboy 55.2 52.5 10.4 42.6 42.1
Benhur 47.8 58.4 9.6 43.1 36.8
Knox 62 46.0 59.1 47.1 43.7 37.9
_ Monon 42.7 57.5 47.5 43.0 36.8
Redcoat 47.1 58.0 7.9 48.2 45.4
Riley 67 37.9 56.9 36.7 43.5 40.7
‘ Lewis 45.3 57.4 42.9 43.0 38.3
Logan 48.8 56.8 26.7 46.0 44.9
Two Year Average 1970-71
Arthur 56.2 59.6 8.1 39.8 38.6
Blueboy 57.1 52.6 0.0 41.6 41.9
Benhur 46.5 58.4 0.0 41.4 38.1
Knox 62 46.0 59.3 21.3 42.1 39.0
Monon 40.7 57.5 26.3 41.3 37.4
Redcoat 50.5 58.3 0.0 46.8 45.6
Riley 67 38.4 57.0 7.5 42.4 41.5
Lewis 49.2 57.7 14.4 41.5 38.5
Logan 53.6 57.0 8.8 45.1 44.9
McNair 2203 56.4 56.4 9.4 39.9 38.4
McNair 4823 49.4 57.0 0.0 36.5 44.1
Arthur 71 53.9 60.0 0.0 38.1 38.8
1971 Results
. Arthur 63.9 60.0 16.3 42.0 40.8
Blueboy 63.8 52.1 0.0 43.0 44.5
Benhur 52.5 58.3 0.0 43.3 40.8
Knox 62 51.7 60.0 42.5 45.0 40.8
Monon 48.9 58.2 47.5 43.5 39.8
Redcoat 57.7 58.9 0.0 50.3 48.5
Riley 67 43.5 57.5 15.0 45.5 43.5
Lewis 54.2 57.7 28.8 43.5 41.0
Logan 57.8 57.6 17.5 48.0 47.0
McNair 2203 62.0 56.2 12.5 41.0 41.3
McNair 4823 51.2 57.1 0.0 37.0 47.3
* No. days after March 31.

 Table 6.—Results of Wheat Performance Trials at Bowling Green, Kv. .
Acre Test Plant
Variety yield weight Lodging height
bu. lb./bu. Z in. .
Five Year Average 1967-71
Arthur 35.8 58.7 0.5 32.9
Blueboy 36.2 57.1 0.3 35.3
Benhur 29.8 57.9 3.5 35.1
Knox 62 32.3 58.9 18.5 38.9
Monon 31.7 57.1 4.0 36.3
Redcoat 31.2 57.7 0.5 40.0 ‘
Riley 67 31.2 57.2 11.8 36.4
Lewis 29.9 56.5 9.0 35.1
Four Year Average 1968-71
Arthur 38.4 58.9 0.0 34.5
Blueboy 40.0 57.6 0.3 36.7
Benhur 32.0 58.2 3.1 36.1
Knox 62 36.8 59.3 11.9 40.4
Monon 36.3 57.6 0.0 37.1
Redcoat 32.9 58.3 0.6 41.0 g
Riley 67 34.0 57.4 14.1 37.6
Lewis 33.6 57.2 8.8 36.6
Logan 43.1 58.6 0.0 39.3
Three Year Average 1969-71
Arthur 36.4 58.8 0.0 32.5
Blueboy 37.5 58.1 0.0 35.2
Benhur 30.5 58.2 0.0 34.8
Knox 62 37.8 59.2 0.0 39.4
Monon 34.9 57.5 0.0 35.3
Redcoat 32.2 58.4 0.0 38.7
Riley 67 32.3 57.5 0.0 35.7
Lewis 32.8 57.3 0.0 34.6
Logan 40.8 58.6 0.0 36.4
Two Year Average 1970-·71
Arthur 32.1 58.8 0.0 31.1
Blueboy 33.7 58.4 0.0 33.9
Benhur 29.8 58.1 0.0 34.1
Knox 62 36.4 59.1 0.0 38.1
Monon 33.1 57.3 0.0 34.9
Redcoat 30.5 58.6 0.0 37.8
Riley 67 29.7 57.5 0.0 34.4
Lewis 30.3 57.2 0.0 32.9
Logan 35.7 58.8 0.0 34.8
McNair 2203 34.8 57.0 0.0 31.4
McNair 4823 31.6 59.7 0.0 30.4
1971 Results
Arthur 30.2 59.0 0.0 33.0
Bluaboy 29.8 58.5 0.0 34.3
Benhur 26.3 58.3 0.0 34.5
Knox 62 36.3 59.7 0.0 40.8
Nonon 31.0 56.6 0.0 37.0
Rcdcoat 33.1 59.0 0.0 39.0
Rilcy 67 30.0 57.6 0.0 37.0
Lewis 28.7 57.5 0.0 34.5
Logan 34.9 58.5 0.0 35.3
McNair 2203 28.4 56.4 0.0 30.0
McNair 4823 31.9 59.4 0.0 31.3
Arthur 71 31.2 59.3 0.0 30.8

 Table 7 .-—Results of Winter Oat Performance Trials at Lexington, Ky.
Acre Test Plant Date
Variety yield weight Lodging height Survival headed*
· bu. 1b./bu. `Z in. 7.
. Five Year Average 1967-71
Compact 72.0 33.5 37.5 33.6 69.3 49.3
Norline 76.6 34.6 48.8 46.1 71.5 44.9
Walken 69.3 31.8 35.8 38.8 65.0 54.6
Four Year Average 1968-71
Compact 65.0 33.1 56.3 33.1 62.8 49.3
Norline 75.2 34.5 68.8 44.7 69.1 43.3
Walken 65.9 31.8 42.5 38.5 58.1 52.9
Three Year Average 1969-71
Compact 71.3 32.9 56.3 35.9 63.8 59.5
_ Norline 78.5 34.2 68.8 46.0 69.2 55.9
Walken 67.4 31.5 42.5 40.4 56.3 63.8
Dubois 53.4 35.8 57.5 42.8 57.5 54.5
Coker 66-22 75.0 33.9 57.5 43.1 60.4 50.4
Two Year Average 1970-71
Compact 92.3 34.7 56.3 35.9 90.6 59.5
Norline 81.1 34.4 68.8 46.0 87.5 55.9
Walken 88.0 34.0 42.5 40.4 77.5 63.8
Dubois 75.3 37.8 57.5 42.8 82.5 54.5
Coker 66-22 90.0 34.9 57.5 43.1 80.0 50.4
Ky. 63-1935 93.8 34.5 43.8 42.8 98.1 63.6
· 1971 Results
Compact 116.5 35.4 15.0 37.3 87.5 63.0
Norline 99.7 33.9 42.5 49.3 75.0 61.5
Walken 103.4 33.2 0.0 39.0 55.0 68.0
Dubois 107.1 37.5 22.5 45.0 65.0 59.8
Coker 66-22 126.3 36.2 15.0 45.0 60.0 54.5
Ky. 63-1935 124.5 34.2 0.0 43.5 97.5 68.0
='< No. days after March 31.

 Table 8.—Rcsults of Winter Oat Performance Trials at Princeton, Ky. ·
n 1 1 W n
Acre Test Plant Date
Variety yield weight Lodging height Survival headed*
bu. 1b./bu. Z in. `Z. '
Five Year Average 1967-71
Compact 6417 31.1 70.3 34.8 93.0 48.7
Norline 52.2 28.7 89.5 43.6 88.5 47.2
Walken 60.8 29.4 57.3 40.8 96.3 53.7
Four Year Average 1968-71
Compact 63.5 30.5 82.2 35.9 95.6 51.0
Norline 51.6 27.9 92.5 44.5 91.9 49.1
Walken 59.9 28.7 64.1 42.5 98.4 55.2
Three Year Average 1969-71
Compact 62.9 29.8 86.3 34.7 94.2 51.3
Norline 48.2 27.2 93.8 44.0 89.2 49.2
Walken 60.1 28.3 68.3 41.5 97.9 55.1
Dubois 60.4 32.0 67.9 42.6 83.3 47.6
Coker 66-22 87.4 33.6 66.7 41.1 82.1 42.1
Two Year Average 1970-71
Compact 70.0 30.3 79.4 33.9 93.8 51.3 _
Norline 50.3 27.2 90.6 43.9 87.5 48.9
Walken 66.0 29.0 52.5 41.3 96.9 56.1
Dubois 63.2 31.9 51.9 41.9 77.5 47.3
Coker 66-22 96.6 33.8 50.0 40.5 75.6 42.6
Ky 63-1935 63.6 28.8 50.6 42.4 91.9 56.1
1971 Results
Compact 86.1 31.9 58.8 35.3 87.5 54.0
Norline 57.2 29.3 82.5 44.5 77.5 50.8
Walken 86.0 30.5 16.3 43.0 93.8 59.5
Dubois 76.4 33.7 7.5 42.5 55.0 49.5
Coker 66-22 104.6 33.6 6.3 40.8 52.5 45.3
Ky 63-1935 79.6 30.9 2.5 43.0 83.8 58.5
¤'* No. days after March 31.

 Table 9.—Results of Winter Oat Performance Trials at Bowling Green, Ky.
Acre Test Plant Date
Variety yield weight Lodging height headed¤'¢=’=
bu. lb./bu. 7. in.
· Five Year Average 1967-71
’ Compact 60.4 37.8 20.5 28.9 48.3
Norline 64.2 35.5 36.8 38.3 48.8
Walken 58.8 34.9 26.0 33.5 53.3
Four Year Average 1968-71
Compact 67.9 38.1 24.7 29.9 48.3
Norline 70.3 35.8 25.9 39.7 48.8
Walken 67.6 35.2 21.9 34.8 53.3
Three Year Average 1969-71
Compact 74.3 38.4 0.0 27.3 27.3
Norline 72.6 36.0 1.7 38.6 38.6
Walken 68.9 35.5 0.0 32.2 32.2
Dubois 61.7 37.5 7.1 34.8 34.8
Coker 66-22 72.7 37.7 2.5 34.6 34.6
Two Year Average 1970-71
Compact 82.3 38.5 0.0 34.5 48.3
Norline 82.8 36.1 0.0 38.6 48.8
Walken 75.4 35.5 0.0 31.1 53.3
Dubois 65.5 37.6 0.0 33.8 46.5
Coker 66-22 77.4 37.8 0.0 32.3 40.0
Ky 63-1935 67.7 34.3 0.0 30.9 55.0
1971 Results
` Compact 61.3 40.3 0.0 23.8 48.3
Norline 76.3 36.9 0.0 35.8 48.8
Walken 60.1 38.4 0.0 29.0 53.3
Dubois 56.4 37.8 0.0 30.5 46.5
Coker 66-22 71.6 38.2 0.0 30.8 40.0
Kv 63-1935 55.5 35.2 0.0 30.0 55.0
>`= All varieties survived 1002Z
='=='< No. days after March 31.

 Table 10.——Results of Spring Oat Performance Trials in Kentucky. ‘
Acre Test Plant Date
Variety yield weight Lodging height headed>‘<
bu. lb./bu. Z in.
Two Year Average 1969-70 at Princeton
Andrew 30.3 25.6 73.1 35.9 60.5
Brave 25.8 22.5 78.1 35.3 60.9
Clintford 35.6 25.5 57.5 31.3 60.8
Diana 38.8 26.5 30.5 32.1 61.1
Grundy 30.9 23.7 70.0 31.8 59.8
Jaycee 30.3 21.2 71.3 32.0 60.5
1970 Results at Princeton
Andrew 23.5 25.3 58.8 29.8 63.5
Brave 20.7 21.6 56.3 29.3 63.8
Clinttord 27.7 25.0 22.5 27.8 63.5
Diana 38.l 26.5 5.0 26.8 65.5
Grundy 25.0 22.8 55.0 27.5 62.3
Jaycee 26.3 20.5 52.5 26.3 63.5
Two Year Average 1968-1971 at Lexington V
Andrew 59.6 29.7 22.5 37.8 72.6
Brave 61.3 31.5 31.2 36.5 73.2 .
Clintford 53.6 32.3 12.5 33.8 72.9
Jaycee 55.6 31.7 51.2 35.6 72.2
1971 Results at Lexington
Andrew 32.0 28.1 0.0 37.5 75.8
Brave 35.5 29.2 0.0 35.0 77.5
Clintford 32.0 28.7 0.0 32.5 76.8
Diana 32.5 27.0 0.0 32.5 77.0
Grundy 27.6 28.1 0.0 32.5 76.5
Jaycee 35.5 28.3 0 0 33.8 76.5
* No. days after March 31.
Table 1l.—C0mparis0ns for Date of Heading for Recommended and Certified
Varieties of Barley, Wheat, and Oats in Kentucky.
Barley Date Wheat Date Oat Date
varieties headed='= varieties headed¤`= varieties headed>'*
Zlursoy 21.6 Menon 35.8 Coker 66-22 38.0**
Dayton 27.3 Knox 62 36.2 Dubois 53.0**
Knob 27.8 Benhur 36.5 Norline 55.6
.Ie1`1`erson 32.2 Arthur 36.8 Compact 57.1
Harrison 32.3 Arthur 71 36,8** Walken 52.5
Bluehey 50.5
Redcoat 55.3
"’ Five yeszr average, no. days after March 31.
='<=`= Est inmted from less than five j:ears' data.

A summary of the small grain varieties for 1972 is
presented in Table 12. ·Varieties are labeled as recommended
and/or certified. Those varieties which are superior in one or more
i . characteristics important for the crop and have been tested by the
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station for 3 or more years are
recommended for production. Varieties that have been recom-
mended for Kentucky, recently certified in another state, or
approved by an appropriate National Varietal Review Board may
I be certified for production. The certified list will include, in
I addition to the recommended varieties, (1) varieties that may have
potential for Kentucky and (2) older varieties that are still
acceptable for production in Kentucky but are not as good as the
recommended varieties.
Table 12.—Summary of Small Grain Recommendations for 1972.
Winter Winter Winter
barley wheat oats
‘ Recommended Recommended Recommended
Barsoy Arthur Coker 66-22
· Harrison Arthur 71* Compact
Jefferson Illueboy Dubois
Knob Norline
Certified Certified Certified
Barsoy Arthur Coker 66-22
Dayton Arthur 7l='¤ Compact
Harrison Benhur Dubois
Jefferson Blueboy Norline
Knob Knox 62 Walken
*Certified seed will not be available until spring of 1973.
A description of the varietal recommendations for 1972
Recommended winter barlcys are less wintcr—hardy than
winter wheat, but more so than winter oats. Wintcrhardincss,

 straw strength, and maturity are important characteristics when L_
choosing a variety. Barley performs best on good, well-drained soil l
and is not a poor land crop. It is an excellent feed grain for
» livestock when fed with the other grain crops. The varietal .
performance data are presented in Tables l, 2, and 3.
Barsoy, a Kentucky released variety, is very early maturing
and is excellent for double cropping. It has good lodging
resistance, is short of stature, and is high yielding. It has
medium-length awns which break off readily during threshing.
Barsoy is susceptible to loose smut, but its earliness of maturity
has permitted it to escape damage from most diseases. It has good
winterhardiness and performs well in most areas in the state.
Knob is a recently released variety from the Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station, It is a few days earlier in
maturity than Harrison, but later than Barsoy; however, it matures
faster after heading than the other varieties. It is a short, `
stiff-strawed, beardless variety with disease resistance similar to
Barsoy. Knob is easily threshed and has good winterhardiness.
Harrison is an awned variety developed by Purdue Uni-
versity. It has performed well in Kentucky but is later maturing
than Barsoy. It has better winterhardiness than Barsoy and Knob
and is resistant to most of the barley diseases except loose smut.
jefferson is quite similar to Harrison, but awnless.
Dayton is an older barley variety released by the Ohio
Agricultural Experiment Station that has consistently yielded well
in Kentucky. It is later maturing and not as high yielding as
Kentucky’s climate and soils are well suited for the
production of high quality soft red winter wheat. No one variety
has all the desirable characteristics; each has certain advantages.
Yielding ability, straw strength, height, earliness, grain quality and
disease resistance are important in choosing a variety. Wheat is an
excellent feed grain for livestock. Varietal performance is
presented in Tables 4, 5, and 6.

 Arthur is a high quality variety released by Purdue
University in 1968. It is a short, early, high-yielding variety that is
the best wheat variety for double cropping. Arthur has good straw
_ strength, high-tillering ability and excellent winterhardiness. It is
, resistant to loose smut, powdery mildew, and moderately resistant
to leaf rust. It is susceptible to the most common race of Hessian
fly, race B.
Arthur 71 has just been released from Purdue University.
It is very similar to Arthur, but has added resistance to leaf rust
and Hessian fly, race B. Certified seed will not be available until
~ l 1973. Arthur 71 will be recommended as a replacement for Arthur
. as seed becomes available.
Blueboy is a highly productive, short, med.ium—to-late
maturing, stiff-sUawed variety that was released in 1967 by North
Carolina State University. It responds well to high levels of
fertilization but matures slower after heading than other varieties.
It has a good soft wheat milling grain quality, but has a relatively
low test weight with a high flour yield. Blueboy is susceptible to
· leaf rust, powdery mildew, and the common races of Hessian fly.
Benhur is an early-maturing variety with good resistance to
most wheat diseases. It has not yielded as well as Arthur in
Kentucky but is shorter and stiffer—strawed. Benhur was released
by Purdue University in 1966.
Knox 62, released by Purdue University, has resistance to
race B of Hessian fly and is slightly earlier maturing than Arthur.
Monon is the earliest maturing wheat in Kentucky,
released by Purdue University, but has not yielded as well as
Arthur. It has exceptional winterhardiness and is a short,
stiff-strawed variety.
Redcoat is the best disease and lodging resistant variety
released by Purdue University. It stands well under high fertility
conditions, but it is later maturing than Blueboy and does not
possess the oustanding high—yielding ability.

Winter oats are the least winterhardy of the winter grains.
Early seeding, good fertilization practices, and planting on
well—drained soils are recommended to minimize winter killing. I
Most winter oats are susceptible to the crown rusts so must be
selected for maturity, lodging resistance, and yielding ability.
Winter oats are excellent also for fall grazing and silage. The
performance of the winter oat varieties is presented in Tables 7, 8,
and 9.
Compact is a Kentucky developed winter oat variety that
combines excellent lodging resistance and high test weight with
good winter survival and high yield. It is shorter than Norline,
equal in winter survival, and two d