xt7fbg2h8b59 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h8b59/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 2007-06/07 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Off the Shelf, June/July 2007 text Off the Shelf, June/July 2007 2007 2007-06/07 2014 true xt7fbg2h8b59 section xt7fbg2h8b59 A monthly look at life in the UK Libraries

June/July 2007

UK Libraries, Keeneland Take on Historic Project for Racing Industry
During Keeneland's spring meet this year, the University of
Kentucky Libraries Preservation Department and Keeneland
embarked on a unique partnership that will guarantee the
horse racing industry and its legions of fans access to the archives of the Daily Racing Form (DRF), the touchstone publication of the Thoroughbred industry. The two-year "test
bed" project will preserve a sample of the DRF archive and
will develop a plan to ensure the public access to the entire
DRF archive currently housed at the Keeneland Library.
Keeneland is the exclusive home to the Daily Racing Form
collection as well as the archive of its predecessor, The
Morning Telegraph. Approximately 10 million newspaper
pages in 3,700 folio hardbound volumes are stored in a climate-controlled storage facility in the Keeneland Library.
Currently, the volumes are virtually unusable.
A two-year “test bed” project employing a hybrid approach to produce digital and microfilm versions
of the DRF began this spring. The partnership between UK Libraries and Keeneland will produce a
keyword-searchable digital archive of the DRF to facilitate in depth research into past performances of
the equine athletes and will also create 35mm silver halide, polyester, “preservation” microfilm as a
security copy. During the test bed, the selected sample will focus on Triple Crown coverage from the
111-year old archive.
The project, known as Partnering to Preserve Racing’s Rich History, will generate several products for
the Keeneland Library:

a keyword-searchable digital image archive of approximately 100,000 pages that
meets the highest standards for preservation and access and that is accessible via the
Kentuckiana Digital Library and the Keeneland Library Web site;
long term storage and maintenance for the digital archive in a digital repository at UK
Libraries; and,
conservation treatment proposals for damaged DRF volumes and rehousing in archival enclosures for the fragile volumes.

The Preservation Reformatting Center (PRC) has a long history as a leader in the preservation of historic newspapers. The PRC, along with the Libraries’ Digital Programs, participates as one of six projects in the NEH-funded National Digital Newspaper Program, 20-year initiative to create digital archives from preservation microfilm of historic newspapers.
Partnering to Preserve Racing’s Rich History will establish a significant historical resource for scholars, Thoroughbred breeders, owners, trainers and racing fans alike. The project also will establish a
model upon which Keeneland can build its research collections and further its mission as the foremost
research facility for the Thoroughbred industry in the world.


� Spot Bonus Award Winner
Brian Helm, who is a programmer for the Libraries IT division, is a recent
recipient of a Spot Bonus Award.
After waiting three years to transform the Notable Kentucky African
Americans web page into a database, Brian has made it happen in about
three months. The database is up and running, and on numerous occasions,
Brian has willingly taken away from his busy schedule to make
enhancements and alterations. Search engines such as Yahoo and Google
are already indexing the subject searches and the source index titles. Thanks
to Brian’s expertise, the continued promotion of the University of Kentucky
Libraries’ services to the newest patron group, the Notable Kentucky
African Americans database users, has just taken a major leap forward.
Brian has also made incredible advances to our website. He has designed and implemented a much more robust
content manager editor and designed a number of enhancements that have helped the web administrators make
quick and easy additions and modifications via the WYSIWYG interface rather than the more cumbersome
MySQL tables. What has been particularly impressive is how rapidly he responds to each request for
modifications, showing both an impressive skill set and an easy-going, accommodating demeanor.
Congratulations on a job well done!

News To Use
New Staff Advisory Council Member Elected
The Staff Advisory Council would like to thank everyone who voted in the recent election.
Congratulations to Cheri Daniels (Access and Delivery, Interlibrary Loan/Document
Delivery) who was elected to serve as a Council member beginning July 1, 2007 thru June
30, 2010.
SAC's function is to act as liaison between staff and Library Administration with regard to staff related
concerns,questions and suggestions. SAC may be reached via email at LIBSAC@LSV.UKY.EDU or by
contacting any individual member via personal email, phone, or in person.
Staff Advisory Council Members:
Sherree Osborne – Chair FY 07/08
Scott Howard – Vice-Chair FY 07/08
Mary Geyer
Adrianne Phillips
Cheri Daniels
Kathryne LeFevre – Ex-Officio

The Staff Advisory Council would like to say a big Thank You to Rita Tobin for her years
of service on SAC!


� News To Use (Cont.)
What’s Happening in the King Building??? 1st and 3rd Floors…
The answer to this is LOTS! Two BIG summer projects are ongoing in King Addition this summer. The first BIG project is
clearing a large portion of the Storage stacks area on the 1st
floor in order to create workspace for the Partnering to Preserve
Racing’s Rich History Project. Lesser used journals that were
previously housed in this area of King are being inventoried,
packed, and sent to the library’s remote storage location at Kentucky Underground Storage (KUSI) in Wilmore, KY.
The second BIG project includes transferFormer journal stacks area on 1st
ring all the books, journals, and select mifloor.
croforms from the former IDRC
(International Documents and Research
Collections) location on the 3rd floor of King Addition to a variety of other library
locations. The majority of the print collections are being transferred to the 5th floor
of Young Library. The complete United Nations and European Union print documents collections will soon reside in Young adjacent to the US Government Publications stacks area. Accompanying these will be the British Parliamentary Debates
and the Irish University Press collection. Lesser used print and microprint sets are
being inventoried, packed, and sent to KUSI.

Boxes from the
United Nations collection on the 3rd
As usual, all materials that are sent to KUSI can be retrieved by using either the
floor being transInfoKat Library Express request function or by using the online Retrieval request
ferred to Young.

If any of this sounds a bit confusing, you need not worry. -- Thanks to the joint efforts of Special Projects, Storage, and Database Integrity staff and students, the new locations of all of these materials will
display correctly in the corresponding Infokat online catalog records!

UK Libraries’ Staff Recognized in New Book
With the publication of Brent Shannon’s new book The Cut of His Coat: Men, Dress, and
Consumer Culture in Britain, 1860-1914, several staff members in Young Library from
various departments were acknowledged. In the author’s own words:
“Shawn Livingston and Bonnie Jean Cox of the University of Kentucky’s W.T. Young Library for
their assistance and willingness to purchase a microfilm of the entire run of Fashion, which was vital
to my project.”
“Janet Layman, Carolyn Tassie, and the entire Interlibrary Loan staffs at both the University of Kentucky and Transylvania University for filling my seemingly never ending requests and hunting down
innumerable hard-to-find materials.”
This serves as another great example of teamwork and interdepartmental support for the patron. In this
case, also inter-university support. Great job everyone!

Comings and Goings
Christopher Elmore began his employment with the Libraries on Monday, May 14, in
the Circulation Department, Access Services Division. Chris is the new second shift
supervisor in Circulation, replacing Amy Watson. Stop by and welcome Chris to the
Jennifer Richmond has accepted the Library Technician position in the Education Library. Jennifer has a degree in Elementary Education from UK and will be bringing
both educational and library experience to her new job. June 11 was her first day.

� .
Just like the name indicates, we here at OTS thought it would be fun to let
you share your pet with your co-workers. Everyone was encouraged to
participate in the pet show-and-tell. The following are some of your fellow librarian’s best friends. Enjoy!

Deirdre Scaggs ~
Ambrose, named after Ambrose Bierce, is 13
years old and has lived in Kentucky, Ohio, and
Pennsylvania. He likes short walks, long naps,
and having his belly rubbed.

Rob and Stephanie Aken ~
Oberon enjoying the scenery.

Dean Diedrichs ~
His name is Winston, he’s 18 years old,
totally deaf these days but otherwise
very healthy and happy. He’s pictured
here with our grandchild, Evan.

Leslie Jackson ~
My dog’s name is Casey. She’s a Basenji mix; I once
read that one of the characteristics of this semidomesticated breed was that they are “moderately obedient clowns.” That just about sums up her personality, plus the fact that she’s extremely loyal and makes
a great guard dog. I got her from the Lex. Humane Society in 2000; she’s almost seven, we think. Her favorite snack? She will eat anything. Literally. She once
chewed up and swallowed a dime…she threw it up
later, tooth marks and all. Hobbies: She’s never met a
paper product (paper towel, Kleenex, toilet paper, etc.)
that she didn’t like; she’s constantly throwing herself
little “paper parties” around the house.

� ..

Jill Buckland ~
We have a lovely dog called Jewel - no we didn't name
her, we inherited the name she came with as a puppy.
She's lab/retrieverish, and has the most sociable nature.
Nowadays she cannot scale a 6ft fence when she hears
children or other dogs going past, as she used to. My
grandchildren persuade their parents to bring them
down to see us (really, her) as often as they can. She
really tries to talk to us with doggy noises until we work
out what she's saying. She mopes when she sees suitcases in the hall as she knows some of us are going
away. She eats everything we leave except salads, and
scoffs chicken carcasses within minutes. She also loves,
and consumes shoes, but never touches one unless we
give it to her formally.

"Whoever said you can't buy happiness
forgot about puppies."
-- Gene Hill

Sharon Ross ~
Morgan (salt and pepper) and Madison
(black and silver) are 10 month old AKC
registered Miniature Schnauzers. While we
are “working like dogs,” they are lounging
around the pool.

Dennis Davenport ~
“Tink” (aka Tinkerbell) is a Toy Yorkie. She
was born September 16, 1999 on my wedding anniversary. My wife actually delivered her. Both her parents are gone now.
Her Dad’s name was Sundance and Mother
was Cat Ballu. Tink gives our cats a run for
their money. She is also very possessive of
her house. Yes, I said her house...We just
live there.

Mary Molinaro~
Louie, my standard
schnauzer, on his
first birthday (he is
now 2). He is a
sweet obedient dog
that particularly
likes cats and cows!


� Spotlight Series
This Spotlight Series features an employee from a different campus
library each month. Hopefully, this series will enable you to match a
name to a face, along with some interesting facts too!

Kerri Scannell, Special Formats Coordinator and Music Catalog Librarian
Kerri Scannell is the coordinator of the Special Formats Unit and Music Catalog
Librarian. The Special Formats Unit is a part of the Access Records Management
Department of Collections and Technical Services Division. The unit handles the
processing of materials and special projects for the Fine Arts Library, Geology/
Maps Library and Special Collections and Digital Programs. Kerri was hired as a
librarian for the Fine Arts Library with a focus on circulation and cataloging
Kerri attended the University of South Carolina where she earned her B.A. in
Music and also received her MLIS degree. While at USC, she was active in the
marching band, Tau Beta Sigma and was active in the college’s chapter of the
Music Educator’s National Conference, including service as the chapter president
during her senior year.
Kerri also earned a M.A. in Musicology from Smith College in Northampton, Mass. Her thesis was on the history of the
woodwind quintet. Kerri participated in the Smith College Orchestra, several chamber music ensembles, including a
woodwind quintet at Amherst College and the Euridice Ensemble at Mt. Holyoke College.
Kerri’s musical career began when she began clarinet lessons in sixth grade. In high school, Kerri marched in the Cotton
Bowl Parade (Dallas, TX) during her senior year. She was in District Honor Band all four years and made it to the AllState Honor Band during her senior year. Her high school marching band was the first band in the country to win a
regional Bands of America competition the first year of participation (Johnson City, TN, 1992). In high school her
favorite subjects were history, math, and music. In addition to concert and marching bands, she also was on the Math
Team (which was mostly comprised of music students).
Kerri’s parents are Paul and Patricia Scannell. Both are natives of Boston, MA and currently live in Marietta, GA. Her
father worked for IBM for 30+ years and is currently a Vice-President with SAP. Her mom works for a supermarket chain
in the south called Publix.
Kerri is the oldest of four. Her sister Shawna lives in Woodstock, GA with her husband and daughter (1 year old), she has
a degree in music education and currently works as a copy editor. Her brother Paul has a degree in Culinary Arts, lives in
Marietta, GA, and works for the Cheesecake Factory. Her sister Caitlin also lives in Marietta, GA, is a full-time student at
Kennesaw State University and works part-time at a veterinary clinic. Shawna, Caitlin, and Kerri all played clarinet. Her
two sisters also played bass clarinet. Paul played French horn and everyone played piano.
Kerri is engaged and is in the midst of planning for a wedding in October 2007. Her fiancé is Chris and he works at
Lexmark as a software engineer. He has a BA and MA in Math from the University of Louisville. He grew up in Little
Rock, AR, and is the oldest of six. His family currently lives in Bardstown.
Outside of work, Kerri has become almost as busy as at work. She continues to play clarinet with the Central Kentucky
Concert Band. She used to play regularly with the Music Ministry at her church, but now she just plays for special
She has become very active in church activities at the Cathedral of Christ the King and also on the Diocesan level. She
currently chairs the Young Adult Group, works with the Archives, and serves as a member of the Faith Formation
Committee at the Cathedral. She also participates on the Young Adult Leadership Team for the Diocese of Lexington and
attends Catholic programs around the city, particularly Theology on Tap.
Kerri enjoys attending musical performances in Lexington and Cincinnati. She also attends theatrical performances at
Studio Players and the Woodford County Theater when her 6
friends are in the productions.

� Tech Talk
By Tari Keller, Systems Librarian

Many of you have heard me say "I need specific examples" or "Send me a screen shot of that
error message" or "Send me some screen shots of the weird Voyager happening." This Tech
Talk is an explanation of why I ask so often and how you can capture those screens and error
messages easily.
Before I call Ex Libris to report a problem with Voyager, I must first determine if the problem
is with the way we set up our Voyager system, or with our records, or with the workflow that
was followed. To figure out if any of those are the culprits, I need to try to do whatever you
were doing when the weirdness occurred. Since I don't work in everyone's department every
day, I need your help.

Types of Details Needed:
Bibliographic Record IDs
Item IDs
Item Barcode numbers
Patron Barcodes
Patron Names
Purchase Order numbers
Invoice or Voucher numbers
Serial titles
Vendor names
If I know what you were working with when Voyager misbehaved, I can try to do it on my
workstation. If I can make it happen on my workstation, I know the problem is repeatable.
We have a better chance of getting the problem solved if this is the case. I know where to
look in the System Administration client to see if Voyager is behaving according to the rules
in the profile. I can look "under the hood" with Access to find the data, to see if it looks like
the other data of its type. If I can't fix the problem with the information I have, I can send the
information to Ex Libris and let them work with their tools to try to figure it out. The more
details they have to work with the easier it is for them to determine what is happening.

How can you capture the details?
To capture an active window (usually the one with the colorful title bar):
Use the combination of the / buttons to put it on your clipboard.
OR if you have several windows open that are important, like a Voyager client window and
an error message that displays on top, capture your whole desktop.
To capture the whole desktop:
Use the combination of / buttons to put it on your clipboard.
To paste it into a Word document or an email message that is in HTML or Rich Text format:
Place your cursor where you want the captured window or desktop to appear and use the combination of V .
Thank you so much for your help!


� What’s Coming Up?

Newsletter Staff

June 17 Barbara Kingsolver, Memorial Hall, 7 p.m. For information
call 257-0500 x2159 or visit Joseph-Beth Booksellers at Lexington

Editor: Jessica Hughes
257-0500 x 2159

June 21-27 ALA Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Cindy Cline

June 24 GODORT Education Committee, Beacon Hotel Ballroom,
1:30-3:30 p.m.
July 16 Jon Cawthorne Lecture and Visit, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
in the William T. Young Library Auditorium.
Aug 5-7 The 6th Annual Ohio Library Support Staff Institute, at
Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio 

Laura Hall

257-0500 x 2119
Cheri Daniels

257-0500 x 2080
Dennis Davenport
Deirdre Scaggs

Did You Know…
The University of Kentucky Regulations and Procedures is accessible
through the web at . Many of these items include
pages that are in PDF (Portable Document Format) files and require
Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print. Official University Regulations
are also available in printed form at University of Kentucky Libraries.

Donors: Pet lovers, Mary McLaren
Spotlight: Cindy Cline
Tech Talk: Tari Keller
Agriculture Information Center:
Dennis Davenport
Chemistry/Physics Library:
Cheri Daniels
Design Library: Cheri Daniels
Education Library: Laura Hall
Engineering Library:
Dennis Davenport
Equine Research Library:
Dennis Davenport
Fine Arts Library: Deirdre Scaggs
Geological Sciences and Map Library: Deirdre Scaggs
Health Information Library:
Cindy Cline
IDRC: Deirdre Scaggs
KY Transportation Center:
Dennis Davenport
Law Library: Cheri Daniels
Math Library: Dennis Davenport
Medical Center Library:
Cindy Cline
Medical Center AV Library
Cindy Cline
Special Collections & Digital Programs: Deirdre Scaggs
Young Library: Laura Hall

Administrative Councils and Committees
Administrative Regulations
Affirmative Action Guidelines
Bicycle Regulations
Business Procedures Manual
Equal Opportunity Compliance
Employee Safety Handbook
Faculty Handbook (2000 version)
Financial Resource System (FRS) Handbook (PDF)
Governing Regulations
Graphics Standards Manual
Human Resources Policy and Procedure
Human Resources System Handbook
Human Resources System Training Manuals
Information Technology Policies
Occupational Health and Safety
Open Records
Organizational Charts
Strategic Plan
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Style Guide
University Archives and Records Program
University Records Manual and Retention Schedule
University Senate Rules
World-Wide Web Policy

Web Site/ Graphics:
Dennis Davenport
Newsletter submissions are due by
the 15th of the month.
