xt7fbg2h886s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h886s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1990-12-07 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, December 7, 1990, no. 585 text The Green Bean, December 7, 1990, no. 585 1990 1990-12-07 2014 true xt7fbg2h886s section xt7fbg2h886s December 7, 1990
v¤·¤m5 555 Events Calendar
December 7 to
January 20_— SEEING JAPAN, A Traveling Exhibition
Singletary Center forthe Arts
Department of Philosophy
' Gallery Series - 12 Noon — Free Admission
° Peal Gallery, King Library North
lz 4
Q TI—IE HOLIDAYS, UK Faculty Brass Quintet
A Center Sundays Series
., , • 3 p.m. - Free Admission
§_) Concert Hall, Singletary Centerfor the Arts ,
& 64 December 11 -- BABES IN TOYLAND: American Theatre
f`   Ansrsrvsuiii
  [ 10 a.m. - Paid Admission
“ Kf Concert Hall, Singletary Center forthe Arts
¥  I 1 .};
,  rz.  ,-4    The Library Staff Organization Christmas Luncheon is Thursday,
_       December 20 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Alumni House.
‘ i “     ` -¤ ‘ “ °‘ ‘ti‘ ‘   ’i‘‘ All staff members are invited. Members should bring a dish,
E,. I   non-members should bring a dish and pay $3.00.
l H     *I_, . Also, a Thanksgiving Thanks to all who donated food to God's
X 4) _,4___ _  _'V _1   Pantry. LSO collected 73 pounds of food for that organization!
  ‘’..   I .     , Qt   I  
M ,-. E  
        The Library staff is cordially invited to a retirement reception
honoring John Bryant and Paul Thompson on Wednesday,
, ,, . December 12 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Peal
T be Newsletter of the Gallery, King Library North.
University 0f Kentucky

 Page 2
. Due to dissatisfaction with the Baylor University and KCTF ln affiliation with the University
_overall performance of the 350 Link Public Television invite you to of Kentucky, the March 22 alter-
King Acquisitions has ceased using join in an oral history symposium noon session will be available via
the Link to transmit new order records and teleconference, entitled satellite. Britt Davis, of the Office
to LS2000. Orders placed after "History in Film and Television" of Instructional Resources,
November 8 will no longer appear on March 21-22, 1991 in Waco, will serve as Executive Producer
on LS2000 until they have been Texas. The principal speakers for the teleconference segment
catalogued. The Link will continue will be Ken Burns, producer of of the symposium. Terry
to be run weekly, however, in order "The Civil War" and Henry Birdwhistell, President-Elect of
to change present "On Order" Hampton, producer of "Eyes the National Oral History
records to display as "ln Process" on the Prize." In addition, Association, has also been
records when they have been Ronald Grele (Columbia integrally involved in getting this
received by Acquisitions. University), Rosemary Gooden project off the ground.
Questions about information (University of Iowa; Texas A&M), For more information on the
regarding specific orders should be Betty Sue Flowers (University symposium, write or call:
directed to Karen Cline, Order of Texas, Austin), Nicholas Institute for Oral History
Processing Unit Supervisor, at KAC Spitzer (Smithsonian Institute), Baylor University
(LS2000 e—maiI), or 257-8395. Sylvia Komatsu (KERA Public Waco, TX 76798-7271
Television), and George C. (817) 755-3427
Wright (University of Texas, For more information on the
N O MINA TI ON S Austin) will discuss the use of teleconference, write or call:
R EQ U E S TED interviews with Burns and PBS Adult Leaming
Hampton and how history and Satellite Service
The Hugh Atkinson Memorial documentary can be brought 1320 Braddock Place
Award is presented annually by the together. Alexandria, VA 22314
Association of College and Research 1-800-257-2578
Libraries, the Association for Library  
· Collections and Technical Services,
the Library Administration and SCHOLA RSH[p [N GERONTOLOGY
Management Association and the
Llbraw and Imormamn Tgchnoiogy Applications are invited from Dinner in Lexington in November,
_ Association. The award recognizes Universn O1 Kemuck undep 1991
Outstanding achievement by graduateyjuniors and seniors ‘ me application forms are
2g:;?1;£gb;?n§R2;:1;° Tgm?1 rOv€_ and graduate students for the available from the Donovan
. Q . y p . annual award of the Donovan Scholars office, Ligon House,
Fgigts ::;:1; aégigg Ig;/rgra11g;nat|°n’ Scholarship in Gerontology. 658 S. Limestone St.,
I ry g ’ ry Two scholarships will be awarded Lexington, KY. 40506-0442.
dgvempmem Or research The forthe academic year 1991-1992 (Phone: 257-2656) Applications
award °°nSiSt§ Of an unrestricted A brief essay is required as part I should be returned to Roberta
$2gPO Cash pim 2112; p|a1;1$1u.n 8 of the application, and should James at the same address. The
nOm11{;?1;;€Jyd$giO Aclglilgr 10 I g address the topic: "How l ‘ deadline for receipt of all
J~¤¤¤~-·<¤==~#¤=-is-Assisi-¤r¤¤*i¤¤*¤i $3Yf§§2$T§$'L$§E.’A‘i§2.?. 2'§°£§§‘l?2.3‘$Li"$$2l?4°°""“‘
of Libraries for Technical Services, ear 2015 ,, ’
Rush Rhees Library, University of Y Awardeés wm be Selecmd by ————-————-——-——
R°°h€St9r’ R°°heSt€r’ NY' 14621 the Donovan Scholarship NEW DIRECTOR
The letter should outline how the Commmee and wm be 11 01111 G d _
candidate meets the award criteria. b A 111 15 1991 Scholarship Marian C. Winner is the new Lib-
Letters should be accompanied by a rg/C1p*?en1S vv"1 béhonomd guests rary Director of the W. Frank
current copy ofthe candidate‘s vita. at the Donovan Scholars, Fan Steely Library, Northern
Deadline for nominations is January 1. _ Kentucky University.

 I Page 3
Joanne Goode recently received ‘ _
this letter commending Kathy Noland: *0***0 0**00*S *0****0 pay 00**00 Jah Palmer has Sent a
..T em whnhe te express my of 12{01/90 - 12/j 4/90 are due in Copy et ne,. new book, as
eppreeienen fel, en the help I have the Directors Office no laterthan wett as a Ven, nice thank-
received from Kathy Noland. As 2-00 0-0*- **Y0000000Y· 0000*`**00*· you note to Bill Cooper:
you know I have been doing quite *22*999 -*-****9 Shams *°****° pay "Dear Mr- C00Per¥
a bit of literature searching lately. ***9**99 9* *21*5/90 ` 12/28/90 9*9 *'*ere'$ 0 00PY of mY book
Kathy nee been unfeilingly nelpful due ******0 0**00*0*0 0***00 **0 dealing with the Vinson Court-
encl easy to work wifn. She follows *0*0* ***0** 0-00 0·0*·· ***000*0** Thanks very rnuoh tor your
through and promptly provides D9c9mb9* *8* *999 help- This proieot r equlred
the material I have requested. *9*w9€k*Y Checks *0**00 Pay visits to **Ve libraiies (l-*0rerY
Lately Kathy has been infomrling 99**99 9**9***9 *1/30/90* wm be of C0rlQreSS. Url*Ver$**Y 0*
me when She eeee eh ernele er avallable ln the Directors Office Texas, Harvard, University ef
book that she thinks might be 0* *0*30 am" Fnday' Decembm Miohioan. UrllVerS**Y of
helpful to me. l believe this 7- *000: 0****00**0 0**00**0 *0* *00 Kentuokyl- You and your
kind of benevicr, anticipating wnet 00*.00**00 000**09 *2’*‘*’00·.‘”*** 00 start were by far the most
your customer needs and providing 0**9**00*0 *0 ***0;**00*0**0 0***00 Pleasant and helpful."
it, is what every sen/ice worker 32 *1‘gg00‘*0‘· **00*0 *:)*0000***0*
should strive for. Kathy helps make · _‘ _ Palmer. Jah-
Reeeree tantshlp (all monthly) paychecks The Supreme Cenn·e
. Remy   for December will be available in Centerenee Vetee: data and
Meheeeh She Market the Directors Office at 10:30 a.m., analysis; Kt:8742_p393 1990
Driven Processes, IBM NlOrld8y, D€C€mb€l’ 24, 1990. 347_3072609_
Mark Linneman received this commen— ** y°** **0**0 any other 9**00**000
cleiicn letter in reference to Carol 00000*0*09 00Y*0**· 0*0000 00** Other books ot interest:
Parris, Circulation Technician at the Ann *`*°w0**‘ W0rlm¤lI¤¤ - So · Rank: Libranan I or ii
salary- $50 000 minimum P“bI'° ""°°S .
' ’ Rank: Assistant Professor or higher SaIa'Y· I%§tFg;t"]d€“I UPC"'
Salary: $48,000 minimum qua IOIIS-
position; Tampa Campus Library Position: Asst. Government I Position: Head, Acquisitions
Diiootoi Documents &_lVlap Libranan Salary: $30,000 minimum
Salary: Competitive & Negotiable SEIEIYI $21200 m'"'mUm
Position: Associate Vice MASSACHUSE-EIS INSTITUTE Position: Reference Librarian
President for Computing QF TECHNOLOGY _ Salary: $24,000 minimum
and Networking Services Position: Associate Head, Serials
and Acquisitions Services
Salary: $32,000 -$38,000 _

 Page 5
Employment Opportunities
  [:;,55 Lgxxag
( con mue )
. . _ . . TEXAS A & M uNlvERslw
P°S"'°Tn$£L?I§2S§'”'a"a" P¤S***¤¤éu§$g¤¤€ ¤¤*¤**¤¤· lEL?lll1‘d?S¥,‘?§i‘§¥IZclOl
Rank: Librarian Rank based upon _ . . Salary: Commensurate with
professional experience Salam $i;46%%0wTLn;Jgig`Ona| qialitications
Salary: $25,300 - $31,600 ’
'"aS*°'S °°g“°`° unlvenslw OF Housron
TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY Position: Head of Acquisitions
_ Position: Assistant Director for Salary: $33*000 mlmmum
Collection & Bibliographic
Salary: $43,000 minimum _

 ,r·¤._, A/"\