xt7fbg2h881v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h881v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1976-10-01 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 1, 1976, no. 148 text The Green Bean, October 1, 1976, no. 148 1976 1976-10-01 2014 true xt7fbg2h881v section xt7fbg2h881v .;.., (>{;@gl_/  
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10/ 1/ 76 NO . 1%
6 October ~ Premconference workshop at UK: "Ceteloginq non~print
me&ia" (For further information, see Faith Harders,
Director"e Office,).
7~9 October ~ KLA meets at Louisville.
13 October - Patterson Literary Society meeting · l1—ll:5O AH,
15 October ~ Administrative Council meeting = 8;30»9:3O AM, Chem.
Conference Room (Room 137 Chem./Physics).
Music in the Gallery series ~ Public recital by members
of the School of Music Hind Quintet — Noon to 1 PM,
L 3O October ~ Workshop at UK: "Preschoolers, parents and books"
V (eee note).
Contributors to this number: Cliff Black, Gwen Curtis, David Farrell
(Eiitor), Lee Hisle, Ebba Jo Sexton, Ann Short, Paul Willis.

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AEEW`? HSS lIl`éW'?§FS;  
· From the Directors
Last week I met with the Planning Committee (E.Baxter, J.Bryant,
Chairperson; D.Farrell, P.Renfro). The charge to this Committee
as given in the Organizational Procedures Documents is:
Develop plans for the Library system consistent
with the rules provided by the University.
Develop plans designed to best use and provide
expansion for all Library resources and programs.
The Senate Library Committee members will be asked to serve on
the various Planning Subcommittees according to their interest.
This will be reviewed at the next Senate Library Committee meeting
scheduled for October 4.
The four Subcommittees and their charges are presented below.
Devise comprehensive collection development plan for University
Libraries (consider review of library support to graduate and
professional programs).
The following agenda suggestions received for the Administrative
Council and Library Faculty were referred to this Subcommittee.
l. Establishment of a library system~wide book selection
policy. who should participate in its formulation?
who should review/approve it before going to Director“s
2. Discussion of whether there is a need for an impartial
book selection committee (possibly part teaching
faculty, part librarians) to work with the head of
resource utilisation and provide some support for
budgetary decisions. (
Personnel Utilization
Comprehensive review of personnel resources (consider professional/
clerical ratio, need for King public services coordinator, vacant
The following agenda suggestions (faculty/administrative council)
were given to the Personnel Utilization Subcommittee;
l. I would like to see some discussion and planning for
· automation activities ~ specifically, the establishment
of priorities, related personnel changes (including staff
traininQ}¤ cost effectiveness measures, etc.
2. Volunteer program. I think there is some merit to be
given to the idea of taking outstanding library science
graduates and letting them work for a fixed period of _
time for experience to make them marketable.

g A summary of other matters discussed in relation to Personnel
a follows: L
y a. Library Science internship program
b. Public services assistant director or coordinator
c. Scheduled retirements
G. Persons with temporary appointments
e. Vacant positions
f. Persons with regular appointments in interim positions
Review library services offered to University community. Consider
recommendations as to moéifications in existing services and `
possible new services (media materials: computer tapes).
The following faculty agenea items was referred to this Committee:
Other patterns for the organization of Public Services.
Included among other matters discussed wars;
l. Union list of serials
2. Ueea for a user survey
3. Neei to concentrate on improving public services in the
King buildings
Y Eacilities Utilization
Review existing library facilities and make recommendations as to
possible changes in order to offer more effective library services
to the University community. Emphasis on King buildings (consieer
branches, new facilities, life sciences).
It was generally agreed that utilization of space in the King
builiings shoula receive priority attention of the Planning
Committee this year. It was recognized that work of the FHCilltl€$
Subcommittee would have ramifications for the other Subcommittees.
This coorcination will be done by the chairperson of the Planning
It was again suggested that the Planning Committee review HRA?
for relevant matters. The work of last year°s Committee and its
report was also aiscusseg.
The charge to the Library Faculty Library Policies, Guidelines ang
Rules Committee as given in the Organizational Procedures Document
is reprinted belowz
Established internal rules, policies ans guide~
lines for the operation of the Library in order
to render the maximum service to the University
I met last week with Charles Atcher, who is chairing this Committeew
to review possible agenda items for the Committee for 1976-77.
A summary of our discussion follows.

 .‘i [
. _q_ _
This Committee will be asked to review the performance evaluation
‘ review form and the Library‘s substitute Academic Personnel Report
(APR) form and to make any recommended changes to the Library
Faculty. It will be necessary that any modifications be presented
to the Library Faculty meeting scheduled for November 5.
Two suggestions from last year°s Committee were given to Hr.Atcher.
These are: a) Compilation of library policies from the Green Beanc
b) Manual of policies and guidelines for the library system.
I also recommended that the MRAP report be read carefully in order
to detect possible Committee agenda. This must be done, of course;
in coordination with the HRAP Implementation group.
I am certain that Mr. Atcher would welcome suggestions for the
Committee for 1976/77.
- P.V.
from the new ACTS organisation?
A proposal to organize an assembly to work for the common interestf
of the support staff was adopted at their annual meeting at
Spindletop on Friday, Sept. 17. Five staff members were elected
to serve as an Executive Committee of the new Assembly of Clerical
and Technical Staff (ACTS). The following officers were elected
by the Pxecutive Committee; Lynn Shrewsbury, Chairperson; Gwen
Curtis, Recorder: and Ron Lloyd will serve as Chairperson in the
absence of Hs. Shrewsbury. Judy Fugate and Jeff Sauer were
elected by the staff to serve as the Library Faculty Administra—
tive Council representatives. Please feel free to bring to their
attention any issues,events or problems concerning you or the
entire staff.
From the_Qgbu§sman2
‘ This past year it has been my pleasure to serve the Library
V as its Ombudsman. I am happy to report that no one found it
necessary to enlist the aid of the Ombudsman. This seems to
» be an occasion when “no news is good news". In January I
received a phone call from the ARL Office of Eanagement Studies
in Washington, D.C. They expressed interest in the trend for
library ombudsman and requested specific information about our
library“s position.
For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the Ombudsman°s
responsibilities, let me once again state the functions as
established by the Grievance Committee Study Group in 1974:
"The office of the Ombudsman shall provide a mechanism for
handling issues for which no established procedure exists or
for which established procedures have not yielded a satisfactory
solution. It is not intended to supplant the normal processes of
problem resolution. In some cases where there is a clear need
to achieve a solution more quickly than normal procedures
provide, the Ombudsman may initiate investigations without
formal complaints.“

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The library technician is the subject of a special panel scheauled
for Thurséay, 7 October, from 3:30 to 5:00, at the KLA meeting in
Louisville. The purpose of the panel will be to offer information
and invite discussion about various aspects of the Kentucky library
technician and the`national library technician movement. Chairing
the panel will be Lee Hisle of LTI. Panel members ané topics area
Lynn Shrewsbury of UK ("UK Technical Assistants: their organization,
their problems and needs"): Charles Hinds ("The State Library
Exam for Eeae Librarians: Public Libraries“); and Margaret Parron
(“The National Technical Orqanization ~~ Its purposes, goals,
. — . L . . ..
accomplishments, and the future of the library technician ).
FQUVPHOB Kun nnsrwrc
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“Preschoolers, parents and books“ is the title of a workshop
scheéuled 38 October, 9:00 AH to ll230 AM, on the second floor of
the UK Student Union. Enrollment is limited to 50 children (ages
3 to 6) and their parents and 50 professional librarians. Students,
teachers ani librarians are welcome to participate. (From KLA
Bullitin, Fall 76, p.4l.)
Job opening: Tech IV (Circulation - Mee Center). For information
telephone Sara Leech at 3~5596.
 ri &$i§;?‘l-.f?_E?l.f?}i? Q’fE.CFl_.   FS
Associate Librarian. Cornell University Libraries. Ithaca, NY.
Application oeadline Nov. l, l976. Available December l, 1976.
Salary: Commensurate with backqrouné, experience an& ability.
Acquisitions Librarian. Yale University Library. Application
deailine Oct. 15, 1976. Available Oct. l5, l976. Salary: $l¤,900+.