xt7fbg2h7z1c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h7z1c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1943-10-15  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1943 1943 1943-10-15 2013 true xt7fbg2h7z1c section xt7fbg2h7z1c Th Kentucky



By Don LaU

Liberators pounding five big enemy
Jrbases In Greece and Crete. Elysis
airfield near Athens was left in
ruins by incendiary and fragmentation bombs on Sunday. October 10.
The Sedes Airport was one sharp
blast, then a mass of fire. These
two largest bases, along with numerous others, may be accredited to
our own American Air force.

Will Cost $4.50

Supper Held
Officers elected to fill vacancies
on the Baptist Student Union
council were inaugurated at the
BSU supper held Wednesday at
Calvary Baptist church.
The new council members are:
graduate engineering student of
Bogota, N. J.; social
Evelyn Oreene. arts and sciences
sophomore of Jonesville; devotional
Amelia Mason,
agriculture sophomore of Russell-villmusic chairman, Anne Howell, arts and sciences junior from
Atlanta. Ga.
Church representatives: Calvary,
Merl Baker, Hopkinsville; Porter
Memorial. Catherine Hardin,
and Mildred Buchanon,
Mayslick; Felix Memorial, Jean
Bach, Bellevue.
Chester Durham, state Baptist
Student union secretary, was guest
of honor at the supper and speaker
at the prayer meeting following.


Fortngal Joins Allies
Our army on foot is coming up
through Italy to push our enemies
back into their own country. Along
with Hitler's other troubles, Turkey
has granted to Great Britain, their
bases in the Azores,
even though the Portugese plans
are to remain neutral. Our new
ally is a stepping stone between
the United States and Europe. Our
first project Is to build an airbase
there to combat the submarines.




Nazis Burs Town
The Nasties are burning the Russian town of Kiev to make it hot
for Stalin. The Russians are rushing on to Uie German border. The
fleet is giving it to them down under on the Sea of Azov and pushing
ail ''pure Aryans" toward their
Mecca. Gamel is being evacuated,

Fraternities Are
Practically Out,

too, which will be told by Berlin
as a planned withdrawal or a fast
way to run backward.
With the above summary in mind,
we have given Schikelgruber
aUoted number of strikes for one
inning now that we are the batters
lip. Let's boost the boys with bonds.

Says Dean Jones
Fraternities are practically out
for the duration, according to Dr.
T. T. Jones, dean of men. Very
few pledges were taken into any
fraternity this year. In contrast
to the usually large amount of
freshman material for pledging,
only 75 .eligible men are in school
this quarter. Most of these are going into the armed services in the
near future.
A few of the fraternity houses
have been taken over by the Uni-


versity for women's residence halls.
The fraternities will not be acFellowship Groin . . .
tive in most instances, aside from
of the Maxwell Street Presbysome weekly meetings of old memterian church will meet Sunday at bers. The rushing that has been
6:30 for supper, 6:00 for Evensong,
carried on has not been done in the
and at 6:30 for a forum.
usual manner.
In the words of Dean Jones,
. . . society will meet at 7:30 p.m. "This is just not a fraternity year.
Thursday in room 313. Biological Conditions are not favorable for
Sciences building.



SaXy . . .
. . . Anyone interested in trying
out for SuKy. and all old SuKy
members must meet at 4:30 p.m.
Monday in the Union building.

New Insignia Being
Issued To ASTP

Formal Dance . . .
. '. . will be held from 9 to 12 p.m.
October 23, in the Bluegrass room
of the Union building.
V Meetings . . .
. , . will be held Tuesday


p.m. in the Union building.




noon, Tuesday,
at the Colonial Bowling lanes.
Alpha Zeta
. . . invites all agriculture boys to
at 7 p.m. Monday in
the Student room of the Agriculture building.

. . will meet





... interested inBureau
the Date

becoming memcommittee
bers of
will sign at the Information desk
in the Union building today.
All C ampus Sing . . .
. . . will be held at 6 p.m. every
Thursday in the Bluegrass room of
the Union building.


meeting of all reporters will be held at 3 pjn. today
in the Journalism department,
Bnnd Meeting
Tuesday, at 4 pjn., in the
band room, art center. All persons
are invited to the first rehearsal.

. . . compulsory




New Insignia
Army Specialized Training men
are being issued a special official
Insignia, it was announced this
week. Men stationed on the campus will soon begin wearing the
new emblem.
The insignia, designed by the
Quartermaster corps and the Army
Special Service division, rests on a
yellow background, octagonal
shape. It depicts the sword of valor
against a lamp of knowledge, both
of which are in blue.
Production has begun and distribution will be completed soon.

Couple Club Holds

Meetings In Union

Mortar Board . . .
The Couple club, a newly orin ganized club
. . . will meet at 5 pjn. Tuesday
for soldiers and their
the Union building.
wives, will have a meeting every
Wednesday night in the Union.
Onion Committee . . .
Anyone wishing to join should
. . . deadline for application blanks
Is midnight Monday. Soldiers are leave his name with Mrs. John R.
Evans, social director of the Union
also asked to apply.



work on Stnflent l'ni on Committees)

Please indicate the conunittee on mhich you would like to serve.
(1) Art .

4i Forum..

(2) Activities..


The regular sales deposit will be
and it will entitle the
holder to a Kentuckian with the
addition of $3. The sales price at
the time of distribution will be
$4.50 for those who have not made
an advance deposit.
Each sorority has been asked to
appoint a salesman to take care of
subscriptions in her house. Other
students Interested in becoming
salesmen should attend a meeting
at 4 p.m., Monday, in the Ken
of Mc- tuckian office,
Vcy hall. Salesmen will be paid a
commission of 10 percent of all
sales, Miss Bogan stated.
Selection of the Kentuckian beauty queen will be made at the end
of the advance campaign. A queen
and three attendants will be selected by an entirely new system.
Miss Bogan said, but declined to
reveal further details. Twenty advance subscriptions entitle an organization to nominate one candidate, she explained.
This year's annual is being distributed earlier than usual this
year for the convenience of December and March graduates. Miss Bogan remarked. Provisions will be
made to send copies to any men
who make deposits and are later
called into service.
Although plans have not been
completed, the theme of the book
will be "It's a woman's world."
Tills idea will be repealed through- out the annual.


War Effort.




Soldiers To Hold
Positions On Board

Movie Of UK
To Be Shown

Mumford Named
Faculty Advisor
At the first meeting of the Home
Economics club this quarter Miss
Mary Mumford, assistant professor
of home economics, was selected as
faculty advisor for this year.
A party will.be held tonight for
all club members, new home economics students, and freshmen.
The next club meeting will be
held on Monday night.

Field House To Honor Dead
Of World War II Donovan
Now Registered

The total number of students
now registered is 1,490, according to Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, registrar.
Tabulations have not been
completed as to the final registration of colleges, classes, or

At It Again!
Careful to avoid any possibility
of committing a freshman blunder,
one of the new girls learned where
all the buildings are located. She
didn't ask any questions, she tried
to follow all the rules.
And most of all she was careful
to step off the walks to let the soldiers march by.
The other day, for instance, it
had been one of those "off again,
on again" walks across the campus.
She turned as she neared her destination and saw the Inevitable
four feet bearing down on her.
Off she stepped. And the soldiers
marched by both of them.

"Sky Lark" featuring Claud-ett- e
Colbert, Ray Milland, and
Brian Aherne will be presented at the Union at 6 o'clock
Monday night.

Sixteen University students have
been chosen to have their biographies included in "Who's Who Among
9 a.m.-- 1
Students in American Colleges and
Universities," an announcement receded today reveals.
Those named for the 1943-4- 4
Two soldiers will be elected to the
Bederman. Eloise
board at a mass student Uon are CeU
body election between 9 a m. and 4 Bennett. Jay C. Doyle. Saran Ewing.
p.m. tomorrow in the Great hall of Helen Harrison, Jimmy Hurt. Julia
Johnson. Martha Koppius, Virginia
the Union building.
upacomo. Virginia iong, Aniut
At present there are seven mem- Roos,
James Saunders,
bers on the board representing the
Spagnuolo, Carolyn Spicer. Mary
civilian students on the campus but j
Norma Weathers poon, and Edith
there are no representatives from Weisenberger.
1.250 service men. Feeling that
Picking students from over 600
tne soldiers should have more
voice in student affairs, the board of the nation's colleges, the
that soldiers should be elect- - ""on chooses those to be listed
ed to fill the two vacancies which without fees or politics. Selections
arf based on leadership, character.
now exist.
The board nominated the follow- - scholarship, and potentialities, and
the publishers maintain a reference
Jacob A. Bedenbough, T 4, who service for employers,
has an A. B. degree from Newberry j Celin Bederman, journalism
He was ior from Lexington, is editor of The
South Carolina.
president of his senior class in col- - Kernel. Formerly she was a
editor of the annual, member ' porter, assistant managing editor,
of the Appeals and Excuses com- - and
editor of the
of the Literary society, and per. She is
taught high school for three years. keeper of the archives of Theta
Corporal J. W. Cunningham, who Sigma Phi, national journalism
was a senior in industrial engineer- - fraternity, and a member of Mor-in- g
at Renselar college. He was tar Board, women's senior
of Theta Chi fraternity, ship fraternity. She was formerly
a member of the
an associate editor of the Univer-counca member of Felanks Hon- -t sity bulletin, a member of Cub
orary society, and captain of the club, sophomore Journalism honor- ary. a feature writer for the Y's
varsity football team.
Pvt. J. H. C. Dick, who was a Owl. a member of the Union Pub
student at the University of Vir- - licity committee, and a member of
ginia. He was a law student and a Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman
member of the Student assembly.
scholastic fraternity.
All students are urged to vote,
Eloise Bennett, senior home ecoaccording to Edith Weisenberger. nomics student from Willlamstown,
president of the board. They should Is president of Alpha Gamma Delta,
bring means of identification, in- social sorority. She has been seclicenses,
draft retary of the Student Government
cards, or registration receipts.
association for two years and Is a
representative of the Agriculture
college in the Assembly. She is
secretary of the Student Union
board and has been a member of
the Art committee for two years.
of Panhellenic coun- ciL she is a member of the TWCA
Dr. Alexander Capurso. executive cabinel
director of the music department,
cJub Home Economics elub
Assocwul address the American
2M) tommMwtt
the Ken.
uon oi uiuversuj wumcu i 'Jw:tuckian staff.
p.m. Monday in the Music room of
Jay C. Doyle, junior in arts and
the Union building.
sciences from Lexington, is vice- -j
His subject will be "Tschaikow-skpresident of the Union board. Pres-- :
His Music and Romances," ilident of Phi Delta Theta, social
by some of the author's
chairman of the
inrecords which show the direct
Union Dance committee, a rep- -.
fluence of his romance with the resentative to
the Student Govern-- :
woman he never met.
ment association, and a member of
Phalanx. During the past summer
: he played
the lead in the Guignol
production of Young April, and
last year he appeared in My Sister
He was formerly social
chairman and chorister of Phi Del
A military review will be held
ta Theta.
at 2 p.m.. Saturday on Stoll
Sarah Ewing, home economics
field, it has been announced.
senior from Anchorage, is presiSix companies of service men
dent of Kappa Kappa Gamma, sostationed on the campus will
cial sorority, and of the Panhellenic
pass In parade.
council. She was chairman of the
The public is invited to atSGA Social committee last year
tend, according to Col. B. E.
and was an ROTC sponsor for two
years. She was a member of the
Y Freshman club and rush chair -man of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Helen Harrison, arts and sciences
senior from Lexington, is

Voting- Set

With a goal or $2,000, the SGA
War Chest
drive will open October 25, accord- - I
ing to plans made at the regular
Tuesday night meeting of the As- -'
Bart Peak, YMCA secretary,
spoke to the group and suggested
that a committee work out plans
deand an organizational set-u- p
signed to contact each student per- sonally and solicit $1.00 from every
civilian and soldier on the campus.
Vincent Spagnuolo. SGA presi- dent, announced the appointment
of Dr. Adolph Bigge and Dr. Margaret RatliU as faculty sponsors of
the Assembly. Members were appointed from the agriculture, engineering, and education colleges,
as well as the graduate school to
prepare lists of eligibles to fill vacancies in SGA left by withdrawals.
Ray Garrison reported that a
contract for the quarterly publication of the University directory had
been signed with the Hurst printing company of Lexington.
date upon which the directories
may be obtained by students will
be announced In advance by The
Jimmy Hurt, Jay C. Doyle, and
Betty Tevis were appointed as a
committee to investigate the possi- bilities of allowing soldiers to elect
representatives to SGA.
Frances Jinkins, budget committee chairman, presented the suggested 1943-4- 4
budget which the
InSGA approved unanimously.
cluded was a suggestion that $500
of the association's miscellaneous
fund be used to purchase a war
bond for the Assembly.
The Assembly voted to hold meetings hereafter on the second and
fourth Thursdays of each month.
Absentees were Osborne J n d d,
Amelia Mason, Buddy White, Bill
Embry, Alice Walking. Marybelle
Calvert, Margaret Newell, Margaret
Erskine, Winston Hendrickson, and
William Shropshire.


School Leaders

To Union Board Tomorrow


Hostess cards will be issued to
girls and to the wives of the soldiers for the dance to be held at
the Union tomorrow night.
Every girl is requested to fcf her
card by Friday if possible. Cards
will be issued Saturday night to
the ones who were not able to obtain them on Friday.

Publication Lists
Biographies Of

Two Soldiers Will Be Elected

The auditorium-fiel- d
house to be
built by the University after the
war was described Tuesday by
President Herman L. Donovan as a
memorial to Kentucky's dead in
World War II. Dr. Donovan pointed out that Memorial hall, which
was dedicated to those who lost
their lives in the last war, had been
a source of pleasure and inspiration to the students but that the
University had already outgrown
the building.
auditorium-fiel- d
house, he stated, would be a million dollar structure capable of
seating around 6,000 spectators with
room for expansion. It will be built
with the possible rapid growth of
the student body after the war taken Into consideration.
It was thought that Memorial
hall would accommodate the University for fifty years, but it was
outgrown in five years time.
Tentative plans include a stage
large enough for a basketball floor,
and an auditorium capable of seating 6,000 on one' side with basketball floors and handball courts on
the other side.
The Kentucky legislature will be
asked to appropriate $600,000 for
the new building and the Board of
Trustees will supply the remainder
of the funds. Governor Keen Johnson has already supplied the University with $400,000 toward the
project, which has been partly
spent on the purchase of the building site on Euclid avenue and
Adams street.
Construction will begin as soon
as possible afte the war, according
to Dr. Donovaii.

In Great Hall


Picture Set
For Tuesday


Hostess Cards
Are Issued For
Dance Saturday

"Sky Lark" Slated

As Outstanding Students
For College Who's Who




Sixteen Named To Places

Goal Of $2,000
Is Set By SGA

$1, as usual,


(3) Dance..


Campus Drive
Opens Oct. 25

For the first time in history,
soldiers will hold the two vacancies left on the Student
Union board.
At the campaign rally, which
will be held at 6 o'clock tonight
at Stall field, two soldiers will
be picked for the election
which will take place from 9
am. to 4 p.m. tomorrow.



Advance sales of the 1944
which will come out in
January, will officially begin Mon
day, according to an announcement from Micki Bogan, business

Place In SGA
IS'ew Freshmen


Ken-tuckia- n,


Rassians Rush Oa
On the Russian front, the Red
Army has smashed Germany's indispensable Dneiper river line, leaving behind them over 2,000 bodies
of Hitler's "unconquerable heroes."
As the Reds enter their third round
with an edge, their fellow fighters,
the guerillas, are doing an excellent
job taking over Kiev, capitol of the

Kernel deadlines for news and
cuts must be observed or material cannot be accepted for
Cuts and regular news must
be in The Kernel News room by
noon on Wednesday.
items are due before 3 p.m.
Tuesday. Announcements may
be turned in until 4 p.m.

In January


Author Slated
To Speak At
Next Convo

Kernel Deadlines
Must Be Observed

Book Appearing

BSU Elects
New Officers



two-- no



Advance Sales Will Begin
Monday For 1944 Kyian;
Regular Deposit Set At $1

Here's a toast to the host of men
out yonder flying high. Yes, the
Allied Air forces are scoring again
for the old home team, with the
Flying Fortresses





on page

John Graves Temple II
Jonn Graves Temple n, lecturer,
lawyer, and author, will speak at
tne quarter's second convocation at
U a.m. Thursday In Memorial hall,
All civilian classes will be dismissed

during the fourth hour.
Dr. Temple, who Is also an economist and journalist, has chosen
as his subject Wonders Yet To Be.
The speaker served in World War
I, and, in 1919. was a member of
the American Peace commission in
Paris. Since then, he has been on
the editorial staff of the BirmingHis most recent
book is The Fighting South.
Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, dean
and registrar of the University, will
preside at the convocation.

Ten Freshmen
Rate Highest In
Placement Tests
Names of the ten members of
the freshman class who rated highest in the placement tests given
them when they entered the Uni-

versity . have been announced by
Dr. M. M. White, assistant dean of
the College of Arts and Sciences.
The students are Martha B.
Mann. Barbara J. Allen. Mary E.
Gifford. Robert W. Poundstone, and
Gene Whicker, all of Lexington;
Elizabeth D. Boone, Berea, Ohio;
Elizabeth B. Broaddus, Louisville;
Helen L. Ellis. Maysville; Hubbard
Wright Smith, Paris; and Mary
Velotta. Owensboro.

"The University in War and
Peace," a new sound movie recently prepared by the University, will
be shown Tuesday night at 7:15 and
again at 8:15 in Memorial hall.
Portrayed In the film is the way
a modern state university has
adapted itself to the exigencies
of modern warfare. Shown Is the
groundwork laid by the University
for many years before Pearl Harbor; the physical equipment of
buildings, laboratories; faculty,
staff, and organizations which now
are Important to the war effort.
Viu. nf rnrront. wur activities on
the campus are shown, including
many types of research, the instruction being given the Army
Specialized Training Program selectees, and the work in agriculture.
Off -- campus activities of the University include the University agriat Quicksand,
Breathitt county, and a radio listening center at Wooton, Leslie
Featured in the movies Is the extension division of the College of
Agriculture, with several sequences
research In
devoted to
tobacco, gardening methods, and
stock and small animal husbandry.
Nostalgic touches In the film are
shots of the football team playing
on Stoll field, and the "Best Band
in Dixie" in formation.






sub-stati- on

Inter-Fraterni- ty

To Be Reorganized
At 5 p.m. Tuesday



ROTC Classes


Report Decreases
In Enrollment



Military Review
Set Tomorrow


Seniors Must
Apply For Degrees

"Pin Up Girl" Is Title Given'
Union Hostess By Soldiers

Dance committee of
board will hold an Informal
dance from 9 to 12 o'clock tomorrow night In the ballroom of the
Union building.
Admission for men will be 25
cents. Women are admitted free
on presentation of their hostess
Hostesses will be Mrs. Elizabeth
Moores, book store employee; Mrs.
Hugh Sweatt, Sigma Phi Epsilon;
Mrs. Crutcher and Mrs. Beeler,
hostesses of the Union building;
and Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Capur-s-


First Aid Class
Now Offered
A class offering first aid training to University students is
now being formed.
The class meets from 7 to 10
p.m. Tuesdays in the Gym annex. Instructions will be given
in bandaging, splinting, and artificial respiration.
Standard certificates and 3
hours credit will be awarded on
completion of the course, announced Margaret Warren, in-


nd opened'





on Page Three'



stoud as the bovs durins
-umm" montns' ,sh cn"


term put new life in them.'
point we were interrupt- At this
By Shirley Mefeter
ed by a loud squeaking and looked
Question: Are yon in favor of
arouna to see a very sneepisn 100a- - wrt
tna soldier. "My shoes," he said.
DrY, u
They squeak." So we took time out
couW wg haye more social hfe
w u.--i
or, itoalrincr shn
Flnallo, u f t r



... ...

Answering endless auestions. re- ceiving guests, making lonely stu- dents feel at home, being "ersatz''
to the University's soldier
population, .solving love problems,
stamps, stationery, and mag- and keeping the Student
Union building the pleasant place
Is, are just a few of her duties.
"But it s lots of fun and there's
never a dull moment," Mrs. Beeler
explained as I propped my elbows
on the counter and settled down
for a long talk.
Since she has been here. Mrs.
Beeler has noticed a great change
in the Union building. "The stu- dents this year come here more
freouentlv and of course the sol- diers come to meet the girls," she
reported. Mention of soldiers and
jirls reminded Mrs. Beeler that she
vas very grateful that the fU



After discovering that Mrs. Shir- ley Beeler Is one of those rare peo- ...
.. . .
pie wno can wrtnoui maxing me
you where the
obvious remarks, tell
steps going to the grill downstairs
are when you are standing right by
them, we voted her the perfect in- terview victim of the week and
proceeded to find out more.
"Pin Up Girl" of the University's
khaki clads, Mrs. Beeler is on the
roster of the school employees, as
.ine Hostess oi tne union Dunauig,
a title which she smilingly admits
doesn't half cover the lob she does.





By Pat Pollack




Will Address
AAUW Monday


Dance Scheduled
For Tomorrow


Alexander Capurso


women's drill team, will
at 5 p.nru, Tuesday,
In the Armory. The organization
will be sponsored by Scabbard and
Blade, military honorary, under the
i supervision of Pfc. John Dallavo.
H11 h
M ti rr a
hclH Mrpra Time
day and Thursday from 5 to 6 pjn.,
he said.
Former members of the drill team
will receive service bars at the first
Actual enrollment In University
Assisting Pfc. Dallavo will be Pfcs.
per-eROTC classes has declined 77
William Wickman, John Kerr, Dick
since March, 1942, according to Webb, and Robert Myer, former
Lt. Arthur Erickson. Although the juniors who have returned to the
number of military men in uniform campus under ROTC-ASThas been greatly increased,
in the 3518th ROTC Service unit have decreased from 749
freshmen and sophomores in 1942
to 174 this quarter.
All seniors and graduate students
ROTC classes .are being instruct
who expect to complete the reed by Capt. Robert L. Stivers, commander of Co. E, ASTRP; Capt quirements for their degrees at the
Murray M. Montgomery, Jr., com- end of the fall, winter, spring, or
mander of Co. F, ASTRP; and T. summer quarter must apply Monday or Tuesday in room 16, AdminSgt. Elmer O. Klnker.
Two years military instruction Is istration building.
compulsory for all men enrolled in
the University.

Present enrollment
men and 42 women.



"We're glad to have the students
ieel that this is for them and we
want to see even more coming in
and using the facilities provided
for their entertainment," urged
Mrs. Beeler. as I gathered my books
for the mad dash to my third per- iod class. But if any more evidence
was needed that the students do
feel at home In the Student Union
building, the conglomeration
junk left with Mrs. Beeler to check
would be sufficient.
from complete uniforms to pens
are left with her.
Yes, we agreed as we were pushed
out of the way by two Junior Com- mandos, who wanted to tell Mrs.
Beeler what the latest letter from
home said, there's never a duU mo- ment in the job of being hostess of
the Union building.

"More" ain't the word for it.
Holding. Patterson hall:
1 certainly am. because
I am
cis"y inclined.
Margaret Wharton, A&S, sopho-sellimore: Yes. because things are
ting dull.
Mary Louise Symplon, Agricul-- it
titre. freshman: Definitely, because
isn't like I heard it was.



Cpt wme w.ttei Patterson hall










ASTRP, Boyd hall:
we d
et ,0 know tne

glrls he""
Fvt. Al Silverman, Bradley hall,
Yes, and I'm also In favor of more
girls playing tennis.
pvt. Henuy Singman, Women's
gym: Yes, it is a good means of
building up the morale of the co- -'
efls as well as the service men.

� The Kernel Editorial Page


Rfttv Bohannon

Ent-T- -o

ac trie Post Office

t Lextncton, Kentucky,

teoantf elcm natter under the Art of March 1,




Lexington Board of Commerce
Kentucky Press Association
National Editorial Association






$1.S0 One Tear

itic slotted article- - and rofwifm- - are to be eoaxtdererf
of the trriteri themtelret. mnd do aot were'-aril- y


at The Kernel.

the opinio





betty tevis

Hiw Toes. n. I.
IM0" Ava.
omtm - losaeaein -

One Quarter

Assistant Managing Editor

CfllA BFnrRfN
... atkixs


hmmu eo tki ov.

Managing Editor
A flt'S Editor



Folks in Uniform

Society Editor
Advertising Manager
Circulation Manager

terty Tevii
Betty Lee Fleishman


Allan S. Abramson. Suranne Bingham. Mary
1n ujvia, Adele Denman. Marlon Douglass. Betly Lee Fleish-tKm8n Micr pwman. Mary Jane Callaher. Oarnett Oayle. Catherine Goman. Fred Greenberx. George Hall, Charlotte Ann
mon. John Hawkins. Lucy Ann Hawkins. Betty Henry, Bernlce
Herman. Carolvn Hill. Frances Jenkins. Eleanore Keetl. Fran- res Keller. Mildred Lon..Laura Lore, Shirley Meister. Pat Pollack. Martha Pruitt. Doris Plngleton, Katherine Southworth.
Wanda Lee Spears, William C. Spragens. Elizabeth Rtreet. Betty
Tevis. Gene Allen Whicker.

Said one little mouse at Brad- lev hall after reading last week's
Kernel: "Just think, Mabel, our
name in the news! We're fa
mous! And to think some jerks
would rather le a man than a

Why A Residence Requirement
1'ncler (he new (onsiiiuiron of the Student
Governnu-association Assemblv a requirement for candidacy and election is two quarters of residence at the I'niversitx. This provision, which excludes incoming; freshmen from
membership in the Assembly, has received liiile
publicity and has never been explained in ihc
general student body.
In former years a man and a woman were
elected to the legislature by ihe freshman class
from a list of candidates made up of the names
of those ranking in the upper lenth of the class
on entrance examinations.
That mere scholastic merit was a criterion
of legislative ability had always been a moot
question. That candidates chosen beforehand
by the various political cliques on the campus
were summarilv elected was an indisputable
And ihai ihese iwo representatives, entirely
unfamiliar with ihe campus and its problems,
took a very negligible pan in the proceedings
was evident to evervone.
The Constitutional committee, made up of
students and faculty members, which drafted
the new constitution was aware of the inabilitv
of incoming freshmen to take an active pan in
'.lie legislature because they larked the necessary background. Weighing ihe advisabilitv of
having the entire freshman class represented in
student government against the necessitv of having efficient legislators, the committee wrote the
residence requirement into the new constitution.
Denied of personal representation in the Assembly, it is up to the first and second quarter
freshmen to make their wishes known to the
luemlxTS of the group. It becomes the respons



the campus newspaper.
The Kernel is first a student newspaper
student owned, edited, and operated. For those
interested in journalism it furnishes an opportunity for professional experience. To all students on 'the campus The Kernel opens its
Our sjH'cial desire this year is lo keep the
student body informed on ihe Student Government association Assembly and its meetings.
We feel that through The Kernel the students
can best make known iheir wishes to the Assembly.
We shall try to represent in The Kernel all
groups on the campus, both civilian and mili- tary. We urge all soldiers with journalistic in- clinations lo submit their copy lo us. Before it
ii iiiiv.il, ii'Fmti-i- ,
nit mil ii maul idi uuoi k
approved by the military authorities.
columns for opinion, protest, and discussion.
It is our aim to make this page a clearinghouse of student opinion. If you have some- mmg to say. write letter to the editor. Ii you
do not want vour name signed to the letter, we
shall substitute a pen name. Vour name will he
kepi in strict confidence by the editor, but all
communications must be signed.
The Kernel tries to clear up all matters of
doubt in the student mind. If you th.nk an
editorial should be written on any subject, feel
free to come in and talk it over with us.


hours up to 2130 AST.
Pvt. Joe considers himself something of a hero, a candidate for the
Purple Heart, perhaps, for he has
done all of three calculus problems,
and he's only been out of the room
five times (total time elapsed, one
hour and 45 minutes) for various
errands such as getting a drink of
water from the fountain and the
phv.siCs answers
from the room
across the hall. (Aha! I always
wondered where those physics an- ; Mdris uaiuc
Pvt. Willie has done him one bet- ter. He has also completed at least
three math problems, and has even
opened his physics book. But Pvt.
Wilbtrrforce is the real student in
the crowd; he actually knows what
chapter is the next assignment in
history, and, secure in this wisdom,
he considers the evening profitably
P Ira sure necessary too
What Came Before
After all. a real education is
Before vou censure these men
more than just dry book learning.
for being lax in their studies
is 2130 o'clock of

mid-v.ee- fc

pari-mutu- el

We are specially prepared to

give the best service on all



IJv Pfc. C. Edwin Barnes
Two Flunks or not Two Plunks, taken at the lfayette Studio within the next two weeks.
that is the question.
Also from the McVey basement
When men like Jack McNeal and comes the following poem!
"Windy" Meyers
Dr. Fischer's
Analytics quiz singing 'Drinking
Reer in
Cabaret ." it's not iust a
song bu