xt7fbg2h7m08 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h7m08/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1961 yearbooks ukyrbk1961 English UK Division of Printing, Lexington, Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection 1961 Kentuckian text 1961 Kentuckian 1961 1961 2012 true xt7fbg2h7m08 section xt7fbg2h7m08 	. j- WES
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  University Archives Margaret i.   ing Library - . 'orth University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506  The
  1961 Kentuckian
Campus Activity......... 14
Administration.......... 58
Seniors............ 84
Residence Halls......... 124
Greeks............ 136
Royalty............ 196
Athletics............ 212
Organizations.......... 246
Index ,............ 352
Through the years, Memorial Hall has become the symbol of the Universityno publication would be complete without it.      Only a small percentage of students found time to enjoy snowballing and snowman-building, as the big snows seemed to fall during vacations and final exam week.
A typical scene at Christmas  a fraternity party for under-priviledged and orphan children, complete with gifts and Santa.
   These pages mark but another year in the history of the University .   . . its campus, its surroundings, its activities.
The mud-filled streets, the Brothers Four, the burning of Neville Hall, a newly-organized Student Congress, the gang war scare, Tedd Browne, the expanded television instruction program, President Kennedy, the Medical Center, preregistra-tion, delayed graduation . . . and rush, Joni James, many other names, countless events . . . all are to be remembered.
In the following sections, these events will be expanded and enumerated . . . with the hope of recalling memories of personal events and situations to the individual.
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  Campus Activity
CAMPUS ACTIVITIES . . . encompassing assorted situations . . . from lab to athletic field to informal chats. A teddy bear can provide wonderful companionship during the first weeks of adjustment to life away from home.
Orientation . . .
Freshmen are entertained by UK Troupers during a SUB-sponsored street dance.
tired bodies, muddled minds, sore feet.
In addition to the many activities of the week, a physical examination is required of freshmen. But somethis fellow includedenjoy the Welcome Week events.
During a week of becoming acquainted with the campus and its operations, new students discover their personal guides in-dispensible.
 Although the majority of incoming students' time is prearranged, people still find time to chat informally.
Preregistration . . .
Preregistration ... a cause of uncertainty. This new system of obtaining class schedules now being used completely by the University, is slowly becoming operational. Still students and faculty alike are not sure of enrollment in all classes until several weeks after the semester begins.
Second semester proved more systematic than the nerve-shattering fall term, and campus members expressed that perhaps the new registration would someday have fewer flaws than previous systems.
After tuition and fees are paid, students invariably find books remaining to dwindle their monetary funds.
. . . slowly becoming systematic.
Registration ... a time of weary wait. Twice freshmen remained in the coliseum until 7 p.m. for completed schedules.  Fraternity rushees enjoy casual conversation as a rush party.
. . . delayed, but successful.
Rush created controversy this fall . . . many voiced dislike for the delayed fraternity rush plan, saying it would cause the downfall of the Greek system. But everyone was quite satisfied when the number pledged showed a great increase this year, with decreased de-pledging. Sororities, going to great extents for costume parties and parades, seem always to have more spectacular programs, although fraternities did sponsor some nice rparties for rushees and dates the second semester.
The last steppledging . . . only the parad
e remains.
Wonder if she ever found out it was only play money
Like most campus affairs, rush involves the familiar hurry-up-and-wait process.
 He cared enough to send the very best.
Parties, dances, snow queens . . . this is Christmas; the enjoyment of giving, entertaining, providing . . . this is Christmas; but most of all, understanding why . . . THIS is Christmas.
He came ... He saw ... He conquered.
   The Pikes turned their house into a steamboat and came up with a winning display.
President Dickey crowns Bettie Hall 1960 Homecoming Queen.
. . welcome alums
As usual, Homecoming featured rain, giving outside displays that wilted look. Scores of umbrellas were in evidence at the game, and muddy players covered the sloshy field. But the Wildcats defeated the Commodores, the queen was crowned, and the band played on.
Stoll Field once again relaxed, and the Kernel begged students not to be litter bugs.
  The Hanging of the Greens, traditional opening of the Christmas season.
. . . student planned
Mardi Gras . . . Pershing Rifles Ball . . . Gold Diggers . . . Troupers Show . . . Lances Dance . . . Fine Arts Festival . . . Hanging of the Greens . . . SUB Movies . . . Military Ball . . . Block and Bridle Festival . . . Blue Marlins Show . . . Engineers Day . . . All-Campus Sing. Campus events, too numerous to mention, providing enjoyment, education, entertainment . . . an integral part of UK.
Entertainment aboard the "S. S. Troupers"
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The weaker sex?
Ruffled but happy, the winning pledges clutch their prize.
Obviously, these girls are AD Pi's.
whipped cream, broken eggs, beat pledges.
27 Co-starring with Joni James, the Four Freshman presented their original renditions of popular ballads.
The band director's antics furnish entertainment at the Greek Week Dance.
Greek Week ...
Joni James, featured at the Friday night concert, walked through the audience during her performance.
The one dance of the year where all the Greeks assemble together.
entertaining and enlightening
  The art gallery draws many for paintings, modern furniture, sculpture.
The finished product . . . the goal of every artist.
Dream becomes relization as a student designs and creates.
Much of the student's time in college is spent at books which demand the mundane and technical. The fine arts offer the student release, relief, or a break in the dull and demanding. Many find ways of expressing themselves on paper or canvas, with knife in wood, or hands in clay, or by dancing to music. Art exhibits give an opportunity to see what has been read or heard. Picasso, Braque . . . pointalism, collage. Klee paints Venus. Law professor paints four-legged grasshopper. Racz with woodcuts . . . students are required to analyze works, copy style. Modern dance groups promote the twin iaeals of physical and mental creativity in the art of dance. They leap to the beat, clad in black leotards . . . they express themselves . . . viewers wonder, question, smile. A sliver of culture has been added to those who view. Questions are raised by those who doubt their validity.
Swinging to the music in graceful manner, a part of modern dance.
   Producer Wally Briggs (left) talks to the technical staff about the lighting in one of the Guignol plays.
The turmoil of a boy's mind is released in his father's workshop in Look Homeward Angel.
dramatics supreme
In the powerful role of a tyrant, Joe Ray his own kingdom.
. seeker of
Boy's imagination takes him from hilltop to hilltop on reindeer . . . boy seeks himself amidst family turmoil in southern town . . . boy plays dual rolelover and witchboy . . . boy obsessed with the desire to conquer ... all a part of Guignol . . . Guignol ... a chance for students to write, produce, act in their own and classical works.
The moon light bewitches . . . witch man . . . witch boy ... in the legend of Barbara AllenDark of the Moon.
33 Robert Shaw Chorale as they appeared in the Memorial Coliseum.
Blazer Lectures...
A result of the trust fund established by Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Blazer in memory of their son, the Blazer Lecture Series brings outstanding speakers to the campus, informing students and faculty of national and international events and their relation to society. Dr. Rene de Visme Williamson, Robert Morris, Jack Bell, Gordon Craig, George Buttrick and Leo Pfeiffer participated in this season's series.
The Next President and What the Election Results Meant was the topic of newspaper man Jack Bell.
Dr. Rene De Visme Williamson spoke on Religion and the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
The Role of Diplomacy in East-West Struggle was the lecture Dr. Gordon Craig presented at the Blazer Lecture Series in the fall.
 Concert and Lecture
Basil Rathbone internationally famous actor read several excerpts from Shakespeare for the Concert and Lecture Series.
. . cultural advantages
Some of the guards from Queen Elizabeth's Household Regiment at Buckingham Palace.
The Concert and Lecture Series supplements student culture and class work by bringing internationally famous lectures and artists to the University community.
Artists and lecturers appearing under the auspices of the Central Kentucky Concert and Lecture Series this year were: Hugh Miller, British actor and producer; Brigit Nilson, Metropolitan soprano; the Regimental Band of Coldstream Guards from the Household Regiment, Buckingham Palace; Greek pianist Gina Bachauer; Cavalleria Rusticans and Pagliacci, presented by the New York Opera Festival; Martin Agronsky, radio and television news analyst; Basil Rathbone, American actor; the Robert Shaw Chorale and Orchestra; Maj. Gen. John Medaris, engineer of the American missle program; the National Ballet of Canada; George Tapps' "Born to Dance"; and the Concertgebouw of Amsterdam.
An intricate scene from "La Carnaval" danced by the National Ballet of Canada.
  Lt. Gov. Wyatt and John Robsion flip first in a Student Union debate.
a coin to see who will talk
hand-shaking time
TV's Restless Gun, John Payne was greeted by many fans as he spoke on behalf of the GOP.
During the fall campaigns, the campus was besieged with celebrities . . . John Payne, Jeff Chandler, Angie Dickenson, James Michener, Wyatt, Robison, Cooper, Morton . . . and Mr. Kennedy. Some cringed for the Medical Center when a constitutional convention was defeated, leaving state employees' maximum salaries at $12,000.
Perhaps the old car is to show that age can be dependable.
Many students cut classes to watch the building, one of the campus' oldest, burn.
The Fire...
The greatest sorrow was expressed by those graduate students who saw years of their own research go up in flames.
Firemen fought a courageous, but losing battle as age-old Neville Hall burned to the ground in less than two hours.
. . . Neville Hall destroyed
Fire ... a meaningful word at the University this year. Neville Hall was destroyed, as was a dormitory room in Jewell Hall. The starting of fires in several other campus buildings was attempted, but prevented before any serious damage occurred.
Memorial Hall steeple towers over the ruins of nearby Neville Hall.
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38 Construction
Long-awaited dreams of the AGR's were fully realized as they moved into their house in mid-February.
Construction site for the new science building.
The new Sigma Chi fraternity house was completed in late spring.
. with a big C
The pine-shaded walk behind the president's home disappeared soon after the fall term began, becoming a part of the new science building site. The University's expansion program swung into high gear this year, with construction beginningon a new women's dorm, an expansion of the King Library, and an enlarged Student Union. Two new fraternity houses were completed, and work continued on the Medical Center.
Bulldozers and trucks supplemented the usual M&O noises.      This picture shows the lights | of a moving truck, taken by a time exposure. Working with a metalographic camera that photographs rock and metal surfaces for research purposes.
Reading microfilms taken of a cloud chamber reaction.
Concentration is an absolute necessity in any type of research.
benefitting the student and the University
Seldom in the Kernel's pages, almost never on students' lips, hidden in dark corners and basements . . . students engage in research, an important phase of the University. New ideas in researchSpindletop . . . the Aero Lab, working with man and space . . . the raising of houseflies in an attempt to discover a cure for the common cold . . . many, many more. These are a fundamental part of the University, possibly receiving less mention than any other prime function on campus . . . yet a few students and their dedicated staff advisers work until early morning, with little more recognition than tiny window lights overlooking an empty campus.   For the energetic, Lexington has several bowling lanes that cater to the college crowd.
The newest fad in sports, ice skating captured the fancy of many fun-loving couples.
an intimate diversion
Dating has different connotations, depending on the individual . . . some enjoy the companionship . .  some see a more serious meaning . . . some find love . . . whatever the meaning, dating cannot be denied its prominence in the student's life.
The end of casual dating, and the beginning of more serious thoughts.
f   >   >   > >i    . . . who has it?
Without a doubt, the most popular place on campus to spend spare time is the SUB grill.
A new grill, the K-Lair, behind Haggin Hall, primarily serves the boys' dorms and fraternity row.
47  Changes...
The coffee houses enjoyed a brief moment of popularity, but are now no longer. However, the beat influence is still apparent.
Increased popularity of the Marching 100 football halftime shows may have been because of the addition of majorettes to the lineup.
Numerous changes occurred this season, some welcome, some dreaded. Accompanying the Marching 100 were the Kentucky Babes, UK's new majorettes. The trio received both approval and disapproval . . . some felt the band needed no trimmings . . . most enjoyed the additional secenery. Knee-ticklers and culottes replaced longer skirts on many coeds . . . some commented on the return of the younger generation. Lances Carnival, long remembered as a feature of UK's social year, was discontinued last year, and replaced by a concert and dance this fall. Eighty coeds inhabited Bowman Hall for a semester . . . Dr. Skiles and the Ancient Languages Department moved to Funkhouser Building . . . Lexington's coffee houses folded after a year . . . seniors grimly awaited delayed graduation ceremonies, a week after finals . . . parking space diminished.
Remember the clamorous day the Ancient Languages Department made the move from the Journalism Building to Funkhouser?
. . . some good, some bad
Something new for the females this year-short skirts.
 Some classes require uniformshere, white coats.
Classes and Studies .
others prefer the quiet solitude of a lonely campus
Many find studying with one another in a group more helpful . . .
. . . late hours, lengthy facts.
Encompassing most of the student's time during his months on campus are studies and classes. Term papers and tests compete with sleep, and often win. Some study in the library . . . special study halls prove more satisfactory for others . . . and a few attempt night work in the dorms, combatting noise as best they can.
7373 For the ambitious student ... a Leadership Conference to train him for responsibility.
For the Student...
. . . opportunities
To take advantage of the many opportunities offered by the University would be impossible ... an individual must choose from them to advantage . . . but he should participate, because the events are for him
For the enterprising student. . . a Career Carnival to help him mold his future.
For the foreign student ... a tea to acquaint him with campus personalities.
51 Keeneland and Herrington . . .
The ticket windowwhere your money goes, and less often comes back.
warm weather winners
Famous across the nation, Keeneland Race Course is a popular spot for students with a venturesome spirit.
Late spring and early fall see students going en masse to Herring-ton Lake, less than an hour's drive from Lexington.
 Last season's Little Kentucky Derby was highlighted with the Dave Brubeck-Earl Bostic Concert. Brubeck (above) attracted many local jazz addicts.
Entertainment is cineramic in meaning . . . one may entertain oneself by sitting at home, quietly reading . . . movies provide an interesting and sometimes informative diversion . . . but the world of show business and performers is incomparable for engrossing one's thoughts and making him forget the turmoils of a busy day.
with emphasis on celebrities
Folk music rocked the coliseum during the Lances-Keys, sponsored Brothers Four Concert. After the concert, the quartet attended a party in their honor at the Fiji house.
Students swarmed Springs Motel this year, primarily to hear Tedd Browne, folk-singing entertainer from Savannah, Ga.
   Although an attempt is being made to foresee events, a moment to remember has been created.
The gang war scare furnished a theme for several campus events.
. . . how can we forget?
Waiting in line for the few available NCAA Tournament tickets, students pass time by playing cards.
Remember . . . rumors of Chicago's cobra gang invade campus . . . George Abell speaks on space exploration ... a peeping torn intrudes privacy of the girls' dorms . . . the language lab adds new facilities ... an increase of mononeucleosis is reported . . . honors program students are given private study facilities in the library ... a frozen bearing causes a delayed Kernel . . . Haggin Hall residents campaign furiously for a dorm president . . . four faculty groups diagnose the University's ills . . . WBKY adds seven hours daily broadcasting time  . . the K-Club is suspended from campus . . . the faculty increases by 38 members . . . twenty-one seniors elect class officers . . . snow damages the Coliseum ceiling . . . Dr. Don Cash Seaton receives the millionth edition of his Physical Education Handbook . . . Marching 100 and Air Force ROTC attend the presidental inauguration . . . classes meet the day before finals . . . and Dean Martin says there is no serious shortage of campus parking. Much has happened this year . . . history has again been made . . . personalities have come into being, some have passed on forever . . . these things we can remember, yet many our descendents will have to read about in books or see for themselves . . . the campus has changed this year . . .the walk behind the President's home is gone forever, a victim of progress . . . a $27,000,000 Medical Center is nearly completed . . . the University's expansion program has begun . . . Lexington, our college home, has changed . . . lights have been installed on the Richmond Road, the Beltline has been extended, Zanesdale shopping center has opened, L. L. Roberts' store has a new front, two of the city's banks have merged to create the fifth largest in the state . . . Kentucky has grown . . . turnpikes have been started which will extend to the eastern and western parts, Louisville has been promised a new skyline, Gov. Combs has talked with President Kennedy about new industry, while appearing in greater numbers were bumper tags, reading "A.B.C. in '63" . . . nationally, we saw one of the closest presidential elections the country has ever known . . . our president is the youngest ever elected, and we helped elect him . . . Hollywood paused its hectic activities for Clark Gable, Ward Bond, Johnny Horton . . . Elizabeth Taylor was in the headlines for a brief period . . . Casey Stengel retired this yearsome of us approved, some didn't . . . we won't easily forget the international events . . . Castro, Khrushchev, Lumumba, Laos, to mention a few . . . we, as students, can remember these things, and much more. . . . "There's a still on the hill," Exodus, Elmer Gantry, Suzie Wong . . . all this we remember because we were part of it . . . we won't have to read it in history books, because we were there when it happened . . . for some, it has been a good year, for some not so good . . . but but to each, the year has created memories unlike any other . . . memories must be different because time moves on, things change, people change . . . memories are made. . . .
THE ADMINISTRATORS . . . doctors and deans . . . governing, advising, aiding, observing . . . functioning for the student, the University, education.
 President Frank G. Dickey
The University of Kentucky awarded Frank G. Dickey the Master of Arts degree in 1942 and the Doctor of Education degree in 1947. During a year's leave of absence from the University in 1952-53, Dr. Dickey did post-doctoral work at Harvard University with major emphasis on administration.
After the army, Dr. Dickey served as a graduate assistant in the UK Bureau of School Service. He received the advanced degree in 1947, and remained on the faculty of the College of Education until 1949, when he became the chief administrative officer of the Bureau of School Service. Six months later he was appointed Dean of the College of Education.
Dr. Dickey was named President of the University of Kentucky in June, 1956, and assumed office in September. He is a member of the Education Committee of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce; Board of Curators of Transylvania College; Commission on International Education of Phi Delta Kappa; and Commission on Research and Service of the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
Dr. Dickey at last year's Little Kentucky Derby. To his left, with the camera, is E. B. Farris, chief engineer, Department of Maintence and Operations.
President and Mrs. Dickey (to his right) talk with an (ihimnns of the University at a reception held after the Homecoming game.
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f Governor
Bert T. Combs
Governor Bert T. Combs became Chairman of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, in 1959. A 1939 graduate of the University, Gov. Combs achieved the second highest standing in his graduating class. While a student on the UK campus, he served as managing editor of the Kentucky Law Journal, and was a member of Coif, the law school honorary.
Serving under General Douglas MacArthur as chief of the investigative section of the War Crimes Department during his four years in the army, Combs holds the bronze star and was decorated by the Phillippine Government.
He was appointed by Gov. Lawrence Weatherby in 1951 to the Kentucky Court of Appeals, and has served as chairman of the Kentucky Judicial Council. He became Governor of Kentucky in 1959.
Board of Trustees
ROW ONE: Robert P. Hobson, Harper Gatton, Gov. Bert T. Combs, Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Robert Hillenmeyer-ROW TWO: Dr. Paul B. Hall, Floyd Wright, Dr. H. B. Murray, Dr. R. W. Bushart, Dr. Thomas D. Clark, Steve Watkins, Dr. Aubrey Brown.
61 HERMAN L. DONOVAN President Emeritus
In the fifteen years of his presidency, Dr. Donovan strove to set above all else the upgrading of the University academically, through the selection of a strong faculty.
The Donovan Era was one of great expansion. Student enrollment doubled, public relations increased, and 16 major new buildings, plus five on experimental farms, were added to the campus- Dr. Donovan was interested in getting the University on the high road in football circles and the team caught the winning ways basketball long had enjoyed.
Dr. Donovan now serves the University as president emeritus, and takes an active interest in many campus affairs.
62 LEO M. CHAMBERLAIN Vice President
Dr. Chamberlain came to the University in 1929 as an Assistant Professor of Education. After holding the positions of Director of the UK Bureau of School Services, Registrar, and Dean of the University, he was named Vice-President of the University in December, 1946, and still holds that position. As Vice-President, he supervises the Departments of Athletics, Public Relations, the University libraries, the IBM office, and the University Personnel Office.
Dr. Chamberlain also serves as President of the Kentucky Research Foundation.
FRANK D. PETERSON Vice President Business Administration
Dr. Frank D. Peterson is the general fiscal and business officer of the University and the chief administrative officer of the Department of Business Management and Control. He is also charged with accounting and control of all funds, and with the control of requisitions, purchases, and all budgetary measures.
Dean of Admissions and Registrar
The main duty of the registrar is to coordinate the registration system at the University. This year, a pre-registration was begun, and, after a confusing first semester, things straightened out for the second term.
As Comptroller of the University, Mr. Kavanaugh is directly responsible for all budgeted business operations of the University. He also supervises the Divisons of Accounting, Purchasing, Stores, and Inventories. He left Berea College in 1955 to come to UK, where he received his A.B. degree.
GEORGE R. KAVANAUGH Associate Business Manager
hi DORIS SEWARD Dean of Women
Dr. Seward was first at the University when she served on the staff of Dean of Women Sarah Branding in 1939-41. She returned to UK in 1957 from Purdue University, where she was the Acting Dean of Women and was elected chairman of the University Division of the National Association of Women Deans and Counselors.
Dean L. L. Martin came to the University of Kentucky in 1949, and served as assistant director of personnel and associate professor of education until late in 1954, when he became Dean of Men. In addition to his many contacts with individual students, Dean Martin works closely with fraternities through the Interfraternity Council, and with Student Congress.
65 8S
William R. Willard Vice President Medical Center
The University's new $27,000,000 Medical Center became a reality this fall with the beginning of their first class in the College of Medicine and the College of Nursing. However, completion of the entire 39-acre Medical Center isn't expected until the fall of 1961.
The College of Medicine was established at the University by the Board of Trustees in 1954, with authorization for it to be started as soon as the State Legislature provided necessary funds.
In 1956, a resolution was adopted which specified that the Medical Center would include a College of Medicine, College of Dentistry, College of Nursing, and a University Teaching Hospital.
In addition to the Colleges, the Center includes a library, offices, research space, student unit laboratories, and individual study cubicles. All of this is housed in the Medical Sciences Building. In addition, there will be a 400-bed teaching hospital plus a 100-bed ambulatory section and living quarters for ambulatory patients, an outpatient clinic, and a power plant and laundry.
Small laboratories throughout the building provide a close student-faculty relationship. In general, the student stays in the same lab for all lab classes and the professor moves from lab to lab to instruct.
The academic program and physical plant of the Center incorportes both the latest thinking and the time proven concepts of medical education. The experiences and ideas of medical educators and physicians from all parts of the nation have been utilized.
Postgraduate education will be another of the Center's contributions. Courses, conferences, and institutes will be available to doctors, dentists, nurses, and other professional personnel in the health field of Kentucky.
There were 40 students in the first College of Medicine class; the first Nursing class numbered 30. Over 80 percent of these are Kentucky residents.
President Emeritus Herman L. Donovan listens intently to the dedication remarks of Governor Combs.
 Informally talking outside Memorial Hall during the dedication ceremonies are Medical Center Dean William R. Willard, Dr. William V. Gardner, former Gov. A. B. Chandler, Gov. Bert T. Combs and UK President Frank G. Dickey.
Vice President Leo M. Chamberlain talks with Governor Chandler outside Memorial Hall.
Mrs. Lucile Retry Leone, U. S. Public Health Service, shown with Nursing School Dean Marcia Dake and President Dickey, spoke at the College of Nursing luncheon. Dean Marcia A. Dake discusses the outlook for careers in nursing with members of the first class of the Nursing College.
Sandra Reeves, left, first scholarship winner in the Nursing School, chats  with Dean Dake.
as  College of
Agriculture and Home Economics
Frank J. Welch, Dean
An interesting feature of this particular tomato vine is pointed out to two horticulture students by their instructor.
70 This little sheep will soon go to market and loose all its wool.
Students in the College of Agriculture and Home Economics learn fundamental principles which underlie the many activities of farm and home. The College continually strives to provide the kind of general and professional education its graduates will need to meet the challenges of our rapidly changing society.
After a recent apprasial of its curricula in Agriculture, the College set up a curriculum in three broad areas of service: scientific and technical agriculture; "agribusiness", or training for business related to agriculture; and general agriculture. In Home Economics, the College provides a liberal education and understanding of the broad aspects of home economics and technical training for education, business, public service, and research.
Since the role of hand labor in agriculture is decreasing and the need for managerial ability and mechanical skills are increasing, the College feels that adequate education for farm people is increasingly significant.
The College's graduates are accepted whenever there is need for persons trained in agriculture and home economics, and they are in demand in industry, business, and various lines of institutional and governmental work.
Contrary to popular belief, home economics is not all cooking, making clothes, and keeping house.
71 College of Arts and Sciences
The aim of the College of Arts and Sciences is to educate the student in broad fields of interest as well as in one special field, with emphasis on the building of a well-rounded, useful life. It strives to provide the opportunity to each individual to acquire the knowledge and understanding necessary for him to contribute his share of leadership to the advancement of society, limited only by his ability.
The College of Arts and Sciences is the oldest and largest of the University colleges, and includes twenty-eight departments and two schools.
Martin M. White, Dean
Primates are, most assuredly, the main topic of discussion here.
72  College of Commerce
Since 1925, the University has maintained a College of Commerce providing training for business and public careers. In the college, the fields of economics and business are emphasized.
Because of the growth of knowledge in the fields of accounting, economics, finance, marketing, statistics, management, and business law, the courses have become more comprehensive in philosophical content and less descriptive in treatment of business processes and institutions.
The student who completes the Commerce program may become a professional accountant; he may continue research and study in economics; or he may be employed by a large corporation as a trainee in administrative management.
In recent years the College of Commerce enrolls abuot 1000 undergraduates per semester and issues about 300 degrees each year.
Cecil C. Carpenter, Dean
Learning shorthand is but one of the many phases of a commerce education. College of Education
Today, more young Americans are attending school than ever before, and likewise demand for more and better qualified teachers is ever increasing. In an effort to meet this demand and provide a sufficient number of qualified teachers, emphasis has been placed on Special Education as well as mathmatics, science, and foreign languages.
Also, a new program of Counseling and Guidance, beginning with the Master's degree and