xt7fbg2h7h2s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h7h2s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2007-04-apr24. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2007-04-apr24. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2007-04-apr24. 2007 2007-04-apr24. 2011 true xt7fbg2h7h2s section xt7fbg2h7h2s 

Meeting of the Board of Trustees University of Kentucky
1:00 P.M.
April 24,2007
18 th Floor Patterson Office Tower
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes - (Consent)
Minutes - March 6, 2007
Minutes - Special Called Meeting March 23, 2007
President's Report and Action Items
PR 1         President's Report to the Trustees
Sustainability Report - Bob Wiseman PR 2         Personnel Actions (Consent)
Academic Affairs Committee Report
AACR 1    Candidates for Degrees - University System
AACR 2    Candidates for Degrees - Bluegrass Community and Technical College
AACR 3    Conditions of Merit for Honorary Degrees
Audit Subcommittee Report Finance Committee Report
FCR 1       Elizabeth Clements Abell Pledge (Consent)
FCR 2       Gifts and Pledges to the Bell Alcohol and Addictions Chair (Consent)
FCR 3       Gifts and Pledges to the Scott D. Breckinridge Endowed Professorship in
Intelligence (Consent) FCR 4       The Rich Brooks Foundation, Inc. and Karen Brooks Gifts and Pledge
FCR 5       George A. Bush, Jr. Gift (Consent)
FCR 6       Gifts and Pledges to the Ernst and Young Professorship (Consent) FCR 7       Gifts to the Gordon L. Hyde, M.D. Chair in Vascular Surgery (Consent) FCR 8       Kentucky Medical Services Foundation Pledge (Consent) FCR 9       Kentucky Medical Services Foundation Pledge to the Patient Quality, Safety,
and Rights Research Endowment (Consent) FCR 10     Kentucky Medical Services Foundation Gift to the Professorship in
Otolaryngology and Replacement of Unfulfilled Pledge to the Dr. Charles R.
Combs Scholarship Fund (Consent)


FCR 11     John R. Leininger and Florence A. Leininger Pledge (Consent)
FCR 12     Thomas B. Logan, M.D. Pledge (Consent)
FCR 13     Gifts and Pledges to the William H. Otis and Marquita Sivis Otis
Professorship in Gerontology and Intergenerational Social Work (Consent) FCR 14     Jeffry N. and Jennifer S. Quinn Pledge to the Jeffry N. and Jennifer S. Quinn
Graduate Fellowship in the College of Engineering (Consent) FCR 15     Jennifer S. Quinn, M.D. and Jeffry N. Quinn Pledge to the Jennifer S. Quinn,
M.D. and Jeffry N. Quinn Professorship in Pediatric Oncology (Consent) FCR 16     Gifts and Pledges to the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging Foundation
Endowed Research Fund (Consent) FCR 17     Howard A. Settle Gift and Pledge (Consent) FCR 18     Pledges to the William H. Ray Professorship (Consent) FCR 19     Telford Foundation Gifts and Pledge (Consent) FCR 20     Gifts and Pledges to the Antonides -Williams Lectureship and Approval of
Name Change to the Antonides -Williams Visiting Professorship FCR 21     Gifts and Pledges to the Professorship in General Surgery and Approval of
Name Change to the Patrick F. Hagihara, M.D. Professorship/Chair in
General Surgery FCR 22     Request to Rename the Endowment for Support of Urologic Research to the
Randall G. Rowland, M.D. Endowment for Urologic Research FCR 23     Request to Combine the UKCUP Endowment for Urological Research with
the Endowed Professorship for Neuro -Urologic Research FCR 24     Establishment of Quasi-endowment for the Carlisle Moore Academic
Excellence Scholarship Fund FCR 25     Transfer of Additional Funds to the Chandler Medical Center University
Hospital Quasi-endowment Fund FCR 26     Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for the
Nine Months Ended March 31, 2007
FCR 27     Construct Carol Martin Gatton Building Complex - Design Phase FCR 28     Authorization to Sell L. R. Cooke Property, Lexington , Kentucky FCR 29     Approval of Leases FCR 30     Patent Assignment Report
Human Resources Committee Report
HRCR 1     Work Life Strategy:   Proposed Changes to University of Kentucky Employee Benefits
Student Affairs Committee Report University Hospital Committee Report
Other Business
Athletic Association Board of Directors Meeting Report - Frank Shoop Closed Session ~ To discuss proposed or pending litigation against or on behalf of the public agency




Office of the President April 24, 2007
1.         Legislature Approves Samaritan Project, Stalls Livestock Diagnostic Center
The highlight of the 30-day regular session of the 2007 Kentucky General Assembly was the approval for the university to use its own resources to purchase and renovate Samaritan Hospital. The legislature approved the critical Samaritan project for UK HealthCare on the last day of the session; very few other appropriations measures passed this session. The capital projects vetoed at the end of the 2006 session were not restored despite much discussion before the session by both parties in both houses that they would be. For UK, that means that it did not receive $13.5 million in state bonds to complete the new Livestock Disease Diagnostic Center or agency bonding authority to renovate the Blazer Hall cafeteria and renovate several dormitories. Senate Bills 1 and 2 and House Bill 5 failed to pass. The statewide STEM task force chaired by President Todd worked diligently with leaders of both chambers on these initiatives to attract more teachers and students to math and science education and to promote an energy industry that would help provide jobs for those with increased skills in those areas. Finally, two bills initiated by UK passed. The first is Senate Bill 130, which allows each postsecondary institution to establish procedures when addressing a potential contract between an employee-owned business and the university. This will help prevent faculty members who start companies from intellectual property developed on-campus from having to leave their university's employ to sell the university those services when appropriate. The second is House Bill 296, which exempts certain public entities that are self-insured from purchasing surety bonds for workers' compensation claims. If this bill had not passed UK could have faced extra costs of approximately $250,000 annually.
2.         New Supercomputer Thrusts UK into Top Ranks
The University of Kentucky has acquired a new IBM supercomputer that places the university's research capability among those of the nation's leaders for public and private university research computing. The state-of-the-art IBM System Cluster 1350 offers a theoretical peak performance of 16 teraflops of calculation capacity, offering both greater speed and broader access for scientific research in a wide range of academic disciplines. This means the new machine can handle up to 16.3 trillion calculations per second. John Connolly, director of the UK Center for Computational Science, said that based on rankings released in November 2006, the new supercomputer would place UK among the top echelon of American universities with research supercomputers. The UK supercomputer also would rank high among the world's military, governmental, industrial, and academic supercomputers, based on the semi-annual listing prepared by the University of Tennessee and Mannheim University, Germany. The ranking will be


updated in June 2007, and many of the agencies it includes may have upgraded their supercomputing capabilities by the time that listing is issued.
3.         Colleges of Law, Nursing Advance in U.S. News Graduate School Rankings
The UK College of Nursing climbed three places to 26th place in the latest round of graduate school rankings by U.S. News & World Report magazine, while the College of Law jumped five positions to 60th. Meanwhile, the College of Public Health entered the rankings for the first time since its creation in 2004, posting a listing in 31st place.
4.         UK Is Chosen to Participate in Wabash Study of Liberal Arts Education
The University of Kentucky is involved in one of the most comprehensive national studies ever conducted focusing on the effects of American higher education on student learning and development. UK is one of 19 colleges and universities around the nation chosen to participate in the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education, sponsored and led by the Center of Inquiry in the Liberal Arts at Wabash College in Indiana. The institutions represent liberal arts colleges, regional universities, research universities, and community colleges. UK joins the universities of Michigan and Notre Dame in the sample of research universities. The study explores not only whether and how much students develop because of their collegiate experiences, but also why and how this development happens. The four-year longitudinal study focuses on the following outcomes: effective reasoning and problem solving; inclination to inquire and lifelong learning; integration of learning; intercultural effectiveness; leadership; moral reasoning and character; and well-being. More than 400 UK freshmen were recruited to participate. They completed one assessment during the fall semester and one in March. A final assessment will be taken in the spring semester of their senior year.
5.         UK Chandler Hospital Ranks among Nation's Top 100
UK Healthcare's Chandler Hospital is among the nation's top 100 hospitals and one of the top 15 major academic medical centers in a national ranking. Chandler Hospital was the only Lexington hospital and the only major academic medical center in Kentucky to be ranked in the top 100 by Solucient, an organization that has been identifying America's top performing hospitals since 1993 and that is well-known in the health care industry. The study compared patient safety, financial performance, efficiency, growth in patient volume, and clinical outcomeshow well patients fared. The top hospitals have higher survival rates, keep more patients complication-free, and attract more patients, while maintaining efficiency. Solucient ranked UK Chandler Hospital among the top 15 academic medical centers in performance improvement in 2005. The 2006 Solucient 100 Top Hospitals: National Benchmarks for Success study appears in the March 12 edition of Modern Healthcare magazine.


6.         Two College of Arts and Sciences Professors Win Guggenheim Fellowships
Peter Little, Anthropology, and Lisa Zunshine, English, have both been named as recipients of 2007 John Simon Guggenheim Fellowships. The prestigious awards are given to fewer than 200 researchers throughout North America each year. They supply writers, scientists, authors, and artists with funding to pursue their studies with no restrictions imposed by the Guggenheim Foundation. The Guggenheim Foundation has made awards since 1925. Both of UK's 2007 Guggenheim fellows are based in the College of Arts and Sciences.
7.         Gaines Center for Humanities Chooses 12 New Scholars
The UK Gaines Center for the Humanities has selected 12 undergraduates as new scholars for the university's Gaines Fellowship Program for the 2007-08 and 2008-09 academic years. Gaines Fellowships are given in recognition of students' outstanding academic performance, demonstrated ability to conduct independent research, interest in public issues, and desire to enhance understanding of the human condition through the humanities. Fellowships are awarded for tenure in the junior and senior years, or for the last two years of a five-year program; students in all disciplines and with any intended profession are given equal consideration. The new Gaines Scholars are Catherine Bozio, a major in biology/pre-med; Bri Buchanan, a major in psychology; Clint Davis, a major in piano performance; Stacey Doran, a major in biology and chemistry; Wesley Holbrook, a major in history; Tanesha House, a major in psychology and sociology; Corinne Keel, a major in political science; Linsen Li, a major in history and journalism; Caroline Quinio, a major in architecture; William Santen, a major in fine arts and art studio; Travis Watters, a major in civil engineering; and Sarah Willenbrink, a major in Russian studies and German. Gaines Fellowships carry a stipend of $2,000 in the junior year and $3,000 in the senior year. All Gaines fellows take a specially designed, four-credit-hour per semester seminar in the humanities both semesters of their junior year. Each of these students will complete a major independent study project in the senior year, earning them between 6 and 15 credit hours.
8.         College of Pharmacy Breaks Ground for State's Largest Academic Building
UK officials broke ground in mid-April for a new, 280,000-square-foot building that will house classrooms, laboratories, offices and other facilities for the nationally ranked College of Pharmacy. The building, which will permit the college to double the number of students in its programs, will be finished in time for the start of classes in the fall of 2010. It will be built adjacent to the Biological and Basic Sciences Research Building.
9.         KGS Core Library Instrumental in New $15 Million "Heavy Oil" Project
Examination of samples stored at the Kentucky Geological Survey Well Sample and Core Library helped the MegaWest Energy Company decide to acquire rights to develop "heavy oil" (also known as tar sands) reserves in western Kentucky. An


estimated 3.4 billion barrels of oil exist in several sandstone formations in the area of the acquisition. MegaWest Energy plans to fund a work program over the next 30 months covering the first $15,000,000 of exploration, testing, and development expenditures on the Kentucky Reserves Project.
10.       Barnstable Brown Pediatric Diabetes Laboratories Dedicated at UK
The Barnstable Brown Pediatric Diabetes Laboratories, made possible by a $500,000 gift from the Barnstable Brown family, were recently dedicated during a ceremony at the University of Kentucky. The Commonwealth of Kentucky Research Challenge Trust Fund is matching the gift, boosting the family's investment to a total of $1 million. The funds were raised from the 2006 Derby Eve Barnstable Brown Gala in Louisville. The Barnstable Brown family shares an extraordinary devotion to curing diabetes. In addition to funding the UK Barnstable Brown Pediatric Diabetes Laboratories, the gala has enabled the family to give more than $2.8 million to diabetes research at UK, including matched state funds. The laboratories are part of the newly created University of Kentucky College of Medicine Kentucky Pediatric Research Institute, which targets the eradication of childhood diseases by leveraging the strengths of the university and its medical specialists.
11.       David Kryscio Wins NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
David Kryscio, who earned an undergraduate degree in chemical engineering at UK in May 2006 and is now pursuing a Master of Business Administration degree in the Gatton College of Business and Economics, has been awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. The Graduate Research Fellowship provides three years of support for graduate study leading to research-based master's or doctoral degrees and is intended for students who are at the early stages of their graduate study.
12.       Violence Research Center Launches Second Women's Campus Safety Study
In March, the Center for Research on Violence Against Women began a second UK Women's Safety Study, an anonymous telephone survey that was first conducted in 2004. As a result of the original study, President Todd allocated over $1.25 million to campus safety efforts. The purpose of this survey is to assess the perceptions of female students regarding violence against women and to measure the prevalence of victimization among the UK female student body. This year's study will also explore differences in perceptions resulting from campus safety efforts that have taken place in the past three years.
13.       UK, Kentucky State to Benefit from Multicultural Violence Study
UK is establishing an Endowment on the Multicultural Study of Violence Against Women in its Center for Research on Violence Against Women. The endowment, and the endowed chair and graduate fellowships it will support, will be created to benefit both UK and Kentucky State University.   Once established, the first project to be undertaken


within the endowment is creation of an Endowed Chair on the Multicultural Study of Violence Against Women to be occupied by a top scholar from the UK community. This will actively engage in research and teaching; serve as a national resource for other researchers across disciplines on how to include race, ethnicity and social issues in their empirical work; work with other universities across the nation to advance the body of knowledge on violence against women and its cultural contexts; and will be an active participant in the center's work to translate research to the practice field where advocates and other professionals intervene daily to save the lives of women and children.
14.       Anthem Accepts Two UK HealthCare Programs in Transplant Network
Two programs at UK HealthCare recently met criteria to participate in the Anthem Center of Medical Excellence Transplant Network, making quality transplant care available for one fixed price. The Lung Transplantation and adult allogenic Blood and Marrow Transplantation programs both were awarded network participation for achieving strict criteria such as volumes and outcomes. In addition, the adult autologous Blood and Marrow Transplantation program was awarded participation in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association's Blue Distinction Center for Transplant Network. For this region, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the only insurance company in Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio that has access to the Blue Distinction Centers for Transplants    , a network of transplant centers that offer comprehensive transplant services through a coordinated, streamlined program of transplant management. With more than 50 hospitals, it is one of the largest transplant networks in the country.
15.       UK Researchers Find Possible Cause of Out-of-body Experiences
Kevin Nelson and a UK research team have studied the link between out-of-body experiences, the sleep-wake transition and near death experiences and published their findings in the March 6 issue of the journal Neurology in their case report, "Out-of-body Experience and Arousal." For their study, the team conducted structured interviews with 55 people who have had a near death experience. They found those who had an out-of-body experience along with near death were more likely to also have had some sort of REM intrusion in their lifetime. In such an REM intrusion, instead of passing directly between the REM sleep state and wakefulness, the brain switch blends these states into one another. Because the arousal system controls or influences sleep-wake states, alertness, and attention, Nelson and the research team questioned whether people with near-death experiences have an arousal system predisposed to allowing intrusion of REM sleep elements during the transition between sleep and wakefulness. Nelson is a professor of neurology at the UK College of Medicine and a UK HealthCare physician at the Kentucky Neuroscience Institute. Other team members are Michelle Mattingly, assistant professor of neurology, and Frederick A. Schmitt, professor of neurology, both at the UK College of Medicine.


16.       Kentucky Geological Survey Wraps First Regional Groundwater-Quality Study
For the first time, a study of the quality of groundwater in a large region of Kentucky has been completed and made freely available to the public. Staff in the Kentucky Geological Survey Water Resources Section published "Regional Groundwater Quality in Watersheds of the Upper Cumberland, Lower Cumberland, and Lower Tennessee Rivers, and the Jackson Purchase Region" on the survey's Web site for viewing and downloading. The study focused on non-point sources, which involve potential contaminants from land-use practices, rather than point sources of contaminants such as pipes or underground tanks.
17.        The Unforgettables' Team Up Again to Fight Cancer
The legendary 1991-92 Wildcat basketball team is joining forces with UK Healthcare's Markey Cancer Center, the Markey Cancer Foundation, Maker's Mark and Keeneland to raise $3 million for cancer research during a three-year campaign with a "Most Beloved" series of limited edition commemorative Maker's Mark bottles. The foundation will benefit from the proceeds, estimated to be about $200,000, from the sale of 18,000 bottles. The foundation will then more than match the proceeds with private fund-raising efforts and with state cigarette excise tax revenue designated to support cancer research. The result will be $ 1 million annually for the next three years to benefit cancer research at Markey. "The Unforgettables" are featured on this year's edition of the commemorative bottle, which went on sale statewide during Keeneland's opening day, April 6. A bottle signing took place a week later on April 13 to commemorate the 1 lth running of the Maker's Mark Mile and included Unforgettables team members Richie Farmer, Deron Feldhaus, John Pelphrey, and Sean Woods, along with Maker's Mark President Bill Samuels and Keeneland President Nick Nicholson. Through money raised from last year's commemorative bottle sales, the Markey Cancer Center already has begun implementing many cancer research program elements with significant progress. By the end of last year, more than 120 clinical studies became active, and 290 new patients were placed in them. In addition, pre-clinical testing of new drug therapies and molecular targeting strategies expanded in scope and feasibility.
18.       Accounting Program Moves Up in National Test Score Rankings
The Gatton College of Business and Economics tied for 22nd place among public universities in a survey published recently by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy. Bachelor's degree students in Gatton College's Von Allmen School of Accountancy tied with students at the University of Virginia for performance among first-time candidates who took the Uniform Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Exam in 2005.
19.       Education Students Host Walk Against Child Abuse
Students from the University of Kentucky College of Education hosted the 10th annual Walk Against Child Abuse on Sunday, April 22, at Johnson Recreation Center on


the UK campus. Proceeds from the walk support the Center for Women, Children and Families, a non-profit social service organization whose mission is to provide a safe, healing environment for children while offering educational and advocacy services for women and families in need. Located in Lexington, the center serves Fayette, Scott, Woodford, Bourbon, Jessamine, and Madison counties. Last year the walk raised more than $4,300.
20.       New Version of UK Student ID Will Take Effect in August
The WildCard has evolved into its second generation. After August 24, the WildCard v2.0 will be the only valid student ID. UK students registering for fall 2007 who bring their current ID will be issued a new WildCard student ID at no charge if the change is made by August 24. The new WildCard is an upgrade designed to enhance card security. With the go-live of SAP's Campus Management, the WildCard is able to use the student identification number and eliminate records containing the student's social security number. Students are encouraged to come during the spring semester to make the required change and avoid the anticipated last-minute rush in August. The WildCard vl.O will be accepted for the summer 2007 sessions. Full-time faculty and staff who are students cannot have new WildCard ID made until July 1. The deadline of August 24 still applies to avoid a $20 replacement fee.
21.       UK Researchers Are Part of Nationwide Parkinson's Disease Trial
UK is participating in one of the largest studies ever of patients with Parkinson's disease. Locally led by UK neurologist Dr. Franca Cambi, the UK portion of the study will enroll patients from the UK HealthCare regional service area. Karl Kieburtz, director of the Clinical Trials Coordination Center at the University of Rochester, and Barbara Tilley, director of the Statistical Center at the Medical University of South Carolina, are leading the study of 1,720 people at 52 sites in the United States and Canada. The study will test the ability of the investigational drug, creatine, to slow the clinical decline caused by Parkinson's disease. The National Institutes of Health is sponsoring the study.
22.       Tracy Farmer Center Hosts Sustainable Planning Symposium
What will Fayette County and Central Kentucky look like 20 years from now? 50 years from now? 100 years from now? While no one really knows, certainly there is a great amount of thoughtful discussion and sometimes heated debate on this topic occurring throughout the Bluegrass. With that in mind, the UK Tracy Farmer Center for the Environment hosted a symposium in late March at the Kentucky Horse Park, "Lexington, the Bluegrass, and the Future of Planning: Beyond Adversarialism, toward a New Paradigm." Speakers included Kris Kimel, CEO of the Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation, and Ian Smith, project manager for Vancouver, British Columbia's Southeast False Creek and Olympic Village. The Canadian city is preparing to host the 2010 Winter Olympics, while Lexington is preparing to host the FEI World Equestrian Games later that same year.


23.       Gatton College Hosts Conference on Intra-organizational Networks
The Gatton College of Business and Economics' LINKS: The International Center for the Study of Social Networks in Business research center sponsored the Intra-Organizational Networks conference. The conference allowed UK faculty and doctoral students to meet and interact with the top networks researchers from around the world. In addition to research presentations, the conference featured interactive workshops, panel discussions, and roundtables with presenters from such notable universities as Harvard, Carnegie Mellon, and The University of Chicago.
24.       Business Development Center Wins National Accreditation
The Kentucky Small Business Development Center (KSBDC), headquartered at the UK Gatton College of Business and Economics, joins an elite group of SBDCs after receiving full accreditation from the Association of Small Business Development Centers, the national accrediting body for Small Business Development Centers. Only 20 percent of SBDC programs nationwide receive full accreditation without conditions. The accreditation review process, mandated by Congress, is based on standards influenced by Malcolm Baldridge to ensure that SBDC programs are operating efficiently and effectively. Baldridge was U.S. secretary of commerce from 1981 until his death in a rodeo accident in July 1987. He was a proponent of quality management as a key to this country's prosperity and long-term strength.
25.       UK Libraries Opens The Hub to Help Students Build Academic Skills
UK Libraries opened the new Information Commons, known as "The Hub," March 27 in the basement of William T. Young Library. The facility provides students a space where they can develop and focus their academic skills with the aid of the latest technology in a collaborative research environment. The facility is home to the latest computer technology, and presentation and video editing facilities.
26.       UK Grad, CEO of Scientific Atlanta, Presents Chellgren Lecture
A UK graduate who is the chief executive officer of Scientific Atlanta, a leading technology company in video, data, and voice services, was the 2007 Chellgren Lecturer at Gatton College. James F. McDonald, who holds both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in electrical engineering from UK, was the featured speaker for the event. The lecture was made possible through an endowment established by UK Gatton College of Business and Economics Alumni Hall of Fame member Paul W. Chellgren, retired chairman and CEO of Ashland, Inc. Past Chellgren Lecturers include Gatton College alumni James E. Rogers, Jr., president and CEO of Duke Energy; Chris Sullivan, chairman of Outback Steakhouse; and Chellgren himself.


27.       Diagnostic Radiology Featured on Cover of RTImage Magazine
The UK HealthCare Department of Diagnostic Radiology was featured on the cover of the February 26 issue of RT Image Magazine. The Department of Diagnostic Radiology provides state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging services for patients using conventional radiography, computerized tomography (CT), ultrasound and radionuclide imaging. RT Image Magazine is the nation's only weekly newsmagazine for radiologists, administrators, educators, and radiologic science professionals.
28.       UK Leads Month of Activities to Celebrate Earthdays in Bluegrass
For the third consecutive year, UK is hosting Earthdays in the Bluegrass, a month-long promotion of responsible global citizenship and celebration of the power of local action. Earthdays in the Bluegrass features films, workshops, presentations, and community service throughout April. The calendar includes public art projects, urban gardening workshops, renewable fuels demonstrations, and a discussion about moral eating. Residence Life Recycling is coordinating the event with the UK student organization Greenthumb and the UK Environmental Studies Program as co-sponsors. The calendar is available at www.uky.edu/StudentAffairs/Recycling/earthdays.html.
29.        Geotimes Features KGS Trip to China and Tibet
The February issue of Geotimes, published by the American Geological Institute, features a cover story co-written by Kentucky Geological Survey Director Jim Cobb about the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. Titled "Rails across the Roof of the World," the article describes the topography and climate of the areas traversed by the 1,142-kilometer railway, most of which is above 4,000 meters in elevation. Cobb and others involved in the research exchange with China's Lanzhou Institute of Seismology were among the first foreigners to take the rail trip during their last trip to China in the summer of 2006.
30.       New Campus Management Software Enhances Services
UK and SAP Public Services, a subsidiary of SAP America Inc., announced the successful implementation of a new software solution designed to enhance services to students, faculty, staff, and alumni. SAP Campus Management replaces UK's legacy software systems and represents the fourth major SAP module implementation in UK's Integrated Resource Information Systems (IRIS) Project, an ambitious effort to improve business and service processes. Building on the successful implementations of SAP solutions for financials and procurement (October 2005), hospital inventory (January 2006), and human resources/payroll (April 2006), SAP Campus Management supports a range of functions from recruitment and admission to schedule building, registration, grading, and student accounting. SAP Campus Management integrates with the other IRIS modules, supporting UK's vision of integrated information systems. Using SAP's Enterprise Portal functionality, the myUK Web site now offers the UK community a range of electronic features designed to replace paper-based processes. Students can access an array of self-service features on the myUK portal to help them manage


processes such as registration, bill payment, and financial aid. UK faculty and staff are now able to view dynamic class rolls, submit grades, and access information for advising.
31.       UK Libraries Hosts Counterparts from Japan's Kyoto University
UK Libraries welcomed a delegation from Kyoto University to campus March 19 to March 24. Staff from Kyoto, one of Japan's largest universities, and UK librarians took part in a week of training and information exchange on the Lexington campus. During the international exchange, library staff from the two universities discussed conservation treatments for library collections; preservation management, including disaster planning and recovery; collection condition surveys; microfilming; and digitization.
32.       UK Cheerleaders Featured on WE tv's "Cheerleader U'
"Cheerleader U," a six-episode television series on WE tv, featured the national champion UK cheerleading squad. The series went behin