xt7fbg2h7h16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h7h16/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1880-03-may11-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1880-03-may11-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1880-03-may11-ec. 1880 1880-03-may11-ec. 2011 true xt7fbg2h7h16 section xt7fbg2h7h16 

      kinutes of the Meeting of the Mxecutive Committee of
The Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical
College of Kentucky, May 11, 1880.

     At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the A. & M.
College on the 11th May, 1880, at the law office of L. P.
Tarleton ini the City of Lexington,

     Present          Win. B. Xinkead, Chmn
                      James P. Robinson, Jr
                      P. P. Johnston
                      Robert S. Bullock

     The Secretary, B. F. Buckner, being absent it was re-
solved that Robert S. Bullock act as Secretary pro tem.

     .nhe Committee alpointed to negotiate with James R. Mulligan
for the possession of the Park Property reported verbally that
Mu illigan had agreed to permit the occupancy of the property
for building purposes immediately, and to give full possession
on the I Octo 1G80, but he to be allowed to grase the land until
that time, and the A. & 18. College to pay him $300, and to allow
him to fill his ice house from the pond next winter.

     The report of said Committee was thereupon ratified and con-
firmed, and said committee directed to reduce the same to writing
& cause it to be properly executed.

     It was then resolre& that Prof. __    Crandall be directed
and authorized as the agent of the Committee to visit such of
the colleges of the Northwest of modern construotion, as to him
may seen necessary for the purposes of examining same & reporting
to the committee concerning their Architectural Structure and
to procure for the use of the Com-mttee if he can do so without
expense the drawings of such of said buildings as will aid in
the selection of proper plans for a college building, and that
he report the result of his examination with suoh suggestions
as may to him seem proper in regard thereto.

(Signed) W. B. Kinkead, ohm.