xt7fbg2h7b5s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7fbg2h7b5s/data/mets.xml Webster Kentucky Farm Association. 1858  books b92e445k5w418582009 English G.C. Rand & Avery : Boston, Mass. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Webster, Delia A., b. 1817. By-laws of the Webster Kentucky Farm Association, with a brief description of its origin and object text By-laws of the Webster Kentucky Farm Association, with a brief description of its origin and object 1858 1858 2009 true xt7fbg2h7b5s section xt7fbg2h7b5s 










BOSTON: P R E S S O F G E O . C. H A N D & A V E R Y ,
































P . C L E A V E L A N D , D . D., LOWELL, MASS. 4 A M E    , W.QR.QESTER, T E ^ J S E T , J E JXJEORGHTOWN, M A S S . D U N N - E sq.,'*Mir>ist)N-, I N D .


T A P P A N , E sjj., N E W . Y O R K : C I T Y . FAVOR,


PROF. A . J . R O B I N S O N ,



W H E R E A S the undersigned have agreed to form an Association, for the purpose of saving a valuable estate from the grasp of the Slave Power, for the benefit of Freedom, the same c ontaining six hundred acres of land in Kentucky, worth from thirty to fifty thousand dollars, and for the further purpose of securing said estate to its owner, Miss Delia A . Webster, who has suffered so much in the cause of L i b e r t y : N ow, for the purpose of determining the rights and duties of the several parties, their officers and agents, and facilitating the objects of the Association, the parties hereunto, individually, a nd not jointly, each for himself and for his respective heirs, executors, and administrators, respectively agree, each with the other, as follows : To w i t : ARTICLE


The name of this Association shall be T H E


A R T . 2 . The Capital Stock of this Association shall be T E N T HOUSAND D O L L A R S , d ivided into one hundred shares of one hundred dollars each. A R T . 3 . The officers of this Association shall consist of a P resident, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Attorney, four c    Trustees, and a Board of eleven Directors, to be elected by     J ^ b allot at the annual meeting, to be held on the first Monday in t* January, (after the first y ear,) at twelve o 'clock, M . , whose W* services shall be gratuitous, except by special vote of the Association. |x A R T . 4 . The duties of the President shall be to preside at j t i a ll meetings of the Association, and perform such other duties Vu as usually appertain to his office. A R T . 5 . I n the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President.

A R T . 6 . T he Treasurer s hall receive the C apital S tock, (ten thousand dollars,) $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 , a nd a pply the same, as fast as it s hall come into his hands, to pay off the mortgages now upon the place, and the residue he s hall pay to D elia A . W ebster, aforenamed. The Treasurer s hall receive all other funds of the A ssociation, and pay over the same as s hall be d irected b y vote of the Stockholders, and s hall select a B ank where all monies s hall be d eposited; keep a f ull and accurate account of a ll his transactions, and make a report of the same quarterly, commencing w itli the regular meeting i n J anuary. The Treasurer s hall be required to give bonds, w ith three good and responsible sureties, which s hall be accepted b y the Stockholders, and such bonds s hall be lodged in the hands o f the Trustees. A R T . 7 . T he duties of the Secretary s hall be to make a f aithful and i mpartial record of each and every meeting of the A ssociation, and to record the same in some suitable books provided b y the Association ; notify all meetings of the Association and B oard of D irectors, at least three days before the time of h olding such meetings, either b y d elivering to each Stockholder, or leaving at his or her u sual place of business, a w ritten or printed notice thereof, stating the time and place of h olding such meeting, or by sending such notice to them through the P ost O ffice; each Stockholder being required to leave h is address w ith the Secretary of the Association. T he Secretary, under the d irection o f the Association, s hall keep a book i n which s hall be registered the names o f a ll the Stockholders, with the number of shares held b y each, and he s hall issue certificates of stock, under the hands of the President Treasurer, and Secretary, in the following form, v i z :

t he p roprietor o f

s hare

o f t he C a p i t a l S t o c k o f t he

s u b j e c t to the f o l l o w i n g

visions: T h a t D e l i a A . W ebster, h e r h eirs, e x e c u t o r s , a d m i n i s t r a t o r s o r a ssigns, s hall h ave the r ight a n d p rivilege o f r e d e e m i n g t his C ertificate a t t he e x p i r a t i o n of, or at a n y time w i t h i n t en years from the date o f a c e r t a i n D eed f rom s aid W ebster t o t he Trustees o f t his A s s o c i a t i o n , u p o n t he p a y ment o f one h u n d r e d dollars a n d interest, a t t h e r ate o f s i x p e r c ent, p er

a n n u m , u p o n a p p l i c a t i o n t o t he holder o r T r e a s u r e r ; and i n c ase s a i d h o l d e r o r Treasurer s h a l l r efuse t o c o m p l y w i t h t he a bove c onditions, this C e r t i f i cate s h a l l b ecome n u l l a n d v o i d . A t l east, t w o w itnesses o f s u c h l e g a l t ender s h a l l b e r e q u i r e d , a n d record o f t he same made b y t he S e c r e t a r y , i n t he records o f t his A s s o c i a t i o n . D a t e d a t B oston, this t he y e a r eighteen h u n d r e d a n d day of in

T ransferable b y a ssignment a n d surrender o f t his Certificate.

T he following may be the form of the Transfer, and may be endorsed on the Certificate :




T H A T I,

f or v a l u e received, d o h e r e b y s ell, t ransfer and assign
of W E B S T E R

W i t n e s s m y h a n d a n d seal, this

day of

A . D . IS

A R T . 8 . T he transfer of any share or shares s hall be r egistered in a book to be k ept as aforesaid, and when all the shares mentioned in a certificate, arc sold or disposed of, such certificate s hall be surrendered a nd cancelled before a new certificate i s issued to an assignee, but whenever a less number than the whole is sold or disposed of, it s hall be endorsed b y the Treasurer on the old certificate before a new certificate of the share so s old and disposed of is issued. A R T . 9 . I n the absence of the Secretary, a Secretary pro tern. s hall be chosen i n his place, who s hall keep a f aithful r ecord, and r eturn the same to the Secretary in season to be recorded before the next regular meeting. A R T . 1 0 . T he property of the Association s hall be h eld b y four Trustees, for the benefit of the Association, upon the trusts, and subject to the provisions and restrictions set forth in these A rticles. A l l liens and contracts relating to the property of the Association s hall be made in the name of the Trustees, who are i n a ll these doings to be subject to these A rticles, and the votes of the Stockholders and Directors. A R T . 1 1 . There s hall be a B oard of eleven Directors, five of whom s hall constitute a q uorum, whose d uty i t s hall be to examine all books, audit a l l accounts, and oversee a ll business


of the Association, and they shall he required to make a semiannual report-, commencing with the regular meeting of each year. A R T . 1 2 . The Trustees of this Association shall receive a good and sufficient Trust Deed from Miss Delia A . Webster, of her estate in Trimble County, Kentucky, comprising six hundred acres of land, more or less, and hold the same for the protection of the shareholders; giving the said Webster, her heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the right and privilege of redeeming the whole or any portion of the same, at the expiration of, or at any time within ten years from the date of said D eed, upon the payment of the par value, with six per cent, per annum of each, any or every share of the capital stock of said A ssociation, pursuant to the rights, privileges, and conditions embodied i n certificates of said stock. I f, at the expiration of ten years, said Webster, her executors, administrators or assigns, shall have failed to redeem the whole of said shares, this Association shall have the right to dispose of the unredeemed portion of said estate, and after paying themselves at the rate of one hundred dollars per share, with six per cent, interest, the surplus, if any, shall be paid to said Webster, her executors, administrators or assigns, and the certificates surrendered ; but in no case can all or any portion of said estate be sold prior to the expiration of ten years, except b y and with the consent of said Webster. A R T . 1 3 . The Treasurer shall be required to preserve duplicate certificates of each share, in his office; also, in case of transfer. A n d Miss Webster, her executors, administrators or assigns, shall have the right, at any time within ten years, not o nly of redeeming shares directly from the shareholders, but of purchasing any particular share or shares she may designate, on application to the Treasurer, and payment of amount of share and interest; when said certificate shall be rendered up. A R T . 1 4 . The duty of the Attorney shall be to execute a ll legal papers and attend to all legal duties of the Association. A R T . 1 5 . One eighth in number, and one fourth in amount of the stockholders, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction

of business at the annual meeting or any meeting duly called, as p rovided in article seven. E ach stockholder s hall be entitled to one vote for each share, not exceeding five, but no stockholder s hall have more than five votes. A R T . 1 6. A n y of the provisions of the foregoing articles may, by a vote of two thirds of the stockholders present at any r egularly notified meeting, and consent of said Webster, her executors, administrators or assigns, be altered or amended; but i n no case without such consent. A R T . 1 7. A n y five of the stockholders s hall at any time when they deem it necessary, have authority to require the Secretary to c all a meeting of the stockholders. A n d any three of the Directors s hall have the power to require the Secretary to c all a meeting of the Board. A R T . 1 8. Neither the Association nor the Directors, or any o f them, or any other officer or agent of the Association s hall have any authority or power to render liable any stockholder, by or upon any contract or contracts whatsoever, expressed or i m plied. N either to put any incumbrance whatsoever upon the said premises, prior to the expiration of ton years from the date of aforenamed Deed. A R T . 1 9. S aid W ebster s hall have the right to cut over, clear, fence, and make ready for the plow, not to exceed one h undred acres of the timber l and, a nd the further right and p rivilege to improve and cultivate all the cleared ground, or lease the same, and to apply the proceeds therefrom in the manner and form following, to w i t : First.   To pay all taxes upon said estate. Second.   To pay all expenses of said estate. Third.   To pay six per cent, dividends to a ll the stockholders. Fourth.   To a pply the surplus, i f there be any, to the redeeming of shares. N one of the proceeds or profits of said estate s hall be used or appropriated for any other purpose than the interests of said W ebster, and the general objects for which this Association was formed.

8 A f ull and accurate account s hall he kept by proper officers or agents, of all receipts and expenditures, and submitted quarterly to the Board of Directors. A R T . 2 0. A l l stockholders subscribing before J une 1st, s hall pay their share on or before the tenth day of June, 1 8 5 8 ; and a ll subscribing after said first day of June, s hall pay on or before the first day of September.

T H I S Association has been organized for the twofold purpose of securing to Miss D E L I A A . W E B S T E R her inalienable rights, and of enabling her to save her valuable estate i n Kentucky, from the grasp of the Slave Power, to the end that she may go on in the prosecution of her noble plans, and yet establish the great principle for the defence of which she has been so frequently immured in Southern prisons. To w i t : the constitutional right of a law-abiding citizen to the peaceable possession of his own property, and the practical demonstration of Free L abor on Slave territory. A b rief outline of some of the leading incidents connected with this estate, and Miss Webster's untiring efforts to secure and retain the same for purposes of Freedom, may be interesting to those who are not familiar with the facts, as well as serviceable to any who may feel disposed to take an interest, that they may bettor understand the importance of the organization, and the unquestionable safety of the investment. First Enterprise   Lexington Academy     Prosperity     Horizon Clouds    Mob at midnight   Imprisonment   Action of the Legislature     Release     Return East     Second Enterprise    Description of Farm    Trials at the outset   A Mob     A Calm     Free Labor     Prosperity     More Clouds     The Contest     Triumph     Quiet     A Storm brewing     Third

9 Arrest     Arrival of " Legree "    Escape    The Banditti     Noon-day Robbery     Court interference   Officer bribed     Pursuit   Fourth Escape   Another Arrest   Imprisonment     Suffering     Triumph     Seizure of Crops     Another Struggle    Victory   Bright prospects   Love for Kentucky, etc. T he long, cold winters, and the bleak, inclement winds of her mountain home, first drove M iss W ebster to seek her health under the more g enial skies of Kentucky. F inding that s alubrious climate adapted to her f rail c onstitution, in the year 1842 she adopted that State as her home. Soon after, she founded the L exicgt;n A cademy, and though known as an open a nd fearless advocate cf unti-slavery, her school received the patronage of the highest and wealthiest in the city, at the same time the humblest and the poorest were also encouraged to come aud p articipate in its advantages on equal footing w ith the r ich, without money and without price. It continued to flourish and increase in-numbers t ill it was difficult to obtain convenient rooms i n the c ity, of sufficient size to accommodate such a group of young L adies and Misses, for before this school had been i n operation two years it numbered about one hundred pupils. S uddenly, however, a dark, portentous cloud mantled the m orning horizon of our youthful heroine, and she was destined to see her brightest prospects and her dearest hopes trampled u pon by the cloven foot of slavery. A t the lone hour of midnight she was aroused from her s lumbers by an armed mob, and without any form or warrant of law, incarcerated in close prison. Nor was she released u ntil sick and suffering, her captivity had ran through a period of seven score days, when the State Legislature, becoming cognizant of the facts, interceded for her liberty. Wearied w ith her long imprisonment, the freed captive now flew to her childhood's home, and was welcomed w ith open arms. Tenderly was her f rail form watched over t ill restored to health. Subsequently she engaged i n teaching in New York C i t y ; b ut after a few years, the urgent solicitations of some prominent c iti-

10 zens in Kentucky induced her to leave New York and return to that State. The Governor and people thought she would he safe i n doing so, and she was well received. H av ine lone entertained a desire to establish, somewhere i n the South-West, a school which should be permanent, and which w ould be to that region what Obcrlin is to Ohio, or the Mt. H olyoke to New England, she spent some time in travelling to select a location, and was inspired w ith the belief that such a school might be located in Kentucky, w ith the happiest results. I n the spring of 1849, while passing down the Ohio River, her eye f ell upon a charming site, precisely suited for such an i nstitution. She at once endeavored to purchase it, but was unable to complete a trade and gain possession u ntil 1 852. I t is situated on the banks of the Ohio River, between C incinnati and L ouisville, and about midway between the Eastern and W estern boundaries of Kentucky, immediately opposite the y oung and growing city of Madison, Indiana, which already has a population of fourteen thousand. The estate consists of six h undred acres of superior table land, stretched out on the summit of M t . Orison, overlooking the river, alive w ith some three h undred steamboats, and the surrounding country for miles in extent. It is sufficient, not only to furnish ample grounds for the school, but to afford an opportunity to try the experiment of F ree L abor on Slave territory; and would be a fine location for a c ity. F or. these combined purposes the location cannot be excelled, if eqtialled, i n the Western World. A l ittle above, and i n sight of this place, the B i g Kentucky River, so famous for her locks and palisades, mingles her waters w ith the O h i o ; while j ust at this point the Ohio changes her course from due west to south, and w ithin this right angle the banks rise to the height of three hundred feet, from which the table lands stretch back a distance of throe or four miles, forming one of the most beautiful and enchanting h ills on all the Western waters. Near its summit are two crystal rivulets, pouring down its sides, with meandering branches which supply the whole tract w ith pure and healthy water for both man and beast.


O n its western border is a secret grotto, the biding place of D ay and Daniel Boon ; and on its eastern frontier is an O l d I ndian F ort, the romantic location and history of which attracts many visitors, and about which are s till found great numbers of the Indian arrow-heads. I n a sacred arbor on the north-east is the rock Jehovah Shalom. T here, overshadowed by the loved branches of an ancient Oak, oft knelt a maiden form to mark the fading of the stars, and watch alone, in silent awe, the earliest streak of dawn     signal for daily prayer. Morning's first ray and night's last star were witness to the worship from that a ltar; and hence the oft consecrated h ill bears the appropriate name     M r . O R I S O N . T he h ills on the opposite side are embellished w ith costly mansions in f ull view. Casting the eye downward, you heboid the city of Madison, on an inclined plane at your feet, o nly half a m ile from you. This point is the terminus of the Madison and I ndianapolis R ailroad, which intersects, just back of the city, the Ohio and M ississippi R ailroad, both of which are now completed, in operation, and doing a heavy business. The Louisville and Lexington Railroad runs a l ittle south of the farm. There is a regular line of steamboats from Frankfort and the i nterior, which come clown the Kentucky river to Madison. Also a m orning and evening line of m ail steamers from this city to C incinnati and L ouisville, thus rendering it easy of access from a ll points of compass, by railroad and steamboats. A steam f erry is in operation here, so that this place blonds all the comforts and advantages of the city, w itli the retirement and r ural pleasures of the country. Back of this is a r ich f arming country, which i s gently undulating. T his whole estate is free from loose stones, possesses a deep, r ich s oil, easily t illed, and very productive. Three hundred and fifty acres arc already cleared, fenced, and under cultivation, and w ill produce an average of fifty bushels of corn per acre; grass and other crops in proportion. F ifty acres more are p artially c leared,and w ith a l ittle labor could be got ready for the plow. T here is a small grove of t hrifty y oung locusts upon the place,

useful for fencing. About two hundred acres are heavily timbered, mostly with beach, interspersed w ith r ock-maple, whitewood, gum, white oak, and black walnut, much of which is valuable for lumber. The timber-land w ill average at least fifty cords of wood per acre, which retails in Madison at $3.00 per cord. It ean easily and at a t rifling expense be transported to the C incinnati market, where it retails at from $7.00 to $8.00, and wholesales at from $4.00 to $5.00, by the thousand cords. I n 1 852 several individuals joined M iss W ebster in her Free L abor enterprise. Some took a n interest in the F arm, and others in the crops and improvements; but in less than six months the whole atmosphere was rife w ith threats and predictions that they would all be driven off on account of their a ntislavery ; and scarce a year had elapsed after they moved upon the place, before some became i ntimidated by the threats of violence, and left, while the others were l iterally d riven off the F arm and out of the State by lawless officials or soulless mobs. M ore than twenty persons were thus expelled. M iss W ebster alone stood her ground and faced the enemy, declaring her constitutional rights and her intention to maintain them. F or some time she was left in peace; b ut at length the persecutions were revived, and numerous meetings held to devise means of driving her from the field. A t one time she was waited upon by a committee of fifty slaveholders, delegated to demand of her to abandon her project and leave the State. Deeming their demand not only in the highest degree unreasonable, but riotous, she coolly reminded them that they were exposing themselves to the rigors of the law, and referred them to the State C onstitution. A t another time a committee was appointed to v isit her, requiring her to s ell her F arm to a company of slaveholders, to accept whatever price they pleased to pay, and quietly to leave the State. She pleasantly inquired if her rights as a citizen of Kentucky did not claim equal respect w ith t heirs? I f so, it would he more agreeable to her to purchase their farms at whatever price she might find it convenient to pay, for she would love to see this system established on all the farms in the county.

O n one occasion the excitement ran so bigb that four different counties passed resolutions that no Northern man or woman should cultivate that Webster F arm. E re l ong the effects of this Free Labor experiment began to show itself an hundred miles into the interior of the State, and the fact that she was a defenceless woman, did not deter the chivalrous slave-holders from the most unlawful and desperate efforts to force her to employ slaves to work her F arm, or drive her entirely from her possessions on her refusal to do so. S ternly refusing to surrender her rights in such a summary manner, M iss W ebster was dragged before the court at Corp C reek, i n the winter of 1854, and, placed under ten thousand dollar bonds to leave the State and never return; and on her refusal to give the required bonds, she was cast into Bedford j ail, and there confined in a cold, damp, foul and filthy d ungeon, where she was daily smoked for weeks, u ntil l ife was nearly e xtinct. T he C ircuit J udge in another county, learning she was s till a live, and unsubdued, granted a w rit of habeas corpus, and after t rial she was most triumphantly discharged. E nfeebled in health she returned to her F arm and r ural p ursuits, and again employed a company of poor whites, who were a ctually suffering for the necessaries of l ife, p aid them good wages, and set them at work, (herself superintending,) and succeeded i n getting in large fields of corn, oats, and other crops, and was making a sure and steady progress in her great work, when again all sorts of rumors were put in c irculation, and much said about slave property running down upon the hands of the owners, and about the decided diminution in the price of slave l abor; and the conclusion of the whole matter was, that those who would save themselves from loss must unite in putting down M iss W ebster, or put their slaves in their pockets. A wealthy slave-holder, who_owned one of the finest farms i n the county, and who prided himself on his influence, having been a member of the State Legislature, volunteered to take the case i n hand. Ho called, w ith several others, upon this lady, and after alluding to the great excitement that was raging against 2

her, frankly said that it was not because they had any confidence i n the stale rumors that she was running off slaves, that they wished her to give up her possessions, for they were w illing to admit that she was a peaceable, quiet, law-abiding citizen, against whom they could bring no just or legal charge; but that her plans, her system, and her example, however good i n themselves considered, were operating directly against their institutions, and were gradually diminishing the value of certain property in which they were largely interested. Such being the fact, w ith a ll respect and good feelings toward her, personally, they must apprise her that unless she reconsidered her reply to the County Committee, they should feel compelled, i n self-defence, to use their influence against her. For so long as she persisted in retaining that F arm, at the same time holding it too sacred to be t illed by slaves, so long it would be a subject of constant agitation; and they might better afford to sustain half a dozen anti-slavery lecturers, with the eloquence of Demosthenes, in their midst, than put up with the mischief of her silent but more potent example. S hortly after this interview, (June, 1 854,) she was again i llegally arrested by a horde of men who surrounded her house, and would have removed her had she not been so feeble as to be l ikely to die on their hands. She was accordingly left in charge of an armed guard, upon her own premises, u ntil she should recover. This aristocratic neighbor was one of her guard, and took this opportunity, as she was l ying helpless in his hands, to u pbraid her for not listening to his advice. E arly one morning, as this sentinel had fallen asleep at his post, a private messenger stole the opportunity to inform her that the fatal hour had arrived when she was to be delivered up to the merciless " Legree," who had sworn violence. That ho had arrived from the interior of the State with his posse of bloody hirelings, to receive her, and that they were rapidly approaching the house. K nowing there was not a moment to be lost, she was nerved to effort, and made an almost miraculous escape to Indiana. F oiled i n their attempt to get possession of her person, this


infamous banditti next determine to put it out of her power to meet the coming payments upon her place; and to this end they rob her F arm of every thing that can be removed, including her f urniture, l ibrary, and wardrobe, fifteen hundred bushels of corn, twenty head of cattle, forty swine, all her farming utensils, &c. T he Courts of Kentucky ordered this property returned to its owner, but this r ich " L e g r e e " bribed the officer or constable, (for the sheriff himself would have nothing to do with i t,) sold the property and pocketed the p roceeds; for the recovery of w hich a suit has been instituted against this m a n ; and in the opinion of some of our best l awyers, the State of Kentucky is also liable for heavy damages. Subsecpjontly our youthful martyr was again re-arrested, and the fourth time thrown into prison, where her sufferings mocked description. B u t she suffered in a righteous cause, warring w ith the great arch enemy of our Republic; and, true to patriotism, was w illing, i f need be, to lay down not only her liberty, but her l ife, i n defence of the sacred principles so dearly purchased by the blood of our fathers. She has borne her tribulations l ike a philosopher, calmly viewing them as the legitimate fruits of that hydra monster we are fostering in our midst; and as but the n atural result of defending her constitutional rights by that silent, deliberate, and constitutional attack upon so great and popular a crime. R epeatedly have her large crops been seized, and v irtually confiscated by the Slave Power, to defeat her meeting her yearly payments. Last F a l l , i n the worst of the crisis, an installment became due, and she applied for an extension. Encouragement was given that it would be cheerfully granted. Indeed she supposed it was so granted u ntil the day had passed when the note f ell due, when, by her default, all the balance of the purchase money was claimed by her creditor, and without notifying her he ordered the mortgage foreclosed at once, and the whole estate sold under the hammer. Distressed at the prospect of losing not only her entire property, but what is dearer far to her than any earthly possessions, the long cherished hope of estab-


16 l ishing a p rinciple, immortal as the soul, she immediately appealed for a few days' grace, that she might notify her friends. Even this request was coldly denied, and she could not understand the reason, u ntil afterwards informed that letters had been written from Kentucky to her creditor in V irginia, a pprising him that it was "was dangerous to the interests of Slavery for 3fiss Webster to remain the owner of her Farm in Kentucky." B y the payment of a certain sum, however, arrangements have been negotiated with his Attorneys, to stay proceedings for the present. A n d , now, the object of this organization is to pay up the balance of her indebtedness, so as to save the property for M iss W ebster, and take a Trust Deed of the beautiful estate, giving her the right of redemption. I t is, indeed, the most charming Oasis in all the South. A lovely beacon l ight; the brightest, most peace-promising star that S lavery's realm can claim. W e l l may Kentucky h ail its beauteous dawn above the horizon clouds that hid, awhile, its genial rays, and well may boast that now the storm and troublous clouds have passed, this steady light is shining, peaceful, in her midst. M iss AVebster's bravery of s pirit' remains undaunted, while her philanthropic heart throbs w ith unabated love for Kentucky. F ondly she turns to that State as her home, and looks forward to a time when they w ill hate slavery as the enemy of their peace, and welcome their exile back, as a child beloved. A lready many of the old Kentucky farmers are employing F ree L abor; and some, even among the wealthy, are not afraid of thick boots and overalls, but go out into the fields and work side by side with their hired men. T he r ich legislator, (or rather the sleeping sentinel, as he has since been called,) who was so officious in persecuting M iss Webster, has recently sold out his princely estate, and all his property in Kentucky, taken his slaves and moved farther south. There are but few slaves left in the county. White labor is becoming more and more respectable, and anti-slavery fast gaining ground.

17 The above are some of the leading facts in M iss W ebster's case, the proof of which she has in her possession. She has an abundance of documentary evidence, copied from the records of K entucky, and its courts, duly authenticated, and vouched by the proper officers, to satisfy the minds of the most skeptical. These evidences have been examined by some of the leading D ivines o f New E ngland, (as w ell as by some o f its ablest lawyers,) to whom she can refer, and who have cheerfully opened their p ulpits to her, for a n arration o f these facts more in d etail. She has, also, nearly ready for the press, a work which w ill c ontain bo